Pierre Bayle

Dear Sir or Madam, My name is , and I am applying for a job as editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal. My extensive experience in criticism and journalism qualify me for the position; some previous employments include: editor of the journal Nouvelles de la République des Lettre, philosophical teacher, and several jobs regarding the writing and publishing of my ideas. I am interested in the position because previously when I published my ideas, I was called “heretic” and I fled to the to escape threats. The right of freedom of religion in the United States will facilitate the acceptance of and respect for my radical beliefs. As editorial writer for such a major and influential newspaper such as the Wall Street Journal, I will not be criticized for my controversial ideas, and I will still be able to publicize my discoveries, particularly those about human thought and of the “Real Presence” of Christ. Through books I have already written, I seek to change the beliefs of the ignorant population and inform them of the lies they have believed for centuries. The already established renown for my books (especially my Historical and Critical Dictionary), as well as the topic addition of philosophical criticism to your newspaper will, I am sure, draw many more readers. Be sure to remember me, Pierre Bayle, when you consider who to hire in order to increase reader viewing and interest.

Sincerely, Pierre Bayle

Resume Pierre Bayle “The Philosopher of Rotterdam” Education • Taught under mentor at School in Sedan • Graduated with a Master’s Degree from the Jesuit school • Home schooled until 21 years • Primary School

Job Experience • Experience in tutoring • Scholar and philosopher • Critic journalist for religion • Held the chair of philosophy at the Protestant Academy at Sedan • Held a position at the Ecole Illustre in Rotterdam‐ a school for the Huguenot community in • Editor of ‘learned’ journal Nouvelles de la République des Lettre

Skills • Critical writing • Scholarship • Teaching

Accomplishments • Wrote Historical and Critical Dictionary (1696) which criticized religious beliefs and historical persecutions and became a best‐seller • Other works include: Pensées diverses (1682), the Critique générale (1682), Nouvelles lettres (1685) which successfully popularized literature, La France toute catholique (1686), Commenttire philosophique (1687)

Mentor • Pierre Jurieu, who later became an archenemy

Rewards/ Recognitions • Book Historical and Critical Dictionary was published in the Netherlands, and reprinted often all over the Netherlands and . It was the most popular work in the . • Graduated with Master’s degree from Jesuit school Toulouse • Eligible for a Jesuit Scholarship, but declined • Appointed to chair of philosophy at Protestant Academy at Sedan

References • Pierre Jurieu •

Quote • The antiquity and general acceptance of an opinion is not assurance of its truth. • It is pure illusion to think that an opinion that passes down from century to century, from generation to generation, may not be entirely false. • “The greatest master of the art of reasoning that ever wrote, Bayle, great and wise, all systems overthrows.” ‐ Voltaire