Boston Athenaeum Digital Collections
. ) " THE RECORD OF FORT SUMTER, FROM ITS OCCUPATION BY MAJOR ANDERSON, TO ITS REDUCTION BY SOUTH CAROLINA TROOPS, DURING TilE ADMI NI STRATION 011' GOVERNOR PICKENS. ' - -·-- COMPILED BY W. A. HARRIS. z:;. "The danger of tho day's but newly gone, . Whose memory is written on the earth, With yet-appearing blood."-Shakupea.~ . • • COLUMBIA, S. C.: SOUTH CAROLINIAN STEAM JOB PRINTING OFFICE. 1862 . • I • • • • • .7/i . ' ., "-. ·~ -~ .:o· THE RECORD OF FORT ~UMTER, •.• FRO~t ITS OCCUPATION BY MAJOR ANDERSON, TO ITS REDUCTION 13Y SOUTH CAROLINA TROOPS, ' DURI NG TUE ADMINISTRATION OF GOVERNOR PICKENS. - -·-- COMPILED BY W. A. HARRIS. " The but newly gone, Whoso memory is written on the earth, With yet-appearing blood."-Shakespe~rc. • COLUMBIA, S. C.: SOUTH CAROLINIAN STEAM JOB PRINTING OFFICE. 1862. vV II CERTIFICATE. I EXEOU'.I.'IVE DEPAR'.I.'l\IENT, April 4, 1862. To W. A. HARRIS, E sQ., CoLUMDIA, S. C. : MY DEAR Sm: In conformity with your request, I have compared the proof sheets you sent me in relation to Fort Sumter, with the original docu ments on file in this office, and take pleasure in stating that they arc, in every respect, true and correct copies of the originals. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, F. J. MOSES, JR., Private Secreta?'!J. 5~fpt.J1 ()' "''" '\G..~ ~- '~>'-.. ~A~ 0 . ;~...rv c 10/j.JJ/' \./ c II PREFACE. Early on the morning of the 27th of December, 1860, the smok ing ruins of Fort Moultrie, and the evident activity pervading Fort Sumter, gave evidence of the fact that Fort Moultrie had qeen deserted by the United States garrison, and that they bad taken possession of Fort Sumter, as the key of the harbor of Charleston.
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