
INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS AN INTERNATIONAL JOU,9NAL ELSEVIER Industrial Crops and Products 14 (2001) 241-249 www.elsevier.com/locate/indcrop

Supercritical fluid extraction of Vernonia galamensis seeds

Jerry W. King a,*, Ali Mohamed b, Scott L. Taylor a, T. Mebrahtu b, Claudia Paul b

a Food Quality & Safety Research Unit, National Center for Agricullllral Utilization Research USDA, Agricullllral Research Service, 1815 N. University Street, Peoria, IL 61604, USA b Agricultural Research Station, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA 23806, USA Received 29 September 2000; accepted 18 April 2001


Vernonia galamensis is an excellent source of a seed oil rich in vernolic acid. However, the seeds of this plant exhibit a high lipase activity in the dormant state. The activity of this enzyme is apparent as vernonia oil will undergo lipolysis when the seeds are crushed prior to extraction. In this study, supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) utilizing carbon dioxide has been examined as an alternative , at different pressures, temperatures and cosolvent concentrations. The use of supercritical fluid carbon dioxide (SC-C02) as the extraction fluid under high temperatures and pressures has the potential to inhibit the lipolysis reaction during the extraction by reducing the activity of the enzyme, and hence the production of undesired fatty acids. Vernonia seeds were ground with dry ice prior to extraction to minimize any nascent lipase activity. Selective SFE was conducted at various pressures, temperatures, modifier concentrations, and total CO2 volume used to determine whether the vernolic acid content of the resultant extract could be enriched. An increase in pressure and temperature significantly increased the amount of extracted oil as well as the vernolic acid content. In addition, a significant reduction in the free content of the oil from 69 to 8 mg/g oil was present with increasing extraction pressure. Exhaustive extraction of the oil could be attained via SFE with neat CO2 and with ethanol-modified CO 2 However, regrinding the matrix after the initial extraction, followed by re-extraction of the seed matrix was necessary in these cases. The resultant oil and extracted meal were characterized with respect to free fatty acid, phospholipid, and percent protein contents. Published by Elsevier Science BY

Keywords: Extraction; Lipase; Supercritical fluid; Vernonia

1. Introduction seeds are crushed, leading to high free fatty acid levels in the extracted oil and resultant meal. Vernonia galamensis seeds are characterized by Therefore, proper precautions should be taken by the rapid induction of lipolytic activity when the introducing a heating step in the oil extraction processing scheme (Carlson et al. 1981; Ayorinde * Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1309-6816203; fax: + et al. 1990; Mohamed et aI., 1995). Toward this 1309-6816686. end, Mohamed et al. (1995) have shown that E-mail address: [email protected] (l.W. King).

0926-6690/01/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Science B.V. PH: S0926-6690(0 I )00089-9 242 J. W. King et 01. / Industrial Crops and Products 14 (2001) 241-249 microwave heating may be even more efficient In this study, SFE was applied to extract oil than conventional heating for deactivating the from vernonia seeds, which were obtained from lipase. Aside from the application of heat, lipase Ver-Tech, Inc. (Plano, TX). The optimal condi­ activity may also be minimized by pressure-in­ tions for efficient extraction \vere determined and duced denaturation, which is the basis of a new the results of this method of extraction on oil and technology known as high pressure food process­ meal characteristics determined. SFE of oils from ing (Issacs, 1998). their native seed matrices is impacted by a num­ Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) is an alter­ ber of factors other than just the of the native extraction method whereby supercritical oil in neat SC-C02 (King, 1997). Of particular fluids, instead of organic , are used as an interest was the effect of extraction with SC-C02 extraction medium. Extraction with supercritical on the production of residual free fatty acids in the extracted oil and seed meal. SFEs were con­ carbon dioxide (SC-C02) can offer advantages when processing seeds for their oil and meal con­ ducted at various pressures, temperatures, and tent (King and List, 1996). Among these benefits quantity of CO2 used; with and without the addi­ are elimination of solvent residues in the ex­ tion of a GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) tracted oil and meal, environmental compatibility, cosolvent, ethanol, to observe the effect of fluid and end-products having superior properties to density on the composition and properties of the conventionally-extracted oils (List et aI., 1989). It vernonia oil and meal. The effects of seed pre­ is also possible to selectively fractionate seed oils treatment and grinding were also noted. by changing the density of the SC-C02, thereby producing an oil with desirable physical proper­ 2. Materials and methods ties and/or chemical composition (Favati et aI., 1991). Additional benefits may accrue from super­ 2.1. Materials critical fluid processing with respect to meal prop­ erties, among which are improved color and odor, Cleaned V029-vernonia seeds were utilized in functionality, and elimination of residual enzy­ the two SF extraction techniques employed for oil matic activity (Favati et aI., 1996). extraction. For all the extractions, the seeds were Vernonia seeds contain approximately 40% oil, mixed with dry ice and ground in a Model MC­ composed of a valuable and functional ­ 170 Miracle Mill (Markson Science Inc., Phoenix, containing fatty acid or corresponding triglyce­ AZ) to a fine powder to minimize initial lipolysis. ride, known as vernolic acid (cis-12,13-epoxy-cis­ 2.2. Methods 9-octadecanoic acid). Vernonia meal has potential as an alternative protein source (> 40%). It also Initial experiments on ground seeds were per­ contains an active lipase, which has unique formed on 5 g samples of vernonia seeds using an acidolysis and hydrolysis selectivity properties to­ Applied Separations Spe-ed extractor (Allentown, ward vernolic acid (Ayorinde et aI., 1993; Alder­ PA). These experiments were used to determine creutz et aI., 1997). Vernonia oil has been the optimum pressure and temperature for extrac­ characterized by several investigators (Neff et aI., tion, while holding the volume of CO2 used con­ 1993; Anderson et aI., 1993) with respect to its stant. In these experiments, the volume of CO2 molecular composition and shown to contain up used did not exhaustively extract the matrix, but to 80% vernolie acid. Recently, analytical super­ it allowed the effect of pressure and temperature critical fluid chromatography (SFC) has been ap­ on the amount of vernonia oil extracted to be plied for the analysis of vernolie acid in ascertained. These extractions were performed at Euphorbia lagascae oil by Borch-Jensen and 13.8, 34.5 and 69 MPa and at 40°, 60°, 80° and

Mollerup (1996), thus demonstrating at least a 100°C, employing 100 1 of neat CO2 (measured at nascent solubility of the oxy-functional fatty acid ambient conditions). The extracted oil was col­ in SC-C02. lected after depressurization in 20 ml vials. J. W. King et al. i Industrial Crops and Products 14 (2001) 241-249 243

Additional experiments were performed on an SFE units were used, the connecting tubing and Isco SFX 2-10 extraction system (Isco Inc., Lin­ adapters were rinsed with 5 ml quantities of hex­ coln, NE) utilizing a cosolvent pump. This is an ane, acetone, and then methylene chloride, con­ analytical-scale extractor using smaller extraction secutively, after the conclusion of the extraction. vessels (10 ml). Thus, the amount of seed was The rinse solution was then concentrated by re­ reduced to approximately 2 g for these extrac­ moving the volatile solvents with heat and nitro­ tions. Two sets of pressure/temperature parame­ gen sparge before weighing the oi!. ters (51.7 MPa/80°C & 69 MPa/100°C) were used while adding 5, 10 and 15% (vIv) ethanol to the 2.3.2. Determination of vernolic acid content of

CO2, Again, the volume of fluid used did not vernonia oil exhaustively extract the matrix, but it allowed the Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) were pre­ effects of a cosolvent (ethanol) on oil extraction pared by incubation of 1 mg oil with 0.5 ml of to be observed. boron trifluoride in methanol (14%, w/v) at 65°C In contrast to the above experiments, which for 30 min. After cooling to room temperature, 1 were partially designed to conserve seed matrix ml of hexane followed by 1 ml of water saturated use, SFE experiments were also executed with with NaCI were added. The mixture was shaken laboratory-constructed extractors to obtain com­ and then centrifuged at 3000 x g for 3 min and plete extraction of the vernonia oil. This extrac­ the hexane layer containing the FAME \vas re­ tion equipment and procedure have been moved, dried over anhydrous Na2S04 , and ana­ described in the literature (Favati et a!., 1991). lyzed by gas chromatography (GC). For the GC Vernonia seeds contain between 36 and 43% oil, analysis, a Supelco Wax 10 capillary column (Su­ and to achieve complete extraction, the seed ma­ pelco Inc., Bellefonte, PA, 30 m x 0.25 mm i.d., trix was removed from the extraction cell (15.5 em 0.25 film thickness and a Hewlett-Packard Model long x 1.6 em i.d.) after performing an initial 5890A GC (Hewlett-Packard, Wilmington, DE) extraction and reground. The second SFE was equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) then performed on the finer comminuted ver­ and mass spectrometer detector (MSD) was em­ nonia, allowing exhaustive extraction of the ver­ ployed. Helium was used as the carrier gas at a nonia oil to be accomplished. The double-step flow rate of 52.5 mIl min with split ratio of 100: 1. SFE procedure was performed on the vernonia The oven temperature was held isothermally at seed (5 g) at 69 MPa, 100°C, using 600 1CO2 (the 200°C. The injector and detector temperatures seed was reground after 300 1) and an expanded were set at 250° and 280°C, respectively. To ana­

CO2 flow rate of approximately 4.0 I/min. The lyze for vernolic acid, the chromatographic run dual SFE procedure \vas also done using the Isco time was extended to 25 min. FAMEs were iden­ system, using 2 g of vernonia seed, at 69 MPa, tified by comparison with standard FAME mix­

100°C and 400 ml of 5% EtOH/C02 as the extrac­ ture. Vernolic acid was purified from 20 g of tion fluid. In this case, the sample was reground vernonia oil and used as a standard. Quantifica­ after 200 m!. tion was made using heptadecanoic acid (17:0) as an internal standard. The vernolic acid content 2.3. Analysis and characterization of extracted oil was calculated as relative weight percentage of and meal total fatty acids, using a normalization technique to calculate absolute response factors for vernolic 2.3.1. Determination of oil content acid. The reported values are averages of three The oil extracted was done by differential separate determinations. gravimetry on the oil sample collected after de­ compression. Dry vials were tared before com­ 2.3.3. Determination ofFee fatty acids mencing the SFE in the case of the experiments Free fatty acids were determined using the conducted on the Spe-ed and Isco extractor units. method described by Nixon and Chan (1979). In For extractions where the laboratory-constructed this method, 5 mg meal was extracted using 10 ml 244 1. TV. King et 01. / Industrial Crops and Products 14 (200i) 241-249

of a chloroform: n-heptane: methanol (4:3:2, vjvl increase of the extraction fluid (SC-C02) at this v) mixture. After centrifugation the supernatant degree of compression. At 34.5 MPa, the oil was washed, 2 ml of copper reagent were added to solubility was 7.9 wt%, increasing to 10.9 and 11.4 5 ml of chloroform(heptane method extract. The wt% at 60° and 80°C, respectively, before decreas­ tubes containing the above solution were then ing to 7.2 wt% at 100°C. This trend is partially vortexed for 3 min, then centrifuged for 5 min at reflective of the "crossover effect" (King, 1997) 3000 rpm. Three milliliters of the organic superna­ where a density-based reduction in oil solubility tant was then transferred into a clean test tube. A with temperature is counteracted by an increase in 0.2 ml aliquot of color reagent was then added to oil solubilization in the supercritical fluid due to each tube, mixed carefully, and the resultant color the increase in the vernonia oil's vapor pressure allowed to develop for 20 min at room tempera­ with increasing temperature. At 69 MPa, oil solu­ ture. The solution absorbance was read at 550 nm bility increased with temperature as noted by against a reagent blank consisting of 3 ml (chloro­ Freidrich (1984) and other investigators. Clearly, form: n-heptane: methanol at 4:3:2 v(v). Linolenic for exhaustive oil extraction, a combination of 69 acid standards ranging from 10-130 nmol were MPa and 100°C is preferred. used to establish a standard curve. Free fatty acid Under similar extraction conditions to those content was calculated as mg(g of meal. reported in Fig. 1, the vernolic acid content is shown in Fig. 2. At 13.8 MPa, the vernolic acid 2.3.4. Determination ofphospholipids content was invariant with respect to temperature, Total phospholipids were determined in ver­ however for extractions conducted at 34.5 MPa, a nonia seed oil as described by Mohamed et al. steady increase in the vern01ic acid content of the (1995). Approximately 0.1 ml of the extracted oil extracted oil with temperature occurred, ranging was mixed with 0.2 ml of a chromogenic solution from 49.4% at 40°C to 63.4% at 100°C. This and the mixture was heated at 90°C for 10 min. suggests conditions for fractionating this particu­ The tubes were then cooled to room temperature and 5 ml chloroform were added. The chloroform lar vernonia oil into fractions enriched in vernolic layer was carefully removed and the developed acid, as noted by Carlson et al. (1981), for the color was read at 710 nm against a blank solu­ hexane extraction of vernonia oil. At 69 MPa as a tion. Phosphatidylcholine standards ranging from function of temperature, there is no noticeable 50 to 1000 flg per tube were used to establish a standard curve. [-+-13.8 MPa --- 34.5 MPa •* '69.0 MPa I

2.3.5. Determination of total protein 20 I Protein content was analyzed by the Kjeldahl .! .-.. 16 method. After complete digestion, N2 was deter­ ~ I mined using Nessler reagent. To calculate % ~ .!...... !. -0 12 I OJ I protein, the N 2 value was multiplied 6.25...... ___ --11., t5 [ ,. ,. , , ~ i ,. ,. , X 8 : 11', LU It' " ... 3. Results and discussion 6 4/ 3.1. Extraction of oil " o I s;: .. The total percent oil extracted in the limited 40 60 80 100 volume CO2 experiments as a function of pressure Temperature (0C) and temperature are shown in Fig. 1. At 13.8 MPa, a maximum amount of oil was extracted at Fig. I. Effect of temperature and pressure on oil extraction the lower temperatures, a reflection of the density from vernonia seeds. J. rv. King et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 14 (2001) 241-249 245

1--13.8 MPa""'" 34.5 MPa .... '69.0 MPal j -+- Oil % .... 'Vernolic acid% -lil-TFFA, mg/g all 60 14 70 ." m - 50 12 I I ~ Vernolic acid ~ ... ~ ~ 60 ~ .... .••. -j,. 10 ~ 40 ~ 1: 50 I CD .. 6 "0 1: / ~ '(3 30 0 / OJ 40 I () / « / E .5:2 6 20 (5 301 c: .... ! 10 Q) 20 ! > I ! 10 100 200 300 500 600

Volume of CO2 used (I) 40 60 80 100 Fig. 4. Effect of CO2 volume on oil extraction. vernolic acid Temperature (0C) content. and total free fatty acid content at 69 MPa and 100°C. Fig. 2. Effect of temperature and pressure on the vernolic acid content of extracted vernonia oil.

shown in Fig. 3. At 13.8 MPa, a definite reduc­ trend in vernolic acid content of the oil extract. tion in the free fatty acid content occurred as However the vernolic acid (ranging from 48.5 to the extraction temperature increased from 40° to 56.8%) is similar to results recorded at 34.5 100°C, decreasing from 69.3 to 12 mgjg-oil, or MPa extraction pressure and higher than those 6.9 to 1.2 wtcyo. At 34.5 MPa, there is little found in the 13.8 MPa extracts. change in the free fatty acid content of the oil The free fatty acid content of the extracted oil with extraction temperature. However a substan­ as a function of temperature and pressure are tial decrease in free fatty acid content was ob­ served when the extraction was done at 40°C when increasing the extraction pressure from 13.8 to 34.5 MPa. The values of free fatty acid

1__13.8 MPa -Ill- 34.5 MPa·* '69.0 MPa! content of the oil are recorded at 69 MPa ex­ 70 traction pressure, ranging from 1.89 to 0.84 ~ wt%. These are similar values to those recorded 60 by Carlson et al. (1981) with hexane extractions -'0 ~ en 50 on vernonia oil. These results also suggest that ~en 40 the extraction pressure as well as the extraction E- ~-lL I temperature can be used to minimize the pro­ « 30 i LL .--.--...... """-- ~---s duction of free fatty acids due to lypolysis, i.e. LL I- 20 i that extractions conducted at 69 MPa and ...... 1. .~ ...... - ..... lOO°C are most favorable to minimizing free 10 I A fatty acid formation.

0 I The effect of CO 2 processing volume is shown 40 60 80 100 in Fig. 4 \V'here the oil, vernolic acid, and total Temperature (0C) free fatty acids (TFFA) contents are related to the liters CO2 passed through the extraction cell Fig. 3. Effect of temperature and pressure on the total free in 100 1 intervals for a vernonia oil extraction fatty acid (TFFA) content of extracted vernonia oil. conducted at 69 MPa and 100°C. Increasing the 246 J. TV. King el al. / Induslrial Crops and Producls 14 (2001) 241-249

Table 1 volume of CO2 used in the extraction from 100 to 500 1, did not increase the overall extractabil­ Effect of pressure and temperature on the fatty acid content of extracted vernonia seed meal after SFE ity of oil. Increasing the volume of CO 2 to 600 1 however completed the oil extraction (36%). Total free fatty acid (mg-acid/g-meal)

Similarly, at 600 1 of CO2 passage, the greatest amount of vernolic acid (56.2%) was achieved. Pressure Temperature (OC) 13.8 Mpa 34.5 Mpa 69 MPa With the exception of an anomalously low total free fatty acid value after 200 1 of CO 2 passage, 40 0.608 0.583 0.405 the TFFA values decreased with passage of CO2 60 0.455 from 1.16 to 0.685 wt%. As noted in the materi­ 80 0.416 0.379 0.323 als and methods section, a double SFE extrac­ 100 0.316 0.324 0.307 tion was carried out with ground seed initially extracted by 300 1 of CO 2, then the meal was removed, reground, and reextracted again with another 300 1 of CO 2 , This double SFE extrac­ tion procedure also proved efficient in yielding a sure and temperature were selected (51.7 MPa/ complete extraction of the oil. Similar results 80°C and 69 MPa/lOO°C) for extracting the were also attained when 5(% ethanol was used as vernonia oil with the aid of the cosolvent. As a cosolvent at 69 MPa and 100°C, and passage shown in Fig. 5, the percent of extracted mass of 400 ml of liquid CO 2. increased with ethanol addition significantly, To better study the effect of cosolvent addi­ both at 51.7 MPa/80°C and 69 MPa/lOO°C. At tion, ethanol was added to the extraction at 5, both combinations of pressure and temperature, 10, and 15 vol% levels. Two conditions of pres- a 15 vol% addition of ethanol resulted in over a 45% mass recovery (Fig. 5). This extract proba­ bly contains other moieties besides vernonia oil, such as polar lipids, water, and perhaps some protein and carbohydrate (Montanari et aI., 1115% EtOH/CO, 11110% EtOH/CO, Eil15% EtOH/CO, 1999). These extractions also showed ethanol

addition reduced the CO2 volume needed for full extraction of the oil. With respect to the vernolic acid content, ex­ traction at 51. 7 MPa/80°C, at 5 vol% addition of ethanol maximized the vernolic content of the oil (Fig. 5). The vernolic acid content is reduced under these same conditions when the ethanol content of the extraction fluid is increased to 15 vol'% (from 63 to 53%). Ho\vever the inverse trend is observed at 69 MPa/ 100°C where the vernolic acid content increased from 41 to 49%

as the ethanol volume percentage in SC-C02 in­ creased from 5 to 15 vol%. These results suggest 51.7 MPaJ80°C 69.0 MPaJ100°C some interesting possibilities for regulating the vernolic acid content of the final oil extract. Oil and Vemolic acid data are in ::;~; TFFA data are in mglg oil The TFFA content of the oil extractions per­ formed with the addition of ethanol as a cosol­ Fig. 5. Vernonia oil yield. vernolic acid content. and total free fatty acid content as a function of pressure. temperature. and vent is also summarized in Fig. 5. No level of cosolvent addition. discernible trend in the TFFA content with in- J. IV. King el al. /Indllslrial Crops and Prodllcls 14 (2001) 241-249 247 creasing ethanol content was observed at either This is consistent with a pressure-based deacti­ set of extraction conditions. The TFFA values vation of the lipase and is identical to the trends are very low (0.41-0.63 wt%) for the extraction reported in Fig. 3 for TFFA levels found in the conditions studied. extracted oil under similar conditions.

Extraction time (passage of CO 2) also aids in 3.2. Characterization of extracted vernonia meals deactivating enzymatic activity in the vernonia meal. As shown in Table 2, the TFFA level Although the quantity of extracted meal was drops from a value of 0.307 mg/g-meal after 100 limited for some of the reported extractions, I-C02 exposure to 0.176 mg/g-meal after passage TFFA, protein content, and phospholipid level of 600 1 of expanded CO 2 for extractions con­ were determined whenever possible on the ex­ ducted at 69 MPa and 100°C. The regression tracted vernonia meals. As summarized in Table Eq. (2) for the relationship between the volume 1, there is a correlation between the TFFA con­ of CO2 and TFFA content was found to be: tent of the extracted meal and the extraction TFFA content=0.315-3.782 pressures and temperatures that have been ap­ plied. A multiple regression yielded the follow­ x 10 -7*(C02 volumef (2) ing relationship between TFFA content and the 2 extraction temperature (T) and pressure (P) as yielding an R value of 0.99. Predicted TFFA given in Eq. (I): values for the passage of 100 and 300 I of COo were found not be statistically different based I/TFFA content = 0.937 + 0.02*T on the overlap of the regression confidance in­ tervals at the 95% level. This conclusion also + 5.255 x 10- 13 x p 3 (I) held true for the predicted TFFA values for 500 2 having an R value of 0.94. Using the above and 600 I of CO 2, however the TFFA values at equation, it was shown that the numbers re­ 100 and 300 I of CO2 are statistically different ported in Table 1 are statistically different and from those at 500 and 600 I of CO 2 supporting support the following conclusions. the conclusion that the TFFA content decreases At 13.8 MPa, the application of increasing with passage of CO2, temperature significantly lowers the TFFA con­ The protein content in the extracted meals as tent of the meal from 0.608 to 0.316 mg/g-meal. a function of extraction conditions ranged over These temperature-dependent significant differ­ numerous values. At 13.8 MPa extraction pres­ ences also persist with increasing pressure as in­ sure, the protein% ranged from 22 to 42%, dicated by the results at 34.5 and 69 MPa whereas at 34.5 MPa from 40 to 100°C, it (Table 1). At any given temperature in Table 1, ranged from 26 to 39. These values, and the there is also a gradual lowering of the TFFA range of values associated with extraction at 69 content of the meal as pressure is increased. MPa and 40-100°C (29-66%) partially reflect the loss of oil from the matrix on these limited extraction runs. Phospholipid values for the ex­ Table 2 tracted meals ranged between 1.4-4.4 mg/g­ Effect of carbon dioxide volume on the fatty acid content of meal. extracted vernonia meal at 100°C and 69 MPa Protein and phospholipid meal content as a

Volume of CO2 Total free fatty acids function of extraction time or volume of CO2 (1) (mg-acid!g-meal) passage showed no discernible trend. The phos­ pholipid content ranged from 2.7 to 6.1 mg/g­ 100 0.307 meal for the passage of 100-600 I of COo. 300 0.286 extractio~ 500 0.224 However, the protein content in this 600 0.176 remained high, ranging from 56.0 to 65.9% over the same CO 2 volume interval as noted previ- 248 1. W. King et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 14 (2001) 241-249 ously. Addition of ethanol cosolvent at the three References previously specified levels of 51. 7 MPaj80°Cj200 Aldercreutz, P., Gitlesen, T., Ncube, L Read, J.S., 1997. ml-1C0 2 and 69 MPajlOO°Cj250 ml-1C02 gave very low levels of TFFA in the vernonia meal Vernonia lipase: a plant lipase with strong fatty acid selec­ tivity. In: Rubin, B., Dennis, E.A. (Eds.), Lipases, Part A which ranged from 0.126 to 0.286 mgjg-meaI. Biotechnology, Methods in Enzymology, vol. 284. 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