NEMS Daily Announcements August 22, 2018

Good afternoon, NEMS. Here are your daily announcements

● Callbacks for the Cast of Mary Poppins are today! Please check the bulletin board outside of the Choir Room to see if you got a callback. If your name is on the callback list you will need to stay after school TODAY for your callback audition. Please report to the cafeteria for early release work until the auditions. ● If you auditioned for Mary Poppins this week, check back at the bulletin board thursday morning for the final cast list! If you are on the cast list, you will need to stay after school on thursday for the first cast meeting. ● Crew applications are due TODAY. Please submit to Mr. Towle (room 1231) or Ms. Hanrahan (1301). ● Do you love to draw? The yearbook is looking for artists to design the cover of this year’s book. The yearbook group will choose the winner and a graphic designer will take your design and make a digital representation of it! Pick up your application from Mrs. Lawson (room 1310) or Mrs. Melton (room 1147). All designs are due September 10th to Mrs. Lawson and must go with our theme, which is #millerstrong. ● The callout meeting for the NEMS Dance Team will be held Monday, August 27th in the Cafeteria during SLT. Please attend if you are interested in learning more about the tryout and dance team season. ● Are you interested in joining Best Buddies but couldn’t attend the call-out meeting? Go to or click on the link in the description below. Click Membership Application- ​ Middle School- and New Member! All applications are due online by August 31st. ● (To run 8-21 thru 8-27) The NEMS chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will have its ​ first meeting of 2018 on Tuesday, August 28 at 6:45 a.m. Yes, 6:45 a.m.!! Students should be dropped off at door 15 and then report to room 1231! FCA activities include student led studies, games, skits, and, FOOD!! See Mr. Towle if you have any questions!!! ● This Thursday during SLT, we will be holding our Student Council Elections for our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade officers. It takes only a few minutes to vote. Make sure your voice is heard! Good luck to all the candidates! The winners will be announced on Friday! ● Good luck to our Tennis team who will be taking on West this Thursday! Make sure to wear your black and gold Miller clothes to school to show them support.

● Are you watching the announcements every day? If not you may want to start to, because next week we are having our first contest for our viewers. Prizes and contest details will be revealed on the day we roll it out and it will happen on a regular basis. So, please leave a comment and remember to that like button. Thanks for watching and we will see you tomorrow NEMS.