

Keywords: bush , ontogenesis, introduction, cultivate and utilization. frutescens (Magnoliophyta department, class Magnoliopsida, the order , family , genus Argryranthemum L. Sch. Bip) – bushy . Previously, the species belonged to the Chrysanthemum genus; actually it is separated into independent Argryranthemum genus which includes 23 species. Thebushy chrysanthemums are native from Canary and Madeira Islands. Some species of the genus have been introduced in culture for more than 200 years ago, they are perennial , and are valued for abundant, long flowering, but are cultivated as annuals, because they do not tolerate low temperatures [Kiselev, 1952]. From 2014 in the collection of perennials in our Botanical Garden (Institute) of ASM from Holland representatives of the genus Argryranthemum were introduced. When the plants are transferring in other geographic and environmental conditions, their peculiarities are not stable and may change significantly. In connection with comprehensive study of the adaptive abilities and biological characteristics of new culture in given soil and climatic conditions was started. The purpose of our research was the study of thebushy chrysanthemums (A. frutescens) vital cycle (ontogenesis) in the conditions of Moldova’s central part. The scientific investigations in the stock greenhouse and in the experimental section of Floriculture laboratory of Botanical Garden (Institute) of ASM were carried out. The research objects three varieties(Pompon white, AngelicTMLemon, AngelicTMMagenta) Argranthemum frutescens were served. The studies according Krasnova, Vysyascheva, Yuskevich methodic (1990) were carried out. Phenological observations, biometrical indices in the open ground, as well as the description of ontogenetic peculiarities according to the generally accepted methodic of phenological observations in the Botanical Gardens of the USSR were made (1979). Uterine specimens were planted in the greenhouses ground, and then the plants by green cuttings were propagated. Cuttings were carried out in two terms October 2014 and March 2015. In late April, rooted cuttings were planted in the ground. Throughout the growing season under the plants agrotechnical care were carried out, observations were made, also the fixing the phases of development, as well as biometric measurements. According to our observations, the phase flowering in some varieties of argyranthemums begins immediately after the rooting of the cuttings, still in the shelves, before planting in the ground. During the planting its were removed. The most intensive grow and development of all three experimental varieties was observed in September, the beginnings of October, where during that time are forming the main number of inflorescences. The blooming at all three varieties is long, throughout of all summer and early autumn period, right up to the very frosts. Thecompletion phase of floweringwas noted on all varieties in one day, since the inflorescences perished, due to a sharp reduction in temperature. According our observation, the inflorescences of argyranthemum supports the decrease of temperature indices till + 2-4°C, lower air temperatures it leads to the death of inflorescences. According our scientific results, we have established that for cultivation Argranthemum frutescens in the climatic conditions of the given zone, the multiplication is recommended in October or propagation in early spring. The optimal temperature for successful rooting ofArgranthemum frutescens cuttings is recommended +12-16oС, at a soil relative humidity of 80-85%. Chrysanthemum bush represent a photophilous , on which growth and development, substantially influences air temperature and the planting period. During the dry season difficultly entered in the generative phase. Under favorable growing conditions Argranthemum frutescens, in our Botanical Garden, abundantly and blooms for a long time. In the open field is not saved. In connection with may be cultivated only as an annual plant. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Киселев Г. Е. 1952. Цветоводство. М.: Государственное издательство сельскохозяйственной литературы, с. 702. 2. Юскевич Н. Н., Висящева Л. В., Краснова Т. Н. 1990. Промышленное цветоводство России. М.: РОАГРОПРОМИЗДАТ, 302 с. 3. Методика фенологических наблюдений в ботанических садах СССР. 1979. Бюлл. ГБС АН СССР, вып. 113, с. 3-8.