John Donaldson Wins Coveted Bob Quin Medal
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Student Weekly Publication The Kice Institute Volant* XXXIII 2738 HOUSTON. TEX A8, THURSDAY. MAY 83. 1*46 Number 10 John Donaldson Trainees May Try New Members Greed Must Go Says Wins Coveted Air Training After Named To DanceProfessor Svedberg Bob Quin Medal Four Semesters Committee In Lecture Here NROTC trainees who will have successfully completed four or more The Student Council voted by 6 to John Donaldson was awarded the semesters of college training by 1 5 to retain the ban on corsages. coveted Bob Quin medalion at the July 1946 may transfer to Class V-5 Place of Atomic Bomb, Other The discussion was touched off when annual spring banquet of the "R" for assignment to flight training in Mr. Lewis moved that the "ban that Scientific Developments Discussed Association last Thursday night. the Naval Reserve according to the now exists on corsages be dropped." John, who is the present National latest V-12 Bulletin from the Navy Mr. Lewis said that the majority of By Nobel Prize Winner Tuesday Night A.A.U. discus champion, is now a Department. Men Selected for such civilians with whom he had talked graduate in physics. transfer will be ordered either direct- were against the ban. Mr. Weeke, Professor The' Svedberg. Nobel Laureate and visiting lec- This award is given each year in ly, or after a period of leave, to however, said that he had asked the the memory of Bob Quin, son of flight training at a Naval Air Sta- turer from the University of Upsala, Sweden, told an inerested opinions of many of the civilians in Bishop C. S. Quin who died on his tion. audience of scientists and friends Tuesday evening, May 21, that West Hall, and that the majority return from a European vacation in Men selected for flight training to achieve a peaceful world we must curb the "urge to demand." favored the ban. Mr. Morledge the summer of 1930 after complet- become Aviation Cadets with an in- pointed out that the Rally Club Only a real penetration of Na- ing his freshman year at Rice. A come of $75 per month plus complete had voted overwhelmingly against ture's laws can bring this group of his friends have honored maintenance. They spend approxi- corsages. him each year by presenting to the mately four weeks at a Naval Air about. senior male student adjudged most Station which includes 10 hours of The question arose us to whether Look Ed. Says The governments of the world outstanding in athletic ability, schol- dual instruction in the air and the or not flowers out of the yard were are rapidly realizing this need for arship, leadership, and sportsman- opportunity to solo if qualified, six- to be banned also. Colleges Remain scientific research and are'establish- ship, a silver medalion in his name. teen weeks at one of the Navy's Pre- Mr. Lewis named Bill Cummins, ing national research organizations, This award is thfe highest honor flight schools in which they receive Sara Nabors and Marilyn Miller as endowing special research institu- which can come to a Rice athlete. academic, athletic, and Indoctrination the new members of his dance com- In Darl< Ages tions, and training many young John first began throwing the dis- infPruction. Later they go to basic mffSbe. scientists. The trend toward con- cus in his last year at San Jacinto flight training where they spend 39 Mr. Weeke reported to the Coun- American education today lags far sciousness of the machine is seen High School. He didn't get quite weeks at a Naval Air Station at cil the business in the last meeting behind the pace being set by modern in the diminishing time interval be- enough distance to place in high basic flying instruction and carrier of the Student Activities Commit- science, according to Harlan Logan, tween scientific discovery and prac- school track meets that year, but qualification work. At the compet- tee. It seems that the OWL is in Editor of Look Magazine. In his ar- tical application. In particular the during the summer before entering tion of this training the Cadet re- financial trouble, and has requested ticle, "The Failure of American Ed- atomic bomb was mentioned here. Rice he worked hard trying to get ceives his "Wings of Gold" and his for an increase in the yearly budget. ucation," appearing: in the current However, scientific advance alone This would require the raising of can not insure world civilization; the proper co-ordination, and when commission as Ensign in the U.S. issue, he launches a campaign for track season rolled around again, he Naval Reserve. the blanket tax, and it was felt by the complete reform of educational' advances in the humanities and the both the Student Activities Com- was ready. Acting track coach Bill After being commissioned for ap- administration and revision of pres- social sciences must keep pace. mittee and the Student Council that Wallace was surprised to find a dis- proximately 12 weeks each individual ent curricula. He asserts that our ' This lecture entitled "Man And the OWL lacked sufficient quality cus tosser of Krst place caliber on receives 12 Weeks of advanced flight schools and colleges, with a few not- Machine" was the second in a series to warrant such a raise. No action his squad. training in handling the heavier, able exceptions, are habit-ridden and of two delivered by the Nobel Prize was taken on this matter and the That year Donaldson set the pace more powerful planes and in in- tradition-bound, and that they fail winner in the Physics Amphithea- meeting was adjourned. for Southwest conference discus tos- tricate maneuvers. to prepare their students to meet ter. The first, entitled "Forty Years sers, adding five points to Rice's the widening complications of mod- of Colloid Chemistry," given May team score in nearly every meet. We Wish ern civilization. 20, was a more technical discussion John seemed sure to win a S.W.C. In his charges, Mr. Logan brings of the problems before the colloid championship in his first year, but not only educators, but parents and chemists forty years ago and today, two weeks before the big contest he citizens, within the range of his and of the tools and methods used came down with the measles. John Students Study Pressing fire. Teachers, for the most part, are to solve these problems. Among got out of bed the day before ^he exonerated as being helpless in a other methods, Dr. Svedberg men- track meet and took his turn at system not of their own making; but tioned the ultra centrifuge which heaving the platter, but that two he blasts the administrators—sup- he developed for studying the par- week's seige had taken too much Problem — Activities erintendents, principals, presidents, ticle size and molecular weights of strength. deans and department heads — who large molecules. Big John spent a good share of the Wishful thinking and a Student quate space for a formal dance or could bring about many necessary Doctor Svedberg is Professor of following summer and winter work- Activities Building have been close- to house the class officers; the Ad- improvements, but who fail to act, (Continued on page 4) ministration Building b a s ement ing on his form and coordination. ly related subjects for a long while. he claims, through fear of upsetting 0 With no coach to help him he Interest in this subject on the part does not have enough room for all the status quo and thereby endang- criticized and developed his method of the Thresher, as a representative of the student publications; and the ering their own positions and sal- of throwing by looking at pictures of the student body, has recently Field House is some distance from aries. Opportunity Exists of past discus champions. This next been introduced to the faculty and classrooms and does not afford the In outlining the present weakness- track season, 1'944, John won first those in charge of designing the convenience that it should. Obvious- of American education, LOOK'S Ed- For Rice Students place in every single meet he enter- any new buildings by several rather ly, it would be desirable to have a itor attacks old-fashioned and inef- ed, including the Texas Relays, un- bold interviews. Student Activities Building, and at ficient teaching techniques; outdat- To Begin Fly Club this point we should try to ana- til he came to the Conference meet. We wish to venture to say that ed methods of grading; and class- lyze the problem by outlining the In this meet Smith of Texas came cur interest in the building program rooms slow-paced within an arbitra- A Rice Flying Club for pilots and needs, functions, and purposes of through with one good throw which is not in. the foim of heresy or in ry framework of terms and semes- students interested in learning to such a building. beat John's best effort by a scant any way an attempt to criticize the (Continued on page 3) fly has been proposed by Bill Nierth inch, so John placed second for the progress made so far. We wish, First, it is necessary to define 0 of the Bill Nierth Aero Service only time that year, and that in the merely, to place existing progress what we mean by "student activi- Main Street Airport. The club will one meet he wanted to win. before the public eye and aid this ties." We do not mean by this term be limited to 25 men and women During the next summer Donald- progress with any suggestions that that type of campus building which Phyllophoga Name students with no discrimination son worked hard nearly every day, are within our power and jurisdic- is generally called a "student being made.