F.No.ll-89 /20 l3-IA.III • Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (IA.IIISection) Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi - 110 003 Dated: 8th December, 2014 To The Chairman, Mj s Vishakhapatnam Port Trust, Visakhapatnam - 530 035 Fax: 0891-2565023 Email:
[email protected] Subject: Setting up of a new major Port at Durgarajapatnam, Andhra Pradesh by M/ s Vishakhapatnam Port Trust - ToR reg. Sir, This is with reference to letter no. IENGjEE(Projects)j110jDRPj Pt.1j743 dated 11.12.2013 forwarding along with application and subsequent letter dated 13.06.2014 seeking for Terms of Reference for the aforesaid project. 2. The proposal was considered by the EAC in its meetings held on 28th February to 1st March, 2014 and 25th - 27th August, 2014 and the proponent has informed that: 1. The proposal involves setting up of a new major Port at Durgarajapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. 11. It is proposed to be developed a major port at Dugarajapatnam along Andhra Coast in the East Coast of India at a distance of about 90 km north of Ennore port and 700 km south of Visakhapatnam port. 111. It is planned to develop the port with world class terminal facilities well suited to meet the present and future needs of the trades. Dugarajapatnam port once developed will have a unique distinction of being most modern green field major port in India with water depth up to 21 m, making it the deepest and capable of handling deep draft super cape size vessels to handle containers and bulk cargo.