The Memphisdaily Appeal Sunday, April 14, 1861 Railroad

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The Memphisdaily Appeal Sunday, April 14, 1861 Railroad THE MEMPHISDAILY APPEAL SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 1861 by trans Forts Itmmnciis aaist THE DLlt.XIM r llltUL.MSt. four heavy wtebjes, driven dawn by a spe- I UK 11.111 II Isr the stenii-hi- Appeal I of By Tlegraph Imisreatlmc am ' CSNSUa. streng'beued in their hooUUiy tobisaaarit tjawssieae r i Oee New York BlsuM or ram, hash will kohl it pre-vs- PirkSHi.teuerftli cies fast, and Tb following table shows th population of WX MKT AS (TKAXSEXS. FOBT SC any arouad by Hi Htto etofrttsfmtnrfs. Hfto UOfrtisfmfitts. usurpation and opprsaaion. nrsfg. MTU. swaying tide. tha United States and, according te of tbe Sshnt (Ala.) im- WL- by uilir faeteeed upon the public A correspondent Fort Sumter ta a modern truncated pentago- ornta easts, - - nam.. tb seventh eeneus ( 18b0), Sad eighth cen- Line Snfoetfrd Remark from Appeal A conviction baa flth the Barancae on tbs ns! fort, built upoa aa sus n BT S. P. BASSKTT. tbe fasaUeal party aow ia power, porter, writing from Fort artlflcial island at tb There are other workt at Hadril'a Point, (1H60), respectively; also tbe repreeenta-tlo- mind that thirty-seven- 0PEN!N(. OF A NEW KOUTE mouth of Charleaton harbor, three aad tbree- - Mount Pleasant, Stono, for the th thirty-eight- h Dissolution. : Morrlt aad m..-- dietroyed tbe Government beejuea hed Inst. , eay island, and Ws t ss a'rantera uftea me'. Brsa ot Cslver, have elghtb miles from the city of Charleston. Tb fronting the of Congress : Pass, Unto fc o., waa by aan. TO TMB a despot Since this place has become tb focus of Cbarleatoa oartur, Tel sirsBtefs still tr mm chase ; T".: II cnaa-l- l dlaaal, ..I m ,h. ., r , by our ancestors, and have reared island has for Its baae a aaad and mud bank, which are csnatiuctad of palmetto loan snj public Interest, being tbe "teat of war," a tf census or 1850. Ko llsht was la the eyes lo saa, IS 1 'he lata tern. ar. astnintedU emeu tbe liberties of tbs with a superstructure, we may so term It, of aaniL They tre all fully and aetti. .1! ( North, Northwest MEMPHIS. ;,a which will few items and. observations from one on tbe manned for action asp la aarnta asd ifc, ,o, East and tba refuse chips frees several northern granite witb large gsrrttone and gum STATES. SLAVS. i XT . m w. x Snutb, irnlsss It be overthrown by the realat prove acceptable to your numerous of hearr calibre. tots Aanld cm.Ttn, I spot, soy These rocka are firmly embedded In 478 7T ait 814 771 471 s ihrw sains Bad ttXSAtf dwslt n. w. FAM NDA TltlHMM.. 14, 1861, In progress. quarries. THE EXACT BISTANCE OX TS7 M'HII less megbt of tbe revolution now rs iters. upon them tbe pieeent fortifica- THE JOBTI. Arkina Kl 47.1 0 tut 887 t u sAlier fersss la ethers bs knelt. at. A. MOTMS. the aand, and California 1 117 SISST e. CflAMv'E OF TIME. through- Preparations are going forward her on a Fort Sum'er ia three and s S' f. OBAMtaaLis, the revulsion of public sentiment ia reared. Tbe laland Itself cost half a miles Comer! to am PU C W . , v If grand scale, far the enthronement of augutt tion from Charleston, one and tj J7I.7W Tat still ara asst. sul MM tboao eyes Vf !. CI I V State correspond with of dollara, aad waa ten ysart la mile neisware 89 241 i an i!t(.KT HR l L1T10 l. THE out tb border alav million from Fort three-fourt- ''. Grew brighter with oab dayi 11 Hours, battle, and the place it being set in order for Tbe fortificttion coat another half Moultrie, of a mile riot Ida 4 ias St.SKI 87 448 Tim to Louisville Reduced la manifested is our city, the are traa-spi- re from CuramlngB tbres-ertb- .Oecrsli im Sea IAS Baft accent, floated Irani tkaas that which the blooey cartuca! that is expected to occu- Point, on aad s let It, ittctttion : Ho- M-S- B a dollars, sod at tbe time of its 861 470 Casonilealofird EE F!RjT FOfBTH aambered. million mile frost Fort Job neon, SUIsols l .470 Ms traces msizw u pUr TBB Oftcera ot the 164th Res. men! Tme to New York Reduced r, 1N6 of tbe Lixcol dynaaty aota. Tb roll of drums and gutteral d and two and the daya pancy 'iy M'i r Anders m was so nearly Indiana.. 119 988 41S Ibe in from Castle Pinrk. v 8. Ames iby asters frra, saet trace VIA now enthroned on southern aoll, command of drill officers, salute tba ear the Introduction of arm- all The Seep IK XI snhlf fw1 ne.4B.rB iln.,4. M Its propheta, as tn admit its - in.tu MBIT, lick Mr..T e.-r- v dirertlnn. In addition to the guna of of Charles ton it cnrinly oat af tbs range of Kin..- lack saber sas tky t Mi sat, assilmt faos, iat., maos, , atwwfw I about walla are of tolld brick aad con- a at oace fold their official robe ament. The Kest'jckr TTi'iii 18-- II i iismm b. prassatt, tAa mav Barancae, batteriae are being erected along the the gun of Fott gamier. tiosei rr a 44.rttM 4jt Um- - Ohio i Memphis prepare for a begira from crete masonry, built lose io the edge of tbe Loolshisw. STJ m 744 n 117.741 A;, aa escti Male (rca anpesre,! P',raro mattari and their persons, and at Pickens, STOK0 1 shore points tbat command lbit water, and wlthnu' a bertn. They ar tixty atsiM M.14 1SS virtue casae to 1181. Federal Capitol. fortress lies lit the lap of a ereseeflt-ebape- d Stono Point is a portion of Morris Msrilsud sat K3 04 rmuot- nmymtn the ancient reethiuh. anil from eight to teelv feet in laland, I.Ike M'te.l digits lo s ansa .31 i. knit. shore tbat awaen arouad it, ad ia expoaed to facing the tea eoaat. Stono Inlet Maesscnosstn .. l Ml t V " thickness, and art pierced for tbrte lltrt sf it abort two BTIl..iuol jsa 4i at srs 1 placed it a tba rliht. l' l.aTStsT watt nsrsrsi the concentric tre a chain of battel ies tbat leagues from tbe aouth chaanel of Charleston THF of guna on the nevrlli.eaa',ad weet exterior tldea. llssoarl 87 i Till no u.f ration fsjls fci ' read 14 lias Grocery Sued stretches from horn Io horn of the crescent, a ia oa the South aids, of which Between tbem He two islands Morris laland, tlcttunui ....... and Stock this Its weakest po; nt lisnesuls a Whers half tkr aaatelsss fracas, virtus shir, Our dispatch by telegraph '.morning distance of over two miles. This is too ex oot oaly weaker thaa tbat of on which the ligbtboua stands, and Coflln an 1.177 RAILROAD. tbe masonry It ao 17 1 an 7t . of thrilling intereat. a of to support, and in the island. In Stono Inlet Tke lota Ulan svm ABtD I ItaUBa from Fort Sumter are tensive line defense the other sides, hut it is not protected hy anv Ihert nine pi ten stew ... 484 lit xat 489 ol reasuai FOR SATaE. AFTBB Apr It, MM. ew T.,-- ooonwirj. awn a a OX nallesti presence of a large hostile force, would be ex sweep tbe vrberf. I feet of water at low tide, but It waa not much a,.rr,as4 I I8T7 IS4 A purer 8, Da than (tows arose p.m.iTarwrt will lea tb 4pK at MesapBls, as After a protracted cannonading and bombard flank Are, which would Tub Aulas a sjaa.1 asa a sjanl or frequented until Cbirleatoa "ita t'ari.iuia ta. MS "89 auttise la te.tiae VAST , san--e ui "in ceedingly hazardous. In the opinion your landed, an entrance may, at the present wat blockaded In 8.48 wxre pBsslse's la BSKcBaaal ua tuxA Bimaaa m a. ta maa. ns ssi tbirty-fv- e boars by tba Confederate Once Ohu trs t.rioe. Tlas Sues aTsaas. aa t HtJi.,l.:t n fTfcie ment of ! It power to I7v when It waa yitlted by British IHOItS alao tmr Apply with ram tB. Hal'e so ta. LATEST WAS NEWS! correspondent, Slemmer hsa tn oil of tbe construction, be easily mads ; for vessel. Ilrecnn .... a 11 OlStstha tbe nalad'a repass. real. t. aaad capitulated about state I 14 raal, at vita MeeBift troops, Andersen's garrison capture tbe most formidable battery on oar though six a atratagetieal point of view, tbs landing of Fennttl. v, 1,S1 .78 That la tas be ease aUtt slat aitw iitvsi.i-.t- aa9eae Bir the blinds of the lower embrasures, which life's sail; apl4-l- Oeit-- aC ClarUvm. Ba..rad. huge United States troops at Stono Point would Rbode litsbd 147 140 f Otwlis asd Mala St. at three o'clock r. at. on yesterday, and .the al.fe, tt any time, and render useless the et tn thicknest, may yet be eaaily blown if. 1474 Tbia Jka aoa-n- eii eqstaaetlal sale ntau. (H But for the anom- - to be ror the purpose or getting la the tVisIb - SBBJaa - m Tina to nmaoLOT sas now wave in Moodiest Arrival War fMMla hirlestou ci lumbiads mounted in It. awav, and even ir wat impossinie, scaling pir Tn ...
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