*"9 r. Apple'llSCSI.Card xSmall Compunr$stem InrerÍace Forthe Apple ll Plus, lle, and lles LnÍIIED WAXXANTY ON MEDIA TNNO EVENTWILL APPLEBE AND RXPIACEMENT LI,ABIT FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT' SPECIAI.INCIDEMAI, OR you physical defects in lf discover CONSEQI.]ENTIALDAMAGES with an the manuals distributed RESI]LI'ING FROM AÀTYDEFECT IN or in the úedia on Apple ptoduct THE SOÍTWAf,I OR ITS is which a software Product DoCIMENT.{TION, even if advised will replace the distributed, Apple of the possibilityof such damages. at no charge to media or manuals ln particular, ApPle shall have no you return the item to vou. orovided liability for any progîar s or dara wiih proof of te replaced Purchase stored in or used with APPIe zed APPIe to Apple or an autho products, including the costsof dealer during the 90-day Period îecovering such or clata after vou outchased the software. In Programs additíon, Àpple will rePlace THE WARRANTYAND REMEDIFS damasedsoftware media and SEI FORTII AAOVE ARE m..r.tàls fot u" long as the software E(CLUSN'E AND IN IIEU OF ALL product is included in APPIe's OTHERS,ORAL OR WRITTEN' EXPRF,SSOR IMPLIED. No APPIe Media ExchangeProgram VhìÌe _ úol an upgrade or uPdatemetbod, dealer, agent, or emPloYeeis this program offers addìtional authorized to make any protection fof up to two years or modification, extension, or more from the date of Your original addition to this v/arranty. ourchase.See vour authorized Some states do not allow the Apple dealer for Programcoverage exclusionor limitation of implied and details.In some countriesthe warranties or liability for incidental replacementperiod may be or consequentialdamages, so the different; check with Your above limitatioo or exclusion maY authorized-Apple dealet, not applv to You.This wananty ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIÉSON gives'yoú spècificlegal rights,and THE MEDIA AND MANIIAIS, vou may also haveotnef flgnls INCLUDING IMPUED which tary from state to state WARRANTIESOF FITNESS MERCIIANTABIUTY AND WARNING FOR A PARTICT]I.{R PURPOSE, ARE LDIIIED IN DTJRAíTIONTO This eouiDmenthas been certified a class NIMTY (9O) DAYS FROMTITE to combli wiú the limits for DAIE OF TIIE ORIGINAL RSTAIL B computing device,Pursuant to PURCIIASEOF TIITS PRODUCT. SubDartI of Part 15 of FCCRules See^instiuctionsif interferenceto the Even though APPIe has tested radio or televisionrecePtion is software and reviewed the suspected. documentation, APPLE MAKFS NO WARRANTY OR RSPRESENTATION,EITIIER ÉJPRESSOR IMPI.IED, \VrrII RESPECTTO SOFTWA.RS,rTS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCIIAMABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICUIAR PURPOSE.AS A RTSUI.]T,THIS SOF.IIVAXI IS SOLD "AS IS," AND YOU THE PL'RCIIASERARE ASSUMINGTI{E EMIRE RISKAS TO ITS QTIALITY AND PERFORMANCE. ú, Apple,II How to Install Your Apple II SCSICard ú Arru colmnen, tNc. Apple IIcs and Laser\friEr are tràdemarks of APPIe ComPuter, This manual is coPyrighted bY Inc. Apple or by APPIe'ssuPPliers, with all righs reserved Under ITC Geramond, ITC ,{vant Ihe coovriqht laws, this manual Garde Gothic, and IÎC ZtPÎ -"v bé copied, in whole or Dingbats ere registered in part,"ài without the written kademarks of Internadonat consent of APPIe ComPuter, Typeface Corporation. does not Inc. This exception Macintosh is a Eademark of be made for allow copies to Mclntosh Laboratory,Inc. and whether or not sold, but others, is used with exPress material Pemission all of úìe Purchased of its owner. may be so1d,given, or lent to another person. Under the law, Micosoft is a registered copying includes ranslating úàdemark of Microsoft into another language. Corporadon. @ Apple Computer, Inc., 1986 POSTSCRIPTis a trademark of 20525 Mariani .{venue Adobe SystemsIncorporated. Cupertino, Califonia 95Q14 (408) 996-1010 Simultaneously Published in tìe United States and Canadt' Apple, the Apple logo, AppleTalk, and PToDOSare re-gisteredtrademarks of APPIe Computer, lnc. I i Rodioond lelevisioninlerference The equipment described in this manual generates and uses radìo- frequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly-lhat is, in strict accordance with our instructions it may cause inteaference with radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested and complies with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance vr'ith the specifications in Subpan J, Part 15, of FCC rules. These rules are designed to provide reasonable protection against such inlerference in a rcsidential installation. However there is no guarantee that the interference will not occur in a particular installation, especially if a "rabbit-ear" television antenna is used. (,A. rabbit-ear antenna is the telescoping-rod tlpe usually found on television receìvers.) You can determine whether your computer is causing interference by tuming it off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the computer or its peripheral devices. To funher isolate the problem, disconnect the peripheral devices and their input/output (l/O) cables one at a time. If the interference 6tops, it was caused by either tbe peripheral device or the I,/O cable, A shieldedcoblehas q metolllc These devices usually require shielded VO cables. wrqp qroundlhe wlreslo reduce Fo. Apple peripheral devices, you can obtain the proper shlelded cable lhe potentiol effecls of rodio- from your dealer. For non-,A.ppleperipheral devices, contact the frequency lnlerference. manufacturer or dealer for assistance lmportqnt Thisproducl wos Fcc-certiîed under îest condifionsthot inctuded use of shieldedcobles ond conneclors belween syslemcomoonents. lt is importoni lhol you useshielded cobles ond conneclotsto redrrcelhe possibilityof couslngInlerference lo rodio,televlsion, qnd other electronlc oevlces. If your computer does cause interference to radio or television reception, you can try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures: r Tum the television or radio antenna until the interference stops, I Move the computer to one side or the other of the television or radio. r Move the computer fanher away from the television or radio, ! Plug the computer into an outlet that is on a different circuit than the television or radio. Clhat is, make certaìn the computer and the radio or television set are on circuits controlled by different circuit breakers or fuses.) r Consider installing a rooftop television antenna with a coaxial cable lead-in between the antenna and television. If necessary, consult your authorized Apple dealer or an experìenced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. YourApplellSCSICord The Apple@II SCSICard allows your Apple IIe and your Apple trcSru to coÍimunicate with any device that strictly follows the SCSIinterface. (SCSI stands for SmallComputer Sandard Interface.) This interface transmits your data in parallel fashion (one bit along each ofeight lines, all at once), which is much faster than traditional serial transmjssion (one bit at a time alonq one line). Becauseit is a sandard, the SCSIintedace allows you to connect peripheral devices from many manufacturers to your Apple lle ot Apple IIGS. And you can connect as many as four SCSIperipheral devices at once. The SCSICard, in coniunction wirll the SCSICable System and these devices, can dramatically expand the amount of storage a ilable to your computer, while zipping data to and from the computer much faster than ever before. Whot you need lo sel up your SCSIsystem You need I an Apple Ile or Apple ncs, with the owner's manual, introductory disks, and PToDOS@. r the Apple II SCSICard, s/ith these instructions on how to install it. r the Apple SCSICable System,consisting ofat least one System Cable,one Cable Terminator,and, depending on your office set up and peripheral devices,some PeripheralCables and Cable Extenders. The SystemCable comes with a guide to connecting your computer to the cables and the SCSIperipheral devices. I at least one SCSIperipheral device. fmporlont Pléoseréod lhe Apple SCSICoble S)4lemmonuol before you ottempt to connect onv devices. Your Apple ll SCSICord rt Possibilifiesond Limils The Apple IIe or Apple IIGS use ProDOS, an operating system tlat generally expects no more than two devices will be attached to any one slot. You can put an SCSICard into any slot except slot 3 (which has been used to add 8O-column capability to your computer), and you can attach one or tlvo peripheral devices to the card. And you can use more than one SCSIcard in your computeî, if you wish. 'l.2 Vith PToDOSversion you can also connectup to four peripheral devices to one SCSICard, if you put it into slot 5. You are "remappìng" the location of two of those devices, pretending they are connected to a disk conúoller card in slot 2. So the lrst two of your devices will appear to your SystemUtilities program as drive 1 and drive 2 in slot 5; the second two, as drive 1 and drive 2 in slot 2. You are tricking the operating system into seeing shadows. To maintain the pretense, though, you must be careful not to put afìy disk drive controller card in slot 2, where the opera[ing system thinks you have the two SCSIperipherals. (fou may still use slot 2 for a card that connects with a serial pdnter or modem). In summary: You may install more than one SCSICard in your computer, but only the one in slot 5 can connect to four peripheral devices-and only with PToDOS1.2. If you do not have that version of ProDOS,see your dealer. In general, you should refer to any SCSIdevice by its volume name (for instance, Hard Disk) rather than by drive number and slot number. A word about size: The maximum size storage area that PToDOS recognizesis 32 megab''tes. If you anach a device larger than 32 megabfes, you must carve it up into paÍs, each of which is 32 megabyfesor smaller. (This is sometimes kîowf] as partítíonlng your hard disk irto aolutnes.) For instance, if you attach a 64 megabytehard disk to your SCSIcable, you must use speciial softwre (provided by the disk manufacturer) to divide it into two volumes,of 32 megab''teseach, for PToDOSto be able to use it all.
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