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August PDF First Version.Indd The publication for California politics and perspectives Volume 1 Issue 2 California to overtake the UK as 5th Largest Economy soon California Approves Autonomy Initi ati ve for Signature Gathering Interview with Pro Indepen- dence Candidate in Assembly disti ct 40 . H���������, C� �� W��� B��� THE GRIZZLY 1 TTopics Grizzly Staff California Commands World’s Fifth Largest Economy............................................ 4 Wildlife and Antiquities............................................................................................ 6 Managing Editor: Andre Santana Contributing Editors: Kevin Hile and Cynkay Morningsong Make or Break – Catalonia votes 10-1 for Independence.........................................8 Cover: Will Bakx (Photo), Isaac Ing (Logo), Matthew Vitale (advertisements) California Approves Autonomy Initiative for Signature Gathering..........................11 Interviews with the Editor: Mark Parker............................................................................13 California National Party at Politicon.......................................................................22 Editor’s Note Dear Readers: Dear Readers: Headcoverings in Califonia ......................................................................................24 “The Grizzly” is not the sole publication of the California National Par- ty (CNP), it is the publication for the whole California Independence Movement (CIM). We will give a voice to any organization or individual interested in the concept of independence, including Democrats and Re- publicans who may be interested in the concept. The CNP is the party that Benefits for Progressives if California Gained More Independence.........................26 is most interested in more independence and autonomy for California, so they get a lot more attention here than other parties. In this edition, we showcase an interview for a Democrat who is pro-independence for Cali- fornia. This publication is not pro Democrat or Republican, it is exploring Border: a Semi-Porous Membrane.......................................................................................31 all the issues with independence including all the actors involved regard- less of party affiliation . Andre Santana California and Net Neutrality..............................................................................................33 Managing Editor THE GRIZZLY THE GRIZZLY 2 3 California Commands World’s Fifth Largest Economy goods easily with Canada, Mexico, and Asia. real estate gouging. “It’s the economy, stupid.” That was the 1992 Golden State is not just rich, it’s well-rounded. presidential election campaign slogan for All of this industry takes resources to run—hu- Every country faces challenges, and this is Bill Clinton’s White House run, and it is still When people think of California, most draw man and natural—and California is up to the especially true for newly formed nations. relevant in today’s politics. No political ef- images of tourism (Disneyland, Pismo Beach challenge. With a diverse workforce (about 33% The bottom line, however, is that Califor- fort of any significance can anticipate success golfing…), Hollywood, and perhaps the wine of employed workers are Hispanic, which might nia has established, prosperous industries; without the money to back it, including the country and Silicon Valley. All are important, be why California is more tolerant of immigra- a large work force; natural resources; and growing secessionist movement. but agriculture is the backbone of the state. tion from the south than other states) of about all the seaports, airports, and rail systems America’s Bread Basket isn’t found in the 21 million people, the unemployment rate has needed for vibrant trade. Several U.S. states have petitions circulating been holding at about 5%. When it comes to Midwest or the Great Plains, but in Califor- And that ain’t stupid. that call from independence from Washing- nia’s Central Valley. According to the USDA, energy needs, the state is on a path toward run- ton, including Vermont, New Hampshire, in 2014, California produced $54 billion in ning on 100% renewables in the next generation 1 http://www.usgovernmentspend- Texas, and, of course, California. But al- agricultural products, while the runner-up or so. And, while water needs are a concern, a though Texas has a sizeable GDP of about state, Iowa, had $30.65 billion. Included in combination of improved water conservation $1.64 trillion, California blows them all away this total is the fact that California is the coun- (the recent drought has shown that residents 2 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis with an estimated economic output for 2017 try’s leading milk producer. Nineteen percent are able to lower usage by 25% to 30%5), more 1 2 3 http://www.californiadairypress- of $2.71 trillion . That’s up from $2.6 trillion (over 40 billion pounds) of milk are produced desalination plants (which are becoming more in 2016. here annually.3 And the Golden State not only efficient each year), and stronger efforts to store In 2016, California surpassed France’s GDP, produces fruits, veggies, meats, and dairy, it water underground could well alleviate the 4 and toward that year’s end it also passed that also processes it at over 4,500 food and bever- problem. ca2016a0011-162257.pdf of Great Britain, moving California up from age plants, which is over twice what runner-up Reporters and pundits who pontificate about sixth to fifth place in the world. Only Germa- New York state has. In 2014, nearly 830,000 the impossibility of an independent California 5 ny, Japan, China, and the United States have people worked in California agriculture in lanow/la-me-ln-july-urban-water-savings- 4 point to some harsher realities about the state, burlier numbers to boast. some capacity. of course. One is the housing market. Housing 20150827-story.html That puts the Golden State on the firmest costs, especially along the coast, are skyrocket- ground of any of her 49 sisters for having a ing, pricing average families out of the Ameri- viable economy independent of the rest of the can Dream. This could spell economic instabili- nation. ty for many who might be making decent wages but not enough to purchase a home in a major city. The other factor is the division between liberal Port of Oakland coastal and metropolitan areas versus the more politically conservative regions of northern Cal- Next, let’s look at high tech. California is the ifornia (north of Sacramento and the Bay Area) home of such world-changing companies as and the Central Valley. Critics feel there would Apple Computer, eBay, and Google. It is also be considerable conservative flight from a free a leader in medical technology. The reason for California to states such as Texas, and this could both can be found in the state’s superior higher impact the workforce here. education institutions composed of the Univer- sity of California and California State systems, This is true—to a degree—but while individu- CALIFORNIA CONNECTED TO NIGHT LIGHTS OF THE WEST COAST AS THE SUN RISES. als and families might be bothered enough by SKEGBYDAVE/GETTY IMAGES as well as many other universities, colleges, Kevin Hile is a freelance writer and editor based in and community colleges. Sacramento policies to leave, they can’t take the Cathedral City, California.He has authored books on land with them. Agriculture will stay. High tech California like The Handy California Answer Book And it’s not just the size of California’s econ- Other major industries include automobile, companies need skilled IT people, and those omy but also its diversity that would help sta- airplane, and other machinery production; people love to live in areas such as Silicon Val- bilize it as a young nation, should CalExit be- pharmaceuticals and chemicals; and, of course, ley, not a windswept Plains state. As for chal- come a reality. From agriculture to high-tech tourism. Geographically, the state is ideally lenges such as housing prices, a free California and from tourism to natural resources, the placed along the Pacific Rim to trade all these would be more able to implement controls on THE GRIZZLY THE GRIZZLY 4 5 An enlightening look at the Golden State, people, and culture. Wildlife and Antiquities As a child, I loved going on our family vaca- a good way. tions. Most of these trips involved visiting The Handy California Pollution poisons plants, water and air. Power family members in other states, and we would plant and industrial emissions affect the air often visit one or more of the national parks and water quality, as do the tailpipe emissions of North America along the way. As a result, I caused by millions of cars traveling through Answer Book developed a deep love of the land, the history, and near the parks every year. Mountain by Kevin Hile and the beauty of this country. bikers, motorboats, and snow mobiles all take ISBN: 978-1-57859-591-4 In California alone, we have 28 national parks their toll on the environment as well. Many of Kindle ISBN: 978-1-57859-624-9 and national onuments. The oldest of our the parks are lacking in transportation systems ePub ISBN: 978-1-57859-623-2 parks, Yosemite, was given to the protection that would allow us to enjoy our national PDF ISBN: 978-1-57859-622-5 of California during the Civil War by Congress heritage while keeping human impact to a and President Lincoln. In 1890 it, along with minimum. 464 pages Sequoia National Forest, were officially named Water issues affect the rivers and other habi- 120 B/W Photos & Illustrations as National Parks. The newest of our parks, tats of fish and wildlife. Without enough clean Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monu- 7.125” × 9.25” water to sustain waterways, fish don’t spawn ment, was created July 10, 2015 by President Trade paperback $21.95 and land becomes vulnerable to erosion, Obama. eBooks $18.99 slides, and the effects of too little water to keep the park healthy. California! The country’s most populous Invasive species wreak havoc on these areas of pristine nature.
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