Widener University Not to Discriminate on the Basis of Sex
Accredited by the Middle States Associati on of Colleges and Schools. It is the policy of Widener University not to discriminate on the basis of sex. handicap, race, age, color, religion, or national or ethnic origin in its educational programs, admissions policies, employment policies, financial aid, or other school-administered programs. This policy is enforced by federa l law under Title IX oft he Educational Amendments of 1972. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of /964, and Section 504 of the Relwbilitation Act of 1973 . Whi le correct at press time, all statements in thi s publication are subject to change without notice. Upon action of the governing body, facilities may be enlarged or otherwi se altered, courses added or deleted, and the curricula modified or expanded. Bulletin of Widener University Ser ies 1.22 • Number 6 • September 1983 (USPS #074940) Published six times a year by Widener University, once each in June. Jul y, August, and three times in September. Second class postage paid at Chester, PA 19013 . POSTMASTER: Send Fonn 3579 to: Bulletin of Widener Uni versit y, Widener Universi ty, Chester. PA 19013. ) J Bulletin of { Widener University I I 't I 1983-1984 FOR INFORMATION Widener University, Chester, PA 19013 UNIVERSITY POLICY Mr. Robert J. Bruce, President ACADEMIC POLICY Dr. Clifford T. Stewart, Provost Mr. Joseph A. Arbuckle, Assistant Provost fo r the Pennsylvania Campus Dr. Lawrence P. Buck, Dean, College of Art and Sciences Dr. Thoma G . McWill iams, Jr. , Dean, School of Engineering Dr. John T. Meli , Dean, School of Management Dr. Janette L.
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