*"9 r. Apple'llSCSI.Card xSmall Compunr$stem InrerÍace

Forthe Apple ll Plus, lle, and lles LnÍIIED WAXXANTY ON MEDIA TNNO EVENTWILL APPLEBE AND RXPIACEMENT LI,ABIT FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT' SPECIAI.INCIDEMAI, OR you physical defects in lf discover CONSEQI.]ENTIALDAMAGES with an the manuals distributed RESI]LI'ING FROM AÀTYDEFECT IN or in the úedia on Apple ptoduct THE SOÍTWAf,I OR ITS is which a software Product DoCIMENT.{TION, even if advised will replace the distributed, Apple of the possibilityof such damages. at no charge to media or manuals ln particular, ApPle shall have no you return the item to vou. orovided liability for any progîar s or dara wiih proof of te replaced Purchase stored in or used with APPIe zed APPIe to Apple or an autho products, including the costsof dealer during the 90-day Period îecovering such or clata after vou outchased the software. In Programs additíon, Àpple will rePlace THE WARRANTYAND REMEDIFS damasedsoftware media and SEI FORTII AAOVE ARE m..r.tàls fot u" long as the software E(CLUSN'E AND IN IIEU OF ALL product is included in APPIe's OTHERS,ORAL OR WRITTEN' EXPRF,SSOR IMPLIED. No APPIe Media ExchangeProgram VhìÌe _ úol an upgrade or uPdatemetbod, dealer, agent, or emPloYeeis this program offers addìtional authorized to make any protection fof up to two years or modification, extension, or more from the date of Your original addition to this v/arranty. ourchase.See vour authorized Some states do not allow the Apple dealer for Programcoverage exclusionor limitation of implied and details.In some countriesthe warranties or liability for incidental replacementperiod may be or consequentialdamages, so the different; check with Your above limitatioo or exclusion maY authorized-Apple dealet, not applv to You.This wananty ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIÉSON gives'yoú spècificlegal rights,and THE MEDIA AND MANIIAIS, vou may also haveotnef flgnls INCLUDING IMPUED which tary from state to state WARRANTIESOF FITNESS MERCIIANTABIUTY AND WARNING FOR A PARTICT]I.{R PURPOSE, ARE LDIIIED IN DTJRAíTIONTO This eouiDmenthas been certified a class NIMTY (9O) DAYS FROMTITE to combli wiú the limits for DAIE OF TIIE ORIGINAL RSTAIL B computing device,Pursuant to PURCIIASEOF TIITS PRODUCT. SubDartI of Part 15 of FCCRules See^instiuctionsif interferenceto the Even though APPIe has tested radio or televisionrecePtion is software and reviewed the suspected. documentation, APPLE MAKFS NO WARRANTY OR RSPRESENTATION,EITIIER ÉJPRESSOR IMPI.IED, \VrrII RESPECTTO SOFTWA.RS,rTS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCIIAMABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICUIAR PURPOSE.AS A RTSUI.]T,THIS SOF.IIVAXI IS SOLD "AS IS," AND YOU THE PL'RCIIASERARE ASSUMINGTI{E EMIRE RISKAS TO ITS QTIALITY AND PERFORMANCE. ú, Apple,II How to Install Your Apple II SCSICard ú Arru colmnen, tNc. Apple IIcs and Laser\friEr are tràdemarks of APPIe ComPuter, This manual is coPyrighted bY Inc. Apple or by APPIe'ssuPPliers, with all righs reserved Under ITC Geramond, ITC ,{vant Ihe coovriqht laws, this manual Garde Gothic, and IÎC ZtPÎ -"v bé copied, in whole or Dingbats ere registered in part,"ài without the written kademarks of Internadonat consent of APPIe ComPuter, Typeface Corporation. does not Inc. This exception is a Eademark of be made for allow copies to Mclntosh Laboratory,Inc. and whether or not sold, but others, is used with exPress material Pemission all of úìe Purchased of its owner. may be so1d,given, or lent to another person. Under the law, Micosoft is a registered copying includes ranslating úàdemark of Microsoft into another language. Corporadon. @ Apple Computer, Inc., 1986 POSTSCRIPTis a trademark of 20525 Mariani .{venue Adobe SystemsIncorporated. Cupertino, Califonia 95Q14 (408) 996-1010 Simultaneously Published in tìe United States and Canadt' Apple, the Apple logo, AppleTalk, and PToDOSare re-gisteredtrademarks of APPIe Computer, lnc.

I i Rodioond lelevisioninlerference The equipment described in this manual generates and uses radìo- frequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly-lhat is, in strict accordance with our instructions it may cause inteaference with radio and television reception.

This equipment has been tested and complies with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance vr'ith the specifications in Subpan J, Part 15, of FCC rules. These rules are designed to provide reasonable protection against such inlerference in a rcsidential installation. However there is no guarantee that the interference will not occur in a particular installation, especially if a "rabbit-ear" television antenna is used. (,A. rabbit-ear antenna is the telescoping-rod tlpe usually found on television receìvers.)

You can determine whether your computer is causing interference by tuming it off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the computer or its peripheral devices. To funher isolate the problem, disconnect the peripheral devices and their input/output (l/O) cables one at a time. If the interference 6tops, it was caused by either tbe peripheral device or the I,/O cable, A shieldedcoblehas q metolllc These devices usually require shielded VO cables. wrqp qroundlhe wlreslo reduce Fo. Apple peripheral devices, you can obtain the proper shlelded cable lhe potentiol effecls of rodio- from your dealer. For non-,A.ppleperipheral devices, contact the frequency lnlerference. manufacturer or dealer for assistance

lmportqnt Thisproducl wos Fcc-certiîed under îest condifionsthot inctuded use of shieldedcobles ond conneclors belween syslemcomoonents. lt is importoni lhol you useshielded cobles ond conneclotsto redrrcelhe possibilityof couslngInlerference lo rodio,televlsion, qnd other electronlc oevlces.

If your computer does cause interference to radio or television reception, you can try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures: r Tum the television or radio antenna until the interference stops, I Move the computer to one side or the other of the television or radio. r Move the computer fanher away from the television or radio, ! Plug the computer into an outlet that is on a different circuit than the television or radio. Clhat is, make certaìn the computer and the radio or television set are on circuits controlled by different circuit breakers or fuses.) r Consider installing a rooftop television antenna with a coaxial cable lead-in between the antenna and television.

If necessary, consult your authorized Apple dealer or an experìenced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. YourApplellSCSICord The Apple@II SCSICard allows your Apple IIe and your Apple trcSru to coÍimunicate with any device that strictly follows the SCSIinterface. (SCSI stands for SmallComputer Sandard Interface.) This interface transmits your data in parallel fashion (one bit along each ofeight lines, all at once), which is much faster than traditional serial transmjssion (one bit at a time alonq one line). Becauseit is a sandard, the SCSIintedace allows you to connect peripheral devices from many manufacturers to your Apple lle ot Apple IIGS. And you can connect as many as four SCSIperipheral devices at once. The SCSICard, in coniunction wirll the SCSICable System and these devices, can dramatically expand the amount of storage a ilable to your computer, while zipping data to and from the computer much faster than ever before.

Whot you need lo sel up your SCSIsystem You need I an Apple Ile or Apple ncs, with the owner's manual, introductory disks, and PToDOS@. r the Apple II SCSICard, s/ith these instructions on how to install it. r the Apple SCSICable System,consisting ofat least one System Cable,one Cable Terminator,and, depending on your office set up and peripheral devices,some PeripheralCables and Cable Extenders. The SystemCable comes with a guide to connecting your computer to the cables and the SCSIperipheral devices. I at least one SCSIperipheral device.

fmporlont Pléoseréod lhe Apple SCSICoble S)4lemmonuol before you ottempt to connect onv devices.

Your Apple ll SCSICord rt Possibilifiesond Limils The Apple IIe or Apple IIGS use ProDOS, an operating system tlat generally expects no more than two devices will be attached to any one slot. You can put an SCSICard into any slot except slot 3 (which has been used to add 8O-column capability to your computer), and you can attach one or tlvo peripheral devices to the card. And you can use more than one SCSIcard in your computeî, if you wish. 'l.2 Vith PToDOSversion you can also connectup to four peripheral devices to one SCSICard, if you put it into slot 5. You are "remappìng" the location of two of those devices, pretending they are connected to a disk conúoller card in slot 2. So the lrst two of your devices will appear to your SystemUtilities program as drive 1 and drive 2 in slot 5; the second two, as drive 1 and drive 2 in slot 2. You are tricking the operating system into seeing shadows. To maintain the pretense, though, you must be careful not to put afìy disk drive controller card in slot 2, where the opera[ing system thinks you have the two SCSIperipherals. (fou may still use slot 2 for a card that connects with a serial pdnter or modem). In summary: You may install more than one SCSICard in your computer, but only the one in slot 5 can connect to four peripheral devices-and only with PToDOS1.2. If you do not have that version of ProDOS,see your dealer. In general, you should refer to any SCSIdevice by its volume name (for instance, Hard Disk) rather than by drive number and slot number. A word about size: The maximum size storage area that PToDOS recognizesis 32 megab''tes. If you anach a device larger than 32 megabfes, you must carve it up into paÍs, each of which is 32 megabyfesor smaller. (This is sometimes kîowf] as partítíonlng your hard disk irto aolutnes.) For instance, if you attach a 64 megabytehard disk to your SCSIcable, you must use speciial softwre (provided by the disk manufacturer) to divide it into two volumes,of 32 megab''teseach, for PToDOSto be able to use it all. Each of these volumes counts as one of the SCSIperipheral devices online. You can îherefore have up to four volumes ofup to 32 mega;byteseach attached to your SCSICard in slot 5.

How to lnslollYour Aoole ll Scsl cord Unpockingyour SCSICord lfhen you ake the card out of its protective bag, hold it by the edges, not the components; and be sure not to touch the gold fingers that extend from the card. The slight oil and moisture from your fingers could atùact dust that $'ould weaken t}Ie card's connection to the computer.

lnslollingyour cord Here's how to install your card. 1. Make sure the power is off.

Wqrnlng Leove lhe powér cord plugged into o grounded oullet. but turn off your power swltch.

Insiolllngyour cord 2. Removethe lid. To remove the lid of your Apple IIGS, wîap your fìngers around the rear corners of the case, and touch the lid latches with your index fingers. Pull up on the lid. W'hen you feel the lid release, slide the lid about one inch back, then lift it all the way off the case. and Dut it to one side.

How to lnstollYour Apple ll SCSICord

3. Touch the power supply case. This dischargesany static electricify that may have built up on your clothes or body. The power zupply caseis the big box on the left, inside your computer.

ftn lIltlit tlLtLl l,l u I tl ! u !r ! I TTft !r I lll r!l

How lo InstollYour Apple ll SCSICord Apple lÌGs ffi!!!l

-r-rtlltul tl r:- tl

4. Decide which slot you are going to use. Ifyou intend to start yoru computer with a program on an SCSI hard disk, you need to put this card in a slot with a number higher than you've given to any other disk controller card. The computer looks for a start-up program in each disk úive-sarting with the disk drive connected to the disk controller card in ttre highest slot number. If you intend to start your computer with a program in some other driye, you need to put the SCSI Card in a lower number slot than that disk controller czrd is in. You should not put any card in slot 3; that is used to give your computer the ability to display 80 columns of text on the screen. When you've decided which slot you will put the card in, look near the slot for a free hole in the back panel. CYou need one of the larger holes.) Remove the insefi.

Instollingyour cord

',tft 5. Connect the ribbon cable. Before inserting the card, attach the connector at the end of the ribbon cable to the inside of the back panel. By anchoring the connector to the back panel, you reduce súess on the cable, and you form a bond between the electromagnetic shielding on the computer's case and t}re shielding on the cable. This substantially reduces the possiblity that your computer will generate radio-frequency interference.

Apple lles

How to InsiollYour Apple ll SCSICord 6. Put the card in the slot. The gold fingers at the bottom of the card make the connection, avoid touching them. Make sure that the side of the card with the chips faces auay from the power supply. Wedge the card into the slot. You will haye to exert some pressure to get the card into îhe slot. (If it were a loose fit, it would be a loose connection.)But don't wiggle the card from one side to the other in your efforts to insefi it; that could break it. Rock it firmly but gendy forward and backunùl it'sseated in the slot.


Look at the top left corner of the side of the card that has all the chips on it; make sure that the small rectangular box is fitted securely onto the pirìs faîthest to fhe ríghr, under the number 9. fhe box is known ^s ^ l'unlpe4 and you need it in this position to guaBntee that your computer will have top pfiority in any conmunication along your SCSI cable system. 7. Put the lid back on. Slip the front edge of rhe lid in fiIst, then lower the back edge of the lid into place. Press down on the back corners of the lid until vou hear the latches click shut.

lnstollingyour cord 8.On the Apple IIGS, activate the slot. Each port on the back of your Apple trGs acts as a slot with a card in ir iVhen you acnrally put a card into a slot, you need to use the Control Panel Program to "turn ofP' the port, and tum on the see your slot you've iust installed your SCSICard in For details, owner's guide.

9.Tum to the cable rnanual before plugging anything in For help in laying out your SCSIcable, and instructions on connecting thern to the connector you've anchored in the back panel, see the Appte SCSICable Systeffimar,'ual, which comes with your SystemCable.

The SystemCable (it's the short one) will plug into the connector on the back panel. But do not plug it in yel Vlait until youîe laid out all the nécessarycables and placed your SCSIdevices where you need them.

Wornlng Never,néver plug o coble olher thon the SystemCoble Into fhis connector, You could ruìnyour SCSICord.

How to InstollYour Apple ll Scsl cord lf you ever wonl lo chonge the pilotity of your compulet The SCSIcable system allows you to assign different priorities to different devices. The deyice with the highest priority silences all other devices, so it can get its messagethrough. Usuauy-95 percent of the time-you want your computer to have top billing, so that you can send messagesanytime, an1'where,without having to wait for some other device to get off the line. In rare instancesyou Ínay warú to asslgnthe computer a lower priority than some other deYice.Here's how, L. Turn off the power. Touch the power supply to discharge any static electricity on your clothes or body. 2.Ir,cafe the jumper;when it is on the pins under the number p, your computer has the highest priority. To change the priority, lift this box off, then fit it onto some other number, from 10 (next highest) to 16 ooy/est possible priority). Do tltls ue|y Sently, so that you do not bend the pir:s. In general, do not move the jumper unless you have a very shong reason to do so. If by any chance you have removed the jumper, the standard location for it is on the pins under the number 9.


Instollingyour cord 1l THE APPrc PL]BLISHINGSYSTEM This Apple manual vras wdtten, edited, and composed on a desktop publishing system using the ADDIe MacintoshN Plus and Microiòft@ rFord. Proof and final pages were created on the Apple Laser'Writerff Plus. POSTSCRIPTTM,the laseîWriter's page-descriptioo language, was developed by Adobe Sysf€ms Incorporated. Text type is ITC Garamond@ (a downloadable font distributed by Adobe Systems). Display type is ITC Avant Garde [email protected] are ITC Zaof Dingbats@. Program listingi are set in Apple Courier, a monospaced font. ^l /l ?\rf\ló I I ú, I r l-,, l-,rr\-ó LL Update ll Using the Hard Disk 20SCTest ú ApPLEcoMPrrER, INc. VARRANTY ON MEDIAAIID IN NO EVENT WIII APPI.E BE REPIACEMENT LIABTI FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, This manual and the software SPECIAL INCIDEMAL OR If you discover physical defects in described in it are copyrighted, CONSEQINMIAL DAMAGÉS the manuals distributed with an RESTJI]flNG FROM ANY DEFECT IN $/ith all rights reserved. Under -A.ppleproduct or in the media on OR ITS the copyright laws, this manual which a software product is distrib- THE SO}TWARE DoCUMENTAIION, even if advised or the software may not be uted, Apple will replace the media of the possibility of such damages. copied, in whole or part, or úanuals at no charge to you, particular, Apple shall have no without written consent of provided you retufn the item to be ln liability for any programs or data replaced with proof of purchase to Apple, except in the normal use stored in or used with Apple Apple or an authorized A.pple dealer of the software or to make a products, induding the costs of during the 90day period after you backup copy of the software. recovering such programs or data. The same proprietary and purchased the software. In addition, replace damaged THE'WAXRANTY AND REMEDIES copyright notices must be Apple vill software media and manuals for as SET FORTH ABOVE ARE E(CLU- affìxed to any permitted copies long as the software product is SN'E AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS, as were affìxed to the original. included in Apple's Media ORAL ON WRITTEN. EXPRÈSSOR This exception does not a1low Exchange Program. \Xr'hile not an DfPLIED. No Apple deaìer, agent, or copies to be made for others, ùpgrade or update method, this employee is autho.ized to make any whether or not sold, but all of program offers additional modification, extension, or addition the material purchased (with aU Protection for uP to two years of to this warranty, backup copies) may be sold, more fiom the date of your original Some states do not allorr' the given, or loaned to another puîchase. See your authorized exclusion or limitation of implied person. Under the law, copying Apple dealer for program coverage q.aranties or liability for incidental the iocludes translating into and details, In some countries or consequentialdamages, so the replacement period may be another language or format. above limitation or exclusion may different; check with your not apply to you. This waranty You may use the software on any authorized Apple dealer. gives you specific legal rights, and computer owned by you, but AlI ìMPI TD WA.RRANTIESON you may also have other rights ertra copies cannot be made for TIIE MEDIA, AIID MANUAIS, which vary from state to state. lhis purpose. INCLUDING IMPI,IED W'AR- RANTIES OF MERCIIANÍABILITY O Apple Computer, Inc., 1986 A.I{D FITI\ESS FOR A PARIICT]IAR 20525 MatiaÍi Aye. PURFOSE,ARÉ LIMIIID IN Cupertino, Califotnia 950L4 DIJRAIION TO NIMTY (90) DAYS (408) 99ó-1010 FROM TIIE DATE OF TIIE OruGINAT R.E'TAILPIJRCIIASE OF THIS PRODUCT. Apple, the Apple logo, and Even though Apple has tested the PToDOSare registered software and revie$/ed the docu- hademarks of Apple Computer, mentation, APPLE MAKES No Inc. IVARRANTY OR REPRESENIA- TION, EITHER EXPNESSOR IMPTJED, wlIII NESPECTTO Simulaneously published in the SOÍTWARE, ITS QUAIITY, United States and Canada. PERFORMANCE MERCIIANT- ASILITÍ. OR FTTNESSFOR A PARTTCTJIARPTJRFOSE. AS A RFSULT, THrS SOFTWA.RErS SOrD .AS TS,"AND YOU THE PIJRCHASERARE ASSUMING TIIE ENTIRE RISKAS TO ITS QTIAIXTY AND PERFORMANCE, Apple, ll Updote

Usingthe Hord Disk 20SC Test

The HD-SCSI Test program runs on the Apple II farnily of computers to test the Apple Hard Disk 20SC.The program is on yorr Apple II SCSîHard Dlsk TestPmgraÍ, disk. Use the 5.25-inch disk in a 5.ztinch disk drive and the 3.5-inch disk in the 3.5-inch disk drive. HD-SCSI Test tells you whether or not your hard disk is reading and writiog data properly. This program tests only hardware; it can't tell you if there are software problems. If youî Hard Disk 20SCfails the test, the hard disk isn't working prope y, even though you may not have noticed anything wrong. You need to har,e it checked by an authorized Apple dealer. The test takes about 15 minutes. It does not affect the data currendy stored on the disk. Ile encourage you to run the HD-SCSITest at the following timesi r after you initialize your Hard Disk 20SCfor the first time I every month or so for preventative maintenance to avoid unexpected loss of data r ifyou are having problems with the hard disk. Use the following instructions to test a Haîd Disk 20SCthat is connected to an Apple II: 1. Tum on the Hard Disk 20SCand let it wann uD. 2. Staf up your Apple ll w'rú't the Apple II SCSIHard Dísh Test Prqran dLsk iîyour primary disk drive. The PToDOS@screen appears, and then you see a screen showing a Listof the hard disks connected to your Apple II. If you have more than one hard disk connected, you see a line asking you to select a disk. 3. If you have one Hard Disk 20SC connected, press Return to begin the test. If you have more tian one Hard Disk 20SC connected, press the Up or Down AÎrow keys (or the I and M keys on an Apple tr Plus) to move the affow on the sdeen through ùe list until it points to the disk you want to test. Then press Retum. Dudng the test you see a series of lines, rotating in a pinwheel, in the upper-right corner of the screen, indicating that the test is in progress. Also, the light on the hard disk goes on. If you want to stop the test, press the ESCkey. rvhen the test is complete, you see a message reporting the tesults, either PASSor FAIL. Remember, if your hard disk fails the test, you should have it checked by an authorized Apple dealer.

030-t390-A Apple. SCSIInterface Card

Packing List This package contairs the following items:

SCSI Interface Card 607-4291

VrencVnut Assembly 676-5706

Manuel: SCSIInterface Card Ouf.t5 Gutde 030-3118 Vith Tell Apple Card 030-1445 Upd^îet Appb Hard Dlsh 2A9CT6t 030-1390

Waîranty Card 030-0%7

1 5.25-indr disk Appb II Hard Dlsh20SC Ta,t 6ú-5023 1 3.5-incfl disk: AWle II Hald Dlsh20SC T ,t 6w-5024

If you have a question, please contact your authorized Apple dealer.

030-3117-A 7/23/86 ú LinitedWananty APPLECOMPUTER, INC, nameor logo afîixed to them. Apple APPLEIS N()T BESPONSIBLE ("Apple")warrants this hardware s0ftwareis warrantedputsuant t0 a FORSPECIAL, INCIDENTAL ()R productagainst defects in material se0aralewritten statement Dacked CONSEOUENTIALDAMAGES andworkmanship fora perìodof Vviththe software: Aoole does not RESULTINGFROM ANY BREACH NINETY(90) DAYS from lhe date of warrantanv Droducts that are not OFWARBANTY, OFUNDES ANY originalrelail purchase. ApplePr0dubts. This warranty does OTHEBLEGAL THEORY INCLUD- lf youdiscover adefect, Apple notapply if theproduct has been INGLOST PROFITS. OÓWNTIME. will,at its opti0n, repair, replace 0r damagedbyaccident, abuse, mis- GOODWILL,DAMAGE TO OR refundthe purchase price of this useor misapplication, hasbeen REPLACEMENT()FE(IUIPMENT produclatno charge toyou, pro- modifiedwithout the \/rritten per- ANOPBOPERTY. AND ANY C()STS videdyou fetufn itduring the missionoîApple, orif anyApple ()FRECOVEBING, BEPBOGRAM. warrantyperiod, transportation serialnumber has been removed or MINGOR REPRODUCING ANY chargesprepaid, tothe authorized defaced. PROGRAMORDATA STORED AppleDealer from whom you pur ALLIMPLIED WABRANTIES, INOR USED WITH APPLE chasedit ort0 anyother authorized INCLUDINGIMPLIED WARRAN. PRODUCTS. AppleDealer within the country of TIESOF MERCHANTABILITY AND Somestates do not allow the originalrelailpurchase. (You can FITNESSFOR A PABTICULAB exclusion0r limitationof incidental 0blainadditi0nal inf0rmati0n from PURPOSE,ARE LIMITED IN DURA. orconsequential damages orlimi- Appledirectly at the address printed TIONTO NINETY (90ì DAYS tationson how long an implied 0nthis certificate.) Please attach FROMTHE DATE OF ORIGINAL warrantylasts, s0 the above limita- yourname, address, telephone num- RETAILPURCHASE OFTHIS tionor e)(clusion may not apply to ber,a descriptionofthe problem and PBODUCI you.Thìs warranty gives you spe- acopy of a billof sale bearing the THEWABRANTY AND BEME- cificleoal rights, and you may aÌso appropriateApple serial numbers as DIESSET FORTH ABOVE ARE haveother righls which vary fÍom proofof date of original retail EXCLUSIVEAND IN LIEUOF ALL statel0 state. purchase,toeach product returned OTHERS.OBAL OB WRITTEN. forwaranty service. EXPBESSOR IMPLIED. NO ADDIe AppleComputer, Inc. Ihiswaranty applies only to Deaìer,agenl or employee is 20525lvlarianiAvenue producls CuDertino.California 95014 hafdware manufacturedby auth0rizedto make an\/ m0dificali0n. (408)996-1010 0rfor Apple, which can be identified e)(tensionoraddition [othis bythe "Apple" trademark, trade warranty. TLX171-576 GarantiaLinitada APPLECOMPUTER, INC. lamarca registrada (Apple)), su APPLENO ASUME NINGUNA {({Applo))0arantiza este producto 0en0mrnacronc0mefcrar 0su BESPONSABILIDADPORDANOS dehardware contra defeclos de logotipofijad0s en ellos ({(Productos ESPECIALES,INCIDENTALES O materÌalydemano de obra por un Apple))).Los productos de software INDIBECTOSRESULTANTES DE períodode N0VENTA (90) DIAS a deApple tienen garantias separadas INFBINGIRCUALOUIER GABAN. partirde la fecha de la compra del incluidasenel oaouete decada TIA.O PORCUALQUIEB OTRO producto. software;Apple no garantiza ningún SUPUESTOLEGAL, INCLUYENOO Siel comprador descubriere 0tr0pfoducto que n0 sea un pr0- PERDIDASDEBENEFICIOS, alqúndefecto, Apple tendrà la ductoApple. Esta garantÍa perderà PAGOSADELANTAOOS. CLiEN. 0pciónde reparar 0 reemplazar este todosu efecto si el producto fue TELA.DANOSAOPOR productosin cargo o dereembolsar daRadoDor accidente. abuso. mal REEIvÍPLAZODEE()UIPOS Y elimporte de su precio de venta, usoo mala aDlÌcación. sifue PROPIEDADESY POBTODO siempreque se devuelva elpro- modÌficadoosi algún número COSTODE BECUPEBACION, ductodurante elperiodo de la deserie de Applefue quitado o REPROGBAMACIONOBEPBO- garantÍaalDistribuid0r Aul0rizado alterad0. DUCCIONDE CUALOUIEB PRO. dequien loadquirió oa cualquier TODAGARANTIA IMPLICITA, GRAMAODATOS ALMACENADOS 0tr0Distribuid0r Aut0rizad0 denf r0 INCLUYENDOGARANTIAS IMPLI. ENO USADOS C()N PRODUCT()S delpaÍs donde se efectuó lacom' CITASDE COMERCIALIZACION Y APPLE. pra.(Se puede 0btener información CONVENIENCIAPARA ALGUN Enal0unos estados no se Dermite adicì0nalalrespecl0 escribiendo PROPOSITOENPARTICULAB, laexcluéión o limitación dedaRos directamenteala dirección c0nsig- ESTALIMITADA EN SU DURA. incidentaleso indirectos. 0términ0s nadaen este certificado.)Sirvase CIONA NOVENTA(90) DIAS A sobrela duración deuna garantia adiuntarsunombre, dirección PARTIRDE LA FECHA DE LA implicita,deforma que las anle- completa,teléf 0n0, la descripción COMPBAOBIGINAL DEESTE rioreslimitaciones 0exclusiones en delproblema y una copia de la nota PRODUCTOALMINORISTA. ciertoscasos oodrian n0 sef 0r0ce- deventa con el conespondiente ESTEGARANTIA Y LOS dentes.Esta gafantÍa daderechos númerodeserie de Apple, como RECURS()SESPECIFICADOS SON leqalesespecificos alcompradol pruebade la fecha de la compra EXCLUSIVOSY SUBSTITUYEN A ouientambién oodria tener otros ofiqinal,pof cada pfoducto que TOOAOTBA GARANTIA ORAL O derechosque varÍan de pais en pais. sedevuelva para el servicio de ESCRITA.EXPRESA OB IMPLI. garantía. CITA.Ninoún reoresentante o distri- AppleComputel Inc. Estaqarantia cubre solamente a buidoraoènte oiempleado deApple 20525lMariani Avenue Cuoertino.California 95014 lospr0duct0s dehardware (circui- estàautorizado oara modificar. (408)996r010 teria)manufacturados porApple y extenderor€fectuar agreqados a quepueden ser identificado8 por esragaramra. TLX171-576 Tell AppleAboutYour.

I Pleasecontact your authorized Apple dealer when you have questions about your Apple products. Dealers are trained by Apple Computer and are given the resources to handle service and support for all Apple products. If you need the name of an authorizedApple dealer in your area,call toll-free: 800-538-9696.

I would you like to tell Apple what you think about this product? After you have had an opportunity to use this product, we would like to hear from you. You can help us to improve our products by responding to the questionnaire belov/ and marking the appropriate boxes on the card at the right with a *2 lead pencil. If you havemore than one responseto a question,mark all the boxesthat apply. Pleasedeach the card and mail it to Apple. lnclude addidonalpages of commentsif you wish.

1. How would you rate the Apple II SCSIcard overall?(l :poor , . . ó:excellent) 2. r,lfheredid you purchaseyour Apple II SCSIcard? ( | -dealer, 2: CorporareBuy, 3:Teacher Buy, 4:department store,5 :other)

3.which Apple II s)stemare you using with the Apple II SCSIcard? (l:Apple IIcs, 2:Apple IIe, 3:Apple Il Plus)

4. How manyApple SCSIperipherals are you using with your Apple Il SCSIcard? (l:1,2-2 or more) 5. How many non-Apple SCSIperipherals are you using with your Apple II SCSIcard? (l:1, 2:2 or more, 3: none)

6. \íhat SCSIperipherals are you using on your Apple II system?( | :hard disk, 2:other)

7. Did you use the ,4ppleI SCSICa.rd. user's Manualto help you insall the ca!d?( | :no, 2:yes)

8. How would you ra.rerhe Apple II SCg Card [Iser! Manuat ( I :poor . . . ó:excellent) 9. How easy was the SCSICard User'sManual to îead and understand? ( | :difficult . . . ó:very easy) 10. Pleasedescribe any erro$ or inconsistenciesyou may haveencountered wittíthe AWle I SCSICaîd User's Manual (Pagerrumbers would be helpful.)

1 1.rvhat suggestionsdo you havefor improving the Apple II SCSIcard?

Thanks for your time and effon. 030-1445-A r.

AppleComputer, Inc. 20525Mariîi Àvenue Cupertino,Calfornia 95014 (408)ryG1o1() 030,3118d Tlx 11 57ó lrntedin US"{