Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The heC ster Standard 1854 The heC ster Standard 9-14-1854 The hesC ter Standard - September 14, 1854 C. Davis Melton Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/chesterstandard1854 Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the Social History Commons Recommended Citation Melton, C. Davis, "The heC ster Standard - September 14, 1854" (1854). The Chester Standard 1854. 36. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/chesterstandard1854/36 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The heC ster Standard at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The heC ster Standard 1854 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0. BATH BBLTON, TWO DOLLARS HI AHKVB. ?ropruton. Droatrb to Grnrrnl null total SnMigrarr, an& to tjjr ^oUtiral, Hgrtrnltnral nth fittrttaJ Mrrito of tjjr ^tutr. PayabU i» Adraaca. BAB'L. W. HBLTOI*. VOLUME V. CHESTER, a C., THURSDAY, SEFIEMBER 14, 1864, •anamrma u» H*arr. bul In a gnat nalarlly of eaaaa tha Inlutnta tf ihla Hoad upon lha datllny ! Hat. ind UseeaaMy aa maeh kid will wa toy—at aet Tba prlaelple of bablt boldi a aunt Impor- baa hit dividend In tilt own Newberry, fof autillarr Itlaateaa U . than aan ba no doubt of U the ramotly for all thlt wroag doing t taut place la the moral toadlltoa of ovary Cjwice f ling In Iht turttllmttil of bit voar of iba Town of Ntwbtrry will ttrkalaly Is seaaeae vksa aar bind, an lew For yean ll baa been rang lata ihtlr tan i man | and ll appllaa equally to aay ipaolee n,il«.rllms are |irevokl<-g ilnw. of Intel and tnnnwrtatlon, and IM c raa ltd by Iht Kinmreelton of ihU Road bul a> for it baa patatd by at Iht Idle wind, of ooadutl. or aay train of mealal oparatfoaa, U«M> lha aolual aavlng or lima and labour and lha (If done InoMdltlaly) wbltb la a fcw yaara Road, iad tvtry latonM la Iba towa of New. anbeeded aad dlanflaided. It la to »yfurl • TV LovUnlt Jmirisl stys i "Wt d«fy «»y anbantamanl nf iba value of hla ealalt. will rtaull la taablng ll aaeef lha gnat com- berry la lo U metariaUy proaiotod, at a toal lArir awn o., ,W«a./i, Colli thty do Ihla, •Mtiifl \ ) tsswful low ef neslry to reed lbs following HUM, And the* bollevt U may bt amrttd wllb menial polnla la Ua Malt, tnd awtll lb* of about balfaT Iba •#»! anbaaoemaal of than it aa hope. Tho lltonry appetite uuat tognliiui. of tbt prinelpltt In which lhay vl'li'iut irtlelalsg i 'Hew •ttatlfnl."' aafely, lhal If lha rtauuroat of Ihla vaal tuun- Tows, Into a tlly of commanding tat their real ealale alona, Who aaa daubl Iba be appeased i aad If wboleoomt food ba aot onglaalod. Iu Ibla manner good babita an try of oura an tvar fully davtloptd, ll will tlal Importance, la tpaaklag of tbt allllly aad valaa af Iba road to Nawbany, provided, Harptr wllb Ita » CaU-Navlag" continued without aay iiantodlalesense of lha lit dona bjrlbt aganty of nail Honda. If Iht llonal lalutneaa growing oul of tbt tilauntt or who aaa believe tba* lb* Intereetod pah liar beada tad daa bilte an amy id— Ftr isliirs HH In sllttti siseps, and I'uiaam wllb lu«0ar I'irtlasind Hull- right principles by which lhay wen formed Anil 4I«»M breads «"<r land lid m i mineral rapaelllaa of sir mounUla rvglon. of Ihla ltoad. of touna wt Ilea will btailala to amalrutt ll Moatt 1 It fcthwjnjatn dagr* bt adailaleter- bat Ibey arose from a; fret me nt aad uotforu Tka holders tow they mail is paid avtr undcratiKid aid rtndertd .ubttrvl- ^iruotloa of o0ar roada, which will taltr may ba said, and will M doubt; by aomo, edandtakaa. acting upon thoae prldtiplta, aad oa Ihla la ont lo our ptnplo | ir iba Intabauallblt Into Iba gtntrai oonibloallon of olnumalaa- IhU ll will product ttuberrsaamenl lo build To HiiJ iksi but • hnsy l.wir, Tha blitory of Boulhoru periodical Ultra- founded iba BMMul approbation which wa at. be.la of ihtat Kialaa an arar optntd aad bo- aaa to Uoraaaa iba baalnaaa and ImporMaaa Ihla Road aow. Hal yaar tommlUaa would Toon sksrlahsd Idol tlmy Hurt. lure affords melancholy ttddenaaauf tht truth laob to bablu or ihla daaoriptioa. la the Tbare'a |.ravi,iua Utile an fa lltla* Tliwi hail riili -kouehl s«J dream of mlos— eomt out of Iht eleintntt of oomiutrooi If of Iba lown. Pur la marring to iba hlato- reapeclfully euggaat lb* If Rail lloads wen oTwbat wt aay. One iflor another bava aame wanner, habile uf viae, and habila Of Hot I In torn oas ihougbl of I kin* I onr worn oul landl ara avtr reclaimed by ry of Rail Roada In oar oounuy, waan Ml* never made lIBlt tultod iht paoualary coo. rtidWv,^ Ihty sprung up, willed and perished Do any elate of dulltt for srsr tblss, HIT dreirsi will ba, iho uat uf Hint aud other fbrtUlMra I and tha perauadad lhal oao tnUrprlat tf Iblt kind, vcnlenaaa of iboee Intarottod, woabould nev- say lhay wen uadottrtlng of sappuri ; it a tenet of tba prlnulplea Whlls'sr "oj U« IBy.fW laaM hsn, mllllona of llmt alont wbltb an BOW lying In baa gtntrally boon produellvt of another, tr bava another Ball Road or aay other lb. Whan iatereu's sddsd on below, I II- Ml luve—1 elalM from I has »r tlila no one eon Judge aalll a fclr trial ahich they vlolato j but tbia waataful profualon In aoma aatllona of our 'and will oonllnue to do ao, until our whole oillly for tbt nay and txpedlllaat iranapor- la^b alng aar ebin a hat tr so. a^gsalk tad, and a fair trial oaa Barer ba bad trott from a frettucnl violation of these prin- While gaalag al Ikeia hopoleaaly. oountry uuappnelalod by their owaert, ara eounlry will bo aoooanodatod, at Ibr aa tai la Una oT pereona aod pndyo* fttaaona point liv'uuZ'a < without a (rat generous effort. Vitality, tu- ciples, and a frequent rapalaion of than if- IM.v brljhlly . mi thy happy kauri, over gathered up anaaidl threwtnnwnn Intintoo Ibtaat lidnuat ootf ; U, wllb Ibttt great obasnela of oommorat to another | tba nsounfia or tba oountry JU ao, teat aaareo kava ve begea trn and ability oaa only ba lotaed low footloai, until they gradually luet tboir pow. Ami may lh» Kouno of poooo ssd lots mual aomt day ewoep every I Thtn waa a lima ia lha hfatory of ovtry would remain undeveloped, tha pride and To plead tor lima apea a don, .War from tbr gtewlag soul depart. I ihuolnae of pabllotlioat by money, and thia or over lha aoaduei, and In thia eonaiata the llebra Ikere somas aoma other eat Fsrsvall I ray dreams oro >1111 wllb <».•«, thing In lb oourta, and davolopo tbo raeour-, ImporUot ooramoreUI town, whan b«l aooin. irgy of our people would be paralyied, ever been withold from the literary en- guilt o r habila. Hast ikoa mo taadar thought of no I oea of every fait of thia oontlneat; if aver: lag little eliaaga waa effected iu tholr proa- I tie improvement ilr agriculture, com- Thua, oaa peraoa aoquirea babiu of benev- Tba^proefvyl darkeaa. On ya brav a,- tht vaal wntcr power of tbo Southern and pooU by tbt surrounding cireumaunott, but mtroa and all othar i ndaaUtal purauiu, which terpriaea or the South. To make thoaa wor- Myleye Ilka sammer blrda may l»r. thy of support, masf jirt U npporuJ. olcuoe, veracity, and kludnoae—of minute Wtatora Hla lee ia oallod Into roqulailion for i which 1a reality converted then, aa If by Iba public mind baa otaoelved of, and tbt Walva, Patrom I all yewr preuxle waive Money gitea ooufidegee, procum talonl, aad alteatioa to bit rarioua duties—uf correct manulkctttring purpoaoa i and in abort If tho ! magit, into tbt groat roaarvoira of a magni. publle energy has detanaloed I And pay lha printer cheerfully. fcrcir supplies all dcfecta. mental diaclpliat—aud telivt direction of Thy boly B1H1I1H la mjr bom i productive aapaoiUet of thia gnat oountry i flcont trade ; not only enhancing the proper- would prove abortive, U< the i Ah I 11 would yield ua pleasure aweet. No dewi that oao Hewsr's cup may III, We will cite only oao instance out ot bia I hough It to all thoat objecu of attention ever ondentood and appreciated, it mual are | ty owned by their eitiaoaa ia a manifold da- peels of our country wtnjM bo blighted, | toy. Wo allude to the Mcra Quarter- which ooght to engage a well regulated bo dona by Ibe appliaaeea of Rail Roada. j Bias, but in a groalor proportion inoroaaiag of which la reepootfliMpbmi ly ifaricw—a publication containing aa iblt mind. Another sinki into ha^laVlistlee. Having directed aoma thougbta to the tub-: t' o maana for acquiring vaat cautaa out of K .MOCflMA Chm'i •rticlcs as soy of iu clsss published io the vacuity or frivolity ,af miad—^^icious in- l oaa gsutle Ihougbl I ject of Railroads, in ilaelf. And who country. But it hat languiahcd and lan- dulgence and contracted miUoo Wtll now conaidcr Iho utility and value lake to aay, that Newberry ia oot now exact- Ilia • Fata vail I fara vail I nv far off friend! ' guiihcd, ind would probably have auccumb- led of important dul of a Rail Road from Newberry to Cbetler.
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