· Race ·Is .On to Keep Quiksilver· in Costa Mesa
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S P-0 RT S Teams ready for '96 ldckoff- are you? · Race ·is .on• to keep Quiksilver\_ • t I ·in Costa Mesa ~ • $200 million global surfwear leader is looking for larger digs. digs for a good price. · corporate headquarters in addition to Erickson said the city can and bas ·we're very interested in staying in 250,000 square feet for warehouse advised the company on potential deals Vacant RTC building is candidate, but not necessarily in lead. Costa Mesa,• said Randy Herrel, Quik space. but cannot get too involved. silver president. •1n fact. we've been try ·we really need space now,• Herrel •These are private masitet transac space it's not sure it can find in its Costa ing for six months to find a way to stay in said. •we have people with desks in~ tiop.s, .. he said. · 1 don't think the city By John Canalls and Mesa hometown. COst4 Mesa. However, we have not had aisles. We probably have 10 remote thoUld ~ Quiksilver or the.. .property William Lobdell, Daily Pilot Though the former Resolution 1h1lt much help from anyone - froin the dty office suites." 'owner what it should do.• ., · Corp. building at 19th Stree~ an~ New- to the landowners to the potential Mayor Joe Erickson denied the noti6n , 1. £rickson confirmed earlier· ieP<>~ • . ' . si - the back of a surfers van was all the being considered, executiVes of the Quiksilver bas drastically outgrown wants nothing more than for the compa building across 19th Street from Th.angle office 1pace Quibilver Inc. needed. · rapidly expanding company said its fad,lity at 1740 Monrovia Ave. and ny's 300 or so employees to stay local. Square, is being considered. The land Now, the world's largest surfwear Wednesday evening that they will leave wants to move soon. Herrel said. The "I do not want them to leave our city," company needs 350,000 square feet - Costa Mesa if they cannot find bigger company needs 100,000 square feet for said Erickson. "It's a quality employer." • SEE QUIKSILVER PAGE A16 ~utting a fa.ir amount of red tape • Officials hope propo~ed reorganization of Orange fred County Fair operations martin will make things run smoother. /took his By Julie Ross Cannon, Daily Pilot advice hook, to fill a staff vacancy, it notifies ane and sinker the Cahfomia Department of Per sonnel Admirustration. MEMO TO THE EDrTOR When it wants to purchase a ear Bill: Remember last · plow, it sends the paperwork to week when you told me the California Department of D bow great the marlin fish General Services. ing was because the ocean is so When it wants to contract a wamt right now and I should do local business a column on it? for conces Well, I called Davey's Locker sions, it asks "We would and talked to ~ who said to the Cahforrua like to get call Vic Sommers, wfio owns the Department of Andiamo hair salon on Balboa Food and rid of one lsUmd. Vic said he works Agriculture for layer of Wednesday through Saturday permisSlOn and fishes Sunday through Tues Fau board oversight day. Monday would be fine, we members say and be th~ ' re fed up -able to FUR apl'He told me where on Balboa- -H!f---c with the Island he keeps his boat, The · j bureaucratic things on Duke's. Vic llves, works and • • MARC MARTIN/DAILVP!l.OT . red tape a local boats on Balboa Island. · 1 get :,! bestowed by nosebleeds when I cross the Contrador Paul Hill came to tile aid of St. Joachim Cllur~ in Costa Mesa, removing graffiti before Sunday services. state govern- level ... " bridge," he says. l ment and are · so, Vic, what time Monday?" ! ' ready to reor- - BECKY I ask innocently. ganize. BAILEY-RNOLEY •oh, 4:30, 5 a.m.," he says ! ·we would nonchalantly. i lJke to see i DIVINE INSPIRATION Good griefI I don't do that : some local pre-dawn stuff anymore. But, r control over our operation," said somehow, I climb aboard Vic's Becky Bailey-Findley, chief exec boat at the stroke of 4:35. Vic Painter whitewashes graffiti splashed on premises ofSt. Joachim Catholic Church utive officer and general manag introduces me to his son, Robert, l er of the tau- •tt's not that we and we cast off at 4:50. i about six bows. lot of go<Xi folks around,· Krause said want to get rid of checks and bal 5:19: We are in the entrance By John Canatis, Daily Pilot . •1 don't want.to see that kind of •Jt's nice when you know people pull ances or public accountability. gar ge ur bait• That's catching the little be COSTA 'MESA - Good Samaritans · And it j~t offended me.• ... The quick work by the contractors pre- layer of oversight and able to fish ou use to catch the bi fish. Vi with aint brushes. run tlungs on a local level.• tis ow e wor . St. Joachim Catholic Church was hit honor Hill and his employees during a attention. e vo un eer or a Powerful lights glare into the Aug. 29 by graffiti vandals who wrote short ceremony at noon on Friday. Mem "Not too many people even saw he state pil9t program aimed at reor water Vic and Bob light it: as use slurs on church doors, walls and steps - an bers have written messages of thanks to said of the attack, which took place on a garuzing governmental agenaes weight rods with multiple hooks offense that shocked parishioners and Hill on a large scroll. Friday. · Had it stayed up during the in May. Wednesday the nine to land dozens of mackerel. neighbors alike. Hill was raised Catholic but no Ion er weekend, it would have been u 1 . • member fair board hosted a con - ' I practices. , e s , w c es are not , e mar gs o en seal I thought was pretty cute, thanks to Paul Hill, owner of Shell and the pltlce for vandalism. did see them. department officials, who dis- · we make bait and head out the Hill Inc., a Costa Mesa contracting compa· ·1 am not a religious guy," he said. "First of all, I felt very violated by cussed what the two other volun jetty. The rosy-fingered dawn is ny. •(But) they don't deserve that kind of someone doing this ... especially to a teer fairs are doing. creeping into the eastern sky, At the suggestion of employees, who treatment.• Catholic church," he said. •Tue agriculture department replacing a sliver of moon and spotted the mar.kings, Hill volunteered his Father Kenneth Krause said he was The tagger was arrested the night of 1s the facilitator," Kim Mynnan, Venus shining llke a Se41'chlight. company's tabor, supplies and time to grateful for the effort. the crime. His name and age could not be deputy secretary of the state There is wtnd even at this remove the graffiti. The job took about •Jt restores your faith when the;e are a confinne<hlate Wednesday. Department of Food and Agricul- ungodly hour and the seas are a touch lumpy already - fairly • SEE FAIR PAGE A 11 unusual, and not a good omen. Vic nudges the throttles on his 27-foot Unifllte and talks to ·--~--~-~-~~~--~------ ---~-- -------~, somebody on the radio. 1 --- •Joe had a couple of tailers 1 \ 1l I \ I . I '. ' I I One man's sand is.Mother man's castle off the i4, so we'll probably head there, then to the 227. The r-- - ---------------------------------------- ~ ----------, 209 was blank yesterday." • Though interest in the 'D'anslatlon: A friend saw annual sandcastle contest Ardlitects draw line in the sand some marlin jumping in a rei. is i tively lhallow spot 14 mlles off bas eroded, John Blom t Newport. 1be other numbers helping rebuild the While one jinn pli>ts its sondcaStle strat~ tl1llJtMt' ' refer to chart points of contour lines mapping the oc:ean floor. SeaFest tradition. plans to go into the contest 'intentionally ~ - Vic saw no fish at the one show ing 209 f&tboml. By Jennifer Armstrong. Dally Pilot ~ we thunder out to the 14- mile bank. Vlc says be'1 been CORONA DEL MAR - John NEWPORT BEAQl-Ni cbuln1fmutin 11.nce 1978 and Blom couldn't just stand by and eight-member..._ at <liNm· I« a Whale lldppered b1I own watch a 35-yeu-old Newport berg Fellow~ ....-.it 40-foot chartei boat ~ I Mk about Beech tra.ditlon llip away. ~ ·~ ~ ' . ' fbebalrM)oa. So u the organizer of ttUs .. .. ~ . •Ob, rn ••Yl dODe bib', YMr'I SMP9lt SendcUtle Con ,_ i-atntt liDCle '71. PUel OOltl test, he's trytng ~be c.an · ·bOcL-~...s... me out ol. ~ Cbirter - frUll ~men pw rel•... r:;.-· but~~ never . to cbangtng t'Olli.t rules - to build up tmlnlt In tbe ~. ,_ w ... •bOul tioW he ·1n-- ~ doWn ln the ..... ~Dulle'I up all .. &ut ~ .. ,..,., mainly ................. HnOr .. beelmei68at~.·Mld - QQAIT FMI A11 • S&~MOE A11 Oothes for the Generation-X crowd he 20-something crowd should love the new X- T 1.arge clothing outlet store Blvd., on the street level of Tri angle Square in Costa Mesa. The store features two lines of street wear: X-Large for men, and X-Girl for women. · Both lines were founded inde pendently of each other by musi cians: X-Large by Mike Dia mond of the Beastie Boys, and X-Girl by Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth. The clothes are reason ably priced and currently ev~· thing is on sale at 30% oft: Womens hip-hugger jeans are $32, hip-hugger skirts are $32, and dresses are $45.