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The heC ster Standard 1854 The heC ster Standard

9-14-1854 The hesC ter Standard - September 14, 1854 C. Davis Melton

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Recommended Citation Melton, C. Davis, "The heC ster Standard - September 14, 1854" (1854). The Chester Standard 1854. 36.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The heC ster Standard at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The heC ster Standard 1854 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0. BATH BBLTON, TWO DOLLARS HI AHKVB. ?ropruton. Droatrb to Grnrrnl null total SnMigrarr, an& to tjjr ^oUtiral, Hgrtrnltnral nth fittrttaJ Mrrito of tjjr ^tutr. PayabU i» Adraaca. BAB'L. W. HBLTOI*. VOLUME V. CHESTER, a C., THURSDAY, SEFIEMBER 14, 1864, •anamrma u» H*arr. . bul In a gnat nalarlly of eaaaa tha Inlutnta tf ihla Hoad upon lha datllny ! Hat. ind UseeaaMy aa maeh kid will wa toy—at aet Tba prlaelple of bablt boldi a aunt Impor- baa hit dividend In tilt own Newberry, fof autillarr Itlaateaa U . than aan ba no doubt of U the ramotly for all thlt wroag doing t taut place la the moral toadlltoa of ovary Cjwice f ling In Iht turttllmttil of bit voar of iba Town of Ntwbtrry will ttrkalaly Is seaaeae vksa aar bind, an lew For yean ll baa been rang lata ihtlr tan i man | and ll appllaa equally to aay ipaolee n,il«.rllms are |irevokl<-g ilnw. of Intel and tnnnwrtatlon, and IM c raa ltd by Iht Kinmreelton of ihU Road bul a> for it baa patatd by at Iht Idle wind, of ooadutl. or aay train of mealal oparatfoaa, U«M> lha aolual aavlng or lima and labour and lha (If done InoMdltlaly) wbltb la a fcw yaara Road, iad tvtry latonM la Iba towa of New. anbeeded aad dlanflaided. It la to »yfurl • TV LovUnlt Jmirisl stys i "Wt d«fy «»y anbantamanl nf iba value of hla ealalt. will rtaull la taablng ll aaeef lha gnat com- berry la lo U metariaUy proaiotod, at a toal lArir awn o., ,W«a./i, Colli thty do Ihla, •Mtiifl \ ) tsswful low ef neslry to reed lbs following HUM, And the* bollevt U may bt amrttd wllb menial polnla la Ua Malt, tnd awtll lb* of about balfaT Iba •#»! anbaaoemaal of than it aa hope. Tho lltonry appetite uuat tognliiui. of tbt prinelpltt In which lhay vl'li'iut irtlelalsg i 'Hew •ttatlfnl."' aafely, lhal If lha rtauuroat of Ihla vaal tuun- Tows, Into a tlly of commanding tat their real ealale alona, Who aaa daubl Iba be appeased i aad If wboleoomt food ba aot onglaalod. Iu Ibla manner good babita an try of oura an tvar fully davtloptd, ll will tlal Importance, la tpaaklag of tbt allllly aad valaa af Iba road to Nawbany, provided, Harptr wllb Ita » CaU-Navlag" continued without aay iiantodlalesense of lha lit dona bjrlbt aganty of nail Honda. If Iht llonal lalutneaa growing oul of tbt tilauntt or who aaa believe tba* lb* Intereetod pah liar beada tad daa bilte an amy id— Ftr isliirs HH In sllttti siseps, and I'uiaam wllb lu«0ar I'irtlasind Hull- right principles by which lhay wen formed Anil 4I«»M breads «"

Ik 8 r£ £& 8X4 Cjjc (Sister Sfeite. SHV, *v ru"T™ •' ^'-*3

InDglb. Is eounlrv. Wn *er. ai.,.^ at vha HAM-tt.. W. MELTON. •a af a ,mU.iutK, who i. oaii. M ,„. Hlin| ••Urn of (» hen the r..(~ r nUllon of Cl»h •* ""'*«% '"J ki« -I- bad I': Ilu-a.1 » bo „. THUBIBAT. ••mum u, >•««. that than •« •>.. mtf'l. npnlany, "rro'^t » iker I..J Wane. Ui»U. ,14.. .tfe./JW..." Tu knop eltlppoi* «"1 nf btooo in ihn Tcnlmc a AIM I* < IIA BLEBTO*. •ommer—Kat roar ml enfly la tba iprinj. Wo «m knew l! to fail. * The Cberieeton 8iom4*r4, of Saturday \**i, I TJ>« degree olD. D. hr.a I*en confer- brought us tha intelligence ef tba diea.troua cf- Cittu Bhrktlj. feota of a heavy gala which blew daring Thar.-; ral by J»ffer.ou Culioge. I'enn.yltnola, on ROT. tbaa they. Dwiag t*«retreat loaarde the l^uUi day and Friday leet, and Involved in rain arrlm- J. Boyoo, of Sooth Carolina. the Ruasiaa• n.nubered U,000 tick." uienae amount of property in the'eiiy aad the ad. j 'Tha official •lutement of lbs United The White Saa fleet ie actively engaged, A NtelenTrenivy Deparlmeut .howa that there iaeaot Mend* After high eaaterly wind* aeeom-1 •light •kirmuh had taken place at Archangel, wore fafl,628,uCt' in tl.e earioue sab-lrea.urio. panied by heavy sesa, had prevailed for several < and three other placet had been destroyed. la wbject to diaft on the 28th nit. dap, a gale commenced blowing on Thursday j ...... 1. Mr. Smith," aaid a littla fellow lh« Aaia, there ie reason to believ* tha the Turk. other evening tu hia eieter'a bean, •• l^viek you jrould not praivi Ann Miw'i eyre aay more. Too'*® made her ao flood now that she wen't repot-te that be had attacked and rooted twelve rpeak to Cou'iu Laura, nor help mother tho thousand of the enemy, on the Mth of July. A Vienna despatch *Uie», bat without date, that General Belmtoff bad at racked and signally rout- Vermont, true to Bar ancient faith inabolition- ed the main bady W the Turk* nndcr the walla tan.has choeco anri-Webnuka whiga for State officers, Conjfre»«frcty«nd members of the leO^is- of Kare. The Russians say they killed 8,000 Turk* l.iturc, thus securing the* election of a United States Senator of ti,c nunc politics. •••'•••Tha furthcoming mcna^r of the President it ia thought will bo a conservative Siato paper, and contribute much to quiet and rcobsora the country. While, there ie every ronfdl to think that tUa war in Europe will last at least another year, if not many years ret ion were very flattering, lunger, there is m> fnar of our coqntry being en- moral i« a aad Urn; to the tangled into it. It ia more charitable to feed irreparable afBretion. ITe moarn hh departorv aac than.Id,fight the belligerent*. it more eepecielly ** a ye«nq •••'• **A Spaniard ofdistincikn, joat arrived iu Pari* sava that three or'ibur millions of dol- Inra, spent just now in bribery and corruption at Madrid, would smooth the way for tha pur- UurQaarUrlv chase ol Cuba by the United Siatea. The pre- pnration* of tho new Captain General, Joac Con- Ir«> are euthoriaed to announce JOHN cha. look rather liko keeping the island .than T. CARTER, ae a Candidate for tho office of parting with it. We learn by th« Ktcvtt (Pickens) Covritr Unit Governor BcaT Would leave in a few days for his new homo in Nebraska- F. W. SVMMER. Jr. Kaq . of Pickens will accompany Mr. BURT, for the purpose of locatiog in that Territory. V • ••A despatcbln relation to this officer CWnrinl JHisrrllain}. raya that be has received a communication from tha SecrAary of the Navy, detaching him from the Cyane. aud ordering him to report Tba " Una*" by Incognito are reepaetfully hiuiasif lo Capt. Boardman. of New ^ ork. The declined. They are not written la blank eerie, Secreiary cxpraaaea astonwhmrnt of hissrreHt. and onr ft lend hae iaadrerteaUy neglected U, •nd essuvfs him of the unimpaired confidence m«li'«ffe nmperly. Ue will perbape ap- of the Wpftrtrteot, complimei.ting his gnlleotry. preeiaU the eorreetneae of onr eritielem more well (taaaer glee, by J."«T to hie Mend, la Co. | »" readily, by reference to ua of the ranee lambls on .he eve cl hi. departure front

od Jcnnv Lind bare "(an th^lbing into t round •" aad .inee their day any attempt eiee a furor in Ike waT of a concert haa f.ror failwre. Grfci and Mario, bowecer. dc^rr, •eaaore o4 enceeee, and they will doubtlrta

• At 7i o'clock, when the be houec contained between .od jneple. The en'eranee ol

OTICE.—A diricion bating been ma N of tk* an-1 Accent, duo -olbe li poeed, and entirely gratefal and *c!f.| Srm of Henry It ll.mdi>n thorn- aevinnl It nenb to any little ef hit .inpns. " Mr. Joeopk Herndon hare lieen plaee.1 in u at of Europe kae damped bie repntat. hand, with ponilive ineirncliana lo icquirc t. bare neeer bad in tki. coi.utrv a te • ..l.l I— LI- • - S-pt. It-it IlEJirilILL k GASTON.

i> tate of John Chnrtou. or to tli, late frni of John C Urleu k Co^ .re kcreby nvtilrd lo make immnliafo payment, t'nlree paymcma arc made bciure Kriorn da>, euita will bo com- menced without diieriminat'w'ifcv S-pt. 14-31 VfJI. B. I.I1.1.W, MmT.

EjlPKBAXCE PIC-SICV-A Tcm- T |p» Pw-Nic .ill be piana. the Monnt Pf# Camp Gronnd. oa Tbur-dnr, the ttth of SipSmher. in.tant. An addrw will be do- liWod liV Wr. IVu.ti D. Waita. of Aoder- M.M1 .tudevt in thn TWol»*io«l Semi- nnry/in Columlaa. and It In expected l bat R,r. Jon# !L PKIHT. and nerbat.. when will nd- d«itM. meeting. Tfi pnko ,c0«.lty art, renpontrally Invited to altend.

' Twenty-tee imnwtee O AW MI LI—Wanted, * hand in attend O . f-aw Mill <•. Bnmd Rlenr, nenr Dr.yi. n- Iknlneuaer -ndiwr. Han't O. E,aut Eaq. V. tilie. Union 0i«ocl Addre.e iba anbeciiU r nt CkMf C H.. or DreyionriBn. leke pleeeare la landmit^ In Mr. Ion n wark, .New walenan U.k lata Ike fraternity, and wn know *** <• tk.t,ky en .nergetie dirention ef Ike ability at TMSB €MM»gB^ggkaBiaai. SALE OF LABS. Xsiiiitn Ciriu.. Jixiraet from an arU EEAD-QUARTEBS,; COMMISSIONES'S SALE. GREAT BARGAINS At*m4 VTiaKasoKo', i>(?- ^ 18**- > - Our re*]«n will I Neely, LAV HOTIOK. Hirer p*ffr«l a tmimn -7—751 Oiiuu Oaota, No. —. 1 Bill far PartiSoa. lytng on loeky Creek, lour miba east of tba and in departing /rota ou-usual custom in this er Depot. The place coalalna 350 aerea, HEMPHILL ft GASTON, BRK5ADE Coort Martial ia borobr ^ri«r- Jaoe E. Neely aad othere DAVJEGA & DEGHAFFENREID'S. reeard for tbs purpose ofeaHIB* Attention to lbs ed to convene at CW»r Coort Huaa-. on iob MO acne hare baaa oleared aad ia a advertisement of Jsoob'a Cordis* which wo have N obodioaoe to lb« Deoreial order of tbo qmrt WadoaadaTA , tba 10th day of September, neit. floe stale #f TAESIRODS of iwdaeiog oar Stock of SUMMER GOODS, In order to make no* for ear bM nnUi.hmi for some Waaaa, we da so solely of Eqakr, asede al Jane Term, I'M, twill Win practice in the Cot for the trial of all dafaultera of the 3wn miewoaer's OCEiea. Also, the tract ca«aia- PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! it. For aula by REEHV * WYLIK. ing 166 ACHES, aad deaignated aa Na. >,Ms ., eaa be procered ia ex- ESSRS. BF.NJfHTT, HINKLE b FED EN. b« to FIB CILB & SILV1IV1TCIIS Sol*. said plot. Also, ths tra-wood. which b abundant. The ~ j«n " Chester end York, aad Ihe that I bey hare fumed I imarovementa are very good. With the place, M 'mi d- Plaint partnership for the purpose of sopplyiog the poblie witi LOT IN YORKYILLE, if deeired, will be sold sopplies for ihe owning MUkm«« I of an AcrA aad represented aa O..,, all J worihlem prsperaUooil. yeer. Terms of sale made to rait the eonve- on tbo plat marked B. Aad aba, I»l«| f»r tbam (Teat medical wiring, that a McKaddeo, .-imp- Srfi nboee ol the purchaser. Mr. W. Ford near or THE BEST PIANO FORTES, CHRSTKR ASD TOKKVILLM, S. C., ' •at many iadlridaala rafoao to tilt anj tlitnK Charlee Fowler, oo ihe pbee, will show ihe purchssed al the moot celebrated snanabetorimi at the North, and aelWned with gnat car. by t aaneti'ned br a physician ~ tbs Make of his death. boaodaries of ihe bod. If sold before the Sir. Pi»l*. who b aa ettperieticed performer. Their stock aow ooMiets of eapcrmrtoisroments Welthcs^Clocks fc Jewelry repaired by^ • -i»in STAB , Dnridaon. C..rJer, 27th Reg*!.— Limit. South-Western Hotel Lot middle of September, leaaeeed Ibe wheat crop from the eetabliehmenta of Stoddard, sad Hsilett and Cumatoo iaad tbey tava jua| ordered aad JRAXT and DIARllUlEA will reoeiro ia a few days fro* the celebrated manufactory of Boanlmaa * Gray, a lot of their Carlisle. Donorant. Habeita. J.Carter. 10th' llegt Tiaae —A soBciency of eaali to pay the CORDIAL la snore th Uy order of tha,Brigadier General: I also desire lo sell Iwo lots in Chester, lying Indeed man* medical rata of thb salt—tba balsace of the purchase i Main Street—one north of and adjoining T. 8. MILLS, kr.puU Major. ial Inatal- tuee raialanr nr»ml ibe residence of Mr. II. C. Brawby—the other ofC»ii|(h^ 0»lJ«; and Sept. M It — — —J .Mt with opposite to ihb. oa ibe weet side of the same DOLCE* COMPANA ATTACHMENT. • FOIIWA RBIN a interest from eaid llrsl of Jantmry, aad Io be se- street Each lol measures «4u feet in front, band Piaaae from other well I SALE OF-LANDS. es red by tbo bond of the purchasers with good rectangular in shape; aad Hie two together •ad Iniah. and made of the bast material, aad will be t id with a d. having to 14 a portion of personal securities. Possession of the promisee • licitefleial e/fecta.— W. contain aomethlng over foar aerea. The lerma I credit al Unahomi possible adranoe oo New Vork priose. oonmssioN HEBOBAHTS, to be giren to Ihe paroheeert on tke (ret day of tale will be made lo suit the purchaser. I Thetyy bsvbsvss ssuMbheestablishedd Depots,, aalt Ihe shop brmsrlr occupied by Mr Benoett as Wateb. They are aUoaled oa Turkey falwfSui of January aeit. may be fouad at my brother's residence, neer making establishment, la Cheetervtlle i at Ihe store of Measra IlinVle t MeCuily. Creek, and •vinaiat of the Allowing JOHN L. MILLER, c.i. r. n. Lewis' Turo Out, al. mllee ahove Cbeeler. vilb: and et the Jewelry atom of .Messre. I N. Lewis It Co , YmfcttSe, when thoee II ruilea from Cheater, C. Com'rs. OtHce, Aug. 10,1854. afl-4t W. H. STRING FELLOW. good instrumeuts an raapeotfally la riled to call and alanine their stock. Aug. 17 33 •VI ~ Chaster, Aug. 17 M ' ; tf DEKBENNETTM , HINKLE U PEDES. 1 The AmUr*m ft ' COMMISSIONER'S SALE, ' Chester, June 8 arree, about onn half woodUnd. with enne in BHI'ITV— VOttK. "MAl-THIEMONlTc^AnA. - TAILORING L'cg tut JlMiOii MtHTaiio IjnimiiT.— freah land. The Cahtn Tnwi, o.mUvlnlog Knowing that the Liniment la a Iran rsmridy. Wa. A. Utu. | alwut 4110 or 419 aerea, (adj'ilnlng the former re. i BUI lo rorecioee Mart. Iia.ed Upon a knowledge Iif III composition, (nil traet) about one-balf in woiidland. Improved CLOTHING WARE BOOSE, Mary C. Mtronaell. f gage of Und, AoM.lw. REM Mi OB CLOTHING, Ita aiTaxia upon orgwlo structures, wa have nu Willi • prally «'»i4 dwelling, a gnod (ilu lloaaa aod ntbera. ) DNIESTER CARROLL k FARLEY, hesitation in rrcnmittendlng It aa a remedy for and Htm, with all neceieary uutbuildlnga in a a WHO L X BALE AND tlTAIL. RbeuawtiMI. Neuralgia. Iisrdenrd ami ennlrsf I N obedience In the Deerelel order of Ihe giant repair, attention of welKseleotcd assort- ted Muscles. Tendnna or Llgimonta. Crampa. Ai«o: A IfMt linowo aa ihe Mill Traot, o« X. Coort of Kaullr, mad* In lha sbose sa.s, at Illaa. TrltflH. Hun-Worms. Rait Hhmim. Old wlilch tlteri are Iwu S«" Mills and a Urlst ibHe sale al Appsrel; conalailag of Clothe. I'aaaimarea, red. II leers nr Muriifiiliuia Boron, Freah Cut". Burn., Mill, lying « ml'eo from Chester C. H., on the MONDAY DRUQB AND MEDICINES, lags. Ilualary of all kmde. Shirts, lilavea. Sua- jlrulaoa, Bprulns. or InlUmmalliiO of stiy kl*d. Vlneknerrlllo roail and S mllee from ihe King's fN <»'• roBEII neit, all llial trial of land lyioa from the highest to ike lawrel. All Omnia pendera. Neck and H.wket Hamherchlcfs. Ia It la cpualiy efftiolncl for any complaint of (be Monmain Hall Road. Tills traet enOtalua 40 In Yark District oa lite waters of Hallualra our eataiiliaiimenl in warranted both for.stt lo feel, all ardcles asaelly kepi hv a similar aclcb- lloraa or olliar miracle rwqulrlag oltornsl aorea ami will be aokl In two |wie»la, vis: 10 Ciock, bounded bylsmle of Theodore Hyere. aad workmanship. French, English & American Chemicals, of all kinds, llshment, 'Iheir ainek baa been eerefallrse- J. U. MM. Kamuel Blaak Deaole Crosby aad lected Iroei three it the beet markets, aad II aoree with a Ha* >1111 and 10 aeree with Haw " tlaalar aHMlion glvsn W orders. Perfumery, HclrOib, "Ttia^ha il. one! of ibh salt; one-third (if the purchase mo- leeted FuimltW r wblch thry will cell rery low AU of whioh ara warranted of the mat pare aad geaaiae kinda, If the public will hot take Ootober. situated ft* Cisa, Tlie» Stock at ^wecett. t eonsi.t in All Ol a auonuon to the Drug buaineaa. and that — — frbndiof pr. J.LUNSKORD DOU. ney to be pa d on the I si day of January, 1133, boat H i the balance oa a credit of oao and two years pari ofthe foltuwlni artiolce, «l: A brgt prepared to tost tha rtrength and parity of Mediae* they may a«py to 1-M.haw artiel^aok CLASA nnnoiiiice Kim na a'Candidate for tbe mainI mimadd to Colombia, ia imwosd with with interest fiom the der of sale, purehaarre mem of Chairs, uf various klads. Bureaus. Sofia. • isfit %tC tuD^riur aaalitv. -slant meJicinal o«Hnpoundm. which liable to lalurr «*r Miawwwipott I CaM«,Pram0»,Brem« story Ihutt dwelling; and aU Secretaries and Book"Cases. Extenaion Dining prepared at Uort IntorvJTiT^bnt lijpafatarit ai tho anauing tlnetimi. to give two good earetie- and a mortgage of ihe pins.RiDSB&Lockcti,B(pric«aIoiniu]kl^Ma acres. premises. Peaseaarao on the lit Oar of Jan- sad Tee TaMee. Uusic Stands. Hat Rerks and iVo are reioested to annouoi* Col. W, lh)H olfiircJ, and a iarga part of ihe r uary, 1854. line. Cottage FaroUore in sella. Bedsteads uftiJ. rt4t>oiiA1.b,a|*aelical Apotbeoary, will be foand conetantly at tlrn Store. t ROOMS OX MAIN STREET r. GILL, Oivlldaie for tho Le^i'sUtnre, st oil limbered. Ita convenient* to tna towi JNO. L. MILLER, c. a. r. a. oomm a and line together, with a jrea'1 many Agent lor all tlie rarioos popuW Patent Medicines, advertmod «i lho different nevnjrn- j TWO nooaa eocin or onn ntLowi'»»ii. •nJcra it a very d«>airahio locatinn. ng election. CnmVe., OSoe, A*g. »0. I8.VJ. M-41 artlclee toatcdioua tomeition here. re of Ilu. Stale aud I'nitod Sta(«a. BUlDt * «\LH... April 16 / . ALEXA.NOF.U FINCHBACK. H. C-BRAWIJCY, April 20 ^ lf ££rWe are reqoratcd to announce CoLCADD S**pt. 14 17 3t SONS OF TEMPERANCE, S. ALEXANDER. Jen 19 * tf DENTAL OPERATIONS. Candidate'fo* the Loji.laiuro, at CHESTS* DIYIMOH, lie It. In Eqnlty.—York District Dr. J. T, WALKER Coinmissioaer's Sale. THE Regular meetng of thb IMvh COHNWELL'S HOTEL. M«'-arc, Brawby ft Co., tf of. 1 BiU for Ac- WQOLD inform the oitiienc of Vitieent Parka, el al. 1 • " * ' '-f«»o'elo npilE unilcraigasd begs Ware to inform his Hands Wasted. Chester cod surrounding Dictricle ttrWe nro authorised to nnnoonee WIL- ts. 1 Hill for Partition. «fi*RSOX. X frienSa aad the travelling public generally, B. T. Wheeler, A.lm'r thel he will ba foond ct McAfee's LlAM A. ROSBOBOI'CIK .fcq , as a Candidate Nancy Pa.ka, et al. ] " U Ilottfi to tli« towu TK obedience to the decretal Order of the Court, Hotel rery Mondsy. and all public days ; ¥ > Y order a I the Court of Bqoity In this Ciyee, of Cheater, rooently I M tt»« 1'lnHtvra* Mill " for lha Le^blature. at tho ttitoing etecihm. A. F. K Orrtci CitaauiTTR & Fa. Cxmitt R. B. Co., JL of Equity, in ihe above case the creditorcreditors sof of! : .berwherf e he t J) the Commiaaiooer will eapo^* to paliiic Hotel, where he will be gralifled to CHESTER LODGE) tfk CoLcmtl. Juhr 4, 1X54; td aoeommedale thoee who may eall apoa ia Jaggera. dee d., are required to procnt' NN.. LB.. ..llcfiodsitimpracticabJeturidethrong. h ara authorised to aArtnvMco C. I* Cheater Court llouv,bn tbo (ret Mon- THE Spunil in4-eiinga of thit Ln4^e will he HE Cfesrlotte and Smth Carolina Railroad HU talilv will be furniahed with tho beat ., ...... - before the Com- . thecocotry.ococotry; encadoporuiiod operationt s con i bb«e "bette r per HfeldTOaS,' K«j.. aa a Candidate for ihe day in October n-n. the I'lsatation wbrrcoo .-arket atTorda, and uo elorla will ba spared missinner lor York Ohtrict, o>nn oorr beforbeforee thth.e ; formed at hie rooms. Ilobort Parka, Sr.. reaiderf, containing 'Id in their Lflge Room on the 2d 'I*h4radt7, T Company ia desiroaa ff HIBfNG thirty iaiure, at ihe enauin* eleeiiera will g«>»- months ft* whom Urn will be "nW aad e*veneueed JHO. L. MILLER, c. m. r. n. portion in Y.iek) oa the weten nl TON rn tbein^elare accordingly'a OfBce, f ley Creek. Umn.led by lands of Joseph Keem- P^ 'A^Tf"., „ DKOVEES eaa be coeoratmdaiej with saitaUa tie order of the-IV. W. al Sctperiwtcnilm^ York C. H„ S. C. v{ Joly l-Sm eter. Samuel Kirkpatriok, JamcaC. Kirkpalriek, I, fcr l»ei r .lock, aod with all aeaesssrr proveo- . orw'e are anthork.-J to anomine* JfiSSft J NO. AleKEE. Jr., Sec*/. ll ; Galloway, K. 11. ltobius and VVilluina T, on rsa-ouable kerme. - JIVILUAS1S, aa a Candidate far the f Jone It 24 3m l ej"IT( are aiitborliefl to announce JOHN D. any quantity and at Iba moat i MarbUqg. eiccutcd lo entire aatiafaction. A DOER'S NORTB WHARF. - Ihe Cominissiober will caposo to p.blic His triends csn also be accommodated I Tenia Caah. prices low. FlJir.ll, aa a CaadUata for the eflee of Tax U B | CIIARLESTOX, S. C. mte, at Ch^etfr Coort Hotre, oa tlie firat Mon- CKEAM. made lo the muat approved sty Rtfertrue.—Mr. W. D. Henry, af the «tm at South Carolina.—Chester District. Wtor, at tba eoaalog eleetieo. _ Jolv W day vKDcioher next, tho Haniatioo whereoi DRENNAN & GILL, t'.io late Samuel Caatlea, dec d., resided, eon. {3T\Vo aro aothorited to annoonce Jlr. a litf "O" J. T HOWERTON. taining 265 acrea,aituated in n>eWcr Diatrict, Wm. D. Roc'ooroogh, ! Sept. 15 JESSE L PARISH, ai^ Candidato lor llie on Ki-rky Qorek, aad bonnded by landa of W. tor, are cunnaaiot the basineea at the same I of Rem efflcn of Ta* Collector, for Chester District, at I). Chiaholra, Jamea Atkinaon, .Sr., Dr. W. H. stood. They have added largely to their Stock, COTTON GINS. A. B. Cuoley.'rf nr.,. RANKIN, PULLIAM & CO., DR. 8. E. BABCOCK, . aod ara now ready to ofer to their friends and TT cppcarief to the saibfactioo af the Com-1 the nnatelWion. feb. 23-8 .Strinxfellow, John Craig and John A. .Marion. Imfortm and RUwj, Drain • in kM» nf S.M.C : . Caah aufficient to pay the 'ILL bo loand al the llowertrm tha public generally, a brfe and extensive 1 miMuBer. that Andrew.B. Coals frjC-IVe are anthuiited to announce JAS. A. of thla rait; the remainder on a ctedrt ol W ail hoaea during the tie* aad night, a STOCK OF GOODS, which eaa lie had at pri- C. Conby.bbi wifewife,, residee beyonbeyc d tbe liraile of i F0BEI8II AMD DOMESTIC THOMAS, Ksq^ sa a Candidate for Tm-Collec- ooo, two and throe jeara, with iniereat from lose pmfoesioasIlT occupied. Joly I»-tf ces in accordance with tha tightness of the It ic, therefore. tiasei, Their clock comprieee every thiag lo , Staple and Facoy Dry Goods, tjr at the enauing nkotion. day of »ale—the purchaaer lo fire bond with leaat two good auretica and a mortgage of VtdTICE b beraky given that a Peiiilon the lino of Lattice Drees Goode, Foreign end Giae are termed irel quality Gine, which be ."s^arte^'d^p^r a^San «?• " »AV»MniBT. i\ will bo' praseoioJ to ibe l^gsslalure at rinmceue Dry Goods, Gentlemen's Heady Made will sell low and warrant them. swerw demur, to the bilfcTeom plaint in thlsj (Will Itemoro Sept. Id, to 131 MetUog-Sl ) aro authorised its neat Session, praying lha diaaoatiaoance aa CIolMag, llais, Caps, Boole, Shoec; on assort, REPAIRING done in the bed menner. enae. within three months from puhlicetkm of I CHARLESTON, S. C, meal of Boaoeta, of mo-t kaUoaeMa styles, CB»H6E W. CURTIS, 'as a i Public Highway of tba Road leading from Aug IJ-K JAMK8 AIKIM. Urs. Nancy Mokley's lo iba Croee Beads al Fsncy(iaodsofevorrdesoriplioo. llardware.A'J. ntcred against t OSes of Tea Collootor, for C N> $ j*. Theyeoliclt Ihe atualioa td iheir friends and IOTTHEW WILLIAMS, June SO Commissioner's Sale. Ihe pnblio, and having entered the baaiaese Jaly SJ » Ilelea M. Dye. / with a determination to eacceed, they will spare iLand! fiafd! !• Land 11! 'P11E lUUKKV CRBKK DIVISION, TB. ! Bill for Adrloe, Relief. *0. _ Gold Leaf,'' a seperior artiole i>f Chewiag ae etbrt to give setbfaction to all who deal South Osrallna.—ChMter District. WARD LAW, ITA I.KKM 4k I Sona of Temtierance. will hold a public Roae JyOye. ) Tobacco, iuet received and for sale by with them. A|^|«9-tf |> ntctrr. Cotton Factors ngjlk a staM n-ar Dr. j, f.^ryant« Aug. UAt T. J. DUNOVANT fc OH proved eiiaatinacU Ikaap-oooatry. The uaet SvurJay the 23rd of Scptetobak. f« iho p, Y order of Uio Coart of Kqally In this aa cootains I too aoroecd fwtile, level end well- •mes B. Nsgtlt AlaV.'j the Coramimlonor will eip.iso to pnblio TAUSOIallTION.—The CMartMnhlp t"»o of promoting tbo cauao of tomperan B U heretofcre aaicliog wider the Inn of watered l.nd-lyiaMpaadialely oa tke Char- COHBISS10N DERCBAHTS, ilaj J. if McCully. Her. J. ti. Bailey, Uee. Cheaper Coort HO»M, on the I ret Jinn obnFrcetoe!Jao.'Sigbnfti i eta. per yard. Joel Davega ft llenneii b Ifcs day dbcnlsad to ma- sad M. C. Railroad, JO miles soath of NORTH ATLANTIC WIURF, tual conasnt. AU persona indebted to tbc ble jr C. II ..—800 corse ol which b eiecllcai and Ann Bigkim, hb received aad for sale by w. I.W1UUW, Iras an requeued lo make immejiate soul*. wood-laod *ad lyiag principally ia oaa body. wife cad others. ) ' ,8.C. ton the lata Eria J. Dye resided Aug. 34-41 ,1. MaKEK, Jr., * CO. •HX*ksCi^l ' For further particulars apply to oor Superio- >1 his death, situated ia Cheater District, meat 10 either oae of us. il, Geo. 8. lloor*a. t"l•. at Blsckslock's rssssS^"' oo Rocky Creek or lbs waters of Rooky Creak. RAHMA POOTKA.—THI new Bop«.»'y MO taining SM scree, bounded by lands of B most sxtraordhun breed of ftnrU, wl hare recently taken tba premiume at the g °n , DaBABDKLEBEN It BROTHERS. trilk Mary nMlin ' Bishop, Lamb Djs aad others. and Lacinda Pioctor, defendants in Iba above lt. J. ' S. PPBIDKB I".- -Having per-fi EW FIRM.—The SubccriUnliirc tbic Feb IS . ,, ... T if TssNsor Sat.K : (>ahsufiioisalto pay co Poultry eibibiiieaelathe Uaued Slataa. man-nuy Incsoceicdn M tlaeTownc .day formed alVpertnemhip ander the , are abeeal from and beyond tbe limita of D tUTowncfCU-SI SOU THERM QUARTERLY REVIEW. this suil.-tns remainder oa a credit of u be bad of Dr. A. P. W ylie. al from »10 to ter. tendeia-fiis Prol'rofeaaioncf incl servieeservieec toIS HRe ettart k Arm of Darioi 4 for the par- Mall 1 therefore, na motion of MoAliby ter, tendup par pair, acconling In their age. Cbolee epe- N •ens and Jhe surrosurroundint g vWcily^Mbe a^ rpillS Periodical is tbo rnly ooo id its elaw in end MeUr* O-pl Mm** * b, «d«wd otmeas of this breed weea astd U poee of eondeetlaf a general Mm^anub ba4- 1 llit entire region of lha South : and iis pa- the pure ha SELLING OFF. McAleosliUel. MaySS-JWf from *11 to 91b per pair. nssa. blballbe oor ohj^t m pre entire eslle- ges are referred to as the beat evidonoe of the good suretSO relici , and a morigsge of tba premises Ha baa ilea tba ansa breed (V faction to cB by ibe qashty and price rf'» AT AND BELOW COST! alii iiy of tbo South, and Ita Capacity tu giro IWsaio—ionn of lbs premaee ta S delieered on three moathc from Ihe publication of thb ao- Shsnghae) at from W to >10 per pair seeordiog ppliesti.m will ba made to lha a-ipreaeiwi to Iho feoiitiga. tb« intereela and in- t of January neit. S&ivtj HI lo iga. For parueulan eall el the _____ $wMM ' " ol I Ilia Suie.ol iU next klce- tWligenoa of tbio section nf Iho Oouutry. Ita MATTHEW WILLIAMS,'c. *. c. ». ap against I hem. CHESTER DRUG STORE. to Open and satabliak a toad |iuip«o ia tp fatfly rtpresent ouraelres. and aot MATTHEW WILUAMS, c. i. c. t Aug. f« npHE enbeoribcr having a Skary etlcaelsc J Bbckatoekc P. 0.. (DeBardc- IU mi^reprasonl othara. It aims to maintain 1 RTOI-K OJf GOODS, of every deaoripuon. . .. _iy of McKeowa". Ford to Bcthla- lha troth aa wo understand It, and Master! the Commissioner's Sale. aad being determined to redace Ibe came will hcai Churefc—three milcc. "VTOTlCE la betebr that jOUTH IntolleoMal qualAy of oar eeoiloo, while, al the Sirah Tinkler, at al. ) begin to sell off. positively st. COST, and many Chester. Jaly 1J. 3m same time, ii will free lha mind of oar people wIM be made lo the Legiah es, I Parll tiaa. nan Seeeioa W Imniipiiiete Ilu enblee considerably below Ceet. Peraooewieb- skies. havjMlpplbd I I rota that state of liierarr thraldom aad depen- Darid H.Tbkler.etal. J wended toWmJy lha CidaeaaV inc to obtain barcainc will do welt hy calling persooo iodsUed to t. C. ded ander which wo bare too long labored. Charlotte Telegraph Company miaistratiM* the relate ot Jonn Y order oil he Coart o4 Equity ia tbia ( cdbe on G. HEV*AN. 4 » or 'iJjgccaBt an Wa claim then, fneu all bnera of the tfauthand , deeeaawl- Nolioe b hereby given I- -" , JjP tbo Commiaaiuac ilaanceo Jaly«r lo carSTi^llit^ , tba Meads of a truly home literature, that sup. B "VTOTlCE—The aotee aad acaoaata of tba Chester Coort jn A". for our work which wdl eaabls ae to giro ami goad aetata of Darid Piaabbaak wM £X*BPI»WA!I7 nbaa coarae, aad thaa make U emlneotly be ned apoaMleerimieaUly. ualesapayi •earth; of tba world's admiration aad oor pride SC. MORTIMER, PM>0.n foretbalni tea sd t WM PINCHRACK GILES J. PATTERSON. %£££ 8XAH»i.K&. touching des- by the viper, daaignalad the spot to strike, I which HEAD-QUARTERS. 0600 Select Ijjiscdfaag. and old Jake let him have It Tha first blow Ihe querist eat. that be walked arwnd him ^S^iii brok* tb* we*d, aad also kuoeked old PeUr twie* before giving the required information. He then InqaW: Wu. ». raaw. HOST »».«.-!. U •'"*• C<™*U •* "J*1 *"P- off his pegs on a hsyeock, % p»d out onob**rved on to the balcony, « Oh r roared Pete, " yon har* broken " Who might yoa be, it It b. fair quo- not a college enduwcd by the Stale, uyi » enjoy a few of thoe* momenl. of aolilud* ao mln* leg, and te tam ehneke baa fat away.'' tio«r eotemporsry ; ills'* primary school, I< precious to lovers, ll waa a glorious night Vara t vere V cried old Jake, moving " I am a follower of tb* Lort,'1 he an- par. farmer's .on. and daugblen for ihe briakly abon', aad eaannlng vevy narrowly led Fa Hit, a < bifbar walks of selsncsss sppllsd io agrl- —the air waa cool and refreshing. As I gi rtaisTi. Of t aaliuts. The/ need orgsnijallon. Tbajr led on th* beautiful being at. my side, tha *arth he etnod upon. " PoUeria' the Lord, eh P Pleri thought 1 never erw her look so lovely ; the •' Never mlud him, Yaeob-b*lp mo ap- hoet. " Well, 111 tell y*a wba|pl•halfteb ololdd M- want farmer', dubs end neighborhood llbra- M1LLF0BD, Jaa\ to, 1111. or ralllagaf ihe ITAlLUlt full moon cast h*r bright raya over h*r whol* ler, (eyeing Ike horse agein°)) Wk b < ; A tlss of agricultural book*. Tbsy nrsd mora I'll go home." ORDER NO. - «^, iT;7b ^; Anodyne Cherry Expectorant. person, giving her an almoat angelic appear- " Put on yeur teat, den i here It la," aald thing earth, If you atop often so lh* road1 THK foUewiag Rsglmaats will parade far re- lafiammalloa and- FOR COtGUg, COLDS. BKu.Vtmrig, ke the aid kroul.eater, gathering up his boas, Tbey need mora intercourse, not only ance, and Imparting to h«v flowing curb a yoa will saver ealch him with that hora* f view aad drill at each times aod places ss Uberaiba of Ibe — and trying tu gat the garment upon bis bum- herein indimued: Womb', Incidental STABLER'S la their OBB town and count/, but tbrough still mora golden one. One of har soil, fair The Mtk Regiment of lnfaatry will parade Hemorrhage, orl banda rested in mln*, and ever and py back. Th* out Ihe Slat* and country, to m and Uarn x TIN t SHEET ffiON WAKE •« "waialek-fc on Taeeday.tbe 1Mb of July Flooding l Painful DIARRHEA CORDIAL. The 38th Regiment of Infhotry " what other farmaraara doing, sad adopt. eh* m*t my ardent gaaa with on* of par*, effort, he grew livid la Ihe (see—hie hair Menstruation. dt.v, Tbe ralaabls aesdMaesaWvs asmea i ja Tsersday, tbe fftk af J*ly. their aecompeaylng evils, (eenesr confiding love. Suddenly a change stood on end "like quiis upon the IrightM B. ELLIOTT. w. T, noaisoN. rleei, bat srs prepared Is a(resws-'i all Tbla la tb* ( need of brmeA. Tbey IJ* lUth Regiment of Cavalry will par saes sf SMas ef lie suet learned ai,d j sU ov*r her soft features, her foil, red lip porkemplne," aa Mi*. Partington obi i Martla'a, on Saturday, the *»ib of Jaly ading. need to become unified with tbalr avoca- Plashkaeb'e ietereet lo tbe above Pae- lenrteeui "* wkTu'Lif*1"' L*" JJ"""' He shivered, he shook, hb teeth chattered, 1> «*b Regiment of lnfonlry will parade Th* Calholiona far surpaasea other re me- tion—to gat rid of the pr*T*lllng notion that bled ss with suppressed eniotione, a tear drop lery, the boeiaese will hereefter be eondeeted •H'V " lbs.»si|^i,eai ,-.,it. bs'vv LvTu dies, in being more certain, leaa eipeneive, and reeled on her long drooping lashee, the mus- and bis knees knocked a Uaceato accompan; under Ihe Firm ol KLf.lOTT k ROBISO.N, lanolng ia necemrily an B«Dantal employ- -1st Regiinenl'of leaving tba system In a belter euadiiioa. Let and reepectfully inform tbe public that tbey are cles around her faaltleaa month became con- ment. , al Parke', an Thureday. the id of Auguat all Interested in such a remedy eall and obtain ment. Tbe farmer 1. accustomed to think prepared to derate all orders ia their line, 65O PHYSICIANS! 11 TbetSlb Regiment of lofantry will parade a pamphlel (free) containing Jsmple proof, thst ha baa no occasion for eduoition, and vuleed, eha leaped for breath—and, enateh- " Oh, Yaoob, carry home I I'm s (wboieeale and retail) al the shortest actice la Marjrlsad, tlrglall. Dlrvricl „f t'elaaiUs.' Okie, Jj B^rat Factory, oa Satardey, thirsih from a resectable so ones, of tbe heppv re- sa4 OIL., plaras, aU ./ icSoa.. nraeal e unfit rir7- deal ae nila !" and ia a superior meaner. jttur can become wealthy, or what the ing her hand from th* warm pressor* of my sults cf Its use, together with letters from first- I is*, have apM»vtd«tlhsh>naala. aad mast ef ibsm aoko.arls.1,. Ibal Ibev are lb tnr .raedies that Ibe* world ealU respectable, while engaged in tha own, eh* turned suddenly away, buried her * Vat I l>h nodder ebnaka In your trow, Ae 33th Regiment of Infantry will parade class experienced phreiciane, who bar* used it ••Oatonvilla, oa Tueeday, the 8th of Auguet. ksvs svsrknaanfsi ike eats el Ihe dl^ssse Tar ableh face in her fine cambric handkerchief, and— els I" i, aad speak froas their ea 'bej are ie?-**. .„!r«. Oar c»sld.ase le Ae eaeri- culture of tha earth, and therefore ha aaeke The 9th Regiment of Cavalry will parade el ROOKING k GUTTERING i the frat opportunity to escape from an allo- sneezed! "No, a—loop I I'm await all op—mine K1"**' °° Tbareday.tbe !Oth Augu«. ite jMt «f ibe arUK •rr»f/ . J i%ark a<~l-*mn i»li vest wou*t go on mine pack. Oh, mine. P. B. M. D. CHca. N. Y. D * Un- cation placed under baa, not only by all A Faer RSILBOAO. — Tha Weukeesha Misdid WHiree. W« .p^oil a f. L. I). Fleming. M. D.,C«nandaigui, N ha*.' rrccive d from « other., but by hie own daae aleo. The great •Con r (Wisconsin) Democrat haa an editorial about M. H. Hills, if D. Rochester, N. V. Fnm Dr. tfm. H. fkmm. gm Tonder and blixln !* cried old Jake, need of the farmer b that be .ball declare ALSO, a large sjeortmant of Ihe most ap- D. Y. Fooie, M. D.. Syncus*. N. Y. OlJilUMii-1 kavcffg^uvKt j ia mj pn«krt pn- the speed of cars on a certain Weetcrn rail- Tbe 3ttb Regiment of Inbnlry will nerade ha look the eeme conclusion, and with might proved patiema of Cooking Stoves, suitable for Prof. Dunbar. M D . Baltimore, Md. Anu4\u0 Cbtrry Ksp*ri«- bimealf independent if all daaaee; at laaat road, of which th* following is tb* closing I YorLville, on 1 bureday, the IJth of / . "tb g;r**l MI . and main lugged and carried the boee eoi large or small Families. Also, extra large sise >. C. Orvick, M. D.. Baltimore. Md. won ao than they ar9ol him, and ia entitl- at ol Infantry will * rdttf wi rtsr^t d-» paragraph : 'Travellere of leisure, however, for Hotels, which will be cold ~ ' W, W. Reese. M. D,. New York Cily. ed to engage to any other calling whatever, quarter of a mile to the house. at Ebeueierville, on Saturday, ihe'lflth August. IV. Presscott, M. D., Concord. N. II. like this road better than any other in Th« 2lit Rogime«t of lnfantrr will p«n*Jc and if b* b a man of toil, that into rraaon why Young Peler had shinned it for homo Call and see them at rheOld Stand, oppqeite J. P. Newland, M, D . Ctica. N. Y. the country ; it b so much like the Erie ca- at I^Mieaster. on Tueeday the 22d of Auguat. d .»•! aiMkiod AI Urge. I* fun. .k Ihe - Ho.ertoo House." Rev. C. S. Beard, Glenn Springe, S. C. ll^pt-olr Mll.'t with tfettw Bttlte HdcMN lie should not be a ma? of intellect. The th* earliest stage of Ihe dire proceedings, The J7th Regiment of Infantry will pared, —they can jump off to pick strawberries, oroid Pewter, Copper, Beeswax aod Feath- Pamphlets bad gratia at the Store of at Rich Hill, on Tbursd.y. the 24tb of August. great need of a farmer b organization, and snd ao elarmed ihe girls ibal they wi ers I alien in exchange foe Tin ware. d»rd qu.lilf. h*T« rtlbd!^ d'rm shoot pigeone, liquor up, Ac-, and occasion- The Will Regiment ot Infantry will p&radl REEDY dc WYUF. Agents, highalrikes a ben they saw Ihe epproach of 20-tf ELLIOTT * ROBISON. irtttt, Md I MB du no ir*e ihuH»m/i tbbmoatbe accomplished by a few arlf sac- at Cbestervilie, oa Saturdsy, th* Kth August Drutgisia, drc„ Chester, S. C, u tm irvtkkaco. .i ally return to ait on the care to rest Last Sold by moet of the leading Druggists in 1 rificing men, wbo will undertake the labor of poor old dad and bis 1 The 6th Regiment of Cavalry will parade at b«r« ib« imi •rii j e we conversed with a farmer on the line Yimgue's. on Tueeday, ibe 29th of August. Stale. establishing and maintaining farmers' cluba Old man Paler waa oamed in, and began By JOHN R. KI0H0L80N. Letter addrmvldimtrl » Jfestfs. Bradi t Bretnuom of the road, wbo happened to have three The 21th Regiment of Infantry will parade \V s IV»VK, .riu.t. a. Cfc.i h* h» .do I* every neighborhood. Farmers need not to db natural aa life, when in cometh the old at Bell's, on Thursday, the 31st of Auguat. Agenli aat I SeAVirierr * (SJ1., Soul* Carolina, sheep kiUad on tha track. He informed us i«'er«d the 1 *Ma wife. «bi» baa Kaa drop politics to take up agriculture. They lady io a great bustle, and wanted to hoc informs hi, friende The 25th Regiment ot infantry will parade »j«ea-. C.. SS.. BeerJBasra,, 0of/ some Stall, BroniiUis >r fomtltm sad (bat eba i« that be had spent ten days in vain in endea- public generally that hia house, at Wianaboro'.e* Saturday, GLt.vs Sraues. January*, ISS3. fcl wk*"»dli f wmlaifj. It tu I must talk, read and think.—SmtHern Ag- what was going on. Old Peter, in tbe bat voring to find out wbo owned (be road, ibat known aa vhe Railroad Hotel, opposite the Ches- The 22th Regiment of In tan try anaodd the Sib Mem. Brack If Broaurm—Sfri: I senlfor Igatp of agony aud weahoeaa, pointed to his of Cavalry, will parade at be might sue for damages; he then consult- ter Depot, ia still open for tbe reception ol regu- another hot lie of your - Marcbiai's I'lcrine Ce- leg. Tbe old woman ripped ep hie pnnta lar and transient hoarders aod the travel line ly, tbe 5tli*of September, thoficoo." My wifo liSe been afflicted lor U ed an bonest attorney, who informed hiih that public ; and that he ia msking every exertion Icone, and out fell a email tbiatb-top, and al tth Regiments of Infant yean, aad a variety of meaee baa been roeortcd V, . 'I™ , - R. ..*1 . Paa on Cia*vr.—•' Ba-a-a! Ba-a-a f» he could not prove that tb* cara ran fast to deeerve and secure a continuance of ibe kind to for relief, bnl none' Was obtained until I re- s In Ibe aptnfea eians^d . >b« scratch wai and liberal patronage which bas hitherto been ceived this medicine from you. Its influence -ie»li,le.!-ttb lberrsi|c. >f..r see I Ihsr.a ahrbka * half-naked infant of about eighteen enough to overtake sheep or anything else, a ro » e. nr.nival aa* <1. (sat a prstaraika el tie extended te hint. He Setters himself that every The officers and waa almost magiral—there waa a manifcat im- nioalha old. ildCbafTj." •* •a* thief, who waa.arrested in Pob du needed arrangement baa bee* made to promote ill aaaembu on the day previous te tbe provement Trom tbe day it wastakeo. ' Call dish i it Bah I" says om Geo Cm, J# of Somen,/. HJ " What'* the matter wit mamma'a ihvreit short time since, upon being informed ihe comfort of all who stop wiih bim : - his of their several regiments for drill and i Ae there are a great many females in tliie jeutrcm^B -11 a. ,Va.rf m»o, a tba Uifcr^it ,j Cbaf- yittl* cocky Pssys ita affectionate.molher, rooms are airy and weil-furnished. his servants country sufering from tbe aasae sKction for that b* would be sent to the penitentiary at' are attentive aad obedient, and Ml table con- which yoer med-ciue proposes a remedy. 1 feel SKATES £"*• " " '* ' while she pressaa it to har bosom, and the "Obiliut I'm pizeoed to deal, Molly. S. Milwaukee, aald ha did not care, if they aenl stantly supplied with the bestMie season, so it a duty to recommend it to all anch. Ilr. J. K. Anirr. »f A'lMjiU *, To/tat Co JM . vonng sarpint in return diga Ita .taloos into him by railroad, aa lb* time would expire (Signed.) CLOCOH S. Brain. podyataL" J. B. bHRCHISl k Co . I'roprietors, her face. Wore he reached there.'' ' Haw ! haw! haw 1" roared the old w Central Depot, Jul, Broadway. N. Y. " Daden, missis, l.know what little masaa May. IS 2# ' if Dim want*," exclaimed the cherub'a negro it. sepply ' Vat a fool ! Yoa got Peter'e veal on.' Jl on rate con voyaneee of every aslonofAuS"™ lumorous gUabiwj. of tbe surrouuding oonnlry. Aids-de-Csmp ro ihe Great Family fc Plantation Kedlclne. " K'>ih roare old Peter, ahaking c " You black hussy I why don't you tell me, return hie acknowledgements are required lo allend the tv n 1 u 11 T • a then !" and the infuriated mother girea Di- Death'a icy fetters st one .urge, and Jump- to the public for paat lavors, and solicits for the eral Brigade.snd lb «e not' u future sn equally liberal sham of patronage. INDIAN AND VEGETABLE FILLS. nah a douse in the cbopa with her sbo*. THE iiuu-arrrii OVTCIIMAJ, up, Yacob, vat an old fool you must invited to attend. April W-tf JOHN R. NICHOLSON. THIS highly valuable .preparation, eweemcd " Why, he wanla to pot his foot In dat Some years ago, near Ihe town of Read- to say I vaa abnak bit I Go 'bout you above every other ankle 1A the kind at ihe fVoa Dr. to. IT. JW. • 1 ba*a gt .e® » darpan obgravr wots on da harfr whim- ing, Berks county, Pennsylvania, there lived pizness, gala. Peter, priog me aome peer." North, haa been latterly acquiring a like celo diaUfalr.1.Ml dial,. aaa d au. del.^tad »i«L il coey old farmer named Sweighooffer, of NEW ESTABLISHMENT. beliy al ibe Sooth aad Southwest. - It is a W ikem ta /«W I. a .,aa/g , pers the uulortunate blackey. th*s striclly original composition, and liases its t« kc puutnt lua b. aivi dh g .U at " Did Ike guard preeent arme lo you, Mra. " Well, and why dou'tyou bring it berr German deacent, and accent, t tInched in tbe Carriage Feetory of Mes claims upon its inlrinsio merits. SB adapted lo ibat* ba< a 'a»a«ad a Partington I" asken the commitaary as be J.T.IR Mathews, begs E. J. WEST, j ou aggravating nigger, yoaf" repl es tbi speech will indicate. Old man Sweigboofier the nried requirementa of the human' ey.tetn cltixans of Chester and lh SADDU k HARNESS BAKER, bas bee» justly styled -Nature's men EtfXS&XfTSi once served ee a member of the Legis- met bar el the lb* opening of ibe marque. mother of tiwbawling young on*. try, that be bas looaisd permanently, am caaaraa, c. n., a. c., Remedy,'' since Ike I11K in th*le npnraliun, lature, end waa " no fool." Aa he bad long " You ineau the century I" aaid she smiling. carry on ia all It* branches th* nrnnabcti answer precisely the indiestione which Nature Dinah bringa lb* gravy, and little Jim pab S silllengaged in the mannhctoey osfv^ " You see a soldier's relic aho ild know all a puims out. They prntsew lh* merit. .Is*, of }wn*a.UI* MSICSTI211.1'r liisbsrefestlu Ike pan, dashing the milk' commanded a volunleercorps of sualie mill Saddle. Ilrlillcs, lIarnrss,(pVt Haram aad Saddle*. I being onllrely free Iron mercury, and all min- lis, be coald hardly he supposed Inclined to soldier's lerminatleae. I have heard ao meek lis is now supplied wiih ibe vwy beet male- W. ~f'. ml! merle al l> s (sir ..,. warm grease aboat Its easel little shaaks, to TRUNKS, &.O., eral sdmi.ture ttbnlcrer. Ibe ProWeo ss-l lbs Peblie, .Ll lb., sis mtr about the tainted field that I believe I would riala, snd will be able to fumish ariielee i* Me tha lnfioite^eligbt of ita mother, wbo tender cowardice. Hia boy Peter waa hia only son, • la tba (even aad other eraapfoints inrijent ie» lis. o,,M„ t r.,,.1 lelsr/ asaleli,.. altb line, of Ihe heal qaelily and at the lowed pn- 10 son I hem snd soulhwsslern hi*, iheaa Pills b-b aearsse^-alaied.'As. a strapping lad of aevenleen; and upon youeg deplore sn attachment Into lin* myself and if like qaelity 1 ly exclaims : '• Did mamma'a yittl* Dimmy *r*; and lie proalt-es by a fall kaovnedee of are unsurpassed la slfiooc^ Tliey have cured manure them as well as an officer, usee oaly the best material, and hi. work ."iMwr' * ^ ^ bsia.~sj-w waul to put Ita Ustiy-weeny loo lies In the Peter and old Peter devolved the priaclpal and a strict aiteathiKto his business, te give \ellow (ever afler every other remedy had emirs satMsctioa to all who may give blm their don* uader hie personal supervision, he caa gravy, ll .hail paddle In tha pan as it cares and tolls of the old genllemen'i ash me if ihe guanl presented srms. failed. Tltey'bave broken up the Ague snd patronage. Hennas in waul of good harness, nfoly warrsat It te bs sxecuied in workmsa- dtdn'f, but a sweel little man, with epilepsy Bilious Ferer la .11 their form.. They en choosey-wooseys, and then shall have IU now-sad-then assisted by Ihe old lady and or saddles of any deeeriptlon, an Invited to rail llks ma liner. Any ordsr with which bb friends thurauchly nnii-Ulloas In their .ciba.ln abet, 1 her two bouncing daughters—for it on hia shoulder and a smile fa his face, did. on blm at tbs Messrs Mathews' Fsul ey, may f»vor bin, oaa he filled on .1 \ Mrut ata pooty red frock OB) anil go and sea its ever shsps ll present iiaelf— powerful for Uol .Var . I»i • and asked me If 1 woeldn't go Inlo a lent and llUPAIKIAU gtsid, and yet hiAoeenl of Inlary. i *••*)«-aw! al»a hapfj.ysrpj !J common io this State to we the women and ALEXANDER SillTH. bdoae wiih despatch aad promptueae, aad en If reaorisd tu la lime, this medlelns will be girls In Ike field—and, upon extra occasions, aqiile. I told Mm that ws could both amili Aug. 17 found lo answer all Ihs requirements of the .H i by aome hired hands. as well outside, wb*B ha politely touched family ami planlalloa. Fur Females at ccrUin TwScmoo. Ann BIS Doo.—Tim was a Well, one warm day, In baying time, old hia chateau and Iff! me. The commissary pr* MT cHANu K. ~m manias there ie noae superior, if. indeed, there »nf tba sM.diaal>, , man remarkable for lib affection for his MOTICE.-I muet Insist Ikal thou iadsA- be any equal to It, Ena fbr ChUdrea afflicted sealed * hard wood stool *pon which ah* re Peter ead joUng Pater w«re hard at work LIVERY AND SALE STABLE ed to me will eloee their duee by eaeh. I willi any o| tb* arnvabnl disorders, a trial of " Seize," as they had both b**n esgsgei »t" iraMAf a/ /F»W hy tbaairj/ad.^ dVbal*bli'tfa In Ike nwadow, when th* old man drops his posed herself. "Thlsboneoflheseataof war mast ban money to prosecute my business i snd. 11 will sufDil* lo place It upon th* most favorable of ad'fanbiMaMynad fiia fi-« tb» ••Q^aih-r* " msny bloody contests In lh* swamps ol tha many of those aow indebted have been lit Mylhe and bawls out | "Oh I mlns tiott. I suppose t" said aba. "Oh, what a hard lot a footing la ibe catiinetltm of all caausrnsd. IJiselislppI, a here abounded, In Its early his- Mo r 1 Tb* csnliln. 1. for ask by PeUr !• soldier la objective to! and I doa't wonder • *ff»iBi""f "*3 b"*' A. P. WYtUL lyy.grsat numbers of bear, wolvss, and Ikeat. p. Martto, Balmli, " Wat's da matter, fader I" answered llie mite at the hardening influence of a soldier's Pinchbeck hie laterest In ihe Mock of Ibe . houk* will oblifo ms°much by seUltng"by"Nole, N. B. Call aad gel an Almanac for 1 S31, ena. it."XiC other alld "varmints." It happened, on, II Uiey cannot by csah. talnbi a daaciiption ef the Isdbn YsntaMe 1 ion, straightening up, and looking towards his life. What Is that for 1" asked she, aa the ry Ruble of Albright and finch back, the Fee see I 'J lirsrx *!*. Aeolbresile' ss.l lbs completion of tha railroad to B'a. depot deralgnod beg lean to Inform their frbada and K. J. WEST. Hlkt, free *f charge. atenbeensrse-asral.y, at lbs lev ta i.s bf flu» ssal sirs. or a cannon saluted her ear, '• I hope they '• public generally. Ihst tk*y sn now sssi Jaa » l t| Sept, 39 39 if fee but lis, er sU l»i|(.. for U that a and brandance was given, E. II. S1AI1LF.M k Cti., "Oh, mine Gott!" agala cries the old alnt firing on my account." There wai d fa partnership, and wiN aoaUau* th* I and at Tim bad nover seen th* " Bteam Wi,„l,Mlel»a|Bthls. lieiladelii her tone aa ah* apok*, anj aha m at lb* old sand, uadn the firm of OHARLISTQN STANDARD. Jutporicrt of K,jlU\, frurk as / O-ra.a Aref wagon," a.1er consulting Betsey, be conclu- IIOHT dC LlLLSV. TvllE undersigned begs to Inform the cltl- PRICES OF SL'BSCRIPTON: * Donder I'' echoes young PeUr, hurrying waa informed that it waa only Ihe goveinor The nry liberal pat'roaage hereto fon givea X ssas of Chester sad lis Vicinity that ha ded to lake a rid* on It to tb* place of ope- Dally, per annsta, la advance !« 00 up to the old man. " Fader, what's de mat- who had juat arrived upon the field. "Pear bas Just opened a And sell by KEIvUr k W VI. rations. Aa ha waa going abroad, h* waa thai tbey mav eanlinae te neeive th* lav Tri-weekly, - 3 00 torf me!" aald she, "how cruel it la t* Bake lb* Weekly, » « 2 00 accosted by tha conductor and informed that h* public in thslr lin*. Thsir stoca of hoses New Blacksmith Shop "Mite Gotl! Peter, de abnake bite mine old gentlemen come away down here, *vheB a unsnrpasssdby any to be fooed out ofCharbs- oa the street loading to the Railroad Tbb Journal presents s daily report of ihe " Seise" oo ild no*" travel on that arrange- leg!" he is so feeble he h*e to take kla etaff wi h wa, and they vrill be found al all tlmn aexl door to the residence of Mr. Letcoe, when cotton market ef ibis city, a daily report of the witoat a ticket for half price. Tim being a and willing lo afibrd every aecommodalbi he intend, lo carry oa the Blacksmith busiaen markets of other cities a daily report of the If any thing In particular waa capabb of him wherever be go**." Sba waa so sffeeted little abort of funds, told blm to th* back part r lo their boaineea. b all its branches, aad will be found arrivala and depart are ot veesels. aud a dailv frightening young Peter, ll waa snakes; for al 'he idea, that she had to take a few persons la waal of Hones, Vehicles, or timee ready and pnpkrod to execute m ... summary of news aud telegraphic information. of the wagon, aad h* could lead, which waa Linr Oil, s Urge crippled himself for fife by tramp of white whte to restore her equilibrium and -md of aceosamodation ia their 4h» a all ord*n intrusted to him. His pricts for It also preaenta a weekly report upon tbe ply just received.' accordingly done. On arriving on tb* pleaae cell on J. L. Albright, wbo ie alwaye horse-shoeing has been redoccd from'31 to entire market, including cotton, grains, bay. CHESTER DRl'C STORE. ling upon a crooked ilbk, by wbichhe br>ke lo counteract the duet of the "tabled field." groaad where the oebbrat oo waa to coma hand, reedy and prepared to serve hb fries 90 cents for Lisa, aad hb nasi terms for ell groceries, stack, sxehange, freight, Ac.. &r. hie ankle, and ao horrified the yoengater that A brave entertainment was hers, and as £b >>be have aleo been diminished in the accompanied by cam para lire tables of the re- 9QQLK SAUTl'ETKK (Hrlaed) off, Thn walked leisurely to the back pert of Tbey keep Dnye eoostanlly running, as propertion, though the credit price will coi he liked io have fallen throagh himself. At reviewed ibe troops may a sword gleamed Ita iWear to unit* "Seize," when loand behind! ( win be glad lo teceire orders t* the oonve; the same. He softens a conlineann of the * word snake, young Peefr fell back f ibeta, many a banner bowed in cable, many nothinging remained of Ihe poor dog but bis "J anc* of goods to aad from the Depot. maay favorwhentofon bestowed on bias, snd y as a win-dancer, and bawled in I white plume nodded tMhe relict of tbe greal J. L ALBRIGHT. hopee by a strict attention to boaineea and the A brief but eenfal consideration ia givea I* RAIN OIL, LAMP OII- bead and one fore leg dragging along by the May ll-rf WM. B. LILLEY. laahful eikeatlon of hia work to merit U aB tb* Itadiag questions that arise, sparing CHESTER l)RUO STORE. Where b de ehnak* I" corporsl. The governor thought it was all for T rope, wheo, barslingg into tears at th* mel- kladness^of bb friends. neither labor, paina, nor expeuee to keep up March S3 ll If •l)p mine trowels, Paler—Ob, . Ptrhmpa it was.—Bot'.on Pot!. with tbe llama. wilb as little circumlocalioo as ancMy spectacle, he exclaimed in the agony AprUST-tf D. B. ROTHROCK. Goitll" * ' poaable. we will tell ear reeden alt wc know of wbe—"Poor Seigel I've know'd him " Oh, mioe Oott !* echoed Peler, JaBior; Cava mis TUB Mrmx." Ah 'no* POULTRY BOOK.—The moat oomplele theea fifteen years, and he never refused to A book of the kind erer poblisbed—By T. All Postmestere in Ihe StaU may receire " Kill him, fader I" on die* 1* said Mondtter Melomota. sabaeriptions for aa, and persona paying money R. Miner. II conUiee 133 engnvings of all CHESTER DRl'C STORE. lead before'" Prom that day to Oik, Tun into their hand*, .41 have ibe psper seat to "So e. no.a,he kill me : Peter come— friend SnifBns, " my sweet-heart gar breeds dt fowls. death on railroads^ their addreas. me quick I" OAIU)Klf 8KXD3~and Irish anal of their diseane. For sab st the be Aag 3 L. W. 8PRATT it CD. oca. received aad fer Sele by But ihe younger Peter'e cowardice over- price of SO ets. at the BRAWLGY* ALEXANDER. SUA urn pi Jvanos^-A lady ones con- me bb filial love, whil* hi* fears gave - " Veil, I thought I must go to make Aag. 14-If CHESTER DRl'G STORE. DERBY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER, aulted Dr. Job neon on the degree of tanpj. C Mexican Mustang Liniment, one viscet before I leave Iowa; ao I ate| Berchants k Others. strength to hb legs, snd he etarted like a Radway's Re.dy Relief. ('ARB. MAGNESIA. eall old, b*riy de sid* ofde room, and den I behold BUke'e Pateot Finproof Paiat. CHESTE DRUG STORE. " • I Oil, far using with the abort Ibe. Beet lap. Cerb. Soda, by tha w«a io a distant part of beautiful >air*oo stretch out on vaa bay " Madame," aaid Johnsen, "ft ill de- >er gallon. Cl*l« I'.s -Ml. the field, to give bb rather a IMl with Ihe * A lounge you mean." CHESTER DRUG STORE. pends on the weight of the boy. I remem- O Oiag». Nutongslobgs,, Msc*, Mustard, Cinna- Old Jake, the farmer'e assistant, * Ab, yea—von lounge. Aad dea I make Chees. ber my schoolfellow, David flarrick-wbo 17FPEBVEMCINO SOLUTION OF J yoa ear polite branch, and— * CHESTER DRl'G STORE. BgUag along aa soon aa be '— XL. Citrate of Magoesia — This delightful the as we, and pasalnwk. the fence wl "You mean a polite bow." Saline Aperient wiU he foaad aa axasUwi bbL Labnc.tiag Oil. of orchards wjlh impunity;.bat lh* v«y first sabstitoto for moot salin* nurxativea, H U aa THE CANTOR TEA CCS. TEAS. Flari Mercury (76J Ibe ) Peter awl hb boy bed'iung up their - I " Ak,yea,vooboagb. Aod den I aay I i Tbe oolv a etherised Ageacy lor tb. sal* agissable le Ihe tssis as Sada Water or law- All toe abov*just received H'bol*i vaa ver ann >Le would be rotlea If I did not ofthe above T*ea ia al tb* CHESTER DRDO STORE. I CHESTER l>R«W STORt

IO keep on hb piae, although he " That's enough. Yoe'n put yoar foot that b why Julie. Mfcpeaeaiad with a pair waa sbaUag nd fiau«i».|i . upen leaf Hi it, lo be san." 50,000 ofseaiee." k u "Mr boarding, seaallma of in a Jane gal. ofwind?f: " No sare. I pat my fort oat it, for It*-, dee., stacked ap in I A M MEL'S ESSENCE OK COP- aha aaya she woalMall bar atCM'big broth- " Oh. mhw Gou I Com*—coo,, qaiek< Ya- H Hair aad (er th* >.mL oob r er aad keek me oat. be gar. I blooded to tepreeentad to haae takes place W- "Vat yoa got, eh lehaake f< say mortified, bet 1 eoaM not think of de tier! Leather!! Leather!!! , WS HAIR RESTORATIVE, sa lrbh I DiDDClX'S HAIR REPIIUDt'CTOR, -Yaw,C—.eo—.T^obl He vord; aad mortify aad rot b all da same aa TW Sakaevib* has j neei.ed a Boe jvaui M ! BAKRVS TRICOPHEROI'S. kstee tne all Io pisses h.ic—ep mine Ugf. voa is ay dbUoaaira." 1 1st ef Sale Laathsr. which be will eell SETTLE. I-IIAI/IN'.S HAIR INVIGORATOt, • Old Jake waa not partieubrly a^v.^ JA8. ROBINSON. 31-1/ • A Poo a Paoarnrr.—An itiaeraat peraah- QPN. TURPENTINE Iwe) by lb* er reeaoily traveled.among the northw*etera ihycaahcri coeaties w this State. He was mounted aa A. P. WYUE. OAAflLBll. SHOVEL MOI LDS - • b»y. Gathering op the etift dry Malk of s. II " UVW Juat aod far £•!« bT Well yoa lake isef F#hM BBAWLEY k ALEXANDER. » '"l"" eld J^ SoM the bo. to Ud'li^^'^f^wwk'rf.'S OIKSTEB NOT.CB^Tbe suWrih*, requests . h Uo dld oncW+«*..'kom, tale of Saanal CaeUes'iee 4 . are reuuosted to ; persaaa indebted lo him to came aad eel o-^tTp I l* " -" * u 10 dooe of a eoaalry i QOPUOR I ^hX*- "°* lord Ibe distaaee O mmd batf-f havs Us bf bra^ i)M.b^*te t* Mthj bart. caaria« pal, waasofcraihly st^rtA,"T y ,r 0 iil n«i A, MARION, Adm'r. i jlL* ».tf^ WM. M. IfsOONALD.

mmm m