Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-18-1884 J

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Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-18-1884 J University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-18-1884 Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-18-1884 J. H. Koogler Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-18-1884." (1884). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. f ' i j ; . y'A ' - SJ : i- ir' r ito w VOL. 5. LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO : FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1884. NO. 236. be saved whs the ques gated squares. There were sixteen pillow slip, was suddenly struck with tion for fully an hour. With every massive pillar dining tables, ir an idea, and made numerous inquiries moment the heat grew more intense. each. J he chairs were heavy walnut ss to where be could find the formóla Furniture on the bridno became ignited frames, with cane back and seat. Eight that would enable him to recharge the EMIL BATJR, long before the west end of the hotel crown centre ctiandoliers, with lour gas portable extinguishers. He was not LOST! house bad fallen. The paint on the bath lets each, suppiiea an tne num. unen enlightened. Wholesale dealt rfln blistered and the wood smoked; evory ing from this roomy ball was the serv Tho inch of surface exposed was reauv room, aviary and menagerie opposite the ing with its carving tables and the Montezuma burned also. So Las Vegas steam-heatin- g mtcnt to burst into flame. The apparatus. The house were tho on company 1 peoplo saving property hose No. is entitled to the was upplted throughout with gas, that everybody poor credit of saving this fine structure, not- watw and steam fittings, overlooked the the plumbing oirus anu animaisanu they were burued The Spldid Montezuma withstanding tho fact that the cornice ir-- s beinJTjf the most perfect character. Pirn flNtT llmiiiliiiii Ice. 4.- -: to death, when they might easily was in a niazo several times, w nen Af j have --K1 I SIDE HOUSES. ueen released. THE CRISIS WAS PAST 4T In addition to the main huildine-- . hen the lady guests who Reduced to Ashes. placed had lost for the bath house. Mr. Barr J".1 though almost a part of them, and their truuks reached tho citv in search guards to watch any dangor 1 Í U. .JLiKSi. for further 9 which on account of thoir nroximitv of quarters, many of them wore last Shipping in Car Lots a specialty. in that quarter. - su flared the same fate, were commodi- year's stylo 5 '"iltóv It of gentlemen's hats, and THE BOILKK HOUSE, ous Servants' quarters, laundry, wine somo were minus any head gear at all. -- jr- Office which is one of the finest ever con 'JV vrm -'t , oe liar, engine house, aviary and con i ney tried to talk brave, but tho eitort at Depot at Las Vegas Hot Springs, Most Destructive Fire structed which has just been com MrtJ servatory, tho latter boing fully .sup was rather forced. and pnea plants. pleted at a cost of f4i),UUU, appeared witn rare Mrs. Carpenter is a heavy loser. Sho to be Although it is in PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRK. , was in the History of next in danger. in bed at tho time of tho alarm and Store Houses In Mountains, 1 1-- 2 itself fire proof, there aro now extendvo From tho caro taken to prevent such sprang up, slipped into a wrapper, and the and Miles above platforms and much woodwork about a calamity impossible went down She lost diamonds ,1 it seemed almost stairs. the Springs. , t, 'EásVéfras. it, and it looked probable that if the that It hould occur. There were no valued at $3,000, and wardrobe and new bridge connecting it with the Mon- tires In the house except in the bake trinkets to tho value of another thou- tezuma should burn, it would bo hard THE MONTEZUMA BEFORE THE FIRE. oven and ranges, and they wero so ar-- sand. She had ail her cfl'ecis with her, to save the boiler house. At this junc ranerta that in Oiso ol necessity thev and is now entirely without anything ture somo excellent work was dono by could be islantanoously tdiowered from except Ike dress she wears. BR0WNE&IV1ANZANARES A Million Quarter of a ready hands in THE THEORY. tooned valets, sliding curtains of the eievaled iron tanks, tiro d ubs with Among the sufferers of tho fire who PICKING UP A HUME BUILDINO is a fact generally couceded by at same material. 1 he ground was hose attachments wero located at proper sought refuge in tho city are tho follow- ft It uiocK 2ST. ZtvT., Dollars Go Up in (10x12) that stood at the north end of taches of tlio destroyed ilomicil that design, festooned heavily with distances in an tho nails, and the help ing : At tho Plaza Dr. and Mrs. Ely, LAS VEGAS, in o.ive colored J urkish satin, wino and nail Unen drilled and disciplined in lire Mr. and Mrs. Woolsey. Colorado the bridge and throwing it into the tho tiro originated the basement room : gold colored wife.Phil-adelphi- Gallinas. The danger to the bridge was under the ollieo containing the gasoline tinsel Iringi', tamboied in tactics, and knew their respective Springs; John B. Stetson and a; 1 In; places .Not Smoke. thus practically removed. Other good apparatus. The cas generator is charged nado shades. cornices were ebony when the alarm sounded. "John K."BoThlcaTKow York; work was done in saving tho engine from the reservoir on the outer grounds, and gilt portiere design with brass withstanding all this, and as it in mock James W. Drurv, Georgia; Lufayetto room and its machinery when tho ami no great quantity of the llamalilu trimmings. 1 here were ten pieces of ery of the foresight, tho Mlriictiiio te Joseph, Louisville; C, C. Govo.wifo and flames woro wrapping it on nil sides. fluid is at any mm time contained in jileen Anne turn tiro in this spacious like a reed before a cyclone daughters, Cincinnati; Mrs. Stimpson Tho firemen with their hooks forced tho generator. Tho weights of the ap- ;i;mmcm. enveren in sal in damask, and Miss Sinipson, Muskegon, and 11. A Lively Hustle and Many Nar- up every (lay, olive colored trimmings, heavily carved Foster, New York. At the Depot I). the burning roof from tho top of the paratus aro wound and. ebony WHAT FIRE CANNOT BURN. wine cellar, but not until all tho sup- strange enough, the hour lor doing the fram s, and cost $rno. The ta Burr, J. M. Leet and family. Unhurt S. ble was in plush cover, - row Escapes of Human plies therein had been destroyed. work is about mutilar, when Mr. liiir- - with heavy silk There is one thing which tho lirocan- Kendall, Mrs. Lindauer, family and uiek, tho gas engineer, attends to the ball fringe. Tho chandelier was the uol lake away nor deprivo us of, and nurse, Mrs, h. Kaiser, Chicago; E. K. THE SCENE AFTER. same as room 77. al- Life. work daily. At was his custom, he at- in Ottho steel en that is the hot springs, which have Hoover, St. Louis: Uichard O. Millor. A bod of coals an aero in extent, tended individually to the duty yester- s mere were .icrusalem in ready given Las Vegas a world wide Cincinnati; Mrs. 11. N. Kondall Btid bursting of cans fruit whoro tho store day. Mr. Black, a tinner employed by Iter tiiandeiir," Hint "Jerusalem iu reputation. These springs riso not far Miss. Knoll, San Francisco; W. H. house stood, feather beds and pillows & Co., was engaged iu Her l'all," "Jacob ltescuing his Son in from tho mouth ot a picturesque canon Emanuel, Denver, and Juo Vincent, St. floating muddy - Lockhart the Origin of Hi Fiery Element down llio river.exhaust- apartment nt the time, and further l'.gypt, "(iiandmothor s favorito, which opens gradually upon tho plains Louis. cd workers dropping to rest on the back in tho cellar, and "The Last Oll'spi ing." or miles aburo tito city and from that Browne, Manzanares & Co rocks, people impoverished under another pari ami Progress of tlie of ward of the big house, THE RECEPTION HALL. points winds romantically into the robes camped on the hillsides and in It.r A PARTY OF I'M MIIKKS (hi the same Spanish rango of the llocky mountains. loor to the front nf the Flames. the canon, and a general spectacle of could bo heard at work, although 1 he attitude of t ho springs is the same OOCORRO, havoc greeted those who had driven ont Mr. parlors and to the right of Urn stairway Black says he did not sue any ot them. was the reception hall. that has made Colorado such a favorite from tho city. Tho Stone hotel kept The carpet was resort for those affected with pulmonary TRUTH JOBBERS OF Burdick and himself were not supplied a bright scarlet Axininstcr in antique GROCERIES, open house during tho entiro afternoon complaints, but it is a well known fact with a light of any kind. Mr. Burdick names, in coiors, oiivo, gold and tjluo, at Conflagration for those who nceuoil a bito to cat, nnil had concluded his at that llio location is at once the most Incidents the everything possible was dono to work the machine A heavy carved horary table occupied Dealer j Ijohs render and Mr.
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