COMMUNITY NEWS 1 Dude, you need to shave. 1¢ Clockwise from left: Don Bell, Rob Christensen and Joe Zajac work to restore power on 64th Street earlier this week in Marathon. The men and women of Florida Keys Electric Cooperative are our heroes. See page 26. SARA MATTHIS/Keys Weekly KEYS STRONG - WE WILL REBUILD! FHA DISASTER HOME LOANS NOW AVAILABLE. ZERO DOWN PAYMENT FOR DISPLACED OWNERS & RENTERS (must be primary residence) TEWES MORTGAGE BRIAN TEWES Your local lending expert - Ready to help! Call 305.495.6000
[email protected] for FREE information or go to NMLS# 375025 Tewes Mortgage NMLS# 1453791 2 KEYS WEEKLY / SEPTEMBER 28, 2017 KEYS WEEKLY / SEPTEMBER 28, 2017 COMMUNITY NEWS 3 No one could have said it better than The Clash. The week before the storm, ev- eryone from Key Largo to Key West quickly adopted the soundtrack from the im- mortal ’80s hit, “If I go there will be trouble, An’ if I stay it will be double, So come on and let me know… Should I stay or should I go?” Strumming nervous fingers, we looked to the heavens, we looked to the radar, we watched the cones and we looked to each other for the answer. But we all knew were damned if we did, and damned if we didn’t. So we asked locals … —Weekly Staff FLORIDA DID YOU STAY OR KEYS DID YOU GO? STRONG “I left, I had small kids and a grandmother who is 88 so we went to Jacksonville,” said Mike Fernandez of Imjustcuttin Barber Together we stand Studio in Key West , who had never left for a storm.