LAW COMMISSION REFORMING THE LAW OF SEDITION: CONSULTATION DRAFT OCTOBER 2006 1 Call for Submissions The Law Commission welcomes your comments on this consultation draft, which is also available on the Law Commission’s website at . The closing date for submissions is 15 December 2006. Submissions should be sent to: Submissions, The Law Commission, PO Box 2590, Wellington 6140; or by email to
[email protected] The Law Commission is subject to the Official Information Act 1982. Copies of submissions made to the Law Commission will normally be made available on request, and the Commission may refer to submissions in its final report. Requests for the withholding of information on grounds of confidentiality or for any other reason will be determined in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982. 2 Terms of Reference REVIEW OF SEDITIOUS OFFENCES TERMS OF REFERENCE The Commission will review the existing seditious offences set out in sections 80 to 85 of the Crimes Act 1961, and make proposals for any changes to the New Zealand law that are necessary and desirable. The matters to be considered by the Commission will include: (a) Relevant existing and proposed legislation, including the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990; (b) Developments in other comparable jurisdictions; (c) Any other relevant matters. 3 Table of Contents LAW COMMISSION REFORMING THE LAW OF SEDITION: CONSULTATION DRAFT OCTOBER 2006 1 CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS 2 TERMS OF REFERENCE 3 Review of Seditious Offences Terms of Reference 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS