
4690 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 4690-4695

How Tetrahedral Are Methyl Groups in Proteins? A Liquid Crystal NMR Study

Marcel Ottiger and Ad Bax* Contribution from the Laboratory of Chemical Physics, National Institute of Diabetes and DigestiVe and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-0520 ReceiVed December 29, 1998. ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed March 30, 1999

Abstract: A small degree of protein alignment with an external magnetic field can be obtained in a dilute aqueous liquid crystalline solution of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dihexanoylphosphatidyl- (DHPC). It is demonstrated that residual one-bond 13C-13C and 13C-1H dipolar couplings of methyl groups in weakly aligned human ubiquitin can be measured with high accuracy. Experimentally, the ratio between 13C-1H and 13C-13C dipolar couplings is found to be -3.17 ( 0.03. Assuming a static conformation of the methyl group, rapidly spinning about its 3-fold symmetry axis, this ratio corresponds to an average C-C-H bond angle of 110.9 ( 1°, which is larger than the ideal tetrahedral value of 109.5°. Data indicate that the geometry of the various methyl groups is quite uniform, but that small (e1°) deviations between the C-C vector and the axis connecting the methyl to the geometric center of the three methyl may occur. The largest outlier is found for Ala46, which has a positive φ backbone angle, causing its methyl group to be within van der Waals contact of the preceding carbonyl oxygen.

Introduction The issue of methyl group geometry recently has regained new interest9-11 because 13C methyl group NMR relaxation Methyl groups commonly are assumed to adopt an ideal parameters present a potentially powerful probe for the study tetrahedral geometry, with H-C-H and C-C-H bond angles - of side-chain mobility in proteins.9,10,12 17 Relaxation of such of 109.5°. However, small deviations from such idealized 13C signals is dominated by the dipolar interaction with the tetrahedral geometry previously were found on the basis of NMR methyl protons, but fast rotation about the methyl group’s C dipolar coupling measurements of small dissolved 3 1-4 symmetry axis reduces the effective dipolar couplings by in nematic liquid crystals, and single-crystal neutron diffrac- 2 P2(cos â), with P2(x) ) (3x - 1)/2, and â being the C-C-H tion studies of and .5,6 Neutron diffraction for these angle. Similarly, when studying methyl group dynamics using two amino yielded C-C-H angles of 110.0° and 111.9°, NMR, after averaging over the 3-fold rotation the respectively. Small liquid crystal NMR cannot deter- effective quadrupole coupling scales with P2(cos â). In the mine the angle directly, unless an assumption about bond length ) ° 1 vicinity of â 109.5 , P2(cos â) is a particularly steep function is made. However, the ratio of the one-bond DCH and two- 2 of â, and accurate knowledge of â is therefore essential for bond DHH dipolar couplings is strongly correlated with this 1 making quantitative interpretation of such relaxation measure- angle. This ratio ranges from 0.68 in to 0.88 in - 3 ments. Substantial differences, on the order of 30 40% between CH I. This is in qualitative agreement with results from gas- R R 3 the order parameters observed for Ala C -H and Câ-Hâ in phase rotational spectroscopy, which yields the ideal C-C-H 3 the protein staphylococcal nuclease,9 for example, potentially angle of 109.5° for the methyl group of acetaldehyde (but a very short C-H bond length of 1.073 ( 0.002 Å)7 and 113.0° (9) Nicholson, L. K.; Kay, L. E.; Torchia, D. A. In NMR Spectroscopy for CH I(r ) 1.085 Å).8 Thus, these results indicate that and its Application to Biomedical Research; Sarkar, S. K., Ed.; Elsevier: 3 CH New York, 1996; pp 241-279. substantial variation in methyl group geometry can indeed occur, (10) Wand, A. J.; Urbauer, J. L.; McEvoy, R. P.; Bieber, R. J. depending on the . 1996, 35, 6116-6125. (11) Chatfield, D. C.; Szabo, A.; Brooks, B. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, * Corresponding author. 120, 5301-5311. (1) Emsley, J. W.; Lindon, J. C.; Tabony, J. J. Chem. Soc., Faraday (12) Jones, W. C.; Rothgeb, T. M.; Gurd, F. R. N. J. Biol. Chem. 1976, Trans. 2 1975, 71, 586-595. 251, 7452-7460. Richarz, R.; Nagayama, K.; Wu¨thrich, K. Biochemistry (2) Khetrapal, C. L.; Saupe, A. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 1973, 19, 367- 1980, 19, 5189-5196. 381 (13) Nicholson, L. K.; Kay, L. E.; Baldisseri, D. M.; Arango, J.; Young, (3) Wooton, J. B.; Savitsky, G. B.; Jacobus, J.; Beyerlein, A. L. J. Chem. P. E.; Bax, A. ; Torchia, D. A. 1992, 31, 5253-5263. Phys. 1977, 66, 4226-4230. Wooton, J. B.; Savitsky, G. B.; Jacobus, J.; (14) Muhandiram, D. R.; Yamazaki, T.; Sykes, B. D.; Kay, L. E. J. Am. Beyerlein, A. L.; Emsley, J. W. J. Chem. Phys. 1979, 70, 438-442. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117, 11536-11544. Yang, D. W.; Mok, Y. K.; Forman- (4) Emsley, J. W.; Longeri, M.; Veracini, C. A.; Catalone, D.; Pedulli, Kay, J. D.; Farrow, N. A.; Kay, L. E. J. Mol. Biol. 1997, 272, 790-804. G. F. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2 1982, 1289-1296. Yang, D. W.; Mittermaier, A.; Mok, Y. K.; Kay, L. E. J. Mol. Biol. 1998, (5) Lehnmann, M. S.; Koetzle, T. F.; Hamilton, W. C. J. Am. Chem. 276, 939-954. Soc. 1972, 94, 2657-2660. (15) LeMaster, D. M.; Kushlan, D. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, (6) Koetzle, T. F.; Golic, L.; Lehnmann, M. S.; Verbist, J. J.; Hamilton, 9255-9264. W. C. J. Chem. Phys. 1974, 60, 4690-4696. (16) Straus, S. K.; Bremi, T.; Ernst, R. R. J. Biomol. NMR 1997, 10, (7) Duncan, J. L. J. Mol. Struct. 1970, 6, 447-459. 119-128. (8) Iijima, T.; Kimura, M. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1969, 42, 2159-2164. (17) Lee, A. L.; Urbauer, J. L.; Wand, A. J. J. Biomol. NMR 1997, 9, Iijima, T.; Tsuchiva, S. J. Mol. Spectrosc. 1972, 44,88-107. 437-440.

10.1021/ja984484z This article not subject to U.S. Copyright. Published 1999 by the American Chemical Society Published on Web 05/04/1999 Methyl Group Geometry in Proteins J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 121, No. 19, 1999 4691 could be explained by increasing the C-C-H angle by only and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB).28 Final sample condi- 3° from its ideal value. However, ab initio calculations on tions were: 0.7 mM protein, 5% (w/w) DMPC/DHPC/CTAB in a molar individual amino acids or molecular dynamics calculations on ratio of 30:10:1 in water, 10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 6.6, 7% D2O. - - NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker DMX750 spectrometer the intact protein yield rather uniform C C H angles of ca. 1 110.5°,11 suggesting that other factors must play a role too. operating at a H resonance frequency of 750 MHz equipped with a triple resonance, three-axis pulsed-field-gradient probehead. Data sets Recently, it has become possible to measure dipolar couplings in the aligned state were recorded at 35 °C; isotropic spectra were in macromolecules aligned with the magnetic field in a dilute recorded at 22 °C. Spectra were processed using the NMRPipe software lyotropic liquid crystalline phase of phospholipid particles,18 package.29 19 1 known as bicelles. Alternatively, such alignment now can also Residual DCH dipolar couplings were derived from the difference be obtained in media containing filamentous phages,20 purple of the modulation frequencies in the aligned and the isotropic states of membrane fragments,21 or a dilute lamellar phase of nonlipid 3D J-modulated constant-time [13C,1H] HSQC spectra30 which were molecules.22 In such media, it is possible to accurately measure recorded as data matrices of 224* × 16 × 1024* points (n* denotes n 13 1 one- and two-bond dipolar interactions in isotopically enriched complex points), with acquisition times of 28 (t1, C), 28 (t2, JCH), and 57 ms (t , 1H). The modulation frequencies were obtained by time- proteins.18,20-22 We have shown that comparison of the one bond 3 domain fitting in the t constant-time dimension, as described previ- 13 -1 13 -15 15 -1 N 13 -13 2 C H, C N, N H , and C C dipolar interactions ously.30 in the protein ubiquitin yields information on the ratios of the 1 13 13 DCC values were derived from the difference in one-bond C- C 23 effective bond lengths, corrected for rapid angular fluctuations. J splittings in the aligned and the isotropic states measured for the The ratio for the rCN and rCC bond lengths was found to be in methyl group resonances in the 2D [13C,1H] HSQC spectra. These excellent agreement with results from a high-resolution crystal spectra were recorded as data matrices of 460* × 1024* complex points, 24 13 1 structure database, but the effective rCH and rNH bond lengths with acquisition times of 92 (t1, C), and 57.0 ms (t2, H). Acquired were about 3% larger than their equilibrium values, when using data were apodized with a squared sine bell in the directly and a sine r and r as a reference. This latter result is not unexpected bell in the indirectly detected dimension, both shifted by 72° and CN CC ° because it is known that r and r undergo larger angular truncated at 176 . Data were extensively zero-filled prior to Fourier NH CH transformation to yield high digital resolution. Peak positions were librations than r and r ,25 resulting in a decrease in dipolar CN CC determined by contour averaging using the program PIPP,31 as described coupling and thereby in the increased effective bond lengths of previously.32 In both the aligned and the isotropic state two 2D [13C,1H] 23 1.041 (rNH) and 1.117 Å (rCH). HSQC spectra were recorded, one right before the 3D J-modulated Here, we demonstrate that it is possible to accurately measure constant-time [13C,1H] HSQC and one immediately after it. For all both the 13C-1H and 13C-13C one-bond dipolar couplings for further analysis, averaged values were used. most methyl groups in ubiquitin. Assuming that rCH is uniform, The effect of temperature changes on the magnitude of the molecular our results indicate that there is very little variation in the alignment tensor is small (about 0.3% per °C).27 Nevertheless, special C-C-H angle. If a librationally corrected effective bond length care was taken to keep the temperature and sample conditions constant of 1.117 Å is used, the average C-C-H angle is found to be during acquisition of the experiments: (a) by recording all spectra in the aligned and the isotropic state, respectively, in one series without 110.9 ( 0.2 °. There is some indication that either the C3 axis - interruption, (b) by applying equal decoupling power within and can make a small angle with the C C bond or that the three between the experiments, requiring the insertion of dummy decoupling methyl protons do not span an exactly equilateral triangle. This periods prior to the relaxation delay,33 (c) by keeping the recycling latter finding is consistent with small deviations from axial periods long and constant (about 1.6 s), (d) by inclusion of an initial 5 symmetry observed for 2H powder patterns of certain methyl min of dummy scans at the start of each experiment, and (e) by groups in solids.26 enclosing the 3D J-modulated CT-HSQC in between two 2D HSQC spectra which serve to simultaneously assess stability of the liquid Experimental Section crystal and to obtain an estimate for the random error in the 1 measurement of JCC values. An aqueous liquid crystalline sample containing uniformly 13C/15N- enriched ubiquitin (VLI Research, Southeastern, PA) was prepared as Results and Discussion described previously.27 Bicelles consisted of a mixture of dimyris- Theoretical Background. The dipolar coupling between two toylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), dihexanoylphosphatidylcholine (DHPC), nuclei, A and B, in a solute macromolecule of fixed shape is (18) Bax, A.; Tjandra, N. J. Biomol. NMR 1997, 10, 289-292. Tjandra, described by N.; Bax, A. Science 1997, 278, 1111-1114. Wang, Y.-X.; Marquardt, J. L.; Wingfield, P.; Stahl, S. J.; Lee-Huang, S.; Torchia, D. A.; Bax, A. J. D (θ,φ) ) Da {(3 cos2 θ -1) + 3/ R (sin2 θ cos 2φ)} Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 7385-7386. Bewley, C. A.; Gustafson, K. R.; AB AB 2 Boyd, M. R.; Covell, D. G.; Bax, A.; Clore, G. M.; Gronenborn, A. M. Nat. Struct. Biol. 1998, 5, 571-578. Cornilescu, G.; Marquardt, J. L.; (1a) Ottiger, M.; Bax, A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 6836-6837. (19) Sanders, C. R.; Schwonek, J. P. Biochemistry 1992, 31, 8898-8905. with Sanders, C. R.; Landis, G. C. Biochemistry 1995, 34, 4030-4040. Ram, - P.; Prestegard, J. H. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1988, 940, 289-294. Sanders, Da )-(µ h/16π3) γ γ r 3 A (1b) C. R.; Prestegard, J. H. Biophys. J. 1990, 58, 447-460. AB o A B AB a (20) Clore, G. M.; Starich, M. R.; Gronenborn, A. M. J. Am. Chem. r a a r Soc. 1998, 120, 10571-10572. Hansen, M. R.; Rance, M.; Pardi, A. J. where R is the rhombicity defined by D AB/D AB; D AB and D AB Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 11210-11211. (in units of hertz) are the axial and rhombic components of the (21) Koenig, B. W.; Hu, J.-S.; Ottiger, M.; Bose, S.; Hendler, R. W.; Bax, A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 1385-1386. (28) Losonczi, J. A.; Prestegard, J. H. J. Biomol. NMR 1998, 12, 447- (22) Prosser, R. S.; Losonczi, J. A.; Shiyanovskaya, I. V. J. Am. Chem. 451. Soc. 1998, 120, 11010-11011. (29) Delaglio, F.; Grzesiek, S.; Vuister, G. W.; Zhu, G.; Pfeifer, J.; Bax, (23) Ottiger, M.; Bax, A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 12334-12341. A. J. Biomol. NMR 1995, 6, 277-293. (24) Engh, R. A.; Huber, R. Acta Crystallogr. 1991, A47, 392-400. (30) Ottiger, M.; Delaglio, F.; Marquardt, J. L.; Tjandra, N.; Bax, A. J. (25) Henry, E. R.; Szabo, A. J. Chem. Phys. 1985, 82, 4753-4761. Magn. Reson. 1998, 134, 365-369. (26) Schwartz, L. J.; Meirovitch, E.; Ripmeester, J. A.; Freed, J. H. J. (31) Garrett, D. S.; Powers, R.; Gronenborn, A. M.; Clore, G. M. J. Magn. Phys. Chem. 1983, 87, 4453-4461. Hiyama, Y.; Roy, S.; Guo, K.; Butler, Reson. 1991, 95, 214-220. L. G.; Torchia, D. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1987, 109, 2525-2526. (32) Wang, A. C.; Bax, A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 2483-2494. (27) Ottiger, M.; Bax, A. J. Biomol. NMR 1998, 12, 361-372. (33) Wang, A. C.; Bax, A. J. Biomol. NMR 1993, 3, 715-720. 4692 J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 121, No. 19, 1999 Ottiger and Bax

1 zz traceless second rank diagonal tensor D given by /3[D AB - For a rapidly rotating, C3ν symmetric methyl group, the average xx yy 1 xx yy 13 1 (D AB + D AB)/2] and /3[D AB - D AB], respectively, with C- H vector is that of the C3ν axis, which ideally coincides zz yy xx 1 |D AB| > |D AB| g |D AB|; θ is the angle between the A-B with the C-C axis. This rapid rotation scales the DCH coupling interatomic vector and the z axis of the tensor; and φ is the by Srot ) P2(cos â), where â is the C-C-H angle. Other internal 1 1 angle which describes the position of the projection of the A-B motions of the C-CH3 fragment affect DCH and DCC equally, 34 1 1 interatomic vector on the x-y plane, relative to the x axis. and the ratio of DCH and DCC is therefore given by a D AB subsumes various constants, including the gyromagnetic 1 1 ) 〈 -3〉 〈 -3〉 ratios of the two nuclei γA and γB, the inverse cube of the DCH / DCC P2(cos â)(γH/γC) rCH / rCC (4a) -3 distance between the two nuclei, rAB , and the unitless axial component, Aa, of the molecular alignment tensor A. The tensor which can be rewritten as A corresponds to the diagonalized Saupe matrix,35 which - - - describes the alignment of the protein relative to the magnetic â ) cos 1 [ 2/ (γ /γ )(D /D )(〈r 3〉/〈r 3〉) + 1/ ]1/2 field. The symbol A is used here because the symbol S, 3 C H CH CC CC CH 3 commonly used for the (undiagonalized) Saupe matrix, is (4b) already used for the generalized order parameter in protein 36 structural studies. Note that, barring deformation of the C3ν symmetry of the In contrast to small molecule studies in the liquid crystalline methyl group, eq 4a is valid independent of the degree of phase, where the alignment tensor is rapidly modulated by mobility of the methyl group as a whole or of its orientation internal dynamics of the molecule, the overall shape of a protein, relative to the alignment tensor. 1 1 and thereby its alignment tensor, is not significantly affected Errors in the measured DCH and DCC values and nonidealities by small amplitude structural fluctuations such as bond angle in the methyl group geometry have the largest effect on â for 1 bending or stretching motions, methyl group rotations or angular small values of the denominator, DCC in eq 4b. Thus, the 1 1 oscillations of backbone, or side-chain bonds. Moreover, such average DCH / DCC ratio, which determines the average value -3 3- fluctuations typically occur on time scales much faster than the of â if 〈rCH 〉/〈rCC 〉 is known, is best obtained by linear 1 1 rotational correlation time of the macromolecule. This greatly regression of plots of DCH versus DCC. Ab initio calculations 13 1 simplifies the analysis of the effect of such dynamic processes of C chemical shifts and JCH coupling constants are known on the observed dipolar couplings, and allows eq 1 to be to be highly sensitive to the 13C-1H internuclear distance. 13 1 replaced by either the time or ensemble average37 Considering the narrow range of C shifts and JCH values observed experimentally for methyl groups, it is safe to assume ) a {〈 2 - 〉 + 3 〈 2 〉} 〈 〉 〈 〉 DAB(θ,φ) D AB (3 cos θ 1) /2 R (sin θ cos2φ) that variations in rCH and rCC among different methyl groups are negligible. Experimentally, we previously determined -3 -1/3 R R (2) 〈rCH 〉 ) 1.117 ( 0.007 Å for C -H , when using - - - - 〈r ′ 3 〉 1/3 ) 1.329 Å and 〈r R ′ 3〉 1/3 ) 1.525 Å as reference where the 〈〉 brackets indicate motional averaging. It is C N C C distances.23 This value of 1.117 Å includes the effect of very convenient to separate the effects of very fast internal motions high-frequency librations, which are of larger amplitude for CR- which occur for all atoms, including the well ordered polypep- HR than for the C′-N and CR-C′ bonds and lead to smaller tide backbone, from other motions such as side-chain rearrange- dipolar interactions and thereby larger values of the effective ments, larger amplitude backbone motions, and methyl group CR-HR distance. This lengthening is equivalent to ascribing an rotation. To a good approximation, averaging over the angular order parameter S ) 0.94 to the effect of fast librations on terms associated with the fast motions scales all dipolar lib the CR-HR dipolar coupling. For methyl groups, only librations interactions of a given type by the same factor,23 and this effect orthogonal to the direction of rotation contribute to a decrease can therefore be conveniently incorporated in Da , by redefin- AB in the dipolar coupling;11 the effect of librations tangential to ing it according to the direction of methyl group rotation is incorporated in the a 3 -3 P (cos ) factor in eq 4. Therefore, for methyl groups S ) D )-(µ h/16π ) γ γ 〈r 〉 A (3) 2 â lib AB o A B AB a 0.97. Assuming that in the absence of librations (i.e., only 〈 -3〉-1/3 R- 〈 -3〉 V stretching vibrations) rCH for methyl groups and C where rAB equals the inverse cube of the effecti e bond R length, r eff, which includes the effects of fast librational H have the same value of 1.095 Å, the effective rCH for methyl AB - - motions.23 The angular averaging remaining in eq 2 now only groups equals 1.106 Å. Carbon carbon bond lengths for CH CH3 and CH2-CH3 moieties reported by Engh and Huber are concerns motions such as side-chain rearrangements, larger 24 amplitude backbone motions, and methyl group rotation. Note 1.521 and 1.513 Å, respectively. Here, we use an average value that domain motions, if present, cannot be treated in the simple of 1.517 Å. manner of eq 2 as they will modulate the alignment tensor. The Analysis of the Data. Measurements were carried out on ubiquitin, a small protein of 76 residues which yields very well- angular terms in eq 2 can be rewritten as 〈(3 cos2 θ -1)〉 ) S 2 2 2 resolved spectra with narrow line widths. Figure 1 shows a small (3 cos θav - 1) and 〈(sin θ cos 2φ)〉 ) S (sin θav cos 2φav), region of the [13C,1H] HSQC correlation map, containing about where θav and φav are the spherical coordinates describing the - half of the methyl correlations, both in the aligned and in the average orientation of the A B bond vector in the frame of 1 36 isotropic states. As can be seen, the JCC splittings (Figure 1B) the alignment tensor, and S is the generalized order parameter. 1 1 and the JCC + DCC splittings (Figure 1A) are well resolved (34) Clore, G. M.; Gronenborn, A. M.; Bax, A. J. Magn. Reson. 1998, and can be measured at high accuracy. Because the 1H-1H 133, 216-221. (35) Saupe, A.; Englert, G. Phys. ReV. Lett. 1963, 11, 462-465. Emsley, dipolar couplings within the methyl group do not average to J. W.; Lindon, J. C. NMR Spectroscopy using liquid crystal solVents; zero, the spectrum measured in the liquid-crystalline phase Pergamon Press: New York, 1975. shows considerably larger line widths in the 1H dimension than (36) Lipari, G.; Szabo, A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1982, 104, 4546-4559. 46 â 13 R does the isotropic sample. For Ala C H3, which has its C - (37) Tjandra, N.; Grzesiek, S.; Bax, A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 13 â 6264-6272. Tolman, J. R.; Flanagan, J. M.; Kennedy, M. A.; Prestegard, C vector nearly orthogonal to the z axis of the alignment J. H. Nat. Struct. Biol. 1997, 4, 292-297. tensor, the 1H-1H dipolar couplings result in a resolved triplet. Methyl Group Geometry in Proteins J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 121, No. 19, 1999 4693

van der Waals distance of the Phe45 carbonyl oxygen. This 1 presumably is responsible for the large change in JCC. The four δ 1 leucine C methyl groups with very small JCδCγ values confirm 1 δ2 that JCC is sensitive to : All four Leu C methyl groups that are gauche with respect to 13CR, as determined from 3 1 JCRCδ couplings (Supporting Information), have JCδCγ values 1 δ in the 33.0-33.6 Hz range. All JCδCγ for Leu C methyl that are locked in a trans conformation or which undergo rotameric averaging about the Câ-Cγ bond (as determined from 3 1 JCRCδ), have JCδCγ values in the 34.4-35.3 Hz range, close to the values of 34.8 and 35.0 Hz observed in the free amino (Supporting Information). A more detailed analysis of the 1 correlation between JCC and local geometry will be presented elsewhere. 1 Figure 3 shows typical interferograms through the JCH- modulated CT-HSQC spectrum, together with the best-fit obtained using a constrained nonlinear least-squares fitting 30 1 1 procedure. The value of JCH + DCH is actually derived from 13 the separation of the outer components of the CH3 quartet, 1 1 which are separated by 3( JCH + DCH), and which have the highest intensity in experiments which use INEPT-type polar- ization transfer.30,40 On the basis of reproducibility in duplicate 1 1 measurements, estimated errors in the measured 3( JCH + DCH) 1 splittings are less than 0.2 Hz, resulting in errors in DCH of ∼0.1 Hz. 1 1 Figure 4 shows the correlation between the DCH and DCC couplings. Linear regression yields a slope of -3.17 ( 0.03 with a correlation factor R of -0.999. Using eq 4b then yields â ) 110.91 ( 0.17°,orSrot ) 0.308. Figure 1. Small region of the 750 MHz 1H-13C HSQC spectrum of Systematic Errors in . The above derived value of 13 15 â â U- C/ N ubiquitin, recorded in 93:7 H2O:D2O, pH 6.5, 50 mg/mL of represents our best estimate for the average C-C-H angle, but a 30:10:1 molar ratio mixture of DMPC/DHPC/CTAB, (A) in the the standard deviation does not take into account the effect of aligned state at 37 °C, and (B) in the isotropic state at 22 °C. A 〈 -3〉 phospholipid natural abundance 13C signal, only visible in the isotropic possible systematic errors caused by the uncertainty in rCC / 〈 -3〉 phase, is marked with an asterisk. rCH . Although methyl group vibrational corrections and equilib- Previously, the ratio of this 1H-1H dipolar coupling over the rium bond lengths are likely to be very similar from one methyl 1 DCH coupling has been used for studying methyl group group to another, they differ to some extent from those observed geometry,1,3,4 but for the very weak alignments used in the for the polypeptide backbone. As mentioned above, librations present study this 1H-1H dipolar splitting remains unresolved tangential to the rotation direction are included in the P2(cos for most methyl groups. â) factor in eq 4 and the magnitude of the effect of C-H bond 13 -13 vector librations on the C-H dipolar coupling in methyl groups Figure 2 shows the reproducibility of the C C splittings, R measured in two separate experiments, which sandwiched the is therefore 2-fold smaller compared to backbone C sites. one-day experiment for measurement of 13C-1H splittings. The Libration of the three methyl protons will be correlated, pairwise rmsd between the two measurements in the aligned however, and this is likely to alter the magnitude of the observed state equals 0.075 Hz, indicating a random error of 0.04 Hz in dipolar coupling somewhat relative to the case of independent their averaged value. With a pairwise rmsd of 0.064 Hz, the librations. Considering the relatively large value of the uncer- R- R ( reproducibility is even slightly better in the isotropic state tainty reported for the effective C H bond length ( 0.007 23 1 Å), and that only librations affecting the C-C-H angle (Figure 2B). The carbons with the most extreme JCC couplings eff in the isotropic sample are labeled in Figure 2B. These data influence methyl rCH , the effect of correlated libration is ( show a much larger spread than expected on the basis of expected to be much smaller than 0.007 Å and is neglected 1 in our analysis. The effect of stretching vibrations of the C-H literature data. JCC couplings for methyl groups measured in free amino acids cover a very small range of 34-35 Hz for all bond are very similar for different types of carbons, and result eff 1 38 in a small increase in rCH (by ∼0.01 Å) compared to the amino acids except Thr, which has JCC ) 38.0 Hz. For 25 1 equilibrium bond length. This vibrational stretching effect is extracting reliable DCC values, it therefore is essential to eff measure the 13C-13C splittings both in the aligned and isotropic included in the previously reported rCRHR value of 1.117 Å, states. and again ignoring the effect of correlated stretching modes, it does not significantly increase the uncertainty in the methyl The largest deviation from the literature value is observed eff 46 1 rCH . However, ab initio calculations suggest the possibility for Ala , which shows JCRCâ ) 39.0 Hz, 5 Hz larger than the value of 34.0 Hz reported for free alanine.38 Ala46 adopts a of a small (up to 0.005 Å) increase for the methyl group rCH compared to CR-HR (D. Case, unpublished results). Combined, positive φ angle,39 which positions its CâH methyl group within 3 these factors lead to a rather wide range from 1.099 to 1.118 Å eff (38) Eisenreich, W.; Strauss, G.; Werz, U.; Fuchs, G.; Bacher, A. Eur. for the methyl group rCH . J. Biochem. 1993, 215, 619-632. (39) Vijay-Kumar, S.; Bugg, C. E.; Cook, W. J. J. Mol. Biol. 1987, 194, (40) Morris, G. A.; Freeman, R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1979, 101, 760- 531-544. 762. 4694 J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 121, No. 19, 1999 Ottiger and Bax

1 1 Figure 4. Plot of DCH versus DCC residual dipolar couplings of methyl groups in the protein ubiquitin, dissolved in a dilute liquid crystalline medium. The solid line represents the best fit of the data by linear regression, with a slope of -3.17 ( 0.03 and a correlation factor R of -0.999. See text for further details.

above-discussed equilibrium rCH and rCC values and their librational correction, ranges from a possible decrease by up to -3 -3 4.1% in the 〈rCH 〉/〈rCC 〉 ratio, to an increase of up to 2.7%. -3 -3 A 1% increase in 〈rCH 〉/〈rCC 〉 increases â by 0.18°, and the uncertainty in â introduced by these systematic errors, in addition to the standard error in the fit, extends the possible range for â from 110.2 to 111.8°. It is important to note, however, that for relaxation studies only the DCH magnitude of a rapidly spinning methyl group is methyl methyl of interest, and it is the ratio of DCH /DCC which is Figure 2. Reproducibility plot of pairs of 13C-13C splittings, measured determined at very high accuracy in the present study, thereby 13 1 methyl CRHR for the nonoverlapping methyl groups in the 750 MHz [ C, H] HSQC indirectly relating DCH and DCH . If effective C-H bond spectrum of ubiquitin, (A) in the aligned state at 37 °C, and (B) in the lengths are different for CR and methyl sites, this affects the â ° isotropic state at 22 C. The Euler angles relating the alignment tensor value but not the D methyl/D CRHR ratio. For a rapidly spinning R) CH CH orientation to that of the X-ray structure coordinate frame are methyl group, the effect of different effective C-H bond lengths 34°; ) 32°; ) 21°; with D NH ) 15.8 Hz, and R ) 0.48, assuming â γ a is therefore indistinguishable from a change in , and any S ) 1. â difference in the effective bond length is included implicitly in the value we report for Srot. Variations in â. As mentioned above, random errors in the measurement of the one bond 13C-13C and 13C-1H splittings are extremely small (0.03 and 0.07 Hz in the isotropic phase; 0.04 and 0.1 Hz in the liquid crystalline phase, respectively). As the dipolar contribution to the splitting is obtained from the difference in splitting between the liquid crystalline and isotropic phases, which are measured with exactly the same experimental protocol, it is unlikely that the difference contains a significant systematic error in the measurement, and the errors in the 1 1 experimental DCC and DCH values are therefore estimated at 0.05 and 0.12 Hz, respectively. These errors are considerably smaller than the size of the 1 1 dots marking the individual pairs of DCH and DCC couplings in Figure 4. Therefore, it is interesting to consider the range of 1 1 â values obtained when using eq 4 for individual DCH and DCC pairs. As discussed below, the 1D /1D ratios for methyl Figure 3. Interferogram showing the intensity modulation of the Ala46 CH CC groups which yield the smallest absolute 1D and 1D 1Hâ-13Câ correlation in the J-modulated HSQC experiment and the CH CC 1 1 1 1 couplings are very sensitive to minor distortions from ideal best fit function: {A cos[π( JCH + DCH)t2] + B cos[3π( JCH + DCH)- 2 1 1 geometry and therefore cannot be used in such an analysis. t2]}exp(-Ct2 ), (A) in the aligned state, yielding JCH + DCH ) 144.3 1 1 Hz, and (B) in the isotropic state, yielding JCH ) 130.0 Hz. Limiting the calculation of â to methyl groups with a DCH value larger than 7 Hz, â values obtained using eq 4b range from 36 γ2 46 â Although vibrational corrections for the C-C bonds are 112.8° for Ile -C H3 to 109.5° for Ala -C H3. Clearly, this negligible, there is considerable uncertainty in its equilibrium range presents an upper limit for the true range of variation in 1 1 value. For example, Engh and Huber report C-C bond lengths â values, since experimental errors in the DCH/ DCC ratios and 24 for CH-CH3 and CH2-CH3 which differ by 0.008 Å. Here, distortions from C3V symmetry of the methyl groups can cause we use their averaged value and estimate the uncertainty in rCC random changes in these ratios and thereby in the derived â to be 0.004 Å. The total aggregate of the uncertainties in the values. Methyl Group Geometry in Proteins J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 121, No. 19, 1999 4695

1 Distorted Geometry? Methyl groups with near-zero DCC rotation, the effective C-H bond length is 1.106 Å. The dipolar 1 dipolar couplings have the strongest DCC-dependence on the couplings measured in the present study then result in an average orientation of the C-C bond vector. Therefore, if the C-C methyl group C-C-H angle of 110.9 ( 0.2°. If a shorter vector orientation deviates from the C3V symmetry axis of the effective methyl C-H bond length of 1.095 Å is used, this angle CH3 group (i.e., assuming that the three protons nevertheless increases to 111.5°. Conversely, for an effective methyl C-H form an equilateral triangle with equal C-H distances for the bond length of 1.135 Å, â ) 109.5°. three protons), this can result in a considerable deviation from Our data suggest that if deviations between the average 1 1 the DCC value expected on the basis of its DCH value. With orientations of the methyl group C3V axis and its C-C bond 46 1 the exception of Ala , Figure 4 shows that the DCH versus vector occur in proteins, the magnitude of such distortions is 1 1 1 DCC correlation indeed is better for methyl groups with large limited to less than 1°. The most outlying pair of DCH and DCC 1 1 46 â DCH and DCC values than for those with smaller values. This values is observed for Ala C H3 which, as a result of the suggests that deviations between the C-C vector orientation unusual positive φ angle of this residue, clashes with the and the C3V symmetry axis may indeed occur. Simulations carbonyl oxygen of the preceding one. A dramatic increase of 1 carried out in which the C3V axis of the methyl group is rotated 5 Hz in the isotropic JCRCâ coupling of this residue is observed by a random angle away from the C-C axis show that the over that of the free amino acid. Again, assuming a symmetric 1 1 1 1 spread for the correlation between the calculated DCH and DCC methyl group with a 1.106 Å C-H bond length, its DCH/ DCC 1 values for small (<7 Hz) values of DCH increases to the same ratio yields an unusually small C-C-H angle of 109.5°. value as observed in Figure 4 for a root-mean-square (rms) angle However, our data do not allow us to distinguish whether the 1 1 of 0.8°. If this type of methyl group distortion were the sole exceptionally large DCH/ DCC ratio results from a geometric source of the scatter in Figure 4, this rms angle of 0.8° would distortion of the methyl group, or whether it is an intrinsic represent the rms difference between the C-C bond and the property of Ala residues. High-resolution single-crystal neutron C3V axis. This rms value therefore must be regarded as an upper diffraction data available on free amino acids suggest a 1.5° limit. smaller C-C-H angle for Ala relative to Val methyl groups,7,8 Other distortions from ideal geometry are also likely to occur. and although unlikely, this could also explain the unusually large 1 1 28 For example, if the methyl group is considered to undergo DCH/ DCC ratio. Ala is the only other alanine in ubiquitin, 1  discrete hops about the C-C axis but the in one of the but its resonance overlaps with the Met C H3 resonance, and three positions is pushed away from its ideal position by a steric no reliable C-C-H angle could be derived for its methyl group. 1 1 effect, this can also change the DCH/ DCC ratio. In this case, Overall, our data confirm that methyl group geometries in the effect is largest if the proton whose position is distorted proteins are highly uniform. Rapid rotation of the methyl group, 1 has a near-zero instantaneous DCH value, and for such cases together with C-H bond vector librations orthogonal to the 1 13 1 no correlation between the change in DCH from ideality with direction of rotation, scale the observed C- H dipolar 1 the magnitude of DCC is expected. For the experimentally interaction by a factor Srot )-0.299 relative to the DCH for a observed alignment tensor of ubiquitin, a change by 1° from hypothetical proton on the C-C bond vector, at the commonly the idealized C-H orientation of one of the three occupied used rCH ) 1.095 Å. This is equivalent, however, to Srot ) positions of a rapidly hopping methyl group proton can result -0.308 for rCH ) 1.106 Å. These Srot values contain a 0.8% 1 in a change in DCH by up to 0.5 Hz. Significant asymmetry uncertainty resulting from the error in the C-C bond length 2 parameters for the H quadrupole pattern of the methyl groups and 1% from the standard error in the measured DCH/DCC ratio. 2 in methyl deuterated thymine and suggest Thus, using rCH ) 1.095 Å yields Srot ) 0.090 ( 0.003, but it 26 2 that such distortions may indeed occur in a variety of systems. is important to realize that this lower Srot value also includes Ala46 in ubiquitin is a prime candidate for such distortions the effect of rapid C-H librations. Instead, if the effect of eff because this residue has a “forbidden” positive φ angle which librations is included in the bond length (i.e., rCH ) 1.106 â 45 2 causes its C H3 to clash with the carbonyl oxygen of Phe . Å), Srot increases to 0.956. These values are 15-20% smaller 46 â 2 Indeed, the Ala C H3 is the methyl group with the largest than the Srot ) 0.111 order parameter, typically assumed for 1 13 2 deviation (0.8 Hz in DCH) from the experimental correlation ideal methyl groups in C relaxation studies. This smaller Srot in Figure 4. Other possible support for a distortion of this methyl value considerably reduces the discrepancy between previous group may be found in the very large increase (5.0 Hz) in the relaxation measurements of 13CR and methyl 13Câ in alanyl 1 JCRCâ coupling relative to that of the free amino acid. However, residues, although it does not resolve it entirely. 1 in this context it must also be pointed out that the JCâHâ value and its 13Câ and 1Hâ chemical shifts fall in the normal range. Acknowledgment. We thank Attila Szabo, Dennis Torchia, and David Case for helpful discussions and Frank Delaglio and Concluding Remarks Dan Garrett for assistance and use of their software. This work Because of the 3-fold higher integrated intensity and favorable was supported by the AIDS Targeted Anti-Viral Program of relaxation properties of methyl groups relative to other sites in the Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health macromolecules, methyl group 1D and 1D dipolar couplings CH CC Supporting Information Available: One table containing can be measured with exceptional accuracy. The uniformity of 1 1 1 1 1 1 the one-bond JCH, JCC, DCH, and DCC couplings for the the observed DCH/ DCC ratios provides strong support for the methyl groups in ubiquitin; one table containing the 3J R absence of large deviations from ideal tetrahedral geometry of C Cδ couplings for Leu and Ile residues in ubiquitin (PDF). This the methyl groups in ubiquitin. If we assume that the amplitude material is available free of charge via the Internet at of very rapid librations of the methyl group C-H vectors are http://pubs.acs.org. of the same magnitude as those for the backbone CR-HR vectors, and exclude librations in the direction of methyl group JA984484Z