
Ranavirus could facilitate local extinction of rare species

Julia E. Earl, Jordan C. Chaney, William B. Sutton, Carson E. Lillard, Andrew J. Kouba, Cecilia Langhorne, Jessi Krebs, et al.


ISSN 0029-8549 Volume 182 Number 2

Oecologia (2016) 182:611-623 DOI 10.1007/s00442-016-3682-6

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Oecologia (2016) 182:611–623 DOI 10.1007/s00442-016-3682-6


Ranavirus could facilitate local extinction of rare amphibian species

Julia E. Earl1 · Jordan C. Chaney2 · William B. Sutton3 · Carson E. Lillard2 · Andrew J. Kouba4,8 · Cecilia Langhorne5 · Jessi Krebs6 · Rebecca P. Wilkes7 · Rachel D. Hill2 · Debra L. Miller2,7 · Matthew J. Gray2

Received: 30 September 2015 / Accepted: 14 June 2016 / Published online: 25 June 2016 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract There is growing evidence that pathogens play of six life stages tested. Boreal toads experienced 100 % a role in population declines and species extinctions. For mortality when exposed as or metamorphs, which small populations, disease-induced extinction may be were the only life stages tested. Simulations showed popu- especially probable. We estimated the susceptibility of lation declines, greater extinction probability, and faster two amphibian species of conservation concern (the dusky times to extinction with ranavirus exposure. These effects gopher [ sevosus] and boreal toad [Anaxyrus were more evident with more frequent pathogen exposure boreas boreas]) to an emerging pathogen (ranavirus) using intervals and lower carrying capacity. Immigration at natu- laboratory challenge experiments, and combined these data ral rates did little to mitigate effects of ranavirus exposure with published demographic parameter estimates to simu- unless immigration occurred every 2 years. Our results late the potential effects of ranavirus exposure on extinc- demonstrate that disease-induced extinction by emerging tion risk. We included effects of life stage during patho- pathogens, such as ranavirus, is possible, and that threat gen exposure, pathogen exposure interval, hydroperiod of may be especially high for species with small population breeding , population carrying capacity, and immi- sizes. For the species in this study, conservation organiza- gration in simulations. We found that both species were tions should incorporate ranavirus surveillance into moni- highly susceptible to ranavirus when exposed to the path- toring programs and devise intervention strategies in the ogen in water at environmentally relevant concentrations. event that disease outbreaks occur. Dusky gopher experienced 100 % mortality in four Keywords Amphibian declines · Anaxyrus boreas boreas · Endangered species · Iridoviridae · Lithobates sevosus · Communicated by Pieter Johnson. Matrix model

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00442-016-3682-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

* Julia E. Earl 5 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, [email protected] Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS 39762, USA 6 1 Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium, Omaha, NE Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA 68107, USA 7 2 Center for Wildlife Health, Department of Forestry, Wildlife Department of Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences, and Fisheries, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, 37996, USA University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA 8 3 Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Present Address: Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN 37209, USA and Aquaculture, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS 39762, USA 4 Conservation and Research Department, Memphis Zoological Society, Memphis, TN 38112, USA

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612 Oecologia (2016) 182:611–623

Introduction to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group 2015). Disease- Ecological stressors are major concerns for species threat- associated die-offs in amphibian communities are most fre- ened by extinction. Disease exposure represents one source quently caused by in the US (43–58 % of die- of added stress and mortality, which can increase demo- offs; Green et al. 2002; Muths et al. 2006a), and some cases graphic stochasticity and facilitate extinction. Disease can have involved large numbers of individuals (Wheelwright theoretically cause extinction when host populations are et al. 2014). In populations with reoccurring die-offs, small if transmission is density-independent even for brief recruitment may be non-existent (Petranka et al. 2007). periods (de Castro and Bolker 2005). In the past, many spe- However, it is possible that the negative effects of ranavirus cies that have suffered disease-related extinctions already outbreaks could be reduced in populations with a metapop- had small population sizes (de Castro and Bolker 2005). ulation structure through the rescue of affected populations To prevent or manage disease in species of conservation by immigration (Petranka et al. 2007). concern, it is important to know their susceptibility and the Our goal was to estimate the susceptibility of two potential population consequences of exposure to emerging amphibian species of conservation concern to ranavirus and pathogens. simulate potential population changes due to the introduc- For , diseased-induced extinctions have tion of ranavirus. We conducted ranavirus challenge trials been reported for the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendro- in the laboratory and applied survival estimates to stage- batidis (Bd, etiological agent of chytridiomycosis; Smith structured population matrix models (Caswell 2001) to et al. 2006). While chytridiomycosis has clear risks, other simulate potential population consequences of ranavirus amphibian pathogens, such as ranavirus, also have the exposure. We examined two North American species: the potential to add stress and mortality to species already at federally endangered dusky gopher frog [(Lithobates sevo- risk of extinction. Ranaviruses are emerging pathogens sus), one of the rarest amphibians in ] and linked to amphibian die-offs across the globe, with known the boreal toad (Anaxyrus boreas boreas), which has a pop- cases of infection in >100 species in 18 taxonomic fami- ulation segment that is under review for listing under the lies (Duffus et al. 2015). Ranaviruses cause systemic hem- US Endangered Species Act (ESA). In addition, we exam- orrhaging (Miller et al. 2015), with mortality occurring as ined the effects of life stage during pathogen exposure, fast as 3 days following exposure to the pathogen in water pathogen exposure interval, hydroperiod of the breeding (Hoverman et al. 2011). There are multiple reasons why habitat (gopher frogs only), population carrying capacity ranaviruses could cause species declines: ranaviruses infect (boreal toads only), and immigration (boreal toads only). multiple host species with different susceptibilities (Hov- The inclusion of an immigration parameter addressed erman et al. 2011; Brenes et al. 2014), the virus particles whether dispersal could rescue populations from any neg- can persist outside the host (Nazir et al. 2012; Johnson and ative impacts of ranavirus introduction, which was not Brunner 2014), and several of the host life stages naturally addressed in previous work (Earl and Gray 2014). Further- cluster (Wells 2007), all of which can result in density- more, we examined whether the release of captive-reared independent transmission (Miller et al. 2011). individuals could mitigate increased extinction risk for Ranaviruses have been shown to affect amphibian pop- populations with ranavirus outbreaks. To our knowledge, ulation dynamics. Two studies have been published that ranavirus has never been detected in populations of dusky collected longitudinal data on populations with reoccur- gopher frogs. A ranavirus-related mortality event was ring ranavirus die-offs (Brunner et al. 2015). In England, reported in recently metamorphosed boreal toads in Mon- ranavirus-related die-offs led to declines of the common tana (Converse and Green 2005), and an outbreak of - frog (Rana temporaria) to only 19 % remaining of adult virus occurred in a captive population of boreal toads in populations after 10 years (Teacher et al. 2010). In Spain, Colorado resulting in 91 % mortality (Cheng et al. 2014). entire amphibian communities have declined over a 5-year The ranavirus challenge trials that we performed for dusky period after ranavirus outbreaks. These declines included gopher frogs, including a previous study on adults (Sut- three species (Alytes obstetricans, Bufo bufo, and Mesotri- ton et al. 2014), are the first to assess susceptibility of all ton alpestris) from three families at multiple breeding sites amphibian life stages to ranavirus in one species. (Price et al. 2014). In North America, no studies collecting longitudinal data in ranavirus-impacted populations have been published (Brunner et al. 2015); however, simula- Materials and methods tion models show that extinction of closed populations of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) from ranavirus expo- Dusky gopher frogs and boreal toads are pond-breeding sure is possible (Earl and Gray 2014), although the conser- amphibians that are considered vulnerable to extinction. vation concern for this species currently is low according The dusky gopher frog is listed as federally endangered

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Oecologia (2016) 182:611–623 613 under the ESA. Dusky gopher frogs occur at only one pond juvenile gopher frogs individually in 200 mL of water, (Glen’s pond) located in southern Mississippi, USA (Rich- which allowed the frog to sit in the water with at least half ter et al. 2003), though reintroduction attempts at other of its body immersed. For all age classes (except juvenile locations are in progress. Boreal toads occur in northwest- gopher frogs), we randomly selected 30 individuals; 20 ern North America from Colorado and New Mexico north were exposed to ranavirus and 10 were controls. Sample to southeastern . The boreal toad has one popula- size was 15 exposed and 5 controls for juvenile gopher tion segment (i.e., the eastern population covering Colo- frogs. Control were held under the same labora- rado, northern New Mexico, Utah, southern Wyoming, and tory conditions except their water was inoculated with the southeastern Idaho) under review by the US Fish and Wild- same quantity of Eagle’s minimum essential medium. After life Service for listing under the ESA. Most of the boreal the 72-h ranavirus challenge, animals were moved to new toad declines have been attributed to the introduction of Bd containers with the same amount of dechlorinated water, (Carey et al. 2005), although surveillance for other patho- except for juveniles, which received 50 mL of water to pre- gens has been limited. vent desiccation. As metamorphs resorbed their tails, we lowered the water and added foam platforms to allow them Ranavirus laboratory studies to crawl out of the water. We performed water changes and fed tadpoles and juveniles every 3 days. Tadpoles were fed We conducted laboratory challenges with ranavirus fol- pelleted commercial fish food at 10 % of their body mass lowing standardized published protocols (Haislip et al. and juveniles received one cricket. We maintained up to 2011, Hoverman et al. 2011). For the dusky gopher frog, five non-experimental tadpoles held under the same labo- we tested the , hatchling, , and metamorph stages, ratory conditions for body mass estimates. Anurans do not which corresponded to pathogen exposure starting at Gos- eat as embryos, hatchlings, or metamorphs (Wells 2007), so ner stage 11, 21, 30, and 41, respectively (Gosner 1960). individuals were not fed during these stages. Survival was We also tested the juvenile stage, which we defined as monitored twice per day for 21 days, which is sufficient to 1-month post-metamorphosis, and used survival data from observe mortality due to ranavirus (Hoverman et al. 2011). Sutton et al. (2014) for the adult stage. For the boreal As individuals died or at the end of the experiment, we per- toad, we only tested the larva and metamorph stages due formed necropsies and tested for ranavirus infection using to a limited number of available animals. All animals quantitative PCR (Hoverman et al. 2011). were obtained as from captive rearing facilities and raised in the laboratory to the appropriate life stage. Dusky Population models gopher frog eggs were obtained from a captive assurance colony at the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium in Omaha, Stage-structured population models are useful for investi- NE (USFWS permit #TE171493-0), and boreal toad eggs gating the population consequences of changes in vital rates came from captive-reared individuals at the Native Aquatic due to ecological stressors. For both species, we created Species Restoration Facility in Alamosa, CO. These cap- stage-structured female only, discrete time (1-year incre- tive populations are maintained using methods to pre- ments) population matrix models (Caswell 2001) to exam- vent inbreeding and maximize continued levels of genetic ine effects of ranavirus on population dynamics and extinc- diversity. tion risk (Earl and Gray 2014). We used females, because Laboratory challenges were via a 72-h water bath expo- they generally produce one clutch per year, whereas males sure to a Frog virus 3 (FV3)-like isolate (Miller et al. 2007) can fertilize multiple clutches and are thus not considered at 103 plaque forming units (PFU)/mL, which is considered to be population limiting (Wells 2007). The models are an environmentally relevant dose (Brunner et al. 2015). post-breeding models, where 1 year in the model spanned The ranavirus strain we used was originally isolated from from the end of one breeding season to the next. We param- American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) in a ranacul- eterized models using published estimates from Rich- ture facility in (Miller et al. 2007), and thus rep- ter et al. (2003) and Richter and Seigel (2002) for dusky resents a geographically novel ranavirus for dusky gopher gopher frogs and from Muths et al. (2010) and Biek et al. frogs and boreal toads that could be potentially introduced (2002) for boreal toads. For parameters with no published through the trade. In previous work estimates available, we calibrated parameter estimates with (Hoverman et al. 2011), this FV3-like isolate generally published data on population trends (Table 1). Calibration caused greater mortality than the type species, FV3, origi- was necessary for two parameters [juvenile survival (p2) nally isolated from morbid northern leopard frogs (L. pipi- and the transition probability from juvenile to adult (p3), ens) by Granoff et al. (1965). Eggs, hatchlings, tadpoles, see below] in the dusky gopher frog model. For calibration, and metamorphs were exposed individually to the virus in we examined a range of plausible parameter values (p2: 2-L containers with 1 L of dechlorinated water. We exposed 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3; p3: 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5,

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614 Oecologia (2016) 182:611–623 and 0.7) and ran the model with all combinations of those every 1–5 years could represent the presence of reservoir parameter values for the years with data published in Rich- hosts, such as reptile or other amphibian species or another ter et al. (2003). We chose the combination of parameter life stage of the same species (Brunner et al. 2004, 2015). values that resulted in the greatest correlation between the To simulate mortality in years with ranavirus exposure, published and simulated numbers of egg masses, breeding we multiplied the demographic transition probability by females, and emerging metamorphs. the survival probability when exposed to ranavirus for the In both models, for each parameter, random values were appropriate life stage. For these runs, we assumed that indi- drawn from a normal distribution to simulate stochasticity viduals that were exposed and survived were not exposed (Table 1). To examine the effects of ranavirus introduction again during a subsequent life stage (Earl and Gray 2014). on the population, we used survival estimates from experi- For the pathogen interval exposure, we treated intervals in ments described above (Table 1), and applied them at spe- a probabilistic manner, such that years with pathogen expo- cific exposure intervals (none and every 50, 25, 10, 5, 2, sure were randomly determined using a binomial distribu- and 1 years). Exposure intervals of every 10–50 years could tion appropriate for the exposure interval. For example, represent reintroductions of the pathogen, while exposures ranavirus was not introduced exactly every 10 years, but on average every 10 years for the 10-year exposure interval (Earl and Gray 2014). Table 1 Parameter estimates used in dusky gopher frog and boreal toad population model simulations Dusky gopher frog model Species/parameter Parameter estimate SD We created a three-stage matrix model for dusky gopher a Dusky gopher frog frogs. In this model, the population size for stage i (where p1 (year 1 survival) 0.0151 0.0222 i pm, 1, and 2 for pre-metamorphosis and years 1 and p (probability to remain a juvenile) 0.1000b 0.0200 = + 2 2, respectively) at time t [Ni(t)] was calculated by multi- b ≥ p3 (transition from juvenile to adult) 0.0500 0.0200 plying the population matrix at time t 1 by the transition − p4 (probability to remain an adult) 0.1905 0.0250 matrix containing parameter estimates for survival (p) and F (fecundity)c 704 176 fecundity (F; Eq. 1, Table 1). Ranavirus survival: egg 0.90 0 − Ranavirus survival: hatchling 0 0 Npm(t) 00F Npm(t 1)  N (t)  =  p p 0  ×  N (t − 1) . Ranavirus survival: tadpoles 0 0 1 1 2 1 (1) N +(t) 0 p p N +(t − 1) Ranavirus survival: metamorph 0 0  2   3 4   2  Ranavirus survival: adultd 0 0 We included hydroperiod in the model for the dusky gopher Boreal toade frog, because this is a major factor limiting metamorph pro-

p1 (year 1 survival) 0.0293 0.0332 duction (Richter et al. 2003). We set a hydroperiod thresh-

pj (juvenile survival) 0.260 0.0400 old at 81 days. When the hydroperiod is below this thresh-

pa (adult survival) 0.870 0.0500 old, no metamorphs are able to emerge, because the pond

Ψnb (transition to stay a non-breeder) 0.640 0.1 dries before tadpoles are able to complete metamorphosis.

Ψb (transition from non-breeder to 0.360 0.1 Eighty-one days is suggested as the minimum amount of breeder) time required for dusky gopher frogs to reach metamor- F (fecundity)c 3532 856 phosis (Richter et al. 2003). We examined two hydroperiod Ranavirus survival: tadpoles 0 0 scenarios: a non-limiting hydroperiod (i.e., the hydroperiod Ranavirus survival: metamorph 0 0 was always 81 days or greater) and the Glen’s pond aver- age [133 87 (SD)]. We did not include immigration or a Population parameter estimates were derived from published esti- ± mates (Richter and Seigel 2002; Richter et al. 2003) and by calibrat- carrying capacity in the dusky gopher frog model, because ing the model to published population data (Richter et al. 2003) Glen’s pond is the only remaining viable population and b These estimates were derived by testing plausible values based on the population size is so small that it is unlikely to be lim- other species and choosing the combination that resulted in the high- ited by carrying capacity. est correlation between simulated populations and published popula- tion data Boreal toad model c Fecundity is the average number of female eggs produced per female, accounting for the proportion of females breeding in a given year For boreal toads, we created a model with seven life stages, d Experiment and results described in Sutton et al. (2014) where each age class was represented in the model until e Population parameter estimates were derived from published esti- individuals reached maturity (year 6), at which point indi- mates (Biek et al. 2002; Muths et al. 2010) viduals were represented by reproductive status (breeders

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Oecologia (2016) 182:611–623 615 or non-breeders). We constructed our model with parameter boreal toads as Muths et al. (2006b) found only 17 males estimates and life history of the ESA candidate popula- and 3 females at a site different from their original cap- tion segment, centered in Colorado, for populations unaf- ture location out of >1,900 captures over 15 years. Simi- fected by Bd. Boreal toads are known to be long-lived (9 lar to ranavirus exposure interval, immigration was treated or more years), and females reach maturity at ages five to probabilistically with the years of immigration determined six in Colorado (Mallawaarachchi et al. 2011). Females using a binomial distribution. In cases where the population skip breeding at least every other year (Muths et al. 2010), went extinct the previous year, we precluded immigration, which we adjusted for by grouping adults as breeders and as it would represent recolonization not immigration. non-breeders. In our model, the population size for stage i (where i 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, b, and nb for years 1, 2, 3, 4, Model output = and 5 and breeders and non-breeders, respectively) at time t

[Ni(t)] was calculated by multiplying the population matrix Simulations were run in a factorial design varying five fac- at time t 1 by the transition matrix containing parame- tors: life stage of ranavirus exposure (egg, hatchling, tad- − ter estimates for survival (p), fecundity (F), and transition poles, metamorph, or adult for dusky gopher frog; tadpoles probabilities (Ψ; Eq. 2, Table 1). or metamorph for boreal toads), exposure interval (none and every 50, 25, 10, 5, 2, and 1 years), hydroperiod (for N (t) 00000F ∗ pa 0 N (t − 1)  1     1  dusky gopher frog only), carrying capacity (for boreal N2(t) p1 0000 0 0 N2(t − 1)       toads only), and immigration (boreal toad only). Life stages  N (t)   0 p 000 0 0   N (t − 1)   3   j   3  were delineated as in the laboratory experiment, where   =   ×    N4(t)   00pj 00 0 0   N4(t − 1) .       egg, hatchling, tadpoles, and metamorph corresponded to  N (t)   000p 00 0  N (t − 1)   5   j   5        pathogen exposure starting at Gosner stage 11, 21, 30, and  Nb(t)   0000pj 0 pa ∗ Ψb   Nb(t − 1)        41, respectively (Gosner 1960). Although we tested dusky  Nnb(t)   00000 pa pa ∗ Ψnb   Nnb(t − 1)  gopher frog juveniles for ranavirus susceptibility, we did (2) not include juveniles in model simulations, because juve-

Different survival probabilities were used for year 1 (p1), niles typically do not visit the breeding pond where ranavi- juveniles (pj), and adults (pa, Table 1). Transition prob- rus exposure in water would most likely occur. abilities included the transition of a non-breeder to stay a For each simulation scenario, we performed 1,000 model non-breeder (Ψnb), and the transition of a non-breeder to a runs, which were run to extinction for the dusky gopher breeder (Ψb, Muths et al. 2010). The transition probability frogs and 150 years for boreal toads. We defined extinction for a breeder becoming a non-breeder is one (Muths et al. in a very conservative manner, where there had to be zero 2010) and not included as a separate parameter. Parameter individuals of any life stage remaining for extinction to estimates for clutch size, survival from egg to year 1, and occur (Earl and Gray 2014). For each run, we determined juvenile survival were based on Biek et al. (2002), and esti- whether the population went extinct, the extinction time, mates for female survival and the transition probabilities and the final population size for adults. For dusky gopher were based on Muths et al. (2010). frogs, all model runs started with the same initial popula- Adult female carrying capacity was set as a popula- tion size, based on the most robust recorded female popu- tion limit, where the combined abundance of breeding and lation size (130) derived from the highest number of egg non-breeding females could not exceed this level. Carry- masses laid at Glen’s pond (Richter et al. 2003). For boreal ing capacities were estimated as the numbers of females toads, initial population sizes were set at the female car- detected at ponds during breeding (maximum of 107; rying capacity. Population sizes for other life stages were Jackson 2008) and adjusted to account for non-breeding calculated assuming stable population trajectories. Because females. We examined carrying capacities of 250, 150, we could generate a large amount of simulation data, we 100, and 50 adult females. In years when carrying capac- chose to present the data graphically and not perform statis- ity was exceeded, we set the number of adult females at tical analyses (Earl and Gray 2014). the carrying capacity equally divided between breeding We were also interested in whether the introduction of and non-breeding adults. We also included immigration in captive-reared adults could mitigate the effects of ranavi- the boreal toad model. Many populations of boreal toads rus-related die-offs. We examined two approaches: the are isolated, but some dispersal between breeding sites introduction of individuals the year following ranavirus has been reported (Muths et al. 2006b). For immigration, exposure and the introduction of individuals at probabilistic we added one breeding female to the population for each intervals (i.e., every 25, 10, 5, and 2 years). We ran simula- year that immigration occurred, and immigration occurred tions increasing the number of individuals in each introduc- at a range of intervals: none and every 50, 25, 10, 5, and tion event until the probability of extinction was equivalent 2 years. These levels of immigration are reasonable for (i.e., overlapping 95 % confidence intervals) to that with no

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616 Oecologia (2016) 182:611–623 ranavirus exposure. In simulations, individuals that were 100 introduced were always breeding females, and they were 90 80 introduced prior to the mating season. In our model, all Control introduced, captive-reared individuals had the same sur- 70 Embryo vival and fecundity as wild individuals, which may not be 60 Hatchling 50 realistic (see “Discussion”; Muths et al. 2014). Thus, our Metamorph simulations represent optimistic reintroduction scenarios. 40 Juvenile All models were run in Matlab 2010a (Mathworks, Natick, 30 MA, USA). 20 ) 10 a Sensitivity analyses were conducted to determine which 0 model parameters influenced population dynamics most. 1357911 13 15 17 19 21 We conducted sensitivity analyses by running 1,000 simu- 100 lations of 150-year runs, where parameter values were ran- Survival (% domly generated but fixed for all years of the model run. 90 The total population size and whether the population went 80 extinct in each 150-year period were used as the response 70 60 Control variables. We assessed the influence of parameters on Tadpoles 50 response variables by running simple and logistic regres- Metamorphs 40 sions for population size and extinction, respectively, with 30 R version 2.7.2 to produce R2 values (R Development Core 20 Team 2008). 10 b 0 1357911 13 15 17 19 21 Results Days

Laboratory experiments Fig. 1 Differences in survival among different life stages exposed to ranavirus in water (103 PFU/mL, N 20 individuals exposed) for dusky gopher frogs (a) and boreal toads= (b). Survival of control ani- Ranavirus was most pathogenic to the metamorph, larval, mals was 100 % for all experiments (N 10 control individuals/life and hatchling stages for the dusky gopher frog, resulting in stage), except juvenile gopher frogs (N = 15 exposed individuals and 100 % mortality in 5, 7, and 8 days post-exposure, respec- 5 control); one control died, and =it was negative for ranavirus tively (Fig. 1a). Mortality was significantly slower for the juvenile stage, with 80 % mortality occurring over 12 days. Only 10 % mortality occurred in the embryo stage for slight decrease in time to extinction relative to no ranavirus dusky gopher frogs (Fig. 1a). There was 100 % mortality exposure. In the worst-case scenario of exposure during the of boreal toad metamorphs and tadpoles in 5 and 7 days, larval or metamorph stages under the average hydroperiod, respectively (Fig. 1b). All animals (except 1 gopher frog simulated populations went extinct in seven and 12 years hatchling) that died tested positive for ranavirus (Online for exposure every 1 and 2 years, respectively. The addi- Appendix A, Table A1). There was no control mortality, tion of 1–15 captive-reared breeding adult females was except one juvenile gopher frog that tested negative for able to mitigate effects of exposure to ranavirus in most ranavirus. Animals of both species displayed lesions con- cases (Appendix A2). However, when ranavirus exposure sistent with ranaviral disease (Figure A1). occurred frequently (every 2 years) in all stages except the egg, it would be necessary to add more than 50 adult Dusky gopher frog model simulations females or add one to four every other year (Appendix A2). The sensitivity analysis showed dusky gopher frog pop- All simulated populations of dusky gopher frogs went ulations were most sensitive to the transition probability extinct quickly. For simulations without ranavirus expo- from egg to year 1 (p1), the transition from juvenile to adult sure, extinction occurred in an average of 25 and 90 years (p3), and fecundity (F). The results were similar for both for the Glen’s pond average hydroperiod and the non-lim- hydroperiod scenarios. These parameters had a significant iting hydroperiod, respectively (Fig. 2). Populations went effect on determining whether populations went extinct (p1: extinct faster with shorter ranavirus exposure intervals. R2 0.30–0.31; p : R2 0.17–0.18; F: R2 0.10–0.11; = 2 = = Extinction occurred more quickly when exposure occurred all P < 0.001) and on the final population size if they did during the hatchling, larval, or metamorph stages than as not go extinct (p : R2 0.39–0.46; p : R2 0.43–0.44; F: 1 = 2 = adults, and exposure during the egg stage resulted in only a R2 0.42–0.46; all P < 0.001). Some of the sensitivities for = 1 3 Author's personal copy

Oecologia (2016) 182:611–623 617

30 Immigration decreased the probability of extinction some- what, particularly for populations with smaller carrying 25 capacities (Fig. 3).

20 Scenarios that resulted in greater extinction probabili- Adult ties also reduced the time to extinction (Fig. 4) for popu- 15 Egg lations that went extinct and final adult population size Hatchling/Tadpole/Metamorph (Fig. A2) for populations that did not go extinct. Time to 10 extinction was similar for no exposure to ranavirus up to

5 exposure every 10 years, but occurred more quickly with a ranavirus exposure intervals every 5 years or less. In the 0 worst-case scenarios, extinction could occur in 39–70 years None 25 10 521 with ranavirus exposure every 2 years and in 19–30 years 100 with exposure every year, depending on carrying capac- ity (Fig. 4). For populations that did not go extinct, adult 80 population size (breeders and non-breeders combined) Time to extinction (years) decreased with increasingly frequent ranavirus exposure 60 intervals (Fig. A2). Declines were as great as 55–77 % over 40 150 years with exposure every 5 years, depending on car- rying capacity. Immigration made a very little difference in 20 the time to extinction or final adult population size unless it b occurred every 2 years (Figs. 4, A2). 0 None 50 25 10 521 The addition of 1–15 captive-reared breeding adult Exposure interval (years) females compensated for the effects of exposure to rana- virus when exposure was every 10 years or less frequent Fig. 2 Effects of the life stage of exposure to ranavirus and exposure (Table A3). When ranavirus exposure occurred frequently interval on time to extinction in simulated dusky gopher frog popula- (every 2–5 years), more than 50 adult females, or addi- tions (N 1,000 simulations/scenario) under the average Glen’s pond = tions of 1–18 females every 2–5 years, would be necessary hydroperiod (133 days, a) and a non-limiting hydroperiod (b). Esti- to prevent the high probabilities of extinction (Table A3). mates for hatchlings, tadpoles, and metamorphs are the same, because they had the same mortality rate in laboratory experiments. Error The sensitivity analysis showed that boreal toad population bars represent standard error dynamics were most sensitive to the 1-year old survival

(p1) and juvenile survival (pj) parameters. This was true for both the total population size (p : R2 0.27, p < 0.001; 1 = the probability that a juvenile remains a juvenile and adult p : R2 0.23, P < 0.001) and the probability of extinc- j = survival were statistically significant, but they were all very tion (p : R2 0.37, P < 0.001; p : R2 0.19, P < 0.001). 1 = j = low (all R2 < 0.08). The range of R2 values indicates the Adult survival, fecundity, and transition probability from range found between the two hydroperiod scenarios. non-breeder to breeder all had very low sensitivities (all R2 < 0.05). Boreal toad model simulations

Boreal toad populations had a small probability of extinc- Discussion tion (<1 % of the simulations) over a 150-year period with no ranavirus exposure when carrying capacities were large Our results suggest that ranaviruses can increase the (K 150 adult females), but had moderate (14 %) to high probability of and decrease the time to extinction in rare ≥ (55 %) extinction probabilities with carrying capacities of amphibian species. The species we tested were highly sus- 100 and 50 adult females, respectively (Fig. 3). The intro- ceptible to the FV3-like isolate we used. Of 35 amphibian duction of ranavirus during the larval or metamorph stages species tested under similar laboratory conditions (Hover- increased the probability of extinction, particularly with man et al. 2011; Brenes 2013), the dusky gopher frog and more frequent exposure intervals. Exposure to ranavirus boreal toad were the most susceptible. Dusky gopher frogs every 1 or 2 years resulted in populations going extinct experienced 100 % mortality in four life stages (hatchling, 94 % of the time, even with high levels of immigration. tadpole, metamorph, and adult) and 80 % mortality in the ≥ For populations with a small carrying capacity, exposure to juvenile stage when exposed to ranavirus in water at an ranavirus every 5 years also resulted in 94 % extinction in environmentally relevant concentration for 3-day duration. ≥ all cases except when immigration occurred every 2 years. Exposure to ranavirus for 3 days is reasonable for all life

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618 Oecologia (2016) 182:611–623

K= 250 K = 150 1 1 Immigration

0.8 None 0.8 Every 50 years Every 25 years 0.6 0.6 Every 10 years Every 5 years 0.4 Every 2 years 0.4

y 0.2 0.2

0 0 None 50 25 10 521 None 50 25 10 521

K = 100 K = 50 1 1 Extinction probabilit

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0 None 50 25 10 521 None 50 25 10 521 Exposure interval (years)

Fig. 3 Effects of the ranavirus exposure interval at the larval or meta- ulations (N 1,000 simulations/scenario). Immigration always con- morph stages, carrying capacity (K), and immigration frequency on sisted of the =introduction of one breeding female probability of extinction over 150 years in simulated boreal toad pop- stages, except the juvenile stage, which was not included diversity may be contributing to the high susceptibility of in the simulations. Metamorph and adult gopher frogs usu- dusky gopher frogs and boreal toads to ranavirus. Dusky ally stay at breeding sites for at least 3 days and 2 weeks, gopher frogs have experienced a strong population bottle- respectively (Richter and Seigel 2002), and hatchlings and neck resulting in low genetic diversity and high inbreeding tadpoles develop in water. Similar to other species, dusky (Richter et al. 2009). Boreal toads have lower allelic rich- gopher frog mortality was much lower in the egg stage than ness and observed heterozygosity in the Colorado and Utah in other stages (Haislip et al. 2011). High mortality in most populations, the candidate population segment, than other life stages puts the dusky gopher frog at high risk if ranavi- portions of the range (Switzer et al. 2009). Low genetic rus is introduced to the Glen’s pond population. diversity may account for the high mortality of boreal toads Ranavirus susceptibility is generally higher in ranids, in this study compared to western toad (Anaxyrus boreas) and species that breed in semi-permanent ponds, develop tadpoles from California, USA, which had only 5 % mor- rapidly as tadpoles, and have limited geographic distribu- tality when exposed to the same FV3-like isolate (Brenes tions (Hoverman et al. 2011). The geographic range for 2013). However, it is unclear whether recent declines in dusky gopher frogs is extremely restricted, and popula- genetic diversity have increased the susceptibility of these tion isolation is typical for both dusky gopher frogs and two species or if they would have been similarly suscep- boreal toads (Carey et al. 2005; Muths et al. 2006b; Richter tible prior to declines. The dusky gopher frog’s sister spe- et al. 2009). Population isolation tends to lead to reduced cies, the Carolina gopher frog (Lithobates capito), is also genetic diversity (Amos and Harwood 1998), which can highly susceptible to ranavirus (85 % larval mortality with affect susceptibility to ranavirus. For example, popula- exposure to FV3; Hoverman et al. 2011), despite relatively tions of the Italian agile frog (Rana latastei) were more higher levels of genetic diversity (Richter et al. 2009). The susceptible to ranavirus if they were isolated and had lower type of FV3-like ranavirus used in our study could also genetic diversity (Pearman and Garner 2005). Low genetic have contributed to the high mortality. This ranavirus was

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Fig. 4 Effects of the ranavirus K = 250 K = 150 exposure interval at the tadpole 150 150 or metamorph stages, carrying 125 capacity (K), and immigration 125 frequency on time to extinction 100 in simulated boreal toad popula- Immigration 100 tions (N 1,000 simulations/ None 75 75 scenario).= Immigration always Every 50 years

) Every 25 years consisted of the introduction 50 Every 10 years 50 of one breeding female. Error Every 5 years bars represent standard error. 25 Every 2 years 25 Note that data points that appear missing on the graphs are for 0 0 conditions where extinction None 50 25 10 521 None 50 25 10 521 never occurred in all of the simulations; there is, subse- K = 100 K = 50 quently, no estimate of time to 150 150 extinction 125

Time to extinction (years 125

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0 None 50 25 10 521 None 50 25 10 521 Exposure interval (years) isolated in a ranaculture facility (i.e., American bullfrog These predictions are similar to closed populations of wood farm) in Georgia, USA, and hence it may have represented frogs (Earl and Gray 2014), which is another species that is a novel strain to the species we tested. Given that Ameri- highly susceptible to ranavirus. can bullfrogs are traded internationally and throughout the Although the mortality rate from ranavirus exposure was USA (Schloegel et al. 2009), our results also might repre- the same for different life stages, the effects on the popu- sent introduction of a ranavirus facilitated by trade. Emer- lation sometimes varied. For dusky gopher frogs, extinc- gence of ranavirus, Ambystoma tigrinum virus, and Batra- tion occurred faster with exposure in the hatchling, larval, chochytrium salamandrivorans have been linked to the or metamorph stages than in the adult stage. These results salamander trade (Storfer et al. 2007; Gray et al. 2015b). match our estimates of model parameter sensitivity, as The dusky gopher frog and boreal toad’s high ranavirus would be expected with low sensitivity to adult survival susceptibility resulted in an increase in extinction prob- and higher sensitivity to survival in year 1. This longer time ability, decrease in extinction time, and population declines to extinction when exposed to ranavirus in the adult stage with ranavirus exposure in simulated populations. For likely occurred, because in the simulations, we assumed dusky gopher frogs, populations went extinct quickly with- adult females were able to successfully breed prior to mor- out exposure to ranavirus and, under the worst-case scenar- tality by ranavirus. Sutton et al. (2014) reported that 100 % ios, went extinct in seven and 12 years with ranavirus expo- of adult dusky gopher frogs died between 11 and 17 days sure in the hatchling, larval, or metamorph stages every 1 following exposure to ranavirus in water, which might be or 2 years, respectively. For boreal toads, probabilities of sufficient time to successfully breed. We also assumed that extinction within 150 years increased to 100 % with expo- only one life stage was exposed to ranavirus in a particular sure to ranavirus every 1 or 2 years at all carrying capaci- year. However, given the multiple host species of ranavirus ties. The extinction probability was also 100 % with expo- and environmental persistence of the virions (Brunner et al. sure every 5 years in smaller populations with a carrying 2015), exposure during more than one developmental stage capacity of 50 adult females and immigration every 5 years is likely if individuals survive the first exposure, which was or less frequently. In the worst-case scenarios for boreal rare for the two species in this study. For the pre-juvenile toads, populations went extinct in 21 and 45 years for expo- life stages, robust adaptive immune response to subsequent sure every 1 or 2 years, respectively, for populations with ranavirus exposures is unlikely (Grayfer et al. 2015). More- the smallest carrying capacity examined (50 adult females). over, exposure to ranavirus during more than one life stage

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620 Oecologia (2016) 182:611–623 can increase the likelihood of mortality compared to expo- captive-reared adult females could mitigate declines and sure only once (Echaubard et al. 2016). We were unable to prevent extinction. We found that this conservation strategy test egg, hatchling, and adult stages for boreal toads; how- could potentially be useful when ranavirus exposure inter- ever, considering the strong correlation of high susceptibil- val occurred rarely or with moderate frequency. When rana- ity among all stages except the egg for the dusky gopher virus exposure occurred very frequently (every 2–5 years), frog, we would expect that hatchling and adult stages of the introduction of captive-reared individuals would also boreal toads would be very susceptible as well. Thus, our have to occur very frequently (every 2 years) or involve simulations may represent optimistic scenarios. large numbers of individuals (i.e., >50). For this analysis, Strong dispersal connectivity among populations might we also assumed that wild and captive-reared females had mitigate the effects of repeated disease-induced die-offs. the same survival and fecundity, which may not be the case. A wood frog metapopulation in , USA was Previous work has shown that captive-reared boreal toad found to persist despite frequent and high levels of rana- females lay egg masses with lower hatching success than virus-induced mortality (Petranka et al. 2007). Immigra- wild boreal toads (Muths et al. 2014). If future work can tion from nearby subpopulations not experiencing die-offs estimate how equivalent wild and captive-reared individu- from ranavirus was hypothesized to constitute a rescue als are in survival and reproduction, these estimates could effect (Petranka et al. 2007). However, in our simulations, be used to adjust our analyses. Our estimates were meant immigration at natural rates did not buffer boreal toad as a starting point to determine how to mitigate the severe populations from the effects of ranavirus exposure unless population-level effects predicted from ranavirus expo- it occurred every 2 years. In most cases, immigration fre- sure, and probably represent best-case scenarios. For real- quencies of none to every 5 years did not substantially conservation actions, simulations should be run to compare change extinction risk, time to extinction, or adult popula- different available management options (e.g., Woodhams tion size for populations not experiencing extinction. This et al. 2011). For example, examining the effects of releas- result is consistent with theoretical models which suggest ing other life stages, such as eggs or juveniles, could be that higher connectivity within metapopulations will help considered. It may also be helpful to include a financial buffer endangered species from the negative effects of assessment to determine which actions would be most fea- disease (Gog et al. 2002; McCallum and Dobson 2002). sible given budget constraints. Gray et al. (2015a) provide In our simulations, each immigration event consisted of some suggestions for performing a risk analysis for ranavi- only one breeding adult female. Carey et al. (2005) sug- rus introduction. gested that most boreal toad populations are likely demo- Our model results suggest that ranavirus represents a graphically and genetically isolated. Our results show that high risk for dusky gopher frog and boreal toad popula- the low levels of dispersal connectivity typical for boreal tions. Several assumptions were made during our simula- toad populations, and likely other rare amphibian spe- tions that likely resulted in conservative extinction out- cies, probably are insufficient to buffer against extinction comes. First, we set the extinction threshold very low, such if populations are subjected to high mortality events from that there had to be zero remaining individuals in all life stressors, such as ranavirus. Increased connectivity among stages for extinction to occur. Other studies frequently subpopulations can increase metapopulation persistence in set the threshold just for adult females (e.g., Harper et al. a variety of host–pathogen scenarios, including those with 2008). Second, the initial population sizes represented the reservoir hosts (Gog et al. 2002; McCallum and Dobson most robust years on record, which reduces the extinction 2002). Hence, the effects of connectivity on ranavirus dis- probability and extends the time to extinction. In addition, ease outcomes might depend on dispersal rates, suscepti- as discussed, we assumed that ranavirus exposure occurred bility of host species present, and pathogen exposure inter- only during one developmental stage per annual cycle, val, which could be affected by the presence of reservoir which probably is unrealistic. All of these conditions result hosts (i.e., subclinically infected carriers, McCallum and in more optimistic extinction scenarios. Dobson 2002). Inasmuch as ranavirus can infect multiple We also made some assumptions that could decrease host species in three vertebrate classes (Duffus et al. 2015), extinction probability. First, we assumed that the laboratory estimating transmission dynamics of ranavirus in host trials resulted in a similar mortality, as would be seen in metacommunities may be necessary to truly understand the wild, and we treated survival with exposure to ranavi- the effects of immigration. It is also possible that immigra- rus as fixed. It is likely that there is some variability in sur- tion of subclinically infected hosts could increase the prob- vival with ranavirus exposure under the natural conditions. ability of ranavirus outbreaks through multiple ranavirus Natural conditions may allow for some behaviors or pro- reintroductions. vide certain microhabitats that would increase individuals’ We further examined whether supplementing popu- ability to tolerate or clear infections. We also assumed that lations that have experienced ranavirus die-offs with all individuals in the population were exposed to at least

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103 PFU/mL of ranavirus. This environmental concentra- NSF Award #EF-0832858, with additional support from The Univer- tion of shed virus was estimated from a larval salaman- sity of Tennessee, Knoxville. Further postdoctoral support (JEE) was provided by the South Central Climate Science Center. The authors der in captivity with ranaviral disease (Rojas et al. 2005) would like to thank the Institute of Museum and Library Services and is known to result in infection and disease in multiple (IMLS) National Leadership Grant LG-25-09-0064-09, for funding amphibian hosts (Hoverman et al. 2011). A recent study the research that produced the captive-bred Mississippi Gopher Frogs documented the concentration of ranavirus in the wild and Boreal Toads. Finally, we thank David Lesbarrères and two anon- 3 ymous referees for comments that improved our manuscript. Labora- can exceed 10 PFU/mL during an outbreak (Hall et al. tory research was approved under the University of Tennessee IACUC 2016). It is likely that ranavirus outbreaks initiate through protocol #2140 and USFWS permit #TE171493-0 (dusky gopher direct contact of infected and uninfected individuals, with frogs). shed virions from infected and dead individuals playing a greater role as epidemics progress and ranavirus lethal dose Author contribution statement JEE and MJG conceived the study and led analyses and manuscript writing, JCC, WBS, and CEL per- (LD) concentrations are exceeded (Brunner et al. 2015). formed the laboratory experiments, AJK, CL, and JK propagated the Our stage-structured model predictions could be improved animals for the experiments, RPW replicated and titrated the virus, by adding parameters for transmission and LD50 estimates RDH and DLM lead the qPCR and histopathology, and all authors for ranavirus (Gray et al. 2015a), which have not been esti- contributed to manuscript revision. mated for the species we studied. Our simulations also assume implementation of no dis- References ease intervention or conservation strategies. For the dusky gopher frogs, many different conservation actions (e.g., Amos W, Harwood J (1998) Factors affecting levels of genetic diver- annual release of juveniles raised from cattle tanks) have sity in natural populations. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci been attempted that have increased the success of the 353:177–186 Biek R, Funk WC, Maxwell BA, Mills LS (2002) What is missing in Glen’s pond population, and there is at least one additional amphibian decline research: insights from ecological sensitivity population that may be viable due to repatriation efforts analysis. Conserv Biol 16:728–734 (e.g., Seigel et al. 2006). The data used to parameterize our Brenes R (2013) Mechanisms contributing to the emergence model were from the years prior to these manipulations of ranavirus in ectothermic vertebrate communities. PhD, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife, University of (Richter and Seigel 2002; Richter et al. 2003), and thus are Tennessee most likely to represent the population dynamics without Brenes R, Miller DL, Waltzek TB, Wilkes RP, Tucker JL (2014) Sus- interventions by managers. ceptibility of fish and turtles to three ranaviruses isolated from Our results suggest that ranavirus has the potential to different ectothermic vertebrate classes. J Aquat Anim Health 26:118–126 cause local and global extinction if introduced into popu- Brunner JL, Schock DM, Davidson EW, Collins JP (2004) Intraspe- lations of highly susceptible host species. Risk of extinc- cific reservoirs: complex life history and the persistence of a tion from ranavirus exposure was not mitigated by low lev- lethal ranavirus. 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The Pennsylvania Academy of Sci- with the UTIA East Tennessee Research and Education Center for ence, Easton, pp 72–88 providing laboratory space and logistical support. This work was par- de Castro F, Bolker BM (2005) Mechanisms of disease-induced tially conducted while a Postdoctoral Fellow (JEE) at the National extinction. Ecol Lett 8:117–126 Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, an Institute Duffus ALJ, Waltzek TB, Stöhr AC, Allender MC, Gotesman M, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the US Department Whittington RJ, Hick P, Hines MK, Marschang RE (2015) Dis- of Homeland Security, and the US Department of Agriculture through tribution and host range of ranaviruses. In: Gray MJ, Chinchar

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