RUGGERO MORETTO Radionic, Radiesthesic Practitioner Qualified Biotherapist CEE Reiki Master Via Roma, 5 20045 LAMBRUGO (Como) - Italy Phone no.. 0039 339 3884301 Email:
[email protected] “NATURAL HEALING WITH THE SPIRITUAL GUIDES AND RADIESTHESIA” COURSE LECTURE NOTES (By Ruggero Moretto) T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S PREFACE ………………………………………………..…Page 3 THE USE OF THE PENDULUM ………..………………...Page 4 SEARCH OF OUR “KEY GUIDE” ………………………..Page 5 HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH OUR “KEY GUIDE” ……………………………………….….…Page 6 HOW TO SEARCH THE MOST SUITABLE GUIDES FOR ANY ACTION ………………………………..………Page 7 THE MOST SUITABLE FORMULA …….………………..Page 9 VARIOUS APPLICATIONS ……………………………...Page 10 SPECIFIC EXPLANATION OF EACH HIGH SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE OF HEBREW TRADITION (Archangels and Angels) …………..……………...Page 11 HIGH SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCES (Angels) TABLES ………………………………….…..…..(the last three pages) 2 PREFACE In this seminar we’re going to explain how to operate and to go on with any direct and immediate healing or vibrational action for all we conceive, with the help of the High Spiritual Intelligences of Hebrew Tradition who rule the Universe with the aid of a particular “FORMULA” or “PRAYER” and by a special big size rock crystal pendulum natural not pierced (twined by a proper metal wire used to make pendents with a gold or silver chain), for all the different cases of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional healing, for ourselves, for those we love, for every day life situations and for everything around us. This particular pendulum,