MARCH, 2006 Second Presbyterian Church, Roanoke

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MARCH, 2006 Second Presbyterian Church, Roanoke THE DIAPASON MARCH, 2006 Second Presbyterian Church, Roanoke, Virginia Cover feature on page 27 Organ Combination Duos Oct/Nov 2006 & February 2007 Organized Rhythm Clive Driskill-Smith, organist Joseph Gramley, multi-percussionist Percussion and organ, a somewhat surprising combination with a surprisingly pleasing sound, now has its own duo of performers. “Not only an exciting two-hour musical adventure, but also a startlingly clear insight for me into what makes a live performance good, and why good live performances are important for us....passion, technical mastery, and precision...two young musicians doing what they clearly love—making music, not just for themselves, but for us as well.” (The Granite State News, Wolfeboro NH) November 2006 Paulsson & Canning soprano saxophone & organ duo, Sweden “World class musicians...roaring applause and standing ovations.” (Skövde Nyheter, Sweden) “One of the greatest musical experiences I have ever had.” (Nynäshamnsposten, Sweden) “The performance was superb, with a beautiful combination of distinctive organ playing and Paulsson’s supple, exquisitely pure saxophone tone.” (Upsala Nya Tidning, Sweden) “Paulsson’s Bach playing was like a miracle. The audience went wild.” (Vakka-Suomen Sanomat, Finland) Anthony & Beard trumpet & organ duo “There must be other trumpeters in this world as fine as Ryan Anthony, but you’d never think so while listening to him play.” (Fanfare) “Dashing...stole the show with obvious enjoyment of music-making and by his personification of the [Canadian Brass’] relaxed audience rapport.” (Daily Camera, Boulder CO) “Young trumpeter added both flash and class to the [Canadian Brass] ensemble. Ryan Anthony played with big-city charisma.” (The Gazette, Montreal Quebec) “A dazzling performance by Ryan Anthony” (The Plain Dealer, Cleveland) April 2007 Gough Duo violin & organ duo, England “The playing is spectacular, the music is wonderful, and the ensemble between violin and organ is superb.” (American Record Guide) “The playing from both is very fine throughout, with a warmth of sound from the violin, and some considerable virtuosity on display.” (Organists’ Review, England) “Sheer joy and pleasure...delightful and satisfying from all angles.” (Paul L. Reynolds, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee, presenter) “Each the master of their own instruments, they play exquisitely together as an ensemble. They held the audience spellbound.” (Dan Schmal, Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, presenter) Bushnell Tower Suite R, 1 Gold Street, Hartford CT 06103-2914 toll-free (888) 999-0644 • fax (860) 560-7788 THE DIAPASON Here & There A Scranton Gillette Publication Ninety-seventh Year: No. 3, Whole No. 1156 MARCH, 2006 Established in 1909 ISSN 0012-2378 UCLA Live presents “Royce Hall series: March 12, Carol Weitner; May Organ & Film,” featuring UCLA organ- 21, third annual hymn festival with R. An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, ist Christoph Bull accompanying three Walden Moore and Nigel Potts. For the Harpsichord, the Carillon and Church Music silent films on March 4 at Royce Hall on information: 631/665-0051 x12; the UCLA campus. The Royce Hall <>. organ, by E. M. Skinner, made its debut on September 7, 1930, with Harold Independent Presbyterian CONTENTS Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA Gleason at the console. For information: Church, Birmingham, Alabama, con- 847/391-1045 310/825-2101; <>. tinues its music series: March 12, FEATURES Mozart: Missa Brevis in D, Britten: The University of Michigan Christ Church, New Brunswick, Missa Brevis, Keever: Psalms; June 14, Historic Organ Tour 52 Associate Editor JOYCE ROBINSON New Jersey, continues its Sunday Ves- summer choral concert. For informa- by Marilyn Mason 17 pers recital series (Vespers at 6 pm, tion: 205/933-1830; <>. 847/391-1044 recital at 6:30 pm): March 5, John Brock; Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival/USA by David Spicer 18 3/12, Robert McCormick; 3/19, Christo- The Northwest Choral Society, pher King; 3/26, Richard Heschke; April Park Ridge, Illinois, concludes its 40th The Organ Music of William Walond Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER 2, Gail Archer; 4/9, Crescendo Brass; season: March 18, Mozart: Coronation by John L. Speller 19 Harpsichord 4/23, The Practitioners of Musick; 4/30, Mass in C; June 3, musical theatre 4/30, Paul-Martin Maki; May 7, Brenda selections. For information: 630/837- A New Aubertin Organ in the German Baroque Style—Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle Church, Paris, France JAMES McCRAY Day; 5/14, Brian Harlow; 5/21, Gwen- 1666; <>. by Carolyn Shuster Fournier 22 Choral Music dolyn Toth; 5/28, Andrew Peters. For information: 732/545-6262; The Illinois Great Rivers Chapter of British and French Organ Music Seminars 2005 BRIAN SWAGER <>. the Fellowship of United Methodists by Christina Harmon 26 Carillon in Music and Worship Arts will spon- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 3 Brick Presbyterian Church, New sor its 18th annual handbell festival on HERBERT L. HUESTIS York City, continues the series dedicat- March 18 at Northfield Inn Suites and NEWS OrganNet Report ing its new Casavant organ: March 6, Conference Center, Springfield, Illi- Here & There 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 Osiris Organ Archive Stephen Tharp; April 14, Stainer: The nois. The festival is led by Lee Afdahl, Appointments 5 Crucifixion (12:15 pm), Dupré: Le and the schedule includes group ringing Nunc Dimittis 10 e-mail: Chemin de la Croix (7 pm, Keith Toth, sessions, ending with massed ringing. In the wind . John Herrington III and other guest For information: 217/787-4403; by John Bishop 10 Prepress Operations DAN SOLTIS organists); May 8, Jane Parker-Smith. <>. For information: 212/289-4400 x231; REVIEWS THE DIAPASON (ISSN 0012-2378) is published monthly by <>. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Music for Voices and Organ 12 Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc., 380 E. Northwest Lancaster, Pennsylvania, continues its Book Reviews 14 Highway, Suite 200, Des Plaines, IL 60016-2282. Phone The Church of St. Joseph, music series: March 19, Nathan Laube; 847/391-1045. Fax (847) 390-0408. Telex: 206041 MSG RLY New Recordings 15 Email: web: Bronxville, New York, continues its 3/26, music for the Lenten season by New Organ Music 16 Subscriptions: 1 yr. $35; 2 yr. $50; 3 yr. $65 (United music series: March 10, Pergolesi: Sta- The Trinity Choir, Peter A. Brown, States and U.S. Possessions). Foreign subscriptions: bat Mater; April 30, Schwartz: Godspell; organist and choirmaster. Friday noon- NEW ORGANS 28 1 yr. $45; 2 yr. $60; 3 yr. $80. Single copies $6 (U.S.A.); $8 (foreign). May 14, music for handbells, flute, and day organ recitals take place March 3, CALENDAR 29 Back issues over one year old are available only from clarinet; 5/21, Brahms: Requiem. For Peter Brown; 3/10, Gary Garletts; 3/17, ORGAN RECITALS 32 The Organ Historical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 26811, Rich- information: 914/337-9205; Cynthia Kahler; 3/24, Margaret Marsch; mond, VA 23261, which can supply information on avail- <>. 3/31, Marcos Krieger; April 7, Karl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 34 abilities and prices. Periodical postage paid at Des Plaines, IL and addi- Moyer. For information: 717/397-2734; tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address Brevard-Davidson River Presby- <>. Cover: Goulding & Wood, Inc., Indianapolis, changes to THE DIAPASON, 380 E. Northwest Highway, terian Church, Brevard, North Caroli- Indiana; Second Presbyterian Church, Suite 200, Des Plaines, IL 60016-2282. Roanoke, Virginia 27 Routine items for publication must be received six na, continues its music series: March 10, The Church of the Resurrection, weeks in advance of the month of issue. For advertising Florence Jowers; 3/19, Rutter: Eugene, Oregon, continues its music copy, the closing date is the 1st. Prospective contributors Requiem; May 21, premiere of commis- series: March 19, Choral Evensong of articles should request a style sheet. Unsolicited sioned anthem by Douglas E. Wagner. (music of Mozart, including Laudate reviews cannot be accepted. This journal is indexed in the The Music Index, annotat- For information: 828/884-2645 x31; Dominum); April 9, University of Ore- ed in Music Article Guide, and abstracted in RILM <>. gon Collegium Musicum; May 7, Festi- Send subscriptions, inquiries, and Abstracts. val Evensong (Rutter: Hymn to the Cre- address changes to THE DIAPASON, 380 Copyright ©2006. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. VocalEssence will present the pre- ator of Light, Mass of the Children). For E. Northwest Hwy., Suite 200, Des THE DIAPASON accepts no responsibility or liability for miere The Passion of Jesus of Nazareth information: 541/686-8462; Plaines, IL 60016-2282. the validity of information supplied by contributors, ven- by Francis Grier on March 11 at St. Olaf <>. dors, advertisers or advertising agencies. Catholic Church, Minneapolis. The work was commissioned by Vocal- The Church of St. Helena, Min- No portion of the contents of this issue may be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the Editor, except that libraries are authorized to make photocopies of the material contained herein for the pur- Essence and the BBC Singers. The first neapolis, continues its music series: pose of course reserve reading at the rate of one copy for every fifteen students. Such copies may be reused for performance in the United Kingdom March 21, Steve Gentile (Bach birthday other courses or for the same course offered subsequently. takes place on April 14 in the Chapel at recital); April 28, Gail Archer; 4/29, lec- King’s College, Cambridge. For infor- ture, slide presentation and masterclass mation: 612/547-1459; by Gail Archer.
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