
10 June - 20 August 2017 Newcastle art Gallery

Children’s name: art trail Imagine you are a No one can refuse the superhero! voice of the ... Design your own collect your onomatopoeia stickers superhero outfit from one of our Gallery staff to add some action to your comic strip! What is your superhero name?

Phantom fun Facts!

The Phantom is a comic book hero created in 1936 by artist and storyteller, .

The Phantom does not have What kind of ‘superpowers’ to defeat his Superpowers enemies. He has the strength would you have? of ten tigers, he can move as silently as fog but faster than the eye can see!

Newcastle Art gallery held an I am known by many names... exhibition titled The phantom is a costumed crime Ghost who walks fighter who lives in an ancient can never die in Skull Cave in the fictional African 1977 (that was country of . he is also 40 YEARS AGO!) known as ‘the ghost who walks’.

cover image: Michael BELL The Ghost who walks his dog (Detail) 2014 oil on board 68.0 x 88.0cm Artist collection Courtesy the artist Become the hero of your very fill in the panels below AND TAKE YOUR own comic story... HERO ON A JOURNEY!

the story begins..

the end Onomatopoeia pronounced: [on·o·mat·o·pee·a] The Phantom has a thousand eyes is a word that mimics the natural sound of and a thousand ears... the object or action it refers to like Achoo! Create a tally of the number of times you see or Bang! these things in the exhibition: Can you think of some words Like this? The Phantom’s A wolf skull cave o h-o aa oh! ooo

Make a list of any other animals that you can see in the exhibition

HINT: look out for thE SKULL symbol in the exhibition space to HELP YOU find the things above! COLOUR ME IN! Can you find this symbol in the exhibition?

This organisation is supported by Newcastle Art Gallery gratefully acknowledges ongoing the NSW Government through support from:

1 Laman Street Newcastle NSW | nag.org.au | 02 4974 5100