Cycles 1-5 TLC Capital Projects

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Cycles 1-5 TLC Capital Projects Cycles 1-5 TLC Capital Projects Funding Breakdown MTC TIP MTC RTF Sponsor(s) Project Title Project Description TLC Funds STP CMAQ TEA Cycle ID ID ALAMED A ALA99LC0 21011 City of Berkeley, Adeline/Alcatraz Adeline Corridor Improves bicycle and pedestrian access along the Adeline $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 First Cycle 2 Merchants Association Pedestrian/Bicycle Street corridor in South Berkeley. This project is adjacent Improvements Project to the Ashby BART station and the planned Ed Roberts (Berkeley) Campus, which will serve as the headquarters for organizations serving persons with disabilities. ALA99LC0 21011 City of Oakland, Community & Acom-Prescott Neighborhood Provides streetscape improvements along 8th Street $ 1,074,525 $ 1,074,525 First Cycle 1 Economic Development Agency, East Transportation Plan between Mandela Parkway and Market Street. The Bay Asian Local Development Improvements (West purpose is to better connect residents to the neighborhood Corporation Oakland), Phase 1 ♦ shopping center, downtown. West Oakland BART/AC Transit hub, and new and renovated housing ALA99LC0 21011 City of Oakland Community and Acora-Prescott Neighborhood: Combination of projects from the Acom-Prescott $ 1,650,000 $ 1,283,871 $ 366,129 Second Cycle 1 Economic Development Agency 8th Street Improvements, Phase Neighborhood Transportation Plan that provides 2» streetscape improvements and bicycle lanes primarily on Eighth Street as well as to Downtown Oakland. Links affordable housing developments to renovated shopping center. West Oakland BART and downtown. ALA99107 21011 Alameda County Community Ashland Transit Access Constract "bulb-outs" on East 14th St. between Thrush $ 840,000 $ 534,325 $ 305,675 Second Cycle 7 Development Agency Improvement Project and 162nd Avenue in concert with larger streetscape imorovement in redevelooment area. ALA99107 21011 City of Oakland Community and EastLake Streetscape and Streetscape improvements to calm traffic, improve safety $ 1,546,485 $ 279,051 $1,267,434 Second Cycle 9 Economic Development Agency and Pedestrian Enhancement and enhance neighborhood commercial center and fapade East Bay Asian Local Dev. Project improvements. Comoration ALA99I08 21011 Spanish Speaking Unity Council, City Fruitvale Streetscape and Multi- Transform block of 34th Ave. into a community plaza and $ 2,000,000 $ 168,207 $1,831,793 Second Cycle 0 of Oakland Modal Transportation improve two blocks ofInternational Blvd with median and Imorovement Proiect* streetscape imorovements. ALA01002 21011 City of Oakland, Laurel Community Laurel Streetscape Provides streetscape improvements on MacArthur $ 938,780 $ 938,780 Third Cycle 4 Action Project Improvement Project, Oakland Boulevard between 35th Avenue and High Street. The project includes elements to calm traffic, increase pedestrian safety, improve transit stops, and enhance the walking and shopping environment. Project is adjacent to new pedestrian-oriented mixed use (office/housing) and retail developments as well as several business facade i m nrrti r Am An tc BRIO 1000 21011 Alameda County Surplus Property Dublin Transit Center Plaza Constructs a pedestrian-oriented plaza adjacent to new $ 750,000 $ 750,000 Third Cycle 1 Authority, BART development at the Dublin BART station, which includes major new compact housing(up to 1500 new units at 70 units per acre), office and retail development. ALA10026 21011 City of Alameda, West Alameda Webster Renaissance Project, Provides streetscape improvements on Webster Street $ 881,219 $ 881,219 Third Cycle Business Association Alameda between Central and Pacific as well as development of Neptune Plaza at the foot of Webster Street. The project is a component ofthe overall redevelopment of Alameda's West End and the reuse of the Naval Air Station, which includes new housing, offices, a school, park, and «/ntprfrnnt nmmpnnHp J:\PROJECT\TLC\Summary-ProjectStatus\11.06 All County TLC projects Revised September 22,2003 Page 1 of 11 Cycles 1-5 TLC Capital Projects Funding Breakdown STP CMAQ TEA Cycle MTCTIP MTC RTF Sponsor(s) Project Title Project Description TLC Funds ID ID Fourth Cycle ALA03006 21011 City of San Leandro W. Estudillo Street Streetscape Provides pedestrian connection between the Central San Leandro 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 and BART-Downtovm BART Station and Downtown through streetscape and pedestrian improvements along W. Estudillo Street and links to the Connections* Washington Plaza Shopping Center and to the AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit stop located on East 14th Street; and highlights historic buildings along W. Estudillo Street. Project supports new senior housing, recent rezoning to allow greater mixed-use and higher-density residential uses in the Plaza Redevelopment Area, and BART's future plans to build a 200-unit housing complex on an existing surface parking lot adjacent to the BART station (approximately 80-t- units per acre). Project elements include pedestrian-scale street lights, bulb-outs, diagonal parking, architectinal gateway into the Plaza, murals, improved pedestrian crossings through the Downtown area, and redesign ofthe transit/historic plaza on East 14th Street. $ 440,000 560,000 Fourth Cycle ALA03000 21011 City of Oakland Coliseum Transit Hub Provides pedestrian and streetscape improvements along San 1,000,000 Leandro Street between 73rd and 66th Avenues and along 66th 7** Streetscape Improvements* and 69th Avenues between San Leandro and Snell Streets to address pedestrian safety and access from the residential neighborhoods to the Coliseum BART station, AC Transit buses, and local businesses. Project supports the City and BART's future redevelopment ofthe Coliseum BART Station Area, which includes a transit village(50 housing units per acre) on the current BART parking lot, a high-density employment center on the west side of San Leandro Street, and revitalization of the Coliseum Gardens housing development on the northeast side ofthe BART station. Project elements include a 15-foot wide crosswalk with bulb-outs, lighted bollards, and pedestrian signal across San Leandro Street to the BART station entrance, surveillance cameras, new sidewalks, pedestrian-scaled lights and baimers, new street trees, and new median on San Leandro Street. 921,000 Fourth Cycle ALA03000 21011 City of Alameda / Park Street Park Street Streetscape and Improves the pedestrian enviroiunent on Park Street from Central 921,000 Avenue to Lincoln Avenue through comer, mid-block and transit 8* Business Association Santa Clara Avenue Transit sidewalk extensions and reinforces the transit hub on Santa Clara Hub* Avenue from Park Street to Oak Sfreet through curb extensions and streetscape improvements (pedestrian-scale lighting, street trees and planters, bike racks and lockers, and street furnishings). Project is located within the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project redevelopment area and supports the recent rezoning ofthe business disfrict to "Community Commercial" classification which permits residential uses above groimd floor retail. City of Union City Public Works Union City Intermodal Station - Creates enhanced pedestrian path connecting the BART $1,124,039 Dept. Decoto Connections** station to the future passenger rail station, two new TOD planned for the area & the existing neighborhood. Also provides enhancements to new East Plaza. Fifth Cycle J;\PROJECT\TLC\Summaiy-ProjectStatus\11.06 All County TLC projects Revised September 22,2003 Page 2 of 11 Cycles 1-5 TLC Capital Projects Funding Breakdown MTC TIP MTC RTP Sponsor(s) Project Title Project Description TLC Funds STP CMAQ TEA Cycle ID ID City of Oakland Revive Chinatown ♦♦ Strengthens pedestrian-oriented district with $2,200,000 improvements at key locations. Scramble traffic signals, bulb-outs, pedestrian countdown signals, high visibility crosswalk. Fifth Cycle West Oakland Seventh Street City of Oakland Transit Village Streetscape $1,900,000.00 6th Cycle Transportation Enhancements to Ashby BART Station/ED City of Berkeley Roberts Campus $2,000,000.00 6th Cycle Downtown Livermore Pedestrian Transit Connections City of Livermore Program $1,200,000.00 6th Cycle City of Fremont Bay Street Streetscape Project $1,570,000.00 $ 23,596,048 CONTRA COSTA First Cycle CC-99LC01 21011 Bridge Housing Corporation, Contra Coggins Square Pedestrian Enhances a pedestrian walkway(which is adjacent to high $ 230,812 $230,812 Costa County Community Improvements (Pleasant Hill) density affordable housing along Coggins Drive and Las Development Department Juntas Way)that leads to the Pleasant Hill BART Station. Project elements include new landscaping, arbor area, liphtinp and sneoial navinc First Cycle CC-99LC02 21011 West Contra Costa Transportation Richmond Transit Village - Constructs a new pedestrian plaza (includes reconstruction $ 750,000 $ 750,000 Advisory Committee, Richmond Nevin Walkway/Plaza of the walkway entering the station to grade level, plaza Redevelopment Agency amenities, and new stairwell into station) on the west side of the Richmond BART/Amtrak Station, which is the site of the planned Richmond Transit Village. CC-99LC03 21011 BART, City of Concord Concord BART/John F. Constructs and landscapes new pedestrian walkways, $ 500,000 $ 500,000 First Cycle Kennedy University BART plaza (with seating and directional kiosks), and kiss Streetscape and Pedestrian and ride area into the Concord BART Station. The Access Improvements* streetscape elements complement improvements recently completed in downtown Concord and the plaza. CC-991113 21011 Contra Costa County
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