VOLUME 16 KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1979 NO. 176 'Confused' Hijacler Holds 'EX TREMEL Y DANGEROUS' fREDERIC HEADS German Airliner At Bonn fOR GULf COAST WITH 130 MPH WINDS BONN, West Gennany (UPI) -- A lone "confused" MIAMI (UPI) -- "Extremely dangerous" Hurrl cane Frederl c, packl ng 130 mph hlJacker who sought money to campalgn for peace wlnds and pushlng 15 foot storm tldes, headed for a landfall today on the selzed a Lufthansa airliner on a domestic flight northern rlm of the Gulf of Mexlco, forclng thousands from thelr homes. today and held 127 persons captlve for SlX and one­ Hurrlcane warnings were flYlng along a 300 mlle stretch of coast from Pana­ half hours. ma Clty, Fla., to Grand Isle, La., and forecasters said they wanted to watch The hlJacker allowed all 120 passengers and three the stann further before trYlng to plnpolnt the exact spot where Frederic wlll crew members to dlsembark at the Bonn-Cologne alr­ come ashore. fleld but stlll held four crew members on the Nell Frank, dlrector of the National Hurrlcane Center, would say only that Boelng 727. a landfall on the coast Passengers descrlbed of Louislana, MisS1S­ MX OK hlm as "confused" and Singlaub Says Missiles In slppi, Alabama or Florl­ said he told them he da was expected ln "late wanted to extort money afternoon, thlS evenlng With for a "peace organl za­ Cuba Just A Possibility or tonight." ti on." DENVER, Colorado (UPI) -- Retired U.S. Army Gen. "As we watch lt to­ "He apparently lS John K. Singlaub sald early today he has no factual day, weill begln to zero USSR crazy," a Lufthansa knowledge there are nuclear mlsslles ln Cuba and ln on the locatlon," WASHINGTON (UPI) spokesman sald. Sovlet troops are there to guard them. Frank sald. "It's 50 or The top Amerlcan anns H1S natlonallty still The Norw~ch (Connectlcut) Bullet~n, in a copy­ 60 miles across and it negotiator told the Sen­ was not certain but po­ rlght story Tuesday, quoted Slnglaub as saylng he wlll take flve or six ate Forelgn Relatlons llce sald they belleved knew there are nuclear mlssiles ln Cuba. However, hours just to move across Commlttee today the So­ he was Gennan. reached later at hlS home the coast. " vlets appear to have ac­ Pollce sald only one in Denver, Slnglaub said Forecasters said that cepted U.S. assurances man was lnvolved ln the New Hope "there was a mlnor mlS­ FrederlC was approachlng the MX mlssile system hljacklng of the plane understandlng with the a Category 4 hurrlcane wlll not violate the on a fllght from Frank­ reporter." on a relatlve scale of SALT pact. furt to the Bonn-Cologne For Peace After the lnltlal re­ 1 to 5, "WhlCh makes lt Sen. Rlchard Stone, airfleld. He took over port, a spokesman for the one of the most lntense (D-Fla), indlcated he the West German alrllner State Departwent sald the hurricanes to threaten stlll had grave doubts. mldway between Frankfurt Conference agency has "no eVldence the central Gulf Coast He warned U.S. Ambas­ and Bonn. LONDON (UPI) -- In a of nuclear mlSSlles ln durlng thl s century." sador Ralph Earle, the Pollce said he rose sWltch of tactlcs that Cuba." And lntelligence Frank sald resldents chlef SALT II negotlator, from hlS seat, sald he lnjected new hope lnto sources in Washlngton along the Gulf Coast that determlned Sovlet was sick, and entered the founderlng Zimbabwe sal d the same. have been experienclng obJectlons mlght scuttle the pllots ' cabln carry­ Rhodesla peace confer­ The Whlte House de­ winds up to 30 mlles an the pact and dampen Con­ lng a black bag. ence, the Patrlotlc cllned comment on the hour since Tuesday and gress l enthuslasm to ap­ "Do what I say and no Front today agreed to lnitlal remarks, but the wlnds would increase proprlate $33 mllllon to one wlll get hurt," he accept Brltalnls order sources sald the refusal today. bUlld the MX system. sal d. of procedure and dlSCUSS was lntended to avold ThlS mornlng, an ad­ "We don't llke to sub­ The aircraft landed constltutlonal problems lendlng credence to the vlsory placed the center stltute amblgulty at the at the alrfield, mldway before other, more statements by responding of Frederlc at latitude moment for obJectlons between Cologne and Bonn, thorny lssues. to them. 28.2 north, longltude later on ," he sal d. on schedule. The hijacker Guerrllla leaders Slnglaub was a com­ 87.3 west, or about 200 The panel lS contlnu­ let the passengers leave Joshua Nkomo and Robert mander 1n South Korea mlles southeast of New lng ltS SALT hearing after he was allowed to Mugabe told the confer­ untll 1977 when he crlt­ Orleans. It was moving desplte the crlS1S over make a tape recorded ence's second worklng lClzed Presldent Car­ toward the northwest at the Sovlet brlgade ln message for a West Ger­ seSSlon they were pre­ ter's plan to wlthdraw 12 mph and was expected Cuba. Hopes the commlt­ man radio statlon. pared to start by work­ U.S. forces from there. to move toward the north tee mlght pass on the The last sentence of lng out an lndependence Interviewed by tele­ northwest at 12 to 15 treaty by Sept. 25 are the message was: "I want constltution for Zlm­ phone at hlS home, Sing­ mlles an hour. sllpplng, commlttee a world ln WhlCh one can babwe Rhodesia -- as laub said today he did sources sal d. 11 ve Wl th dl gm ty. " conference Chalrman Lord not know for a fact there 'No Retirement Earle acknowledged Pollce sald hlS mo­ Carrlngton, Britaln's are nuclear weapons ln Sovlet negotlator tives and alms were un­ forel gn secretary, had Cuba. Vladlmlr Semyonov, De­ clear. Some passengers demanded. "No. What you have is Soon,' Carter fense Mlnlster Dmltry reported he sald he want­ But the Patriotlc the presence of Sovlet HARTFORD, Connecticut Ustlnov and Presldent ed the alrllner to fly Front co-leaders said troops wlthout any other (UPI) -- Presldent Car­ Leonld Brezhnev all to Ml 1an, Ita ly • other lssues -- who wlll purpose," he sald. ter said today he feels ralsed obJections about The passengers lnclud­ control the securlty Asked if he meant confldent about hlS fu­ the manner ln WhlCh 200 ed 12 women and a Chlld forces and run the coun­ there was only the pos­ ture and does not plan MX mlssiles mlQht be de­ and Lt. Col. Akbar Hus­ try durlng a transltlon­ sibility of nuclear wea­ to retire from the Whlte ployed ln the U.S. saln, the 011 mlnister al perlod -- must also pons in the island na­ House "any tlme soon" Earle lnslsted deploy­ of Bangladesh, pollce be dlscussed before the tlon, he replled: "Yes, despite a possible chal­ ment of the MX on "race­ sald. They sald the hi­ end of the peace confer­ it's a very real POSS1- lenge from Sen. Edward tracks" was cons 1s tent Jacker made indicatlons ence between Britaln, bi 11 ty. " Kennedy. wlth SALT. he was deranged. the Front and the Zlm­ Singlaub likened the It was the flrst time babwe Rhodeslan govern­ current confrontatlon Carter has publicly re­ ment of Prlme Mlnlster Wl th the SOVl ets to the ferred to political de­ TOURISTS DIE IN ETNA LA VA BLAST B1Shop Abel Muzorewa. 1962 Cuban mlsslle cri­ velopments brewing ln CATANIA, SlClly (UPI) -- An exploslon of fiery Earlier, Nkomo and sis. the Democratlc Party lava blasted out of the maln crater of the Mt. Etna Mugabe had lnslsted on In the telephone In­ Slnce Kennedy announced volcano today, kl11lng at least SlX tourlsts and deallng wlth these tervlew, he noted the he had not ruled out a lnJurlng almost two dozen others vlslting the sum­ lssues flrst. 1962 case involved bld for the presidency mlt, offlclals sald. But Carrlngton told troops to guard nuclear next year. They sald the explo­ jured were hospltallzed today's seSSlon that weapons. Carter was asked Slon occurred Just be­ ln thlS eastern Slcily "the objectlve of this "In thlS case," he about the sltuation at fore sunset wh11e more clty southeast of Etna conference lS agreement said, "itls posslble an airport near Hartford than 200 tourlsts, most and about 10 others were on a constltutlon. That they're guardlng nuclear and he 19nored the ques­ of them Europeans, were treated and released lS the root of the prob- capable weapons. There tion for a moment, stop­ near the 11P of the dan­ wlth mlnor or 1em before us." are nuclear dellvery ped abruptly and sald, gerous volcano's main bruises. Backlng down from the means ln Cuba and ltlS "I feel confldent about crater. Offlclals sald iden­ Front's tough stand on possible that thlS force the future." The offlclals sald tiflcatlon of the dead the agenda of the con­ 1s there to guard war­ Then ln a speech to the bodles of those was dlfflcult because ference, Mugabe sald heads for those weapons. the Natlonal Retired ki lled and 1njured were many of the tourlsts that ''In the final anal­ ThlS is what the fonner Teachers Association and rushed down the moun­ made their way to the YS1S lt lS for the chalr­ dlrector of the Defense the Amerlcan Assoclation talnslde by special volcano summlt on thelr man to make the declslon. Intelligence Agency sald of Retlred People, tracked vehlcles used own. It is our right to glve last week before the Carter sald, "11m not by Etna gUldes. The number of lnJured our vlevv::., but we do not Forelgn Relatlons Com­ yet tempted to join your Thlrteen of the In- lS estimated at 35. wlsh to be obstructlVe." mlttee." ranks at any tlme soon." PAGE 2 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1979

Grain Beetles Detected Nixon Is Off To China fINANCIAL NEW~ Gra1n beetles have been detected 1n SAN CLEMENTE (UPI) -- Former Presl­ DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES a recent sh1pment of various products dent Rlchard Nlxon prepared today to SllP 30 Industrlals up 1.19 at 870.90 rece1ved at Kl>laJale1n. Efforts are away for hlS th1rd Vlslt to Ch1na, where 20 Transportatl0ns up 2.05 at 260.86 be1ng taken by Global Assoc1ates to de­ the government welcomes hlm as an honored 15 Utllltles up 0.48 at 108.19 tect the source of th1S 1nsect in or­ guest. 65 Stocks up 1.15 at 308.14 der to llm1t 1nsect populat1on. Res1- N1xon kept his traveling party small Volume was 39,350,000 shares. dents are requested to ass1st by 1n­ and much of h1S 1tlnerary prlvate. Closlng Gold off $2.65 at $337.10 spect1ng the1r flour and other gra1n His spokesman, Col. Jack Brennan, sa1d Closlng S11ver up 12¢ at $12.66 products. If gra1n beetles are de­ Nlxon would leave today by commerc1al alr­ Dollar closlng ln Tokyo was 222.35 yen tected, res1dents should contact Pest llne for Hawali, where he w1ll spend sev­ and ln Zurlch 1.63155 SW1SS francs. Control at 83353. An inspect10n w111 eral days vlsitlng fr1ends. SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY then be made by a cert1f1ed Pest Con­ Brennan would not say Wh1Ch a1rllne troller and adv1ce g1ven as to d1SPO­ Nlxon was flYlng, nor when he would leave. SURf & SUN: S1 tlOn Nelther Nlxon's w1fe nor hlS daughters AS OF 0001 HOURS, SEPTEMBER 12, 1979 wlll accompany hlm. He w1ll travel w1th Dally Ralnfall: .29 h1S son-ln-law, Edward Cox, Brennan, for­ Monthly Total 1.73 mer speech writer Raymond Price, staff Yearly Total: 69.36 stenographer Carl Howell and a contlngent TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN SALT Treaty No Hostage of Secret Servlce agents. H1 Tlde 0945, 03.3' - 2302, 03.9' WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The ranking members Brennan sald the Chlnese government Lo Tlde 0355, 02.5' - 1535, 02.6' of the Senate Fore1gn Relat10ns Comm1ttee gave the lnvltatlon a year and a half ago, Sunrlse 0639 Sunset 1851 sald Tuesday they are not holding the SALT but N1xon delayed the trlp so 1t would Moonrlse Moonset 1239 treaty hostage to the removal of a Sov1et not become lnvolved wlth Presldent Carter's FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 84700 combat br1gade from Cuba. establlshment of full dlplomatlc relations "Senator Jacob Jav1ts and I have agreed with Pek1ng, announced Jan. 1. the commlttee should contlnue wlth the WORLD NEWS BRIEfS SALT hearlngs," Chalrman Frank Church, DELTA, Utah (UPI) -- A mln1bus carry­ (D-Idaho), sald after he and Javlts met Contro,ersy O,er West's Role ing senior cltlzens to the Utah State Falr wlth Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. TEHRAN (UPI) -- Iran expelled three crashed lnto a brldge early today, kll1lng "We are continulng on schedule and the West German televlslon newsmen today and elght persons and serlously inJurlng SlX only lnterrupt10n In those hearlngs so far the country's top leadershlp appeared 1n­ others. has dealt wlth thlS development 1n Cuba. volved in a v1tal controversy over the The Utah H1ghway Patrol sald the top The committee is cont1nu1ng with the SALT West·s role 1n Iran. was ripped off the bus. The drlver ap­ heanngs. " Pr1me M1n1ster Mehd1 Bazargan, ln an parently swerved to avold some farm equlp­ Jav1ts, (R-NY), the comm1ttee~s rank1ng address marklng Tuesday's mourn1ng for h1S ment on the road. ml non ty member, sa1d: "The SALT II treaty llfetlme fr1end Ayatollah Mahmoud Tale­ *** 1S not In 11mbo. It is actlvely being ghan1, openly challenged the Moslem mili­ PORTLAND, Oregon (UPI) -- A nuclear worked on -- practlcally on schedule." tant reJectlon of the West and boldly gave phYS1C1St sald Tuesday he has found a way "I want to g1ve the secretary of state the West credlt for the rlse of Iranlan to unlock vast oil and gas resources that every opportun1ty to br1ng the matter to natlonal1sm. Bazargan's remarks were pub- could make the United States independent a satlsfactory conclusion so that SALT II 11shed today. of fore1gn 011. may proceed unencumbered by thlS new S1tU­ On Sunday, Iranlan Leader Ayatollah PhYS1C1St George Merkl, who lS based In at10n WhlCh has ar1sen 1n Cuba," Jav1ts Ruhollah Khomelni urged Iranlans to stamp Houston, told the Portland Rotary Club his sa1d. out all traces of what the newspaper Kahyan process already was at work recoverlng termed "Westoxlcation," telllng them that heavy crude oil from wells classlfled as only the mosque was stlll safe from Western depleted by 011 companies. Kennedy Son Enters Treatme~t lnfluences. "When wells are cons 1de red dra 1ned, they BOSTON (UPI) -- Kennedy, son of There was no reaction from Khomelnl by stl11 have 70 to 90 pprcent of thelr 011 the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, has been late today to Bazargan's speech ln defense ln the ground, but 1~ can't be removed by admltted to Massachusetts General Hosp1tal of the West's contrlbutlon. conventlOnal methods," Merkl sald. "We wlth an al1ment WhlCh can be caused by can get 70 to 90 percent of what's left." self-admlnlstered narcotics, a spokesman Third Arrested *** sald today. Suspect LONDON (UPI) -- Prlnce Andrew, 19-year­ "In I'ecent years, Dav1d Kennedy has had a DUBLIN (UPI) -- Pollce Tuesday arrested old son of Queen Elizabeth and Prlnce Phl1- senous nled1cal problem," family spokesman a thlrd suspect for questlonlng ln the lP, entered Brltannla Royal Naval College Stephen A. Sm1th sald 1n New Yor~. bomblng death of Lord LOU1S Mountbatten, at Dartmouth today wlth a promlse from Smlth, the 24-year-old Kennedy's uncle Brltaln's former flrst lord of the sea college offlcials that he wlll share a who handles the faml1y's bus1ness lnterests and supreme commander of the Allled troops dormltory room, polish hlS own boots and ln New York, sald In a statement that Davld in Southeast ASla durlng World War II. be subJect to ordlnary dlsclpllne. voluntarlly put hlmself 1n a hospltal Sat­ A pollce spokesman sald the suspect, Andrew, second ln 11ne for the throne urday and was transferred to Massachusetts Slnn Feln, who was not lmmedlately charged after hlS older brother, Charles, wlll also General Sunday wlth Mountbatten's murder, recently had take hellcopter tralnlng -- a flrst for Although the statement dld not spec1f1- been elected to the Dublln dlstrict counc11 royalty at the college attended by Charles. cally mentlon drug addlctlon, Smlth sald to represent the Irish Republlcan Army's Prlnce PhillP and hlS uncle, Lord Mount­ In hlS statement that Davld 1S sufferlng po 11 t 1 ca 1 Wl ng . batten. from "bactenal endocardltls," an allment The IRA clalmed responslblllty for bomb­ *** common to drug addlctlon. lng Mountbatten's 29-foot boat off the MANILA (UPI) -- The U.S. 7th Fleet res­ The dlsease lS also common ln people Irlsh coast Aug. 27. The blast kllled cued 27 starvlng Vletnamese who had run wlth preVlOUS heart problems and can be un­ Mountbatten, his grandson and hlS daugh­ into three Sovlet warshlps ln the flrst related to the use of narcotlCS. ter's mother-1n-law. reported encounter between Russlans and "The famlly has for a long tlme been Two other men, Francls McGlrl, 24, and refugees 1n the South Chi na Sea, the Navy much concerned about hlS condltlon," said Thomas McMahon, 31, already have been sald today. Sm1th. charged wlth Mountbatten's murder, but po­ A spokesman sald a Navy search plane llce sald they belleve a "six-member IRA spotted another boat carrying about 20 assaSSlnatlon team" was responslble for Vietnamese near where the gUlded mlsslle 'Great' Quake Hits Indonesia the bomblng. cruiser uss Jouett plucked the 27 refugees WASHINGTON lUPI) -- The flrst "great" today. earthquake In more than two years occurred *** Tuesday in Indonesia, the U.S. Geologlcal Mideast Tolles Progress WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The House of Repre­ Survey reported JERUSALEM (UPI) -- U.S. Mlddle East en­ sentatlves Tuesday authorized Presl- The quake reglstered 8.0 on the Rlchter voy Robert Strauss met today wlth members dent Carter to ban sales to Russla whlle scale. Prellmlnary se1smograph readlngs of Israel's negotlatlng team to the Pal­ Sovlet troops remain in Cuba. placed the center on the equator off the estlnlan autonomy talks, headed by Interlor The actlon came on a vote to amend a northern coast of the western half of the Mlnlster Josef Burg. proposed four-year extenslon of llmits ls1and of New GUlnea. An Israell offlclal sald Strauss appear­ on exports that mlght endanger U.S. secu­ The Geologlcal Survey's Natlonal Earth­ ed satlsfled wlth the pace at which the rity. quake Informatlon Servlce at Golden, Colo., talks were progresslng. *** sald lt had no lmmedlate reports of "Everything seems to be gOlng well ," the BEIRUT (UPI) -- Sporadlc gunfire echoed lnJurle? or damaqe. offlclal sald. "There's another eight through Belrut's eastern suburbs today as It was the flrst "great" earthquake of months of dlScusslons untll the deadllne." Armenlan and rlghtlst Christlan mllitiamen magnltude 8.0 or more Slnce another 8.0 The offlclal stressed that Israel agrees engaged ln a thlrd day of bltter street quake hlt near Sumbawa Island ln Indonesia wlth the Amerlcan Vlew that representatives fightlng and kldnapplngs. Aug. 19, 1977, kl11lng more than 100 people of Palestlnlans llvlng on the West Bank and Police sources estlmated that at least and causlng extenslve damage. On the long­ Gaza Strlp must be brought lnto the nego­ 24 persons have been k111ed, 30 wounded tlme average, the serVlce sald, the world tlatlng process. and 40 kidnapped on both sides since the has one great earthquake a year. "Autonomy cannot be forced on them," the fightlng began last Monday. An Armenlan The largest earthquake to occur ln the offlclal said. "They must be brought lnto spokesman alleged that 15 of the dead were more than two years between the two great the plcture." Armenlans who were kldnapped and subse­ quakes was a 7.9 tremor in southern Mexlco He sald Israel dld not obJect to Strauss quently murdered. ~ov. 29, 1978, WhlCh kl11ed at least elght meetlng Tuesday wlth Ellas FrelJ, a proml~ "The death toll wlll llkely rlse ln the people and caused conslderable damage ln nent West Bank leader. Strauss wll1 hold next two days," sa i d one spokesman. the Mexlco Clty area. meetlngs wlth other Palestlnlan notables. *** SEPTEMBER 12, 1979 PAGE 3 Bugging Andy Young By ART BUCHWALD WASHINGTON -- One of the parts of tile Andy young saga that hasn't been delved lnto lS who bugged hlS conversation with the PLO U.N. observer. As part of the counteresplonage game, lntel­ llgence organlzatlons, lncludlng the CIA, have denled their people had anythlng to do wlth it. But we all know there were probably four or five bugs ln the Kuwaltl U.N. ambassador's apartment where the meeting took place. The bugglng of U.N. ambassadors lS standard operat1ng proce­ dure for spooks operatlng In the New York area. As a matter of fact, the real status of a U.N. member country is determined by how much trouble forelgn agents wlll take to lnstall the sophis­ tlcated llstenlng equlpment. There lS even a pecklng order for U.N. nations based on who 1S lnterested 1n what the1r ambassadors have to say. The major powers such as the U.S.S.R., U.S., People's Repub­ llC of Chlna, Japan, France and Great Brlta1n rate at least flve bugs. The other Western and Eastern bloc countr1es four. Third World powers wlth 011, three bugs. Thlrd World powers wlthout 011 could be ent1tled to one, or no bugs, dependlng how much trouble thelr governments are caus1ng thelr nelghbors. There are exceptlons, such as Cuba. Although lt lS a small power lt lS entltled to flve bugs. Pak1stan had only been al­ lotted two bugs untll lt was revealed that she was develop1ng an 'TMS 1'RRES MUSICE'TE'ERS atom bomb. The placement of these bugs In U.N. ambassadors I apartments lS subject to negotlatlon between the varlOUS lntelllgence ser­ Vlces. Most agencles prefer to plant thelr bugs In an ambassa­ On The Right ... By WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY JR. dor's bedroom on the theory that he mlght say more there than he would In hlS llvlng room or dln1ng room. But lf you put too THE DEPARTURE OF LYUDMILA many bugs In the bedroom, It'S very hard to plck up conversa­ Are we the dumbest people In the world? It lS lnconce1vable t10ns and the quallty of the VOlces becomes weakened. that there aren1t mllllons who reached that concluslon on hearlng So trade-offs are made. The Sovlets, for example, wlll agree from the executlve dlrector of the Amer1can tour organlzed for the to allow the CIA to bug the Indlan ambassador1s bedroom, and the Bolshol Billet that she v1ewed wlth "great regret" the defectlon CIA ln return wlll glve the KGB bugglng rlghts to the French of Godunov. It lS lmposslble to understand thlS as meanlng any­ ambassador1s mattress. Because the prlce of SOphlst1cated th1ng less than that we Vlew wlth great regret any declslon by an equlpment has become so expenSlve, many spook organlzat10ns have lmportant Russlan flgure to choose freedom. The strangest thlngs bugglng exchanges. Zambla, who can only afford to bug one em­ embarrass the Unlted States. If the entlre presldlum of the Unlon bassy at a tlme, wlll turn over ltS Ethloplan tape to Tanzanla, of Sovlet Soclallst RepubllcS were tomorrow to announce the renun­ and Tanzanla wlll then glve Zambla the one tape lt has on Nl­ clatlon of lmperlallsm, autonomy for the Sovlet states and unlla­ gena. teral d1sarmament, one has the feellng that our leaders would hud­ Some lntelllgence agents trade thelr bugglng conversat10ns of dle In the sltuatlon room In utter panlc at an event SO ••• dlsequl­ embassles as lf they were baseball cards. Theylll let out word llbratlng, lS perhaps the word Jody Powell would vouchsafe us. that they have an lntlmate conversatlon between the ambassador Then there was the eplsode lnvolvlng Lyudmlla Vlasova, the wlfe of Saudl Arabla and the head of a large 011 company. They mlght of Godunov. At least U.S. Immlgratlon, no doubt on the authorlty trade lt for a dlalogue between the U.N. West German ambassador of the Whlte House ltself, refused to permlt her alrplane to de­ and the forelgn mlnlster of Turkey. A hot tape compromlslng a part r1ght away. But conslder the C1rcumstances. Over a perlod U.N. ambassador wlth a glrl he met at StudlO 54 could be worth of 72 hours, Madame Vlasova was detalned, by force, by Russlan a dozen tapes dlscloslng where Poland stands on the SALT II agents on U.S. sOll, and not permltted to consult wlth U.S. treaty. authorltles. By the tlme she was flnally exposed to our negotla­ The entlre U.N. lntelllgence communlty was badly shaken by tor, the Russlans had had enough tlme to extract from her vlrtual­ the Andy Young lncldent. The orlglnal SUsplclon was that the ly any commltment they wantedo Israells had leaked the PLO conversatlon, but the Israell serv­ Imag1ne a Unlted States court of law acceptlng as valld a plea lce proved thelr bug had been planted ln the Kuwaltl ambassa­ of gUllty or not gUllty uttered by an lndlvldual who had been held dor's bathroom behlnd one of the gold faucets. Slnce the Ku­ 72 hours lncommunlcado by authorltles who exerClsed total author- waltl ambassador's wlfe was runnlng her bath at the tlme, the 1ty over that person1s famlly and frlends? Why dld no one In New Israells sald they had come up wlth nothlng. Egypt1s bug, ac­ York, that mecca of C1Vll rlghts l lltlgators, do the ObV10US thlng? cordlng to her agents, was In the ambassador's clothes closet, What was the ObV10US thlng? and the Japanese had thelrs In the kltchen TV set. * * * By ellmlnatlng all the dlfferent hldlng places, lt looked as In 1948, In the month of August, a Sovlet scrool teacher called lf the CIA was the one that dld the damage. Madame Kosenklna, attached to the Sovlet legatlon, was vlsltlng But the CIA U.N. statlon boss lndlgnantly denled lt, and told wlth Countess Tolstoy, an Amerlcan cltlzen. There Kosenklna con­ the other agents, "Everybody knows that by law we're not allowed fessed her lntentlon of defectlng. The Sovlet authorltles got to bug anybody In our own country." wlnd of thlS and swooped down on Kosenklna and splrlted her away to thelr consulate on 61st Street and Park Avenue, plannlng to fly her out In the mornlng to Gulag. The press got wlnd of lt and there was an uproar. Investors' Guide At dlnner that evenlng, a retlrlng gentleman named Chrlstopher By Emmett, much concerned wlth the pllght of captlve peoples, dlned William A. Doyle wlth a dlstlngulshed lawyer, C. Dlckerman 'Wllllams, alld a young buslnessman, Peter Hoguet. Thelr thoughts were on Kosenklna and Q. I need information on bond IS scheduled to mcrease IS rl ght as rlght can be H h h b d f h bow and when to casb Series E m redemption value as a bonds now pay mterest by w at ml 9 t e one or ere U.S. Savings Bonds to get result of mterest com- checkeverySlxmonthsatan In a matter of hours, Wllllams appeared before Judge DlCksteln maximum interest and the poundmg average annual rate of 6~ of the federal dlstnct court, Countess Tolstoy at hlS slde and least bassle Because E bond As a matter of fact, savmgs percent, assummg you hold obta 1ned a Wrl t of habeas corpus 1n the name of Madame Kosenkl na. interest is compounded semi­ bond paymg agents are them to their 10-year The ensulng events were dramatlC. Hoguet, wnt In hand, took on annually, this becomes im­ supposed to adVise the owner maturlty US Treasury the role of process server and knocked on the door of the consu­ portant. of an E Dond who presents It notes, which come With Is it possible, inadvertently, forredemptlon Within a month maturltles of from one to lola te where Kosen kl na was deta 1ned. He thrus t the Wrl tat the con­ to lose six months' interest by beforeltmcreasesmvalueto years,arenowavallableWith sul general, one Lomakln, who decllned to accept lt -- but that redeeming an E bond at the hold off unW the mterest IS Yields of close to 9 percent. decll natl on had no meanl ng 1n 1aWe wrong-time? Is the easiest added on LlkeallUS Treasury debt By thlS tlme the crowds had gathered. Kosenklna knew no Engllsh, way to cash E bonds by taking Yes, the easiest way to cash obhgatlons, both are backed but the radlO turned on she heard repea ted men t lOn of her name them to a bank? Are banks E bonds IS at your bank You'll by the full f81th and credit of ' , .' obUgated to cash E bonds, getthefullredemptlonvalue thefederalgovernment glVWg her hope that there were exertlOns on her benalf. She was without charge? m cash. a check or as a credit The only "penalty" for embo 1dened then to make her famous 1eap out the wwdow, break 1ng A You have a good handle to your bank account - cashing the H bond would be her 1eg. An ambu 1ance took her to the hOSPl ta 1, renden ng moot the on the way mterest IS added to whichever you prefer the loss of mterest If you wn t of habeas corpus, because s he was no longer 1n cus tody. the redemp1J.on value of E AuthorIZed paymg agents are redeem before your next m- Yea rs 1a ter Bead 1e Sml th our CI A d1 rector wrote 1n hl s mem- bonds The answer to your not allowed to charge you for terest check IS due As With E h F ' , , first question IS "yes" IT thatsefVlce bonds, you should cash Hsat ons tat orelgn Mlnlster Molotov for the flrst tlme ln dlplomat- mterest IS scheduled to be * * * the time of the mterest lC cncumstances lost hlS temper: He slmply refused to belleve compounded on a partlcular E Q. After reading your payment tha t any country had 1aws tha t perml tted a mere 1ndl Vl dua 1 to get bond next month and you cash column and talking to my WhenyouredeemanHbond a court order effectlng freedom for someone held In custody by rep­ It thiS month, you lose close to banker and broker about U.S. you receive the full "par" - resentatl yes of a forelgn power. S1X months' mterest Treasury notes being as safe face - value The same thmg Wh 't th d f M d V1 ? S 1d h h To aVOid that mterest loss as U.S. Savings Bonds and apphes to a Treasury note _ y wasn 1s one or a arne asova he wou t en ave make sure you redeem each paying bigber mterest, I've only If you hold It to maturity been removed from the anplane and glven an opportumty to compose bond m the month durmg come to the conclusion that I IT you want money for a herself, to make an unharassed declsl0n concernlng her future. When whlch mterest IS scheduled to sbouldcasbmySertesHbonds Treasury note before It Nureyev whlspered to the Frt:nch pollce at the alrport that he wlsh- be added to the redemption and buy Treasury notes. matures, you can sell It You ed to defect, he was taken to a pn vate room. value Am I thinking right? U I do may get more than par value I h f 1 b 1 h • Your bank or any other this, will there be any penalty or you may get less _ t 1S t e great paradox 0 our 1 era SOCl ety that t et e are "authorIZed paymg agent" for for casbing the H bonds? dependmg upon "money more 1awyers 1n New York wllll ng to he 1p peop 1e to rema 1n conmun- US SaVIngs Bonds can tell , .\ On the baSiS of getting market conditions" 1S ts than there are wllll ng to he 1p those s trugg 11 ng to become you exactly which month each higher mcome, your thmkmg ©1979KingF ••turnSvndicote.inc ex-cOmmunlstS. PAGE 4 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1979 Music Guild To Sponsor Eating Well -- Looking Good (AP) -- Muscles are bU1lt primarily of Classes, Workshop On KWI; proteln, and through the years, prote1n "Many people don't really hsten to mu­ has been cons1dered the pr1mary foodstuff SlC," says John Dwyer, presldent of the for athletes seek1ng peak performances. KwaJalein MUS1C GUlld. But lately, the tradit10n of the pre­ "With a llttle tra1nlng, they can actu­ game steak has been re-exam1ned. ally learn to hear more and hear better." Protelns are very complex organlc com­ John will be teach1ng mUS1C apprecia­ pounds that conta1n carbon, hydrogen and tlon as one of the courses to be sponsored oxygen. They're essentlal for a number of by the KMG this fall. John stud1ed mUS1C body functlons. such as the growth and re­ at the Un1verslty of Chicago and at the pair of tissue and the formatlon of anti­ Ecole Cesar Franck 1n Par1s. He has a bodies to f1ght dlsease. The body requ1res teach1ng credent1al (math and mus1c) frow a new supply of prote1n every day. the state of Cal1forn1a. Meat, flSh, poultry, da1ry products and Don Schulk1nd wlll be offer1ng lnstruc­ eggs prov1de the best sources of protein. t10n in v1ol1n/v1ola as another of the A vegetar1an d1et, one that 1ncludes a KMG-sponsored courses. Don has been f1rst full range bf vegetables, gra1n, cereals v1ol1n1st of the KwaJ Communlty Orchestra, fru1ts and nuts, can also supply the body's and most recently performed here 1n a KMG prote1n needs. chamber mUS1C concert 1n July. He 1S also Athletes often choose a h1gh-prote1n the leader of a str1ng quartet, Wh1Ch may diet because they th1nk extra prote1n w1ll be performing 1n a KMG concert next month. promote muscle growth and greater strength. The gU1ld 1S also conslder1ng the pos­ But stud1es have found that prote1n syn­ sibil1ty of offer1ng courses 1n gU1tar thesis occurs at a set rate, even 1n ath­ and recorder. letes involved in cond1t1on1ng programs to The Most Reverend Mart~n J. Neylon, John Harr1S w1ll be leadlng a baroque/ 1ncrea~e muscle bulk. S.J., r~ght, was p~ctured w~th Pope John Renaissance music workshop, as another of Thus, the body needs only a certa1n Paul II dur~ng a v~s~t to the Vat~can ~n the gU1ld-sponsored act1v1ties. H1story amount of protein each day. With a well­ January 1979. repeats ltself: John had a slm1lar group balanced diet -- chosen from the four food dur1ng h1S last tour on KwaJ 10 years ago. groups -- the body will actually get all Pope Creates Diocese Of He built a harps1chord then, and 1S now the protein 1t needs. working on another one. The gU1ld may also In fact, because athletes must consume sponsor a Jazz workshop, 1f there are so many more calories a day than non­ Caroline, Marshall Islands enough interested partlc1pants. athletes, they probably have an excess of WASHINGTON (MNS) -- Pope John Paul II The commun1ty orchestra w1ll be reac­ protein, and that 1ncreases the body's has created the D10cese of the Carol1ne tlvated, after clos1ng down for summer va­ need for water to flush out the nitrogen and Marshall Islands, the U.S. Cathol1c cations. Plans 1nclude support for the by-products in ur1ne. So the effect of Conference announced last week. Kwajale1n Commun1ty Theater production of high-protein diets 1S somewhat llke pour­ The pope named The Most Reverend Mart1n "Camelot" next year, and cooperatlon w1th ing water 1nto a glass after 1t'S full. J. Neylon, S.J. as f1rst b1Shop of the new the commun1ty chorus and church groups ln d1ocese. a performance of 's "Mess1ah" around The terr1tory was formerly known as the Easter. H1gh school students as well as V1car1ate of the Marshall and Carol1ne Is­ adults are inv1ted to part1c1pate 1n the lands. B1Shop Neylon has been apostal1c orchestra. V1car since 1971. Anyone 1nterested 1n tak1ng part 1n any Format1on of the new d10cese was an­ of these or other MUS1C gU1ld act1v1t1es nounced by U.S. Archbishop Jean Jadot. 1S 1nv1ted to slgn up at the Open House B1Shop Neylon was Catholic chapla1n on Sunday, Sept. 16. If you are 1nterested 1n KwaJale1n 1n 1967-68, and has v1s1ted the f1nd1ng out more about the gU1ld and 1tS atoll often Slnce assum1ng other dut1es. activ1ties. plan to attend the Open House, A nat1ve of Buffalo, N.Y., B1Shop Neylon ~unday, Sept. 16. from 4 to 6 p.m. 1n the was orda1ned a Jesu1t priest 1n 1950 After Banyan Room of the Yokwe Yu~ Club. Re­ teach1ng at Reg1s H1gh School for four freshments will be served. years, he stud1ed 1n Rome a year and was then appo1nted nov1ce-d1rector for the New York Province of the Soc1ety of Jesus, a Jeramon Non Kom post he held for 12 years. 'Jeramon non kom" ~s the Marshallese Follow1ng h1S ass1gnment on KwaJalein, way to say, "Goodbye and good luck, Bishop ~eylon was transferred to Guam in fr~ends." 1968 to set up a residence for young M1cro­ NORM and RORY VANCE, w1th children nesians interested 1n studY1ng for the MELISSA. 4. DAVID, 2~, and STEPHEN, 3 Prl es thood . months. are departing KwaJale1n Friday, In 1968, he was des1gnated b1Shop by Sept. 14, after two years on 1sland. The Pope Paul VI, and was consecrated 1n St. fam1ly 1S mov1ng to Seattle, Wash., where Patr1ck's Cathedral 1n February 1970, by Norm w1ll be work1ng as a computer program­ Card1nal Terrence Cooke. Dur1ng the follow- mer for Boe1ng. 1ng year, B1Shop Neylon ass1sted B1Shop Norm and Rory were members of the scuba V1ncent I. Kennally, S.J., 1n the V1car1- club. Rory was a member of the Yokwe Yuk A vegetar~an? We don't know, but th~s ate of the Marshalls and Carol1nes. When Women's Club and played softball w1th the KwaJ Jogger ~s "look~ng good" ~n the car~­ B1Shop Kennally ret1red 1n 1971, B1Shop M1Sflts. cature her "No.1 son" produced. Neylon assumed full respons1b1l1ty for the sp1r1tual welfare of the Cathol1c Church 1n all the Marshall and Carol1ne 1slands, w1th Register This Week for Non-Credit Adult Education Courses a total Cathol1c populat1on of nearly Reglstration will cont1nue untll 1 p.m. Fr1day. Sept. 14, for the 28 non-cred1t 40,000. courses currently be1ng offered by the Adult Educatlon Center. Some class sizes may be In January th1S year, B1Shop Neylon llmited due to the facilities available. Signups are taken on a first-come, flrst­ V1 s 1ted Pope John Paul II at the Vat 1can. served basis. Wait1ng lists for previous terms do not apply to th1S term. All apostal1c V1cars are required to make The Adult Education Center is open for reg1stratlon on the following schedule: such a vlsit once every seven years to re­ Thursday, Sept. 13, 3 to 7 p.m.; Friday, Sept. 14, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Checks. cash and port on the status of the1r v1car1ates. money orders are acceptable for tU1t1on and suppl1es. The center 1S located ln Room 4. As b1Shop of the newly-formed d1ocese, George Seltz School. For further 1nformatlon, call JUd1th Whltt1ngh1ll, 82800, durlng Bishop Neylon wlll be requ1red to make offlce hours shown above. such a V1S1t once every f1ve years. Bishop Neylon w1ll V1S1t Kwajalein and Don't Miss This Opportunity To Put A Little Class In Your Lif I Ebeye Sept. 28-30, on h1S way to New York Bread Ma king for Men & Women, $26 W 7-9 30 Sept 19-Nav 14 Linda Carson and then to Washington, D.C., to attend Bridge Basics & Improvement, $21 Tu 6 30-8 Beginners the nat10nal conference of Catholic b1Sh­ 8-9'30 Intermed Sept 18-Nav 20 Ken Hopke Disco DanCing (6 lessons), $19 M 7 15-8:45 Sept 17-Nov 19 6 wks Rich & Joan Sasiela ops. The blShop wlll celebrate the par1sh English Refresher, $36 Th 7-9 Sept 20-Nav 29 Pat Fratangelo masses durlng that weekend. and w1ll hear Genealogy, $13, text, $8 Tu 7'30-9 30 Sept 18-Nov 20 Louise Throop Investments in Real Property & confess1ons on KwaJale1n on Saturday, Other Venture Capi tal Investments, $26 W 8-9 30 Sept 19-Dec 12 8 wks William Rollins Sept. 29. from 4 to 5 p.m. only. Knitting & Crocheting, $26 Tu/Th 7-9 Oct 9-Dec 6 8 wks Jean Mindeman Life in the Tropical Seas, $21 W 7-8 30 Sept 19-Nov 7 James Wedge Macrame & Glass Ball TYlng, $31 M 7-9 Sept IT-Nov 5 Sandy Mazurek Conversational Marshallese, $31 Th 6.30-8 30 Sept 20-Nov 29 Alice Buck Beware Of Heavy Equipment' Micronesian History & Culture, $31 W 7-9 Sept 19-Dec 12 10wks Elden Buck Needlepoint, $26 M 7'30-9 30 Sept 24-0ct 29 Leslie Killeen Repair work of storm-damaged rlprap Oil Painting, $41 M 7-9.30 or Oct I-Dec 3 from Echo Pier to Emon Beach is scheduled Tu 1-3 30 Oct 2-Dec 4 Beverly Beer Photography, $41 M 6.30-9 Sept ll-Nov 19 Na te Jac kson to begin Thursday, Sept. 13. Dur1ng the Rea 1 Es ta te PI' inc ip 1 es, $45 W 6 30-9 Sept 19-Dec 12 Bill Richardson restorat1on perlod, heavy equlpment wlll be Sewing Advanced Knits, $36 Th 7-10 Sept 20-Nov 15 Donna Bu['nsteel, Ellen Mason in operation throughout th1S area. All lS­ Beginning Tennis, $36 T 7-9 Sept 18-Nov 6 No['rna B['own land resldents are cautioned to stay away Beginning Typing To be announced Leo Langford from the shoreline area where heavy equlp­ ment is operating. Registration Closes At J p.m. Friday t4DURG\.A8 S ~€DNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1979 PAGE 5 At Wit's End MOVIES by Erma Sombeck TOOl ght Rlchardson Hanover Street ------PG Ann Th1S lS the season when-every mother lvey Ha 11 Closed ded1cates her life to sendlng her chlldren Yokwe Yuk Closed back to school in new underwear. A tlme Tradewlnds Klng Kong ------PG £tlItders for settllng flttlng-room tantrums and Thursday tears of "l won't wear It!'' A tlme to re­ Rlchardson Closed flect on whether what you bought w111 stay Ivey Hall Bad News Bears ------PG Dear Ann Landers: I got th1S catalog in style until you reach the car, or will Yokwe Yuk Autumn Sonata ------PG 1n the mall and the letter attached sald st11l f1t when school opens. Tradewlnds Count Dracula And H1S even 1f I don't order anyth1ng, I have a For years, mothers of chlldren 1n pub- Vamplre Brlde ------R chance to W1n a lot of money Just because 11C educat10n have expressed open envy of I sent for the catalog. (I d1dn't order mothers whose children are 1n pr1vate and anyth1 ng.) paroch1al schools and wear un1forms. TELEVISION My husband called me a "dummy." He We 11, I don't know whilt YOll've heard, a.m. ~ Tonlght On KwaJa1e1n cla1ms I can't W1n unless I buy someth1ng. but bel1eve me, don't rio anvth1ng drast1C 4:W Sesame Street Accord1ng to h1m, my entry w1ll go 1nto an unt11 you've walked In the shoes of a 5:00 General Hosplta1 automat1c wastebasket. H1S f1nal words mother who sews ln 25 name tags a season. 5:45 The Muppets were, "If you don't bel1eve me, ask Ann To beg1n wlth, the argument that unl­ 6: 10 Please Stand By Landers. " forms take away the hassle of a deC1Slon 6:35 Bonkers So, I'm dsk1ng Ann Landers. The con­ In the morn1ng of what to wear, lS a myth. 7:00 Fawl ty Towers test 1S run by Donnelly Corporat10n, a Each pleated sklrt or Jumper may look llke 7:30 Llttle House On The Pralrle reputable company. I say there are laws all the others, but each has a personallty 8:20 D1Ck Clark Wh1Ch make them pay 1f your name 1S drawn of 1tS own. One hangs long ln the front, 9: 15 Lou Grant even 1f you don't buy anyth1ng. Am I one has a zlpper that stlcks, one has a 10:05 Barnaby Jones r1ght or wrong? -- A Gambler At Heart permanent sta1n ln lt, and the other one Thursday Dear Heart: I contacted the state's makes her look fat. 4:00 Electric Company attorney's off~ce, consumer fraud d~v~­ Secondly, schoolchlldren who dress 4:30 General Hosplta1 s~on, and was told the follow~ng: allke never wear the same sweater tWlce. 8:00 5:15 Soldler's Dlary All contests and lotter~es are con­ They may go ln on the flrst day of school 8:25 5:40 So The Story Goes tractual arrangements. Read the rules ln the un1form green sweater, but from 8:50 6:05 Good Tlmes carefully. They are cons~dered b~nd~ng. there on 1n 1t's mus1cal sweaters -- the 9:15 6:30 The Jeffersons Some states outlaw contests altogether. p1ck-up-and-wear-whatever-ls-1eft. 9:45 7:00 Star Trek Other states have str~ct rules that must Thlrd, mothers who lron 15 wh1te shlrts 10:35 7:50 Elght Is Enough be adhered to. There are no federal rules a week become termlna11y strange. They 11:25 8:45 Paper Chase ~n regard to contests. If the rules say get wh1te spots 1n front of the1r eyes 12:15 9:35 Hawa11 F1ve-0 you don't have to buy anyth~ng ~n order to watch1ng TV, tW1tch whenever they see a ------Ton1ght: On-Ro1~Narriur- -- -- w~n -- you don't. pen b1eed1ng through a pocket, and wake 5:00 General Rosp1tal It m~ght be useful to know that some up ln the m1dd1e of the nlght from a rlng­ 5:45 The Jeffersons people are profess~onal contestants. It's around-the-co11ar dream. 6:10 The Muppets more than a hobby -- ~t's a career. True, un1forms are a great equal1zer, 6:35 On Our Own Through years of exper~ence they have but they leave the1r fash10n mark on the 7:00 Please Stand By learned how to make the~r entr~es appeal­ wearers. I have chl1dren who, to thlS 7:25 Llttle House On The Pralrle ~ng to the Judges. These people repeat­ day, cannot look at pla1d pleats wlthout 8:15 D1Ck Clark edly w~n an aston~sh~ng number of the b~g becomlng nauseated. 9:10 Lou Grant pr~zes. What rem1nded me of the subJect was a 10:00 Between The Wars nlece of mlne who lS a po11ce off1cer 1n 10:30 James At 15 Dear Ann Landers: Can you help w1th a large C1ty. She pulled ln a woman the Thursday what seemed 11ke an un1mportant deta11 but other week on charges of So11clt1ng. When 5:00 General Hosp1ta1 has now turned 1nto a ser10US 1n-law prob­ the woman took off her coat, she was wear­ 5:45 Sold1er's D1ary lem -- and I'm not even marr1ed yet. lng the same p1ald sk1rt my n1ece had worn 6:10 So The Story Goes I ordered the wedd1ng 1nv1tat10ns at St. Helen's. 6:35 Carter Country pr1nted up and d1d not 1nclude my 1n-laws' All my n1ece could th1nk of was, "As 1f 7:05 Good T1mes names on them. It says, "Jane Doe, daugh­ she doesn't have enough problems, her 7: 30 Star Trek ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doe ••• w111 J01n mother made her wear that crummy unlform 8:25 E1ght Is Enough hands 1n holy matr1mony w1th W111iam on a Saturday." 9:20 Paper Chase Sml th ••• " etc. 10:10 Hawa1l F1ve-0 When my f1ance's mother heard that ------the1r names were left off the lnv1tat10n, Your Individual she was extremely upset. Incldentally, Tips from A former Holdupman my folks are pay1ng all the wedd1ng ex­ Horoscope By FRED FERGUSON penses. May I hear from you r1ght away? ==== Frances Drake ======s;;.~=== NEW YORK (UPI) -- Ray Johnson became a -- T1red Of All The Nonsense FOR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1979 cr1me prevent10n consultant after spend- Dear T~red: The names of the groom's 1ng 25 years 1n Jall for armed robbery. parents do not usually appear on the wed­ ARIES NI~ antlsoc181 Accept mVltatlOns He has some def1n1te thoughts on how 1n­ d~ng ~nv~tat~ons. However, accord~ng to (Mar 21 to Apr 19) '~New fnends made now will be d1v1duals can protect themselves and T~sh Baldr~dge's excellent book on et~­ Be careful not to hurt the helpful Prosperity re distant thelr homes. feelings of co-worker matters quette, Jew~sh couples almost always l~st Mostly, Johnson says, 1t'S a matter of the names of both parents. Afternoonentertalnments should go well Romance and SCORPIO m ~_ tak1ng a few precaut10ns. In recent years, some couples have local VISits are favored (Oct 23 to Nov 21) "vl"r F1rst, the stat1stlCS: 1n 50 percent wanted to g~ve the groom's parents a more TAURUS tj~ Don't be careless m of auto thefts, keys were left ln the 19- act~ve role ~n the ceremony and have opted (Apr 20 to May 20) '~v financIal dealIngs WIth n1t10n. In 20 to 30 percent of reslden­ to l~st the~r names on the ~nv~tat~ons. CapitalIZe on a chance to get frIends CapItalize on op­ somethmg valuable for home portunity for fmanclal gam tla1 burg1ar1es, doors were left unlocked. AVOId frivolous expenditures vIa career Expand horizons Most people can 1nsure thelr safety Dear Ann: We ra1sed three ch11dren. Don't expect to Impress others SAGITIARIUS ){',JRt w1th the slmp1est measures, he says. Our youngest 1S now 22. Each Ch11d was With show (Nov 22 to Dec 21) ~v "If the average clt1zen w111 go home extremely rebell10us dur1ng the teen GEMINI n~ Not a time to mIX personal and pretend he has lost the keys to the years. Two were 1n trouble w1th the po­ (May 21 to June 20) ~ lIfe WIth busmess Make plans house and look for ways to get ln, he'll II ceo Be respectful of elders for a triP WIth a close one AVOid pohteness unless Its Success re publlshmg, be surpr1sed at what he f1nds. Then Just We were hard-work1ng, honorable people based on genuine feelIng educatIon and travel f1X those th1ngs -- the unlocked door or and spent endless hours trY1ng to OtherwISe, smcerlty may be CAPRICORN "1'1' ~ w1ndow, the bolt that needs replac1ng. stra1ghten them out. We were nelther too questioned (Dec 22 to Jan 19) ytJ l&f "If women would Just look ln the back str1ct nor too perm1SS1ve. We set up CANCER e,l,..4. AdVisers may be critical of seat of the1r cars before they get ln and rules WITH them so they would be accept­ (June 21 to July 22) ~ work proJects, yet you should Watch out for antiSOCial capltailze on a chance to m­ lf they would lock the doors when they able. In sp1te of our efforts, two left feehngs You're m the mood to crease revenues through a leave the car or are 1n lt, there would home after b1tter arguments. One was 16, Withdraw Be circumspect re new work endeavor be a lot fewer assaults on women." the other 18. a fmanclal opportunity Don't AQUARIUS _~ He says one of the slmplest measures They all turned out to be respons1ble, talk too much (Jan 20 to Feb 18)-~ lS the ObV10US cho1ce of walk1ng down a f1ne adults and have adm1tted they were DespIte some slight ~y 23 to Aug 22) Jl,~ dIsagreement re en- well llghted street 1nstead of a darkened stubborn and "lmposs1ble." They cla1m SOCial life goes well tertamment plans, everythmg one late at nlght. they grew up 1n the craZ1est of t1mes and provldmg you forego boastmg should ultimately work out to "A woman comes home W1 th the grocen es. don't know how we tolerated them. Neither or ostentatious behaVIOr furthur a sense of together- She unlocks the door and goes to the k1t­ do we, but What's 1mportant 1S that those Don't be careless With money ness chen to leave them on the table. When k1ds made 1t. Slgn us -- Happy Now or valuable Items PISCES )(~ (Feb 19 to Mar 20) ~ she comes back to lock lt, she flnds her Dear Happy: Thanks for a letter that vmGO lIP\!>, (Aug 23 to Sept 22) ~ The potential eXISts for a purse gone. All she's really got to do w~ll br~ng encouragement and hope to Not the time to charm row With a close one re a lS say, 'I'm gOlng to lock the door as parents who are struggl~ng w~th the prob­ tugher-ups Take a back seat domestic matter Your best soon as I come In.' lems you battled a few years ago. Bless and aVOid too personal an bet IS to tackle household "Then, you hear a lot of stuff about you for shar~ng. attitude With bUSiness duties With gusto associates Research favored havlng good locks," he says. They are LIBRA Y""lf necessary, but he has found that too of­ * * * (Sept 23 to Oct 22):B:41 ~ ten the good lock w111 be on a hollow COPYRlGHT 1979 FIELD ENTERPRISES, INC. ReSISt a tendency to be © 1979 King F ••tur •• Syndlca'e, Inc core door. PAGE 6 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1979. Softball Results KMR Dive Boat Saturday Major League Roundup r h e bb The KMR d1ve boat th1S Saturday 1S a NEW YORK (UPI) -- It wasn·t Carl Y.O.U. 0 2 0 3 1 3 r 12163T five-hour d1ve w1th a destlnatlon of Bea Yastrzemskl·s nlght. Med1care 0 0 4 3 0 0 2 9 15 4 0 and the sand bar. D1vemasters for thlS Yastrzemskl, the Red Sox· star flrst Y.O.U. Med1care trlp will be Al Whltcomb and M1ckey Cul­ baseman-outfle1der, once agaln fal1ed to ab r h b1 ab r h b1 berson. get hlS 3,000th career hlt as he went hlt­ F1ske 4"TTr Matsumura4" T 21 Divers who are slgned up should be at less ln three offlcla1 trlps to the plate Mears 4 1 1 0 D1hel 4 2 3 2 the tank house before 8 a.m. Standbys as the Boston Red Sox lost to the New York Pool 322 0 Hunt 4 1 2 1 wl11 be taken after that tlme. The boat Yankees 8-3. Not only dld Yastrzemskl fall Nokelby 3 1 1 0 Cameron 4 0 1 1 w111 return to KwaJ at 1:30 p.m. To slgn to achleve h1S goal, but he made a costly Johnson 332 4 Walker 4 0 2 1 up call Mary Taylor at 83696 before throwlng error ln the e1ghth 1nnlng that Jeffrl es 3 1 2 3 Bol1lan 4 0 0 0 10 p.m. paved the way for a four-run rally. Pestano 3 (J 0 0 Brewer 3 0 1 0 Reggle Jackson drove 1n three runs wlth Herrell 3 0 0 0 Baer 1 0 0 0 Swim a double and a to lead New York·s Poppell 3 1 2 0 Foote 2 0 0 0 Meet Saturday attack. Thomason 301 0 Olsen 1 0 0 0 The KwaJale1n SW1m Team wl11 hold 1t·S The Yankees tral1ed 3-2 enterlng the Toml1n 3 2 1 1 Amante 2 1 1 0 f1rst dual meet of the fall season on e1ghth when Bobby Murcer led off w1th a Burnsteel 301 0 Roosa 3 2 2 1 Sept. 15 when the Barracudas w1ll com­ walk and moved to second on a slngle by Lou Ege 1 2 1 0 pete w1th the P1ranhas. Pln1el1a off loser Tom Burgmeler, 3-2. Thomas 1 0 0 0 The meet w111 be held at the Bachelors· Jackson drove ln Murcer wlth a double and Y.O.U. - F1ske HR-l, Jeffn es HR- 1 Pool and w111 beg1n at 10 a.m. Warm-up Chrls Chamb11ss was hlt by a pltch. Gralg * * * w111 start at 9:15 a.m. and meet off1C1a1s Nettles then grounded to Yastrzemskl at r h e bb are requested to report by 9:30 a.m. flrst base and the Red Sox· capta1n threw Armeggedon 0 5 0 2 0 161622 All KwaJa1e1n res1dents are 1nv1ted wl1d1y to the plate ln a fut1le attempt to 01y· s 2 0 1 0 2 5 12 2 1 to part1c1pate or cheer for the1r favor- get Plnle11a trYlng to score. Note: Not 1nd1v1dua1 stat1st1cs are 1te SWlmmers. Jackson came around from second to score ava11ab1e. on the w1ld throw to make the score 5-3. * * * The flna1 run of the lnnlng scored on a r h e bb fun Run Sunday fle1der·s chOlce by Jerry Narron. Spartans 6 0 003 1 0 101427 Th1S weeks Fun Run wll1 be held Sunday. In other AL games, Toronto downed Ba1t1- OTHG 201 202 1 8 936 The four-ml1e wl11 start at 6 p.m., the more 3-1, Detrolt lnha1ed Cleveland 14-1, Spartans I Over The H111 Gan~ two-mlle at 6:05 and the half-m11e at Mllwaukee blanked Oakland 5-0, Mlnnesota ab r h b1 ab r h b1 6:10 p.m. topped Kansas Clty 3-1 and Texas defeated Kuratsu 4"T30 Taylor 2000 The run dlrector wl11 be Jan Marks. For Seattle 5-2. Hunt 5 2 2 0 Lucero 1 0 1 0 further 1nformat1on contact Jan at 84486. * * * Lucero 4 1 3 1 N1Cho1s 2 1 0 0 A couple of all-stars squared off 1n the Cataldo 3 1 1 0 Sm1th 3 2 2 4 seventh lnnlng at Clnclnnat1 Tuesday nlght Prunest1 1 1 0 1 01 he 1 3 0 1 0 Men's Softball Schedule w1th f1rst place ln the NL West at stake. Kn1ckerbkr 1 1 0 1 Anders 3 1 0 0 Tom aht Dave Concepc1on won the personal battle Denenberg 422 2 Thomason 4 0 0 0 Bran on - 5:15 Double R vs Red Eye (A) over Joe Samblto and the Reds held on to V1se 2 000 Toml1n 0 0 0 0 Dally - 5: 15 F.O.M. vs Fubar (D) W1n the war. Hatchell 2 1 0 2 Lavallee 2 0 0 0 Thursdat Concepc1on clammed a two-out, two-run N1Chols 1 000 Wh1teman 4 1 2 0 Brandon - 5:15 Kamaal nas vs Pupu1e (B) homer and George Foster followed w1th h1S Schlueter 4 0 0 2 L1ston 2 2 1 0 Dally - 5: 15 Carl booze vs Turkeys (C) 27th home run, power1ng the Reds 1nto f1rst Bell 403 1 G1bbons 1 0 0 0 Fndat place w1th a wlld 9-8 v1ctory over the Cypert 3 1 2 3 Brandon - 5: 15 B.O.H. vs Islanders (A) Houston Astros. Over The H111 Gang - Sm1th HR-2 Dally - 5: 15 B.O. vs Meck Rex (D) Wlth the Reds tral11ng 7-6, Hector Cruz led off the bottom of the seventh wlth a walk and Dave Co11lns followed w1th a bunt. Roi Softball Women's Softball Schedule Loslng re11ever Samblto, 7-6, threw w11dly By CHARLIE FELTON TOnlght attempt1ng a force play at second and both Deadbeats were dead beat Tuesday as 5:15 - Bumble Bees vs Remnants runners were safe. Catcher Bruce Bochy down w1th the1r defeat went the1r hopes Thursdat then plcked Cruz off second and, one out of a playoff spot. The score was 18-1 as 5:15 - Leftovers vs Vagabonds later, Concepclon blasted h1S 15th homer, a the Deadbeats could only punch out SlX Frldat career hlgh, over the left f1e1d fence. h1tS aga1nst the No Names. 5:15 - Spartans II vs Just Us Foster followed wlth a home run for what Well, there 1S one game left now, proved to be the winn1ng run as the Reds Thursday the Islanders vs the No Names. moved a half-game ahead of the Astros. A W1n by the Islanders w111 result 1n a High Rollers Elsewhere 1n the NL games, P1ttsburgh playoff for f1rst. A W1n by the No Names Jack TSlkltas rolled a 221 h1gh game on beat St. LOU1S 7-3, Montreal swept a double­ w1ll make them the champs. the Krems M1xers Tuesday nlght. Dee Crane header from Ch1cago 8-6 and 5-2, Ph1ladel­ rolled a 199 hlgh game and Sharon Thomas phia topped New York 5-2, Atlanta n1pped got the second hlgh wlth a 182. Joan Sas­ San FranC1SCO 2-1 and San Dlego defeated Sadie Hawiins lela rolled a 482 h1gh serles. Bl11 Jaros Los Angeles 3-1. converted the 5-7 Sp1lt and Joyce ­ Golf Tournament son p1cked up the 5-10. The Sad1e Hawk1ns On the Tuesday Nlght Men·s Handlcap Tennis Action Golf Tournament 1S com- R1Ch Klrby rolled a 226 hlgh game and a HOUSTON, Texas (UPI) -- WOJtek Flbak and 1nq the weekend of 611 hlgh serles. Rod Mollno rolled the Tom Okker defeated D1Ck Stockton and V1Jay Oct. 7. There w111 be second hlgh game, a 223 and Ray Ross got AmrltraJ 1n the Assoclat1on of Tennls Pro­ four person teams w1th the second h1gh serles, a 602. fess1ona1s Champ10nshlps doubles Tuesday the best of two balls scored. Each team The Wednesday Nlght Late Blrds wl11 nlght to advance to the next round of w111 cons1st of one woman and three men bowl tonlght. One team lS stl11 needed $150,000 tournament. of her cho1ce. A slgn-up sheet 1S at for the Sunday Ehukal League, especla11y F1bak and Okker, defendlng champ1ons, the club house for men who w1sh to part1- lady bowlers. Call Jlm Denny at 83740. defeated the wl1dcard entry of Stockton and c1pate. For further 1nformat1on call AmrltraJ 6-3, 7-6. L1nda at H83613 or W82177. Ca1~forn~a vs M~lwaukee Fr~day - 12:30 p.m. Have a sport~ng day! ------Special Services Men's Sof,ball Season's 'n full Swing w.E~ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1979 PAGE 7 DENNIS th MENACE ,I NEEDLES, CALIFO~NIA.. "ELEVATION,46.3 FEEL. llATTRAcnON6 IN THE THAT MUST BE W~ERE P A RECREATIONAL CENTEI'. AVERAGE f(AINFALL., FIVE AREA ARE OLD G~OST M~ BROTHER SPIKE E ON TI-lE COLORADO RIVE~ II INCHES PEl<. IfEAI'. .•• II AND TOPOCK SWAMP" LlVE5 •. ,TOPOCK SWAMP! - A ~o. 0 p C2:J ~~' ~ , N -=----= ~ -~~. ~ U ;t>~~L~ ~.~ ~~ T ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ © 1979 United ~Feature Syndicate Inc 5

TH~ T/<4)ps w a7NFI~ATf:D TW? TONS OF A1AfiC'IJUAI'IA Z A R o

'To GIVE YOU AN IDfA WfiAT KIND OF A OA'f IT WAS, SHE f()RGQT 10 61VE ME A RAT'" /t B. Cl'Ossword By Eugene Sheffer C. ACROSS «Young 3 Isles off 25 Garment 1 The wallaba fox Ireland 26 Always 4 PolynesUlIl 46 Brazilian 4 Stays 27 Low ISlands chestnut seaport 5 A wmg 28 Charts 8 Liver paste 50 Spider 6 Sailor 29Mme 12 Robot drama monkey 7 Dye mdlgo entrance 13 Dash 55 Turkish bUe 8 Sulked 30 Move 14 Necrology 5& Pitcher 9 Sleeveless swiftly 15 Candlenut 57 Resound garment 31 French nver A tree 58 Short- 10 Stannum 35 Sent by 16 Hemp napped 11 Greek letter semaphores N ,...... ::"Ir.nt~" 18 ObseSSion 59 Marnes 17 Vanety of 38 Hogbke Y 20 Lease 60 Morays lIgrute manunals 21 Hoarfrost 61 Skill 19 Biblical 40 Common o 24 Sandpiper DOWN name (HaW811) 28 Steep mal Ancient 22 Multilate 42 Silent N Pickling Syna 23 Heating 45 English solution 2 Cougar deVICes poet 32 Hawk's Avg. solution time. 22 min. 47 Scarlett's OPPOSite home 33 City m ALAI_PAULIl.2~~ 48 Ciilture DEE M.IA NT E rb-~~ Oklahoma medium DISPORTi~ ~~~ .------""""'<"'"------,34 Skull cavity ___ ALTA GATES 49 Endure OTTO AND I 36 Former ruler 50 Sea CADR~.tELE-ADIT WARRANTS WEIGH OURSELVES 1 ofTun1S gull TOC3ETHEI< ANP I 37 Ancient 51 Solemn J DAI MPLAINTIS S_P@LIEi-DOT PELA DIYIDE BY TWO mhabltant _LAR RADAR wonder B ARA A.TEEN_ 52 One of the COY DIS MiNIT LIE seas E ISE EDAM EIATls 53Bom SAD DARA DIU DIE MAny E split T L E


A N o y C A P p


------1\ 1 . FOR SALE GIVEAWAY oc .... ,.I ..... I:I .. CI .. DUAG ..... s8- , CALCULATOR, llke new, $10; manual type­ FREE MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER - 2x4s, 2x6s, The HourGlass" publ"hed by Global AssoCla'es Monday' wnter, portable wlth case, $50. Call 82553. 2x8s, plywood sheets, etc. Stacked on rear 'hrough Frrday a' 'he d"eClron of 'he Commander, Kwa/a/eln: lawn at Qtrs. 478-D. Take want you need. M"Sl/e Range, Marshall Islands, under con'rac' DASG I WESTING~'OUSE PORTABLE DISHWASHER, runs well, Call 82609. 60-75-C-000I The v,ews and opln,ons expressed In 'he I make an offer; approxlmately 9'x12' straw type mat, yellow, blue and green, reason- REGISTERED AND SPAYED FEMALE CAT needs a newspaper are not necessa,,'y those of the Department 01 the i ab 1e. Ca 11 83659. home. Her name 1S "Cncket", she is beauti­ Army ThIS newspaper, an unoffICIal publication authOrized i ful and affectlonate. Fam11y had to PCS under 'he prov",ons of con'rael DASG60-75-C-000I, I BROWNIE UNIFORM, Slze 6. Call 82208 after wlthout sufflclent t1me to f1nd a home for IS reproduced by offse' prln"ng , 4 p.m. her. Call 82537. , CommunICations should be addressed to the HourGlass, , NIKON LENS, 50MM/Fl.4, new, best offer; Box 23, APO San FrancISCo 96555, or call 83539 • Garcla trolllng flshing rod and Penn reel COMMUNITY NOTICES , wlth 200-yards/120-pound Dacron test llne, CHAMPAGNE AND ROSES, a romant1c evening Mal.rlals appearing .n the HourGlass may not be' very good condltion and extras, $110; com­ of d1n1ng and danc1ng presented by the reprln'ed w,'hou' 'he approval of 'he Commander, Kwa/aleln: plete Sanderson private pllot course FAA Yokwe Yuk Women's Club Sept. 29. D1ne on MUSlIe Range All Want Ads and notices must b. submitted t prlvate pllot and lnstrome pllot exams, all prlme rlb and lobster. Dance to Lock, on GA ForI" 8028 48 working hours prior '0 pubhcaf,on , for $70. Call H82529/W77326. Stock and Barrel. There will also be door pr1zes and enterta1nment. T1ckets are $15 I PATIO SALE - Thursday, Sept. 13, and Friday, each. Make your reservations by calling Pat Ca'aldo, Ed,'or , Sept. 14, from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No Loulse Heon at 82773. Sha~on Bechtold, AssoCla'e Ed,'or , earller please! InfaDt and toddler boys' Es'elle Pe'e, Wan' Ads Ginny Fink, TyplS' , clothlng and shoes; men's clothing, S, M, ATTENTION GLOBAL WOMEN - Come and help one ------1 L, Slzes; women's clothlng, large sizes, of KwaJalein's prem1er events the Oktober­ PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE - S11ver C1ty Trs. some maternlty; paperback books, mlscellan­ fest, presented by the Global Women's THURSDAY~Sept. 13 eous household ltems; set of three batik Club. Planning meeting will be held Satur­ 921 7 a.m. 918 1 p.m. plctures of Chlnese Junks from the Republic day, Sept. 15, at 10 a.m. at the Yokwe Yuk 924 8 a.m. 913 2 p.m. of Chlna, $12. Tr. 555 Club. Coffee and rolls wlll be served. We 922 9 a.m. 912 3 p.m. welcome your help. 920 10 a.m. 910 4 p.m. MAN'S FINS, medlum SlZe, $4; Leach "M-Flex" FRIDAY, Se~t. 14 racquetball racket with matching cover, YOKWE YUK WOMEN'S CLUB - Henry Lum wlll be 904 a.m. $20; two matching teakwood end tables wlth the guest speaker for the Sept. 20 lunch­ 903 8 a.m. carved deslgns and lnterior shelf, $150; eon meetlng of the Yokwe Yuk Women's Club. 905 9 a.m. one set heavy, double rear blcycle baskets, Henry will share hlS knowledge about plant new, $9. Call 84257. life and gardenlng on Kwajalein. Ladles, TEEN CENTER HOURS for pre-teens have been please remember to brlng small potted changed, effectlve lmmedlate1y. The Teen cuttlngs for the plant sale Wh1Ch will Center lS now open to fourth through LOST precede the luncheon. Social hour beglns sixth graders from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday BLACK LEATHER KEY CASE, reward for return. at noon and lunch is served at 12:45 p.m. through Friday, Saturday hours for pre­ Call 82732 or 83601. The menu will feature Orlental food at teens remain the same -- 7 to 10 p.m. For $4.75 per person. Reservatlons must be seventh through 12th graders, the hours TEXAS INSTRUMENT ITI-30" CALCULATOR, in made before noon Monday, Sept. 17. Call at the Teen Center have not changed: Mon­ blue zipper case. Name cards are lnslde Helen Page at 82925 or Elaine Klncade at day through Thursday, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.; case, plus calculator has an address label 82360. Frlday, 8 to 11 p.m.; and Saturday, 7 to on back. Please return to owner at Qtrs. 10 p.m. 442-A or phone 82639. V.F.W. POST 10268 regular monthly meeting wlll be held Thursday, Sept. 13, 1n the ALL ISLAND RESIDENTS - It 1S requested ONE ORANGE BACKPACK wlth camera and readlng Banyan Room, Yokwe Yuk Club at 7 p.m. We that all KMR resldents ass1st the Furni­ glasses. Lost on Sept. 7 at Emon Beach. have much buslness of interest to the post ture Warehouse ln recovering some of the Reward! Contact Blll at Shell BQ Room 205 membersh1p. Max1mum attendance lS encour­ plastlc stacking chairs (loaners) that or call 84191. aged. have been de11vered to the houslng area, public facilitles, and prlvate parties. GOLD CHAIN BRACELET wlth turquolse beads. HOLIDAY FAIR CRAFT WORSHOP w111 be start- Durlng the past few months approxlmately Call 82450. 1ng on Tuesday morn1ngs, Sept. 18. If you 30 stacklng chairs have "dlsappeared" could help make stuffed ornaments, felt from varlOUS publlC facllitles wh11e on napkin holders, etc. (no experlence neces­ loan. To lnsure that an adequate supply FOUND sary), please br1ng SClssors and drop by of chalrs are available for loaners, ONE PAIR OF LADIES' SUNGLASSES at the KREMS Qtrs. 441-A any Tuesday morn1ng from 9 to your support is hereby Sollclted by call­ plcnlc near the golf contest area. Call 11 a.m. Please call Ann Tippie at 82711 ing Furnlture Warehouse, 83434, for plck­ 82565. for more 1nformatlon. up serVlces. As a remlnder, these chalrs are U.S. government property and should FINAL NOTICE - The items llsted below were TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE be accounted for and returned upon com­ turned lnto the lost and found. The owner Thursd~, Sept. 13, on pletlon of the loan perlod. may clam at the Terminal Security: Macy's porch for the Scuba one palr sandals one pair brown socks Club Bash. The Scuba Club MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT SHOP HOURS: one watch, no band one brldge, lower Bash lS commonly referred to Monday 10:30 - 12:30 one red umbrella one blue raln hat as the "most fun event" on Tuesday 10:30 - 12:30 4:00 - 5:30 one sport coat Wl th red trlm lsland. Don't miss it! T1ckets may also be Wednesday 10:30 - 12:30 one white hard hat one Chlld's trousers purchased from Susanne Staats, H82389/ Thursday 10:30 - 12:30 7:00 - 8:30 one black case and blue belt W82175; Jerry Wl111ams, H84548/W81661; Bob Friday 10:30 - 12:30 4:00 - 5:30 one orange wlnd one black sUltcase Vee, W77580; Dave Carter, H83927; Dan Saturday 10:30 - 12:30 breaker one paper sack Wl th Page, H82925/W99671; or Sharon Bechtold, one plnk change clothlng H83649/W82114. KWAJALEIN WEIGHT CONTROL GROUP meets to­ purse one clear plastlc nlght from 6 to 6:15 p.m. ln the hospltal one yellow raln raln hat WOMEN GOLFERS - All women golfers, begin­ for weigh-ln, wlth a meeting to follow. hat ners and pros, are invited to the KWGA meet1ng Saturday, Sept. 15, at 12:30 p.m. YOKWE YUK CLUB DAILY SPECIALS THIS WEEK: on the golf clubhouse pat10. There w1ll be Wed 12 Indla Chicken Curry WANTED a n1ne hole tournament follow1ng the meet- wlth Rlce $5.50 9x12 or 12x15 BEIGE, BROWN, GREEN OR ORANGE 1ng. Handlcaps are not necessary and all Thu 13 Beef Stroganoff $5.50 RUG. Call 77251 or 82208 after 4 p.m. women are encouraged to partlclpate. For Fn 14 Char-Broiled Steak $6.00 reservatlons or further lnformatlon call Sat 15 Veal Paprika with SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR and electrlc fan. Linda at H836l3 or W82177. Parsley Potatoes $5.50 Reasonable. Call 82592 after 5 p.m. Sun 16 Roast Chicken wlth THE NEXT GENERAL MEETING OF THE CATHOLIC Celery Dresslng $5.50 NEED 16" GIRL'S BIKE for beglnner. Will buy WOMEN'S CLUB wl11 be held on Thursday, All entrees include a se1ectlon from new or used. Wlll trade new 20" for equal Sept. 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the home of the salad bar and a choice of rice or qual1ty 16" bike. Call 82543 after 5 p.m. Marge Schlueter, Qtrs. 226-A. Father Fltz­ potato, baked potato lS 40¢ extra. gerald wll1 present a sllde show of Micro­ FILE CABINET, two drawer. Call 82381. nesia after a short general meetlng. ~.q..q-~.q,.q,.q,.q,~l EXPERIENCED MUSIC WRITER to write music for KWAJALEIN SQUARE DANCERS - Do you enjoy Bill Malone At The YY Club, my orlginal songs. Please call 83305 before dancing at a relaxed Basic 50 pace? Then playing your favorlte DISCO sounds § 5 p.m. and 82423 after 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13, is a night the Atoll Frl day, Sept. 14 ~ 8's has planned especially for you. Other 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. § THE SUPPLY OF BOOKS FOR THE PAPERBACK BOOK events of the evenlng wll1 include a cov­ Banyan/Bar area ~ SWAP IS GETTING VERY LOW. If you have any ered d1Sh dinner, some club level tlPS and * * * paperback books you want to donate, just a slmple introductlon to round danclng. mus 1c for your 11 s teni ng , drop them off and select ones you want from Please phone Carol Scarbrough, 84517, for § danclng and dining pleasures § the Grdce Sherwood Library's collection. If covered dlSh asslgnment and lnformatlon. § Saturday, Sept. 15 § you have any of the John Jakes blcentennlal § 8 to 11:30 p.m. J serles, there are a number of people who LET'S ALL HELP TO KEEP KWAJALEIN CLEAN -­ § Maln Dlnlng Room would 11ke to read them. STASH YOUR TRASH!! ~~.q,~~~~