Curriculum Vitae Jalil Nejati PERSONAL INFORMATION Curriculum Vitae First Name: Jalil Surname: Nejati Age: 39 Gender: Male Work Address: Health Promotion Research Center, Mashahir Square, Zahedan, Iran. ZIP Code: 9817667993 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Tel: +98 937 339 43 28 CURRENT POSITION Assistant Professor, Academic member of Health Promotion Research Centre, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS), Zahedan, Iran EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2013-2018 PhD in Medical Entomology & Vector Control School of Public Health Tehran University of Medical Sciences 2010-2013 Master of Science in Medical Entomology & Vector Control School of Public Health Tehran University of Medical Sciences 2002-2004 Bachelor of Science in Medical Entomology & Vector Control School of Medicine Hamedan University of Medical Sciences EMPLOYMENT (Executive Experience): - Academic member of Health Promotion Research Centre, ZAUMS, Zahedan, Iran. - Dengue vectors control manager and insectary director, in ZAUMS , 2018-2019. - Malaria vectors control manager for more than 8 years, in ZAUMS; Sarbaz County (Heath Center) 2005-2007 Konarak County (Heath Center) 2007- 2009 Zahedan (Province Health Center) 2009-2013. 1 | P a g e Curriculum Vitae Jalil Nejati Membership of Professional - Academic member of Health Promotion Research Centre, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS), Zahedan, Iran, 2019- up to now. - Inspector and member of Iranian Scientific Association of Medical Entomology, 2015-2018. Ph.D. THESIS TITLE Modelling for determining areas with the possibility of presence of dengue vector Aedes albopictus by using GIS and RS, along with study on ecological characteristics, viral infection and collection methods of Aedes mosquitoes, across Iran's borders with Pakistan.