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3'I^ ;?N:' .,-, ?• • i v?fe v-_-fe: ??< M Ari Enterprising Republican Journal, especially devoted to Local News and Interests. ESTABLISHED 1800 Two DOLLARS A YEAR £*3 NORWALK, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1889. Yolume LXXXIX. 'v.O 'TSFFIS Number 18; IK-:. , SKXJXJE OK, V „„rangely wan anil thin. Alieavyoddr only Englishman on Bowd, as {Be "Stew­ O-EO.WAL HOPE'S SONG. HO nodded. TlfeTmomentary excite­ GOOD A® BAD lUCiL 1 ment faded quickly from his face, leav­ from the expiring lamp hung upon tho ard will inform you; aipibr me, permit DISEASES Of WORKERS. HARDENBROOK'S BLOCK, WALL STREET, "And will it be," said Hope to me, air. The tumbled bed clothes, the ran­ mo to hand you my papers. Your pris­ P. H. DWYER. 1 ing him to appear again what ho was a "That over the snow he'll come, , man dirty, pallid, half famished. Aboul sacked luggage, the coats swaying oner wishes, no doubt,-to be even with SOME OF THE THINGS BELIEVED FAMILY GROCERIES. And the beckoning light of your window bright me!" * ILLS WHICH ARE PECULIAR TO The largest Stock of Harness Will guide him, weary, home? my height, ho wore also clothes, shabby against the bulkheads to the music of BY SUPERSTITIOUS PEOPLE. and soiled indeed, but like mino in make tho creaking timbers, formed and en­ Ho nodded brusquely as he took the VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS. "Or will it be," said Hope to me, -,Su.WEio/y? EVER DISPLAYED 1H TOWN. 1:- papers. That upon which1 had counted I "On a summer's eventide," and material. In his desperate desire tourage deeply imprinted on tho mem­ All First-CIaNH) ITnnd .Stitelicd, Oak Tnnneo' ory. happened. The engineer MHURAGE apd Men of Great Learning Who Had Their ROYAL "owdSS Pennsylvania Leather C3r. R. BXM&TOW, When the tender glow of the sunset's low, for sympathy, for communion with some The Farmer's CarelcMiiens Concerning What ^fiSOLUTILY Washington, You shall walk sido by side? cxciteinent had not made his STOR^PLAIN. Uttle Weaknesses—Carrying the Baby D. C. one, ho had already laid asido any feai About 7 o'clock I procured some cof­ Ho Eats—MALADIES OF Those Who WORK THIRD CLASS PRICES. No ono dreamt of his chaige being aimed pIO VCARS IN u. o. (JUIOB |O Inventors Nlallci freci "Or will it be," said Hope to me, of me. When I asked him how ho came fee and biscuits and a little fruit, and Upstairs—A Shoe That Did Xot Bring Call early as I intend to sell at SHALL FKOFny PATENT OFFICE. in Extrcmo Heat—Affectimis of JUnok- "When the sky is dull and gray. in fed him. Then I gave him my passport against another ENGLISHMAN. No one to be my cabin, he told me freely. Good Luck to a Bridal Party. smlths and Engineer/). And thou downcast, ho will come at last "I intended to ship from Valencia to and papers, and chargcd him to employ know of another K"YIM"NNN The SEYENJ Y-Fl re And brighten all tbo da>? steward sullenly corroborated me when I am very fond of a game at whist. In­ R. B. CltAUFUlSl), France, but they watched and searched himself naturally about the cabin. My Thoso persons who are engaged in out-of- "Or will it be," said Hope to me, all tho boats. I crept on board this one own plan was to be out of the way, I said I was the onlyono on board, and deed, I quite agree with Talleyrand, who door occupations, ;•= a rule, breatho a pure Set SinileaM Mle Haws. . "You may put my pictures by, as ashore or elsewhere, when Sleigh should so all who heard Sleigh—slightly be­ says "the man who doesn't knew how to play air and havo plenty of muscular exercise. Save one the best and the faithfulest, in the night, thinldng that she was HAFDENBR00K HALL, bound for Carthagena sho would not be spring his mine, and to trust my com­ fogged, perhaps, by his Spanish, which, whist is laying up for himself a very uncom­ They are usually robust and brawny, and the Investments, Real Estate and Insurance. To look at when you die: fortable old age." Now it is well known by average duration of their lives is long; but, Over Mitchell's Market, next door to P.II. Dwy- searched. I was right; they did not panion to return my luggage and good enough for ordinanr occasions, may er's old stand. 1-ilf "Of a gleaming sea," said Hope to me, those who have studied the law of chances— being exposed toalternations of heat and cold, ROOM 2, MASONIC BUILDING. think any ono would venture back into papers to my hotel at MALAGA UNTIL I have failed him here—didnot dpubt that "Aud a fair shore calm and sweet. liis was a pure counter' accusation pre­ for what we call chance has its law as much to winds, rain and snow, they are liable tc Where hearts I wis like thino »nd liis the lion's jaws." reached which place I must take my as have the stars—that, though the luck may acute pulmonary affections and rheumatism. PKTElfc L. UUIGUE, Ilavo never failed to meet." "But what •will you do when wo reach chance. I may seem to have been play­ ferred en revanche. be all on one side for a whole evening, yet, if Boatmen and fishermen are quite subject tc Wm. Lockivood. —Elsie Kendall in Scribner's. Carthagena?" I asked. ing a fine and magnanimous .part, but No doubt the improbability of Morris- the same partners should play once or twice chronic bronchial catarrh. Tho latter are "Stay on board and, if possible, go looking back now, I do not think that I •py's return had some WEIGHT with them. a week for a year, the average deals would be said to suffer greatly from paneris of the Seal Estate,- Insurance and Investment believed for a moment that the police Then my credentials were ample and in about the same. * Thus, in a year's playing, right index finger, duo to the rubbing of the 1ST & with this ship to Cadiz. From thero Securities. ,-v line. can easily get over to Tangier," LIO an­ would be deceived. • •« order. Among them, TOO, a note for 250 the luck would average itself and be about UOTON AVENUE,,, MOJVE* TO I>OAN. swered. A little after 8 o'clock I weht on , pesetas had somehow slipped, which had the same for both sides. The best players— Farmers and thoso occupied in agricultural North of Norwalk Cemetery, Insurance riaeeti in lirst-CLNRS Comr»nii's disappeared wfyen they were handed as in most games, even that of life—would pursuits are often attacked with catarrh aud It sounded feasible. "And where have to find that the ship was steaming slow­ come out ahead. Yet I have often played pneumonia; among the elderly and aged ones UIORWARK, - - Ofllce-Cor. MAIN & U'AI.I. fc'i?., NGHVAl K back to me. Need I STFR after this how you been sinco wo left Valencia?" ] ly in between tho fortified hills ^ that with people, who, after making blunders chronic rheumatism prevails. The life of an POWDER Dealer in In Green House antt Hot House and '•"vTait"a bit, governor. Not so fast," it ended? Or that while the police officer !y 13 asked. frown upon the harbor of Carthagena; enough to lose the game, would want to independent farmer is so free from anxiety lied ding and Vegetable Plants, Fruit and Ornamen ho said, in a lower tone, arresting mo by bowed his courteous "Adioa" to me, and "Behind this sailcloth." He pointed a harbor so grand and spacious that in $iango the cards, or change seats, or get up and so healthful in its conditions that if it Absolutely Pure. tal Trees Shrnbbery, vines. Cut Flowers always a gesture as I was turning away. "Don't up to a long roll of spare canvas which was its amphitheatre of waters I fancy all his men gathered the watches, and and turn their chairs around to "change the were not for tho poorness of food set forth on This Powder never varies. A marvel of pure on hand and allsorts of designsin Flowersarranged J.BELDEN IIUKliiHi'iT. you think you aro playing it a bit too crew scowled prisoner was re most strength and wholesomeness. More economic stowed away between tho floor and the the navies of the world might lie. For the , the ­ luck." Or they have some peculiar and sup­ farmers' tables, their lives would be to order. 4iy2 high? You are a rare cool one, I swear, posed magical way of shuffling when the play than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be solu Incom­ lower berth. I opened my eyes, a time tho engineer, was not. visible on moved by force to the Mat fairly foam­ much longer and more comfortable than they petition with the multitude of low test, short Grading and Re-f.Hing Cemetery Plots and fly—thero is nothing you are not ing at the mouth, and screaming out to is against them. But the luckiest thing J are. But in most farm houses tho diet is very Attorney and Counselor at Law, "Ay!" he added with a grimace, "they deck. The steward had pointed out to weight, allnm or phosphate powders. promptly attended to. fly to, I'll bo bound! But two heads are know about cards is attending to your busi­ much restricted, the meat consisting o£ plenty Sold only in Cans. are closo quarters but thero is just room me some of the lions—THE deeply em­ the last horrible threats which'my ears P better than one, mate—you take mei , ness and having a good partner who will do . of salt pork. The cooking is bad, so bad that ROYAI. BAKING OWDER UO.,106 WallSt ., N. Y. Room No. 4, Up Stairs, behind thero for a man lying on his face. bayed arsenal, the distant fort high were long in forpttingCl walked up —letting alone that it is every one for and down the brastfmng it out but tho same. There is an element of luck, of dyspepsia is rampant among them. As the HAZKTTK UUILDINU, NOKWAI.K, CONN. What is more, except your two biscuits perched on a hill, which the muti­ deck, , course, but in the long run in spite of all the men lead an altogether out of door life, tho E. O. WHITMBY'S himself in this world. Do you rise to very neers had seized, and the gover­ sick at heart. spirits supposed to meddle with the hands, it effects of this indigestible stuff appear to af­ it?" I havo had nothing to eat since the day beforo yesterday. nor's houso over the gateway where However, the San Miguel, despite her is good play that wins. fect them less than the female portion, who —; ART STORE:— No do not rise to it answered ALEX. S. GIBSON, " , I ," I "Then it was you who took tho bis­ tho wounded general had died—and we engineer's mishap, duly left in HALF an There is a whole cycle of lunar supersti­ work indoors, and being more delicato in haughtily, as I drew back from his spir­ 57 L-i5 Main St., So.JNorwallc. organist of 1st Congregational Clmrcli, Waterliury, cuits?" I said. were within a couple of yards of the hour—A nervous half hour to me. With tions that having so far escaped the lunatic their organization, break down earlier. More ituous breath and leering eyes. He was Teacher of Ho nodded; then he fell back wharf, crowded with idlers and flecked a thankful heart I watched the fort asylums, are still wandering about the twi­ pitiful wrecks of women, by reason of hard Entire stock moved from Dan'oury to So. Norwalk more drunk than I had fancied. crowned hills about Carthagena change light of the world. What a mighty differ­ work and poor food, than some of the far­ against my berth, all his strength with sentinels, when Sleigh came up l!tcIilns;*,r:iiKrnviii«s,Artot}|>c*, Pnstels, Pianofor e, Organ and Musical "You don't? Think again, mate," he from brown to bine, and blue to purple, ence it is supposed to make whether the pale, mers' wives of New England it would bo gone out of him. For from be­ from below. hard to find. Water Colors, Etc. said, almost as if he were pleading with behind us, until at length they sank sweet crescent is seen foi; tho first time over Composition, hind us came another—A moro emphatic Although the morning was fine and the left shoulder, out of the left corner of the RHEUMATISM AND PNEUMONIA. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. me. "Don't play it too high." down in the distance. Luck Jiox39 P O.,NOHWAI.lv,CONN. answer. "You mavtako your oath to warm, he was wearing the heavy pea left eye, or from tho opposite side. Though Drivers of carts, hacks, omnibuses, etc., are TKeonly RELIABLE REMEDY,f;oi» FULL STOCK OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. "Don't talk such confounded non­ But officers and men|Iooked coldly on that, governor1" it ran; and briskly push­ jacket which I had seen in the engine whether it is tho moon or the eye that is sup­ exposed to cold blasts and to the full sweep Albums, Kasels, Cabinet Frames sense!" I retorted angrily. ing asido the door and curtain, Sleigh, room. Ho cast a spiteful glance at me, me; and that evening, at Almeria, I took posed to take vengeance on the unimaginable of rain, snow aud sleet. They aro tho only Ho looked at me yet a moment, up bag and baggage and left the San CSROUP fHMf N. B.—After May 12th, a complete stock of Byington fault, I have never discovered. Then there class of laborers who are exposed to tho full M. L. . the engineer, stood beforo us. "You and then, turning away, affected to busy Ladies' Stationery and ISox Papers. Whiting Indorsed by Physicians* Used by thousands scowl dropping gradually over his face may bet upon that, I guess!" he added, himself with other niatters. I think Miguel. I had had enough of the thanks, are those who think tho child's hair and the effects of tho weather and consequently suffer Standard Linen, etc. of baby's finger nails must bo cut only on "the. much from rheumatism and pneumonia. IT WILL CURE YOU. and not improving it. Then he answered, an ugly smile playing about his mouth that ho was ashamed of the work he had and more than enough the company, NO OPIUM IK IT. Jlothers, you can conqtlftf smai \v. p. WHITNEY, Manager- aid Patent Attorney, "All right, governor! All right! Pleas­ of my. cabin fellow, Whpin I left where I increase of the moon." Why the moon should They aro often attacked by facial paralysis. that dreadftxl foe, CROUP, with It. J/avoitonhaad and oyes. in hand. Bad as he was, I think so. ant a waking had found him—or nearly so—behind the be so much interested in these purely domes­ According to Hamilton the car drivers on And Savethe Child. Sold by Druggists. TRY lift No. 241 EIGHTH STREET, N. E., dreams! and pleasant at The refugee's face changed to a sickly "Do wo stay hero all day?" tasked the Carthagena sailcloth believe that he succeeded in tic arrangements I have found it not easy to city railroads are great sufferers from vari­ TO HORSE OWNERS! !" white, and his hand toyed feebly with steward. . I understand. One would suppose, as she lives cose veins of the legs and spinal congestion, WASHINGTON, l>. C. TN« making his escape have since "I havo no doubt I shall enjoy both," tbo pistol, but he did not move. I think : not.that I 200,000 miles away, she might let pcoplo look owing to the constant jarring to which they We keep constantly on hand a good assortment of I replied, smarting under his mocking "No, senor, no. Hasta las diez solo," «eeii hint or heard from him. But fully that we both felt wo were in the pres­ I understood him to say. Only until 10 after their own hair ns they pleased. are subjected. Tho "red nose" so common ATARR ELY'S tone; and added, as his words brought a month later a friend of mine staying at The upsetting of a salt cellar was isufficient C H Kentucky and Ohio Horses .">T A INHURA Mi o., of IIAKTFOU1). to this class is more often caused by exposure , ence of a stronger mind. o'clock, and it was close upon 9 already. JE Incorporated 1S12. Cliarter Perpetual. another matter to my mind, "That is, if the Hotel de la Paz, ;at Madrid, was to upset the equanimity aud destroy the ap­ to the elements than from intemperate habits. selected with great care in tlie western markets. "You had better put that plaything He explained that tho town WAS yet so CREAM BALM We have horses suitable for all purposes and no you will havo the goodness not to dis­ placed under arrest for. some hours on petite of so great a poet as Byron. And many Laborers furnish a large number of deaths CATITAII ANI> ASSKTS, $8,902,872.61. away," said Sleigh. He showed no fear, much disturbed that business was at a Cleanses the oue who wants a thoroughly reliable animal should turb mo as you did last night!" Ho suspicion of being Morrissey; so that the are tho housewives still to whom the soiling from Bright's disease and phthisis. purchase before seeing what we have to offer. but I observed that he was watching ua standstill. The San Miguel, would mere­ insures against loss and damage by Fire, oil should not think ho had escaped de latter must at that time have been at of the tablecloth is the least part of such an There are occupations in which persons are jJOSf y -.i a I I'assa^- We also beep constantly on hand at our Carriage erms adopted to the hazard and consistent with narrowly. "A shot would bring the boat go Repository a complete line of CARRIAGES from tection ly land her passengers by and libertv. accident. The origin of this is simple were exposed to extreme artificial heat, where the es, :i'lays pat ti lie laws of compensation. COWLKS «fc MtiUlilLL, . ship about your ears, my friend. There there time to stop for so much explanation. tlie best makers, whicn are manufactured for us Sole Agents f(jjj Norwalk ami vicinity. on at onco to Ahneria, where mUch """ THE END. :! atmosphere of the workroom is necessarily HAYFEVER and infinniinu to speci.il order; every carriage warranted. "It is your turn now," ho replied more is no call for a long explanation. I took cargo awaited her. "Here is the police { Dr. Johnson was never willing to enter a kept at a high temperature, and where the WAGONS and CARTS of everv description. soberly. ' 'I don't know what you aro up room left foot first. If he did so by accident ventilation is always poor; for a rapid change £ iiou,henlsilie HARNESSES, WHIPS, RUBES, BLANKETS : the governor hero for you, but when he boat coming," he added. Knew All the'ladles. TIIK . '• .'-Y J to now. I did not disturb you lastnight." he would go out and cbme in a second time. of the air would call for an increased con­ sores, restor told me that some ono was stealing his Then tho time had come, too. I was A street car going west on Madison DANN'S LIVERY STABLE, "Some ono did! Somo ono uncom­ biscuits, I thought I had got the right And all are familiar with his well known sumption of fuel. Whether the high tem­ cs tii<; .senses Nofwalk Fire Insurance Co. monly like you, too." quivering with excitement—and with street last Saturday afternoon was loaded habit of touching with his cane—as scrupu­ perature or tho bad air be the cause, it is cer­ OFFICE 48 WALIi ST., NORWALK lias now completed its pig by tho ear, and five minutes outside something else—A new Idea! Darting of taste sitid R "What did lie do?" he asked, eyeing with women returningfrom the matinee. lously as though it were a religious ceremony tain that those working under these conditions ' OPP. ». A JF. If. R. DEPOT 35 18th this door have made it a certainty. from tho stewart's side, I flew down the of —all tho posts of tho fences ns he passed along smell. SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS YEAR mo as though he suspected a trap were In one corner the car a countryman are generally sickly, and their power of re­ A nil uas not outstanding a dollar of unpaid losses Two thousand pesetas! Why, hang me stairs, through the saloon and to my When tho street. sisting disease is much reduced. Copious being laid for him. sat. the car reached May street HAY-FEVER TRY THE CURB jr claims for losses. Xo soui"f company insures if I should havo thought, to look at you, cabin, the door of which I dragged aside the conductor opened the door and called It was only tho other day that I was perspiration has a great deal to do, no doubt, for less. "I startled him," I answered irritably, that you were worth half tho money he telling a scholarly clergyman—and I was with the low state of their vitality, and the A particle is applied into each nostril and is \V. C. STREET, Pres., GEO. B. ST. JOHN, Treas., !" impatiently. "Give me my passport— "May!" A woman left the car at this agreeable. Price so cents at Druggists ; tiy mail, SAHSAPABJLLA CBMFOMD "or I do not know what ho would have laughing over tho fact—that I had discov­ «EO. It. Onwi.KR secretary. added, brutally. street. When it reached Ann the con­ sudden changes of temperature which they registered, CO cts. IDI.Y liUOTII KLM in d Loans Negotiated at Lowest paused I breathed again, while the mis­ Sores, Fresh Cuts, Snake Bites, liruises, Btirns, Saddle and Harness Gnils, Chnfes, etc. ]t is put up m Accordingly vaulted out after I am an Englishman, and I wish to years ago didn't know a good old book It is still a common custom in many parts and after a few minutes emerge with red I LHY erable man whose life was in the balance faccs, lips blue, veins swollen, interrupted boxes three times larger than any oiher Salve, and ; rl.t ot the low pnee of twenty-five cents per l»ox. Rales of Interest. RV usual fashion But instead of alighting lay an information," I said, speaking in from a modem railway edition in paper of the world to throw ftil old shoe for good It is warranted to cure in every ease or money refunded. For Sale by Druggists and Dealers io medic.ne . glanced up with renewed hope. "I will respiration and tho heart beat barely percep­ OPM NO. 3 GAZETTE BUILDING fairly and squarely on the floor, my bare French, and pausing there that I might covers of tho hack gory writer's last luck after a departing newly married couple. everywhere. lower my terms," ho went on. "I would It was a custom in ancient times and among tible. There is a peculiar whiteness around N C look at Sleigh. As I had expected, he work have become pundits, and the book ORWALK, ONN. ' feet struck against something—some- rather get the money honestly myself, I unlettered people, who could neither prepare the lips, as if they bail heel) touched H'ith ni- tliing soft a good distance short of it did not understand French. His baffled stores, especially the second hand ones, , , am free to confess that. If you will out nor give written deeds, on the conclusion of trato of silver. They are often sick fur days and I came down smartly on my hands and perplexed face assured me of that. are doing tolerably well. Just how this after then- work and suffer greatly. These with two thousand I will keep the sale of a piece of property or land, to take MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS. pesetas Ho tried to interrupt me, but the cour­ I »V. H. MEEKlilt. , and knees—to form part of the queerest mania started it would bo hard to say, off the shoe and give it to tho purchaser as a workmen OI'O liable to serious accidents from my mouth shut and givd you a helping THE CHEAT STORfflACH AND LIVER REMEDY. tableau upon which even a cabin lamp teous official waved him aside. but that it exists is a certainty, and, pledge of possession aud the ratification of bursting boilers, breaking shafts, etc. hand besides." Established by one of our most eminent phvsici ms and recommended by the medical ever shone. There WAS I, lightly clothed "This man here who is trying toshut my while there aro many who are affected the bargain. Similar customs still obtain in Tho men who work at largo forges, iron "If not?" I said. , puddlers and glass blowers aro also exposed profession and druggists who knew their real merit, and arj used with more pleasing PlwHl, Steam aid Gas Fittini, : in pyjamas, glaring into the eyes of a mouth is a smuggler of foreign watches," by it only for the time, just as thero are tho east Here is doubtless tho origin of the "If not," he anfiwere#, shrugging his wedding custom. The daughter was the ver­ to intenso heat. Ilirt states that iron pud­ results than any other medicine. dingyfaced man, who was likewise down • I resumed rapidly. "He has them about many who liave joined Browning clubs, Moffat's Life Pills are purely vegetable. They act on tne stomach, oowe.s, .ncr shoulders—and I noticed he laid his itable property of the father. Marriage used dlers work from eight to ten hours in air of a SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. on his hands and knees on "tho floor— that him now, and is going to take them ashore. and who havo no more idea of pioetry and kidneys, purify and regulate tha whole system, and are warranted a certain cme hand on his knife—"if you do not ac­ a to be—and sometimes still is, even with us— temperature of IU0 degs. Fahr. Such work­ with more thanlialf the breath'knocked They are in number of pockets made than of tho geology of the dog star, for all Malarious Diseases, "Torpid Liver, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Bilious Complaints, anitary Plumbing, and Ventilation, and cept my terms before we are in port at an outright purchase. The man bought the men are constantly perspiring profusely and out of his body by my descent upon him. for the purpose in the lining of his coat.. there aro others who will find in the drink enormous quantities of water to make Dyspepsia, Loss cf Appetite, Indigestion, Costiveness, Nervous and Sick Headache, r>w Pressure Steam Heating, a Specialty. Carthagena, I go to the firat policeman woman, and she becamo his bride. At first Neuralgia and Nervous Diseases, Female obstructions and General weakness. Scurvy. I do not know which was tho more Iam connected with the • watch trade, thing a-solace and enjoyment all their the father would take off his shoe and trans­ up for their loss, They aro subject to all the and tell him who is aboard.' Those are and Inflammatory Rheumatism, Piles of every kind, Gravel and Diseases of the Bladder and PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES. astonished. my firm will give ten pounds re­ lives. Not a bad thing O.t all is biblio­ fer it to tho bridegroom as the. pledge of his diseases incident to such exposure and sudden my terms, and' you have .tmtil then to ward to any ono whojwill capture and changes of temperature, viz.: bronchiti.;, Kidneys, Colds and Fever and Ague. r , "Hallo! how do you come here?" 1 mania for those who have taste, intelli­ purchase. And now that the old meaning is MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS are elegantly Sugar conted and easy to take and are A pcrtert R«itj*r Pipe and Fitting for Steam and Gas. think about pneumonia, rheumatism and diarrhea. . They exclaimed, after we had stared at one them." prosecute him." gence and culture and sufficient force of all forgotten, we still—-such creatures of habit dinner Pill, one taken after dinner each dav will aid digestion and cure all disorders °F THE Stcvnach. With that HO left the cabin, warily, "I understand," replied the officer. character not to develop into kleptoma­ and tradition are we!—must fijug an old shoe also suffer from disease of tho eyes, the effect Headache ANR Sic2s Headache cannot exist if these fills are used. For costiveness take one! ill at bedtime. Agent for the Florida Low Pressure Soiler. another for some seconds. and with his face to us to the last. And, turning to Sleigh; who, shut out after the wedding party. of too vivid light; while tho heat produces He raised liis hand fiercely. "Hush!" niacs.—Chicago Tribune. Facilities for Cutting and Threading all Sizes or Hateful and treacherous as he was—I from the knowledge of what was going I said it was supposed to be a sign of good many skin eruptions. WIOFFAT'S PHOENIX BITTERS lie whispered; and obeying his word and luck. I road of a case tho other day where Glass blowers take a mass of molten glass Are not a drink used for intoxication, but a pure medicine and only used by people ipe. Mtf loathed HIM so that I could scarcely meet forward, was fretting find "fuming in a , Very Bad Blood. . gesture I crouched Where' I was, while it turned out to be tho contrary. Thero hod from the furnaco on the end of a tube and who are sick. They correct the secretions of the stomach ami are a sure cure for his eyes—I could not hielp admiring his Hapsburg blood is blood The de ; fever of distrust, he addressed some bad . ­ been a wedding of colored people in the blow into it while it is soft. As tho lung ca Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Nervousnc s. Debility, Weakness, Loss of Appeti e. Female LIE seemed to listen. Then wo rose si­ perfect coolness and courage, and his words to him. He spoke in Spanish and scendants of this house, in every genera­ lently to our feet as by ono motion country, After the marriago, as tho happy pacity of OIIO man is INSUFFICIENT for tho pur­ Complaints, etc. Thousands of certificates are in possession of the proprietor, giving, Geo. H. Raymond, . I quick grasp of the men he had to do quickly, and I could not understand tion since the days of THAT first Rudolf perfect cures effected by these invaluable medicines and we warrant that they will do had not time to feel afraid, though it couple mounted their country wagon to sturt pose, two, three or four stand together, and with. what he said. That it was to the point, who founded the royal dynasty in the the tube is passed quickly from one toanother . just what we linve said or money will be refunded. It is simply asked that the afflicted was far from a pretty countenance that for home a gealous and muscular friend of For I felt when ho was gono that we however, the engineer'S face betrayed. Thirteenth century, have been tyrants the groom seized an old brogan to complete Sometimes the cud of the tube is rough, so will try them once, their use will convince the most skeptical. was close to mine. Rage and terror were a sorry suppose that my the ancient rite, He was go lucky and vigor­ the men suffer from cracking of the lips. PACE'S CLIMAX SALVE, 25C.aiiox. MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS, 25c. a flox. MOFFAT'S Furniture Dealer, pair, I It fell amazingly on the instant, and he and libertines. They are tainted. Self PHOENIX BITTERS, $1.co a Bottle. J7ot Sale by Druggists auJ l)oal=r4 ia ir.edrai I EVERYW HERE, were written too'plainly upon it. companion, bad as his case Had seemed cast a vengeful glance at me restraint is unknown among them. The ous in his aim that tho cowhide bearer of Each man should have his own mouth piece or sent by mail or Express, prepaid, C - .eceipt of price. ' AT THE OLD STAND, . "You are English?" he said sullenly. before, had yet cherished Strong hopes of That which followed was ludicrbus traditional heavy jaw of the Hapsburgs good wishes struck the dusky bride in the to insert quickly into tho common tube, but J". I3. TVTIIJXJS, Sole 3PI*OIDI-I©TOR. I said I was. Although I saw that he escape. Now he was utterly unmanned. enough. My heart was beating fast, but is no more pronofinced and characteris­ ride of the bead aud stretched her senseless many of the workers disliko this, aud so Ioavo 85 LIBERTY STREET. NEW YORK. 36 MAIN STREET. on tho bottom of tho wagon. Then arose themselves liable to catching diseases from had a pistol half concealed behind him, He sat on the couch, his elbows on his I could not suppress a smile as Sleigh, tic than are their boisterous passions— A Largo Stock of all kinds of Furniture Cheap I somehow felt master of the jxtsition. the bridegroom in his wrath, and when, the one another, The violent effort of blowing for Cash. Also knees, his resting on his hands, the clasping the threatened coat about him, the scandal of liidlory. His fear of being overheard seemed so next day, the groom was seen with bis arm tends to produce emphysema and heart dis­ picture of despair. The "pistol had dis­ backed from the police. He poured out TheEtruth is that nothing is worse, in a sling and his best man appeared with an ease.—Boston Globe, ,. , . FURNISHING UNDERTAKER. much greater than my fear of his pistol, appeared into some pogket, and although a torrent of fluent Spanish, and emphati­ morally, than a career of unbridled eye closed and a part of one car missing, and easy to RHEUMATISM ™ NEURALGIA it is not do much with a. capture meant death, 1 judged that he cally denied, it was clear* the charge; power. Human nature cannot stand it. there were thoso in the wedding party whose These twin diseases cause untold suffering. Paine's Celery Compound has been a God­ I am prepared to take charge day or niglil and pistol without being overheard. "YOU send to me. For tho past two years I have suf­ urnish everything necessary for the inteineiit of would let himself be , taken without but, alas! he cherished the coat—at 8uch despotism unsettles tlie brain and faith in the good luck of throwing old shoes Doctors admit that tuey are difficult to cure- fered with neuralgia of tlie heart, doctor after ne dead. Telepnone Connection with residence are English too, I can see," I added was sadly shaken.—M. J. Savage in Boston A SH0PPING_EXPERIENCR 8 striking aUow, ||P which the police were making tentative Beta a madman sporting with tho prop­ so do their patients. Paine's doctor falling to cure me. I have now taken Ho.3 Berkle y Place. 'J befciv my breath. "Perhaps you will Globe. Celery Compound lias per­ nearly four bottles ot the Compound, and am My own reflections were far from dives—overmuch for an innocent man erty, virtue, lives of millions. Most of How » Iiacljr Became Overcome by Sen* free from the complaint. I feel very grateful kindly tell me what you aro doing in my being of a comfortable nature. The with no secret pockets about him. the twelve Caesars were thus insane. oss Strain and Fell on the Street—A manently cured the worst to you." CIIAS. II. LEWIS, Central village, Ct. cabin?" His No nol his And as they were struck from tlie throne Forced to Leave Home. Valuable Iiesson to All ServooiWom»n eases or rheumatism and man groveling tiiiere before me might " , senor, " "Por neuralgia—so say those who F. W. JAQUI. JR., "You will not betray me?" he ?aid and IN RED succession, so it is time to pull Over 60 people were fo'ced to leave Paine's deserve death; knowing the stakes, he dios!" "Madre de Dios!" and ! liave used it. irresolutely. he had gambled and lost. Moreover, he the rest, were breath wasted. At a these royal liighwaymen out of the sad­ their homes yesteiday to cull for a free Mis. Morton E. Fnssett, of Lowell, went intt Celery Compound DBALGU IN - trial package of Lane's Family Medicine. "Having been troubled "Betray you, my man! If you have was a complete stranger to me. But he sign from the now grim looking officer dle.—St. Louis Republic. •; Boston recently to do a toy's shopping. Sh« "I have been greatly afflicted with acute If your blood is bad, your liver and kid­ visited many of the leading stores, and becami with rheumatism at tlie knee taken nothing of mine," I replied, with was an Englishman. He had trusted me. two of tho policemen deftly seized him, and foot tor nve years, I was rheumatism, and could find no relief until I a prudent remembrance of his weapon Ail Essay on Anatomy. neys out of order; if you in c constipated so interested in the attracUve goods she saw. almost unable to get around, used Paine's Celery compound. After using Stoves,PoftiyMSei Raies He had spent—well, an hour, but it and in a twinkling, notwithstanding his anct have headache and «n unsightly she failed to realize tlie flight of time FOR SALE and was very ottcn confined six bottles of tills medicine I am now cured of and the late hour of the nieht; "you M»v was a of that rheumatic troubles." seemed many—in my company, and I resistance, had the thick coat ;off him It in school in one tho lower complexion, don't fail to call on any NO USETO to my boil for weeks at a Furnaces and Steam Heaters, go to the deuce for xne, BO long as yon The care of selecting Just the right article! time. I used only one hot- SAIIDEI. IlCTCniNsoir, So. Cornish, N. II. shrank from the horror of seeing him and were probing its recesses.. It was quarters; he was a simple hoodlum boy, druggist to-day for a free sample of this made her nervous, and neglecting to take hei OWNER tie ot Paine's Celery Com­ Tiu, Sheet Iron, Copper, Wooden, Glass don't pay me another •visit." dragged away to a violent death. My the turn of the bystanders to cry, "Madre and tho teacher had set him to the task grand remedy. THE Indies praise it. lunch, added to thil pound, and was perfectly Effects Lasting Cures. "Taken anything!" he cried, forgetting de Dios!" as from pocket Upon pocket of writing an essay on anatomy. HO Everyone likes it. Large size package 50 nervous anxiety, sc cured. I can now jump Paine's Celery Compound has performed many and Crockery Ware. nature sorevolted against it that I for­ around, find feel as lively as other cures as marvelous as these,—copies of his caution, and raising his voice, "do came watch after watch five dozen produced and read with great effect this cents. that when she cam< Ra boy." FRANK CAKOLI, got what the consequences to myself , until Eureka, Nevada. letters sent, to any address. Pleasant to take, ltefrigerators and House Furnishing Goods. you take me for a thief? I will be bound" lay in sparkling rows upon deck. I clear effusion: out from one of till does not disturb, but aids digestion, and entire­ of interference might be. the There are now 2.501',000 of total abstain­ $1.00. Six for $3.09. Druggists. —HE went on .bitterly, yet with a could see that there those among "Tlie human body is divided into tree stores she fell pros­ ly vegetable; a child can take it. ."What's the Generally. A Full line of "Look here," I said, after a long inter­ were ers in the United Kingdom. Mammoth testimonial paper free. . , use of suffering longer with rheumatism or pride that seemed to be very pitiable s parts, tho head, the chist and the sturn- trate upon the sid& val of silence, "I will do what I. can to the ship' company besides the culprit walk on • Tremont WELLS, EionAKDSON & Co..props., Burllngton,V t. neuralgia? when I understood it—"that you are mick. The head contains the eyes and I was troubled with catarrh and hay fev- CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. help you. We shall NOT reach Cartha­ who gazed AL me with little favor, but Street. She wai about the only man in Spain who would brains if any The chist contains the eri forltjliirly years. Have suffered a great —1.tan un nvfa Give Faster and Briffhter oioicf Living upon Laclated Food are Healthy, gena until 8 o'clock at earliest. Some­ the eyes of the police officer twinkled , . . kindly cared foi UlAmUnu UfCO Colors than any other Dyes. \ untSlLo Happy, Hearty. It is Unajualed- umbing. Gas and Steam Fitting, and Hot Air me 4*AL, JiyCeyi'S, ears and throat were greatly Engineering. Agentfor tlie Jtichardson not know ' at sight. Thero ID a price with gratification as each second added lungs and a piece of the liver. The stum? ? thing may turn up before that time. At Kinney the druggist in and evontuall> & Boynton (/0 H. upon my head! There are 2,000 pesetas to the rich prize And that was enough mlck is devoted TO the bowels, of whiqh IAFIGPFCILMR. , ­ the worst I have a scheme, though I set . toeito try Ely s Cream Balm and reached her home, but her nervous system for whoever takes me dead or alive! there are five, a, E, I, o, u, and sometimes duced ' , little store by it, and advise you to do for me. for the past two years have had very little received a shock from which she has not yel IF YOU WAST Furnaces and Ranges, Thero are bills of me in every town in w and y."—San Francisco Chronicle. the same. Put on these clothes in place Still I knew that all was not done yet, trooBlei L have livcd at-Webster, Mass., recovered. : Also agent for the Economy - ; Spain! Ay, of me! in every town from you handed to a and I watched keenly what was passing. and Rockville, Conn. Very rcspec'y, J.W. Such experiences ore by no m^ns uncommon. of those* wear." I him »Tlic Royal Cireus nt'inam:. > Many ladies, it is true, do not fail lifelaaupon Iran to Malaga!" suit taken from my portmanteau. "Wash Sleigh, taken into custody, had desisted Pratt, Monson, Mass. the street, but that the nervoiM systems ol IAM & WARM AM COMBINATION IIKATER The wretched braggart I now Tho aboriginal inhabitantsof Diarritz havo ! knew and shave. Take my passport and papers.. from his disjointed prayers and oaths. I thousands of lovely ladles is undermined there who ho was. "You WERE at Cartha­ been considerably astonished ami diverted by The amount of money spent in charity can he no doubt. Nervousness seems to be kinds of Ornamental and Plain Slatelng, Tin possible if play your perceived, however, that he was telling and A HEATER It is just that you demeanor and costume of tho Highland almost universal, hundreds of ^romen Shingle ltoofing. gena," I said sternly, thinking of the old a THE in the United Kingdom is about $10,040,- who would be lovely otherwise and attiacUv# part well they may not identify you, and long story, of which I could make queen s gray HEADED general WHO had died at his gillie who sits on the box of tho ' car­ 000 annually. to their husbands, lovers and friends, we "?! Repairing Done by Experienced Workmen may arrest me, despite our friend up­ out little more than the word "In- riage and who, by the way, is tho individual attractive because they are so delUttte and THAT WILL Short Notice. post. - gleso" repeated more than once. It who succeeded John Brown as her majesty s For over five years" I was a constant suf- nervous. The well known Mrs^Mland, writ­ stairs. For myself, once on shore I shall ' ing on this subject, says: Why ladies will have no difficulty in proving my inno­ was his turn now. If he had not un­ "personal servant," ho being a near relative fererwith that terrible and annoying dis- allow themselves to become weakened and 53 WALL STREET, ease dyspepsia After paying out hun cence." derstood my French, neither could of that deceased domestic. Still moro amazed , . ­ sickly I cannot understand, when it can aro the natives by tho Indian menials who dred^ of dollars tbe only medicine tbat I easily avoided. Careful Jiving, tho right'food, VOBMALK, CONN to Not that I was without my misgivings. I understand his Spanish. And I no­ , , and a regular use of the right remedy^will keep are in their found that would do me any good wus guards ticed that the officer, as the story rolled like the gillie, arrayod native any woman bright and healthy. Good nourish­ The Spanish civil have the name garb, but they hava lost the gravity Which Sulphur Bitters, Six bottles cured mc. ing food instead of the thousand unhealthy of giving but short shrift at times, and on, looked at rne doubtfully. I judged Beat Your eat well and am happy aud Honse BUY YOUR importations from the "coral strand" aro Now I can . follies, and the regular use even at the best I might bo punished for that the crisis had come and I interfered. hungiy.—["Editor. of the preparation "May I beg to know, sir, what ho says?" supposed to possess, for when the queen ar- known as Hunt's Remedy; connivance at an escape. But to some rivra at Biarrlte they drove through the will, I am sure, regulate extent I trusted to my nationality; and I asked courteously. town in an open carriage with some of the Fifty colored men are studying for the and keep any woman In GET- FUBNITUKE "He tells me a strange story, Mr. Eng­ and were roaring shout priesthood in Borne. perfect health. I have for the rest, the avidity with which tho servants, and - lishman was tho answer; and the found this Great Remedy OF hunted wretch at my side , clutched at ," fag with laughter all the way, like a couple If you bad taken two of Carter's Little invaluable in my .own the slender hope my offer held out to speaker eyed mo with curiosity but not of Bedlamites.—London Truth. Liver Pills before retiring you would not case, and I am sure it can unfavorably. "He says that Morrissey, be made equally so in J. B. ESIJIJS him, drove any last hesitation from my A "historical peasant" died a short., WHILE have had that coated tongue or bad taste that of every other. tho villainous Englishman your pardon woman." mind. — ngoina small Russian village at the age ot in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial oposlte Horse Railway Depot. A good ne now —who was at the bottom of the affair of The above clearly in stock of As long as I live I shall remember the 98. In the disastrous campaign of 1813 he with you for occasional use. stated advice should last Sunday, lias had tho temerity to re­ be of the greatest scene which ensued. The gray light was drove Napoleon I in A sledge all the WAY from A "no seat no fare" ordinance for street, value to all ladies, - turn to the scene of his crime, and is on Moscow to the German frontier To the day Mor, Mer. Dining and Kitchen beginning to steal through the port hole, . cars is before Milwaukee's council. whether suffering or only slightly ailing. of his death he had carefully preserved a few It shows that weU directed, care and tha giving sicklier hue to my com this vessel." A ­ strange pieces of gold which he received from the use of the right remedy wiU preserve health, panion's features, and making my I shrugged my shoulders. "A C'apt. R. Ureck is the tallest man in Col­ prolong beauty and make life more Joyous. AT E. k L0CKW00D & JO 'S FURNITURE But is emperor on his flight. orado own trembling fingers as helped story, indeed!" I answered. " it . His height is 7 feet 7 inches. , I am lvered at yonr horns without extra expense. him to dress, seem to myself for monsieur to do his duty. I the


; merely who have read something about FRANK A. BOBBINS' printer Benedict is a shining example, for .•. 4 . £?• Hillalde Institute. • Norwalk Itls with no little pleasure that m recoril foreign lands, but are those who have been Opera House, - ST A TES MBN T • ORWALK AZETTE. probably no more consumate hypocrite there and thus can speak of their own ex- Gigantic and Sensationally Realistic N G the'fact that "Hillside" is again to be put to and dishonest scoundrel disgraces the erience. Such was the case with Mrs. OTE SIGHT OHLT, the use for which that elaborate, rcmantic A.H.BTBBTOI.Mtoi. UODElLmir.,Associate public service of the United States and it Ichumacher's lectures delivered last year on and beautifully situated school edifice was the art treasures of the Vatican, and the is a matter of profound astonishment that Wednesday, April 24th, 'B9. originally planned and built by its progeni­ historic towns of Southern Europe. Wednesday, May 1 1889 President Harrison thu9 tolerates him in A carefully chosen library supplements ivi'f The master troupe ef modern tinefly Circus, Menagerie, Mnseui, Avairy, tor, Mrs. Louisa A. Smith. Mrs. M. E. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK so important and responsible a position as all these studies. It contains over 1,000 ^ ; Mea J, of the now noted and justly popular AND ARIUM. EDXXOBIAJj IiETTEB. public printer. volumes, and besides this the school is supplied with the best periodicals and cur - OKLAHOMA 80BEE. "Houe School for Girls and Young Ladies," BARLOW BEOS.' MINSTRELS Iff RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. " ! at'Darien, having secured "Hillside" will re­ rent literature of the day. For the study of Washington, D. C., April 29, '89. . Secretary Noble has received the tollow- the physics and chemistry there is a well- Under the management of A. U. Baldwin. Dear Gazette :—Tlie national capital, move her school thillier for the reason that ing telegram from a special agent at equipped laboratory, and, us far as practic­ The wonderful child soprano. Master Edward For tho Year Ending December 31st, 1888- . like every other spot within a belt of 500 Guthrie, Oklahoma: "Everything here some of the leading people of Norwalk able, the students perform their owm ex­ Percy—a genuine musical prodigy. A merry, per­ periments, demonstrating for themselves formance from tlret to finish. Everything now, : miles of New York, is all agog over the is in a quiet condition. The exclusion of have, at various times, solicited Mrs. Mead bright and strictly flrst class. The master minus to come here with her school, representing, the theories laid down in the text hooks. of minstrel merriment. y centennial celebration of Washington's liquor has given us a peaceful and While science, the classics and mathe­ TOTAL ASSETS, $126,082,153 56 inauguration now going on in that city. orderly community. The land office here and we believe wisely, i hat there was a need matics are given all adequate attention to James 1JARLOW BROS. William Possibly, nowhere outside of GreatGotham is moving slowly. The Washington force and a field for just such a school here, and equip the pupils for college or for any itself, has the excitement consequent finally a definite proposition was made,which, further study of these and kindred branches, In their famous specialties. increase in Assets, ^ $7,275,301 68 is invaluable." such prominence is given to art studies as' Grand street parade at noon, Wednesday, Band Surplus at four per cent., - . ^ 7,940,063 63 upon the ^august historical event been COL. DtfDLEX'S LETTER. on due consideration, Airs. Mead decided to to call for especial notice. No one can Concert In front of opera House at 1 p. m. ISO LLLINI PABT1CIPAIK. ISO " .... ' 1,645,622 11 more intense. Since Saturday the streets, accept. Mrs. Mead's school has an estab­ In Startling and Thrilling Feats. Increase in Surplus, A curious development has come to properly be called cultured to-day who has Price®, 35, 50 & 75c- Policies in force, ...... "158,369 in addition to the down pour of rain, have light in a transcript of another private lished reputation of being one of the most not an appreciative knowledge of art on all .... , 17,426 been flooded with martial music from thorough, systematic and complete educa­ its sides, and Mrs. Mead in her school has Iteserved Seats now on sale at Qointard's Drag 10 WESTERN HORSEWOMEN Increase during the year, letter written Col. Dudley, and which, if store. Norwalk, and Baxter's, So. Norwalk. Wonderfully .Expert in Marksmanship with Fire* .... 32,606 bands heading their long military lines provided especial courses io the arts of Policies Written, .... stories are true, was opened and contents tional institutions in this country Its aim designing ana painting underan experienced Anns And in the Saddlo. .... 10,301 towards the New York trains. Large is to ensure genuine scholarship and all the Increase during year, ' stolen and published by some miscreant teacher. No department of the school, t, 6EIDIIS COWBOYS I GENDISL IHDIAHSI Bisks assumed, .... ' ' ..H T* $103,214,261 32 numbers of civilians, in addition to the in the postal service. The Post Office De­ graces of person and miud the best culture however, is more fully equipped than the musical. A resident teacher of the piano is Friday Evening May 3d Sqtlaw*, Maidens and Pappoosos, Increase during year, 1!...... 33,756,792 95 executive and cabinet households, heads partment will be called on to investigate can bestow. Her courscs of instruction fit , .... U, T < 482,125,184 36 of departments, senators and members of employed, whose standing is sufficient to . •'.'••"I) • ONE SIGHT OKliY. v . >•. MEXICAN VADUEROS, CABALLER0S, TRAPPERS, Bisks in force, .... M this outrage on private rights. for Wellesley and all the colleges of similar guarantee the very- best kind of instruction HUNTERS, SCOUTS AND RANGERS, Increase during year, : ' ; 54,496,251 85 congress, have crowded the cars of every PERSONALS. . grade, as well as thoroughly equip the in technique. Pupils are taught in In mimio rendition of actnal occnrrences on the Beceipts from all sources, • .... 26,215,932 52 outgoing train for New York for the past student for the best possibilities of the or­ this department individually, .the work Western Frontier. War Dances. Surprising Senator Sherman, wife and adopted exhibition of skill with the Lariat Increase during year, 0;;, .... 3.096,010 06 three days. dinary spheres of our American every day being carefully graded according to a five MISS ADELE daughter have sailed for Europe. years' course. Harmony is studied during Paid Policy Holders, I? P . . . . 14,727,550 22 President Harrison was sorely impor­ Mrs. Senator Hawley, taking her infant life. Her design is, as her circular aptly four years, either with the voice or piano as bbckipg tlrtyidio tuned and perplexed as to the manner of and crisply states, "to make prompt, earnest may seem most desirable. There is also a WLD PIIM, ; daughter, will sail early in June, to visit IUS DER SHE Caught with the Lasso. The marvelous per­ accommodating the railroad managers her widowed mother tn England. The and regular students, to elevate standards of four years' course in Vbica culture, according formance of who had tendered him and his cabinet character, to form habits of clear and exact to the Italian method, which fits the pupil PIANISTE, THE ASSETS ARE INVESTED AS FOLLOWS : senator will join her in August, to return either for professional or parlor singing. THE VIRGINIA REEL Oil HORSEMCI and their families a special train to con­ with her in September. thought, to encourage the best use of indi­ This is conducted by a New York artist, s Will give ai: By the entire Company. Bonds and Mortgages, ^W . • • • • $49,617,874 02 vey them over to Elizabethport, N. J., so Roger Wells, of Hartford, has been vidual gifts, to promote vigor of body and who is well-known a3 a gifted soloist. In­ United States and other Securities, .... . 48,616,70414 as to arrive there as near the time General appointed financial clerk in the patent Christian grace,—i«vshort to inculcate com­ struction on the harp, organ and violin is Heal Estate and Loans on Collateral, .... 21,786,125 84 Washington embarked for New York as plete living in the present aB preparatory to provided when desired. COMPLETE RECITAL! 2,813,277 60 office, vice Jacob Frolich resigned. He Besides regular instruction in music, there Cash in Banks and Trust Companies at interest, possible one hundred years ago. The was a classmate of Secretary NobleV, and the high destiny of the future." is a series of piano recitals by Mr. Edward t , Interest accrued, Premiums deferred and in transit, etc., 3,248,172 46 President put his solid and firm old-school has been a quiet sort of a lawyer of Hart­ The Academe, the recognized organ of the Baxter Perry, of Boston. Mr. Perry is the TICKETS SO CE*TS $126,082,153 56 Presbyterian foot down that he would not ford for many years. higher educational institutions of this only American artist who was ever honored 'MM Reserved Seats, 16 Cents Extra. , with an invitation to give a private soiree . Btart off to travel on any such junketing Miss Kate Anderson is expected to country, gives a lengthy outline of the Chart opens April 2«th, at Qulntard * Son's, Nor- at-the Imperial Palace at Berlin. Totally wijlki and Baxter's, So. Norwalk. I have carefully examined the foregoing statement and find the same to be correct. or historical trip on Sunday. So a "com­ make a short "stop over" here on Thurs­ scope and design of Mrs. Mead's school, blind, he has yet secured recognition in art A. N. WATERHOUSE, Auditor. promise" was fixed up by which he was day, on her homeward trip from Ken­ written after a personal visit and careful circles of two continents. He has studied to enter his sleeping car here at our depot tucky, and will visit with Rev. Mr. and scrutiny of her methods, from which we with the best teachers of his time, and is, in NOTICE. f/Ti a little before midnight, where he might spite of his physical deprivation, thoroughly Mrs. Noble during her stay. quote the following equipped for the double work of interpreta­ From the Surplus above stated a dividend will be apportioned as usual.! retire.'and, at sharp midnight, when Sun­ Lewis Maxim, of Connecticut, an old The primary aim of the school is to fit tion and instruction. He accompanies his 7 day was over the train should quietly slip employee of the patent office, and one of students for entrance to Wellesley and sim­ recitation by lectures of an analytical and TO HEW YORK out of the depot and speed on to New Colonel Waits's appointees, has been ilar institutions. The curriculum, however, and critical character, and invariably in­ ' IN LESS THAN is so designed that it may be complete in spires a desire to comprehend and interpret, Jersey, where, at 8 o'clock this (Monday) promoted to be cxaminer-in-chief of that : itself, and the graduate of the school be well to look upon music from its poetic no less SO. NORWALK, Risks ; ..Risks . > - morning, he was to have been entertained officc. : J prepared to take her place in the society of than its its technical side. His programmes TWO HOUBS AND ONE-HALF. Year. ^.-vC'' Assumed. Outstanding. Surplus. at breakfast by the governor of that some­ The family of U. S. Treasurer Hyatt to-day. Having this object in mind, the are arranged as carefully as any course of The New and Palatial Iron Steamer : > 1884 $ 34,681 420...... !...;...... $351,789,585 f4,743,771 time foreign state. He is expected to will remove from here on Friday to their school has been made entirely nnsectarian, studies. The lives of the tone masters MONDAY, . 1885 46,507,139 368,981,441 5,012,684 but decidedly Christian, for while no dis­ 56,832,719 393,809,203 5,643,568 leave New York at 4 p. m. Wednesday, old Norwalk home on Hillside. Mr. Hyatt represented in the numbers upon the pro­ 1886 puted dogmas of creed are taught or suggest­ gramme are reviewed, and the pupils are CIPTAIJf F. I*- BYXBER. ;- 3 lg87 69,457468 427,628,933 0,894,443 and will arrive here at 10 o'clock the same and Johnny will be detained here for some ed, the Bible is recognized as containing the required to write out and report carefully : 1888 103214*261 482,125,184 7,940,068 criterion of authority for all situations, and Will commence making Daily Trips ^ Easter-:- Opening! evening. little time longer. the impressions they receive from his Nkw Yokk, January 23d, 1889. it is in daily use in the school as a text­ recitals. The study of music, therefore, POSTMASTKB-GENERAL. Rev. Dr. John Scott, the President's book. Without going into the details of the Monday, April 29th, 1881 The postmaster-general issued a kind father-in-law, has resigned his old clerk­ takes on here a more complex and elevated curriculum, it may be said that the motive character than is usually the case. It is and thoughtful order on Saturday, which ship in the pension office and will hence of Mrs. Mead's school is aptly summarized looked upon not alone as a graceful accom- COMFORT, BAFETI AND JPEED. was to the effect that in all post offices in the word "culture." It is not that cul­ •^•Results of a policy in this Company dated January 30,1869, and paid January 30, 1888, to a prominent forth be one of the executive family. plishment.but as an art requiring intellectual POPULAR PRICES. IFSSES ST. JOHN throughout the United States to morrow, Secretary Blaine, ture which consists so much in great erudi­ training to secure its best expression. In Announce thoir Special opening of ; citizen of Norwalk. Policy No. 93,617, $5,000. Additions, $851.74. tal payment, $5,851.74. who has been confined tion as that "which has its origin in the SOUTH NOBWALK TO KEWYOBK. whenever it can bo done without serious to his room for several days with an the musical department Mrs. Mead aims to love of perfection, that is a constant study have the pupils translate the notes of the Single Ticket*....- 40c. SPRING MO SUMMER Entire amount of premium paid, $3,205 04 detriment to the public service, all em­ attack of lumbago, did not feel equal to of perfection, and that is strong in the social musician and to follow whithersoever they Excursion Tickets... 70o. Gain over cost, Y .... 2,646 70 ployees shall be released from duty and the task of going to New York and will and moral passion for doing good." lead, in the firm conviction that the spirit Steamer will leave Wilson's Point on arrival of have a chance to comply with the pro­ remain at his hotel until the President The methods are wholly relieved from of music will lead inevitably to good. Housatonic train leaving South Norwalk at T:M a. the cast-iron type that is found in so many m., returning leave New York, Pier 45 East River MILLINERY ;. $5,951 74 clamation of the President making it a returns. At the close of last year an exhibition of (foot Rutger's Slip) at 3:00 p. in., and foot Slst St., boarding schools, and are almost entirely the art work of the students was made East River, at 8:20 p. m„ connecting with trains to take place The owner of policy being insured for twenty years. national holiday. In this proclamation The seal-brown horses, which used to original. They are intended to be entirely which fairly astonished all beholders. There on arrival at WllSon'a Point. it will be noticed that the President par­ draw Mr. Cleveland's carriage, will be flexible, sq that they may be adapted to the was not space enough in the exhibition tw Always take the Housatonic Line, a* This policy was taken out by our Norwalk agent, and paid through his office at the above date* The Mutual varying needs of individual pupils. The For farther information apply to fednesday-TMrsjaj, April 17-18 Company of ticularly enjoins on the peopie of the sold in Washington this week, also all the room for more than half the work done by THE XEW ENGLAND TERMINAL CO. R.IFA Insurance , New York, issues annuities to people of advanced years, guaranteeing a fixed income study of the Bible is taken up regularly for the pupils in oils, crayon and china decora­ The rtls a of : states to assemble at their places' of wor­ other horses which were left at the Oak thirty minutes every day by all the students, SIDNEY STARBUCK, P' y .•'!? ' i against any possible loss during life. ' R ; ; • ship and give thanks for the blessings tion, and the universal comment was that Vice-Pres. and Gen. Man. View stables when Mr. Cleveland went to although the instruction in it is classified the exhibition did unusual credit not only 266 South St, New York City. ANY information desired will be given by application to our Norwalk agent. . showered on them since Washington's New York. When he went away it was and graded as in other departments of C. E. OLDS, Agent, Trimmed Bonnets, Hats, Toynes to the pupils but to the teachers. Wilson's Point. lTtf inauguration. his intention to send for some of the work. The instruction born of this branch It must not be inferred, because I have ' Will be unusually fine. Also an elegant of study touches and elevates all the school said so much of the incidental features of assortment of A. H. CAMP, Agent for Norwalk and Vicinity. OCEAN POSTAL SERVICE. horses later, but he has finally decided to life and gives a healthful tone to routine The suggestion recently made by the this school, that there is any lack of atten­ sell them here at auction, and has given work. Believing that the grand aim of edu­ tion paid to such branches as are cultivated 3 UNTRIMMED HATS ! JOHN W. NICHOLS, General Agent for Connecticut. German postal authorities for the estab­ orders to that effect. cation ought to be the healthy development everywhere. The same spirit which under­ Fertilizers, ^ \ AND t of the spiritual and moral nature with the lishment of a system of mail distribution Mr. Wells, of Hartford, the new finan­ lies the study of music and art and the Acme Harrows,! on board the steamers plying between this cial clerk of the patent office, is expected mental and physical, every effort is made to natural sciences is found in the study of MILLINERY TRIMMINGS. cultivate a high ideal in character, to im­ languages, and if pains have been taken to country and Europe is received with much here to-morrow to file his bond and enter press a sense of personal responsibility in Meld Rollers, All are cordially invited to attend Wednesday and We take pleasure in renewing our semi annnal invitation to our friends P&' secure the most competent specialists in the Thursday. CHAS. H. VALDEN favor. The object is to faciltate the upon his duties May 1. the use of life and its gifts, and to art studies, the same proves true in regard and patrons throughout the countiy, and especially at Norwalk, to transmission of {mails on reaching their measure duty by opportunity. Mrs. Mead Steel Mowers, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Knapip, of to the other branches. MISSES ST. JOHN, "f^call and see our attractive assortment of —DEALER IN— respective ports of destination, instead of aims, to have her pupils acquire the power The school has been remarkably success­ 8C16 South Norwalk, were here last week, en to think clearly, and to form definite con­ ' holding them to be sorted after arrival. ful from tho very start, and it will not be route home from a trip with their invalid clusions, to see things in their wide relations very surprising if, in the not very distant Allen Betts' Hill. 29 Cannon Street. 33 Main Street. Norwalk, Conn. In this way the various bags and pouches, son Charles, whom they left in the* pine to time and the future, to gain power to future, its present ample accommodations fiRftrERIEK being properly made up on board ship, regions of North Carolina, .but we are discriminate and judge, and at the same will have to be enlarged to meet the de­ UuVUljIlUliD) i' could be forwarded as soon as the vessel time to grow in all womanly graces, to cul­ mands of an increasing patronage. Wm. P. Murray, pained to add with but little well-founded tivate the minor courtesies, the small home w touched her pier without delay. The hope of his recovery. The young man virtues that go to make up a perfect woman. The securing of "Hillside" is a suc­ P AGNES FITCH, ; FRESH m HEW. - scheme is a good one and will doubtless seems stricken with the same dire disease To carry out this design as completely as cessful and fortunate event. Here Mrs. CONTRACTOR. soon be put into practical operation, but possible, the home life is invested with Smith maintained a successful school for sniic tisTiiss. that has proved so fatal to so many of every charm and refinement. Tai 1 shall keep constant!y on band a while the post office department is thus Norwalk's best brightest, and most prom- girls and young ladies, to be succseded by Concrete Walks, Flagging, 49 MIS STREET, considering important reforms, why won't The rules of the institution are few, and ing young men. As ever, H. these are felt rather than enforced. It is the late Dr. Fitch, who conducted it as a Curbing and Mason Work, FULL LINE OF ALL 800DS it bit upon the expedient of dispatching worthy of note that the pupils co-operate prosperous collegiate institute for boys. It Done by experienced workmen and satisfaction Is now prepared to supply the Ladles of Norwalk usually found in a all mail matter from New England direct NEW PUBLICATIONS. with the teachers in sustaining the moral was built for and never has been used for guaranteed. and vicinity, with the moss correct styles in SPRING OVERCOATS, to south or west as per its destination It is not generally known that Lincoln standard. Honor is the controlling prin­ other than educational purposes, and is one ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. without tumbling it all into the New York prepared an address to the American ciple. If it happens, as sometimes may be the case, that a pupil is found deficient in one of the most beautiful and picturesquely FULLY SILK LINED OR SILK FACED, $18 to $20. PLAIN MTE-GITO-:* post office for revision, remailing and people in 1864, which address wa3 sup­ RESIDENCE8ml5 pressed by him and has never been seen this guiding sense, not susceptible to such a situated sites in all Norwalk. It was once GOODS, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00. . which 1 will sell at prices delay, and so of all mail matter from the motive, she is simply and quietly withdrawn by the public., It was a constitutional remarked by an enthusiastic friend of higher 22 Franklin Ave., Norwalk. , _ DOTING HONEST COMPETITION south and west .to the east ? All such argument on the subject of the draft from the school. education, and a visitor to "Hillside," that gill bn.miutsij.Jot. tbiifliaSuMmCuiftiii -BjjStofifiJ'jfiP /?fy'8?pAWrl)rancFi oi'tlie proies- " Trimmed and Uiiiifniiiitsu. vvjjj iiAVM THJij JtiAJN usuMJiiSri XiINE OF ~ to" beat. A snare oi me public patronage is solicit­ tie prof high, healthy and charming locality and cnoioe ed and every effort will be made to faithfully it one of the President's most admirable sion, but enters fully into sympathy with could not write poetry by reason of its serve our customers. Give ns a call and by sending all such mail matter to and papers. They say that after the President the details of the school and into friendly As well as a very large variety of high' class let us aasnre yon of our ability to through the New York post office. had finished it, "doubts arose in his mind fellowship with the pupils, thus assisting in inspirations of romance and beanty, must be give satisfaction. Then another important improvement in as to the propriety or the expediency of the most material way in carrying out the very dull of intellect. The home is large addressing the public directly in that BUILDING LOTS mail transportation is that on every rail­ plans of the institution. It therefore hap­ and in every way commodiously adapted to .. NOVELTIES DRESS & BUSINESS SUITS CHAS. H. VALDEN, manner." pens that pupils and teachers work together, school purposes. The grounds comprise road contracting to carry the mails, local under the full inspiration of a grand idea (ON INSTALLMENT PLAN.) Tliti May number of Frank Leslie's Pop­ several acres of primeval forest, and the 5 Wall St, Norwalk, 0t. and through mail pouches should be ular Monthly, crowded as usual with towards the end to be gained by mutual We have ever exhibited and Iy3i despatched by every train passing over attractive pictures and good reading, sympathy, mutual attainment and mutual sloping grades and high elevation ensure the road, if it be that a train leaves every opens with a well illustrated article by helpfulness. In this home atmosphere the the best of drainage and, all in all, it is FOR SALE George C. Hurlbutt, on "The Paris Expo best intellectual growth is fostered. fifteen minutes, the greater the frequency place not to be excelled. sitlon and its Significance," which is of Pupils are fitted for entering college or to TRIMMING EFFECTS AT IjOWBR. PRICES, the better, and the public will soon de­ special interest and timeliness, closely pursue special courses in literature, musie, Are free from all crude and irritating NIPSON & BETTS, mand this even if it requires the swearing preceding, as it does, the opening of the art, and all the branches of a solid and well- On Wiltoii Avenue matter. Concentrated medicine only. ; For the time being at in of every conductor, baggageman and great French Universal Exposition balanced education. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Very small of be commemoration of the gf>ne hundredth The grounds surrounding the house are Centemeri Kid Gloves. Some which can seen walking around Norwalk. brokeman as special mail agents. "The very easy to take, no pain, no griping, no 3ml5 anniversary of the fall%f the Bastile, not left to the random use of the pupils as purgin*. Try them. -AND- world do move." Another notable contribution is David their inclinations may lead them, but the No. 7 East Side of Water St., A PENSION HESTOBBD. S. Bank's "A Now Yorker in Yucatan, physical training is attended to specially in Advice to Mothers. Assistant Secretary Bussey yesterday and many others. daily classes of calisthenics, in prescribed Are yon disturbed at night and broken of San Souci Plot, - f FOUR D00H8 FBO> WALL STBKET, Scribner's Magazine for May will interest walks, and even the games outdoors are your rest by a sick child suffering and crying restored to the pension rolls the name of under a quiet regulation by the principal. wltb pain of cutting teeth ? If so send at once readers of many and varied tastes. Men B. S. BLASCER NORWALk, i i i - CONN. Emanuel P. Steed, late of Company F of letters, lovers of good fiction and It is a pleasant fact that pupils who have and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing APPLY TO ;^ |will sell off his entire stock of s|^ come to the school in delicate health have Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is First Virginia Cavalry. The claimant poetry, railway men, amateur and profes­ calculable. It will relieve the poor little suf­ S.C.BAPUM&C0., received his disability by the falling of sional photographers, and sportsmen will grown strong and gained in weight, and the ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers,, strong have uniformly kept well This is rocke ryu aire STAPLE AND CHOICE his horse while in action, and a personal find articles which will strongly appeal to there is no mistake about it. It cures dysen­ A. 11. BYINGTON, C W them. The variety and excellence of the attributable to the excellent care given to tery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach anc in the next SO days. Those who bay to the amount enemy gave evidence tending to show engravings will delight those who sanitary arrangements, to the general over­ bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gags offlO will receive a that it existed prior to enlistment. Mr. appreciate good art. The leading article sight of the health of the pupils, and to the reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's GAZETTE OFFICE. CHATHAM SQUARE. NEW YORK. GROCERIES. Bussey severely criticises, but condemns on "the Land of the Winamshe," begins a variety and abundance of the home table. Soothing Syrup for Children Teething group dealing with different kinds of Special pains are taken that the pupils pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of PRESENT as a gross violation of well-established should be encouraged to maintain a constant IBARRACLOUGH. VSL RT fishing. The Winanislie is the land locked one of the oldest and best female nurses in v of a pair of 6tl5 ridings of the department, the action of salmon of Lake St. John, Canada, a region interest in their work by providing them and physicans in the United States, and is for Dressmaking. t Family Supplies, the Commissioner in allowing this enemy's which has but recently become easily with amusement during the recreation ho rs. sale by all druggists throughout the world, RESSMAKING done in all of the latest style DECORATED VASES. evidence to outweigh that of the army accessible to sportsmen. Dr. Leroy M There are pleasant receptions during the Price 25 cents a bottle. Iy52 D Button holes made by hand. Old garmena . . -'. - winter, and an evening dancing class, a fine re-cut and refitted. Those who bny IS worth will receive n he freshest and beat quality that the New Yale, of New York, and J. G. Aylwin MRS. FANNIE McKRNZfc! York market affords n groceries, also surgeon. Creighton, of Quebec, are the authors of lecture course, and from time to time par­ Some information about the services Wilton Academy. No. 6 South Union Avecie this articlc—both expert anglers as well as ties, under the care of teachers, visit New rilhe Summer term will open on Tuesday, May Post offica box 654, Norwalk. DECORATED ROSE JAR. JAMES MEANS' S3 & $4 SHOES VEGETABLES & FKUIT8 which special pension examiners rendered men of literary and artistic ability. They York and other places of interest. A 7th. EDWARD OLMSTEAD. " $3 worth of trade will receive a fJgfESKEARS' JKffESAEftfTS'j the Democracy in the last Presidential write with the enthusiasm of sportsmen This latter, in fact, makes one of the In their seasons at and with good humored appreciation of unique features of the curriculum, and it $4 SHOE campaign is likely to be gained soon Pocket Book Lost. DECORATED UNEXCELLED# IN the interesting character whom they meet marks also the general plan upon which the OST a pocket poolt between the residence of LADIES^PPH CANNOT/ tion, and as faithfully drawing their Ib It True P geography, botary, geology, natural history debtor, hereby give notice that we will attend to be had for many disabilities. I make a speolalty KANSAF FAIR, F Style of Carriage, Wagon or Truck. salaries from the government meantime. the duties of our said appointment at the Probate of Neglected and Refected Claims, and if yon will L The New York Sun is a good deal of and astronomy. Mrs. Mead believes, and office in Norwalk in said District, on th« soth day ?TIIS„ *"». rightly, that if pupils arc taught the use of present me with a brief statement of your case, —Ht FAm BESTOBED TO BEB OLD PLACE. gossip and tattler. It now says: "Wom­ "of June 1889, and on the 80th day of July, 1839 at stating by whom it was presented, I will obtain a - F SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO An order was issued by the Secretary their eyes, their reasoning powers will be so 01 o'clock, forenoon, of each of said days. rehearing of yonr case, and, If it has merit, will en who have no tasto in dtess often much the more developed, inasmuch as the Said Court has limited and allowed three months procure a favorable settlement. Many claims »** *"«. ol the Interior Friday reinstating Miss from the date hsreof for the exhibition to as of stand rejected before the department, when it ***> .V*MR BEPAHUN8. • discover on donning widow's weeds that pupijs make their own inferences, learn to claims against said estate. only requires a competent attorney to make them Delano as a clerk in the patent office, from Dated at Norwalk, the 20th day of April A. D., Fertilizers,.. Carts, classify their own observations, and are led good cases. 1 JEMS* they are positively pretty creatures. This Soldiers suffering with dinabilUies ... • xir- " t" j VA. A. & M. EXPOSITION, JOS. B. anderson, JR. which she was dismissed several months from the study of nature to that of science. 1889. • ' contracted in service,who have not applied for a §|3&; is simply because, as their costumes are , B. JAY WALSH. petition, should do so as it is their bight. ^ ; bmb. mm. www, una eyottmb nan ck/ukksqrouur. First-Class Livery Attached. By this wise plan, substantially all of the Greenwich, Conn. ago. It was asserted, as a basis for her entirely black, they have no longer a SOLDIERS OF THE MEXICAN WAR, o : r'> pupils' time and attention is taken up by ASA SMITH, VT. removal, that she had made remarks chance to indulge a riotous fancy among , v ^ X Norwalk, Conn. Who were in'that service sixty days, [or their Land Plaster, VtJ CABRIAtlES CALLED FOB ill DELlTKBlfe work. The pupils do not recognize it as •4tl7 yCommissioners, widows If not re-married] are entitled to{8.00 per reflecting upon President Cleveland. colors that will fight. Most faces are work, and therefore it has no irksome month from January S9th,1S&T. tfto itv-if 8mo> FOB BEPA1B AK» PAIOTIXG. 46 , A contemptible tattle-tale wrote Presi­ wonderfully softened by enveloping folds characteristic. But the fact remains that in this school dent Cleveland that, while visiting Miss of crape. Those who find it so seem - Ground Lime, there is no lime for the littleness of thought This space will be ijfiM " LsiiL Delano at her home, and referring to the never to forgot the dear departed, but occupied nexti and aim that so often characterize week by IFO^W. JAQUI, JR., Beef, Fiah, Fruit reputed treatment of his wife by the always cling to the mourning drapery. blies of young people. The' young ladies Q. R. HALE President, she had called him a "pig." In nine cases out of ten this apparent enter with great enthusiasm into the task of of the corner Stable Manure* - •—AGENT FOR THE The President, thereupon, it was charged, observing aud making reports to their asso­ 4 Daoo STOR1.I l¥'1 devotion to the dead is only devotion to ciates. sent a peremptory order for her dismissal The work of observation is not car­ beauty enhancing weeds. The few to ried on after a stereotyped plan, but it is vi and Vegetables. from the patent office, where she was a whom it is unbecoming throw off the suited to the individual characteristics of the FOB SALE. : Ashes.: -« faithful and competent clerk. The mis­ observer. There are two things Mrs. Mead crape as soon as consistent with custom, HE WOODBURY PLACE on Prospect insists upon: that the work shall be a You can get any and all of the above mention* chief making informant was neither, and and may really grieve in grays and browns T Hill, is acres, Stone House, Barn, etc. gfjfe ;pim: Tire-accompanying cut reprcsen moreover was always in a constant chronic genuine'original observation, and carefully Orchard and Shade Trees. Superb view. Also articles at and blues for a much longer period than thought out, presented, studied and recorded. 7 acrcs of Building lots In rear. Address, Jahes Lot of Farm Tools 6"S&JMtheN ew Patent Broiling Arbasob quarrel with fellow clerks, and so she was Clavin. 58 Connecticut Turnpike, Norwalk, (near S;rtS:®MKKT on all tbc Double Oven Rich the widow who persists in wearing black The broad lines on which the school plans the place,) or, o. E. Wilson, Gazette Building, removed and Miss Delano appointed to for years and years, ostensibly in faithful are constructed are shown nowhere more Norwalk, or, Jakes Nej^on. New Brunswick, „ iiardson & Boynton Co.'s Ranges. 1 the vacancy thus created. Some of the plainly than in its lecture courses. Travel S.J. istf •' Ib economical and quick operating memory of the deceased, but really classes and journeys are arranged according Etc., Etc., Etc.- ' i and baa the perfect revolving grates, I W. SUM'S MARKET, funny papers stated at the time that, after 1 twr jfj'-J 4?w * • because she looks well in it. .'S ; to Cook's tourists' trips, and illustrated with t ff^forer four thousand in daily use in her removal by special order of President the stereopticon and pictures. The store - LINE ILANcw York City and vicinity. Taste­ 55 MAIN STREET. The latest railroad rumor is to the effect fully nickled. It has more g: oi Cleveland, she amended her accusation opticon in use at the school is the best that IS ESPECIALLY pjBiaNVP FOR £ Atlantic Exprem Hcrvlee. s|.. that the Consolidated road will abandon IF TH—* points thab all the Ranges on be EVERYTHING and said that in her opinion she had mis­ could be found, and by it the pupils have HOWE USE. LIVERPOOL via. QUEENSTOWN. their four tracks at Port Chester, where been introduced to Germany, .Switzerland, There is ns taeonvenlMMM attending It, and the ££§&] market combined, we guarantee taken the iige and maturity of the porcine they now are, and build a loop of two expense Is a meniMitocompared wltptfo !u*nrr Steamship "CITY OF ROME" from New Voik every Range to be Pkkfkotin cvety France, Italy, England, Wales and Scot­ of {wringa ooof, dfilgfctftir^ t WEDNESDAY, October 31, auimnl. tracks from that point within a short dis­ land. These lectures, prominent among way, and to furnish any piece of re XF.W, FRESH, CLKAN. 8UMMKRBEVUAOK Largest and flnest passenger steamer afloat. AFTER BENEDICT'S SOAI.P. tance of the surveyed line of the Parallel which were Miss Callaway's pictures of the Cabin, J50, t

>•. •«, •• • -• r igrgi »* 'GZIS ' ! , J.._ c"r-


vr The Ijeffiateturo. tional church at Greens Farms, iu com­ A large, old fashioaed, unoccupied The fashion-papers now have a ilcpatt- Mil* Aus der Oho. -AT teiW- SENATK. memoration of the centennial of Wash­ 'I <<,m* structure at Darien, known as the Old ment devoted to ladies' pet dog3, which, It has not been the fortune ot Norwalk Norwalk * Gazette we are ibformed, will be worn larger next iu a long while to have in prospect a Tuesday.—Resolution granting absolute ington's inauguration. The latter parish Castle, was destroyed by fire Wednesday ' divorce to George H. Beard, of Milford, ante dates Washington's presidency by 1800 season (ban last, including setters, grey­ musical event of the firstclass. Sincc ISTABXiISHED, evening. The building was owned by from his wife, Mary E., who for seven many years, there being some tomb stones hounds, and collies. Nobody has yet her coming is uuhcralded by the usual • VI James C. Jones, and during the war was years has been an imbecile and hopelessly in the old ground near by whose inscrip­ .s TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. occupied as a place of defense. The loss thought of a husband department for these amount of managerial puffing it is not otat ino Year, - {Strictly in Advance.), $2.00 journals. That is not, probably, because of the way to give some of the details of and incurably insane; passed. Bills pun­ tions were cut before he was born. The ftmm ill iVnen not paid In advance, 2.25 is about $5,000. No insurance. The tire 1.00 the styles change less, but bccause the Miss Aus der Ohe's remarkable career, ishing the making of false entrics|by bank day was observed as a holiday generally !Lx Months, - .50 was of incendiary origin. officials; passed". Authorizing Fairfield by those who did not go to New York, (123 MAIN STMMm ^hree Months, - .05 men, as a rule, take so long to wear out with some observations on her power as vi a fcsViS-C. -j single Copies, - - The electric light company will begin at county to issue bonds to the amount of and fireworks in many quarters at evening V- .T'Jkfi I-i. . that few women have a chance to try any an artist. WILL BE FOUND made it a sort of Fourth of July in ad­ aovertisinb rates. once wiring the town for putting in considerable variety. f' f ^ r£|f a| The Century Magazine for March, a year $39,000; passed. Appropriating $150,000 'arnlslied on Application at the GAZETTE office incandescent lights. Eight miles of new ago, in an article by Robert Morris Bagby, for°tlie State Insane Hospital for the next vance. In the Church of the Assumption, Ordinary and transient advs., l incli. 1 week,11. The state board of health, estimating wire has been received for this purpose ranks her with the greatest pupils of two years; passed. Giving preference to in accordance with Bishop McMahon's riach subsequent insertion, - •" the population on the basis of the returns P RANGE AMOK STOVES All legal and strictly transient advs., of what- and iargc numbers of orders for the lights Liszt, who himself reserved for her his honorably discharged soldiers and sailors circular order, special high mass will be ^ from 160 towns, place the population of ver length, same rate as above. have been obtained. Music H«ill is to discriminating praise. He is said to have in state appointments; passed. celebrated by Rev. Father Carroll. |OF THIS BEST MAKK. column (ordinary displayed adv.) one time,. tbe state at 758,662 for 1888. There was NeT^Wch W^p^rtuiity to save one'Check for twen­ have 150 burners, and orders have been remarked frequently her intrepidity and Wednesday.—Resolution authorizing As this is Washington week, it may be Local notices In news columns, per line, a total increase of 40,000 in 61 towns and Births, Marriagesand DeatiisiMerted free«i given to have the Opera House illuminted fearless certainty, and in one of the last the New York and New England railroad of interest to state that in 1777, on his .00 decrease of 10,000 in 34 towns. The only ty thousand dollars. Come to Bridgeport or send Also some good •j/fW Advertising of Funeral Notices, - » entirely by the incandescent lights. musicales that lie gave said in an aside, to purchase the' Rockvillc road; passed. way from New York to Boston to take •tberal terms toyearlyandhalf-yearlyadvertiscrs falling off in towns of over 5,COO is re­ "She has a wpudetfuj touch.; it is like For a prohibitory amendment to the state >command of the Continental army, Wash­ ./ r f for samples. Ohamres for advertisements now running In this There was a large exodus of Not walkers ported from Thompson, and it is apparent aaoer must be handed la by Saturday noon to velvet." ' \ constitution; rejected by the house; ington passed through this town and Insure insertion. New advertisements will be to New York on Tuesday to see the par­ that large towns have grown at the Ssconi-Ianfl stores anil Baiges. ade, leaving the town practically deserted. When three and a half years old she re passed in the Senate. Bills that no stopped over night in an inn on the turn­ transient advertise­ expense of smaller ones. These towns of 26 pieces Grand Duohess Silks at 89c. peated after nn older sister an entire waltz barbed wire fences shall be constructed pike occupied until 1860 by the family of ments. Regular advertisers to be settled with After they came home they got from the over 5,000 citizens do not claim t: have an 23 pieces Royal Armures at 89c. aonthly and quarterly. of Arditi's. At ten she was kuowu at within twenty-five rods of the house or the late Henry Nash. Mr. David M. Mar­ New York papers an idea how the parade increase: Enfield, Greenwich,Killingly, 30 pieces Radzimir Silks at 89c. Agate Ware, Tea anil Coffee Pots, Sance Jabscribers wishing the^djlrcssoftheir Kullak's conservatory in Berlin as the barn of an adjoining proprietor without vin bought the property and transformed looked. The Sun says tbe column was Manchester, New London, Norwich, 50 best dollar Gros Grain, 89c. changed should give their old as well as new his written consent. House amendment the house into an attractive modern Pans, Kettles, fasli Bowls and addresses in full. eleven miles long, contained 50,000 sol­ Putnam, Southington, Stamford and child prodigy, and it was then that Amy making the bill applicable to corporations dwelling, using the old materials so far as AH communications for publication mu|t be diers, and was five and one-half hours in Windham. Every other town of similar Fay heard her play a Beethoven concerto, Please observe that these four lots are first-class, most ocompanied by the author's name as a contlde as she says "absolutely perfectly." as well as individuals was agreed to, and it was possible in forming the now. The Jisl Pans. I al guarantee of good faith. passing. size shows a gain, and Bridgeport leads She came to this country in October, the bill passed iA concurrencc. Existing oaken floor boards to tho room in which fashionable and thoroughly reliable Silks, and also please FIRE JOB PR1HTIHG. The children of the Band of Hope with 6,000. New towns to reach the barbed wire fences within twenty-five The Gazette Job Printingpepartmeut is eqiiii^ 1886, and immediately took the rank here Washington slept that night Mr. Marvin recently organized under the direction of 5,000 mark are j,Stafford, Plainfield and rods will have tA be removed. That clubs TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. the Young Women's Christian Temper­ to be anticipated from her phenomenal caused to be relaid in what is now the observe that they are advertised in various New York Torrington. The little town of Union in "Which liquor is sold m no-license towns front parlor at the right of the front en­ cheerfully given. Job work to oe pam ance Union, will give a "May Day" successes in Berlin. At every concert she deliverT. __ — shows no loss. shall be regarded as nuisances; passed. concert on Wednesday evening, May 1st, was enthusiastically recalled again and trance where they may now be seen. A papers as bargains at $1.00. They are cheap at $1.00 NORWALK P08T OFFICE. Ginn & Company, the Boston publishers That any wharf owner may dig channel china bowl from which Washington took in Dibble's Hall, South Norwalk. Admis­ again. Those whom other experiences TABLE GLASS WARE have just issued the first volume of Alge­ therefrom to tho/main channel, except in sion 15 cents. Contributions of flowers had persuaded did not like whole evenings a drink of milk that day is now in the but we bought them for spot cash cheap, and our rent is ;; - /• ;.,t braic Analysis, by G. A. Wentworth, A. New Haven a^3 Bridgeport harbors; ^ of Various Shapes and Kinds." for the occasion will be gratefully received of the piano alone, paid homage as loyal possession of Mr. A. S. Hurlbutt. M., professor of mathematics in Phillips passed. V';.1.1" if sent to the hall early on Wednesday as the rest. The metropolitan press was The first marriage in town after the Twenty Thousand dollars less than New York Stores who \;r. .'f-fsH-aC"si Exeter Academy; J. A. McLellan, LL. D., . Thursday.—The contested elections S.isp.Pii. BastNorwalk. *.45, 8.65ai. m., and afternoon. _ hearty, unreserved and unanimous in her Lenten season took place iu Christ church ..so p. m. Slivermine, 8 m. inspector of normal schools and conduc­ praise. committee favorably reported on paying Wednesday afternoon, the parties being TEA AND DINNER SETS «. m. South Norwalk, T.85 and 10 a. m., and 5.S0 Ex-U. S. Senator, Wm. H. Harnum, carry no better assortment 'v'5-"- •• ui;:' ' .. tor of teachers' institutes for Ontario, The Times says: "She produced a vivid William B. Hubbell, of Sotitli Norwalk, William J. Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. aod8p.m. chairman of the democratic national com­ Plain and Decorated.* *- # and J. C. Glashan, inspector of public and profound|impression by execution in $177.08, for hii> expenses in contesting William T. Wood and grandson of Town Extra Copies of the "Gazette" mittee, died at his home in Lime Rock on In this wonderful purchase of Silks which could only have been made schools, Ottawa, Canada. This work, which tremendous physical strength was seat of the Thirteenth Senatorial district. Clerk W. J. Finch, and Annie W., daugh­ on sale at this office,-also by newsboys and by Tuesday morning at the age of 71 years. at the prices, as the owner must have the money at once, are 50 pieces of which has been previously announced as allied to considerable sensibility'and intel­ Also paying Seuiftor Catlin $305 for con­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Nash, and He had been sick since the campaign, but rich colored Gros Grain dollar Silks which will go for 59c. S'KnleT'-n r M^Sher' - - " GAZBTTK Bl'dg Wentworth & McLellan's University Al­ ligence to a fine technique, and a breadth testing the sam«t> seat. Both resolutions organist of the church. The ceremony up to a few days ago strong hopes were About 100 pieces of 24-inch wide $1.50 Surahs, Failles and Gros Grain Steam Dressed Geese Feathers. E &Slow® ' - - - - Wall street gebra, is intended to supply students of and freedom of style totally at variance were passed. Resolution paying $142.13 was performed by the rector of the^church, entertained of his complete recovery. that will go at 91- J ^ IN SOUTH NOKWAI.K BY mathematics with a well filled store house with her youthful appearance." to Professor Wayland and John C. Taylor Rev. Thomas A. Hyde, the bridal pair O. L. Craw The death of Mr. Barnum ends a busy and New styles India, China and Foulard Wash Silks. n. Thiele, n. E. Bodweu. of solved examples and unsolved exer­ The Sun says: "She plays as naturally for expenses as delegates to the national standing under a large floral bell, and sur­ Feather Dusters, Wooden OUT OF TOWN DBALBBS : successful life, cises in the application of the fundamental prison congress;„ passed. Establishing a Bethel as a naturally as a bird flies, with a sort rounded by many beautiful floral devices. Ware, Refrigerators and Geo. H. Cole, New Canaan The town has been practically deserted theorems and pure processes of pure of willful freedom and healthy dash that borough court in Greenwich, and- ap­ The bride appeared in a dress of white C. M. Monroe, . Westport pointing H. W. R. Hoyt judge, and Geo. wm. Edgar Nash, this week, and there is miglityslim picking algebra, and to exhibit to them tbe highest are extremely fascinating." corded silk en train, duchess lace, veil, I HENRIETTA CLOTHS, House Furnishing Goods. for local news-gatherers. The people who and most important results of modern D. McNall deputy Judge of the court; The Tribune says: "Her reading of tho flowers and smilax. She was given away • v r- LOCAL ITEMS: do things worth writing about are all in algebraic analysis. The work will be is­ E flat concerto of Liszt's was broad and passed. Bills that where schooling is by her father. The ushers were Paul In the lot are some thirty colors of Henrietta Cloths that will go at 75c furnished by a town for children of an­ New York having somo fun, and those sued in two volumes, the first of which impassioned, and maintained itself against Nash, of Yale, brother of the bride, Fred­ W. B. Bailey lias returned from a long other town, and Who do not reside in any who remain arc, like the scribes them­ closes with an extensive collection of ox- an accompaniment which would have erick M. Wood, brother of the groom, lecturing tour. district, the selectmen of the town furn­ Frank C. Colcy and Arthur. Miss Lulu selves, fuict, harmless, law abiding citi­ erclscs in determinals. overwhelmed most of the men players FjyE WOOL DRESS GOODS, Mr. L. B. Mix has rented the Pinneo zens who mind there own business and ishing the schooling may collect expenses Sturges presided at the organ, rendering A meeting of the grand lodge, F. and now before the American public." from the other tofrn; passed. That when many floe selections, closing with the cottage on Isaacs street. keep out of the papers. It is a "hustler' In Boston, the nicetios of criticism wedding march as the couple and an im­ M., will be held in Hartford, May 8th, to a dog is registered and is removed from * Most of the factories in town will remain who can get up an exciting paper .under which are so dear to the press of that city, mense congregation passed from the take action on the following petition: another town, tho owner may obtain a church. At the house of the bride's par­ We ask attention to our closed during the week. these circumstances. well lavished upon Miss Aus der Ohe's NEW The undersigned, members of Hiram certificate from the town clerk for use in ents a pretty reception was held, after Willard Perkins, a Waterbury restaur- lodge, No. 1, located at New Haven, prior playing, to a degree not often shown in which the couple left for their bridal tour. Fred 8. Partrick, of Jersey City, is the other town to'ahow that he has paid anteur, died Saturday night from conges­ to to the revocation of its charter by the that place of reserved praise. The gifts to the bride were numerous and - visiting his parents'in town. grand lodge, acknowledge their allegiance tajt; passed. Authorizing F. St. John French Tosca Camels' Hair Cloth r tion of the lungs and heart failure, duo to In Philadelphia, where .Toseffy reigns elegant. On their return Mr. and Mrs. mg es. to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Lockwood to expend certain funds ; Wood will reside iu Westport. Oculist Schwab will be at the Norwalk excessive fat. Until he was tweuty years Connecticut and respectfully show that supreme, she easily divided the honors which are the finest made and sold everywhere at $ I. Wo offer them for 59c. passed. Amendibg chartcr of the Nor- The succcss of the first entertainment . i Hotel on May 15th and 16tli. of age he exhibited through the country they have the prosperity of the order at with him. We invite inspection of walk street railway; passed. The senate given under the auspices of the Board of One case dollar Serges at 62£c. under the name of "Billy Bates, the heart, and are willing to exert their best We have made a genuine attempt to ob Trade in National Hall last Thursday ' " One case beautiful Spring mixtures at 37$c.; ; ;P"ce everywhere else The Odd Fellows' celebration will be endeavors to promote and diffuse tbe concurred with the house to adjourn to one of the most complete Pennsylvania giant-boy." He was born tain from our own lovers of an expression evening may be thus briefly summed up- held on the 7th in the Opera House. genuine principles of Masonry. Monday, May 6, at theclose of to-morrow's is 50c. • ,, stocks of Carpets ever in Philadelphia, Pa. When he was twelve Your petitioners, therefore, pray that of views on Miss Aus der Ohe's art, and net receipts, about $150, all of which is • §Pi? '"'.re - Organist Brennan, of St. Mary's church session. to be used to.defray the expense of public shown, in all the various years of age he weighed 250 pound. -At this Most Woi8liipful Grand Lodge will be have consulted Mr. Gibson, Miss Betts, improvements A very large audience • : ; 100 pieces of 38 inch all wool handsome Spring goods at 29c. has taken the agency for the Kellar piano. pleased to restore to them the chartcr Frid»y.—The following bills from tho qualities and newest popu­ one time he weighed 425 pounds, formerly issued to Hiram lodge, No. 1. Miss Miller, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Vogel,Miss was delighted, not only by tbe features of One case at 25c. 40 inches wide Next Monday the circus comes to town, Gertrude Camp and others. It is unfair, house were rejected: prohibiting the use programme, but by the magnificent drap­ lar styles and colorings- Kate Field is criticised by over squeam­ They woul•• Comstocks, and many of his ideas were Pjiut growers are to send 98,000 bushels father, mother, husband, wife or child, live numbers all told. The artists gavo Oil Cloth, from 25c. per yd. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wade and little shadowy piano, where she seems to be of seed to Narragansett Bay and Cape such selectmen shall on being satisfied their services in aid of the good cause. Ralph went to New York on Monday decidedly original. playing "The Spinning 8ong" from Has samples of many of our exclusive styles, and ladies who cannot come Art Squares, Mats and Rugs Cod ports. This is twice the amount ever that such complaint is true forthwith notify It is more that likely that other entertain­ morning to spend the greater part of the Col. Sam. Daskam dropped into the lie- Wagner's "Flying Dutchman," which we ments for the same cause and perhaps by to our store can order through her at exactly same prices. at Equally Low Prices. before shipped to these ports in a in writing every licensed dealer in said week. cord office yesterdayjand heaving a sigh hope to hear here Friday night as an some of the same performers, will be given We solicit your patronage, and of relief, remarked that lie felt as if he had a single season. It is safe to say that the town that said request has been made, during the season. Those who neglect to witness the cen- encorc. suggest an early selection. just been released from a long confinement value of the shipment will reach $50,000. and that tbe sale, exchange or gift of any Thursday evening next the Board of • tennial ceremonies in New York this week Miss Aus der Ohe is the daughter of a Trade will a regular meeting at which in jail. He had just been discharged from This will boom the oyster business which spirituous and intoxicating liquors to any W B. HALL ft CO. Country Orders Promptly Executed. have to wait a hundred years for another duly as foreman of the jury at the late distinguished Berlin professor of the time it is expected a report of progress in has been dull the past winter. Rhode father, mother, husband, wife or child, is opportunity. term of the superior court at Bridgeport, Royal Artillery school, and is, at the the scheme for a new railroad will be which had eclipsed all former records by Island lot owners are working under a forbidden by law, and such selectmen submitted. In advance of this meeting it JOHN & JAMBS German capital, as great a social as a —Samples of many choice goods from lasting seven weeks. In that time only new plan, which is much after the Con­ shall keep a record of such notification, may be proper to state that a corps of four cases had been disposed of, all of musical favorite. She will be entertained eight engineers, sent by Mr,. Chapman, be­ C3 •sat 'W. B.Uall & Co., Bridgeport, can be seen necticut system that is being so widely which may be used as evidence. Such which were important cases, involving while in Norwalk by Mrs. Charles C. gan Monday, 22d, at Redding Ridge to T at the house Jof Mrs. W. H. Jarvis, on imitated. They are allowed to take up notification shall remain in force so long DOBSON., large interests, viz:—the Huested vs. Mead Betts on the Green. x. survsy the line from that point to Hawley- Main street, South Norwalk. barn burning case which had been in the the ground, and this has created a great as such licensed dealer shall continue to ville and that they may be heard from at courts for the past fifteen years; the Weed demand for Connecticut stock. The this meeting- Paul. Manufacturers, O. H. Swift has been re-appointed mail The Norwalk canoe club was formed be annually licensed for the sale of spirit­ case, from Stamford, being an action to shipments will begin about May 15. two years ago and has eight members agent on the Danbury &Norwatk division. break a will; the Birdsall vs. Wheeler uous and intoxicating liquors; but tbe 40 and 42 West 14th St, The officers are:—Commodore, Leonard selectmen may revoke such notification at He was removed a few months ago by case arising from an alleged bond forfeit­ The reunion of a long separated father M. Searles; Secretary and Treasurer, J. President Cleveland in the line of demo­ ure; and the Smith will case, of Stratford. and son, each of whom had for years been C. Green. There are eight canoes, some any time after one year from the date of NEW YORK. 1 —Record. in ignorance of the whereabouts of the of them elegant in design and finish. The its service; passed. Amending charter cratic "reform." ' other, is the topic of conversation in Wil­ The New Haven* Register's Hartford cor­ Siouxj 14£ feet, is owned, by the-Commo­ of the Bridgeport Gas Light campany; ITTLE Miss Daisy, of Kentucky, who has ton. David Jenks,' the milkman, who lias dore ; Alice, 14 feet,' Lidsqd Hoffman, respondent says that the Housatonic a route in Norwalk, left his home in New taken up a claim in Oklahoma, is prepared now in Jersey City; Swan, 14J feet, F. J. people are puzzling their brains to discover York sixteen years ago when he was nine Bradley, South Norwalk; canoe, no name, Wednesday.—Resolution that inquiry to defend It. No one who is not anxious what caused the change in the railroad years old, and came~to Wilton where he 20 feet, Thomas S. Morison ; Vision, 15 be made into the issue of bonds by tbe PILLS. " to turn up his toes to the daisies will committeo just before the report on their was totally unknown, finding a home with feet, Ur. Wilson; canoe, no name, 15 feet The "Record," the family of a well-to-do farmer who Housatonic company, the petition of the interfere with her pre emption. petition was sent in last week. What is Thomas Benedict. There arc two others brought him up. From the time he left in New York soon to arrive, .one of 15 company to amend its charter, the bill SPRING GOODS. A Memphis woman fell thirty feet down now the minority report was originally his parents in New York, the latter have feet owned by J. C. Green. The canoes giving the company power to build an elevator shaft, and lighting on her intended for the majority report, for the searched and in various ways endeavored are in fine order and equal to spy in the branches, and the minority resolution, Spring draws nearer, day by day and every steamer to find some trace of their boy, but in country. The plans for. the summer are CURE . bustle, escaped unhurt. The bustle has document now in the hands .of the clerk •ain. Some two years ago David was Were tabled, and are to be taken up again Sick Headache and relieve all tho troubles inci­ The Norwalk Record was written, "We, a majority of the mem­ not matured, but will probably embrace dent to a bilious state at tlio system, such as from Europe is bringing fresh additions to our already now met and vanquished every danger, seized with'a desire to find his' parents, visits to Bridgeport, Stamford, Westport, immediately after the grade crossing Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after except from an attack from a billy goat. bers of the railroad committee," but the and went to New York for that purpose, business is disposed of. Bills in­ eating. Pain in the Bide, &e. While their moat and a cruise up the Housatonic river as remarkable success has been shown in caring large stock of Spring Goods and Novelties. We are open­ Is an established fact. Although only one word "majority" was crossed with a pen, but his search and. inquiries were futile. far as Birmingham. All the canoes will be corporating the Westport Water com­ year old its circulation already averages The board of engineers, it is understood, A few days ago, however, he received a and the ink marks show that the change put into thewater about May lst.—JTera W. pany ; passed. Incorporating the Yale ing new Carpets, new styles in Spring Wraps, new im­ will investigate the affair with a view to letter from his father, stating that he had was made sometime after the report was Alumni Association of Fairfield county; portations in Silks and Dress Goods, new Laces, new Em- finding out to whom the cause of the just heard, by the merest chance, of his Thursday afternoon the -fire alarm SICK 3.000 COPIES PER WEEK 1; drawn up. ^ son's whereabouts, and that he would at sounded, and with their usual promptness, passed. Headache, yet Carter's Little lirer Pins are rumpus is to be attributed. In case the once come up-to pay him a visit. He the fire companies ran to the scene of equally valuablein Constipation,curing a&dpra* broideries and a hundred other things. In the hands of men liko Mayor Grant, Thursday.—Senate bill providing that Tenting this annoying complaint, while they also a fact which attests its rapid rise and Arm hold on guilty ones are located they will be hung. came on Tuesday atid the meeting be­ excitement with their apparatus. The fire correct aUdisorders of the s tomach.stimulate tho the public favor. It aims to be clean and whole­ of New York, the axe is mightier than tween father and son was very affecting, proved to be a spark that had blown from the secretary of the State Board of Educa­ some, and presents all the legitimate news in "Doc." E. Lapham, late proprietor of liver and regulate the bowels. Bvea If they only readable, spicy and terse shape. Its subscription the threat. The way to get rid of the bringing tears to the eyes of those who a smoker's pipe, or a tinner's charcoal tion shall be ex-officio a member of the price is sufficiently low to enable anybody to have ; the Main street drug store, at present re­ electric poles in a city's streets, in his witnessed it. The joy of the father at furnace on the roof of the Brunswick, school committee of every town and POPULAR DRESS GOODS. it without discarding any other of their favorite siding in Stephentown, N. Y., is spending finding his long lost son, was intensified which had dropped to the roof of the school district in' which is situated a • From this section comes the following special lines, every one of wkich journals, and it prospers without encroaching judgment, is to get rid of them, not to by the prospects and circumstances of the building adjoining on Main street. Tbe HEAD upon the prosperity of any of its excellent and the week with fritpds in town. He looks school wh .so teachers arc appointed by Aclie they would be almostprloeleas to those who represents extra good value: esteemed local contemporaries, as is shown by waste years in talking about it. The latter and the esteem in which he is held damage was less than a cent, as a work­ suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu­ the fact that it enjoys and appreciates the hearty .;. bale and hearty and his many friends re- companies know that they have been in the community, David being a young man detected it and stamped it out with the State Board ot Education, and shall nately their goodness does notendhera,andthOM : 36-inch Wool Suitings, Scotch effects, all shades, 2oc. good will of all—the GAZETTE, Hour, Sentinel man of property and with a profitable who once try them will find these little pills valu­ Journal and Republican. joice to see him. defying the law, and that, if they make his foot before it had igni'.cd a shingle. have all the powers and duties of the able in so many ways that they will not be wil­ | 3(5-inch wool Fancy Suitings, Spring colorings, 33c. THE RECORD Is sent to any address for th and well established business. David will The firemen got into a wrangle," however, other members of such school committee; ling to tlo without them. But after all siok head 38-inch all wool Cheviot Checks, Spring Shades, cost 50c. to make,37£c small sum of v Emmet Austin was arrested on Thurs- too much of a fuss, their managers are go to New York to-day to meet his mother, that proved more exciting than a more .day evening for knocking down John S. liable to be locked up. Mr. Grant's who eagerly awaits his coming,— Record. formidable conflagration. There has passed. Bill amending chartcr of the city V 40-inch wool fancy Bibbon Stripe Suitings, new Spring colors, 50c. 54-inch bair line and graduated Stripe Suitings, very desirable, 50c Seymour, the locksmith. Judge Selleck conduct is undoubtedly a surprise to his always been a healthy rivalry between of New Haven, which provides for pen­ 75 cents a Year; Me Copies. 2 cents. Anent the will of the late James *B. Hope hose and Phoenix engine companies, sioning policemen injured in servicc and ACHE v ; Fancy printed Beiges, in plaids and stripes, 12^c. fined Austin $5 and costs, aggregating best friends. He gave them no special Is the bane of so many lives that hen Is wheto Selleck, who recently committed suicide in the matter of which cjuld get the first retired ; passed. The house reconsidered we make our gnat boast. Our pills puralt white v Extra values in Black Dress Goods. Now is the Time to Subscribe > about $13. The assault was the upshot promise of falling into the line of mayors stream on a fire. On this occasion Phoenix in Darien, various sensational rumors are and receded from its former action in others do not. 46 inch all-wool Henriettas (positively worth 85c, $1.10 and $1.35), 65 of a family matter. ' ' W who have become candidates for the published. The one gaining the widest had connected with a hydrant and stalled Carter's Little Liver Pills are vary small sad governorship; but, if he keeps on in the a stream through a spray nozzle. In regard to the prohibitory amondment, very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. 85 and 98c. Centennial services were held in some of eredence is to the effect that "There are They are strlotly vegetable and do not gripe Or way he has begun, he.may find the honor some way the nozzle was turned so it wet- and consequently the people of this state ptirirn, but by their gentle action please all who the churches in town on Tuesday. In the twenty-eight heirs to his property, but down the Hope boys who were close by, luothem. In vials at 35cents; five for $1. Sold seeking him without any effort of bis will have to decide at the polls whether by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail SPECIAL TO FARMERS. - Methodist church, at a union scrvice, when his will was read in the Probate getting ready to send a stream to the roof. |Ladies' Spring Wraps and Coats. own. They evidently took the baptism as a the sale and manufacture of liquor, beer, , Rev. C. E. Torrey made an address and Court, at Stamford, many of them who CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. The once chivalric New Orleans Picayune challenge from Phoenix, and promptly etc., in the state shall be prohibited. ;Ourexhibit of Spring Garments iscertainly one of the finest and most brief remarks were made l>y Rev. Messr?. were present were surprised to learn that Tlie Record. says: "Kate Field, a California wine responded by turning their stream on Friday.—Resolution granting divorce to complete that has ever been shown in the city. Not only are the styles Anderson and Bisftell. they had not been mentioned iu the their rivals and giving them a thorough -George H. Beard, of Milford, on account more varied and elegant than in any former year, but exceptionately fortu­ agent, is kicking about the bad liquor the document. The parly, who, according soaking. This vigorous application of The Y. M. C. A. Annual is out, having of the hopeless insanity of his wife; nate purchases enable us to sell at much lower prices than will prevail later PUBLISHES EVERY SATURDAY THE barkeepers sell her in the West," If it to the will receive the largest amount is cold water had the effect of raising the been printed at the Gazette: office. It is dan er cf certain of the impulsive mem­ passed. Restoring forfeited rights to in the season. 'r> ' - ' were a man who said such a thing as that Miss Sarah Daskam. The amount left " > not only a good looking paper, but it is bers of both companies and they rushed ^James Sanford, of Redding; passed. Ex­ The New York Market Reports we would feel it our bound duty to resent her is $12,000. Six years ago, after Mr. together for battle. Only a few blows filled with a goodly amouut of most intcr- tending time for -the completion of tho " Striped Connemaras from $5.75 to $17.50. ^ both the language and the imputation it Selleck's wife died, he paid considerable were exchanged, however, before Chief Russian Coats in entirely new styles, very handsome, at $20. CORRECTED UP TO DATE. tfi3a -• esting reading matter relative to the asso­ Lockwood and Officer Morehouse, who *Ridgefleld and New York railroad; passed. conveys. But the New Orleans Picayune attention to Miss Daskam, and it was Directoire Newmarkets at $15, $16, $22.50. ciation and its work and record. is conducted by a woman, so there is chanced to be near, elbowed their way Bills providing for an allowance of $2 per supposed that they would be married. through the crowd that rapidly gathered, week for the wifeJ and each child of a ' ^ Striped Newmarkets, bell sleeves, at $7 and $10. Mr. Robert P. Potter is to be the super- nothing for us to do but to stand back According to all reports, Miss Daskam each collared a warrior ana hustled htm Union veteran committed to the soldier's . intendent of the eleventh census. He is a and let the tide of affairs ebb and flovy ai off the battle-field, which prompt action refused to marry Selleck without lie gave hospital; passed. ^Prohibiting the manu­ statistician of industry and experience it listetli—that is to say, there is nothing had its effect in bringing the rest of JACKETS. her a certain sum of money. Mr. Selleck combatants to their senses and hostilities facture, sale or having in possession any , ... who has devoted himself largely to studies for us to do unless the two ladies would would; not agree to it, and the match was were suspended. It started in just the imitation of butter or cheese not produced | Tailor made Stockinette Jackets from $3 to $12. v ; J ' 'I of the tariff question, and the great work like to have us hold their bohnets while right manner to develop into a serious eja broken off. Her refusal to marry him from milk or cream ; passed. Wide wale Jackets, bound with braid, at $4.50. - devolved upon him will doubtless be done they have it out with each other. What worked upon his mind and caused him affair, but the promptand summary action brave and daring man will just turn 'em of the police nipped it in the bud. Some O.&O.TEA Corkscrew Jackets, satin faced, at $4.50 to 110. .with energy and exactness. many moments of sorrow. Selleck's The Choicest Tea E?er Offered. loose into the pasture lot and noisslcssly there be, however, who wisely shake WESTPOlt T. , Striped Jackets of wooled goods at $1.50. Colonel Anderson preached his last father also committed suicide by cutting their heads and knowingly predict that Last' week a horse owned by Charles put up the bars behind them.. his throat. The relatives believe it will this skirmish is only the active beginning PERFECTLY PURE. sermon as pastor of the Congregational W. Sherwood, was shot by an agent of ' MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN The resignation of Gen. Franz Slgel be an easy matter to prove that Selleck of a firemen's war, and that the next A MOST DELICIOC9 BEVERAGE. \ TRY IT. church on Sunday. There was a large alarm of fire will be a call to battle.— the state humane society. CARPETS " congregation in attendance, who listened from the New York pension agency takes was not sane when the will was made." Record. The delegates to the convention appoint­ Ton will nmi bm uy othn; nitw­ place under circumstances that will it Is the Hiqhut Osudz LUF, picked from ' • We unhesitatingly say, we have largest individual intently to the farewell discourse. The —W. B. Hall & Co., the dry goods men Goods and PrlcM. ~ ed" at the annual meeting of Memorial the best plantations and guaranteed absolutely command for him universal respect and pun and free from all adulterations or coloring genial colonel will be greatly missed by a of Bridgeport, who keep such an assort­ The D. M. Read Co. arc showing in th|c church are John S. Jones and William G. stock of Wilton, Moquette, Body Brussels, Tapestry and sympathy. The conduct of his unworthy matter. The packages an hermetically sealed LUMBER, TIMBER, wide circle of admiring friends; ment of cloaks, silks and fine dress goods, cloak and suit department the novelties il> Staples. and warranted full weight. It is more econ­ Ingrain Carpetings that cap be found in Western Con- • . son, who has recently been committed to omical in use than the lower grades. have just made a twenty thousand pur­ light and medium weight garments for, Miss Agnes Hyde,Jibe elocutionist, of The first girls' trust extant is now on prison on conviction of forgery, undoubt­ Oriental ft Occidental Tea Co., L't'4^ npctirnt "> ^ chase of silks and Henriettas,, arc out spring and summer wear. Some of the Cambridge, Mass., has recovered from her record. The sales ladies of Weschler & edly precipitated this step, but it is LHearf Office, 38 Burling Slip, Kew Torlc. to-day with a telling advertisement that is most noticeable and popular are "Direc- recent injuries, and is expecting to visit For sale by- — - Shirtgli's, Lath, * ; Abraham's dry goods store in Brooklyn gratifying !o know that the gallant old We are manufacturers, jobbers and retailers and can and do give the worth reading. The Standard, of the toire" with fancy vests, the "Fedora," Westport during the latter part of May. H. Glover 4c Son, Norwalk, FInneg«n - ' , - - jounalistic profession is coming in for a follows: Mrs. Nettie L. Huntington, pack full as many ordinary dry goods by entering complaints and making the mi :-:m great deal »f notoriety just now, several directress; organist, Miss Gertrude Camp; stores. In this respcct outward appear­ List of Patents. : 'gv: owners of the fowl* pay $7 and costs. soprano, Miss Ella J. Byxbee; contralto, ances are deceitful. But call for auy- List of Patents issued lrom the United Stabs An item last weefc relating to the resig­ Pickets, $c. /: journalists have received very lucrative Patent Office, for the week endint; April 33d, Mrs. Huntington -, tenor, Mr. Smart: tbing in the dress goods line manufactured nation of Rev. A. N. Lewis as rector of plums from the administration tree, on earth, and the clerk addressed will '89, for the State of Connecticut, furnished us basso, Mr. Oliver Jackson, with chorus of from the office of Joint E. Babi.*, Solicitor of Memorial church contained a slight error another has been arrested for a $40,000 pupils under tuition of Mrs. Huntington. instantly producc it, and the price will be Patents, New Haven, Conn,: forgery and the editor of a San Francisco The Congregational choir remains the found right. Silks, dress silks piedom- M. P. Brav, assignor 1-2 to C. L. Olmstead in that rart of where the testimonial ask­ ate. New textures, weaves and tints paper was presented by his wife last week same as last year with tlio exception^ of and A. D. Naaon, Ansonia, making bntton bole ing him to reconsider bis action is spoken NMLfTKHCTH > OUAmHTEgp/ Veneered Hard Wood iWork. the leading soprano, Miss Minnie Fritz, abound and the mystery about all is where strips. of. All but two parishioners to whom it 11M, M COM, with triplets." who goes to the Methodist choir, her so many exquisite examples are obtained. H. Buckingham, Hartford, grinding and This powder restores to bread the Phosphates A description of those now offered would sharpening machinery. was presented for signatures signed their fcund in Wheat and lost by Milling. It contains One of the attractions at a dime museum lace being filled by Miss Headlcy of J. Coup, New Haven, car coupling. no Cream of Tartar, no Alum, no Kochelle Malts. •anbury. The Methodist choir rem-tins as fail to give more than nn idea of their names—not all but two connected with in a Now England city is "the biggest B L. F. Griswold, assignor to Js. Miller & Co., BOOHELIiE SALT. Main superb character. Fashionable garments 5 Sc., Fairfield Ave. & Cannon St., last year with the exception of the Meriden, suspension device. the parish as stated. All Cream of Tartar Baking Powders produce Hard Wood Ceiling and Flooring footed girl living," and the manager offers acquisition of Miss Fritz as leading ready made for ladies are, as warm Thomas Lomas, Bridgeport, newspaper file. In response to tbe proclamation of the Kochelle Salts when used in bread making. This five thousand dollars and a well stocked soprano. The singing at the Baptist weather approaches, attracting attention, N.'E. Nash, Stonington, valve gear for duplex salt will poison yonr blood, and the blood of yonr President and the recommendation of the little children, and cause kidney trouble, Ask 'SiIS® ONK BLOCK FROM R. R. STATION, farm in Ohio to any man who will marry, church will be congregational, led by and added to these the fads iu parasols, steam pumps. > cornet, until a leading soprano can be gloves, lace's, sateens, wool dress goods, J. L. Pomeroy, Now Haven, flexible razor Governor, special .services were held your grocer for a free Bample of the South Norwalk, Conn. her. There are spiteful St. Louis people strap. pg "PHOBPHATK HEALTH" - secured. Mr. E. M. Jackson, late organist and hundreds of little hitherto unheard of G. E. Somers, Bridgeport, asmguor to Bridge­ Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock in Christ, who hint that the farm Is donated by a rl'*', BAKING POWDER. 1 at St. Paul's, now officiates in the same novelties make a display creditable to the port Brass Co., shade holder. Memorial, Congregational, M. E., tbe , * .'IT" tjjfser* > proprietors and to the city wliicb their ; N. Y. PHOSPHATE CO., BRIDGEPORT. Chicago syndicate in order to insure the capacity in the choir of Trinity church, J. Spruce and A. M. ComstacV, Waterbury, '•' bride's staying a good way from home. ' 'Bridgeport. \ ' rB store embellishes. 1 ; spring hinge, j M. E. at Saugatuck, and the Congrega­ «194 Warren St., New Tork. NORWALK GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, ;18 8 9.

ters looked very serious 7Ji- «.o s/ night of the 4th to march at once to Wilder­ : of Longstreet's corps appeared in double column, 'J'l by. : - ness Tavern, and he would be a reserve and a nearer tho scene of action. His reasons for witlidrnv.i::;: rro:u tl By 8 o'clock Griffin on tho turnpiko and swinging down tho Orango plank road at. a trot. without another c.Tort <>:i t'.ic 7t!> avo ij Aa thqy beat aiul sob, Teriibln Blond Pai*on. Suffered nil a man rear guard for tho trains. Tho cavalry of In perfect order, ranks well closed, and no i As they beat and throb, „ could snfler and live. Fuce nnd body Gen. Torbert was ordered to join Sheridan, Crawford, south of it, were ordered to movo stragglers, thoso splendid troops came on. Ker­ as follows: | Till I hear a voice in the distant roar ' ; covered with awful sores. Used the One of the Great Battles of the who was with Gregg at Chancellorsville. The out and attack,and Crawford was brought shaw's division took tho right of tho road, and, "On the morning of the 7th r'cconnoi I On that lovely stretch of sandy shore. Ciitieura Remedies ten week. nn,i j, to a halt at Chewning's farm, and ordered coming into lino under a heavy fire, moved ob-. showed that the enemy had fallen tiel practically cured. A remarkable cane. safo passageof the Rapidan was accomplished, Jj Over the strings of my harp today Civil War. and that was in itself a fortunate thing. to take up a position and send a brigade to liquelyto tho right (south) to meet the Federal his intrenched lines, witli pickets to the I contracted a terrible blood-poisoning a year frelp Wadsworth iu his attack. . By this, time left, which had swung around in that direction. front,- covering a part of the battlefield. Floats a song for the dying year— ago. I doctored with two good physicians A song that thrills with an unshed tear neither of whom did me any good. I suffered ail' out, Hancock had ail his troops up, ana Tho Federals were checked in their sweeping ad­ From this it was evident to my mind that tho WE SEND LEE'S RAPID COUNTER STROKE. vance and thrown back upon their front lino of EN™BYMA»L SHFDIN ^AKEHENSLFLV^ Thro' the winter twilight, cold and gray. . f a man can suffer an I live. Hearing of yoiir c'cTi. he sent out Birney's and Mott's divisions on two days' fighting had satisfied him of hisftn- tJ liE I>,E3 1 IT WAS DECIDED MAT 0, 1864. Lee permitted tho crossing without striking breastworks, where they made a stubborn stand. As the breakers sob, c "* ?!^ included to try them, knowing Getty's left, and in a few moments the roai abilitv to further maintain the contest in tho As the breakers throb. if l hey did mc no good they could make me no a blow. On the 2d of May ho told his confi­ of musketry fire, incessant and deadly, told But Kershaw, urged on by Longstreet, charged open field, notwithstanding his advantage of woise. I have been using the.n abont ten weeks dants in the Confederate camps that Grant his whole command, swept Ills front and captured And I hear that voice with its old refrnin. and am most,happy to say that I am almost rid of that tho battle of the Wilderness had begun. tho works. Nearly at the samo moment, Fields' position, and that lie would wait an attyck For thoso,days that never come back egain. Grant In Virginia—First Encounter Be­ would cross the Rapidan by the lower fords, tne awful sores that covered my face and bodv A section of Ricketts' Pennsylvania battery, division took the left of tho road, with Gregg's behind his works. I therefore determinpd to «iLfu«e w.a's as b;lJ- if not worse, than that is, where ho did cross on the night of the MALL ACKS SO^POSTPAID.^ Over the strings of my harp today tween the New tender and Robert E. from Hancock's corps, accompanied Getty on brigade in front, Benning's behind it. Law's next push on and put my whole 1'oreo Itctwcen him S R Miss Hoynton, spoken of in yonr book, and I 3d. OA the 4th the movements of tho Union and Jenkins' following. As tho Texans in tho Floats a song for my sweet lost youth - * wonld say to any one in the satne condition to use tho plank road and did good service; it was and Richmond, and orders were at once Is­ Sheridan's Condition Powder k For, O, I would give in very truth CUTICUKA, and they will surely be cured. You lee—A Grand Movement Against Rich­ forces on the south side of tho Rapidan were captured by tho enemy and retaken by a des­ frontline swjpt past the batteries where Oen. sued for a movement by his right flatik." noted by the Confederates, and on that even­ Lee was standing, they gave a rousing cheer for rare and highly concentrated. One onnco is worth a pound of tiny other kind. Strictly 4 Riches and fame pnd power away may use this letter in the interest of suffering hu­ mond Checked by tee's Remarkable perate charge. Brewster's brigado of Mott's In his Personal Memoirs Gun. Grant says: medicine, to be given in the food, once dally. In small dosea. Prevents and cures all diseases of hens. To dream once more manity. & w. HEVNOLDS, Ashland, Ohio. ing Gen. Lee, according to his biographer, "Marso Robert," who spurred his horse forward old when hens are moulting, and to keep them healthy. Testimonials sent freo division was outflanked and driven in, mak­ "My object in moving to KpotLsyivnuia Worth Its weight In $ Thoso bright dreams o'er, Covered with Itiinnlng Sores 17 yenrg. Activity—'Terrible Drawn Battle in tho Gen. A. L. Long, who was a member of his and followed them in tho charge. When tho by malt Askyour druggist, grocer, general store, or feed dealer for It. If you can't get it, send at ing a break in tho line. Gen. Alexander men became awaro that ho was "going in" with was twofold; flrit, I did i.ot want l^o to once_ to us. Tak cents, five for $1.00. Six largo cans, express one running sore. aDd my body was covered with predicament that Gen. Hooker was in that Zi Over the strings of my harp today them as large as a half dollar. I tried a great Army Withdrawn to Another Field. Owen's and Carroll's brigades of Gibbon's general, cry. Ono of tho men dropped to second, I wanted to get between his army prepaid, for S5.00. Send stamps or cash. I. S. JOHNSON & CO., Custoxu-House Street, Boston, Mass. Floats a song for the dying ye.'.r— " same Wilderness region. At tho time Leo the rear, and, taking tho bridle, turned many remedies without effect nnlil I used CUTI- The famous contest in the ""Wilderness" division—coming up toGetty's aid, the attack and Richmond if possible; and, if not, to A song that thrills with an unshed tear, cuiiAltEMEMEs.aiid am thankful to state that said this his whole army had been twelve was pushed onward until dark. Col. Carroll his horse around, wnilo Gregg camu up draw him into tho open field." Like the sound of breakei's far away— atter two months of their use I am entirety cureil was decided by events that came to pass at hours in motion eastward on tho same roads was wounded, but kept the field, and the and urged him to do Ono of tho mournful casualties pf this How they beat and sol>: i I feel it. my duty to you and the public to state the about 0 o'clock on tho morning of May 6, occupied by Grant. Ewell, who was the as the men wished. How they beat and thro'.,: above case, L. 1{. McIJOWKLL, Jaincsbnrg, fight was made with such vigor that tho lines At that moment a bloody field was tho death of Gen. Wads­ 1864, the second day of the fighting [on that farthest east, moved out on the turnpike and of Heth's division wero broken, and oven tho worth. This general was a volunteer and And 1 hear that voice with its old refrain, his leading division bivouacked that night member of his staff For tho days that never come bad; a;rai*i. ling and .Scratched 38 j enr*. field and virtually the last day of the battle. troops of Wilcox, that had hastily como to (CoL Venable) direct­ was a representative of tho class of citizen —Mew Hampshire Paii ict. ithe 4th) at Robertson's Store, five miles west the aid of Heth, were beaten back in disorder. ed his attention to soldiers. Ho had passed tho prinjp of life, I go Mr. Dennis Downing ten years better I It was decided in favor of the Confederates by of Wilderness Tavern, where Warren was. 9lfACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTBY, WILL OBT^ have dug and scratched for thirty-eight years I tho arrival of Longstreet's corps on the cen­ In conjunction with this attack the Irish Gen. Longstreet, but he was so zealous in the Union e:\use that No Flattrry. had what is termed prurltis, and have suffered Hill had further to go and ho swung around whom ho had been MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAF OF everything, and tried a number or doctcrs but got ter of Lee's line, where tho right columns of brigade and the brigade of Brooke, of Bar­ advanced ago could not keep him-f;'om the A lailj' wont int.'> a Boston millinery storo to the plank road and passed Mino Run, low's division, on Hancock's oxtremo left, looking for and who field. On tho first day at Gettysburg he was no relief. Anybody could have got $soo had they tho Union army under Gen. Hancock had reaching within,seven miles of Parker's Store, was sitting on his t!ie other day to have suns nlli?:-;itio:is mida cured me. The CUTICCKA REMEDIES cured me. made a desperate attack and held their ono of tho heroes at tho head of Reynolds' God bless the man who invented UUTICUKA ! broken through and disrupted tho Confeder­ where Warren had been ordered to march horse near tho plank in n bonnet, she had lately ijuivimsv'd I l^re. ground. Off on the extreme right Sedg­ road. With evident divisions, and at the Wilderness in the move­ Ilcr little daughter of 4 years, \vh:> w ent CHENEY ORliEN, Cambridge, Mass. ate right wing. That point was Parkerla next day. Longstreet at Gordonsville was wick's men advanced and gained some ground ment in which he fell1; ho handled lijs troops Ciilicurn Remedies. also on tho road, and Stuart had his cavalry disappointment, with her, soon found her way in nmonj llio Store and the control of the roads meeting and secured good positions for artillery. ho turned off and with great boldness and rapidity. workers in tho "back store,'" wlier-e shu fell Sold everywhere: I"rice, CUT.'CI.'KA, 50e.; Sou- there. Hancock was pressing toward it, and in front of Hill and down on the Wadsworth's division, of Warren's corps, joined Gen. Long- Another heavy loss, to tho Union army was 2.">c.; liEsoi.vEN-r, tl. Prepared iiv ihe J'OTTEK road. - street. The ground that of Gen. Alexander Hays, killed during . "Ci »! Into admiring wonder over tho pretty mate­ UKL'li AND I'HKMICAl. C'0„ IjOStOIl, MaSS. he had driven out from their breastworks the faced southward toward the plank road and, BRFUI0COJ»OSJ A rials they wero handling and ninki;:?: up into Early on the morning of tho 5th Stuart guided by tho sound of Hancock's battle, at­ over which Fields' the fighting of tho 5th. Gen. Hays had com­ ff*~r*end for "How to Cure Skill Diseases," c,4 troops of A. P. Hill. The troops of the Con­ had Rosser's brigade at Craig Meeting House, troops were advan­ manded a brigade in tho Second porps a lints and bonnets. pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. tempted to reach his right flank on the plank cing was open for a GEN. JENKINS. long time and nnd led a division. In the re­ Seeing this, and seeing also that her mam­ federate left wing, under Gen. Ewell, were on on the Catharpin road, south of Parker's road, but, becoming involved in tho deep the north side of the road, and, with some Store, the point where Hancock was ordered short distance and fringed on its farther edgo organization of the army he had received a ma would be obliged to wait somo time, tho PLES. black heads, chapped ami oi y skin woods in tho darkness, lis men passed tho with scattered pines, beyond which tho denso brigade again. On the Confederate ^de the working girls gave her some scraps of the PIMI pi (.vented Iiy CuTictJKA MEDiCAThn SOAP. cannon planted on high ground commanding to halt that day. Later on this day some of night within a few rods of the enemy's lines. growth of the Wilderness began. The Federal wounding of Longstreet was a disaster almost trying to stay Hancock's ad­ Longstreet's infantry came up to support equal totnedeath of Stonewall Jucksop. The materials, together with an old iiat and bon­ tho road, were Troops of both armies wandered into tho op­ troops had entered the pines and wero advancing net , telling her she, too, might sit vance. But these men of Ewell were already Rosser, and when Wilson's cavalry advance, posing lines during the night. with apparently resistless force, when Gregg's accidont deprived Lee of his right ai-in, and SANFORD'S now leading both Warren and Hancock Longstreet took no fuither part in field down and trirp with them. She watched engaged on their own front, becauso all along Gen. Lee now sent orders to Longstreet to 800 Texans, regardless of numbers, flanks or sup­ (Gregg having gono elsewhere), attempted to ports. dashed directly upon tber.i. There was a affairs during the campaign. ' VI&/JEEFE them quietly for a time and then sot at work. the ridge between the plank road and the move over to the plank road and reach terrific crash, mingled with wild yells, which set­ The quickness with which she caught the art RADiCAL c LIRE seize this point they were driven off. About Neoadtft ® turnpike and beyond, the Union troops of Parkor's Store, to the aid of Hill. Thus, at tled down into a steady roar of musketry. In less and imitated what she had seen was quito the same time Stuart, moving along the dark on tho 5th, both were ranked for the Hnldai Warren and Sedgwick were taking up the plank road ahead of Hill's column, engaged than ten minutes one half of that devoted eight H0USAT0NIC RAILROAD. surprising. FOR CATARRH. next day. Burnside's Union corps was hasten­ hundred wero lying upon tho field dead or wound­ •M . , , Finally she got the things trimmed some­ battle. Besides this, tho Union corps of Wilson's infantry at Parker's Store. War­ ing to Wilderness Tavern, to go in wherever ed; but they had delivered a staggering blow and Danbury and Korwalk Division. Burnside, which had made a forced march ren's infantry was just behind Wilson on broken tho force of the Federal advance. Ben- what to her liking and held them up for in­ the breach should be found. Anderson's di­ — I Albaqutrq spection. liKMKFI.NSTASTASKOIS. < I'liK i!Am, during the night and reached the field at the plank road, and very soon army head­ ning's and Law's brigades came promptly to ' Corrected February 4th, 1SS9. ' "T:- vision of Hill's corps was also ordered up The milliners all began to praise the work IMDIf'AI/, ASD I'KIiMA.NKNT. daylight, was working its way into the gap quarters was notified that trouble was brew­ from the rear to move in concert with Long- their support, and tho wholo swept forward to­ ing. Gen. Meade reached Wilderness Tavern gether. The tide was flowing tho other way now. ;• PA8SKX0KR TRAINS.. ^ i ' ' (I* J ia Fills as K- extravagantly, telling her that it was beauti­ between Warren's left and Hancock's right, street's two divisions—Fields' and Kershaw's. SOTTTH. : iin at 7:15 o'clock on tho morning of the 5th, and ful and as well done as they could do it. No single disease has entailed more sufferinir or and was threatening to do for Ewell's right Lee's movements show that ho know that Lv Norwaik. Lv .So. Norwalk, Ar.Wiisoj> Ppln Worth. OUTE. Tho little ono listened a moment, drew her­ from that time until 6 o'clock the next morn­ Hancock's corps was in front of Hill, and LEADERS SHOT DOWN. OtpntiSllM, br 1, Bu John- IA hastened the breaking up of the constitution ihun flank above the plank road what Hancock 6 02 a. m. 610 a. m. self up haughtily and looked offended. She Catarrh. J he sense of sine!!, or fuste of sight of ing every hour marks a stage in the history prisoners taken from the Confederates stated It was now (about half past 6o'clock) when 32 a.m. " 7 66 " . 803 '• hearing, the human voice, oueor more, am\ some­ was doing for Hill's left flank south of that of this battle. About tho time that Meade 17 " ;•827 "M-' 835 "• (i ? -t. • tried to check the praiso and ovidontly strug­ times all, yiei coast and trans-oceanic Seaports. Companion. tavern. Meade and Warren were looking the 6th were, that 1010 " 1017 " 1024 'J neutralizing the constitutional tendency of the courso, waited in vain to hear their guns SOLID FAST VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS 0 disease tawards the longs, liver, and kidneys. over tho ground, and at 7:30 a courier was Burnside, who was sounding to his aid. Willcox's division, on W. n. STBVBNSOK, vtce-Pres. and_Gen'i Manager Tprkhli Roads. cent down tho Germanna road south to meet to arrivo during tho north, was virtually mired and was F. C. PAYNB.Superintendent. Of PalacT Coaches—le;i-ding- all competitors in splendor of equipment and Sandford's Radical Cure for Catarrh- A. W. PBKKIN, General Passenger Agent. luxury of accommodations—run through daily between Chicago and Colo­ Speaking of the possibility of Turkish rail­ Hancock, who was moving westward from the night, should obliged to withdraw and seok a pathway on rado Springs, Denver and Pueblo. Similar MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE roads, I am led of course to say something consists of one bottle of tlie UADICAI, CUKP, ivowsvi Chancellorsville by tho way of Todd's tav- got into position solid ground, nearer the plank road. TRAIN SERVICE daily botween Chicago and Council Bluffs (Omaha), and about her roads. Sho has somo roads! I was one box of CATAHRIIAX. SOLVENT, and .IM­ Seagwick had "Brought up Wright's envision between Warren's Meanwhile, Hancock had drawn Webb's botween Chicago and Kansas City. legant Day Coaches, Dining Cars, nuviuA* New YorK, New Haven & Reclining Chair Cars (S'KEE), and Pa _ Sleeping Cars. California £!xcur- ablo recently to journey inland some 700 PROVED RXIIA-LEK, all in one package; price $1. and ono brigade of Getty's division of his left and Hancock's brigado away from Gibbon's line on tho left, siens daily. Choice of routes to and fromim Salt Lake City,Ci1 Portland, Los miles in a springless wagon. Why, in the Ask for SANFOKD'S KADICAI. CURE. :*old every­ Sixth corps, and he was ordered to take his right, fill out that and sent it to relievo Getty's worn out men. Angeles, San Diogo, Sao Francisco, and intervening localities. Quick time. name of humanity, don't they have spring where. Hartford Railroad. ; prompt connections and transfers in Union Depots. place on Griffin's right and join in the fore- broad gap around Webb went out and found a Confederate lino wagons? Patience, my progressive friends! POTTER DRUG A CHEMICAL Corporation EOUOD.9 encho# ward movement. The enemy moving on the tho Lacy house, of battlo whore Getty was supposed to be, 1 - DECEMBER 23d, 1888-1 j There are two good and sufficient reasons. MOVER: whero Wadsworth s THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE * plank road now showed themselves east of and calling to his aid some of Stevenson's Ono is that they are too dear; the other is 1 ACHING SIDES & BACK Parker's Store, and Getty's division of the was resting blind- Ninth corps men, he succeeded in forming a NEW V OIt It Division. Runs suparblyly equipped i impress Trains daily each way between Chicago, that the roads ore not yet quite adapted to fife Kidney and uterine pains and Sixth corps was sent down to the junction of foldod in tho line. Just now Gen. Wadsworth, who ranked nuua.Rock IslandiDiuiu, Atchison,* Hi.. Joseph, Leavenworth, Kansas City and Minne­ springs. Springs aro occidental, but these ^^HRfTweaknesses, relieved in one minute, GEN. J. S. WADSWORTH. Trains leave South Norwalk as folloys apolis and St. Paul, 'rho Favorite Tourist Line to the scenic resorts, and by the Ciiticnrn Aitti-Pnin Flutter, the Brock road with the plank road to at­ woods, and then both Webb and Stevenson, assumed com­ hunting and fishing grounds of the Northwest. Its Watertown Branch roads are oriental. However, this mode of the tirst and only instantaneous pain- «skU>« tack and move out abreast of Crawford on the wholo army, from right to left, Sedg­ mand on the plank road, ordered the lino For New York.—Accommodation trains at courses through tho most productive lands of Northern Iowa, Southwestern locomotion is a great advance over the old kniing, strengthening plaster. Warren's left flank. Thus by 10 o'clock the wick, Warren, Burnside and Hancock, should forward against Longstreet's men and soon 6.56, 8.30, 9.36, a. m., 1.20 (local) 2.44, 6.g6, Minnesota, and East Southern Dakota. regime, when one could go nowhere except R I have no hesitation In HAVB° two Union corps of Warren and Sedgwick movo at 5 o'clock in the morning in a com fell, fatally wounded, leading tho charge. and 6.3# (to Stamford only) 8.11,10.15, p. m. Ex­ THE SHORT LINE Vi\ SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to on horseback or on foot. To speak seriously, press trains at 5.16 (except Mondays), 5.48,6.12, travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. i recommending were in line to move out on both the turn­ bined assault all along the lino. On Hancock's left thero was uo advance. (local), 7.23 (local), 7.66 (10cal)8.26 (local) 9.03 Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. the last ten years have witnessed immense Dr. Scth Arnold's pike and plank roads and fight their way Sheridan and Stuart were now fighting at (Springfield local), 10.13,11.45 a. m.,; l2.5»(Sprlng- progress in this regard. Most of the largo fleld local), 4.46, 5.20, p. m. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information, apply to any Coupon COUGH KILLER. MAP OP THE CAMPAIGN. westward, and Hancock's corps was moving : THE GRAND ASSAULT. Vodd's Tavern, and some dismounted cavalry For New Haven nud the Bast.—Accommo­ Ticket Offlco in tho United States or Canada, or address cities aro now connected by these roads. And | A few doses cured me of But just when it was a turn of the hand to their aid. attacked Barlow's dation trains at 6.31,, 10.42 a. m., 1.45, tho fact that fat,' ease loving pashas find a cold and tickling in When 5 o'clock came all wero ready ex­ division on Han­ 4.22, 6.13,6.36 and 7.27, to Bridgeport, 8.49, 9.49, E. ST. JOHN, E. A. HOLBROOK, the throat. whether or not the Confederates must retire cepting Burnside. The head of his corps <> ' General Manager. CHICAGO, ILL.. Gen'l Ticket 4 Pass. Agent. these clumsy wagons, far more comfortable in disorder Longstreet's troops in-two lines— A DEADLOCK IN THE THICKET. cock's left. All of 11.07 p.m. Express trains at 9.l«, a.m. ;12.18,1.07 than horseback riding is a kind of guarantee (jr. Xi. WALKER, Tho Confederates wero also drawing near roached Wilderness Tavern during the night, this occurred while (local), 3.07, 4.11 (Housatonic Express) 5.09 PAWTUCKET, E. L Kershaw's division on the right of tho road but one brigado of his leading division (Ste­ (Naugatuck Express) 7.18, (Springlleld local), that the roads will bo kept in passable order. and Fields' (formerly Hood's) on the left— to tho same points in force. Ewell's two di­ tho lino on the 12.43 a. m. (Boston express). Tho average jiasha, after he has had a little Druggists, 25c., 50c., and $1.00. visions under Johnson and Rodos were placed venson's; was sent to support Hancock and Sundays.—Accommodation 7.38, 9.11 ,a., m., came steadily trotting to the field of blood. tho remaining brigades wero held for re­ plank road was taste of the better, is very unwilling to go The columns swung into line of battle on north and south of tho turnpike so as to con­ moving on tho and 6.51 p. in. . „ „ „ .1 Geo. S. Gregory. back to tho worso, whero personal comfort is YOUTH BEAUTY front both Sedgwick and Warren. The lead­ serve. The divisions of Willcox and Potter O. M. SIIEPAKD, Gen. Sapt. * cither side of the road and, moving down, starting from their camps on tho night of the chargo in which ii-i C. T. HEMPSTEAD. Gen. P8SSL Agt. at stake.—Hartford Courant. Can be Obtained crushed out all opposition, swept -Hancock's ing division of Hill's corps under Heth Wadsworth fell. BY USING reached Parker's Store on the morning of tho 4th, with a march of over thirty miles to L ive? y. Boarding, Sale, ttOYAt men out of Hill's intrenchments and redeemed After Wadsworth's Afraid of Juy Birds. 5th, and learning from the cavalry that the mako on roads already crowded with wagon THE OLD AND RELIABLE the day.. Following Longstreet cams Ander­ trains, arrived at tho front as the battlo be­ fall his line fell A gentleman was riding to town a day or son's division of Hill's-corps, that had also Union infantry was near at hand in force, back, and at tho *"e < and Exchange two ago, when an old negro woman, with a CLINTON'S Heth advanced cautiously down the plank gan. On the front lino tho troops of Sedg­ been left behind. With this, ro-enforcement wick's advanced division, under Wright, same moment Bar­ Norwalk: & NBV York Freight Line. scared look, ran from her house, saying: WITCH HAZEL Hill rallied his. men and effectually checked road toward the junction of Brock road. The low, on tho left, "Boss, is you got a gun in your pocket?" Brock road here runs northwest and south­ went forward gallantly and found Ewell's & t a b les. Burnside's advances north of the plank road, men well intrenched and tho whole line guard­ called for re-en­ "No," replied the gentleman; "what's tho TOILET flREM. east, crosses the plank road and intersects the forcements, and t nil * WUWi-J!!: and the hard work of the battle was over. ed with artillery, sweeping the open ground matter?" It is the only preparation In the This battle on Grant's. part was brought Germanna Ford road a mile below Wilder­ Hancock suspended "Well, ver sea T WLMj BE AT NORWALK, Argonaut. isfor headsentirely or partially hald. Cases of twenty Fifth and Sixth, and the army then stood as perate naturo. Tho impetus of that well pre­ fired a volley into tho ranks of tlieir friends. FOB THE yosTE* "hnTdnnnn haim been miwd. it leadsthe world* follows: Second corps, Gen. Hancock, four tillery was posted back of clearings, ready to Longstreet was severely wounded and Gen. May 15th & 16tli, »SS9. Ileatlrss Lights. Warranted not to contain any sugar of lead, nitrate oj pour shot into tho enemy should he pass pared assault could not bo resisted; Hill's tilvcr, or otherpdeonaus ingredients. Will not stain. divisions; Fifth corps, Gen. Warren, four troops gave way. Hancock's men leaped, Micah Jenkins, a brigado commander tinder COMPLEXION AND SKIN. An interesting fact is that ono of the great Sold byall druggists or sent onreceipt of price. divisions; Sixth corps, Gen. Sedgwick, threo through the woods. Hill's artillery was him, was killed. No further fighting took " A t yorivalk Hotel.u. Special eonree $10. Send fbrgenuine testimonials ta first, a log intrenchment, and then, threo or INSURMGUNTABLLPINNALIL OFHIGH ART problems now perplexing scientific men—the divisions. Tho cavalry corps had recently massed oa tho Chewning farm so as to cover place on tho plank road until after 4 o'clock. Having qualified myself by years of hard stud Beautifies Whitens, Firlflet. Acknowl* production of heatless lights—has been al­ FECHTEK REMEDY CO., New Haven, Gemu four hundred yards further back, a lino of edged by Chemists to be the only preparationknown Ute Falrieoa Tar S«ap for Toilet, Bath and Ifanery* been placed under Gen. Sheridan, and now the plank road and tho cross roads from the By that tlrno Burnside had fought his way in the best institutions in Enrope, and having had j FOOT RESS. ready solved by nature. Tho light from a Union lines toward .Parker's Store. On tho riflo pits; in less than an hour tho Confed­ practical experience of twenty-dve years in the D that will beautity the complexion and eradicate all II Is Peerless for Ihe Complexion, Chapped Hands or Roogfc ifetai consisted of three divisions under Gens. Tor- against stubborn opposition closn up in front country, I ain enabled at first Bight to adapt linsea luminous beetle—sufficient for reading a Union side there was a swamp in front of erate right was routed and in flight, colors of Fields' division of Longs', rest's corps, imperfections of the skin without injury. For Sale at H. R. Hale's Drag Store. bert, Grogg and Wilson. In round numbers and prisoners wero token, and for tho mo­ most appropriate to restore the vision to its origina newspaper—is shown by the spectroscope to the armies with Grant mustered 130,000 offi­ Sedgwick, on the right; another, with a con­ where Anderson's division, now- Hill's right, vigor and cure all the varlons diseases of the eye DELIGHTED LADIES EVERYWHERE Cures Chapped Hands and j ® bo all of one kind, and just the kind for see-' siderable stream, between tho divisions of ment all presaged a complete victory for tho joinod on. At about half post 4 the Con­ 1 have therefore combined my practice 'of an rronomice this shoe tliq Acme of cers and men present for duty. Union arms. Oculist with tht of an Optician, and am now en - Chafed Skin Instantly^ ing, whilo the thermopile finds no evidence The Army of Northern Virginia,on the 1st of Warren's corps;, and in front of tho gap, be­ federate commands had. boon reorganized, abled to furnishaed all kinds of lenses and styles o STYLE, COMFORT AND DURABILITY of heat. Yet in all our artificial lights vast tween Warren's left and what was to become "Tho Confederates had boon driven moro May, numbered about 63,000 officers and men It. II. Anderson, of Hill's corps, assuming Spectacles and Eye.Glasses which are marie t •'Corns and Bnnions have had their day, Sold at Druggists'. Price, BO cents* quantities of fuel are wasted for useless heat. HanccCk's right flank on the plank and Brock than a milo through the forest, almost to Longstreet's placo. Ati advance was made, order under my own supervision, to suit m% CUR for duty. The organization was much the same their wagon trains. Tho Confederate gon- omers' visionary ailments. The TATLOK Shoe drives them all away." —New York Telegram. as it had stood at Gettysburg. Stuart com­ and a portion of Fields' men carried tho One size narrower can be worn, a-t cral-in-chief, who had from the first mado breastworks held by Birney's line, but wero Oonaraltcfctloxx manded the cavalry. The chango in direc­ his headquarters with Hill, threw himself No tacks, wax or nails to discomfit the wearer. •f*:£.!• Crumbs of Comfort. /*! '•*> { torship of the army about to attack him nat­ promptly driven out. To relievo Hancock Inferences—Geo. G. Bishop, Charles Olmstea : Never crack or break away from the sole. SUFFERING among tho troops and used every exertion to at this time, Burnsido attacked on tho north Retain their original shape, First Dame—What does the doctor say nils urally led Leo to look for a change of plans rally broken brigades which had recoiled • Require no breaking in. of campaign. Grant might move across the of the road, driving the enemy before him to This grape origi­ y'r husband? (ICRNCS from thnt tcrriblo assault. But now three their old lines of tho morning. nated In t(e Green Do yon Dance? • Are you hard to lit 1 Second Dame (sadly)—Bright's disease, upper Rapidan, around Lee's left, and on TAVtR causes wero combining to relievo tho pressure Mountains of Ver­ Have yon corns or tender feet ? "Well, dearie, don't be so down hearted. The Best and Purest Medicine Gordonsville, or swing in around his ri?hr mont. It U. very LACL upon tho Confederate right and to give the early: color, ftreen- Wear the Taylor Adj. Shoe and Be Happy. Poor, afflicted John Bright lived to a EVER MADE. across the lower Rapidan and pass through Army of Northern Virginia that ono chanco A NIGHT SURPHiGE. " ' teh whlie; paw', ten­ good old ago in spito of hid disease.—Phila­ /Sj^Jtwlll drive the Humor fromyour the Wilderness. Therefore, in order to meet der, sweet iit(a deli­ 2 SO Brazilian Kid. French piocess, 3.50. system, and make your skin of which it knew so well how to tako advan­ On tho wholo right of tho army tha general cious. The only delphia Record. t Ir » clean^ ^ and smooth.MnAnfn VnThoseAAA either movement, Leo had placed his forces ; grape yet totroduc- A Marvel of cheapness and economy. tage. Tho Union columns had becomo ter­ assault had been made by firm;; the ed that ranks first, Every pair of the TA Y LOU shoe9 Guaranteed. Pimples and Blotches as stated above, on two lines facing tho ribly mixed and disordered in their forward positions already held by tho i-ie i. Lv.ell's. both in %4Mlnees A Good Reason. '• mar yonr beautyw threatened points cast and north. Hill's and . quality. It For sale in N orwalk only by • • > . VS^^blood, andant* can bebc M corps was along Mine Run and tho Rapidan, wilderment of battle, through woods so denso tho offensive becauso Burnside's movements, TRAOEMARK i A. II. HOY L' & SON, remarked Mrs. Snaggs, "that of the king of , A^^^remove(linashort above that stream; Ewell was farther up that at best no body of troops could possibly announced by continual skirmishing and circular, giving fuither inform"tlon. ,Wo r CARTER'S RELIEFTOH °o„ 0* S _ V time, if you are tho Rapidan, and Longstreet was at Gordons­ f k TWTflU Other local dealer has the Taylor Servia was the queerest, lie says lie abdi­ RMtKlKS preserve their alignment. Moreover, Wads­ artillery fire, threatened his right flank. OilUllUJl Shoe. We guarantee his sales only. For Painful Menstruation, Irregu­ cated because his bail' was failing out " ""Oh, ville, with Stuart's calvary at Orango Court worth's advanco southward had brought him After dark, however, Early's division, com­ New Canaan, £jpnn House. These last two commands could bo 13t3 Consolidated Shoe Co. Lynn, Mass. Man'f* larities, Believing Labor Fains, that reason insufficient," replies I ir'.iia^s. "for upon tho rignt flank of Birney, and crowded posed principally of tho old Stonewall Jack­ GOLD MEDAL, PABB.187& KX drawn to the support of either Hill or Ewell. Falling of the Womb, It gave his heir a ehauee to fall in. y<'ti '.'' that division greatly in the center toward tho son corps, attempt- -««* all weaknesses and diseases ofth* —True Flag. Grant decided to move around Lee's right left. So great was tho disorder that Gen. ed a flank move­ Uterus and the various organs connected with It, such as Ulceration, Ovarian and A Suinptu ^c»n-. flank and draw him away from his fortifica­ Birney, whom Hancock had placed in com­ ment on the ex­ F. KOCOUR, Vasinil troubles so prevalent among Tiio lniercjL'Op.' in the haiiils ui scientists is tions so that ho could be put at a disadvan­ mand of tho attack, took tho responsibility treme right of tho women, " CARTER'S RELIEF," Is no* again playing havoc v. itli the public tage. In moving by tho left flank of his own of staying the advance and directing the di­ Union army, -held only all the name' suggests but a sure Warranted absolutely pure ours, guaranteed. Get abottle from your Ii cucertained taht the i:: r.ur houses is army, the Union commander kept within vision commanders to rectify their lines be­ by Wright's divi­ Cocoa, bom which the excess of Merchant Tailor. druggist and try It. It may save your largely composed of-living bacteria, and that reach of water transportation, and just as fore proceeding farther." sion of the Sixth Oil has been removed. It hw more life. Price 81-00. tho simple process of sweeping and dusting soon as he was free from tho Rapidan he WILDERNESS BATTLE FIELD. corps. Early sent than, three times the strength If yo«r drigfbt doM Ml Itn It Mad to as aad roads, there were several small streams with Is ready to show the (Inc. st and largest stock of sa neetpt of prim It will b« inaptly forwarded. furniture transfers these organisms to the made his base of supplies on Potomac creek, LONGSTREET TURNS THE . TIDE. brigades around tho of Cocoa mixed with Starch, ]}rrow> THKCHILDS * RICH MED. CO., brejitUiu^ tubes and cells of occupants, caus­ an inlet from tho Potomac river east of swampy borders. Along the whole line there Union flank, and, root or Sugar, and is therefore tat East Hampton, Conn. wore impenetrable woods, barring the prog­ It was at tho moment of confusion and in- more economical, costing lesijtban ing ilisease nud death. According to the Fredericksburg. moving down the tj- one cent a cup. it is delicious, SPRING&SUMMER GOODS theory carpet shakers are dying liko files of ress of the assailing forces. These woods con­ iecision In tho midst of great succoss on tho works at right an: sisted of heavy thickets of low limbed, scraggy Union side, that Lonzstrcct came up to de­ nourishing, strengthening, easily di­ a iiuinl>or of most horrible maladies, owing gles with thom, ty gested, and admirably adapted fgr in­ which he will make up in the Best of Style, at e pines, scrub oak and hazel saplings. cide the issuu at that point and ir. reality for to tho quantity and variety of bacteria nail—only a tea^^Sc, ^o. * they swept off sev­ valids as well aslor personsin health. the Lowest Prices. which they iu'.ialo; but, happily, in fact, tho I spoonfulKionfui. It is thc^. ^/,*%. ° + The attack ordered by Warren along the the wholo fiolil. Ibestest ani and cheapest^L^V It seems that in going forward Birney's eral hundred pris­ Sold by Grocers everywhere. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.: -Q cai [>et sweepers are enjoying life a:id a rea­ ledicine. Try ft, ancl^o^ turnpike was delayed tho whole forenoon by oners, among thom m lino had become bowed by tho troops in tho GEN. ALEX. SHALER. sonable degreo of health and strength, judg­ touwillVSstd >^0>> the impassable naturo of tho ground. Tho Gen. Alexander 13 and 15 Main street, Norwalk, Conn. : ;li! Get it of your Druggist. ^ lino had to be an extended one, njid must center advancing more slowly than thoso on T. BASER i CO, Miter, Mas, ing by tho regularity with which they ccmo tho rightjand left flanks." Opposite this center Shalcr, of Now York, commanding the right around in tho spring hunting jobs.- -AL'.anta I DON'T WAIT. GET IT AT ONCE necessarily have support on tho right flank. brigado. Seymour's brigade, on tho left of A Full Stock of Fnrhitureof all kinds- Some of the brigade went forward, but they thero was cleared ground, and upon this the Amcri.-:i:i. If you are suffering from ^ artillery of Hill wa? massed. Tho reception Shaler, was also roughly handled, and Sey­ MARVELOUS I nev Disease, and wish ta IU'6 „ _ soon found themselves facing north or south mour was captured. Tho leader of the assault Tlie V.'ay It's Do nr. ola age, use SULPHUR BlTTKllS. of Hancock's assault at this point has been EAT instead of west. Wadsworth's division, on on tho Confederate side was Gen. John B. PARLOR AND BOEOOMJS Lour, rinjr.t tho telephone. Who's They never fail to cure. tho south side of told by a participant, Gen. E. M Law, ;com- manding a brigado in Longstreet's corps, Gordon, a brigado commander in Early's a specialty. there!' "is that T'.ie Herald o"i v;" "Yes." the pike, advanced, division, and a leader who on several occa­ "I'm Rev. Dijah Jehosepliat." "Well, what Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway &: Co.. and very soon pre­ who describes it as follows in Tho Ceiitury Boston,Mass., for best medical work published# for Juno, 1887: sions startled tho Union army with tbe bold is it?" "Please state in the religious lioticcs sented its flank to tactics of bis old leader, Jackson. Early's MILLS DAVID STOW, it f of your Sunday iasuo that Uev. Elijah Je- Instant relief. Final cure in 10 the enemy and met movement, on tho whole, was a failurel, and hosephat, of the Hallelujah church, will do- d&ys and never returns.. No heavy loss, MEMORY urge, no solve, no suppository* with a he drew back to his old position. This tended DISCOVERY. Main Street cpp. Depot liver a sermon on the 'Iniquity of the Sunday ulrerers will learn of a simple while Crawford's remedy FREE by addressing tho battle of the Wilderness, on the taain ObIt tienalae System of Memory Tralalnc. Foar Newspaper,' Sunday evening at 7 :IW. Have PILES,TUTTLB & CO.,Jg 78 Nassau Street, New York City division, the next' Books Learned ii oae readlag. Mild lines. ^ • - ' & ^ mt, SOUTH NORWALK,CONN j-ougotit?" "Yes." "Thanks." -True Flag. ALL DKUGGISTS. Iy44 in lino south of The operations of tho cavalry on tho 6th Wandering Cared. Wadsworth, turn­ Every Child aad Adult Grutly Benefitted. The simplest and best regulator of the • VIEW 0F ORANGE PLANK ROAD. were confined to tho protection of tho trains TRADE MARK. Great inducements to correspondence classes. The directions given to tho corps command­ ed to tho southwest and the left of Hancock's line. Tho divisions Prospectus, with Opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Ham­ Disorded Liver in the world, are Carter's DR. HARTLEY'S ers by Gen. Meade show that tho expectation and was thrown off of Torbert and Gregg were both at Chancel­ mond, the world:famed Specialist in Mind Diseases, S GENERAL MARKET., •; Little Liver Pills. They give prompt re­ was to pass uround Lee's right flank and alone, fortunately lorsville the morning of that day, and 'Gen. lief in Sick Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, where there was no reach tho vicinity of Gordonsville at tbe first Custer, with his own and Dovin's brigades of Meat, Fish, Vegetables, &c. &c.; prevent and cure Constipation and move. Tho army crossed the Rapidan on tho enemy. On War­ Torbert's division moved westward to con­ HOBS. W. W. Astor, Judge Gibsoa, Jadah P. Piles; and remove Sallowness and Pim GATARRH REMEDY ren's right, north GEN. J. M. JONES. Benjamin, and others, sent post free by smis Is the best remedy known for the cure of Catarrh night of the 3d of May at Gcrmannaand nect with Hancock on tho south. Greg's Prof. A. LOISET'IT. ?3T Fifth Ave.,N. Y. pies from the Complexion, and are mild Ely's fords and took the roads toward of the turnpike, Griffin's division made head­ division moved out further south abrea, ;. of- LOCKWOOD & ANDREWS, and gentle in their operation on the ­ and its attendant ailments; it is safe, painless, anil way nt first, meeting and driving back Ew­ never fails to give relief. This remedy cleanses Choneallorsville and Wilderness Tavern. Custer. >Custer met Hampton's cavalry anil To Bent. MAIN STBEET. els. Carter's Little Liver Pills are small the nose, head and throat of ail unhealthy secre­ ell's ndvanco brigade, under Gen J. M. Jones, ana easy to take as sugar. One pill a dose. tions, and soothes and heals the inOamed parts. Both these roads cross tho plank road and Gregg encountered Fitzhugh Lee's at Todd's HE SHOE FACTORY PROPERTY, lately All kinds of the best qualities of Heats, Fish, turnpike between Orange Court Houso and and killing the commander. But Ewell "Tavern. The Confederates attacked tho Union Clams, Vegetables, etc., are kept constantly on Price 25 cents. When the remedy is once tried tlie benelicial re­ brought up his reserve division, under Early, T occupied by F. H. Ruscoe. belonging to sults are so prompt anil satisfactory that the suf­ Fredericksburg at the places named. West cavalry at both points and we're repulsed, the Estate of Wm. K. James, deceased, can hand, and will be sold by as as low as can be pro­ There are 136,000 drink sellers in Bel­ ferer never fails to continue the treatment until of Wilderness Tavern these two main roads and then Warren was compelled to halt his and soon drew off by tho south with the ap­ FOR BREAKFAST. now be rented on reasonable terms, and is cured at any market in Korwalk. We intend to permanent relief is obtained, whole line. available for a variety of purposes. Possession gium, or one for every ten families. are from one mile to two and a half miles parent intention of striking the Union rear SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. immediately. F. ST. JOHN LOCKWOOD, prove to our customers that we deserve their apart, and two to three miles south of tho on tho Rappahannock. Sheridan now with­ Quaker Mill Co., Ravenna, Ohio tfil Trustee patronage by fair and generous dealing. Do not make a mistake in buying Fam­ Do Not Neglect a Bad Cold plank road there is another parallel road, THE BATTLE ON THE PLANK ROAD. ily Medicine. Moffat's Life PHls, Moffat's During theso movements by Warren, Han­ drew his troops to Todd's Tavern and re­ 1J40 LOCKWOOD A ANDREWS. Use Hartley's Catarrh Kamedy for its Immediate leading toward Gordonsville, known as the mained on tho defensive for tho day. Phoenix Bitters, and Page's Climax Salve ly4T Cure. Catharpin road. Theso three roads would cock's men were slowly but steadily pressing are the true remedies for household use. on up tho Brock road, and their leader was On tho morning of tho 7th tho Confederate For Salo at a Saeriflce. HENRY TILLY Middlesex Banking Company, enable the vast army and its endless trains positions were examined by the Union officers, They never fail to do good, and cannot do of food and ammunition wagons and cannon frequently informed by couriers of tho situa­ Will be sold if applied for POOD, OF MIDDLETOWN, CONN. harm. For sale by druggists everywhere. tion at the front. About 2 o'clock Hancock and it was found that Leo had posted his ar­ JESSE HOPSON to move freely to a favorable point. The f orccs tillery so as to sweep all tho approaches and TEN ROOM COTTAGE. , CARRIAGE MAKER, Organized under charter from the State of Con­ moved in two columns, that across Germanna was told that Warren had been repulsed and within five minutes walk of the necticut; capital $soo,ooo. A new Tennessee bill is intended to pre­ that Getty had been ordered to attack and that his whole front was covered by a tangled 6 per cent. Investment Bonds at Par and Accrued vent the employment of persons under 18 ford being led by the Fifth corps under forest. The order was then given tocommence bridge, with never failing well of SOUTH NORWALK, - .-CONN Interest. Carriage Maker. Gen. Warren. (Jen. Wilson's cavalry di­ that he (Hancock) must support him. Han­ years. a movement by the left flank at dark that excellent water, and a cistern ; ^ V ^ B. CRAUFURD, Agent, vision marched ahead and Sedgwick's Sixth cock iu person joined Getty, and as soon as Be your own doctor.—It won't cost you his leading division under Birney arrived, ho night, with thointention of reaching Spottsyl- , holding three hundred hogs < >' Room 2 Masonic Building. Carriage Repairing and Fainting corps followed Warren. Hancock led tho » GEN.' ROBERT E. LEE. vania Court Houso and securing the eight -Manufacturer of one-half as much. Do not delay. Send column crossing at Ely's ford, and Gregg's placcd it along the Brock road adjoining the As soon as It was light enough to seo what little r heads, for laundry purposes three 2 cent stamps for postage, and we AT REASONABLE PKICES. £f plank road, south of Getty. Getty reported could be seen in that dark forest Hancock's troops miles of road betwcGn the Wilderness and cavalry division took the advance. that point during tho first night's march. , all modern improvements ; Family Carriages, Victonas, Buggies, k Building Materials, &e. will send you Dr. Kaufmann's great work, to Hancock that two divisions of Hill's corps swept forward to the attack. The blow fell with UILDING STONE, all qualities of Band, eel fine colored plates from life, on disease, its On the night of tho 4th Hancock was ordered greatest force upon Wilcox's troops, south of the Tho Union losses in tho Wilderness wero: conveniences, etc. Cost j For Sale. to march tho next day to Todd's Tavern and wero iu front of him and preparing to attack All Kinds pf Repairing. B lars dng, gardens and grounds renovated causes, and home cure. Address A. P. his line. In fact, only Hoth's division was Orange plank rood. They made what front they Killed, 2,240; wounded, li!,0S7; missing, 8,SS3; owner $8,000, and horses and carts for hire. I have some thoroughly DOUBLJS BARRELLED KIFLiS madeby Joli turn westward on the Catharpin road to a could and renewed tho flght, until tbe attacking total, 17,666. The Confederate: Killed, 2,000; rotted and very line manure for flower beds, Ordway & Co., Boston Mass. A Blissett, London. Wiil be sold cheap fo point abreast of Parker's Store, and to extend thcro at that hour, for Wilcox was still to column, overlapping tho right wing, it gave way, will be sold for . i J. W. EDMUNDS, cash. Knouireatthsoffice. tho north, looking for Ewell. It was now wounded, 0,000; missing, 3,403; total, 11,400. \ For Sale or Exchange. . o 1," No.6 South Union Avenue. I have improved greatly since using Ely's his right flank towards that point, where and tho whole line was "rolled up" from the right Gen. A. W. Humphreys, chief of staff of .35,000 with only ' ; , ; , P. O. Box 084, Norwaltk Cream Balm for catarrh. I feel like a Warren's corps would be in position. War­ known at Meade's headquarters that Long- and retired hi disorder along the plank road as HE Homestead of the late Abijah Betts, situ­ street had not reached the field. Grant had tbe Army of tho Potomac, states that the " ; $1,500 down, ^.^4''^ ated at South Wilton, one mile from depot Oleave orders atP. W. Bates'Ma d.l new man. It is a blessing to humanity— For Sale Cheap. ren was to move on the plank road to Parker's far as the position of Prague's artillery, which expectation, before the campaign com­ T reaclie 1 tho front, and Getty •was ordered to now opened upon tho attacking force. Tho i Fed­ ,V. to satisfac- \ ' Dwelling has eleven rooms, good well of water i John D. Farrell, Hartford, Conn. SECOND-HAND Cast Iron Fence, with gate' Store, but he was to keep his right fast on the erals pressed their advantage and were!soon menced, was to march through the Wilder­ barn am sheds, eighteen acres of land, abundance A FOB SALS. ;; r all in perfect order anil as good as new. turnpike until Sedgwick, who was behind, go on -.nth his movement up tho plank road. tory party. of fruit. Will be sold at a bargain. Enquire o Pittsburg, HI., people want insurance adontA 120 feet in length. V/ill be sold at a sacrl As fast as Hancock's troops came up on the abreast of the artillery on the opposite side, their ness into the open ground beyond Ho says: O K. WILSON,3 GAZETTE Building, Norwalk, or Combination Billiard and PoolTaile, insUs. could movo up on his flank abreast of him. bullets flying across the road among the guns "I.do not perceive that there is anything to Im33 Enquire at GAZETTE OFFICE. class order. Forealeat abargain. rates reduced because tbey new h^ve ficeif app!led for soon. Enquire at Brock road ho had intrenchments of logs put IDLIA -KGORY, Wlontpauk, Conn. t)4' Altf Apply at GAZBTTI OFFicr 30ft, GAZETTE OFFICE With Hancock on the Catharpin road, west Where Gen. I«ee himself stood. For a while mat­ fegUef that Gen,^Grant, wished water works. gf Todd's Tayeru^antj-Jvi.tfejtwaren •ID. By the time Getty was ready to move