N ICHIGO PRESS issue 11 2010 / 11 issue 11 2010 / FREE The Japan you are looking for is right here! Japanese corporate leaders enhance the Environment Discover the wonder of Japan FG0221_FPC_NP_RHS.indd 1 16/9/10 5:26:43 PM Contents 8 Special feature ©Zao Tourism Association ©Zao Tourism Japanese corporate leaders enhance the environment 8 14 Travel top picks 14 Ski 16 Heritage 18 Dine 19 Accommodation 14 History 20 Entertainment 21 Activity 22 ©Kyoto Tourism Council ©Kyoto Tourism 23 Travel jstyle 24 Hokkaido 32 Tohoku 41 Nagano and Niigata 23 52 Tochigi and Gunma 54 Tokyo 58 Gifu and Ishikawa 62 Kyoto and Shiga 66 Osaka Kii Peninsula 68 Hiroshima and Shikoku 72 ©Kagoshima Prefectural Tourist Federation / ©JNTO Tourist ©Kagoshima Prefectural 74 Kyushu and Okinawa 76 Travel yellow pages 79 JNTO brings you 7 experiences 83 Living jstyle 85 Ikebana 86 Sake 89 Food 89 93 Onsen 94 Pop culture 96 Event calendar 96 Nishi / ©JNTO ©Yasufumi 4 jstyle 2010/11 The winner of the 2009 “FlightStats On-Time Performance Service (OPS) Award” Airlines issue 11 Editorial Director Tadasu Harada Feature writers Aya Murasawa Yuki Fukutomi ©APPI Resort / ©JNTO / ©Japanese Ryokan Takinami Translators & writers Lisa Narroway Victoria Oyama Benn Watson Consultants Julie Ihle jstyle is published by Nichigo Press Pty. Ltd. Level 5, 630 George St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Caroline Gladstone General Inquiries Tel: (02) 9283-2877 Fax: (02) 9283-7646 Email:
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