Connecticut College News Vol. 40 No. 10
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Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1954-1955 Student Newspapers 12-15-1954 Connecticut College News Vol. 40 No. 10 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 40 No. 10" (1954). 1954-1955. 2. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1954-1955 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. r :!Itrry Qtqri!itmu!i • OLLEGE EWS ONNECTICUT, I 86 New London, Connecticut, Wednesday, December 15, 1954 lOe per copy Vol. 4O-No. 10 Faculty, Students WMI Opens Soon; Avoid Vacation Fines Students are requested to Join in Annual Modern Facilities check due dates of books on loan from the library and to renew any that are due be- Christmas Pageant Benefit 125 Girls fore vacation. The Christmas pageant, an an- by Elaine l\Ianasevit Educational activity will com- nual highiight of the week pre- mence, following the Christmas Bermuda Cry Lures ceeding Christmas vacation, will holidays, in the Williams Merrier- be presented on Thursday and ial Institute building, which has 25 CC Vacationers Friday evenings, December 16 been a part of the CC campus To Island-in April and 17, at 8:00 in Palmer Audi- since last spring. Over the Spring Vacation, 24 torium. Amid the modern decor evi- Connecticut students, led by Sue Theme of the pageant is with· denced in the newest innovations Donnely '55, will invade the held as is customary. "It will not in lighting and blackboards, the rooms of Harmony Hall in Ber- be a dramatic production, but lobby complete with foliage, and muda. For a fee of $255, which rather a processional," said Tab- the other facilities in the building, will cover all expenses including sy Andrews, director of the pag- one is startled to find that the round trip fare on a Pan-Ameri- eant. "The idea is to have a spir- auditorium is entirely lacking in can plane, the girls will enjoy ten itual performance, and have the the modern influence. Although fun days with other. college characters remain anonymous." at present the area of the room is groups. Madonna the embryonic" s tag e s, 0 n e Yale and. the Whiffenpoofs are glimpse is sufficient to show already planning" to be there and The Madonna will also remain that colonial America will domi- it is expected that Princeton, a secret until the second perform- nate the decotating scheme of the Dartmouth, Hamilton and Colgate ance Friday evening. The ' Ma- room. A brick fireplace and the will add to the .island attraction donna is always f. senior, who is traditional paneling of the coloni- as they did last year. The men elected by her class. The runner- al period will give an impression will join in Rugby games for add- up for this honor portrays the of informality and relaxation. in ed entertainment and it is hoped part in both the rehearsals and that Canada will again send its the Thursday evening perform- Rugby team for exhibitions. ance. Government Dept. Calypso Band Tabsy Andrews and Barry The Talbott Brothers and their Learned, both art majors, are co- Offers New Course famous Calypso music is another chairman of the pageant. Barry highlight of the ttip as is the is director of scenery ..Committee The Government Depart- nightly dancing at the various ho- heads are Mimi Drier, secretary; ment announces that it will tels, the all day excursion boat costumes: Henny Jackson, lights; offer a course entitled Harkness Chapel is a fitting symbol of the religious spirit of trip, and the College Day at the Do Palmer, properties; Gladys "International Organization" Christmas. beach. Connecticut will give I its Ryan, make-up; and Jackie Gan- during the Second Semester. traditional cocktail party at Har- em, stage manager. This is a 3-point course, open mony Hall for all the other col- Marie Waterman is junior to sophomores, juniors and lege groups who .are there on va- seniors who have had Amer- chairman. This post was created cation. - Gray Stone Chapel Provides by Tabsy, who feels that a jun- ican government, or compar- The Bermuda Film, shown on ior's participation in the organi- ative government and mod- Wednesday, December 15, depicts zation of the pageant will be a ern European history. scenes from a typical college Setting for Campus Religion , great help to the class in anttct- This course is concerned week in Bermuda. All the ex- pation of next year's pageant. with the structure, functions, penses, including the boat trip, Harkness, Yale Grad~ Chapel a Style MiXture, and development of interna- are paid for in the initial fee. Chapel Donar, Noted Windqws Tell of Christ, The cast incuudes the follow- tional organization, with par- There is room.for 40 girls if more ing students and faculty mem- ticular reference to the Unit- wish to sign up with Sue. For Educational Gifts Organ Built for Chapel bers: Johnny Audette, Sue Wein- ed Nations and the Special- "The betterment of humanity On October 14, 1938, the corner- er, Connie Schive, Mr. Baird, Mr. ized Agencies, and also with I' can be achieved by building good stone of Mary Harkness Chapel Strider, Mr. Jones, .Buzzy Work- the various Regional Agen- Commuters' Banquet health and good education,': was was laid and on Janua,ry 14, 1940, man, Martha Cordett, Mr. Lebo- pies which have developed. the philosophy of "Edward Ste- the Service of' Consecration lon, Barbara King, Yolanda De Dr, Louise Holborn, who The Lighthouse Inn will phen Harkness, one of the fore- which formally dedicated the Man, Bobby Bruno, Polly Moffett, will teach the course, plans a receive the Connecticut Col- most philanthropists of modern chapel was held. Elaine Manasavtt, Mr. Lauben- visit to the UN to observe it lege Commuter's Club on Fri- times and a generous supporter The doner of the Chapel was stein, Mr. Fussell, Maria Atrias- in action, day, December 17, at 6 p.m., of Connecticut College~ Mary Stillman Harkness, a friend kin, • Cassie Goss, Liz Peer, Do- for a Christmas Banquet, I lores Pagani, Torty Dunlop, Mr". The Commuter's have chosen On this campus, Mary Hark- and summer neighbor of the Col- ness dormitory and the Chapel lege. The idea of a chapel for Chadourne, Faith Gulick, Harvey what is to be the "multi-purpose" the Lighthouse Inn this year Burdick, Beth Cook, Mona Wil- room of the new school. for their annual affair, and show the force of Mr. and Mrs. Connecticut College was suggest- Harkness's magnanimous nature. ed to Mrs, Harkness by the late son,' Rachel Child, and Doris have selected the choices of Deming. Three faculty children, In a visit through the halls and lobster, scallops, swordfish, At a candlelight cerernopy in Henry Sloane Coffin, president of rooms of WMI one can see the January, 1940, just a few weeks the Union Theological School. William Strider, Robert Strider, and turkey dinners. and Steve Record are also in the skeleton of a building which will The club plans' to attend before her husband died, Mrs, When Mrs. Harkness asked what soon be alive with the activity of Harkness presented the then the College was most in need of, cast. The choir will also particl- the college Christmas Pag- pate. students and teachers. What is eant after dinner and com- president, Katharine Blunt, with Mr. Coffin suggested to her the now a maze of carpenter's tools, plete the evenings festivi- the key to Harkness Chapel. Do- importance of religion to college Immediately following each loose wire, and all types of lum- ties by means of carol sing- nated as an expression of "her students. This belief in the im- performance there will be a carol ber will, in a few weeks. be a high ing. belief in the importance of reltg- portance of religion to young peo- sing. " school for approximately 125 girls ion to college students," Hark- ple was expressed by the errec- WhOSe educational program will ness Chapel is a symbol of the tion of the Chapel., stress those aspects necessary for philanthropic natures of two The architect of the Chapel, First '55 Vespers adequate preparation for college. Greenhouse Waters great individuals. John Gamble Rogers, has de- The seven classrooms, two lab- Vacation-Dry Plant A True Philanthropist signed buildings at Yale Univer- To Welcome. Rabbi oratories, library, auditorium, Although Mr. and Mrs. Hark- sity, the Columbia-Presbyterian gym, and miscellaneous rooms reo The botany department recent- ness had no children of their own, Medical Center, the University of Rabbi Roland B. Gittelsohn, of • fleet the best in material, educa- ly announced that it is again of- they gave more than $100,000,000 Rochester, and Northwestern Uni- Temple Israel, Boston, will be the ' fering space in the greenhouse tional facilities, Mr. Lambdin, CC to further educational opportuni- veraity. Mr. Rogers was a close speaker at vespers on Sunday, for students" house plants --over ties for youth, both here and friend of Mr. and Mrs. Harkness, business manager, said recently. January 9, Mr. Laubenstein, The old worn out blackboards of the vacation. abroad. They Deceived recogni- and is also a summer neighber of high school days are replaced by Plants may be "brought to the tion in the United States and in the College. chairman of the Department of specially treated green colored greenhouse on Thursday or Fri- Europe; and in England they In planning the exterior of the Religion, announced recently.