COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Thursday, May 24th, 2018 6:30 pm–9 pm South Berkeley Senior Center 2939 Ellis St, Berkeley, CA 94703 Community Health Commission (CHC) Preliminary Matters 1. Roll Call 2. Announcements & Introductions of any new members 3. Approval of Minutes from April 26th, 2018 meeting (Attachment 1) 4. Confirm note taker 5. Public Comment (Speakers will have up to 5 minutes each) Presentation Items 1. Health Officer Update: Update Discussion 1. Cannabis update Action Items 1. Action: Update 2018 work plan and subcommittee priorities (Attachment 3) 2. Action: Add/remove subcommittee members. (Attachment 4) [Khalfay] Subcommittee Reports 1. Acute Services for Berkeley Subcommittee Report 2. Health Equity Subcommittee Report 3. Policy Education Subcommittee Report 4. Basic Needs Security Subcommittee Report 5. Disease Prevention Subcommittee Report 6. Other Subcommittee Reports Future Agenda Items 1. Get statistics on immigrant health (Lingas) 2. Police Review Commission presentation (Lingas) 3. Health Status Report overview (Staff) 4. Presentation from Public Health’s Preparedness Program (Staff) 5. Presentation by Healthy Black Families, Vicky Alexander (Smart) Adjournment Attachments: 1. Draft minutes of 04/26/18 CHC meeting 2. Approved minutes of 3/22/18 CHC meeting 3. Community Health Commission work plan A Vibrant and Healthy Berkeley for All 1947 Center Street, 2nd Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510. 981.5300 TDD: 510.981.6903 Fax: 510. 981.5395 E-mail:
[email protected] - - Agenda – Community Health Commission 5/24/2018 Page 2 of 2 4. Community Health Commission subcommittee roster 2018 5. Community Health Commission Meeting Calendar 2018 6.