National Jewish Organizations UNITED STATES Organizations are listed according to functions as follows: Community Relations 621 Cultural 626 Israel-Related 634 Overseas Aid 647 Religious, Educational Organizations 649 Schools, Institutions 661 Social, Mutual Benefit 672 Social Welfare 674 Note also cross-references under these headings: Professional Associations 679 Women's Organizations 680 Youth and Student Organizations 680 Canada 681 COMMUNITY RELATIONS (212)750-0326. E-mail: info( Pres. Richard Sideman; Exec. Dir. David AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM (1943). A. Harris. Protects the rights and free- PO Box 2836, Ponte Vedra Beach. PL doms of Jews the world over; combats big- 32004-2836. (877)-282-3l3t. E-mail: otry and anti-Semitism and promotes
[email protected]. Pres. Stephen L. democracy and human rights for all; Naman; Exec. Dir. Rabbi Howard A. works for the security of Israel and deep- Berman. Seeks to advance the universal ened understanding between Americans principles of a Judaism free of national- and Israelis; advocates public-policy posi- ism. and the national, civic, cultural, and tions rooted in American democratic val- social integration into American institu- ues and the perspectives of Jewish tions of Americans of Jewish faith. Issues heritage; and enhances the creative vital- of llie American Council for Judaism: Spe- ity of the Jewish people. Includes Jacob cial Interest Report, (WWW.ACJNA.ORG) and Hilda Blaustein Center for Human AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). The Relations. Project Interchange, William Jacob Blaustein Building. 165 E. 56 St., Petschek National Jewish Family Center, NYC 10022. (212)751-4000. FAX: Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Ad- 621 622 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 2007 vancement of Human Rights.