THE MEMPHISDAILY APPEAL SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 1861 by trans Forts Itmmnciis aaist THE DLlt.XIM r llltUL.MSt. four heavy wtebjes, driven dawn by a spe- I UK 11.111 II Isr the stenii-hi- Appeal I of By Tlegraph Imisreatlmc am ' CSNSUa. streng'beued in their hooUUiy tobisaaarit tjawssieae r i Oee New York BlsuM or ram, hash will kohl it pre-vs- PirkSHi.teuerftli cies fast, and Tb following table shows th population of WX MKT AS (TKAXSEXS. FOBT SC any arouad by Hi Htto etofrttsfmtnrfs. Hfto UOfrtisfmfitts. usurpation and opprsaaion. nrsfg. MTU. swaying tide. tha United States and, according te of tbe Sshnt (Ala.) im- WL- by uilir faeteeed upon the public A correspondent ta a modern truncated pentago- ornta easts, - - nam.. tb seventh eeneus ( 18b0), Sad eighth cen- Line Snfoetfrd Remark from Appeal A conviction baa flth the Barancae on tbs ns! fort, built upoa aa sus n BT S. P. BASSKTT. tbe fasaUeal party aow ia power, porter, writing from Fort artlflcial island at tb There are other workt at Hadril'a Point, (1H60), respectively; also tbe repreeenta-tlo- mind that thirty-seven- 0PEN!N(. OF A NEW KOUTE mouth of Charleaton harbor, three aad tbree- - Mount Pleasant, Stono, for the th thirty-eight- h Dissolution. : Morrlt aad m..-- dietroyed tbe Government beejuea hed Inst. , eay island, and Ws t ss a'rantera uftea me'. Brsa ot Cslver, have elghtb miles from the city of Charleston. Tb fronting the of Congress : Pass, Unto fc o., waa by aan. TO TMB a despot Since this place has become tb focus of Cbarleatoa oartur, Tel sirsBtefs still tr mm chase ; T".: II cnaa-l- l dlaaal, ..I m ,h. ., r , by our ancestors, and have reared island has for Its baae a aaad and mud bank, which are csnatiuctad of palmetto loan snj public Interest, being tbe "teat of war," a tf census or 1850. Ko llsht was la the eyes lo saa, IS 1 'he lata tern. ar. astnintedU emeu tbe liberties of tbs with a superstructure, we may so term It, of aaniL They tre all fully and aetti. .1! ( North, Northwest MEMPHIS. ;,a which will few items and. observations from one on tbe manned for action asp la aarnta asd ifc, ,o, East and tba refuse chips frees several northern granite witb large gsrrttone and gum STATES. SLAVS. i XT . m w. x Snutb, irnlsss It be overthrown by the realat prove acceptable to your numerous of hearr calibre. tots Aanld cm.Ttn, I spot, soy These rocka are firmly embedded In 478 7T ait 814 771 471 s ihrw sains Bad ttXSAtf dwslt n. w. FAM NDA TltlHMM.. 14, 1861, In progress. quarries. THE EXACT BISTANCE OX TS7 M'HII less megbt of tbe revolution now rs iters. upon them tbe pieeent fortifica- THE JOBTI. Arkina Kl 47.1 0 tut 887 t u sAlier fersss la ethers bs knelt. at. A. MOTMS. the aand, and California 1 117 SISST e. CflAMv'E OF TIME. through- Preparations are going forward her on a Fort Sum'er ia three and s S' f. OBAMtaaLis, the revulsion of public sentiment ia reared. Tbe laland Itself cost half a miles Comer! to am PU C W . , v If grand scale, far the enthronement of augutt tion from Charleston, one and tj J7I.7W Tat still ara asst. sul MM tboao eyes Vf !. CI I V State correspond with of dollara, aad waa ten ysart la mile neisware 89 241 i an i!t(.KT HR l L1T10 l. THE out tb border alav million from Fort three-fourt- ''. Grew brighter with oab dayi 11 Hours, battle, and the place it being set in order for Tbe fortificttion coat another half Moultrie, of a mile riot Ida 4 ias St.SKI 87 448 Tim to Louisville Reduced la manifested is our city, the are traa-spi- re from CuramlngB tbres-ertb- .Oecrsli im Sea IAS Baft accent, floated Irani tkaas that which the blooey cartuca! that is expected to occu- Point, on aad s let It, ittctttion : Ho- M-S- B a dollars, sod at tbe time of its 861 470 Casonilealofird EE F!RjT FOfBTH aambered. million mile frost Fort Job neon, SUIsols l .470 Ms traces msizw u pUr TBB Oftcera ot the 164th Res. men! Tme to New York Reduced r, 1N6 of tbe Lixcol dynaaty aota. Tb roll of drums and gutteral d and two and the daya pancy 'iy M'i r Anders m was so nearly Indiana.. 119 988 41S Ibe in from Castle Pinrk. v 8. Ames iby asters frra, saet trace VIA now enthroned on southern aoll, command of drill officers, salute tba ear the Introduction of arm- all The Seep IK XI snhlf fw1 ne.4B.rB iln.,4. M Its propheta, as tn admit its - in.tu MBIT, lick Mr..T e.-r- v dirertlnn. In addition to the guna of of Charles ton it cnrinly oat af tbs range of Kin..- lack saber sas tky t Mi sat, assilmt faos, iat., maos, , atwwfw I about walla are of tolld brick aad con- a at oace fold their official robe ament. The Kest'jckr TTi'iii 18-- II i iismm b. prassatt, tAa mav Barancae, batteriae are being erected along the the gun of Fott gamier. tiosei rr a 44.rttM 4jt Um- - Ohio i Memphis prepare for a begira from crete masonry, built lose io the edge of tbe Loolshisw. STJ m 744 n 117.741 A;, aa escti Male (rca anpesre,! P',raro mattari and their persons, and at Pickens, STOK0 1 shore points tbat command lbit water, and wlthnu' a bertn. They ar tixty atsiM M.14 1SS virtue casae to 1181. Federal Capitol. fortress lies lit the lap of a ereseeflt-ebape- d Stono Point is a portion of Morris Msrilsud sat K3 04 rmuot- nmymtn the ancient reethiuh. anil from eight to teelv feet in laland, I.Ike M'te.l digits lo s ansa .31 i. knit. shore tbat awaen arouad it, ad ia expoaed to facing the tea eoaat. Stono Inlet Maesscnosstn .. l Ml t V " thickness, and art pierced for tbrte lltrt sf it abort two BTIl..iuol jsa 4i at srs 1 placed it a tba rliht. l' l.aTStsT watt nsrsrsi the concentric tre a chain of battel ies tbat leagues from tbe aouth chaanel of Charleston THF of guna on the nevrlli.eaa',ad weet exterior tldea. llssoarl 87 i Till no u.f ration fsjls fci ' read 14 lias Grocery Sued stretches from horn Io horn of the crescent, a ia oa the South aids, of which Between tbem He two islands Morris laland, tlcttunui ...... and Stock this Its weakest po; nt lisnesuls a Whers half tkr aaatelsss fracas, virtus shir, Our dispatch by telegraph '.morning distance of over two miles. This is too ex oot oaly weaker thaa tbat of on which the ligbtboua stands, and Coflln an 1.177 RAILROAD. tbe masonry It ao 17 1 an 7t . of thrilling intereat. a of to support, and in the island. In Stono Inlet Tke lota Ulan svm ABtD I ItaUBa from Fort Sumter are tensive line defense the other sides, hut it is not protected hy anv Ihert nine pi ten stew ... 484 lit xat 489 ol reasuai FOR SATaE. AFTBB Apr It, MM. ew T.,-- ooonwirj. awn a a OX nallesti presence of a large hostile force, would be ex sweep tbe vrberf. I feet of water at low tide, but It waa not much a,.rr,as4 I I8T7 IS4 A purer 8, Da than (tows arose p.m.iTarwrt will lea tb 4pK at MesapBls, as After a protracted cannonading and bombard flank Are, which would Tub Aulas a sjaa.1 asa a sjanl or frequented until Cbirleatoa "ita t'ari.iuia ta. MS "89 auttise la te.tiae VAST , san--e ui "in ceedingly hazardous. In the opinion your landed, an entrance may, at the present wat blockaded In 8.48 wxre pBsslse's la BSKcBaaal ua tuxA Bimaaa m a. ta maa. ns ssi tbirty-fv- e boars by tba Confederate Once Ohu trs t.rioe. Tlas Sues aTsaas. aa t HtJi.,l.:t n fTfcie ment of ! It power to I7v when It waa yitlted by British IHOItS alao tmr Apply with ram tB. Hal'e so ta. LATEST WAS NEWS! correspondent, Slemmer hsa tn oil of tbe construction, be easily mads ; for vessel. Ilrecnn .... a 11 OlStstha tbe nalad'a repass. real. t. aaad capitulated about state I 14 raal, at vita MeeBift troops, Andersen's garrison capture tbe most formidable battery on oar though six a atratagetieal point of view, tbs landing of Fennttl. v, 1,S1 .78 That la tas be ease aUtt slat aitw iitvsi.i-.t- aa9eae Bir the blinds of the lower embrasures, which life's sail; apl4-l- Oeit-- aC ClarUvm. Ba..rad. huge United States troops at Stono Point would Rbode litsbd 147 140 f Otwlis asd Mala St. at three o'clock r. at. on yesterday, and .the al.fe, tt any time, and render useless the et tn thicknest, may yet be eaaily blown if. 1474 Tbia Jka aoa-n- eii eqstaaetlal sale ntau. (H But for the anom- - to be ror the purpose or getting la the tVisIb - SBBJaa - m Tina to nmaoLOT sas now wave in Moodiest Arrival War fMMla hirlestou ci lumbiads mounted in It. awav, and even ir wat impossinie, scaling pir Tn .... 74.1 afi8 Southern flag trlampb f inn of Morns island batteries, aow nhi urn 7n T4 t h us state of affairs vibrating between peace Udders can reach those of tba second tier, rear tbt which Tnse 494 ill 38 III an set M.558 I T I M BOOK TBsnassaa aivaa I Harbor BINDERY, ramparts Federal veaaela 14 9 from its war made a condition aa guard the aea approaches to Cbarlsstoa. Oa Vhurtals : 777 .OX .141 MASHV1LLJL -- and war, as wt are la negative are not protected In thia manner. Tbe ett.its sa mK wbicb verssso' l,l James Redpatb baa been appoin ed Haytlen r. j& their appearance off the barber during the con- If war exitted, our general hun- Morris island tbe Confederate States forces ..' aitisn 174.1711 BLA1K BOOK vll'ltTFKTOIT UKIIBVll.Ln. 64 to both, or potltlve work it designed for aa armament of one WlsemitlB XIS, SSI consul from Philadelphia. t Boawkatrrfancst of Sumfrr: blmaelf" over ao much ter- are pretty numerous, and If an attempt to land 305 ic HBWTOU tn o flict, and participated in tb return of fire from wou'd not 'spread dred aad forty pieces of ordaaace of all cali- Tb Portsmouth rorca, he did a troopa ia made by tbe United Statea forces, tbe 1 ZOO GOO (Va.) Trnnttrint says tb ritory, with to small a or if Two of tbe guns are under bomb-- It.rM.SSl SI.IM7 JC2 liu Taie train tpa aosu ml MM aaksaX, ai-- I Fort Sumter. There can be ao doubt of the bres. tiert bloody. fruit crop in tbat region prosai well. UMNataaH 1 sortie from Pickens would teach him the folly third or upper tier conflict will bs short and At our last TEBBt TOBIES '"W W.iii. Wtih. Stanu.n, Brotii;i. pas MI.HI. a a ANDERSON SURRENDERS proof , and the PAPER WAREHOUSE, will fact of the surrender, private dispatch . re- so Tbe Confederate foirea now accounts ia regard to Stono Point, Gen. Beau- ColarasV, Bev. H. Humphrey, D.D., of "raam at 4 e af IOOP la at all friend" of southern Inapendeace of doing. open, or in military parlance, sn oaroene ; tne ..,a taaa.ns aaaae The from Secretary a and four thousand men, regard had ordered an immense battery to be Amherst College, dieu in rittarield, 09 Maatttlaaa on ceived Walker by gentlemst number between three Iaw at tier for forty-tw- o pounder paixban guns ; Keeraaks".:' Mats., last Bxraass tba m bsssbss .1 umaonu at neexat the Betinn;e buildine Mewil? five erected the very place where ia alleged week. tti n in OX to be augmented to thoutand as soon at eight and h colum- - at it sTavsda f tbe city, published another roluma, amply EITHER FM WIVES tbe second tier for C F. & Co., Malt. TBAIW at early can be aaeembled. Alabama hit now aolid tbe I'nited Statea troopa will attempt to land. Xsw Mexico t,64T tl,547 Aa election will be Ckanberlin arti.. .1 .. ., AT. evenine T!" Aa a thev biada, for throwing or hollow shot, and held ia Keatacky oa tba , corroberatea it. we predicted mors than A report stated ii.jM (Lata, of u4 recc.yw.rf t Horn fc C- ,) t f.nrite sua kat. It, M: LlncolaiMi attend. Sreral .peaker will THE OfTER MALL! here twelve companiet. A regiment hat tbe upper tier for mortars and twenty-fo- subsequent that several Urge rub. at 4'b of May next for delegatee to tbe border lilvtr, Tx, must direct rvsta u. ol month ago, the aaglea of victory have parched field officers guns were from Castle Pinckney Waihli.tiun slay . been organised and appointed. or in transitu to Stat convention. I ft a Bf the pound guns. iTie run armament toe rorr, Dial, of Cslaaatsa 48 900 1 487 SI 87 ITRECTt sew upon tbe Southern standard In tbe first (real Msjor-Gcner- Clement wat dowa for tbat not arrived tbere wben Major that point. Tbe limit, BOSTOW, A C ONFI IC T ! however, bad Shepherdttown (Va.) Regieter, reports VIM PITTS, TKWVIMKH Cairo, BI.OODI.I e. but Its occu IS 987,64 1104 911 JJ, 111 Ifi the Ci&ctinati, r.ra land, battle of tbe "IaaaranaiaLK Coxvlict." Anderson took possession; since newrareVe VupiloUr. wheat crop in that region at looking decir St. Loail, LMlBrValt, Detroit, rjrreiTiJi I aaw tbe General, and bit bowed form, pancy by the present garrison, ao work haa cEBiva or 1860. dedly prosperous. BLstXK BOOKf mtuiifKtart.i ta, at tbort Rights S.rcs-io- s The Washington correspondent of the Cin- A loo tmmmWfif oa bmbil -- art for Flat kiiu i rl.jt A of ibe Su!t : i i i i i v Cm a , April 12. Fort not rein- loose and tbackling gait, wat but poorly of In m!, : Canveniien hi 'i m. i ii. ii i bl EtTox been spared to place it In an efficient state Rp. JohnO. Crfla aft4 Cii-- Boards, Blank Stalie)-- "a cinnati Eqnirtr telegrapba to that paper aa aTATEt SLAVE. C n Lawrence nominated on Friday P9r. Bh. A f Tennessee, will be held in the Three of martial qualitiet. he seems broken by gunt rEX. T1TII wit uf at. aatarl Blank af f city taanjf party The call for a meeting of tbe frieeda of forced. Bombardment commenced. derense, mounting all uie available : Alabama 416 1X1 984 79 las' for the, aairf !arrli;iaa, listlesa, and better auited for the cloister or follows ftzt.lfl raavorality of Norfolk, Va., aa the aud otatr osB'ra, oriKratjj(fL. baakrra railroad atfat on Satarday, the 11th day of hundred bave and and placing tbem in salient pointa. At we Arkanna H4,4U 111. I 416.421 I aai, WaWlBfftM, Qaabar,'., city of NaahTilie southern freedom, made in tbe extra edition of thella thrown per minute. Four "Mr. Seward la preparing bit Union candidate. at mWt rr '.al l prt-ja- an anchor oe than tbe business or "setting remarked, tbe full armament of tbe fort inttructiont (tAtifoenia 380.UI5 3 xiBMiM, w.M:. al ha iovMt the office of before fro ta at- - Aad all impurtaBt poiKta afortfc aHoritwaoat Mav, to nomiaatr a candidate for Harriet Lane and Crusader are to the new foreign ministers who are to re- (tonzecticut. 161 161 The people (rttr coraatiy akall rtttiva uar srur p aai Waat the Appeal and JvmUntke of yesterday, waa fallen. Tbe tquadrona iu tbe field." it not in position, at only seventy-fiv- e of the ..... 41 480 4 of Madison eounty, Va., at their We every county tn od or place our representatives at tbe court! of Wlawaee lie 490 I laat court, a ha ).. ff VaVrjt. Governor. '.mat that responded to on laat night by from twelve to reported off the bar, but bave not entered. Gen. Bragg, in comma the Confederate one hundred and forty guna required for It art Ira adopted resolution against sending ta Prir.avlfipri.a Europe. I they anil- - Florida 78 cat 61.73 140 439 I aai army, la a tall, gaunt, cadaverous Son or Mara, learn are of tbe most a repreteatatiys to Coagret. aaad alar pr the Stat will hare preliminary neatinga and fifteen hundred persons, wbc aaeembled at early Fort Sumter returned Are. now mounted Eleven Paixhaa g. na are Asortla 85 07 .1457 377 7 th t, hat alavary k nd, disparaging tbe Southern Re- llt ni HEW (itlaa tfcva fifty yeara age.'and, when the garre of 1, 71 FUKiITlKi:, io ro3ta of tlllnola 1.711,781 1. 13 represented upon the occasion by a auitable SPBATT. about smonr that number, nine of them commanding 761 The citizeaa of Tallapoosa. Ala., bave be gas light in front of tbe telegraph effice. A L. W. begins, public, miarepreaeating itt inatitutiont and I 380 47 bowling iron balls arross the Inlet he , which It within eaty range, Indiana 1.18117 II pledged themselves to buy no goods from of aelearate. All troe Southerner It is reported ridiculing the idea of Ita beisg able to main- I .ta-- . 374,948 74 948 ( number band of music loaned ita cheerful inepirationa Ckableston, April 12, r t. will show himself an adept at the art. Hit two pointing toward Cattle who purchase good radwrtir-t- of acd Ibe other Csnaaa Ill II 107 lie I In the free State. JlT Spar are invited to participate in the movement off the bar. bravery and skill as an artillerit" all admit, well out of range. Some tain itself." auction. ha ottawaa! at to the occasiun. Tbe peala of the cannon were war vessels are Pinckaey, wbicb is 930 1 that three Tbe correspondent of the Keutavkr Ki4l 16,713 Books relating to America, are said by tb hut whether he hat calibre for grand s'ra'.egic A'eouirer is usually Lanlllae 171 3X1 630 709 413 6 Y A. H. ' who oppoae union with recommenced tbia of tbe . the most effective weapon (It London LKVY tO. XO ;k-- d m beard proclaiming the triumph at Charleston. Tbe bombardment wat being ao accurate in bia statements, and ao well in- Main 82 974 Alhetaum, to find a better market in MICBOKS tha train .vhi' imt . combinations, remains to be tes'ed His for siege or defensive operations, are not sun I I parm.t :b r,er. id favor aeceaaion from abolitioniam. formed of what ia Washing- Marrlaod 6S9.IU 87,188 687031 8 London than in Bottoa or New York. )ol bf hlaaks far rnrh mar h and the beavena teemed to blate with tbe flood evening. called to this position by Jeff. Davit is good tbirty-tw- o bar- taking place at ; oa u, mounted. Four cf the pounder Maasachuetu ... 1,531. 1731. '40 I MAIN STREET. ooiai vf sppji.:at tke tu kat OWcm af Oaa A a rough aea, makea at- right man ia in the right ton, that wt ara ditpoted to credit his repre- 16 Grantley Berkley, who the Ameri- "- - of light from gleaming sky rockets, aa they atorm ou'aide, and assurance that the bel's gun are on pivot carriages, wh'cb gives Hiaattaippl 184 tS 43898 71395 6 touted sentations as made in th cana fW fartkar taf aad for L erBMieax at eh of Sumter place. range of borixon, and oth- above paragraph. If Miasanei 1.088 167 114.986 1,171,117 to outrajeou's.T, has haiabed bia work, 1X7 WILL SBL: a' oar IHtmrmx oa TUBMIdT ifitiaar. ti kta, aaay ta ar.rriiG went up from every quarter of tbe city. tempt! at reinforcement Fort tbe entire the ). CBOWLTOW, 14 TaW". tha true, Mr. Seward stand forth a mart girlfty Mohican "19 119 19111 S "The Engliab sportsman TT VOXXIXfZ, at 10 etoek. a UA of Aat, rtlhraoa atraarfpiaiU four correspondent it not connected with the ers bave a horizontal sweep of fire of ISO de- oa tba Amerieaa Iar. Hokrl, or a. dpBt eaatpaa Eleventh The meeting waa organized by calling Maj. of unparalleled deception Btinneeu'.a 19,073 073 I Dllora, '"mariiing tha of tha A meeting of the citizen of the annv. but is here in quest of adventure, ano to and duplicity. 12 pralilea." BBKTLBT D grees. In sdditton these weightier prepara- TTaropahire.. 116 172 318 171 1 ffiSBLL, F. April 13 A fierce c i residi- For four weeka he deta'.ced our :w SOP AS, BO'awr!BitjxJaat. district in Shelby county in favor of B. to tbe chair. He addreeaed Chablsstok, like Mr. Micawber, not only ' waiting," but the walls are pierced every aoutbern S77 Tbe St. states pre- Chiaf BafliDatar aeJ civil Bastlitt tion for defente, New Jraer 631 671.031 6 Pul Pionttr that great BAftT OS d TBS, WHBjSXBB from to The commissioners in Washington, deceiving them 1 6S7 64S 1 31 P. be held the atore of Meairs tbe multitude la a abort but forcible speech ng It now prevailing from all points anxious "for soinethiag turo up." where for muskets, of wbicb tbere are endless New Tart 887 843 parations are being made In Minnesota for tbe LTi-hi;- will at with promise! of peace No-t- h apld Oanaral Arat coatt. prospect is good, I tbiak, for c display or pyro- ready aad losdel. The magazine Ind homed word Carolina... Ml.aHt UI.08I 7 manufacture of maple sugar TWO! AND TABLXS. saying while he had voted the Uaioa i ess Is outside tbe bar and all along tbe numbers 1 during the preaent Cols at Co., Germar.towa, on Monday neat, that, soon, and aa distance It 'said to lend of conciliation. It waa given out that Fort Ohio. 1,3369 3169 It SIDBBOA&M, Bt:. I.ATBS ! technics contain! seven hundred barrels of Oref.m 67 464 I tpriag. 4 a. at , to appoint del- ticket in tbe late election, tbe time for divialona MtU Sumter was to be evacuated, tbat Fort - Bala poaitir. to e.ota . (lata April) at o'clock enchan'ment to the view, in Imitation of poet end an ample tupply af shot, powder and FetintyWann 1 9 6 378 13 We .Sbtuar t April 13. Fort Sumler baa Pick ens would not be t17v- leara by private advices from Galvssloa A. S- LETT AwAinvaMr. Raleigh to nominate among ourselves was past he waa henceforth Chablestox, Cam pi ll at Hobenlinden, from a safe position aad a large s mount reinforced, that no Bhadar laland .... 174. 6t1 'I74S1I 1 egate to the convention thella for one year's siege, no that authentic intelligence bad beeu received, surrendered. The flag of the Sou.hern Con oat of range, I may prefer to witneas the "far stores. The garri- attack and boatile demonstration would be SodU. Carolina.... 181.171 4X1 641 70S 811 4 candidatea for the from Shelby with tbe South, and for reve'stwm. Kentucky, of miirellaBeoiia made Tennessee 84.0S3 376 784 Ms) 847 8 to the effect tbat 3000 Mexieana were march- rlaah of the red artillery," or I may desire a water artifi- upon the States and tba' I, ! State, be believed, would cast federacy is floating over ita walls. son it amply supplied witb from Tessa 40,651 10 388 6 II 39 4 ing on Brownsville. 8200 RE WARD eocnty and candidate! for aenator and floater. his na'ive her flitb-in- g tbe policy er the northern Administration was y place in the picture tomeubat nearer the cial w ells, which are supplied hy the frequeat I lot 198 4SO 887 t BM 083 11 tub v:,bt of destiny with the Confederate States None of tbe garrison, or of tbe Confederate emphatically a policy of peace. Deluded The State convention of 0s rtnMaj tn thi or guns. A look acrosa the paas into s'rategsti-ca- 1 by Vermont. 615.11 2 Florida bas been the showers of rain, in a defensive or tncrpfr I these assurances, and WUcoeatu 774 873 773 called at iat. hartW aaVr Scbuggs de- troops, bave been "hurt." (bote huge enginea trusti'g too implicitly 871 Tallahassee oa tile 10 b of April for -- M I SMO 31FITIM. AT Judge next came forward, and tbe yawning throats of point of view, Fort Sumter radiate fire thai laid a. t aa ha i BR"I. SPECIAL. ia tbe honor of tbe chief, tbe purpoae of ratifying tba Constitution bristle upon the parapet of Fort Plckent, ap- of th aaid f r mu, livered one of tbe moat forcible, able and ef- that through all the cbaanela from Ibe sea 17,186,10 TrrjttTI 11,134. IS 133 Jail, and a aanahia saard aach inf0rma'!a a our commlstionera tarried in Washington f Confederate Statea. aa taad io aa arraat Bac.w aaaaaa atvj will be meetinr of the Southern Montgomekv, April 13 The flag of tbe is calculated to induce weakness in the proach to Cbarleatoa, and has a full aweep of un'il TEaajTOBIES. ara it There a fective epeechea to which we have ever listened. all at oace it waa discovered prep daeripf iin of tba aacapad S1LIS. tk knees, and inspire decided ympatby with Boh rear or tide. The fort is that active OoiTsA. 94.197 94 The carpenters' and joiners' in Buffa- nSAITIPCL .11 !. of Haywood county, belj at Confederate States wavee over Fort Sumter. range in itt city were making 197 strike John Cavaaaaat), vt dark ripix K'tatt party, He aaid tbere was a time when Southern men Acres, and one feels that oozing sensation in a at- aration! for aa attack upon the riakaloh 48 4 S3 lo, New York, to It of range from land artillery baa com an end, the princi- va yar aid, mrvjr Hirdiijuj ilia, h'ai XITBA EICH 5ILU, al 61 of suutuern anu in anoitlOB to It now Kshraata I It. ft. Brownsville, on Saturday, the 27th day could honestly differ, bet now first gun the finger ends of which aaid Bob spoke ao apprebentiona for breaching ina, toil IBsi: 18841 pal employera having acceded to Joaa Acton, aat. at cj a ' ' " ' that tbe tack, so that all - 807 the demands hfa7 tnut de! MEET-HI.- " leaki out tbat every effort ia about to be made '. 6 87 tvaatf-flr- raara f aetlar niodim 5W- I.AWrTS. tnaxnt sbs April, 1861, for the purpoae of appointing fired, MH'THERX RlttHTS feelingly. it from that aource may he put at rest, unlesa New Maiico 93 517 of the journeymen. ak, at lH t, bad been every man who bad aouthera to prevent our recognition by foreign govern- fit 93 541 W. 0 "Wallar, t twrarr yeara j oo haard. .Kbt The army in Flanders, in comparison to guns or caliber. The maximum Ctah 40 188 2S . aiylra ad f eli cora. gate to represent the county ha the guberna blood by superior 411595 A note from Queenstown. Md., states tbat complaii-iD- ah at aaadiaat. ta. in bis heart, would rally to tbe support AT NASHVILEE! oars, were ignorant of tbe firat rudimentH of ment!. In all tbe annalt of diplomacy there Waaiilnstbl 11.57 11 678 range of the guns from Sumter la three miles; J. B. Grason ChM. O'Brtaa, ahaat tfeirrfflaa ar forty year 'AS, MH'.-'- Nashville, and also in tb no parallel to In Diet, ot Cluwjbis 71 killed an eagle, flying, upward lemi TABD3 BBACTirtTl L1VB CA U torial convention at no res-se- ii reaped of deliberate 896 J ai 7647 of hit native aection. He aaw middle .wearing. I have beard more "cussing for but for accurate firing, siiflirisnt tn ball a l, thl, of two huudre.1 atidar rufJioro hickt, raifcar heavy bo, ana yard, witb a rifle. The eaglt O. W. wbita and hnir ada, ar a. i ii iimal convaiition of the Tenth district. AT REW tbe two days I bave beep in camp than deception raisebood. Harria. nt .( (xniflaxtoa, mediant Mail tf iiin.1 ground for cowards they must now take aides H1L1TARV PREPARATION'S that the distance would reqnlre to be reduced to 57.477 97 19618U1 31,1 9 891 measured, between tbe tips of wings, aeven ia, I Tbe southern commissioner have been de tbe abai taatv-- l yeara old. in all time past, and bave known some " good one half of that figure. Tbe war garrison of feet. McOtan.- -, aWOB ALICOBS, at in tb conflict. The Legislature should imme ORLEANS: ceived and "sold" by Ibis astute politician. If The whole number of representatives Is by Frank aboat mMiom luh '. of rtt CMB- - THD5 tOOl4 lfc.,fal cussers," aad in days agone mixed much with tbe fort aix hundred men, but only seventy-nin- e , lwru y j'Atm old. Oa and aa I TIH. AT BOI.IVAK it Isw fixed at two hundred and thiity-tbree.w- A young gentleman col- bad ar ivlaa eLore. KrMIO 1I diately be called, and take steps for the call of and sinners. Every is ever again the South is deceived by the pacifi graduated at Yale John Muora, of i am will a pablicans preparation of that number are within ttt walls, with are aad bliht, rtrr baav hailt, af TAafLOft fc M The friends of southern rifhta hold ('-- catory pledges of apportioned among the Statea respectively, lege, recently, with a white bead and whiaktrs, aaadr mp rt;.,n alaoat twtnty-Ma- a a State Convention. Tbe VlririnU DflfratM HAvo a fc about complete foi tbe reduction or Pickens. tbe laborers 109, all told. our yta of aaa. ltd. meeting Bolivar on Monday, the fitb day ol selves only will be to blame. New Orleans by dividing the number of the free population wbo entered with auburn locks and no beard. John Cottar , ah .ot yeara old, ahoot -- at next, - ! Some think tbe appliances at band ample for diain Col. Hibam Tillman spoke vinsxeating rrnrf- with hincoln THE GABBrsON IX THE EOBT. Vrneent, of the Vlth. of tbe States, to which, in slaveholdint; States, Tbe change took place in one night, on ac- i, lifht laaaplaxioa. May, to appoint delegates to the Naabville the buaiBea, others tbiak differrn'ty. The thret-hfth- B. F. ttst.tb Carolina, bis native State, from tbe as- s of the tlavea ia added, by the num- count of tbe anxiety incident to a biennial ex- J4CK5nf. fort ia certainly an ngly looking customer, and ! slSfttL rwa and Somrrville conventions. Delegates) will at Kame. Rank """' IsfroBTAsiT ber two hundred and tbirty-tbree- , pro- tf . WABRXV persions of thote feul tongued slanderer, for seems as If it nrght " laugh a seige to scorn." Hiiihlv abd OrnciAL. The and the amination. A. Q. A STLt BT, r. s. AxenxB, to the Purdy con oer( lax his roi ici: duct of such division (rejecting all fractions of 5oath Caroliaa. Wortf: Caroliaa. Sua.h Car :nr tba aame time be appointed tbe maintenance of wboae rights she had On the tea aide you rr.igb as well bombard a following dispt'.chet in relation to the inten A mate if a vessel waa receatly 'ri.d in 1 a unit) shall be tbe ratio of representation In vewticn, which meets to nominate a candidate hill side, for the damage that you could do, R Ati'lsreMt.... j Xsi . 1st Arl'r. Jtlj 1J tt. Boston, Mass., oa a charge of beading up a the preaent ravolutiea. SCOTT OPPOSES LINCOLN'S lion of tbe Lincoln Government, we find la tbe - A. A. CO., GENERAL s W. Crawford. S'ti Bed tsf istt.l0.1MI Ps tba several Stales;- bat as the number and in J. WARREX but luckily the weakest point of the work it A tt. refractory sailor a puncheon, and giving for aenator. Mr. M. W. of tbe JvaUmdu, TREACHERY. brer Doubled" OsplAla.. 1.1 Arl'r. Jolj I. 1841 N T Mobile Mverliser of tbe l.h : amount of tbe fractions amonr so many divi- Offices for Rent. Clvket expoaed to our heavy guot, and when a can- Tyumen 'Oaptt Jni- IBM bim bia rationa through tbe bungbole. Tbe 'luaiplta tTKa Hermonr in.. IstArt't I, vt. dend would, of course, In b fPBO riy dar far reart. at IM Ha.i Judge Gen. Logwood and Col. Fix-x- n ordered, concern The.atsrc Talbot. 1st. I Arfj. 31 1847 DO We are indebted to the courtesy of our es- tbe aggregate, defense waa the man was to be X sfraot, JaffarMt aad ddaaaa w StClaib, nonade is the will soea melt Hit eufficient to that dangerous Lifi3 AJ UIK-T- llh I I I Jeff. 0. Davis.. 1st. Uestll IstArt't. JuielllSSS led. teemed friend, Col. Wm. D. Dunn, for a copy reduce Ihe number of representa- Isrge. NO 293 WM. M THI. PAST. rKlSKVt . II IX. Ita THE NKUTH away, and tbe federal rata tbat Infest it will at PIUII also made stirring and eloquent speeches. nan HI V na M. 1, IBM BTT tive below AMI to 1. Lltot lit Art'y.'jslr of the tnbjolned diepatcb. received yeaterday tbe number specified, it wn provi- ri riKi. Col. he driven take shelter in their ships. At J. O. Poster Ospls'r.. Riarhves.ljilr I 1846 K R The United States steamer Powbataa, now J. T. Tbkzevaxt was loudly called on, at 2 r. at., from tbe Hon. re- ded tbat the whole number stiould be supplied of civil war ia now any this Is the eonelnsioB to which I came, f; W. et 1. John Forsyth, ia .train .Wonroi The nndoabted fact April 13. There was an rate Liest nliuri.Julr IM NT by assitming to many at Brooklyn, aad recently from Vera Crux, tnrl nlrrtli. and responded in a speech abounding in Nashville, a K K B!e,de M. Lievt I. Ta. ply to a dispatch of inquiry addressed him by to State, having tbs ". country, and all the vague after careful examination of the subject. baa been put out of commission, her officers throat upon the public meeting hers A Col. D. this morning. It will be seen larcest fractions, an additioaai member each atrong argument and replete with patrio.ism. In my opiate Pickens wiil be a pile of rub- llrlcerB s tbat it detacbed, and ber crew re- MEMPHIS, TEXNS&SEE, political peace-make- have I for ita fraction, until the hun- traneferred to tbe SALK speculation! of resolution was unanimously adopted condemn- in ten hours the tbundera of our Band ia direct, aad of tht bigheat importance: number of two IMMENSE He had bees a Union man, aad bad partici- bish after BJ thirty-thre- e ceiving ship. Tbe teasel will require extensive faded before its fearful advent like the baseless upon Aniiisviats Washixotoh, April 9. Aa attempt to dred and members should be as- ing Ibe Administration for tbe present state of open it. Lit - repairs before she can be sent to aea again. ACDBD TO TDIIR to pated IB tbe proceeding of the meeting called Forts Sumter and Pickens by force, if signed to tbe ae iral Statea. HAVE jrvr I.K.iKI.T fabric of a vlaioa. Charleatan hae become Hon. F. H. Zollikoffer and others or in December laat at bill. Tbe affair. Tela! I necessary, ta determined on. Our peace mia-aio-n i 'Jle South, in eighteen hundred and sixty-on- Texas Intelligence. here la clewed. go Arraaagenaenl of Ike spiff, of Hitman. OF I'nion party bad there passed resolutions de- made speecbea. The embraaurei ror musketry on tbt tide of We home immediately. Hair: what was to our once common From the Galveston .Venn of Tuesday last War ia inevitable. J. In the arrangement of tbe hair, the A gentleman, deacribing tbe absurdity of a Lednfton of tbe of the South, and New Obleaxb, April 13. There waa a the wcik exposed to tbe are of the batteries of Fobittii. ereateit Watched, Clceks, Jewelry, aeventy-fiv- claratory grurascef we tbe following paragraphs : Through courtesy regard ought to be paid to tbe etyle fea- man dsnring the polka, said "tbat it appeared rount-- In aeyer.teen bundled and or volun- extract Commings' Point and Fort Johnson have been the of T. Stanford,, of the bad demand a redress of those grievance grand mutter this morning the city csllector tures, a well as to the general appearance aa if tbe individual bad a hole io bia pocket, of the first (Haass which inau Our army correspondent, writing us on 'he galled with solid nigging, filled in with lead, of tbia port, we ar permitted to of It is the ecene teer companies. make public toe following tbe wearer. It it thua only we can and waa fatHely endeavoring to abake a shil- within a reasonable period. He was now 27tb March, from Fort Brown, says the Texan and are aow ball and bomb proof, adding ma- dispatch from a tbat hope orates the war of Southern independence. In leading to avoid each errors of aa we ling out of the leg of trousers." fullr convinced Tenneaaee could get no Preparations ere making for defending the troops stationed there were preparing for ac- terially to the strength of the work. Isside, citizen of Philadelphia, well known in taite frequently DIAMONDS. of the preaen tbat see committed y tboae who, reejardlese Why French 6oids! contemplating the surroundings duty. Tbe news had got abroad a Mituii of the Dox't vorj Bail him A man, guarantee which would juatify ber remaining mouth of the Mieslssippi in tb beat practical tive tbat the magazine and boapital bave been protected a out? of body or 4,000 concen- Philadelphia, April . The Government fitnees of particular mode of arrangement, very much intoxicated, waa 'alien to the sta- SILVER SILVER I L 11 H ABE, and in peering through the uncertain vtita manner. Mexican soldiers was by s'one traverses, nd the parade cleared. WD ED in tbe Northern Uaion. Contutncy, and a hos- has positively determined to reinforce to which they may bave taken a fancy, to tion koute "Wby did you But turnout'-- the future, tbere la much to make us hopeful, trating in the State of Tamaulipas, with Fort bait regard for tbe implied pledge given in voting Washinctox, April 13 Tbe Virginia tile designs towards tbe Texan frontier. Can- CDatMIKGS' P01BT I BON BATTEBY. Plckent, and not to abandon Fort Sumter. their ewa atyl of countenance, adopt It at inquired a bystander of a friend. "Ball bim despite the solemn gloom which the late intel- They have aent troopa to Texaa. once without due consideration. The mode -- 11 ta . Pot t for tbe resolutions alluded to, impelled him ta bad a pleasant interview with Lin- non beariag on Crownsvi'le had been placet! The nearest land to fort Sumter ia Cummings' alto War ia out!" exclaimed ihe other; "why, you could rtetols, kt and Table over the eommu-i.ity- . inevitable. which they admire may have been adopted by not pump ligence of war baa spread coln to day. He told them he would act ac- in battery at Matamerat. The Texana were Point. On this point is erected the celebrated him out !" Cutlery, Fancy (Woods, Etc. bia present altitude, and be would declare at move on Iron a tbe dictatet of tke niceal taite to tbe feature's WIU. MAKE A The whole country ia aware of the inaugural. Hit reply gives determined the slightest hostile the railrosd battery. It consisti of heavy A baker recently waited on one of hit tU'b? henceforth for tbe South. He intended to bold cording to hit wat of the Mexicans to seize on Matamorat logt. Tseachebv or a Mexicax A letter to of tbe wearer, while to their own it ia com- Tun SALE, great forbearance which baa characterized the part frame work of yellow plue The roof la to knew bow it waa be did act intend writing. dove-tail- Almo pletely unsuited ; but pleated with its effect In bia lTnion comrades to strict accountability, in aad hold it. of the aame material, over which d the Exprett, dated Uvalde, March 25th, to take any more bread of bia, and was told of the Confederate States in relation thote in whom they tdmlre it, and yet ienor-aa- t traUfc.t S.'te-an- a conduct New Voax, April 13. It ia reported that Cel. Ben. McColloch haa arrived in New bars of railroad iron or tbe T pattern are laid aayt : in reply "that be bad never givea him a Xpa(rd Je.!. apair1, and would gauge their fu'ure conduct by their of the aource job." .ar"Plulsaj. ata i,t 1 settlement of the pr.sent difficulty, from Richmond. He has, w under-staai- t, from top to bet to m all of which ia riveted of the charm, tbey blindly r Cla. all aeesrlpttasM, . their to the tbe Government haa chartered tbe iteamships Orleans On the evening of tbe 20th, Mr. J. C. Ellin, adopt Th hater waa perfectly aatiefied with the rea- orisiaatl cMdition. On Wednesday Thnreday, past professions. succeeded bis to purchase in most secure manner. On it, and ioetead of rendering th'emtslvei and period of its original inception Be y la minion down the tba son, for tbe customer waa aa undertaker. Oull aa.1 PUttBS sp. PuUaLe ainca the and Ericaaoo ; tbe former ia rap-Idl- who keept the ttage aland at Turkey on more attractive, tbey become Blltr SI.el. Philadelphia 1,000 Colt's revolvers, and 1,000 repeating ri- front e presents an angle of about thirty de- erek merely ridiculous . Bt tu rnt. lieving that, as co ordinate members of a After a concluding speech from Wabdlow tbe Eagle Pass road, was dangerously wounded Whea th feature are "Hat you not miitaken the pew, lir?" filling wi'h munitions, provision, army fles for the of the State. grees. There are three port which open large or strongly 6ratrsl fnr past tsvsrs, wc r ;e. APRIL 1TTH AND 1STH, ., uie hole, blandly I'ul't solicit conatitu-tiona- l Hgwabd, Esq , tbe meeting adjourned amid by i Mexican whom he bad hired. Mr. Elite marked, the should be said ooe of those Sunday Cheat erfielde, r common 'ti.v had the reserve Tbe steamship Rusk brought over y tbe a nd clone with ire a ebuttera of the heaviest hair arranged in masses, th Mm.. stores, etc. Tbe latter will be held in happened to be alone and while bis back waa in large curls or aa, with emphatic gracefulness, he bowed a right to dissolve th-- ir connection with the greatest imaginable enthusiasm. The two pieces of held artillery, six pounden, description. When open, the muzzles of the bows, to at o A. for any emergency. turned struck him several timea over the head bttmonixe witb the general cast of Btranger out of bi9 pew. J. WARRCX CO., overwhelming reaction which haa transpired known as tbe Sisters,' which were rnlamhiadt fill up tbe apace completely. Tbe the Haja Maairija Through Utssss. Wi!nwrdiBte & MoEa;, it, when its powers bad been prostituted to "Twia with a batcbet. Snpnoting he bad killed Ellis on "I beg pardon," replied the stranger, rising W oarnar ao1 atraati, Boiton, April; 13. The war feeling bat did be If, tbe contrary, tbe featurea are apU tm-- Maaaahia. iie-l- with-oa- used at the battle of San Jacinto, and such recoil of tbe gun enables the shutters to go oppression, they sought q and t in tbe community within the past two daya, he searched bia pockets, robbed the, bonse and small and delicate, the greatest be to out, "I fear I have. I mistook it for a their been aroused exteaaively. Governor Andrews good service there. They some how or other elated instantly. It is asserted, on high mili-tar- y care should tfaa high and was amply evinced io every feature of its pro- left hii wife; taking two rilea, tws taken not to render too striking tbe Christian's.'' w. a. ILI.XW bloodshed to exercise leave for Washington this afternoon. round ihtlr war back to Louisiana, where they authority, that this inclined plane will con'raat ...CJIO. DAS3IXI.L. two horses, some fifteen or twenty . . more than three ceedings. been aa old effectually guna of the heaviest hetwten them and tbe mseaitude of 'he head- A tcx Uistivctiow. A witness on a re JOUH TAT LOB T. TATU1B. AT ajj CREDIT. prerogative. Fot have considered iron. resist calibre s n.TH dollars in money, together with blankets, cloth- dress). In O 71 legiala-ture- Small and delicately formed curia or cent trial one of the aunerior caur-.- admit had they allowed the standing mKntmlAL.. IB UtHI(lT01. The State or Louisiana, through 'be 't first, bcane ne shot can strike it except at an long montba to ing, etc. Mr. E. was alone until the following rlrelet, braid or light and airy bows are the ted Ibat tbe had teen the reapondent to Gov. Specie! Dispatch tbe Cinciosati Inquirer action, bat presented the gurt again to obtuse angle, which would cause tbe ball to "tipsy," army of Federal Government to remain Tbe following memorial Habbis day, when the Eagle Pass stage arrived, and moet pleasiae varietiet for u.u sue na i seen uer Of 'be LARGEST nd MOST TARIED the Washixotox, April 11. A proper expres-sio- a the State of Texas, remounted there anew glance ; second, because ite power of re- tbia style. arnica tusi "drunk. i in and newa being brought into this place, an ambu- Upon being undisturbed upon their noil, pt sting their guns was circulated Memphis, yesterday, csnnot be found to expreas tbe iotenss throughout. We Captain is to The features of the greater number of yoiine asked to define ibe liffereuce be- (f assort inent of understand tbat sistance sufficient withstand tbe fall of lance was lent out and Mr. Ellis brought In. tween vea-s- ladies, however, eannot be classed under either the two exprstsiont, ahe that drunk own and firesides, and not, as numerously signed by men of every abade of feeling tbat has prevailed here for the last two Murray, of the ateamabip Fashion, which el the heaviest shells. The eoltimbiad guns, with laid at their hearts Ht it severe! aad dangerously wounded, but of Ihete eitremet. When such Ii tbe ease, meant "very ttnpld," but tipty only meant war-cla- d fleet or opinion on tbe sectional controversy. All mi days. was chartered to take tbe United State which tbit novel battery ia equipped, bear on I tbey aboold only be, at '.be an think be will recover. tbe fancy of the individual al- "not blight." O The tudden determination of the Adminis troops from Indianola to the stesmtbtp wait- the south wall of Sumter, the line of pre being is, of courae, SPRING AND invading Tike revolutionary fathers, nor differences are now forgotten, In a united lowed greater latitude, but to be no 107 M1.1I. STREET, SU1MII foe. our to make a foray agaiaat the South, fol ing for them tbe bay, has been informed at an angle about thirty-fiv- e degrees. Ttila oasht leu Conaclentlout old Gentleman "Let ut tration outide of Honob to Edmonp Ktrrrisr. The Charles- subject to the dictate tee. tbey protestod against an infraction of their resolve to defend tbe South against tbs lowed so toon by tbe mustering or tbe militia by tbe United States officer having charge, is not, of course, considered favorable for of taste. your rira's two shillings, and aix pence for ton correspondent of the Augusta Diipa! , Tbere are what may be called four ao palpable, and ottered the olive tyrants, who bave aought to loll or tbe District Into service, has aroused all that bis aervices would not bn needed Bgaia breaching; but owing to the ftct tbit tht dittlnct this little lady she's over age." sovereignty sty'es of arrang-emen- under one I loop-hole- d : or o'her of Cabby (with Is com- be South into dreams of peace, while tbey claaaea aad parties to the impending ruin that until July next What does this mean? wall Is for mtukelry throughout ite tays emition) "No! tbe re'lly, branch of peaceful adjustment. Their wbleh the various modes of dressing I CLAY BUILDING, ia fast rushing upon us. We tome time since published an account of entire length, which, of fours-- , weakens It a Amoag those who yeaterdey entered tbe ser- the bair air Lor' blera 'er little 'art, ebe've aurwtved Washington City to perfect were concocting their fiendish schemes of wsr, may be classed; In bows, In braids. In missioners went to tbe steamer Baltic it ordered to the ed murder of a pr ia tbe great deal, tbe effect of shot upon it would, we vice, I bave to ttrt!, a wery dangeroui per'd or her life, air. Un- Tbat report the distinguished names or in curls. To latter ISfciS FABRICS negotiations of pacitic character, and g by which tbey hoped to crnth out the spirit of Charleston, no one now doubts, and tbat abe Anderson coui jail, by two others. The think, even st tbe distance or 1150 yards, effect of Hon. I ante Wigfall tbt elaaa may be alao common number o' little dears there must he a 'v T. aad tbe venerablt ! h referred ringlets, aince they only a modif- OFFER tVEVT t iU.Lri k intentions" of liberty ia the South, and fasten upon us for- will be fired upon if the attemptt to rea-- murderer, W. McLsne and Wm. Horn, w a breach within a reasonable time. The work Edroond Koffin, the former as special aM to art aa dieatn their hiufancy that's my 'xperlenee l.D '.'. assmred sf the "peacefal ication to tuit tbe featurea of particular indi- aa a bandage te Sumter, it considered equally certain. Then learn from the Central lerian, wre triad at is in charge of several companies of tbe regu- Gen. Beauregard, and Ibe latter a private cabman, s r. Thank you, tir." Aden nistrali n by one of the Cabinet off- ever the chain' of political their at vidual!. or the will arrive the queation, whether the Govern- tbe late term of tbe district court, and sen- lar army of the Confederate States. If em- in the Abbeville infantry. I the old gen- Public CoxrtNitRcE A friend of confidence it abolition Government. taw Bowa wiU be found particularly auitable nun, icers ia high atanding, placed ment will exert ita whole power to reinforce tenced to twenty-seve- years in the peniten-tiar- r. ployed to reduce fort Sumter, thia battery will tleman yeaterday aa he was haatenlng to tbe who bat a very reliable clock in hit drug store, EVER OFFERED. There abculd be throughout the State an ex- where the face is round, they tend to length- Panic and awaited more than three and resupply tbe forts at all coat. A deter- MeLane waa convicted of murder in prove quite formidable. boat, to embark for Morns' his long ai ia terribly annoyed by boys In- their faith, Islard, en tbe countenance, and make ita peculiaritiet running in to DRESS UOODSl Art-- r pression of the j.n; ul ir aril, and an earnest mination t do o is arousing and am lag the ti e hast degree, but being lea than sixteen white locks floating in the wind, and ttep quire the time of day. The weeks the Mast of their deliberations. P0BT JOHXtOX bit lets apparent. The longer ean b" mads other evening, as South againat it. yeara eld, conld not be banged under the at elattic es any of our young men. Surely. they we were buying a cigar, a little BeiBf of ENTIRELY NEW STYLES, aeJ space of time, however, tbey were in- move made promp'ly : The present Fort Johnson ia simply a huge without extravarranse, tbe more pleasing will ehavsrrame Silk aaad I.ace H.iun i., this It it asserted by those who profess to know lawt. when old ages take the field, our young men in with the usinl "Please, sir, tell me what especially atlapted to every braacu ot traje, y Te His Ezttllenai . hhmm (!. Governor in battery erected on the site of old Fort ne tne on contrary, coun- formed that they would not be re Harri, that it ia tbe intention of the Administration should feel inspired, to of May eirscr. ir. ttie the time it is?" " Why, I gave the State of Tesseasee : Tbe rport of an advance by Ampudia la Johnson of revolutionary memory. It is ons derdt vtlor. tenance is narrow and lengthened, you the time not iBeliialiBarrich aiMlele'ant Sl'MMER MTU ITS were unceremoniously dismiased of to test 'he nerve of the South Carolinians, and he live to heboid the triumphant success of the low, swell- a minute ago," said the Hosiery, i.lutca, ceived, and undersigned or now contradicted.' Ens and miles from Fort Sumter, and at ing bows should be adopted. astonished apothe- and SILKS, importe.1 for tlie best tiljr retail, The citizens the State of if they fire upon tbe I'nited S'atea veaaels. be cau.-- in ne so not: v cary. "Yes, replied to return to their bomee. The brief ale of present ia armed with four heavy gun, manned wdicd nts enlisted. In arranging bowa care be iir,'i the lad, "bat tbia is Tennessee, would reepertrnlly represent that will then appealto the publ c ia favor of recog- abould taken to for another woman 1" I.acea, Kinbraideriet. eoin; riainj;, told. The by two companies of regu'ar artillery. The avoid an exact what came afterward la quickly the impending conflict between the Govern- nizing tie seceded States. Washington correspoi dent of the QThe Co nfe debate Abmt. One of the edi uniformity on each side. Such SOOO frThe position of this old fort, which, is of tbe ut- an arrangement given an af atitTneas, In Want or Pockit Mosriv. " Uncle," riECEl i.erfiaV of Liacoi n nd bia aJvisert soon be ment of the United State and the Government Waebingtob it certainly a mrlitarv camp. .s't.n, ; air from Trimmed Baltimore say a tors of the New York Day Book, writing from aaid a yeung man, a of tbe Confederate Stateaof America, involve Soldiera, singly and groups meet, one on most importance as connecting point in tbe which it la at all imta well to bt frra. wbo 'hougbt tbat bit gutr-dia- Rich Printed Jaconets, Oriran.lle. Pru'ls, Bril- came manifest, and the infamy of bia trench is S. supplied principles and measurea or such vital impor- every turn. Serious apprehenaiopa are felt Is day that defense rf the harbor, has been considered by Charleaton C, tpeakt is tbe following To braids, tbe above observations are, la him rather seldom witb pocket I.arse Collars, liants and Percale, of the relebra-e- raai. developed, raised moratng key money, yet be a rout conduct, so seasonably tance to the people or Tennessee, that they Quite a large number of the military the terrible aLcrm laat night and thia the highest military authority as the to all termt of tbe men who have eDliatad In general, equally applicable. felt little heaitatlon in begin- SB tan 4 of S'ei.ibsch KoeebHa leine; ttie will have been destructive to portion of defensive woiks In the harbor, Against ning an assault on his relative's a storm of virtuous indignation in the southern can no longer remain in a position of apparent refused to take tbe required oath to tbat tht the Confederate States Carls, no leaa tbin bows, require to be care- generosi'y, Table Linens, eho!et collet! toa of beautlfnl at; let erer Mr. Lincoln's armanda which sailed a few tht attack of forces by land, or a boat army; fully the queen'i head atiil on the shilling produced. heart which cried aloud for yenjetnee. neutrality. support tbe Federal Government. They were attack adapted in size te the featurea. If tbe "ii who elaima to have days ago from New York for tbe South, and hy tbe Stono river, It m ttt bs considered an The recruits for tbe regular army of tba face long and deficient in piece ?" country nothing Mr. Lixcolk, falsely politely discharged. It it said, however, that it breadth, tbe great Shirts, Etc., Etc, IIOOO aasurances 'o the that must bs still on the coast. of Southern Confederacy are generally a much " Of course apli-da- sr fEfaVS been constitutionally elected by the people of there ia a tacit understanding between toldiert which Atlantic esaential element defense. mast thoiild be made to cluater oear the tem- it is, yon stupid lad. Why do Lbs military atatua sf made by governors oeuer ciast or men tnan those beretorc-r- en- you ask you Plain Bareires, Crape Mareiz, should be done by which tbe United States, and who haa usurped and and offieera tbat tbey are not to go ou' of the The preparations some FOBT atOtJLTME. ples, and fall gracefully over tbe cheeks, that, scamp ?" TcnaHanes. of b changed, office of the Northern States, to raise large armt'S, listed for tbe army in northern cities. At taking "Because it is now snch a length of time lb manufacture of Serdonx, Sletser Co., Forts Pickens and Snmter miirh' degraded the of President of tbe United Dia'rict, and if either Maryland or Virginia care, however, not to conceal tbe latter ! a wl-- Fort Moultrie it one of the sentinels that Montgomery I aaw a company of em I ! effort la States, now claims tbe right to enforce againat are to fijht againat will mee' grave o' jeetions on the part of recruit and tbin render the length ttill mort apparent. aince saw one.1 Envelopes Envelopes in blacks, birn colors and aswdes. be ia ac'uallv detected in a baibaroua teeedee, they not tbem. guard tbe principal entrance to Cbarleatoa ri.-e- a a. majority of the people or thope States, who barking on the boat for fort Morgan, In From tbe which a purpose. Such ndependent sovereign States, the lawa of The war excitement has swallowed almos' harbor. It isoppieite to and distant from eate witb curia are adapted to At pa ty a few evening! lince, aa a young iooo aperes ttltkily consummate bia baae Ma aection-a- never will consent to give the necessary money Mobile Bay. The men were m stly from Ten- - every , Government which he and lawless l every other intereat; even the office seekers do Fort Sumter about one and a half miles. style of feature aad there ar few in. gentleman named Fros-- was tating aa apple breach of confidence such the un to derray the enormous and let the It is, nessee. iney were stalwart handsome re deed Of fclarfc an-- Colored Black Bomba-xtre- was the faction have destroyed. Ia the midst not dog tbe heels of the heads of departments expen'te more a to which tbey are not becoming aad from in a quiet corner by himself, a young lady Cballey, country be plrtrgeri into civil war, for the pur- properly speaking, huge water battery, lows, and bad intelligent The farm Grenadiae pardonable pnsillaoimity of the act, that Gen of tbe popular commotion, and impend- ao persistently. In fact, many or the patriots guns facet. tbt fancy which, they to diaplav a beauty came up, and gaily aiked bim why be did not CONFEDERATE STATES and Hernani Bareges, of pose of he Republican party from de- without any under cover. Ita armament nanus, droyers. and of the interior aame is said to have ing anarchy, wbicb immediatelv followed are getting shaky in the knees and are leaving saving latboatmen or conceal a defect, thia has alwaya been a there it with her. He good natnredly turned manufacture. Scorr, bis lieutenant general, struction. Besides, it is verv questionable consialt of aleran gun of heavy caliber and are always ready to enter tbs army when tbere tbe triumph of the infidel hordes of tbe ror borne, this atmosphere at the present time several mortars. The outer and favorite style of arrangement. the side which was not bitten toward her, Bay- condemned and reprobated it. wbethei ibaee trsops caa be legallv used ou'- Inner walks ia a prospect of stirring timet. With i.x Ringlets, iooo pieces Nortb, who bave warring for years not suiting them fill d aa baa already been remarked, are ing, "Here, take it, if yon wish." " fso, ! subas-qoe- nt ar of brick, rapped wi'h stone and with months' drilling, tbey will make FLAG ENVELOPES Of This state of affairs, resulting in the against the Constitution and laws established I been reliably the aide of tbe limits of their respective States, not the beat fight merely a modification or curie. Tbey thank you," ahe exclaimed, Rich Printed Moo, de Laine, Baree. , baee just Inrormed that roretga earth, making a aolid wall fifteen or aixteen ing material in the world. require, looking at bim and capture of Sum'er. by our fathers, and against tbe lawa or Gin!, or undergone against a but against tbeir own however, to be more cautiously archly, ' I would on Grenadine Sprinr S'yles. juatifiasle attack policy the Administration has an feet tbick This work baa beeB much ttrength-ene- d adopted, aa, rather have tbat la not as are in countrymen. Well inrormed gentlemen from frost-hitte- doubt as to the effect of the tbey declared the holy Bible, aeven entire ebange witbin the last two weeks. The recently, and pre a to though extremely fascinating wben auited to I" and ran off in Join the compaay, leaves a little Southern States, drawn together by common the Nortb positively assert tbat ror every regi- tents taucy front (STThe following amusing incident took iooo i:s tendencj evacuatioo of Sumter was at onetime actually Fort Sumter. It fa now In command of Major tht ttyle of the wearer, they give an air of leaving poor Froat witb a thaw in bia bart. 'Kl conflict opoti Ola eountrv. Its evident common common ment formed ia the Middle or Westera States place tbe other week upon one of tbe Obio Of Black, Hi-- h Colored etmpatbie, interest, and decided upon, and Major Anderson instructed R " formerly of tbe United Statea army, ridicule to on to wbotn tbey are untuned. A mutieal compoaer recently visited tba Isle and Modes, Plain South. Old party lino dangers, for tbe purpose uf coercing tbe South, two T. : Moils. Je is to the swiss 'tie severed tbe tie that bound them to to bold himaeir and command in readineas to who has command several steamboats o' Thanet, and whila pacing tbe deck, during Laine. a formed others will be formed .to prevent it. Thus, under hii hundred be obliterated, and we shall have their enemie in nominal Uoioo, and embark on a steamer for New York, it would ar- arch for Ives, will hereafter Bepublican governors ere merely laying experienced ... While tbe boat waa lyinj; at Cincinnati, juat a heavy suunli, wat extremely annoyed to per I. n flKCKM north- for themselves and all whose sympathies and bave been done had it not been for the fact thees ready to Where do men usually discover tbe women the opponents and the supporters f the ctvjl CASTLS start for Louisville, a young man ceive that the af.. ay bad damaged tbe lace end interests are identified with tbem, new Union northers demanding the foundation for war in theirown midst. ViaCEHX. wbo afterward become a Of Saxony Simmer Dreaa StuJa, of every va doubtless that nltraista were of the game on board leading a blushing damsel by their wive, it ques- other finery in which a young lady (aa be d) ern Administration. Virginia will a new Government. The Tumorthat Oen. Ampudia la threatening Cattle Plnckney Is a small work, on we riety and price, Administration coercive meaaures. situated to nana, ana approacning tna polite clerk, m tion hav accasionally heard diaenaaed, and bad bedizzined heiaeir. bbe heeded IncInHine Poplins. Crape lead the van of tbe borJer aVatas in their prou-- Thus, two government haveariaen upon tbe to invade Texas with three thousand men ia the southern extremity of "Sbute'e Folly Grisailles de Ci Clevslaxc. a suppressed voice : the result invariably com to ia worth men- not ; hut turning to an elderiy reusale, who rocbe ruins or ibe old one, and both are now mar- considered to be nothing but a rose on the part laland," between the Hog and Foll tioning to Also exodus from a treacheroua and repudiated Frew r ncionstt rfBte. ( ) channels. 'I aay," be exclaimed, "me and my wife our young lady readers. Chance proved to be her mother, exclaimed, rtarr; .atilan hroilie, Naakiae a. shaling their power. One party, flushed with of the Republicans to justiry sending Though not a very mili- "La! Crane Je Milaa. and meet. North Carolina, Tennessee, and Washikgtox, April 11. Jobn Minor Botla thir is ittelf conaiderable have just gut married, and I'm looking for ac- bas much to da in the affair, aad tbea there the waves ;ust our The ricb light tabriea ft carers ballot-bo- re- troop into Texas. With Texas, Forts Pick-e- nt ain't iikt Manendi?" tbeir late victory at the and bad an interview with the President tbi ar- work, yet, from ita position, commanding ar important governing circumstance. It is Ibe latest norelties. must follow t be- commodations." mamma waa wroth, but apeedily dorfed ber the others that are contiguous, solved to secure tbe prize for which tbey have and Tortuas in Loir poasei-sion- they It does the wbele line of tne eastern certain men morning. The latter asked him what was the at wharves, "Lioklng for a berth?" hastily Inquired that few make a leteetion from gentility, by " Hang it ! when you Sou h mnet be salted in .'act, aa abe ia foarht ; the other conscious of the juetlc or lieve to be able tvj keep the Coafederite Statsa the laying, iaot) pieces Tba remedy for eeeeaion. Bo'ts replied : "Grape it becomes of the utmost importance for It to clerk, passing tickets out to another passen- or any other places of public con out a lady, you leave tbe tub at iheir cause, and resolved to maintain It or tn check, and maintain their supremacy in the be can't and note in feeling for tbe ranks, aad hemp for tbe leaders." held by the State authorities. It Is, ia fact, ger. "A birth Thunder end lightning, no gaiety, and nearly as few are lnduenced hy home ?' Striped, Plaid Chine Paria Toular.l Silk. perish in the eflort. Inauch a corfltr-- is tbere gulf. Caliph. "' while Serb is tbe inevitable result South. Ibe Virginia commissioners are fully satisf- tba immediate outwork of tbe city, useful to gasped the astnnltbe.1 man, but what may be called showing off in tbe Bat a man in the Stale of Tennessee who can hes- annoy an Invading flee' ahould "we hain't pr An old toper was induced to sign the tem- ISO ied tbat the Preaideet intends to maintain the it past the outer juat got married ! We want a pjace to atay tlreeta, by aay allurement of tires. Our pieres the matter will be different in the North itate a moment to determine which cause he (jyibe New York Journal of Commerce of to perance plecig. which he kept rigorously for eLtirely dignity of the Government and bold all the forts, and render their landing very difficult, all night, kpow, coaviction la, that of all Llrea Silks, aew iprlag styles' Priale-Fonlar- ? !) I, you and and a bed." som-- weeke. At lest, ne got dec dedlv tialmy The opposes a of the Administration there will espouse It there ia, be it In the wrong forta at any cost. tbe thus aaalyzee the acta tad purposes of if not impossible. Ia its plan it presents to the finery wb'ch decorate or load their Silks, Rich Piinted Silk Hemainea place; let bim go Io tbe ranks of our enemies. and one of his friend remonstrated with him are aa releutles in their antagonism to the Tbere is no earthly truth in the reports thai tbe Liscolu Government : the south a semicircular face ; tbe eaatern and (T The friends of the South do not stop persona go for nothing, as far as bushand-calchin- g and Grenadine., Double Faced, Color. ' Tennessee is in tbe South, with for hii faithlessness to his his obligations. He of and the South, tbe Cabinet is likviy to be changed in any way. western faces are formed by tba lina of ram- it concerned. When and bow, then, an.l Blark Silks, Black Groe de Rlnnet. atrocious policy of Lmroi.x ss sre we the and far tbe cause of Ibe South abe la now It will be nearly a miracle, If hostilities be- now te cavil over technicalities. The" irre- answered : "To be sure I signed the pledge; Tbee are seDtnional canards. tween the two do part following tbe direclioa of the taagent to do men find their wire ? In tbe quiet bones Black and Colored Taffetaa, aumar aaul.- - (order Status. Their first great central prin ready ta raise tbe standard or tbe Confederate tectiont not toon take place. pressible conflict" is upon m, and will be met nut I waa extremely dry, and all signs fail In A compaay of aoldiera was marched inaide The people of tbe South cannot but regard the th circular arc tt Ite extremity, and for a dis- of (heir parents or guardians-- -, tbeffeside, ties. 1 of the preseBt America, and to defend it against a dry time.' . ciplc the ruthless overthrow Stateaof of tbe Capitol to. night, and picket guards I tance of twenty yards; tbe northern aide Is aa become roes. The Mrf fiaeaeaiiin, which where the domestic feelirgs and grades are "Vt-w- tbe world, or perish like men "who know tbeir movements as acta of tbe Administration in Some thins UM FA KS dominant war faction. They are opposed to statiosed oa all the roads leading into tbe the light of be plaia: at both the northeaatern and northwest- been an V. ion alone demonstrated. Ihese are the cbarma Toby Pi rights, and knowing dare defend them." But coercion. They muf taken to bat ultra paper evar aince the Trlca His Oaatfl, Of Blark Drap I'Etes. al' qualities ia seek city. Thr were no Bew grounds for this he an attempted fulfillment, so ern anglea are semicircular bastions, tbe outer which most surely s tract the hhrh aa well aa Toby is private first regiment for bmu's tbe coercive scheme which that party we far at they go, teceeeion of State, In last . a hieb in ibe or while are folding our arma io amasetnent y tbat ite Issue says wear, tne inantiracture of movement. of the doctrine proclaimed by Preaident Lin- extremities of the area being taagent itvpeet-ivel- bumble. Againat these all the finery aud aira of tbe Miaeiaeippi army. His company is Seldom inr to inaugurate, and will be csutral in the at tt e rapidly ahiftirgs scene around us, our to "The South taken her laaal aad Sieber at Co. ' coln in bis inaugural, and wblcb we were sn the eastern aad western tide of the hat seetiisa waelter In 'be world sink iato insignificance. Ws armed witb tbe breecb-loadiB- g Maynard rifle, rankest which ia thna precipitated, I enemies are preparing mtBaele fur us which From Prniarela. rort. There sre two rows of guna (Ata by " wbicb, sectional Fetes tbe Otmntme Time, ot Ibe lOU severely censured in Republican quarters, for the lower right or wrong, it not the fist to inquire shall illustrate this anecdote, " warrant.! to ahoot twelve times b miaule, 500?) i we m-- y eoou lose tbe power to resist. At g rv and t.onn . aid and comfort to the We met being in (bombproof), the embra- though not new, will not b tb worae for to a ball Ko a oa aa tbey Jo not reader governor of Ibe State of Tennessee, vour yesterday, is Ibe city of Columbua, interpreting aa foreshadowing a warlike policy. ehevill never ki driven from it ay force." and rairy effective y l.tiOO yards" mtre iraiaiht ),aa, lika atralflhi iackat rtaf B n sures for which are about aevea feet abovt low told again. Vis- fiouth. Our noil is invaded hy the toe, an to Dr. W. D. tan. of the Perote Cuards, Pike In the present attitude of the parties, s Men, who fought at Monterey and Buena .irlt, excellency haa tbe right cosveoe tbe legis- water mirk, and the upper being e barbette. In tbe year 1773 Peter Burned, Esq., of Plain, Brocbe aad Piinted, in combat, county, Ala., Cap. Dawson, now stationed at to oecnpy and possess tbe forta in The Peesident's Tbere a biid ta, call tbe new fangled thing a " pop gun." Hieb Color,. every Southron who can bear lature in this extraordiaaiy emergeacy, and Phe bight of the rampart It twenty Polict. it Buckenbam, in Kent, wboae health was rapidly Black Silt Friaares, witb an Penaacola. He ft that place on Suaday, tbe tbe Confederate Statea, is simply a determina- feet and which ia said ta provide for its safety by put To test its efficacy. Toby's captain told tb 1 Flag, extenitiy in- tbe uaderttgned would respectfully suggest twenty-tw- Beautiful will fly to tbe defense of hi: eeetion. Tbe the width o feet. The width of tbt declining, was advised by bii physicians to go men try their In obe- of STELLA SHAWLS, aat that Is ao acting you will but asticipats tbe 8th, and reports our troops in fine healtb and tion to convert thia Government from a volun- ting ita neae into a note ao as not to see Its "they mut gunt." 11R i i s l'i' I. I.T PLOW1KS TO TUB BRIIZt, a asm outer wall and of the parapet is to Spain for tbe recovery of bii health. Hi neees-ssr- y a?)le for wear. vaders are tbe aggressive party, and can gain spin's; 'hat retBforremente are coming in from tary system into a system or force, where one tlx feel ; enemy. A bird of thia feather la Preaident dience to command, Toby preeure.l the uaiuier voice of the people of tbe Volunteer State. ihe depth of the casemate Is twenty feet, daagbtera feared tbat thote wbo only bad mo- With reoal esi tl pper tixh' I.SB.1 eomer, uji osj for but sympathy outside of tbe ranks of all quarters, anu tbat the prent auanber is portion it heW, against its will, anljcct to tbe Lincoln. His method of dealing witb a great munitions ot war, and started witb hit The aboee Good will unite th bale to hijht ten; tbe diameter (east aad tives eatirely mercenary, wuuld not pay him gun a lareset aoi South as 10 anawer a dispatch from General Pestacola ia abou' 3000 men. Thia will be other and stronger portion. Whether it will wat) evil it not to aet it, and to deny ite existence. "nop " for the woods. Paw squirrel up their own radical faction. Tue SOOO of on hundred that attentioo whish he might expect from II. raost desirable assortment of Choiea, Tbos. H. Logwood to Secretary Walker at Increased to in a few da v The works be successful, must depend, if present indica- tbt cattle it and teventy feet. The Uaion is intact Tbe Union It unbroken a very high tree took aim Effects of IUT03 v... her own defenee The entrance is on the northern on tboae wbo, from duty and affection milted, CARD Goods ever otT red freely give of her bounty for at the batteries ar going on rapidly. Six are tions can be uken for any thing, upon the re- aide, either H ia ehnt immediate and wnoderrul. Tree effect- FOR MERCHANT ASD OTHER?! al auction. They will be Montgomery, aent yeaterday morning, offering because theoretically indissoluble. Ne would feel the greatest affection minittering must he loth to make appropria- now completed and guns mounted beating on sult of an appeal to arms. side of which are the offieera' aad private' no ic ually topped, and not! Ing rr the squirrel to be pat tip In auitable for tbe the North State can hare seceded from it, became an.! re- iott trade, and cata- the service- - of tbe Memphis Light Dragoons, sloena-of-w- quarters, measroom, etc. Tb ascent to the lo hit aaae corefort ) tbey, therefore, are to be used for tbe purpoae of Pickens. Five lay near by State baa the right to, and consequent- found, except 'hree broken hairs. " Pop pun " Xrary Marchaat aanald ar two tru.aaarMt; logue ready the day preyioo to tion winch barbette ia on aolred to accompany him. Tbey proved Ibat it - iHt ts tbt sals. the General received at six o'clock the follow- Pickens, the Sabine, Brook Wyandotte, What Din Hn made tbe northeastern and north- forever exlsta, rqse In value equal to a four pounder. But Hotri Kaapara i a ica maav; flt satati itmra a two-fift- peo- lit. Meax? Oor reader will ly tbe Union exists, and must wax to which h o her western waa not a spirit or ditaipatioa and gaiety f Bat-k- waging a and St. Loula. Another strifes Saturday Iiijhl remember that Messrs. Nelson and Maynard, corners of the Ia ia all Its Integrity. Tere is no Southern Con- tbat Toby wouhmt shoo' tnwardi any core trees bashal thai; an Rj:h BEXkABi) IIPTTsU, wilfc-- aj ing: led tbtm to Spain, for they were not to ha aaaar aa ih-- j .a i. aa ple are opposed. AearcLy and rebellion tbe 7tb, name not known. Gen. Bragg given tws representatives ia Coogrcsa Ten- the centre cf tbe latter ia the furnace for beat-la- g a user sit am, a titular preten- teen afraid of hejng arrested for euttrng down other i " Moxtgomeby, April 13, 161 from shot. federacy, it it ia any of tbt gey and fasbtsnaWe fver-f- al great aatiafactioa, and the men bave confidence nessee, were Aiouod tht foot of tbe scarp wall clrefe; people's timber. Walked a mils and a quarter 1 their limits, accompanied fcy tbe "To Thos. H. Loowood: officially atsured hy Old Abe sion, ao reality. "We a re aeyeB," persisted they navsr stirrsd tbeir It l AE STREET on I it a breakwater, about twelve feet from home except to a bill. By a tu-.t- l Everybody will Want Them are "Do not them at Ibis time the flag of in is military skill. The troops amleipate that he was opposed to coercive measures, In in width, tbe child la Wordsworth's poem, the death of to get aigbt of aid of tele apl 3 Urn NfW upneir.g of a spirit of agrarianlsm, ned or horizontally, which has ex- attend him, either to take the air or drink Ibe In TOa:. States wavea over Fort Sn ra a fight In fifteen twenty days, aud will te raror of conciliating the South, and of ita western side two of the number not disturbing tbe idea fiasd scope, taw biP dlstaacet aaw large rock on Wi abaH Bii nUn va ta priai'i plr ot evils to h ic tbe States of tbe Confederate tended In a taagent to waters; in a word tbey lived a aaoat reeluae eyea b it a fen of the ready. coilsetioa nf tjte revenues in the direction the aouth, to la the affection i bill; put In big load) thii both fired. ter. L. P. Waueb." form tbe landing. The lift ia tbe raidat of a town then the retort of SERVED." 1SG1. SPRING. North will yet be heir. seceding States. Now we learn from Wash- landing Is protected The tittle tusidwoald bavs bar will, As soon at breath returned, opened eyet ; could "FIRST COUE, FIRST 1861. the Kui Rev sijblim I a oT the most illus'rious and person-agt- t n e dispatch aaya the Pissi-de- iiii. flaw ington that tbe whole bv the fire several guns sweeping its length. Asd laid .'Bar, we are seven I" fashionable see, past en. II, but couldn't' hsai; at teaet We no fear of tbe final reeult. HertWi iiihn 1 n . power of the Govern- base 'V y iv 1.. k The armam-n- t of in Europe. The exemplary attention to old a visitor that decisive events Dispstcb te His K. O. Dells. ment it to be brought to bear upon the seceded tbit castle consists of about Wt are thirty-fou- io I.Ike manner fondly per- eeuidnt dit'inguish any sounds ; thought Ni- WHOLESALE Sumter baa fallen before tbe cannoaadin five pieces, 21 tbeir fattier procured these three amiakl aia-t- er Fort need not be looked for before tbe last day of Moktgomebt, April 11, lSfjl. It is expect- Statea, and that tUe revenue is to be eoUected twen'y and 32 pounders, a few sists tbe American Preaident. And in every agara bad broke loose, or all out doors gone DRY AM) fleet, the admiratloa of all the English in Spain, 0onfe4ratePRICES.Plat atslape, witbest car per ft ;0;I)S CLOTHINti. of the Confederate troops. The war this week. ed that tbe cou.mireioBert will arrive here to- a the mouth of the Mississippi hy force of mortars and aix colnmbiada the reapect but ene he intends to act as if tbe to drum beating. Determined to st if abot arllBeirJ, It.. It la'ter not being In ia and was the cause of beir elevation to that ao perfidiously sprung into tbe conflict, Old guested well. Ob day from Washington, agreeably to tbeir shf-cl- arms. Here is a palpable contradiction, not to mounted. the magazine Southern Confederacy waa a sham and tbe hit. Borrowed horse, and started towards hill. which " Hoi..'' Abe " Ibe a sufficiency rank In life to, whirh Ihelr merits gave Ibesa ALAO. say downright falsehood always provided of ammuBitlon, Including shot and ins-ca- of reverse, After traveling two day and night reached i good or - iaformatiou to tbat rffset by telegraph that Union a reality, the which LsMsi aesar, pee 7reots. could arcomplis no Tbe odious ensign last day of the week, tbe flag tt Confeder- - loaded shell. The work ao juat a They were all married to snire here lest eveaiog Tbey Mate tbeir denial to Lincoln is Preaident. Tb quest ion is ad- has been of late pat is tb notorout fact. What caa be expected, tkl. place; taw letting sun shining through the - x...... ao " which floated from it waits a a waved over Fort Sumter. low, in as thorough repair possible. noblemen one tn the Eirlof Beverly, an n. G00D8 of tyranny, ate States conference with the Lincoln Cabinet, and mitting tbe latter proposition, waa be at Owiag lo be hoped, of a policy bated on an bill. Knew, right ewer, that waa where the re-- a .j.aittin ; ihau luVM), er cest. and CLOTHIlfO, any the wast of ventilation wbat caa other to tbl Duke of Haiuiltiaa, nwl afterward it Ineul' to Southern valor and a blur point to immediate and general prepara- thoe retpectable members o( Con- and the reverberation fiction ? hot hit Went rioter 'tumbled oyer rocky f..T to are standing CASUIBATK fiSVKHrlOB. tbe of enormous and notorious London to tbe Maiquis uf Ktetet, a third to the anelse rals. which tavit. th. 01 Fm for war on the part of Lincoln, and gress, sending tbem home to their eonsrltueuts tbe tound in an engagement, tbe lower tier ajl fragment scattered for half a mile in line Kv Xeirn'sr 4iae.i. la lh tra.l 1. wheni we will aajaasaaaj ". upon Southern honor, now trails in tbe due', : tions guna Esaminar, by promyilr b. '' Entroat Appeal Our folks are talking h mou'hs V A7, y of would aeon become as aad the Uuae or r.ortu iii t.eria,, Ana It ta justice Come to nroeoer aeaaesaeaie 19 cih a. lo styles, are aaxloua In their expressions for wi a lie ia tktir HenU. (less, ot bullet. hole knew the bullet 1.., 4alltp as prk tHI wTll al and Id its atoad wavea tbe proad banner of a of running Col. K occupants would be obliged to entirely The Mpanx QuaTtos " Baddy, " said to them to 9ay that tbey reflected honor oa stow about tbe propriety T. the Confederate Gevercment to b alio on the resort bit 'hers, because saw lead on the edge saiirruwoBTTj I to the barbette guna the' qffcrr to bis " ould tbeir rank; rather than derived any from It. Airct pear born freedom dor rnor. Tbe Col. it a man alert. and mortars, la this Mike innelly, dar walked ib, walked through ; aaw teamster The B tills ar rAIKTKO taKLT al th a co teecDson ttt New Obicait Devxxdbo Yesterday, ca the exposure to tbe 'oman!" ye tell me the differences betweea days more at fartbeat, will witness We ar hourly expecting at tbia place to enemy's direct shot "can , oa other tide, "indulging In profane A few or great vigor of intellect, asd though be ha hi honor Mtro.' Mm iroe called upon his would not be great, a An Ohio stuBtp-r- while tuakiag a speech. 6REAT BLISHUffS " coallicta at both for tba parapet it higher our ahaaty bare and celebrated son of ould language" In raet, "ensais considerable" MfTBBBI ri PROCTER & ample foldadabaatly kissing the brssze, aa bear of Forta Sumter and eailency Governor M and pointed out tbe the of recently, panted in the of it, and x GAM Bn? ta never figured heretofore In tba political world, tbaa hulks most thine, aad much higher Ireland?" becauae lightning had killed team. A3 a Pickens. 'arae of tin y property n " hit mock defeated deepotism, from the ramparts trooci ei being prolect-- thaa the adjoioing abort. Aa to ite sar I cant . ciauneii aii.'Uaaiy, rtow, ffcntseuvsn, what do it ia perhape aa well calculated to thine ia it aa Tbe Administration haa received official in- against of a Imparlance, tH, youthi.-kr- a - Looked as finirer directed taw tix dead ox- ed lie ii.vasic foe. lbs governor although, if we peseested "Why. obc la Daniel' O'CoBtitll, and Iueaa"y man ross i8 the as- WEST SECOND of Fort Pickena- - of. ia first to tbe effect tbat Fort Sumter will rortt Sumter aad the en in line wi'h hole through the mountain ; Job Friatiag Establishment STREET, any maa we kaow He a rataapeaker formation admitted tbe imports nee, aad stated tbat all Moaltrie, it would be of i keaael O'Donnell." aeinbly, and wi'h one eye partially closed mod- - e, comparatively little tbtr knew was tbe bullefa a fine be furnished with supplies, peaceably if poesi-bl- nectssary order lor he vy or .na lice, cojum- - if es'lv, witb Scotcti brogue, replied: think. that work, didst Col. Stevenson is man of practical ue, yet an enemy it, its proximity "Yere a dog, Ihin, Mik an' sure ys'll bare "I a or dixoinxieBvl, Kllf.CT F TIIK NEWS It but forcibly if accessary. biade, be i eiliattly tn fbits, I do indood, wtr I thtnit you lay to angry teama'er Thought host to be TtlC etc a sen' tba to tbe city would po! be -' air, if and I were .ItHfl I' KIS. inrrmation, well read in politics, wit a Doug-- enable tht garriion to dam- to muzzled, for the wit cf ye'il hurt leaving; in consecineiice; didn't explore path of More troopa are urgently needed at once at and to hive every for :e j istihable brought to age CharlestoB terioualy. to stump the country together, tve would tell & justified io ying President al but to reiDforee A4 bullet any further; therefore, don'tknow ninrroK frelikii, W re fully that tbe las man in tbe 'ate it Fort Pickens the Confederate iear for tbe defense of our harbor, had beeB more ties (ban any other two mer ia the coun- whir A , "Faitb, yt're mistaken, me yer-te- lf ajCCOXD ajTRBXT. near rsrBer r lain-- a.!loirtiBir M'l'" THE ISOK darlin'; ita It ttopped; don't know whether events which have transpired within atlafied that if Mr. D. bad been elected force before bat fort. given. ' Here we mu t mgntioB, that all tb rLOATIK-- B TTEB1 ' try, sir ; and I'd not sty word myself during it stopped at eMvarp CaicSj a.mptia. siieee better STAB ASB Btiir:ng now tbat wante tbe meet'tV. 7 I ia think, Teaie. TllLSW CASMLft; Tbe AdiniBis'ratlOB hope that Lsataiana artillery fore In th e State are pnnlently re-- This ii a novel war na wf.oje I" all; fact, rather it didnt mounted vurk ways is JOB rULMTIKl L1NH BBaa forty-eie- "' boars, tafcea in connection ' been a postponement of machine, deiigned for lime, sir its tbere would bare etber-wi- s hone; ro.le hack through bole mad by lu .h BaattB. ipi t . . the will forward reinforceavaats at oace, served lor (his object, tine aome of the light harbor operations, and la at preaent anchored A r, .v M .. . . thii tht fjt'i f. of tbe misi-iabl-e .n,U. fortune-hunte- r, ball-roo- inr, ermn eend lttbe development and for four yrara only, and no longer. Stale will be at ha-- e f.IIM aJA bding in ballet; but never total espttin I woed about It; Pgj So rlh every fully represented inlai.'ry alreadi near Castle Pincknev. It is constructed of am and hit sen, a little boy, by the way- - of the Lincoix Govern- ' and sr except Louisiana. logs, (ft beatd a gentleman give au account of the death ta tellth truth, was Ifttra afltanl he'd think it a 9 dlfcrarefnl conduct He la a bold, decided uacomprosniaing Fort Piekesa For the boner palmetto sheathed with plate iron, aad tide, near trie gale or an old town in (frmany. LARD OIL, PEARL STARCB tbe Stale, it ia hoped that ber contingent of is etppoted to be of a rich old widow. bcax. It ia a right big atory, boys," aaid Arkansas levee Bonds Wanted. made a waif of our people. Ail i cesatnuiet It unwilling to take a half way of THi-Trtf- impregnable again abot. The father took out a loaf of tread which ment, have abb Navy Roan. Tbe bt a ghty-niat- h Toby, in Will Ci4 volunteers nil) be scat forward without delay. OuuiV It ia embrasured Tor SBd raonnta brok,. "pied yesterday, in her year," carclnaion, "but It's true sure ai (ira a alaa'Ua Ir a4a U prP T 'r are merged in tbe ground, but ia of tbe opinion tbe inter ar.d New Ori ana road complete from four gunt of had bourht in the town, and it. mnA Ataa, minor d.flerenee Union I has been reaolred to make an upon Texas it heavy caliber. It requires said the Barrator. shooting. Nothing to do with Maynard rifle Wl FANCY SOAPsj attack sixty men lo ope- garthair (o bis boy. " reaclve to Houston to Beaumont, with the exception of a ! turn her north, aad trig- by -- and everwhelmbag resist to est of Tennessee imperatively demands tbat we Fort Sumter immediately on tbe approach of rate It. The first impression an seeing this "Wbat pity exclaimed tba fortune, but load her up, pull A STOCK OF t.iU- - TR I BE. Candles Sola 4cB, trom Houston, five plot so, ratner," and me hoy, " shall not NB , Ibe firs' fix miies and about hunter, a fine match the ger; If twentyof tbem don't clear out all i aoa- -o that .r,r tUj relrt extremity the tyrannical policy of the should at the ear. lest practicable period go the United States fleet machine ia tbat of immease solidity. Tb eat sntil after vou. You have keen aaHaasMa "what wou'd bare JT . J..,M ,,, tbe lael between Green's bayou and fjan Jacinto. - ago a all.- Wa will rsrhanc- Vt 0 wnnii .: icbia It ia po ibis thai Fort Sumter will be at- miles outer or gun sid is eovwed witb platet of made two diys 1" the I'm Iter, ha. 'a - Oxford f60ntlu .ij Governoier.t now inatallcd out tbe Union and join tbe States be com- tlx nam au wages, to support and cwda for c.rr marrty m- l- fair Bla' of South. It ia presumed that the whole road will Irer, uey,ir (Mitt.) litelUfuter. hiiM tacked before tbe approach of the fleet, and 'wo of them of tbe T railroad pattern, and yononat be very i.iinTyt I Chase is prtea fOtTMa u BLT. .1"..1Z "- - , . The imiee or me ninth of Should Col. Stevenson be nominated for Gov- - pleted in twenty days. The Kactrra Texas (Secretary rtncrteai aa aayiag, a ' at wast then hold It at further protection to the ba- placed horizontally, and tbe outer four bolted ou are orme. " " apposition to th permanency , 4 kJmkm aaraaa. "octiu p. Dnioni-taan- d - road from ltaauraeat to Sabine Pas will also that "ail af tht apU - Ui&ca. resrs..r aetat,. Br iecsrdrd. bere- ernor. he w!!lener tbe canvas with the fafra-- , on over the other. In the strongest manner, ' e. v, ATHurso."-- vi- aipaaat Febrnai rter be put in operation in from thirty to forty dtya. UniontbaU be confound.! That ia what band, and now stand in of winning will indomi- r'ort Pirkent will vol be attacked unless re- aad running vertically. The wall of tke gnn Waxt THE Taxex. Several rtXALXB IB ion lata have atrurk lion infass bis own - Arrangement been mail for rua-ntn- g Oath of ur tke fellow who had a water! eg machine, by side is full roor feet thick, of tali A!' hearts beat in unison ; inforcements are attempted the United be contrucied that warlike cotempcrariet are clamorous foe hay whefl a heavy shower af rata ra Uotd, Bank .Yotet ami . id C table energy iato oar friends through- a line of stearnera from Sabine Pass to caaia "'ui. Sliver. Tracer's Sale. ' iTr peculiar palrnetto wood ao full of fibrous ing the allegiance .V. aaf a taaaU M avaoiaaH l.. m- - tb IM C'J04le.. lajo all, glo. States forrei. R fos: or timea a oalfrof administered to the round ali opfeoaitton I" Y. Djy boc. Exchtrnge, rirtaa Iroat turned 'o the ious constellation out the State ; and will, it ia believed, achieve Berwick y six week. sixty-fou- BT ay. aa- - WBIOJT, at ail eve. are The Secretary cf Wat of. lie Confederate thai pounden cannot pierce tracers ant) twMiert composing tbe army of BUILSLNa), y 1Tk BW4, a(PHIS, inr ' JauiMry, ISM. by J. Bacer., ttlar a high distinction SAK partira, bat ot pal awl taaa ta f! vhich ahinee iu tbe southern ass debater, a great as ii. mum deck ia wide aad Units) S. C , rrlapds stvt pabM im Ma brolhr rc ta sevea ati Government has ordered all tbe troopa tbat Ills rests. In tb State. That waa the way they 3T Charleston, htlelt are represented CyTK1tS to on', hi. tb the '"viffls? ui at.i-- t tt that which marked the career of ! Tin, Et r ci'tu.,'. laaatfaaia bnB IIbUIl bia own U risk- - Ibebirber-- sfcop.the other nineteen open chambers, on tb part aid of 4M in a be of Sanaa, rr.aaiatoaj pagaa, BOB fcai-meu- t. Louisiana can spate tab test Fart HW wer' tbe French revalut.on. Ever time to full of country merchants laying in atocka iaJs Slo,s, attS. aad SIB, a wftlch rareranca u g'f'ed uncle, Solomon P. Sbarpe, J . s r:nt Esq. W. day, says an exewtage, whrbwie fuller- tbe deck, w found a profusion cf shot thirty crial arrived, tb swearing of tb army waa of goods, and the city merchante are worked BaUa, ee aaaaar for tutir Baaoriatlua, 1 aril! proeaad to ; the csnrse of tbe northern am MM fog n i to lh tttabeaX b;iidr for cmIi, :b aramiara, at mth Alabama. The Montgomery Con'edtration, Attorney . Genera I Benjamin legrapbed or a politician was t peaking cf four pounders white iuat beyond tLem it an tht flrst thing iu r4er .iaarsi of Gommrit, all day sad blf the night to keep even ytith - t one opinion, uttered in ore of JVotite, IB 'taa'fc a. M'.an iATCRDAT TUB tLBV cST:l UAT despo1, for tbe honor of the 8ti tbe future prpect hi sob, who was immense pile af sand bagt, wbicb protect aa the demands of their customers. BBtB. r.ntrn ac- - OP MAT tflXT, Jmkad r(h Ida bit a st o:,E paper, us expresses urging, perur.. tlebtr t lo carta ta 740 of ob taa rem condemnation end she furnish a candidate for an important posi- orerfaan jinr roof, nuder which tt to be pieced A Qr-E- Combs. 1 t qofet pltct I etlallr aa4afl taat af tfaa FicaoaroaMt ra4, - r Iri'op could should ss A" ontaiaiaa .' itself now is Wt Mitjaissip-Idytac- t, Lincoln, of aaa i raliafaav -- mi mat toere ta no: tuv danger of tion. "Ob, tit nflll not in Mid paitr, the hospital. This alto protects tbe mtgs-zine- s know, sa'd Zekiel, I, in Mr. iaons hit railroad apetcbea. ioaal W- - sibicaa si I f Ml BWXt, ibat I ter denusne are M one people now. No Democrat, on will take car of him, In number), under Is 1 pi. no djaarre!, ciT fight- - aid that " be found too much eonfideac had attack Louisiana for tbe present, yet it ii "his country sir." Just (three which 1 a tin.' - at a American, no whig all CoaJ tnTre a been placard la bis ability." If aay one at by bis per." for the new deemed advieabl due sbetald than eld gentleman with bia fjee all prop. r. 'there are tlx entrance to Us ing the street. If itnwt, Va. Maia a r. y : and those who that vigilante bt a fat h'd "Ind 'tbtt'ej law I can timm ai 9a It aa raitiaa; la a prit.t crley federary. Let Davis aiid Stepbsne : abat Ae doubted the assertion then, we feel aura tbat poses, deooui be tbs ebsexvsd along all Uie approaches to New Or lathr, growled oot "If hit country dent, hold, which will contain, if Beceary, tkr' other, be'trcjolatly ilraat, taaaai. taxl aaara. W. O. STCl'T o.ra at in. AifrBAL tAUtir purpose, are I ,: I . XTDUBTT. rightly bidden war tv she town will hiv 16 I" hundred men. When moorad It it ttpt piste leaf of tt - T every one will coincide Kith bim mr. l j f r .Jf bad I IV I I ,svri t-- i