For the first me since 2003, the annual OPBA conference will be hosted in the Niagara Region, in the City of Niagara Falls; located on the Niagara River and on the border to the United States; the longest internaonal border in the world between two countries. Your 2017 Host Commiee has made a commitment to creang a memorable learning and sharing experience to provide you with a conference full of educaonal, networking, and team building opportunies. We hope you will join us for three full days of business workshops, connued tradions, and adventure including a BBQ at the base of the Niagara Gorge followed by a night me cruise on the Niagara River to witness the amazing wonder that is Niagara Falls!

The “Falls”, collecvely, known as the Horseshoe Falls (Canada/US), the American Falls (US) and the Bridal Veil Falls (US). are about 12,000 years old and were created when melng glaciers formed massive fresh‐ water lakes (the Great Lakes) one of which (Lake Erie) ran downhill toward another (Lake Ontario). Currently, Niagara Falls wears its way back approximately 1 foot/ year and the Niagara River flows at approximately 35 miles/hour (56.3 kilometers/hour).

 It is the combinaon of height and water flow that makes Niagara Falls so beauful.

 The Horseshoe Falls are 180 feet (55 metres) high and allow 6 million cubic feet (169,901 cubic metres) of water over the crestline every minute during peak dayme tourist hours (that is about a million bathtubs full of water every minute!)

 Niagara Falls' night me illuminaon makes a visit to Niagara a spectacular event at all mes of the year.

 Ice bridges form below the Falls when ice floes travel over the edge and collect at the base of the Falls.

 The word Niagara comes from the word "onguiaahra" which means "a thundering noise".

 Unl 1886, when the Statue of Liberty was erected, the Falls at Niagara were the symbol of America and the New World. Visitors from all over the world targeted Niagara as a must‐see during a visit to North America.

 Water is redirected from travelling over the Falls in order to drive large hydro‐electric turbines that produce electricity for Southern Ontario and Western New York State.

 An "Old Scow" (a steel barge) remains stranded a few hundred meters above the Falls and has been marooned there since August 6, 1918 when a near tragedy was averted by three men who opened the dumping hatches of the barge to let water in and ground the out‐of control boat.

 Water that flows over the Falls at Niagara ulmately ends up in Lake Ontario ‐ from there, water drains by way of the St. Lawrence River into the Atlanc Ocean.

 In March of 1848, the waters stopped flowing over Niagara's famous cliff when the Niagara River was plugged temporarily at the mouth of the river in Fort Erie, Ontario.

• Niagara Falls is steeped in history and remains one of the most popular North American tourist desnaons.

Y N . W !!!!


As public agencies, our membership understands the need to do more with less. With that in mind, your host commiee and OPBA Board of Directors have a community giveback iniave that provides an opportunity for our membership to say thanks to our Host Communies.

In considering the many deserving charies in the Niagara Region, your Host Commiee chose:

Our Vision

Every Child in Canada Who Needs a Mentor, Has a Mentor

Our Mission

"We commit to Canada's young people that we will be leaders in providing them with the highest quality, volunteer based mentoring programs"

We’re Big Brothers Big Sisters We believe every child should have the opportunity to reach his or her full potenal, both as individuals and cizens – that by doing so, they will not only do well, they will also do good.

We believe that by changing the course of young lives we can in turn be changing the course of a community’s future. That it could lead to a reducon in poverty and unemployment. Or to safer schools and neighbourhoods. Or to a renewed opmism for growth. That it could even lead to change on a broader, more far‐reaching scale.

We believe that opening a child’s eyes to what is – opens their mind to what could be.

Serving as role models, our mentors teach by example the importance of giving and giving back, of staying in school, and of having respect for family, peers and community. Each me we pair a child with a mentor or introduce a group of students to an in‐school program, we start something incredible – a life‐changing relaonship built on friendship, trust and empowerment.

Whether it’s in the form of me or money there is no more important investment we as individuals can make than in helping our naon’s children realize – and share – their full potenal.

We’re Big Brothers Big Sisters, and we believe in the value and values of mentoring.


Aending a professional development conference for the first me can be very inmidang, parcularly if you are not aending with friends. At some point in me we’ve all been there!

Your 2017 conference commiee knows how difficult it can be when you’re not familiar with the program or acvies and we truly want you to enjoy this conference. In the months of planning for this event we’ve connuously referred to the growing list of members new to our organizaon.

Our “Procurement ‐ One Wonder aer Another” theme reflects our intent to provide a program that provides value to those who’ve been in public procurement for many years and also for those who are in the early stages of their career.

This is your opportunity to explore new ideas, reaffirm what you already know, network, and discover the wealth of knowledge available to you as a member of the OPBA.

So come out and join us, you’re about to meet and make some really great friends!!

Tips for first me aendees:

 Arrive at the conference early and get comfortable with the facility before your days become too hecc.

 Locate the Registraon/Informaon Desk, these volunteers are invaluable and know everything about the conference.

 Always keep your map and program on hand so you know where things are happening.

 Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask quesons.

 Dress Code is Business Dress Casual.

 Watch for the locaon of the First mer’s meet and greet on your Check‐In registraon.

 Parcipate in everything!


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

12:00 pm ‐ 6:00 pm 9th Annual Caveat Emptor Cup Challenge ‐ Thundering Waters Golf Course 6:00 pm ‐ 11:00 pm 9th Annual Caveat Emptor Cup 19th Hole ‐ Hospitality Suite

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

8:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm Informaon/Registraon Desk

7:00 am ‐ 8:30 am Breakfast ‐ NIGP & OPBA Courses Only NIGP Course ‐TOTAL COST ANALYSIS FOR BEST VALUE DECISIONS 8:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm ‐ Omid Ghamami 8:30 am ‐ 3:30 pm OPBA Principles Course ‐ INTRODUCTION TO CONSTRUCTION ‐ Tina Iacoe

11:45 am ‐ 12:30 pm Lunch

12:30 pm ‐ 1:00 pm Opening Ceremonies

1:00 pm ‐ 2:00 pm KEYNOTE: ALL HEART ‐ Michael “Pinball” Clemons 2:00 pm ‐ 2:15 pm Break


3:15 pm ‐ 4:00 pm Break ‐ Hotel Check‐in

PLANNING AND CONDUCTING COLLABORATIVE PROCUREMENT‐ Steve Johnston 4:00 pm ‐ 5:00 pm and Cathryn Kallwitz 5:45 pm ‐ 6:30 pm FIRST TIME ATTENDEES MEET/GREET

6:30 pm sharp Bus to Depart for Evening Illuminaon Tour DINNER AND EVENING ILLUMINATION BOAT TOUR 7:00 pm ‐ 10:30 pm In combinaon with a dinner / recepon on the Hornblower Lower Landing. 10:30 pm sharp Bus to Depart for Hotel

11:00 pm ‐ 1:00 am Hospitality Suite


Thursday, September 28, 2017

8:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm Informaon/Registraon Desk

7:00 am ‐ 8:30 am Breakfast

8:30 am ‐ 3:30 pm OPBA Principles Course ‐ RISK MANAGEMENT ‐ Sco Agnello


9:45 am ‐ 10:45 am MANAGING FAIRNESS ‐ Judy Wilson

10:45 am ‐ 11:00 am Break

11:00 am ‐ 12:00 pm MAKING MEETINGS WORK ‐ Jared Goldman

12:00 pm ‐ 12:45 pm Lunch

12:45 pm ‐ 1:30 pm OPBA Annual General Meeng

ONTARIO’S VENDOR OF RECORD PROGRAM ‐ DRIVING VALUE FOR MONEY 1:30 pm ‐ 2:30 pm ‐ Wes Lapish 2:30 pm ‐ 2:45 pm Break

2:45 pm ‐ 3:45 pm TOP 10 PROCUREMENT PROCESS RISKS FOR 2017‐2018 ‐ Maureen Sullivan

5:30 pm ‐ 10:30 pm PRESIDENT’S GALA

5:30 pm ‐ 6:15 pm Cash Bar

6:15 pm ‐ 10:30 pm President’s Gala Dinner, Awards and Entertainment ‐ Business Dress Casual

11:00 pm ‐1:00 am Hospitality Suite


Friday, September 29, 2017

8:30 am ‐ 12:30 pm Informaon/Registraon Desk

7:00 am ‐ 8:30 am Breakfast


9:30 am ‐ 10:00 am Break ‐ Hotel Check out

10:00 am ‐ 11:00 am CONTRACT LAW OVERVIEW ‐ Theresa Hartley

11:00 am‐11:15 am Break KEYNOTE: LEADING CHANGE, NEGOTIATIONS AND STANDING OUT IN YOUR 11:15 am ‐ 12:15 pm CULTURE ‐ Neil Thornton

12:15 pm ‐ 12:30 pm Closing Address ‐ OPBA President ‐ Michelle Palmer

12:30 pm LUNCH TO GO

Denotes Connuing Educaon (Non‐Accredited) acvies towards inial or recerficaon UPPCC Credenals


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS OPBA Principles Course: Introducon to Construcon Tina Iacoe, City of Hamilton

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 8:30 am ‐ 3:30 pm Niagara Room

This introductory course gives an overview of standardized contracts to engage both a prime consultant and a contractor for construcon projects. Candidates will discuss the prime consultant’s responsibilies in a construcon project, during both the construcon phase of a project and the actual construcon phase. Candidates will also discuss the various secons within a Request for Tenders/Proposals that deal specifically with construcon and the administraon of the construcon contract.

TINA IACOE is the Manager of Procurement for the City of Hamilton, a one‐er municipality that is Ontario’s fih largest city and Canada’s tenth most populated city. Tina has been working in procurement for over 27 years, with over 18 years working within municipalies and 9 years in the private sector food industry.

Tina obtained her CPPB accreditaon in 2006 and her CPPO accreditaon in 2010. She has served on the governing board of the Ontario Public Buyer’s Associaon for many years as Director of the Principles Program, as Treasurer and currently as Vice President. Tina teaches various Principles of Effecve Public Purchasing Cerficate courses on behalf of the OPBA and in 2012, authored the new Principles chapter “Introducon to Construcon”.

In her public procurement experience, Tina has worked on many large and complex projects, many of which are consultant and construcon related. Through these projects, she brings with her a number of real life experiences to share and learn from.


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS OPBA Principles Course: Risk Management Sco Agnello, Regional Municipality of Waterloo

Thursday, September 28, 2017 8:30 am ‐ 3:30 pm Niagara Room

This course examines the various issues associated with managing risk when purchasing goods and services in the public sector. Candidates are given an overview of common risk issues, including those of ownership and copyright, the right to privacy, compeve bidding irregularies, occupaonal health and safety,

environmental responsibilies and accountability in terms of personal and corporate liability.

Sco Agnello is currently the Supervisor of Procurement for the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, located in the heart of Southwestern Ontario. He has over 16 years of supply chain experience aained through his experience with both private (automove and high technology) and public sector organizaons.

Sco is a graduate of the Business Administraon ‐ Materials Management program at Conestoga College, where he graduated in 2001. Sco received his Cerfied Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) designaon from the Universal Public Procurement Cerficaon Council (UPPCC) in 2012 and went on to receive the Cerfied Public Procurement Officer (CPPO) designaon though UPPCC in 2013.

He has been an Ontario Public Buyers Associaon (OPBA) governing board member since 2013, and Sco is currently serving the first of a two year term as the OPBA’s newly created Director, Communicaons. He has served on the board as a mentee to the Director of Post Secondary/Student Relaons previously and is the Chair of the OPBA’s Editorial Board which is responsible for publishing the associaon’s quarterly magazine, the Caveat Emptor.


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS Total Cost Analysis for Best Value Decisions Omid Ghamami, CPSCM, MBA

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 8:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm Ontario Room

Knowing the difference between acquision cost and total cost can make a difference to the final analysis of any acquision. Cost modeling can drive opmizaon and help prevent post contract financial overruns. In this course, students will learn how to reduce purchasing costs without sacrificing quality or effecveness. Upon successful compleon of this course parcipants will be able to:  Analyze and idenfy cost components of various types of purchases.  Understand the different types of cost models and when to use them.  Employ tools and techniques for cost opmizaon.  Determine techniques that support best value decisions.

Omid Ghamami, MBA, CPSCM has 18 years’ experience with Intel Corp, holding responsibility for $1B + in annual expenditures as a procurement execuve, and also managing Intel's global procurement operaons. He was also responsible for the negoaon planning, execuon, & training processes for the enre $16B global procurement organizaon. Since 1995, Omid has performed consulng, training, and execuve coaching for thousands of procurement execuves and professionals from 19 different countries on topics related to the enre spectrum of procurement, supply chain management, purchasing contract law, negoaons, and supplier management. Omid has trained all 50 Chief Purchasing Officers of the United States as well as many public agencies, has been sought out and interviewed by Fortune Magazine regarding Fortune 500 strategies for success in the 21st century, and has also presented by request to Harvard University’s presgious Supply Chain Management program. Omid specializes in helping public procurement professionals generate beer performance results, beer influence results with end users and bid commiees, the ability to beer drive best value decision making within the constraints of the public procurement environment, and the skills needed to prevent supplier performance excursions instead of being able to respond to them. Omid has published a multude of arcles in presgious global procurement journals, is the author of two procurement books that are best‐sellers in our profession, and has 50+ hours of TV appearances as a procurement industry expert. Omid is also the founder, chief architect, & exclusive Adjunct Professor of Procurement for the only procurement curriculum/cerficate program in the California State Community College System. Omid holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business from California State University Sacramento and a Master’s Degree in Business from the University of California, where he was Class President.


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS All Heart: Michael “Pinball” Clemons

Vice‐Chair— Argonauts Wednesday, September 27, 2017 1:00 pm ‐ 2:00 pm Oakes South Room

In the rich 134‐year history of the , there are many football heroes who have brought pride to the City of Toronto and the Double Blue but it is difficult to find a more popular name in team history than Michael Clemons. Born and raised in Florida, the William and Mary economics graduate began his career in the CFL in 1989 aer a brief snt in the Naonal Football League. As a player, Clemons compiled a brilliant CFL career with the Toronto Argonauts, including a pro‐football record for most career combined yards with 25,396. On September 15, 2000, Pinball hung up his Double Blue jersey aer 12 brilliant seasons to move directly into the posion of Head Coach. He rered with 12 all‐me team records to his credit, including career recepons (682).

The man they call "Pinball" officially took over the coaching reins of the Argonauts for the second me on December 17, 2002. Aer guiding the team to its first playoff appearance in 3 years, when he took over as head coach from Gary Etcheverry on an interim basis for the second half of the 2002 season, Clemons earned recognion as a finalist for CFL Coach of the Year honours, an honour he has repeated in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. In 2004, Clemons led the team to its first victory since 1997, his first as Head Coach.

In 2007, the Argos finished in first place for the second me under Coach Clemons’ guidance. He is the se‐ cond‐winningest coach in Argo history with 68 wins, second only to Bob O’Billovich, and is one of just three coaches, O’Billovich and , in team history to coach at least 100 games (124) in Double Blue. Toronto clinched its sixth consecuve playoff berth this season, which ed with Lew Hayman for the longest streak by a head coach in team history. Michael Clemons is also ed for third place, with Cahill, in Argo history for most playoff appearances by an Argonauts Head Coach with six. Clemons finishes his career with a lifeme regular season coaching record of 68‐55‐1 and a .552 winning percentage. Known for a personality that is as electric as his style of play on the field was, Clemons redefines the meaning of community involvement and has been recognized by many organizaons for his reless work with charies, schools and other community groups. In 2007, he fulfilled a longme ambion by launching the Michael ‘Pinball’ Clemons Foundaon to quicken academic excellence, infuse depth of character, promote health and vitality, and inspire generosity in our youth. In February 2006, Clemons was named Chair of the Youth Challenge Fund by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. In 2005, he was an integral part of launching The Argos Foundaon – Stop The Violence and was later named to its Board.

Whether in uniform, on the sidelines, or in the front office, Pinball has always been and connues to be one of Canada's favourite personalies. Clemons and his wife Diane, along with their treasured daughters, Rachel, Raven, and Rylie, are proud to call Oakville home.


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS Insurance and Risk Management in the Public Sector Robin McCleave, CRM, BFL Canada Risk and Insurance Services Inc.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:15 pm ‐ 3:15 pm Oakes South Room

This session will give Parcipants a beer understanding of:

 What each policy covers

 What insurance coverages to ask for based on the services the organizaon is tendering for

 Why it is important for a potenal bidder’s insurance broker to have a clear understanding of what your organizaon requires – the bidder could/would be disqualified if he/she did not meet the organizaon’s insurance specificaons

 Why it is best to be clear before the tender is released what insurance coverages and limits your organizaon requires – pricing is generally ght and any addional limits or coverages would increase the bidder’s costs

 What would be considered standard coverages and condions in the insurance marketplace

 What general condions would apply to all policies

Robin McCleave has extensive public sector experience from 1998 to the present. She joined BFL in 2011 where she is the V.P. of Insurance and Risk Management for their public sector department. Prior to joining BFL Robin was the Director of Risk for OMEX and held various risk management related posions with Mul‐Naonal Brokerage Firms and the Royal Bank of Canada. Along with managing the risk management needs of her municipal clients, she also works closely with various legal firms to keep abreast of current municipal case law. Robin has successfully achieved her Canadian Risk Management Designaon. She is a cerfied playground inspector and a Registered Insurance Broker in the Province of Ontario.


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS Planning and Conducng Collaborave Procurement

Steve Johnston, Managing Director, Team Lead / Lead Fairness Commissioner Cathryn Kallwitz, Director, Operaons, Senior Fairness Commissioner / Advisor RFP Soluons

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 4:00 pm ‐ 5:00 pm Oakes South Room

Increasingly, public sector organizaons are consulng with industry to beer inform the buying organiza on’s requirements, contract structure, or provide greater insight into the capacity within the marketplace. This session will look at a variety of industry engagement methodologies that praconers may employ as part of a procurement process.

Steve Johnston serves as RFP Soluons' Managing Director from its office in Oawa, Ontario. RFP Soluons specializes in providing procurement support to the public sector in Canada. With many years of experience, Steve Johnston is a recognized leader in the area of public procurement, including fairness advisory and review services. Steve was a very acve member of the federal procurement and real property communies, serving on various interdepart‐ mental fora. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Instute for Procurement and Materiel Management (CIPMM) for many years and served as President for three (3) terms (most recently from 2011‐2014) and is currently the past president. He was also a founding member of the Real Property Instute of Canada. In 2012, Steve received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognion of his contribuons to the Federal Public Service. Cathryn Kallwitz works exclusively in the area of public sector procurement and asset and materiel management alongside some of Canada’s leading experts in the field. As Director, Operaons for RFP Soluons Inc. and Setaside Soluons (RFP Soluons’ Aboriginal Joint Venture partner), she provides strategic and transaconal advice and assistance to public sector clients in the planning, development and execuon of complex strategies, risk assessments, RFx requirements, organizaonal asset management and procurement requirements and the design, development and implementaon of qualitave and quantave research strategies, informaon management and evaluaon methodologies and document standards. Cathryn is a leading expert in the applicaon of Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements in procurement and the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business. She possesses over thirteen (13) years of full‐ me praccal and relevant work experience in the field of procurement and asset/materiel management.


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS A Posive Influence: Gaining Commitment to the Procurement Process through Leadership Rashmi Biswas, MSc., Lake and Associates Canada Inc.

Thursday, September 28, 2017 8:30 am ‐ 9:30 am Oakes South Room

The session will review this topic from a procurement perspecve in support of the following objecves:

• Recognize influencing as a leadership imperave for Procurement professionals

• Idenfy the skills and behaviours associated with successful influencing within the public sector

• Explore praccal techniques for handling compeng interests

Rashmi Biswas has successfully led large teams, held profit and loss ac‐ countability, and gained extensive business experience within corporate and academic arenas in Canada, the USA and the UK. Working with clients in North America, South America, and Asia, in her role with Lake and Asso‐ ciates, Rashmi specializes in leadership development, team perfor‐ mance and process facilitaon. Rashmi holds a Masters degree in Human Resource Management, from Sheffield Hallam University; a BSc (HONS) in Hotel and Catering Management, from Manchester Metropolitan Univer‐ sity; and a Postgraduate Cerficate in Adult Educaon, Facilitaon and Training from the University of Teesside. Rashmi is a Step II Myers‐Briggs© Praconer and a cerfied facilitator in The Coaching Leader™ (Forrest & Company Ltd). Rashmi is an Instructor with the Centre for Innovaon, Management and Enterprise Educaon, The Goodman School of Business, Brock University, and a program Facilitator with the Ontario Instute for Studies in Educaon (OISE), University of Toronto. Rashmi is the author of the movaonal book “Rash Decisions: Accept Where You Are, And Then… Be Amazing” and she is a qualified yoga teacher.


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS Managing Fairness Judy Wilson, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Thursday, September 28, 2017 9:45 am ‐ 10:45 am Oakes South Room As the case law develops, we are geng insights into the specifics of what “fair” procurement looks like. The cases have now dealt with a number of unfair pracces including, failure to provide equal disclosure of infor‐ maon to all bidders, evaluaon based on reputaon, favourism or discriminaon against incumbents, un‐ reasonable melines for bidders to submit their proposals/tenders, applicaon of undisclosed or arbitrary evaluaon criteria, procuring authority bias or conflict of interest, applying scoring methodologies that are contrary to reasonable expectaons, creang scoring methodologies aer the bids have been opened, and using interviews to evaluate bidders when interviews were not contemplated by the procurement docu‐ ments (to name a few). However, since all of this is dependent on facts, and new ways to act unfairly keep cropping up, how does a procuring authority handle this? Are fairness monitors the answer? Is fairness a legal concept or an intuive concept? The session will deal with all of these quesons as well as present a number of fairness scenarios that parcipants will be asked to judge as to whether the procuring authority has acted in a fair or unfair fashion.

With over 30 years of experience dealing with commercial and procurement issues, Judy Wilson has advised clients across the globe on the full spectrum of infrastructure and public procurement issues. She has exten‐ sive experience in contracts to engage the private sector in the provision of tradional government services. She has also led a wide range of transacons to engage the private sector, including design‐build‐finance‐ maintain, operaons and maintenance, and facilies management of public‐sector facilies, as well as the provision of clinical services in the community‐care sector.

Judy is a leading praconer in the field of alternave finance and procurement projects and infrastructure development projects in industries such as health care, transit and transportaon, nuclear energy, and infor‐ maon technology systems. She has developed and implemented procurement and contract documentaon to support a wide range of public‐private partnerships (P3s), and has provided ad‐ vice and legal opinions relang to procurement processes and evaluaon, project risk management and migaon strategies, project structuring, and agreements. Judy is recognized as a leading lawyer in the following publicaons:

 Chambers Global: The World's Leading Lawyers for Business 2017 (Projects and Public Procurement)  Who's Who Legal: Canada 2016 (Government Contracts)  The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory 2016 (Infrastructure Law)  The Legal 500 Canada 2016 (Leading Lawyer ‐ Public Procurement; Recommended ‐ Infrastructure & Projects)  The Best Lawyers in Canada 2016 (Public Finance Law and Public Procurement Law)  Chambers Global: The World's Leading Lawyers for Business 2016 (Projects: PPP & Infrastructure, and Public Procurement)


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS Making Meengs Work Jared Goldman, Facilitaon First

Thursday, September 28, 2017 11:00 am ‐ 12:00 pm Oakes South Room

More and more people are aending meengs that are inefficient, a waste of me and add no value! At the same me, procurement professionals are being asked to collaborate more oen with internal departments and suppliers to maximize buying decisions resulng in the need to lead more group discussions. It is no surprise that meeng facilitaon is quickly becoming a core competency area for the profession. During this interacve one‐hour presentaon, we will highlight the major components for running an effecve meeng.

Parcipants will leave with new ideas for changing their meeng culture and some techniques for how to iniate this process. They will leave with a sense of:

 Why meengs don't work!  The 2 most important elements of all meengs  How to effecvely:  Start a meeng  Ensure parcipants are geng value  Maximize parcipaon  Close the meeng

Jared Goldman is a professional meeng facilitator and trainer. He excels at run‐ ning well‐structured, creave and engaging facilitaons that lead directly to the desired results of the client.

Jared has a knack for conceptual thinking. His background as a musician and music educator aids him in communicang complex ideas in relatable and creave ways. Because of this, Jared is able to foster collaboraon, build engagement and improve communicaon within organizaons.

Jared holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music Performance from Humber College and is also a long‐me member of the Canadian Naval Reserve. He combines his unique mixture of creave and organizaonal experience to deliver relevant material to any client regardless of their culture, background or demographic.

Jared recently joined Facilitaon First and has already demonstrated that he can immediately create a safe, comfortable atmosphere amongst a diverse audience. As a “millennial” himself, Jared is parcularly strong at drawing out and relang to this group.


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS Ontario’s Vendor of Record Program ‐ Driving Value for Money Wes Lapish, Supply Chain Ontario

Thursday, September 28, 2017 1:30 pm ‐ 2:30 pm Oakes South Room

Learn firsthand from the Government of Ontario’s Director of Enterprise Procurement about the province’s Vendor of Record Program.

In parcular, aendees will learn what this enterprise‐level program is, why it exists, how it provides benefit to the government and how Ontario’s broader public sector enes can leverage the program to drive significant cost reducons and create capacity for other value added acvies in their own organizaons.

Wes Lapish is the Director of the Enterprise Procurement Branch in Sup‐ ply Chain Ontario, part of Ontario Shared Services at the Ontario Minis‐ try of Government and Consumer Services.

Wes is responsible for leading the government’s vendor of record program which establishes and manages enterprise‐wide contracts for commonly used goods and services, including informaon technology.

Wes has more than 28 years of public sector experience, of which the last 17 have been devoted to leadership roles for procurement operaons, controllership, and policy in the Government of Ontario.


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS Top 10 Procurement Risks for 2017—2018 Maureen Sullivan, NECI Legal Edge

Thursday, September 28, 2017 2:45 pm ‐ 3:45 pm Oakes South Room

During this interacve session, parcipants will discuss and review the most ligious areas of procurement that are likely to take on a higher profile in 2017 to 2018. Among topics, we will discuss the crucial importance of not only ensuring the evaluaon process is conducted fairly, but to document the process well. As many ligants learned in 2016, the best intenons in the world won’t assist if the organizaon doesn’t have adequate documentaon to convince a Court or other bid challenge authority. We will explore various cases related to incorrect, misleading or ambiguous informaon given out to bidders, as well as emerging obligaons on bidders to seek clarificaon. Our discussions will also encompass the implicaons of using a Negoable RFP process that seeks to bypass tradional implied legal obligaons for compeon.

Maureen Sullivan has been an instructor and curriculum designer with NECI since 1995. In 2010, Maureen managed the curriculum development process for the Public Sector Procurement Program (PSPP), that has since been accredited by the Supply Chain Sector Council and won the Summit Award of Excellence for Leadership in Public Procurement.

In 2009, Maureen assumed ownership of NECI. Under her visionary leadership, she catapulted NECI to become Canada’s leader in developing an engaging, interacve, online learning plaorm for procurement professionals.

An experienced ligator, mediator and dispute resoluon praconer, Maureen has an in‐depth knowledge of both procurement law and contracng issues with parcular experse in negoaons. In her spare me, she volunteers in Restorave Jusce.

Renowned for her engaging teaching style, one of Maureen’s many strengths is her ability to integrate legal concepts with business pracces, making oen‐ difficult concepts accessible and understandable for learners at all levels.


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS Compeon Bureau’s Bid‐Rigging Detecon & Enforcement Efforts Mark Warner, MAAW Law

Friday, September 29, 2017 8:30 am ‐ 9:30 am Oakes South Room

The Government of Canada has emphasized infrastructure investments. This creates an opportunity for the Compeon Bureau to contribute its experse to safeguarding the government spending that will fuel municipal and provincial infrastructure projects across Canada. Likewise the Organizaon for Economic Cooperaon and Development (OECD) has noted that the disncve nature of public procurement and its context make it parcularly vulnerable to collusion and corrupon, parcularly in the construcon sector. Mark Warner will discuss the Bureau’s tools and recent enforcement efforts to prevent, detect, and deter this bid‐rigging in public procurement markets.

Mark Warner is an Ontario and New York aorney specializing in compeon, trade and investment law. He has pracced law in leading law firms in Toronto, Washington, New York and Brussels, has served as counsel to the Organisaon for Economic Co‐operaon and Development (OECD) in Paris, and is a former Director of Legal Services for Ontario Ministry of Economic Development & Trade, Ministry of Research & Innovaon and Ministry of Consumer Services.

As Legal Director, Mark advised Ontario in the Canada‐EU Trade Agreement (CETA) negoaons, on procurement issues in the Canada‐U.S. Agreement on Government Procurement and on several NAFTA Chapter 11 Investor‐State arbitraons. Mark’s compeon law experience includes advising firms and execuves on merger noficaon and review, cartel enforcement, distribuon and pricing, abuse of dominance and monopoli‐ zaon and compliance issues.

He earned a BA from McGill, an MA in Economics from the University of Toronto, a JD from Osgoode Hall Law School and an LLM from Georgetown University Law Centre. Mark is a past Chair of the Internaonal and Economics Commiees of the American Bar Associaon Secon of Antrust Law as well as a member of various Secon Task Forces. He has been listed in the Euromoney / Internaonal Financial Law Review Guide to the World’s Leading Compeon lawyers and in 2015 was elected a Fellow of the American Bar Foundaon.

Mark can be reached at: [email protected].


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS Contract Law Overview Theresa Hartley, Partner, McCague Borlack LLP

Friday, September 29, 2017 10:00 am ‐ 11:00 am Oakes South Room

This session will provide an overview of the basic principles of contract law beginning with an analysis of the Supreme Court of Canada case Sava Capital Corp. v. Creston Moly Corp., [2014] 2 SCR 633, which significantly changed this area of the law.

The session will then focus on specific issues arising in contract law, parcularly in relaon to:

Lease Agreements (property and equipment), Construcon Contracts, Maintenance Contracts, Vendor Agreements, Shared Agreements, Snow Removal and Landscaping Contracts.

This will include a discussion about:

1. Limitaon of Liability Clauses

2. Hold Harmless Clauses

3. Waivers from various perspecves including:

 Negoaon taccs  Proper wordings  Enforceability  Impact on subsequent ligaon

Theresa Hartley received her Bachelor of Arts (Hons.), graduang with high disncon, in 1999 from the University of Toronto. She obtained her Bachelor of Laws degree from Osgoode Hall Law School in 2002. Theresa was called to the Ontario Bar in Fall, 2003. Theresa has pracced commercial and insurance ligaon since her call to the bar, including bankruptcy and insolvency, contractual disputes, professional negligence and breach of fiduciary dues. Theresa has appeared before various administrave tribunals, the Ontario Superior Court of Jusce, including commercial court, and the Ontario Court of Appeal. Theresa also has experience in alternave dispute resoluon and has parcipated in both mediaons and arbitraons.


SPEAKERS & PRESENTERS Leading Change, Negoaons and Standing out in your Culture Neil Thornton, President, The Thornton Group of Companies

Friday, September 29, 2017 11:15 am ‐ 12:15 pm Oakes South Room

Procurement managers and professionals today are being asked to produce increased tangible results, lead and inspire teams and contribute to corporate culture and strategic direcon. Many are championed with this role; all the while workload, stress and me is under constant pressure. Through establishing clear boundaries and applying proven change principles, teams are impacted and breakthrough results can occur. One only need to recognize that new thinking, influence and strong requests will make the difference. This interacve presentaon will allow for open discussion and interacon with similar colleagues and peers. Parcipants will receive real‐world, proven resources, ideas and hands‐on tools to apply back in the work‐ place the following day.

Objecves:  Why procurement should be at the head of the table  The elements of leading change; if one is missing you're in trouble  Do people really resist change?  Stop trying to push a rope  The importance of explaining the 'why' before the 'how'  The new reality of 'me associaon'

Since starng The Thornton Group, Neil has made a commitment to share the ideas, insights and trends that he has learned in over two decades of consulng, business development, entrepreneurship and coaching business leaders.

In his work, Neil can be found in the field, on job sites, shop floors, meeng areas and board rooms . From boots to shoes and coveralls to suits, he communicates and connects from years of experience where it counts most…..in the trenches of the real world of business. He has a no‐holds barred style of integrity and directness. Neil helps his clients build culture and drive change by ensuring they have the right people in the right roles and communicang a clear and commied corporate vision and strategy.

Neil can be found by searching him on Google, connecng with him on LinkedIn, or by vising thorntongroup.ca.



3 Day Conference Package OPBA 3 Day Conference Package includes 2 breakfasts, 3

(Member or Non‐Member) lunches, coffee breaks, Wednesday evening acvity (including

(No NIGP Course) food), Thursday evening President’s Gala and all seminars.

1 Day Conference Package OPBA 1 Day Conference Package includes 1 breakfast (Member or Non‐Member) (Wednesday or Thursday), 1 lunch, coffee breaks and evening dinner and acvity (Wednesday or Thursday).

3 Day Conference Package with NIGP 1 Day Course Conference Package includes 3 breakfasts, 1 Day NIGP Course and Thursday 3 lunches, coffee breaks, Wednesday evening acvity Friday OPBA Conference (including dinner), Thursday conference sessions, evening President’s Gala and Friday conference sessions.

1 Day NIGP Course NIGP 1 Day Course includes breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks.

Register directly online at www.opba.ca

To register for an NIGP Course or NIGP Conference Package, aendees need to register through OPBA Central Office.

Further informaon regarding registering for NIGP courses can be obtained by contacng Andrea Minden‐ hall, 905‐825‐6000 ext. 7037 or [email protected]

Cancellaons must be made in wring and will only be honoured on or before August 21, 2017, aer which we cannot refund your money. Contact OPBA Central Office telephone: 905‐682‐2644 if you have any difficules or quesons.


Check here if you are a First Time Attendee

Name: ______Preferred Name for Badge: ______

Designaon: CPPO CPPB CSCMP (CPP) Other:______

Title: ______Agency: ______

Address: ______City: ______Postal Code: ______

Phone: ______e‐mail: ______

Guest of Registered Delegate:______Preferred Name for Badge: ______

PLEASE NOTE: If you require special assistance, including dietary restricons in order to parcipate fully in our Conference, please indicate the nature of assistance or dietary restricon here: ______

REGISTRATION PACKAGES, DATES AND DEADLINES Registraon aer August 21, 2017 is not guaranteed. Late Registraon Registraon to be received received between Transfer Amounts to by August 22 and Page Two August 21, 2017 September 12, 2017 3 Day Conference Package (OPBA, NIGP or SCMA $575.00 (taxes incl.) $775.00 (taxes incl.) $ Member) 3 Day Conference Package $675.00 (taxes incl.) $875.00 (taxes incl.) $ (Non‐Member)

1 Day Conference Package (Member or Non‐Member) $300.00 (taxes incl.) $400.00 (taxes incl.) $ Includes 1 Day Conference or 1 Day OPBA Course


** Maximum** 20 people per class (NIGP and OPBA sessions only). Register early to avoid disappointment.

24 GENERAL REGISTRATION The following meal prices shown are for those registered delegates who wish to aend an event or meal funcon not already included in their conference package or for guests accompanying a registered delegate who wish to aend any of the conference meal funcons. Cost per Funcon # of Aendees for Total Cost Funcon Wednesday Lunch $35.00 (taxes incl.) $ Wednesday Night Event $55.00 (taxes incl.) $ Thursday Morning Breakfast $25.00 (taxes incl.) $ Thursday OPBA AGM Lunch $35.00 (taxes incl.) $ Thursday Night Event ‐ $100.00 (taxes incl.) $ President’s Gala Friday Morning Breakfast $25.00 (taxes incl.) $ Friday Lunch $25.00 (taxes incl.) $

Total of this page $

Total from previous $ page

Grand Total (taxes $ incl.)

If you are registering by fax or by mail, please forward the 3 registraon pages and complete the following:


Method of Payment: CHEQUE ______VISA ______MASTERCARD ______

If you require a receipt or copy of your credit card voucher, please check here: ______


Name as it appears on the card: ______

Credit Card Number: ______Expiry Date: ______

Cheques must be payable to “Ontario Public Buyers Associaon” and mailed along with the registraon form to OPBA, 111 Fourth Avenue, Ridley Square, Suite 361, St. Catharines, ON L2S 3P5” and received by mail before August 21, 2017. No post dated cheques with dates aer September 12, 2017 will be accepted. If you are paying by credit card, you may forward the registraon form by fax to 888‐416‐7767 or by mail. Confirmaon and / or a receipt will be supplied upon request only. Cancellaons must be made in wring and will only be honoured on or before August 21, 2017 aer which we cannot re‐ fund your money. Contact OPBA Central Office telephone: 905‐682‐2644 if you have any difficules or quesons.

25 GENERAL REGISTRATION CONFERENCE SEMINAR AND EVENT SCHEDULE VERY IMPORTANT: Please indicate with a (x) all seminars and events that you will be attending during the conference. This information is required for attendance purposes.

NIGP Course - Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Total Cost Analysis for Best Value Decisions Wednesday 8:30 am - 3:30 pm OPBA Principles Course - Introduction to Construction

Thursday 8:30 am - 3:30 pm OPBA Principles Course - Risk Management

Wednesday 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Keynote - All Heart: Michael “Pinball” Clemons

2:15 pm - 3:15 pm Insurance and Risk Management in the Public Sector

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Planning and Conducting Collaborative Procurement

5:45 pm - 6:30 pm First Time Attendees Meet & Greet

Dinner and Evening Illumination Boat Tour in 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm combination with a dinner/reception on the Hornblower Lower Landing A Positive Influence: Gaining Commitment to the Thursday 8:30 am - 9:30 am Procurement Process through Leadership

9:45 am - 10:45 am Managing Fairness

11:00 am - 12:00 pm Making Meetings Work

12:45 pm - 1:30 pm OPBA Annual General Meeting

Ontario’s Vendor of Record Program - Driving Value 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm for Money

2:45 pm - 3:45 pm Top 10 Procurement Process Risks for 2017-2018

5:30 pm - 10:30 pm President’s Gala

Competition Bureau’s Bid-Rigging Detection and Friday 8:30 am - 9:30 am Enforcement Efforts

10:00 am - 11:00 am Contract Law Overview

Keynote - Leading Change, Negotiations and 11:15 am - 12:15 pm Standing Out in Your Culture

12:15 pm - 12:30 pm Closing Address



Registraon aer August 25, 2017 is not guaranteed.

Select One Opon

Registraon to be Late Registraon received received by between August 22 and August 21, 2017 August 25, 2017

NIGP 1 Day Course and OPBA Conference $815.00 (taxes incl.) NIGP Package, (Includes NIGP 1 Day course, Thurs‐ $765.00 Registraon not Members day and Friday OPBA Sessions, Wednesday (taxes incl.) guaranteed and Thursday evening events)

NIGP 1 Day Course ‐ ONLY $575.00 (taxes incl.) NIGP $525.00 (Includes Breakfast and Lunch) Registraon not Members (taxes incl.) Total Cost Analysis for Best Value Decisions guaranteed

NIGP 1 Day Course and OPBA Conference $930.00 (taxes incl.) OPBA Package, (Includes NIGP 1 Day course, Thurs‐ $880.00 Registraon not Members day and Friday OPBA Sessions, Wednesday (taxes incl.) guaranteed and Thursday evening events)

NIGP 1 Day Course ‐ ONLY $690.00 (taxes incl.) OPBA $640.00 (Includes Breakfast and Lunch) Registraon not Members (taxes incl.) Total Cost Analysis for Best Value Decisions guaranteed

NIGP 1 Day Course and OPBA Conference $985..00 (taxes incl.) Non‐ Package, (Includes NIGP 1 Day course, Thurs‐ $935.00 Registraon not Members day and Friday OPBA Sessions, Wednesday (taxes incl.) guaranteed and Thursday evening events)

NIGP 1 Day Course ‐ ONLY $745..00 (taxes incl.) Non‐ $695.00 (Includes Breakfast and Lunch) Registraon not Members (taxes incl.) Total Cost Analysis for Best Value Decisions guaranteed

27 NIGP COURSE REGISTRATION Check here if you are a First Time Attendee

Name: ______Preferred Name for Badge: ______

Designaon: CPPO CPPB CSCMP (CPP) Other:______

Membership (Select one): NIGP OPBA Non‐Member

Title: ______Agency: ______

Address: ______City: ______Postal Code: ______

Phone: ______e‐mail: ______

Guest of Registered Delegate:______Preferred Name for Badge: ______

PLEASE NOTE: If you require special assistance, including dietary restricons in order to parcipate fully in our Conference, please indicate the nature of assistance or dietary restricon here:

REGISTRATION PACKAGES, DATES AND DEADLINES Registraon aer August 25, 2017 is not guaranteed.

Late Registraon Registraon to be received between received by TOTAL August 22 and August 21, 2017 August 25, 2017

NIGP 1 Day and OPBA Conference Package (Includes NIGP 1 Day course, Thursday and $ $ $ Friday OPBA Sessions, Wednesday and Thursday Registraon not evening events) guaranteed

NIGP 1 Day ‐ ONLY $ $ $ Total Cost Analysis for Best Value Decisions Registraon not guaranteed

** Maximum** 20 people per class (NIGP and OPBA sessions only). Register early to avoid disappointment If you are paying by credit card, you may forward the registraon form by fax to 888‐416‐7767 or email: [email protected]


Method of Payment: CHEQUE ______VISA ______MASTERCARD ______

If you require a receipt or copy of your credit card voucher, please check here: ______


Name as it appears on the card: ______

Credit Card Number: ______Expiry Date: ______



Right to Refuse Admission OPBA reserves the right to refuse admission, at the discreon of the OBPA Conference Director and/or Execuve. If admission is refused part‐way through the conference, OPBA will refund a proporonate amount of the fee. Photo and Video Release OPBA will take photographs and some video at the 2017 OPBA Annual Conference and may use them in news or promoonal materials whether in print or electronic format, or other media, including the OPBA website. By parcipang in the 2017 OPBA conference, you grant OPBA the right to use your name and photograph for such purposes. If you have security or safety concerns, please contact OPBA and we will do our best not to use any photos of you. General Program informaon distributed prior to the conference is subject to change. It is agreed that the OPBA, its employees, officers, volunteers, contracted staff, and agents shall not be held liable or responsible for any loss, injury, or damages, however caused, to any person engaged by parcipang or aending the 2017 OPBA Conference. It is agreed that the OPBA, its employees, agents, and officers reserve the right to refuse admission, cancel or reschedule programs, change speakers, locaons, or revise content.


Marrio Niagara Falls Hotel Room Rates: 6755 Fallsview Blvd. Cityview—$149.00 Niagara Falls, ON L2G 3W6 Fallsview—$169.00 1‐877‐353‐2557 Discounted parking available—$19 per day, per vehicle https://www.marriottonthefalls.com/ company/ontario-public-buyers- Check in me: 4:00 pm association Check out me: Noon

Group name: OPBA

A block of rooms has been set aside and will be available unl August 31, 2017

The Niagara Falls Marrio on the Falls Hotel is the closest hotel to Niagara Falls. Located on Fallsview Boulevard, the trendy property is just minutes away from Niagara Falls, Fallsview Casino, Award Winning Golf Courses, many nightclubs and a few of the best restaurant in the area. Experience the best hotel view of Niagara Falls from any of the Fallsview Guest Rooms. The hotel provides a direct vantage point to Niagara Falls.


This form has been created in order to allow you to have third party expenses charged to your credit/debit card. Please provide all the informaon requested below to ensure prompt processing of your applicaon. We ask you to please sign and date the form before submission. Please fax the completed form to the hotel. The hotel fax number can be found on the hotel’s website. Do not send photocopy of the front or back of the credit card with this form, as this is against credit card company regulaons.

Cardholder informaon – Required

Name as it appears on the credit / debit card: ______Card type: Visa MC Amex Diners/CB Discover Account type: c Personal c Corporate | Company Name: ‐______Issuing Bank: ______Phone #: ______Account number: ______Exp. Date: ______Address: ______City, State and Zip: ______Phone number: ______Fax or alternate number: ______

Guest informaon – Required Guest name: ______Address: ______City, State and Zip: ______Phone number: ______Fax or alternate number: ______Company: ______Confirmaon number: ______Arrival date: ______Departure date: ______Relaon to cardholder: Relave Friend Business Associate Other: ______

I understand that should there be any issues with the credit/debit card being used to sele my charges, I will be responsible for all expenses incurred during my stay. Departure date cannot be extended unless a new authorizaon form is completed. Guest name: (Printed) ______Guest signature: ______Date: ______

Rate informaon and Approved charges – Required Room rate: * ______Taxes: * ______Total daily rate: * ______Number of nights: ______*(Rate and tax amount must be provided by a hotel representave in order to complete this form)

All charges Room & Tax Telephone (LD) Telephone (Local) Restaurant Room Service Valet (Laundry) Parking HS Internet Access Movies Other: ______

I cerfy that all informaon is complete and accurate. I hereby authorize Marrio Hotel to collect payment for all charges as indicated in the Rate Informaon and Approved Charges secon of this form by processing a charge to the credit/debit card listed above. Charg‐ es must not exceed for the enre stay/event. I understand that a new form will have to be completed if guest wishes to extend his/her stay. I cerfy that I am the authorized signer of the credit/debit card listed above.

Cardholder name: (Printed) ______

Cardholder signature: ______Date: ______



The train staon and bus terminal are approximately Toronto Internaonal Airport – YYZ 5 km from the hotel. 90 Minute Transfer

hp://www.gotransit.com/metables/en/schedules/ Hamilton Internaonal Airport – YHM full_schedules.aspx 40 Minute Transfer

Via Rail Trains: hp://www.viarail.ca/en Buffalo Niagara Internaonal Airport – BUF 35 Minute Transfer with three easy border Megabus: crossings into Canada hp://ca.megabus.com/Default.aspx

Greyhound bus: hps://www.greyhound.ca/farefinder/step1.aspx

GETTING AROUND THE CITY The NEW state of the art bus system called WEGO is a unique partnership, which was created to provide integrated bus service between the City of Niagara Falls and The Niagara Parks Commission. WEGO delivers a seamless connecon between all tourist aracons within the City and Niagara Parks helping guests to experience all that this world‐class des‐ naon has to offer. WEGO is fully accessi‐ ble and operates year‐round, giving easy, convenient service to travelers from around the world who visit Niagara Falls.


Golfers of all levels dust off your clubs and join us at John Daly’s first “Signature” golf course in Canada at Thundering Waters Golf Club, 6000 Marineland Parkway for a fun filled aernoon of Scramble Golf, Prizes and more!

Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tee‐Off: 12:30 pm

Cost: $75.00 per person

Includes: Welcome gi at check in, 18 holes with power cart, voucher for lunch on the go

Contests: Prizes for winning foursome, most honest foursome, longest drive and closest to the pin

Any non‐OPBA member must be accompanied by an OPBA member to parcipate. To register for this golf event, aendees will need to register directly on the OPBA website. All payments will be processed by credit card only. Golf teams will consist of 4 golfers each. If you have a team of 4 already set, please list the names with your online registraon. Otherwise golfers will be placed into teams prior to Golf Day. Cancellaons must be made in wring and will only be honoured on or be‐ fore September 6, 2017, aer which we cannot refund your money.

For further details on this golfing event, please contact: Bart Menage or Mara Bray Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Telephone: 905.356.2241 ext. 2295 or 905.892.2607 ext. 310