Annals ofthe Rheumatic 1991; 50: 839-845 839 Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.50.Suppl_4.839 on 1 November 1991. Downloaded from

Raynaud's phenomenon: its relevance to

Jill J F Belch

It is now over 125 years since Maurice Raynaud Raynaud's phenomenon as a precursor of first described his clinical syndrome.' By systemic sclerosis definition, it is episodic digital ischaemia Based on various studies,7 the prevalence of provoked by cold and emotion. It is classically systemic sclerosis ranges from 0-1 to 13-8 per manifest by of the affected part followed 100 000 population. This is far lower than the by and rubor. The pallor reflects prevalence of Raynaud's phenomenon, and thus , the cyanosis results from removal of only a proportion of patients presenting with oxygen from the static venous blood, and rubor Raynaud's phenomenonwill progress to systemic is caused by reactive following sclerosis. One of the earliest studies of return of flow. Raynaud's phenomenon has an progression was carried out by Gifford and overall prevalence of about 10%,2 though it may Hines,8 In a study of629 female patients over 28 affect as many as 20-30% of younger women.3 years of age they found progression to a Although it can be a benign condition (primary connective tissue disease in 24%. Another early Raynaud's disease), it may be associated with an study suggested a figure of 50%.6 Both these underlying disorder (Raynaud's syndrome). It studies, however, were published before 1970 is particularly associated with the connective and since then there has been an increasing tissue diseases (table 1). Raynaud's syndrome awareness that Raynaud's syndrome may be occurs in between 90 and 98% of patients with much more common than previously thought. systemic sclerosis,4 and more importantly At the present time the frequency with which proves to be the first symptom in 700/o of secondary conditions are recognised varies patients with this disease4 5 and may precede its widely in reported studies and may depend in development by up to 20 years.6 part on doctors' referral patterns, duration of In this review it is proposed to evaluate the Raynaud's phenomenon at the time seen, and relevance ofRaynaud's phenomenon to systemic the thoroughness with which a search for an sclerosis in two ways. Firstly, by reporting the associated disorder is undertaken.9 '0Moreover, Department ofMedicine, evidence supporting Raynaud's phenomenon as the development of more sophisticated labora- Nineweils Hospital, a precursor of systemic sclerosis and, secondly, tory tests has produced a shrinkage in the group indee DD1 9SY by discussing its importance as a complicating with Raynaud's disease and an expansion in the J J F Belch symptom in fully established systemic sclerosis. numbers of patients with Raynaud's phenom- enon and one or more features of systemic sclerosis. These patients are sometimes referred to as suspected secondary Raynaud's syndrome. It should be noted, however, that the above Table I Conditions associated with Raynaud's phenomenon applies to patients referred to hospital because Immunological disorders Obstructive vasular disease of their Raynaud's phenomenon and should not on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Systemic sclerosis (eg cervical rib) be applied to patients with Raynaud's phenom- Systemic erythematosus (especially Beurger's disease) Mixed connective tissue disease enon in the general population. This is clearly Drugs shown by the low incidence or absence of Rheumatoid Cryoglobulinaemia i Blockers connective tissue disease in a group of patients Sj6gren's syndrome Cytotoxic drugs with Raynaud's phenomenon in the general Occupational population followed up by questionnaire."1 Vinyl chloride disease Others Both from a clinical and prognostic point of Vibration induced white Malignancy Nitrate workers (outside work) Endocrine disorders (eg ) view, however, it is important to be able to Frozen food packers Uraemia detect, ifpossible, those patients with Raynaud's phenomenon who will develop a connective tissue disease. Furthermore, the study of the pathophysiology of systemic sclerosis might be enhanced by identifying patients at risk or those Table 2 Features associated with progression ofRaynaud's disease to Raynaud's syndrome presenting early in the disease. This early detection of a connective tissue disease in a Clinical symptoms and signs c Detection of antibodies Any features of connective tissue disease Antinuclear patients with Raynaud's phenomenon can be Asymmetry of vasospastic attacks Anticentromere difficult, but, recently, more clearly defined Digital ulceration Scleroderma 70 Return of in older age group Type IV collagen abnormalities have been detected which have a Older age at onset of Raynaud's phenomenon Laminin strong link with disease progression (table 2). Very young children d Blood coagulation These are: (a) certain clinical features; (b) b Abnormal nailfold vessels Raised factor VIII von Willebrand abnormal nailfold vessels; (c) some immuno- factor antigen Raised ,3 thromboglobulin logical tests; and (d) test of blood coagulation and rheology. Each will be dealt with in turn. 840 Belch Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.50.Suppl_4.839 on 1 November 1991. Downloaded from Clinical features associated with connective blains in an adult may also raise suspicions, as tissue disease development should the occurrence of severe attacks persist- The American Rheumatism Association (ARA) ing throughout the summer.'8 Furthermore, criteria for systemic sclerosis'2 have a high asymmetrical colour change with few digits specificity but low sensitivity for the disease. affected suggests Raynaud's syndrome rather Thus patients who quite clearly have a sclero- than Raynaud's disease.'9 It is also of interest derma spectrum disorder presenting with iso- that those patients who do develop systemic lated features such as , or pitting sclerosis are much more likely to develop scars and digital ulceration do not fulfil the limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis (CREST ARA criteria. It is reasonable to suspect on (calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, oeso- clinical grounds that the disease in such patients phageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiec- will evolve with time into fully established tasia)) if the history of the preceding Raynaud's systemic sclerosis, and indeed this impression is phenomenon is over many years or decades. supported by prospective clinical studies.'3" Those presenting with systemic sclerosis within Thus isolated features of connective tissue one year of onset of Raynaud's phenomenon disease occurring in association with Raynaud's tend to have diffuse systemic sclerosis (progres- phenomenon should alert clinical suspicion. sive systemic sclerosis). 20 The age of onset of Raynaud's phenomenon The above clinical symptoms, however, can may also be important. As stated, Raynaud's only act as a guide to the clinician as age and phenomenon is common in young women and symptomatology vary widely at presentation. A most of these patients probably have primary more reliable guide is the finding of abnormal Raynaud's disease. When Raynaud's phenom- nailfold vessels on microscopy. enon develops in older subjects the likelihood of an underlying connective tissue disease is increased. Kallenberg reports a study of 90 Nailfold capillary microscopy patients, in whom the median age of onset of A more reliable indication of systemic sclerosis vasospastic symptoms in Raynaud's disease was is the microvascular involvement by the disease, 14 years, and 36 years in patients with a definite which results in characteristic patterns of capil- connective tissue disease.'" Eighty per cent of lary abnormalities in the skin of the , patients presenting with onset of Raynaud's especially at the nail fold, that can be seen by in phenomenon at the age of 60 years or above will vivo microscopy." Direct observations of capil- have an associated condition,'6 but the incidence laries in human skin date back to 1912, but the of connective tissue disease remains the same as best known early description ofnailfold capillary in the general population. The higher number abnormalities in systemic sclerosis was published of secondary cases reflects a larger proportion of by Brown and O'Leary in 1926.22 Recent patients with atherosclerosis (29% v 5% in the refinements have permitted photographic total Raynaud's population) and to a lesser recordings of the row of horizontal capillary extent, hyperviscosity syndromes secondary to a loops at the nail fold just proximal to the cuticle, malignancy. Conversely, Raynaud's phenom- but less sophisticated apparatus allows a clinician enon occurring in very young children, though to examine the nailfold vessels as part of his or rare, is usually due to an underlying connective her routine clinical procedure. tissue disease.'7 Nailfold capillary abnormalities have been Other suspicious but, as yet, unvalidated seen in many diseases, but their most character- symptoms which perhaps should alert the istic pattern is found in the scleroderma clinician are those such as the presence ofdigital spectrum disorders; systemic sclerosis, mixed ulceration. Digital ulceration does not occur in connective tissue disease, overlap syndromes, Raynaud's disease. The reoccurrence of chil- and dermatomyositis.2' They are also seen in on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. patients with Raynaud's phenomenon at risk of developing systemic sclerosis.23 24 Fitzgerald et al in a prospective study showed that an abnormal nailfold capillary pattern was strongly associated with the subsequent development of systemic sclerosis both limited and diffuse.'0 This is true both for children presenting with Raynaud's phenomenon'7 and for adults. The main characteristics of vessel abnormalities are: (a) enlargement of all three parts of the capillary loop: arterial, apical, and venular and (b) the loss of either diffusely or in localised areas (figure). Those with limited systemic sclerosis (CREST) tend to develop only enlarge- ment of vessels, whereas in those patients with diffuse systemic sclerosis (progressive systemic sclerosis) both patterns are seen.

Immunological factors Nailfold capillaroscopy showing enlargement ofall three parts ofthe capillary loop and loss Improvements in the techniques of antinuclear ofcapillaries. (This picture is courtesy ofDr Francis Lefford, department ofanatomy and antibody determination have substantially developmental biology, University College, University ofLondon.) increased the usefulness of this approach in Raynaud's phenomenon: its relevance to scleroderma 841 Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.50.Suppl_4.839 on 1 November 1991. Downloaded from systemic sclerosis. In particular, the change m result of endothelial damage may contribute to nuclear substrate to that of rapidly dividing structural changes in the blood vessel by the human cells has produced an increase in the release of factors such as serotonin and platelet proportion of patients with systemic sclerosis derived growth factor.3' ( Thromboglobulin is with detectable serum antinuclear antibodies a further protein released by activated platelets from 33% to better than 95%.20 Recent attention and this can be measured in plasma by a has focused particularly on the anticentromere sensitive radioimmunoassay. Raised concentra- antibody and the scleroderma 70 antibody (Scl tions of (3 thromboglobulin have been detected 70). Anticentromere antibody is found in in systemic sclerosis and also in some studies of patients with limited systemic sclerosis Raynaud's disease, though not in others.32 33 In (CREST). 13 In contrast, Scl 70 is found in the later study33 concentrations of (3 thrombo- patients with diffuse systemic sclerosis. Work globulin were raised in patients with Raynaud's by Cruz et al25 and by Goldman26 has shown phenomenon with minor symptoms of systemic anticentromere antibody and Scl 70 in the blood sclerosis, suggesting that raised concentrations of some patients with Raynaud's disease alone. might help predict those who will develop fully Both groups suggested that such patients may established systemic sclerosis. be the ones who progress to systemic sclerosis. Factor VIII vWFAg is made and released by Kallenberg et al investigated this possibility vascular endothelium, and various noxious further by following up 85 patients with physical and chemical stimuli will increase its Raynaud's phenomenon for six years. 3 In those production. It seems to be a marker for vascular presenting with Raynaud's disease alone anti- damage and through its action on platelets and centromere antibody had a predictive value for in the coagulation cascade has a prothrombotic the development of limited systemic sclerosis effect. Kahaleh et al reported raised concen- (sensitivity 60%, specificity 98%) and Scl 70 for trations of factor VIII vWFAg in systemic diffuse systemic sclerosis (sensitivity 38%, sclerosis,34 and later work showed raised specificity 100%). Interestingly, Steen et al concentrations in both Raynaud's disease and looked at antinuclear antibodies as a predictor Raynaud's syndrome which seemed to predict of severity within the group with systemic transformation from Raynaud's disease to sclerosis and found that antinuclear antibody Raynaud's syndrome.35 These data on both (3 positivity did not relate to survival or to the thromboglobulin and factor VIII vWFAg development ofpulmonary .27 Thus need to be confirmed in large prospective it seems that the presence of antinuclear anti- studies. bodies, particularly anticentromere antibody and Scl 70, in patients with apparent Raynaud's disease may indicate later progression to systemic Extent of vasospasm sclerosis. Once the clinical syndrome is estab- It has been suggested that the severity of the lished, however, the antinuclear antibodies lose vasospasm may be useful as a guide to those their prognostic value. who later develop systemic sclerosis. It would Of interest, is recent work by Gabrielli et al,28 seem possible, therefore, that the extent of who investigated antibodies against type IV vasospasm might also be a useful marker. collagen and laminin. Most patients with Raynaud's phenomenon is recognised clinically systemic sclerosis were found to have one or by the characteristic vasospasm induced colour other of the antibodies in their blood. Addition- changes in the fingers and toes. Similar findings ally, about 25% of serum samples from patients are also observed in the ear lobes, tip of the with clinical Raynaud's disease were also posi- nose, and other extremities. Cold induced tive. Of these, 800/o later developed additional vasospasm has also been detected in the brain

serological or clinical manifestations of systemic (migraine headaches),36 heart,37 lung,38 and on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. sclerosis. As the incidence of antinuclear anti- oesophagus39 of patients with Raynaud's bodies and abnormal nailfold vessels is not phenomenon. What is of interest, however, is stated in the group who progressed, however, it that this vasospasm is not limited to those is not possible to assess the importance of the patients with systemic sclerosis, and patients above findings. with Raynaud's disease can also have migraine, lung and oesophageal vasospasm. At the present time, therefore, it seems unlikely that the Blood coagulation and rheology presence of systemic vasospasm will be helpful Blood flow in the microcirculation depends in separating Raynaud's disease from early direcdy on the properties of the cellular ele- Raynaud's syndrome. ments of both blood and plasma. Hard erythro- Connective tissue diseases such as systemic cytes, activated platelets, and leucocytes have sclerosis often have an insidious onset with all been reported in Raynaud's phenomenon,29 Raynaud's phenomenon being the first symptom as have increased plasma viscosity and decreased in most cases, preceding the disease by many fibrinolysis.30 Most of these abnormalities are years. Raynaud's phenomenon is common, best seen in patients with established systemic however, particularly in young women, but will sclerosis. This is also true of the endothelial cell progress to systemic sclerosis in only a minority. injury that may contribute to the Raynaud's For prognostic and possibly therapeutic reasons syndrome in systemic sclerosis. The exceptions it is important to know which patients have to this are plasma thromboglobulin concentra- Raynaud's disease which will develop, or is tions and factor VIII von Willebrand factor already evolving, into systemic sclerosis. The antigen (vWFAg). above clinical and laboratory factors may be Platelet activation either primary or as a useful in determining which patients with 842 Belch

Raynaud's disease will progress to Raynaud's the longer term. If prevention of disease pro- Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.50.Suppl_4.839 on 1 November 1991. Downloaded from syndrome. Indeed, it has been suggested that gression occurs with such treatments it would nailfold capillary microscopy and serum anti- be a useful pointer to the pathogenesis of nuclear antibody determinations can detect systemic sclerosis. more than 90% of patients destined to have systemic sclerosis.20 Abnormal nailfold vessels and the presence of antinuclear antibodies in the Treatment of Raynaud's syndrome blood, combined with other clinical guides, In Raynaud's syndrome associated with systemic such as age of onset and vasospasm severity, sclerosis the symptomatology can be severe, should provide helpful guidelines for the diag- with skin nutritional changes, digital ulcers, nosis of Raynaud's syndrome associated with and even . Although the vasospasm systemic sclerosis. contributes to these symptoms, other factors combine to produce what is for many patients the worst feature of their disease-continual Raynaud's syndrome in systemic sclerosis digital ischaemia. It has long been recognised There are two important aspects in the study of that structural changes can be seen in the small Raynaud's syndrome as part of the manifesta- vessels throughout the body in systemic tions of systemic sclerosis: (a) the possible role sclerosis.' Eighty per cent of digital of the vasospasm/abnormal vasculature in the studied showed luminal narrowing of 75% or actual pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis and (b) more.45 Furthermore, whether the hard red the management of the troublesome symptoms cells, activated platelets, and abnormalities of produced by a combination of the Raynaud's fibrinolysis30 are a cause or consequence of the syndrome, blood abnormalities, and skin damaged endothelium, they contribute further thickening. to decreased blood flow in the microcirculation (table 3). The combination of vasospasm, narrowed vessels, and blood abnormalities Vascular factors and the pathogenesis of produces a significant clinical problem, which systemic sclerosis requires urgent management. Although the pathophysiology of systemic sclerosis is not fully clarified, microvascular changes and the process of fibrosis are both MILD DISEASE thought to be involved. As Raynaud's phenom- Although most patients with systemic sclerosis enon can result from simple injury to the have severe disease, some patients with mild vasculature, as is seen in cold, vibration, and Raynaud's disease can benefit from simple traumatic injury, it is possible that the measures. Many patients are apprehensive Raynaud's phenomenon seen early in systemic about their disease, reassurance is often re- sclerosis is a manifestation of early vascular quired, and information about the self help damage. A serum factor cytotoxic for endothelial group, the Raynaud's Association, is often cells has been described in systemic sclerosis40 gratefully received.* If the use of tobacco is

and is dealt with later in this issue. As this stopped, this can produce immediate benefit, as cytotoxic factor has also been detected in the can a change in occupation. Withdrawal of serum of patients with Raynaud's disease there drugs known to be associated with Raynaud's is a possibility that vasospasm itself combined phenomenon can also be useful. Although the with vascular damage and viscous blood may contraceptive pill has been linked anecdotally allow progression of the disease. The diffuse with the development of Raynaud's disease, this nature of the vasospasm and microvascular has never been clearly proved in epidemiological

destruction in systemic sclerosis leads to a state studies. It is current practice to stop the on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. of underperfusion and chronic ischaemia of contraceptive pill only if there is a clear link various organs. Data show that human fibro- with the time of onset of the disease. blasts exhibit prolonged growth and extended Protection from cold is very important. To life span at decreased oxygen concentra- achieve this without subscribing to a hermit like tions.4 An increase in skin thickness second- existence is difficult, but there are practical ary to may underlie the scleroderma solutions to the problem. Electrically heated process in systemic sclerosis.43 Such a hypothesis socks and gloves are, for some, the ideal can, however, only be examined when effective solution-a rechargeable battery worn round enough treatments for vasospasm are used over the waist provides up to three hours of warmth. The wires are concealed beneath the clothing providing a normal appearance. Budget re- Table 3 Blood and vessel wallfactors which contribute to poorflow in the microcirculation straints in some health board areas mean that of patients zwuth systemic sclerosis these batteries can be difficult to obtain, but Platelet Plasma they are very popular with patients, though Increased aggregation Increased fibrinogen occasionally irritation of ulcers by the added Increased K thromboglobulin Increased viscosity Increased serotonin Increased lipid peroxides heat has been noted. Chemical hand warmers Circulating aggegates obtainable from local sports shops provide a Increased thromboxane A2 satisfactory alternative source of heat. 'Comfort Red blood cell Vessel wall shoes' obtainable from surgical appliance Decreased red cell deformability Increased factor VIII von Willebrand Increased superoxide dismutase factor antigen departments can help the feet of patients with Decreased fibrinolysis Decreased production (later stages) Endothelial cytotoxic factor *Raynaud's and Scieroderma Association Trust, 112 Crewe Road, Alsager, Cheshire ST7 2JA. Raynaud's phenomenon: its relevance to scleroderma 843

Raynaud's disease-the padded soles relieve the patients with intractable digital ulceration. Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.50.Suppl_4.839 on 1 November 1991. Downloaded from pressure on the toes, which can result in More recently, stable prostacyclin analogues vasospasm, and also keep the feet warm. have become available and a recent study confirmed the benefit of (Schering chemicals) as a treatment for Raynaud's syn- SEVERE DISEASE drome complicated by systemic sclerosis.53 The Drug treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon side effects seen were vasodilatory but occurred remains symptomatic, directed towards the only during the three day infusion. The good spasm itself or to blood constituents which tolerance of this drug prompted Rademaker et contribute to decreased blood flow. al to compare intravenous iloprost with oral Vasodilators The use of vasodilators in in Raynaud's syndrome secondary to Raynaud's syndrome remains controversial as systemic sclerosis.54 Both drugs were found to most studies have been uncontrolled. Some be effective, but the side effects seen with encouraging results have been obtained with nifedipine were considered to be more trouble- these compounds in patients with mild disease.' some. Alternative approaches continue to be Patients with systemic sclerosis tend to have investigated, such as orally and transdermally more severe symptoms, and work with vaso- absorbed stable analogues,55 and dilators in these patients has been disappointing, this may allow more prolonged treatment. The however, with side effects being the limiting long term effects of on bone factor. and tumour growth must, however, first be Nifedipine This is established. currently the recommended treatment for As prostaglandins are endogenous local hor- Raynaud's phenomenon,47 at a starting dose mones, an attractive concept is to stimulate of 10 mg three times a day, which should be production of the body's own vasodilator increased gradually to 20 mg three times a day. prostaglandins by giving the appropriate pre- Its mechanism of action in Raynaud's phenom- cursor essential fatty acid. Evening primrose oil enon is predominantly vasodilatory, but it is contains the precursor of prostaglandin E1. also an antiplatelet agent and may have other Study results of evening primrose oil have been potential antithrombotic effects. The major somewhat disappointing, however, and although problem with nifedipine is that to obtain a some subjective improvement has been reported, significant therapeutic effect, intolerable vaso- no objective improvement of blood flow has dilatory side effects may be induced. In addition, been shown.56 Further controlled work is it has been suggested that in systemic sclerosis required. Fish oil contains eicosapentaenoic such profound vasodilatation can have a steal acid, the precursor of the three series prosta- effect, producing decreased digital blood flow.48 glandins. Fish oil has been shown to have Much of the recent research, therefore, has antiplatelet and viscosity lowering effects. The concentrated on attenuation of the side effects. study of fish oil by DiGiacomo et al, however, Friedman et al recommended a maximum dose showed that although patients with Raynaud's of 10 mg three times a day in elderly patients disease apparently benefited from such treat-

with concomitant administration of aspirin for ment, patients with Raynaud's syndrome failed headache relief. 6 As most side effects are to improve.57 related to the degree of acute vasodilatation, Ketanserin (Janssen Pharma- however, an approach designed to minimise ceuticals), a serotonin antagonist with slight a, such effects should be investigated. A slow adrenergic antagonist effects, has been shown release preparation is already used by most possibly to be useful in the treatment of clinicians, and Challenor et al demonstrated Raynaud's phenomenon in a recent large multi-

significant benefit in patients given both 10 and centre study.58 Jay et al showed that ketanserin on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 20 mg slow release nifedipine preparations significantly improved the subjective symptoms (nifedipine retard) twice a day.49 The dose can of patients with both primary and secondary be increased to 20 mg of the retard preparation Raynaud's phenomenon.59 Unfortunately, three times a day. owing to the multicentre nature of the study, Prostaglandin infusion The vasodilator anti- objective tests of blood flow could not be platelet prostaglandins, prostaglandin El50 and measured. prostacyclin,5' may also be useful in the Viscosity fibrinolysis and red cell deformabiliy management of Raynaud's phenomenon. These At the present time drugs such as low molecular drugs have to be given by intravenous infusion weight dextran or , a defibrinating agent, (prostaglandin El by central line) and therefore have not been conclusively proved to be of use require at least hospital attendance if not in Raynaud's syndrome. Moreover, they both admission. Side effects of both prostaglandin El require parenteral admission and careful patient and prostacyclin are related to vasodilatation, monitoring. , an anabolic steroid but these disappear at the end of the infusion. It which increases fibrinolysis, has been used in is interesting that the vasodilator antiplatelet patients with Raynaud's phenomenon, and effects are short lived, but the duration of early work suggests some benefit when given in response can be up to six weeks. This may be a dose of 5 mg twice a day.59 Side effects are explained by the beneficial effects of the prosta- those usually associated with anabolic steroids, glandins on fibrinolysis and white and red blood including virilisation of women and increased cells.52 Unfortunately, these treatments do not activity of liver enzymes. This treatment is cure the patient and repetition of the regimen therefore reserved for severely affected men and is required. This means that in practice prosta- postmenopausal women who have normal liver glandin treatment is usually reserved for function. Results of a large study carried out in 844 Bekh Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.50.Suppl_4.839 on 1 November 1991. Downloaded from the United Kingdom are currently systemic sclerosis (scleroderma). Arthritis Rheum 1980; 23: awaiting 581-90. publication. 13 Kallenberg C G M, Wouda A A, Hoet M A, Van Venrooij W J. Development of connective tissue disease in patients Others Transdermal application of drugs for presenting with Raynaud's phenomenon: a six year follow Raynaud's phenomenon has proved popular up with emphasis on the predictive value of antinuclear with patients. Local application of antibodies as detected by immunoblotting. Ann Rheum Dis glyceryl 1988; 47: 634-41. trinitrate cream seemed useful, but side effects 14 Gerbracht D D, Steen V D, Ziegler G L, Medsger Th A, were recent Rodnan G P. Evolution of primary Raynaud's phenomenon common.' A study showed that (Raynaud's disease) to connective tissue disease. Arthrtis hexyl nicotinate lotion induced an increase in Rheum 1985; 28: 87-92. cutaneous flow in patients with Raynaud's 15 Kallenberg C G M. Early detection of connective tissue disease in patients with Raynaud's phenomenon. 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J Rhewmatol 1982- 9: 289-91. physiology of systemic sclerosis it is important 24 Maricq H R, Harper F E, Khan M M, Tan E M, LeRoy EC. to Microvascularabnormalities as possible predictors ofdisease identify those patients with Raynaud's subsets in Raynaud's phenomenon and early connective phenomenon who will develop a connective tissue disease. Clin Exp Rheumatol 1983; 1: 195-205. tissue disease. Some clinical information, such 25 Cruz M, Meiia G, Lavalle C, Cortes J J, Reyes P A. Antinuclear antibodies in scleroderma, mixed connective as age of onset of Raynaud's phenomenon, can tissue disease and primary Raynaud's phenomenon. Clin be a useful guide as can some abnormalities of Rheumatol 1988; 7: 80-6. 26 Goldman J A. Anticentromere antibody in patients without platelet and endothelial factors. Of most rele- CREST and scleroderma: association with active digital vance, however, is the finding of abnormal , rheumatic and connective tissue disease. 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