Proceeding of The 5th Conference on Communication, Culture and Media Studies Mediatization of Bribery at Sukamiskin Correctional Prisoner in Comics Journalism in Tempo Magazine Edition February 12th, 2017 Rana Akbari Fitriawan¹, Catur Nugroho², ¹Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia, 08122119501,
[email protected] ²Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia,
[email protected] Abstract The verdict of the judges against the defendants in the corruption case did not deter some of the grafter who had been thrown into The Sukamiskin Correctional Prisoner in Bandung. Even though they have held prisoners' status and are in prison, they are still trying to commit corrupt behavior by, among other things, bribing officers to the Head of the Prison, so they can get out of the place and enjoy free air even if only for a moment. This case became news in a number of mass media, especially mainstream media, through their journalistic products. Referring to the mediatization theory of Stig Hjarvard complemented by the mediatization of journalism from Kammer, this short article attempts to unravel how corrupt behavior in the form of bribery carried out by grafters in Sukamiskin Prison was constructed into news in the comics jouralism format in Tempo Magazine February 12, 2017 . Keywords: comics journalism, corruption, mediatization, media logic Introduction The issue of corruption in Indonesia has been deeply rooted with diverse patterns. So many corruption cases in this country that the Deputy Chair of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Laode M Syarif described the term "Country Corruption". The term presented by Laode in the discussion on Reflections on the Anti-Corruption Movement, Answering the Challenges of the 20 Years of Reform, Jakarta, May 18, 20018 refers to the planned corruption since the budget planning was carried out.