An Independent Publication for Users of HP Palmtop Computers

u.s. $7.95 Publisher's Message ....•..•...... ••.. 1 llHE Letters to the Editor .•...... •• .. . . 4 - L.{) New Third Party OJ ..0 Products and Services ..•.•...... 6 E ::::J :z New HP OmniGo 120 Organizer Plus .... 10 - L.{) P Palmtop OJ E ::::J o > aper WWW/LX - Web Browser for the HP Palmtop . .•.•...... •. 12 Now you can surf the Web, on line, with your HP Palmtop and D&A Software's new W'NWIIJ( online Web browser.

Create and View World Wide Web Documents on the HP Palmtop ...... •. 20 PalEdit and HV (free components of D&A Software's new W'NWU) let you create and view HTML documents from the World Wide Web, on your HP Palmtop.

Find it Fast with Flexpad ... .•. .•.•.. . . 24 Replace most of your built-in applications with a sur­ prisingly flexible text editor.

@BASE Adds Database Horsepower to Lotus 1·2·3 ...... 31 @BASE turns the built-in Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet program into a sophisticated relational database that lets you work with large dBase III Plus-formatted files ..

Palmtop Wisdom ...... •....•...... 2·3 Socially acceptable "Computer Bashing;" Leaving a Legacy.

User Profile: Managing Time with Database . •.. . .•.. 36 This Palmtop user accomplishes her goals and man- ages her life w~h a custom Todo Database.

Carrying Your Office in Your Pocket •.... 42 This on-the-road engineer tracks his contacts and correspondence, quotes prices, creates technical draw­ ings, stays in touch with the world, and has fun - all with the Palmtop in his pocket.

User to User: News from Around the World ...... •• 46 Hal reports on his recent trips and the discoveries he C J4tl!J1 :J (f>b:J7 made while traveling, including some amazing Palmtop soft­ ware; HP Handheld Conferences - this year and next; our - ~r9'" i ,'l.\l9? I new book on the Palmtop - PC in YOllr Pocke~ and the r , :i J .. l~? .k 11 ...?:l .:I new Palmtop Paper Web s~e . ...--=.-' ~t9" ! t.'c,,~n ~ Basic Tips ...... •....•. 51·52

Quick Tips ...• . .•...•.. .. •.... •.. 53·55 09) Advertiser's Index .•.•..•.•..•...... 56

Files on Sep/Oct 96 ON DISK ...... 56

o 7447083112 9 The Only HP Palmtop Upgrade That Has It All. To get the most from your HP 100/200LX palmtop, you need 3 advanced upgrades on 1 convenient PCMCIA card. First, you need to send and receive both faxes and data at an exceptional 14, 400 bps speed. Second, you need fax/modem software that operates easily with the same HP function keys and commands you already use ... without the hassle of downloading software and without consuming precious hard disk space. Third, you need Flash memory for fast, easy access to all your software applications and for effiCiently storing data. Plus you need to fax from and receive faxes into your Flash memory for extra convenience. And, most of all, you need the flexibility to use all your upgrade features together or independently, without inserting and removing separate fax/modem and memory cards. Now you can have it all with ThinFax 1414LXM. AlL THE ADVANCED UPGRADE FEATURES YOU NEED ... ON 1 CONVENIENT PCMCIA CARD. EXP's award-winning MiniFax™ software. High-speed fax/modem. 2 or 4 MB Flash memory. They're all built into the ThinFax 1414LXM card. That's why ThinFax 1414LXM is the one upgrade that's a must for your HP palmtop. So call the toll-free number - today for complete ThinFax 1414LXM specifications and the name of an EXP dealer near you.

CRII: n4-4S3-~020 or FRX: n4-4S3-~3~9 bttp:// ~ EXPERTISE IS BUILT INTO OUR NAME. Publisher's Message The HP Palmtop Paper

In the May/June 1994 issue we pub­ lished a piece on using Stephen Covey's First Things First methodolo­ gy with the Palmtop. We received more response from that article than Volume five / Issue five anything published thus far. Readers September/October 1996 must have identified with my attempt Executive Editor/Publisher Hal Goldstein to use the Palmtop's Database applica­ Managing Editor tion to organize a life full of responsi­ Ridiard Hall bilities, challenges and information Associate Editors while keeping in mind deeper values. Paul Merrill (By the time you read this you should Carol de Giere be able to find the article on our new Technical Editor Web site). Tom Gibson Managing time and information is Department Editors the theme of this issue. The article by Ed Keefe Carl Merkle consultant Joy Soto Kocar describes her Wayne Kneeskern well-developed system of time man­ Contributing Writers agement. She describes how she uses Ralph Alvy the Palmtop's Database application to Joy Soto Kocar integrate her life goals with her day-to- Gilles Kohl Jorgen Wallgren Hal Goldstein day Todo's. Then traveling engineer / salesperson Jorgen Wallgren describes Advertising/Marketing how he uses his main computer (the Brian Teitzman Margaret Martin Palmtop) to stay organized. Read how, while on the road, he tracks his volumi­ Tiffany Lisk nous correspondence and uses various DOS software packages including one Circulation with a mouse. Sharon Dilmore Chiropractor Ralph Alvy does not find the built-in Phone Book, David Brooks Sharon Lloyd Appointment Book, and NoteTaker applications flexible enough. In his quest for Jolene Philhps a speedier, more integrated method of taking control of his time and information Executive Advisor he uses a new Palmtop shareware program, Flexpad. Carl Merkle, in his 1-2-3 Rita Goldstein column, describes how he expands the Palmtop's information processing capaci­ ty using @BASE, a Lotus add-in that's easy for 1-2-3 users to learn. It gives The HP Palmtop Paper (ISSN 10656189) is published by Thaddeus Computing Palmtop users relational database capabilities and lets users access data stored in Inc., at 57 East Broadway Avenue, standard database formats. Fairfield, IA 52556. Periodical postage As we've seen in the last several issues devoted to Wireless communications paid at Fairfield, Iowa. Subscription and to the Internet, the Palmtop is not just an isolated personal organizing rates payable in U.S. dollars, checks drawn on a U.S. bank, or by credit card device any more. People use the Palmtop as a communicator to get their e-mail - one year: $39; two years: $69. Postage: and to connect to large databases to access information. In this issue you'll find a U.S. and U.S. possessions free; Canada, review of Andreas Garzotto's new Palmtop Web Browser, WWW/LXfrom D&A Mexico add $6 per year; other countries Software. WWW /LX is small, modular, and written for the HP Palmtop. Ed add $18 per year. Published bi-monthly plus two bonus issues, one in April and Keefe then writes about two of WWW /LX's updated freeware components, one in November. Please allow four to which will be on the upcoming issue of The HP Palmtop Paper 1996/97 Subscriber six weeks for receipt of first issue. PowerDisk. The first component, the newly updated Hypertext Viewer (HV) 2.0, Executive, Editorial, Circulation, lets Palmtop users read downloaded and saved Internet World Wide Web docu­ Marketing and Advertising Offices: P.O. ments on the HP Palmtop. The second, PalEdit (PE), is a Memo-like editor, but Box 869, Fairfield, JA 52556. Telephone: (515) 472-6330, FAX: (515) 472-1879. with quite a bit more functionality than Memo. Copyright 1996, Thaddeus Computing, I am often asked if I still use the Covey method described in my original Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this article. The answer is, "sort of." I cut down on the number of fields in the Covey publication may be reproduced without database. In truth, I find that properly planning for the week and updating written permission. Reasonable efforts are made to provide accurate and useful Todo's each day requires a discipline similar to proper dieting and exercise. information, but the reader must make Some weeks I'm better at it than others. Hopefully, the articles will inspire you his or her own investigations and deci­ as they did me to better use the Palmtop's time and information management sions; the Publisher and Editorial Staff capabilities. The quality of our lives depends on how we use our time and cannot assume any responsibility or lia­ bility for the use of information con­ process information. tained herein. POSTMASTER: Please send any address changes to The HP Palmtop Paper, Attn: Thaddeus Computing, Inc., P.O. Box 869, Fairfield, IA 52556.

THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 1 ENTERTAINMENT in his hand. Once activated, the something else;" By Rich Hall and Tom Gibson duck smashes the unlucky desktop "He who laughs last probably PC (or Mac?) over and over again. made a backup." Computer Bashing The next time you would like to Many of these may be worth smash a computer, the duck saving in your NoteTaker or Live with someone long enough and do it for you. Database jokes file, to carry with you begin to notice imperfections - Check out CompuServe HP you for entertaining your friends. the way they snore, misuse a word, Handheld Library 11 for HIT. ZIP. or tell the same story over and over HIT.DOC provides explanations. again. Pressure begins to build! We'll also supply the file on our ON FINANCE Living with a computer can have DISK for this issue. by Carol de Giere the same effect on you. The solution in either case is humor! MORE HUMOR Leaving a Legacy An enjoyable example of pres­ If you have a chance, visit http:/ I sure-relieving humor is the program ,a Next time you sit on a bench in a HIT.EXE iii. Copy this DOS pro­ World Wide Web site specializing in public park, see if it has a name gram to your Palmtop and run it. humor. Thousands of quips and plate on it. The bench and your sur­ You'll get an animation of computer other chuckles are offered here, roundings may have been spon­ bashing, as you see below. including: sored by a thoughtful donor. You Note the duck standing in front "Energizer Bunny Arrested! find the spirit of giving in the library of a computer with a sledgehammer Charged with battery;" books you read and the art work "Give me ambiguity or give me you enjoy in a local museum. Donated items enrich our lives and reminded us to leave legacies of our own to enrich the lives of future generations. Many career tracks create visible legacies: architects leave their build­ ings, writers their books, program­ mers their software. But to purpose­ fully give a gift to present and future generations expands your heart and mind in a different way. Some peo­ ple tithe a percentage of their income to their religion. You may Duck getting ready to smash a computer. Has anyone else had a desire like this? pass on a portion of your own suc­ cess to your political party or your school. Whatever your focus, giving is an acknowledgment that our suc­ cess, financial and otherwise, comes to us as part of a flow of energy which has its origin beyond our lim­ ited individuality.

ON THE PALMTOP First you decide to give. Then you need to decide what you have to give (such as money, household Computer is shattered and the duck items, advice, or your time). Finally, Wham! gets ready for another whack. you need to consider what you can

2 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1996 afford to give. The HP Palmtop can areas such as Church, United Way, Sometime during the month you help you with all but the 1st decision. Charity X, Girl Scouts (cookies), Boy write a $75 check to your church. NoteTaker and Database can be Scouts, etc. Open Pocket Quicken, highlight used to create a list of contributions your Checking account and press you are contemplating, like "tree CREATE A POCKET QUICKEN ~ to enter the check. Enter the per­ donated to new church yard in the DONATIONS ACCOUNT tinent data in the various fields. At name of each of my children," or You can create a donations budget the Category field, press IDownArrowl , ''book a year to local Headstart pro­ and use Pocket Quicken to track then press (£) until you highlight the gram." By keeping notes in withdrawals from a donations [Donations] account towards the Notetaker you can focus your dona­ account. As you record outgoing tions towards the causes that you checks or cash in Pocket Quicken, bottom of the list (all accounts are consider most meaningful. the program shows the amount listed in this menu). Press ~ and You can create a spreadsheet to remaining in budget categories. An Pocket Quicken enters the check in track your income, the number and easy way to set up such a budget is your checkbook and subtracts $75 amount of your donations, and the to use Pocket Quicken's "credit from the $300 in your donations percentage of your income you card" option. Press ~ to Add an budget. Do this for each donation donate. Our Publisher Hal account to Pocket Quicken. Name you make until the $300 is used up. Goldstein recommends the practice the account "Donations" or "Tithe" Keep a donations account in of contributing 10% to a spiritual and select Credit Card as the Pocket Quicken and when someone cause without strings attached. Pick Account Type. asks you dig deep, you'll know how a percentage you're comfortable Let's say your take-home pay is deep to dig. with and stick to it. $3,000 a month and you decide to All this helps you fulfill a basic Wayne Kneeskern, Thaddeus donate 10% of that. Enter $300 as the human desire - the need to leave a accountant suggests sitting down at balance for the new account. legacy. The next time you're sitting the beginning of the year and think­ Because you've set this up as a cred­ ing about the contributions you it card account, the program on a bench in a park, smelling roses want to make and the charities to assumes that $300 is a negative bal­ donated by another, you can feel the which you wish to give. Then you ance. Any amount transfered from it satisfaction of knowing that you are can create spreadsheet columns for will reduce the total. planting roses of your own.

-=- =--;: -=- ~~7X ™ QUICK/LX learns the words you type most ~ § : S~- often. then suggests them after you type just QU5i€ § S-=-. a few characters. The suggestions are -=. ~ -=. =- displayed in a box on the screen. You can • • ignore the suggestion and keep on typing, or mg aldfior the HP Palmtop accept it with the press ofa single key, and IYP QUICK/LX Will fimsh the word. QUICK/LX can Your Palmtop Access to the World™ also be used to correct your most common typos! QUICK/LX works in programs under the System Thi~ i~ an Q)(QIIIPh of the use of QUICK/LX. Manager and in text-mode DOS To accept. the suggest.ed word. press t.he "cursor- right." key , applications. QUICK/LX can even be used to enter Macros r~~~)(t~~ ~~:..~~~~~s o~o~~ the suggest.ion when that work in both the System Manager and DOS (unlike the built-in System Macros.) 'Suggestion made by QUICK/LX also comes with a Example q!using QUICK/LX in MEMO DOS version for your . QUICK/LX: $39 Now E-Mail & Faxing is Wireless & Effortless! With the Personal Messenger 100D PC Card from Motorola and the Ardis RadioMail services, you are free IJ ABC/LX roam around the country and still stay in touch! You can send faxes and have full two-way E-Mail capability all without wires, access numbers, Rad".oMa".1 $34.95 speCial setup stnngs, long distance or roaming charges. ABC/LX adds intelligence to battery charging in the HP Palmtop, plus it provides excellent information about battery conditions and charging. With ABC/LX you can simply forget about your batteries! Call for our SHIER Systems & Software, Inc. latest ~~~ ~ 920 Hampshire Road, Suite A CATALOG of ~~ ~~ ~ Westlake Village, CA 91361 Palmtop Products Telephone CordCard - Only $7.95 S Phone: 805-371-9391 Fax: 805-371-9454 ~ Also available from SIllER Systems & Software: CIS: [74777,2477] I =_ .~ Custom cables to connect your HP Palmtop Computer to a wide variety of serial peripherals. Examples include: Pocket modems, serial printers (including the Visit us on the "Web" @: http:\\ Citizen PN60 and Pentax PocketJet.) Prices start at $35 - call for details_


dinner, brunch, etc.), Jokes database - For refer­ as you continue to invest. Quality (excellent, good, ence at parties or when mak­ Fields might include: Author, ·' fair, poor), Cost (expen­ ing presentations. Fields Category (stocks, bonds, real sive, average, great deal), might include: Key words (to estate, etc.) Body (the full text Atmosphere (great, aver- remind you of the joke), of the advice. Best to use the age, poor), etc. Body (the full text of the Note field since you will need Practical Database joke. Best to use the l\ote the room.) Examples Wanted Home Inventory database field since you will need the - For insurance purposes. room), Type (you could clas­ Happy database - A list of I am an ardent user and enthu­ Fields might include: things that make you happy siast of the HP 200LX. I load sify your jokes based on Description of item, prospective audiences). (to be used when you get essential data from my desk Quantity, Cost at date of bored or can't think of any­ computer into a 10MB flash purchase, Date ofpurchase , Financial Advice database ­ thing to do) . Fields might card. I plug the flash card into Serial number, etc. To refer to again and again include: Event, Price (ex- . my Palmtop and presto, I have all my important files with me. I update the flashcard It's Great to Hear From You! weekly, sometimes more Some Results from our Reader's Survey often. I frequently use the Palmtop to fax data when I version of The HP Palmtop Paper. Arriving bye-mail, fax, and "snail mail," the dozens of Slightly less than half of those responding wanted travel and to download infor­ Survey responses returned so far have brought us a broader range of articles, but mostly people want to mation from CompuServe. encouragement and useful feedback from readers in stay informed on new developments that might possibly I would like to read Asia, Europe, and the U.S.A. In case you missed it, our impact them . Matthew Rinberg of Totteridge, North more articles about how first official Reader's Survey can be found in our London, U.K. concludes, "I would like to see the Paper various individuals use their July/August issue, pg. 41. We would be happy to remain mostly as it is but to have a few pages on other Palmtops in business and receive more responses. (To send bye-mail, simply list handhelds like the OmniGo 100 or Newton just so that for their personal life. What the question numbers next to your responses.) we know what else is happening in the rest of the mar­ Not surprisingly, we heard from expert Palmtop ket." Although we don't feel our mission includes cover­ the Palmtop Paper needs to users who want more technical articles and novices age of the whole marketplace, we plan to continue cov­ add reader interest is more who want more basic articles. Yoshimi Oasa of Japan ering innovations from Hewlett-Packard. At the same testimonials. We all want to said: "Now I can say I am a technical expert thanks to time, we agree with our readers who said that detailed know how others are using The HP Palmtop Paper." Our hope is that more basic "How-to" articles based on different operating systems their devices in hopes that users will grow in their Palmtop skill by reading The such as GEOS (for the HP OmniGo 100/120 organiz­ we may learn a short cut or HP Palmtop Paper. ers) would cause confusion. a new valuable use. It would We realize that we must continue to strive to make be helpful if you could each article as comprehensible as possible for a range Your Wish List, and How You Can Help of readers. Someone recommended using more exam­ Highest on the "wish list" for the Paper was product describe types of databases reviews. We will continue to print plenty of product ples. That's one reason we include user profiles in the others are using. reviews from outside sources and occasionally do an Paper. A computer programmer noted in his survey in-house review when resources permit. We invite you Ervin Jackson, Jr . response that he skips the profiles. We expect that some to contact us if you're interested in writing a review of a of our subscribers will read some articles and skip oth­ Medical Photographer product. Charlotte, North Carolina ers. However, we found that many read the Pap~ cover­ Readers have also used the survey to make sug­ to-cover. We did manage to frustrate a few people not [Here is a short list of gestions for articles or topics, such as "My Favorite 10 yet on the Net with issues devoted primarily to the Programs," health and fitness, and financial applica­ uses for the Database appli­ Internet and Wireless technology. tions. We hope, now that you've considered what you cation we either use our­ want to read, you will also consider what you can give, selves, have heard about, or Technology Moves Ahead, Should We? whether a tip, an article, or a letter about a special think would be neat. Our survey was designed to help us contemplate inno­ database file you keep. vations and test the interest in hot topics such as the The greatest agreement from the readers was Restaurants database - Net. One experienced Palmtop user says, "You're too about the overall usefulness of The HP Palmtop Paper, For cities you travel to, as slow on innovations. You should have much more on the format, and the advertising . We are grateful to well as your own city or the Internet." Others, as mentioned above, don't yet receive comments such as that from Yoshimi, who said, town. Fields might include: use the Net and don't want to hear about it. Most of "I have made a lot of e-mail friends all over the World Phone, Address, Category those responding to the surveys indicated that they reading User to User and Letters. The 1-2-3 column is (French, Thai, etc.), Meals actively use the World Wide Web. About half approved really useful for my job ... " served (breakfast, lunch, of the idea proposed in the survey to create an e-mail Carol de Giere

4 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 pensive, inexpensive, free), along. Best to use the Note Priority, Price, Category Using the Palmtop Distance (local, day trip, field since you will need the (clothes, car, etc.), Date (if its as a Reference Tool weekend, trip), Equipment room), Category, Cost, etc. purchase is necessarily sea­ I read all of The HP Palmtop (needed), People (to call for sonal, like going on a vaca­ Paper over and over. I would Recipes database - A list advice or to invite. Best to tion you .can only take in the like to see more on the use of of great recipes you have use the Note field since you summer), Body (best to use the Palmtop as a sales/mar­ tried. Fields might include: will need the room). the Note field since you will keting tool and on how to Category (French, Mexican, need the room.), etc. install software. Car Research database - etc.), Meat/ Veg (includes I already use Phonebook A list of information about a meat, fish, or vegetarian) Vocabulary database - for this purpose. My Phone­ car you are thinking ofpur­ Body (the recipe itself. Best Words you want to learn. book database has 600 entries chasing. Fields might in­ to use the Note field since Fields might include: Word, and I can't imagine how I clude: Dealership, Sales­ you will need the room). Meaning, etc. ever got along without it. I person, Dealership phone vaguely remember constantly number, Options (Best to ToDo List database - You Foreign Language data­ paging through my "Day­ use the Note field since you can set up a ToDo list that base - (Spanish, Navajo, timer" phonebook and stacks will need the room), Price, you can sort by category. Egyptian, etc.) words you of phone lists from various etc. (You can also use this want to learn. Fields might organizations within our com­ idea for houses, stereos, Inspiring Quotations data­ pany. include: English (the mean­ boats, or any other item you base - For inspiration for I'm very interested in ing of the word in English are thinking ofpurchasing.) yourself and others. Fields utilizing the 200LX Palmtop might include: Author, or your mother language), more completely as a data­ Life Goals database - A Subject (money, fun, love, Spanish (the meaning of the base reference tool in the per­ formance of my job responsi­ list of things you want to relatives, work, etc.), Body word in Spanish, etc.), Body accomplish before you (Conjugations if the word is bilities. I'm a Marketing and (text of the quote, best use Sales representative for die/move on. Fields might the Note field for size.) a verb, or other information include: Goal, Location you want to include on the Exxon Chemical Company and I market all of our poly­ Wish List database - Things word. Best to use the Note (local, in this country, name mer and film products to the of other country), Necessary you want to buy when you field since you will need the Healthcare industry. equipment, People (with have the money. Fields might room), etc.-Paul Merrill, information/help or to invite include: Name (of item), Carol de Giere] (Continued on page 50.)

The EduCALC Catalog-FHEEfor One Year Cutting Edge Products to Enhance your HP Palmtop! Memory in Flash Wireless Access Palmtop Printing ==-= .::e Experience the freedom and power of portable ~~"""" ~a~QQ~~CITIZEN - :: ==:::=-..= wireless palmtop communication. You can now ~= __ =:':=~5: reach anyone, anywhere, who has an email ad- dress, fax machine or RF messaging device- Expand your HP wireless and from your HP Palmtop! Palmtop's memory #3422 [Motorola Wireless Modem] ••• $699 with high-quality #10020A [En Bloc PalmStation+] ..... $1495 Print anywhere with your palmtop. These plain PC Card technology paper printers have great resolution (360 dpi) at an affordable price. Your Name in Silver and allow you to print last minute, life saving Whether you require Personalize your palmtop with this self-adhesive charts and graphs-in color. Designed for only a few extra mega­ today's professionals on the go, these small bytes or 40 megs, IBM nameplate-it installs quickly in the recess on the back of your machine. Just give us up to 24 (1O" x2"x 1.85"), featherweight (1.1 lb.) por­ flash cards are your solution. Built-in data tables fit in your briefcase and deliver laser compression provides up to 80MB RAM for characters and allow two weeks for delivery. #2786 [Nameplate] ...... $4.95 quality printing. 2 pp per min on transparen­ your palmtop. cies, cut sheet or letterhead. The economical #3423A [3MB/6MB Flash] ...... $199 EduCALC is your place to PN50 gives you approximately 30 text pages on #3424A [5MB/10MB Flash] ...... $259 find all the newest, hottest black cartridge (requires seriaVparallel convert­ #3425A [10MB120MB Flash] ...... $419 er with HP serial cable). The versatile PN60 #3426A [20MB/40MB Flash] ...... $739 technology for your model gives you a color option as well-print #3427A [30MB/60MB Flash] ...... $999 Hewlett-Packard Palmtop! 3-5 pages using color cartridge. #3428A [40MB/80MB Flash] ...... $1239 Call us today #PN50 [PN50 Printer] ...... $249.95 #PN60 [PN60 Printer] ...... $349.95 EduCALC 800.713.6526 #3289 [NiCad Battery] ...... $78.95 27983 Cabot Road #3290 [Car Adapter] ...... $44.95 #3061 [Palmtop Cable] ...... $34.95 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Check us out on the World Wide Web: #GA935 [SIP Converter] ...... $54.95 Call for more info - #3292 [2 black ink Cartridges] ...... $8.95 714.582.2637 HP t0Ol200LX memory upgrade now available! Call for details #3293 [2 color ink Cartridges] ...... $13.95

THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1996 5 This section lists new products printer or other parallel SOFTWARE program designed to run on of interest to users of the HP port. Converter is bi-direc­ the 100/200LX and OmniGo Palmtop pes. New Products tional, and compatible with 700LX. It supports SLIP and includes descriptions of hard­ any PC application soft­ PPP communication proto­ ware, software, books, videos, cols, and can be used over ware, printer or hard drive. COMMUNICATIONS training and service offerings. Transmits data at 9600 baud phone lines, wirelessly (with Prices listed in this section are via a 36-pin Centronics male the OmniGo 700LX or with suggested retail. You may be connector. Weight: 3 oz. Web browser the Ricochet wireless mo­ able to get the products for less dem), or with direct serial designed spe~ifi~ally if you shop around. Pricing ...... $79.95 connections to your desktop CONTACT: EduCALC. See contact for the Pahntop HP Palmtop Paper Staff Pc. information above. WWW/LX, by D&A Soft­ When combined with ware, is an Internet access HV ver.2.0 ii, WWW /LX HARDWARE

Those interested in participating in an HP Palmtop users group should contact the JAPAN - HP Palmtop users in Japan, contact: Geotg 0. P. EsdJetI, Ekimae 1-11-10, ADAPTERS following individuals. Send us con~ct information formatted as below if you wish to Kotiyama City, Fukushima Prel, JAPAN 963; Phone: O4lH2-()6980: Fax: 0249-21- be added as a contact for a users group in your area. 4050. (Languages: Getman, English and Japanese)

HP Pafmtop Worldwide User Group News - send material about User Group Kansas (USA) - 951100I200LX users in Kansas, contact: Man'elha Wilson, P.o. A{; E~ono-adapter activities to Conrad Cox at the San Francisco, CA USA User Group. (E-mail: Box 1151, Man,7allan, KS 66502-0012; Phone: 913-532-9775. [email protected] ). frOin Edn{;AL{; Los Angeles, CA (USA) - 95lXI1001200LX users in the LA area, contact: Dave Shier ARGENTINA - lOO12OOLX users in Argentina, contact: Miguel Angel Missed, E-mail: at 805-371-9391; Fax: 805-371·9391; E-mail.' [email protected]; Web site: Use this AC adapter to 1301O.3685@COfTI{JIJSIJfVecom . hffp:#t.ww.shieu:Of11 formore in/rJrmalion. power your Palmtop from Arlington, VA I Washington, DC (USA) - 95lXI1001200LX users in the Arlington, MEXICO - Palmtop users in Mexico, contact: Jose Patino, Ave. Trasvina y Retes VA I Washington, DC area, contact: Rick Shaddock, clo Computer Instructors #2103, Chihuahua, Chih. CPO 31240, MEXICO.' Phone: (14) 26-5(}-43; Fax: (14) 81- any electrical outlet, and Corporation, 2320 South Eads, Allington, VA 22?tl2,. Phone; 7IXJ.486-2222. 01-75; Intemet' [email protected] OR. .. Francisco Bticio,' Phone: (3) save battery life. This 684-1317; CompuServe 10:/14174, 1442/ Atlanta, GA (USA) - Palmtop users in the Manta area, contact: AI( Avaslhi, Phone: Minneapolis, MN (USA) - HP Palmtop users in the MinneapoftSlSt. Paul area, contact: adapter is smaller and 770-471-1389. 8eIh Si!ve1W81er, P.D. Box 27044, Minneapoli$, MN 55427; Phone: 612·541-5631,' Fax: lighter than the HP version, 612-541·5636; [email protected] Cleveland, OH (USA) - 95LX11001200LX users in the Cleveland area, contact: Craig but is limited to use in the de Fasselle, c1J MEM, Inc., 4702 East 355/h st, Wi/lougl1by, OH 44094. New Jersey/New York (USA) - 95LX1100I2OOLX users in the New Jersey/New York area, contact: S(anley Oobrowski, 189 Springtield Avenue, Rutherforri, NJ, USA or other countries with Boston, MA (USA) - 95LX11001200LX users in the Boston area, contact Btyan 07070-1642; CIS 10: /16711,2302j; Phone: 201-807-5857 (wotk). 110 volt, 60 Hz input. 90-day Kmulhamet; Phone: 617-374-!J6()() x 197 (wod<); Fax: 617-374-9620; CompuSetYe 10: /10444,41/ Oklahoma City, OK (USA) - 951100/200LX users in the Oklahoma City area, warranty. Recharges NiCds contact: Richarri 8. Meek, 1804 HunUngton, Oklahoma City, OK 73116; Residential BRAZIL - 95/100I200LX users in Brazil. contact: Marcos L. Pedroza, Rua Train' Phone: 405-842-1261. in your 100/200LX. 647 Ap 104-8, 59020-150 Nata/, RN-BRAZIL: Phone: 55 64 211-6162. PANAMA I LATIN AMERICA - HP Palmtop users in Panama or Latin America, Pricing ...... $15 .95 Charleston, SC (USA) - 9S'1001200LX users in South Carolina, contact: Roo Rivets, contact: Aviran Yanir, P.o. Box 31002 Colon Free Zone, REPUBliC OF PANAMA; P.D. Box 31284, Chatfeston, SC 294/7-1284,' Phone: 800-864-8444; CompuSe!ve 10: Phone: 507-4410442; Fax: 507-4410473. CONTACT: EduCALC, 21953 Cabot /1502444/ Rei., Laguna Niguel, CA 92617, USA; PHIUPPtNES - HP Palmtop users in the Philippines, contact: Cados: CaIMa/11, 2nd.1Ioor; Denver, CO (USA) - 95LX1100/200LX users in the Denver area, contact: Bill OHMC BI4J., 109 Nep/rJne st, 8eJ.Air; MakJIi ~ PHIliPPINES; PfIone: 63(2) 890622!J Phone: 800-611-1001 or 1/4-582- Hoellgen, 5944 S. Kipling, Suite 300, Littleton, CO 80127; Phone: 303- /036, ex/ensKJns 120& 121,'Fax:63(2)92B5635:lntemetI0:/[email protected] 2637,' Fax: 1/4-582-1445. 933-0023; Fax: 303-971-0341. Group meets quarterly. Phoenix and Tuscan, AZ (USA) - HP Palmtop users in the Phoenixll'uscon area, Detroit, MI (USA) - 95LX1100/200LX users in the Detroit area, contact: Jeff Zom, contact Coty L. Curtis, P.D. Box 23502, Phoenix, AZ 85063-3502; Phone: 602-930- 29311 Ara-ne/, Fannington Hills, MI 48334-2815; Phone: 313-489-1855 or Louis 9661; Fax 602-930-8554; CISlO1102010,/J32j,' E-fT18J7.-palm/opS@slaJlinkcom 9-pin and 25-pin Peeples, Sl Clair Shores, MI4808Q; Phone: 313-777-9390. PORTUGAL - 95LX1100/200LX users in Portugal, contact: PPTUG, Rua do Gender {;hangers FRANCE - HP Palmtop users in France, contact: Olivier Oeila Valle, 178 roe du SFUAp, A·8, 2810 Laranjeim, PORTUGAL; PhoneiFax: 351-1-2597216; Inlemel' Mar8Cha1 I.ecIe!c, 94410 SainI-Maurice, FRANCE; Phooe: (1) 435395 67; CompuServe [email protected] 10:1101533, 160/ Use these male-male or Richmond, VA (USA) - 95LX1100I200LX users in the Central Virginia area, con­ female-female adapter plugs GERMANY - HP PalmtopiOmnibook users in Germany, contact: Eckart Pn'nz, 0iJere tact: John Haskell, 7102 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, VA 23226-3815; CIS 10: MOhlstr. 568, 64291 Dannstadl, GERMANY;PhoneIFax:+496151316065. to change the gender of your /10750, 1243] or Phone: 804-289-8073 (work). GERMANY I LUXEMBOURG - Not an official user group but this indviduaJ is wilfing San Diego, CA (USA) -100200LXusersintheSanDiegoarea, contact: Don Williams serial cable. to help HP Palmtop users with questions or technical problems; contact: Gilles Kohl.' at619452-6267or61!f546-B166;£-mail:[email protected]/rJrma1ion. CompuServe 10: l1001f4,3146j; Phone: +49-721-69-36-55 {aher 6 p.m. Centra! Pricing ...... $4.95 European lime! San Francisco, CA (USA) - Users in the Bay Area of Northem Calffomia, contact: ConradCox~mail76184,[email protected] CONTACT: EduCALC, 21953 Cabot GREECE - HP Palmtop users in Greece, contact: Slavros O. Zacharakos, Rei., Laguna Niguel, CA 92617, USA; SofOC/eous 33, Athens 15126, GREECE; Phone: (+3-01) 8050041; : TURKEY - HP Palmtop users in Turt

HOLLANDIBELGIUM - HP 95LX1100/200LX users in the low countries, contact: UKRAINE - HP Palmtop users in the Ukraine, Odessa, Kiev, Crimea regions, PROMPT Hp·GC, Mister G. Dongs, Poslbus 1081, 1500 AB Zaandam, HOLLANO; contact: Linetskvy If. Oleg, 1, ValVaftlvsky Spusk, Nikolaev, 327015, UKRAINE; Serial to Phone: +31 756704205; £-mail' [email protected] Phone: (051) 38-73-51 36-73-13; Fax.' (051) 24-41-25. Parallel {;onverter INDONESIA - HP Handheld users (HP 75C, 110, 48, 12, 100/200LX) in UNITED KINGDOM - HP Palmtop users in the Un~ed Kingdom, contact MichaelA Indonesia, contact: Oir/( H. Eversbert, c;lo P. T. Ausfindo Mitralama, Mr. Elman Brown, MBA Group, 33 A/bul)' Avenue, !s!eWOtlh, Middlesex; 7W15HY, UX; Phone: Sunartio, JI Gunung Sahan' 2/6E, Jakarta 10810, INDONESIA, Use this Aegis serial-to-par­ 0181-847-3777; Fax: 0181-568-2402. or allel converter to connect I ITALY - 9511001200LX users in Italy, contact: Stefano Gig/i, ViB E. Toli, 13-60123 David Hodges, HPCC Membership SecretaI)', 8 Stra!frJrri Court, Salisbul)' Road, Ancona, ITAL Y,' Phone: 071-36845 or 071-200916; Fax: 071-200916; Inlernet 10: Famborough, Hampshire GUI147A.1, UK, [email protected]/( your 100/ 200LX to a parallel [email protected]!.il ~--

6 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 browses the World Wide Palmtop. Voltage, tempera­ DiagnosisPro clinical and review, setup, data col­ Web - WWW /LX performs ture, pressure, strain, rota­ software is an expanded lection, triangle solutions, all the communication tasks tional speed, pulse count version of the previous leveling, sun shots, earth (logging on, acquiring web and switch position Signals "Remind IV" medical soft­ work, coordinate geometry, pages, etc.), and HV dis­ can be recorded in real time ware. DiagnosisPro fits on a stakeout, curves, adjust­ plays the acquired pages on to DOS data files. 20MB Hash card. ments, file transfer to PC, the screen. HV ver.2.0 is The new 512 model 30-day free trial. An­ and print/plot. included with WWW/LX. adds 64 channels of 12-bit nual updates available. For After the necessary WWW /LX runs in System analog data to the previous further information contact data has been collected, a Manager as a DOS/ PAL 510 model's capabilities. The vendor. road is designed using a application. (See review by 512 simultaneously mea­ civil engineering software Gilles Kohl, page 12.) sures and records up to Pricing ...... $495 package (not included), and CONTACT: MedTech USA, Inc., 6310 Sixty-four 12-bit analog San Vicente Blvd., Suite 425, Los the information is then Availability ...... October , 1996 channels, eight lO-bit analog downloaded to System 95 Pricing ...... $99 Angeles, CA 90048, USA; Phone: channels, four 32-bit rota­ on the Palmtop for use in CONTACT: Shier Systems & Sohware, 800-640-8000 or 310-553-7777; Fax: 920 Hampshire Road, Suite A, tional or count channels, 310-553-7400,' E-mail." maI7@medtech.­ the field (for laying out Westlake Village, CA 91361, USA; and eight discrete signals at com; WWW stakes, etc.). Phone: 805-3719391; Fax: 805-371- rates of up to 200hz. or www.commercial-directory.coml ­ Road Layout is used in 5495; E-mail.·[email protected] Size: 6.75" x 2.25" x 9". diagnosisprol conjunction with System 95 Europe and Asia: Rundel Rugged, no moving parts. and adds the following func­ Datentechnik, Rappenstr. 20, 73033 (T-Corder 512 has been test­ tions: horizontal alignments Goeppingen, Germany; Phone: +49 ed on the HP 95LX only, but (including spiral curves), ver­ 7161 14707; Fax: + 49716124473; E­ should work on the 100/- MATH tical alignments, cross section Mail." [email protected] 200LX as well.) templates, widenings and New version of super-elevations. A complete Pricing ...... $2,495 t!oDlpnter Dlath road file can be transferred to CONTACT: Vulcan Enterprises, Inc., the data collector for layout DATA 14604 S. 24th PI., Phoenix, AZ 85048, t!alt!n1ator USA; Phone: 602-759-1600; Fax: in the field. Full staking capa­ CMCalc version 19, a pro­ bility includes station and ··T-'::order" and 602-759-7926; WWW hUp:l!ourworld. ­ compuserve.comlhomepagesNulcanE grammer's from offset, slope and inverse by Pahntop t!oUed data ntltcorder.htm Dorr Software Develop­ station. Road Layout's graph­ in reDlote lot!ations ment, now supports alge­ ics show crests, dips in roads, braic data entry as well as etc.) Use this solid state, portable expanded maximum word data recorder from Vulcan HEALTH CARE size (from 32 bits to 64 bits). Pricing: Enterprises with your HP Previous features are re­ System 95 (on PC Card) ...... $750 Palmtop to collect data in tained including hexadeci­ Road Layout (on PC Card) .. . .$995 remote locations. (A familiar DiagnosisPro mal, decimal, octal and bina­ CONTACT: Tripod Data Systems, example of a remote data Dledit!al software 1853 SW Airport Road, Corvallis, OR ry number calculation. 97333, USA; Phone: 800-426-8026 or recorder is the "black box" lists possible CMCalc is System found on most commercial 503-753-9322; Fax: 503-757-7439. diagnoses in set!onds Manager compliant and Or: EduCALC, 27953 Cabot airliners.) runs on the HP 100/200LX DiagnosisPro medical soft­ Road, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677, USA; After data has been Palmtop and OmniGo Phone: 800-677-7001 or 714-582- ware helps physicians diag­ recorded to T -Corder's 700LX. 2637; Fax: 714-582-1445. SRAM card, place the card nosis unfamiliar or unusual in the Palmtop to analyze cases based on the patient's Pricing ...... $25 the data. Connect T-Corder symptoms or the results of CONTACT: Dorr Software Develop­ to the Palmtop using a serial the patient's lab tests. ment, 8778 Casa Grande Drive, FREEWARE & cable, and use the Palmtop's Answers to queries are Pittsburgh, PA 15237-5340, USA; SHAREWARE built-in DataComm applica­ drawn from a database of Phone: 412-369-0915,' Fax: 412-367- 4996; E-mail: [email protected]; or tion to make any necessary 13,000 abnormalities (symp­ [email protected] . , adjustments to your system toms, signs, lab results, X­ on-site. rays, EKG results, etc.), or BATTERIES The new T -Corder 8,500 disease or drug related causes. model 512 allows you to SURVEYING BATTLOG ii monitor the health and per­ DiagnosisPro provides formance of a given system lists of differential diagnoses BATTLOG.ZIP (Battery by recording analog, pulse for Internal Medicine, Road Layont Voltage Logger and Viewer) and state signals, then stor­ Pediatrics, Office Gyne­ option for SysteDl 95 is a TSR utility that checks ing the data files to an cology, Geriatrics, and surveying software your 100/200LX's battery SRAM card. A simple DOS Family Practice. Users can System 95 surveying soft­ voltage every ten seconds based translation utility con­ overlay up to ten abnormali­ ware turns your Palmtop and logs the data to your verts the collected data to ty lists to check for com­ into a data collection and Palmtop's C drive every five ASCII delimited files that monality, allowing a search field geometry device for minutes. The logged data can be imported and ana­ to be narrowed through the surveyors. System 95 func­ includes the following infor­ lyzed in Lotus 1-2-3 on the use of a simple Boolean mation: "AND" function. tions include: job creation

THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 7 Knowledge Products From Thaddeus The HP Palmtop Paper Each issue contains 100's of ideas to increase your personal effediveness. Subscribe today and receive: • 6 issues of The HP Palmtop Paper "The HP Palmtop Paper • Bonus issue: Best Palmtop Tips has saved me countless The HP Palmtop Paper (Each Spring) hours of frustration" • Bonus issue: PC Card Review (Each Fall) Steve Mitchell • Subscriber PowerDisk Middleburg, Indiana (Each Fall) Order back issues of The HP Palmtop Paper while they last Like the HP Palmtop? There's plenty of useful information already published. HP 95LX users will especially benefit from thirteen 1991-93 issues, and HP lOOLX and HP 200LX users will appreciate the twelve 1994-95 issues. Included is a Subscriber PowerDisk for each year. The HP Palmtop Paper On Disk

Get a supplemental disk containing all the great freeware and shareware you read about in each The HP Palmtop Paper. This supplement to The HP Palmtop Paper also contains detailed informa­ tion from advertisers plus the full text of The HP Palmtop Paper for text search. "Best Tips On Disk" comes free with The HP Palmtop Paper On Disk subscription Best Tips On Disk: Free or can be ordered separately. Each year we compile the best palmtop tips and the best freeware and shareware and put it on two 1.44 Meg floppy disks. Included FREE only with your The HP Palmtop Paper On Disk subscription, or can be purchased separately.

Subscribe to: HP OmniGo World

Like The HP Palmtop Paper? The same editorial team creates the quarterly publication HP OmniGo World. Bonuses include: • 3 OmniGo Extras catalogs per year • 3 Bonus Special Reports HP OmniGo World • Graffiti ™ stick' em guides to help you learn the handwriting recognition language fast Thaddeus Computing INC. Publisher: The HP Palmtop Pap er and HP Omni Go World 57 East Broadway, Fairfield,lA 52556 continued on page 49 800-373-6114· (515) 472-6330 Fax : (~1 C;) 472~ 1 R7Q • F.-Mail- o rnp ro;;; (ci) tharlnp u c< r om I:l Date and time Type: Shareware CONFERENCES I:l Mean voltage of the Location : ftp: //­ main batteries (the mean hp951x1NEW/ MISC. AND UPDATES of 30 samples) I:l Highest and lowest volt­ ERB iii Handheld/PBA Expo ages of samples I:l Time of RS232C serial ERD23.ZIP (Enhanced Re­ PDA Incorporated/ World port activity move Directory) is a utility Market Strategies is spon­ that allows you to delete a soring the Handheld and BA TTLOG also allows you HPFAXI06 ij directory and the files with­ PDA Expo '96 on December to view the data as a graph. in it, with one command Logging stops when you HPFAX106.ZIP - QuickStar instead of using the DOS RD 4-6, 1996, in San Mateo, turn your Palmtop off. FaxPro allows you to send (Remove Directory) and California. plain text faxes from the DEL (Delete) commands. The Expo is designed to Type: Freeware DOS command line of your ERD removes all hidden bring together customers Location: CompuServe's HPHAND files and read only files as Forum, library 11 . Palmtop using either a Class and vendors to explore 1 or Class 2 fax/modem. well. PDA technology including The program can be used Type: Shareware data collection, field auto­ ReVolt and BeVolt ij manually to send one fax at Location : CompuServe 's HPHAND mation, and sales automa­ a time, or can be called up Forum , library 11 . REVOLT.ZIP contains two tion. Present and future from a batch file to send the programs: ReVolt and De­ PDA solutions provided by Volt. same fax to various fax I(:E200 ij leading technology suppli­ ReVolt - allows you receivers. ers will be explored. High­ to observe and monitor bat­ ICE200.zIP lets you change lighted products will in­ Application Manager's icons tery recharging voltage over Type: Shareware clude smart communication Location : .net/-hamm/­ for the Palmtop's built-in a nine-hour period. ReVolt devices, Internet and Intra­ lists the voltage levels, run­ applications. A set of icons are included, but you can net access, and connectivity. ning time in minutes, clock use anything you want. The PDA Expo is for time, and recharge status, as ICE200 is a 4K TSR program. those producing, selling, well as a graph of the volt­ age amounts over time. Type: Freeware promoting, servicing, con­ DeVoll - records volt­ GAMES Location:­ sulting, or financing hand­ age level at the date and stuff/ helds and PDA technology time the program is run. FIGHTER ij in the corporate environ­ U sing De Volt, you can PPAL.ZIP ij ment. There will be exhibits develop a text file showing HP-LX Fighter is a combat and hands-on educational the variations in your bat­ game written in assembler, Palmtop Pal is a program to seminars. tery voltage over days and designed for the HP Palm­ help you control your months. You can use Memo top. FIGHTER.ZIP is a free­ Palmtop by providing the CONTACT: Sonya Sinha, PDA Incor­ or any text viewer to view ware demo. The fully func­ status of various Palmtop porated, 4309 17th Street, San specific functions. These your DEVOLT.DOC file. tional version of FIGHTER Francisco, CA 94114 , USA; Phone: Both programs have the functions include battery is Shareware. 415-252-8008; Fax: 415-252-8055; look and feel of the Palmtop voltage, lite sleep status, bat­ E-main: inio@wmsltdcom built-in applications. Type: Shareware tery type, charge status, seri­ Location:­ al port status and more. Type: Freeware ence/ Palmtop Pal also allows you HP Haudheld Location : ftp :/­ to change these items. Prooud Support has hp951x1NEW/ Palmtop Pal is not System GoMoku ij Manager compliant. new phone n ...... er GOlOO.ZIP is GoMoku, a 6K Type: Freeware Free HP Technical Support DATA strategy game written for Location : CompuServe's HPHAND can now be reached at Forum, Library 11 . the 100/200 LX. 970-392-1001, 5:00 am. to Tra~ker iii 5:00 pm. Pacific Standard Mileage Type: Shareware Time. This is the number to MT.ZIP (Mileage Tracker) Location:­ PROGRAMMING new/ call for product questions keeps track of your mileage, not covered in your User's the amount spent for gaso­ (: (:oBlpiler ij Guide, diagnostic instruc­ line, and the gallons of gas PA(:·Man gaBle ij tions or service information. used. The MT log will accept SMC.ZIP contains a small C You can also visit HP's a maximum of 99 entries P AC.ZIP is a PAC-Man compiler with SRCE sample before you must clear the game for the Palmtop. programs. electronic information service entire log. MT can also be site on the Internet at: http:/ / Type: Shareware used with kilometers and Type: Freeware Location:­ Location: ftp ://­ liters. ence/ hp95Ix.NEW/

THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 9 is a new size in Flash cards, much smaller than current models. The New HP OmniGo 120 CompactFlash PC Card fits into an adapter unit that is then inserted in the PC Card slot in the side of the Organizer Offers HP OmniGo 120 organizer. Flash technology provides non-volatile memory that doesn't need battery "Holographic" Face power to maintain it, and therefore provides a more reliable way of storing data. The CompactFlash card and adapter are expected to be New addition to Organizer line features available at the same time as the HP OmniGo 120 organizer and will list brighter display and built-in Pocket Quicken. at $239 for the 2MB size. This com­ pares favorably with SRAM card prices, which go for approximately By Carol de Giere $229 for 2MB. CompactFlash tech­ nology is relatively new and is tar­ geted for digital cameras, cam­ On September 9, 1996, HP unveiled Pocket Quicken helps you keep corders, pagers, and other electronic the new HP OmniGo 120 organizer accurate records (for personal or tax devices in the future. with Pocket Quicken built in and a purposes), and follow budgets. new "holographic" screen. The new At this time, the new HP screen features greater contrast than OmniGo 120 organizer will be sold Green screen meets standard screens, appearing only in the United States and testers' approval brighter and more readable than Europe. The street price in the before. Pocket Quicken is the port­ United States is expected to be The green holographic screen able version of Quicken, the popu­ $399. HP will continue to sell the received positive responses from the lar financial management program HP OmniGo 100 organizer (street Beta testers we interviewed. The that allows you to track your per­ price between $300-$350). new screen offers a brighter display sonal and/ or business checking, The HP OmniGo 120 organizer that optimizes the available light, credit card and cash accounts. also supports "CompactFlash." This increasing "readability" and creating the impression of a backlit screen - without compromising battery life. Ed Keefe, one of our regular New! Link-A-Printer II contributing authors who tested the same screen on a different Smaller size & Attached cable machine, agrees. "I found the Link-A-Printer II is a serial to parallel converter screen very readable. I didn't want that allows direct printing from your OmniGo to return it after my testing period 100 to any parallel printer. It also works with was over. In proper lighting the the HP 100/200LX $79 screen looks like it is back lit, and the contrast is better." Ed explained that certain lighting conditions Link-A-Printer II has a built-in connectivity cable that plugs in to your OmniGo seemed ideal for the screen, espe­ 100. Since it does not require batteries or extra cable Link-A-Printer II is simple cially light that is coming over your and easy to use. shoulder. "I checked the screen in my car one night while sitting in a Also Available Link-A-Printer I parking lot. I thought I would have Requires connectivity cable and optional battery Features auto $59 to turn the overhead light on in the on/off fixed 9600 baud car, but the street lamp in the park­ ing lot shown on the screen and Tel: 704-875-8490 made it glow." Fortunately for 120 Fax: 704-875-2801 GRU.. owners, the added luminosity is an Toll Free: 800-476-4070 ..... - effect caused by the screen's reflec- 10 THE HPPALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 Gives You an Instant Link to Desktop Quicken and Quicken ExpensAbl, Fop The Ultimate In Pepsonal Financial Contpol

You already have Pocket Quicken on your Palmtop PC, so you can capture information about your everyday expenses - and more - as you go.

But you'll gain even more power over your finances when you send your data directly to Quicken®or Quicken ExpensAble™ on your desktop using Pocket Quicken Connect™. There's no double entry, so Pocket Quicken Connect is a breeze to use.

With Quicken, you have instant access to reports, graphs, bud­ Quicken: gets and more to give you valuable insight into your personal finances. Plus, when you send your business expenses to Quicken --- ExpensAble, you'll have a printed expense report in a flash. .-;,'" ... "'.: ('"'t.. Price Pocket Quicken Connect for Windows ______-::::--:::-:-.,--829.95 (Plus Shipping and Handling) To Order Pocket Quicken Connect, Call Anytime Toll Free 1-800-243-4850 Ext. 810 583 (6am to tpm Mountain time, Monday through Friday. 60 day money back guarantee.)

If you have an HP 100LX Palmtop PC and you want to order Pocket Quicken, just call 1-800-243-4650. Pocket Quicken is $69.95, plus shipping and handling. Please call for details.

System Requirements: IBM 386 33MHZ or higher or 100% IBM compatible computer with enough RAM to run Quicken or ExpensAble for Windows. Windows 3.1 or higher, Quicken 3.0 or higher, 750K of hard disk space and one COM port on your computer. © 1995 Intuit Inc. Pocket Quicken, Pocket Quicken Connect, the Pocket Quicken Connect Logo and ExpensAble are trademarks of Intuit Inc. Quicken is a registered trademark of Intuit Inc. tive background and not from read the green screen from farther The product will also be available added battery power. away./I Ray also found the green through mail order and other com­ Ray Kump, an accountant with color of the screen pleasing. puter and electronics outlets. There his own accounting firm in New is no upgrade path for 100 users. York, loved the screen. "I found it was brighter in most lighting con­ Availability ditions than the previous screen. In Pricing and Contact low light you can read it a lot bet­ HP has been working on expand­ Information for products ter./I Ray tested the machine both ing the HP OmniGo organizer's mentioned in this article at his office and in his car. "I travel availability. The 120 is expected to a great deal and found that, in the All prices are manufacturer's suggested be available through numerous retail price. It may be possible to purchase car, the letters jumped out at me retail outlets and mass merchants, the product for less at third-party vendors. more with this type of screen. In including Circuit City, the Good my office, when I would glance Guys!, J&R Computer World, HP OmniGo 120 organizer - $429 over to check what appointments OfficeMax, Nobody Beats the Wiz, Compact Flash - $239 were coming up, it was easier to Service Merchandise and Staples. CONTACT: Authorized US HPdealers call800-433-1254.


This version in WWW /LX under­ stands even more HTML tags and is able to talk to the Web interface WWWjLX Web component to retrieve live Web pages after you connect to an ISP. HV is available as freeware as Browser for the HP before. WWW /LX is a commercial software product.

Palmtop Installation/setup program - more about that one later. The WWW /LX is innovative in Now you can surf the Web, online, with that it is neither a TSR, nor a com­ prehensive software program like your HP Palmtop and D&A Software's NetTamer that attempts to do-it-all. Some DOS programs require that new WWW/LX online Web browser. you load a "Terminate and Stay Resident" (TSR) software "driver." By Gilles Kohl This TSR needs to be loaded by the AUTOEXEC.BAT file when you first boot up your computer. You I confess! I have been lying to WWW/LX Components can quickly access a TSR whenever CompuServe HPHAND Forum and Architecture you want because it's always run­ members. The question "How can I ning. The downside of this access the Internet with my HP There are three components that arrangement is that the TSR is 100/200LX or 700LX" has been make up the WWW /LX Web always occupying your computer's recently seen quite frequently on the browser: system memory, leaving less room Forum. Until now, I could only refer for other software programs. Web interface - this dials your users to one of the existing, 005- The all-in-one approaches like Internet Service Provider (ISP) and based, text-mode browsers and NetTa mer (N103-PT.ZIP ij) try to understands the various Internet access programs as the ''best'' option do everything and consequently protocols like SLIP, PPP, TCP /IP, currently available. The truth is that are very large software programs. HTTP,etc. I have been using something far bet­ They are too large to run under ter myself and only now am I finally Web browser - this lets you view System Manager, or fit easily on allowed to talk about it. HTML documents on or off line. It the C: drive (it will barely fit on a During the last few weeks, I have can talk to the Web interface to 2MB Palmtop, leaving room for lit­ been one of the chosen few (about a retrieve Web pages from the net. The tle else). With NetTamer, if all you dozen) beta testers of WWW/LX, a Web browser (HV2.ZIP ij) may be want to do is browse the Web, you new World Wide Web (WWW) an old acquaintance to some users. It still need to load its Telnet, Mail, access solution for the HP Palmtops is an upgraded version of Andreas Newsgroups and FTP parts as well. by D&A Software Inc. and Andreas Garzotto's freeware "HTML Viewer" WWW /LX-HV is a collection of Garzotto. Unlike existing packages, program HV (HTML is the language software modules, each responsible this solution has been developed on used for creating hypertext docu­ for a different task. They work the Palmtop, for the Palmtop, and ments for the Web). cooperatively with each other and with the Palmtop in mind. It is fast, only the components currently small, and easy to use and setup. It can run within System Manager (no need to close all applications and ABOUT THE AUTHOR drop to DOS) and it is small enough to fit on the C: drive of a 1MB 100LX Gilles Kohl is a native of Luxembourg living in Karlsruhe, Germany. He works as a software developer and project engi­ if necessary! neer for PROCAD GmbH & Co. KG, a German company special­ WWW /LX can also directly con­ izing in CAD/CAM and electronic database management ~ys­ nect via the Nokia cellular phone of terns for technical applications. As a TeamHP member, GIlles enjoys helping other Palmtop owners in the Gem1an and French an HP OmniGo 700LX, without the section of the HPHAND forum on CompuServe. Gilles can be need to use external DOS utilities. reached under CIS: [100114,3146].

12 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 We have the greatest selection of Leather Cases for your: HP Palmfop,,_Cellular Phone, Om nibooK and O m ni G o

Futura 90 $86.99 Ideal as a traveling companion or hand bag. Has a pull~out strap and detachable shoulder Futura 20 $ 43.95 (HP Palmtop) Futura 30 $ 39.95 Futura 50 $ 44.95 strap. Holds: (OmniGo) Palmtop, OmniGo, Cellular phones. Futura 25 $ 43.95 Protect your palmtop with this zippered case, This practical and small case I pen and many more things When your hands need to be free .. . and COlry it in your suit pocket is ideal for your pafmtop. -Dimensions: 7" x 4.5 " x 2 • use this case on your belt or -Dimensions: 6.5' X 3.75' X 1.25' -Dimensions; 6.88" X 4.25" X 1.50" shoulder strap (16.5 X 9.5 X 3.2 ems) (17.5 X 10.8 X 3.8 ems) (17.7 x IT.5x5ems) -Dimensions (F20): 7.5' x 3.7' x 1.4' (19 x 9.4 x 3.5 ems) (F25): 6.5' x 4.2' x 1.4' (16.5 x 10.5 x 3.5 ems)

Convert your OmnlGo Into a Personal r;;g:r/,I:s:~~ru~~::~~e. Tum It ON/OFF without taking it out of the case.

o Dimensions: 6.5' X 3.75" X 1.5' (1 6.5 X 9.5 X 3.8 ems)

Futura 75 $ 49.95 Designed do carry YOUf pa/mOp Futura 100 $64.95 Futura 60 $54.95 with a paget Of connectivity pock -Olmonslons; 9.75' X ' .5' X 1.75' Ideal for fravelinf/ and meetings. Also fits Protect your palmtop with this small C2ol.7X l1.4X"""cms) and beautiful case ·Regular $ 55.00 electronic organIzers, OmniGos and - Dimensions: 6.5' X 3.75' X 1.75' (16.5 X 9.5 X 4.4 ems) -Dimensions: S" x 6 " x 2 ' - Regular $ 60.00 (20.3 x 15.2 x 5.1 cms)

If you en not compleNfy _ed, IImpfy ..fum" unwed for a futl refund of your purchase price FOR CALIFORNIA ORDERS ADD TAX 7.25 % REVIEWS: WWW/LX

19: 59 nl ••:"Ii';I";-ffi;;;"I; 1 til Your PlJlmtop PC Is WELCOME TO HV - A HTML VIEWER FOR THE HP PALMTOP COMPUTERS AlrelUly An Intemet MlJilbox! Use the built-in cc:Mail application for dial-up access to global internet e-mail. cc:Mail<->Internet • Choose your own e-mail address • .IAlta Vist~ • Only $9/mo flat, unlimited usage ~EmDI~~~ _____ ~"!!!lJ. • Handles binary file attachments Call or £-mailfor Free Trial: The HV HTML viewer initial screen.

palmtop. com OmniGo 700LX. The process is be installed (you can put it into any almost identical on the HP 1001 directory you want), and where I [email protected] 200LX. First, I created a subdirecto­ wanted to install the WWW ILX 408-450-3467 ry on the C drive of my 700LX, and cache file. The cache file is used to copied all the necessary WWW I LX store the addresses of Web sites files into it. This includes the that you've already looked up needed have to be loaded, requir­ WWWSETUP program, the WWW once, so you don't have do it again. ing less system memory. program and its configuration file Finally, I selected WWW ILX's and documents, and the HV files. preconfigured configuration profile Installing WWW/LX I ran WWWSETUP.EXE and it for CompuServe (my ISP), and hit asked me for my users registration I ENTER, to set up my connection. I WWWSETUP is the program that number as a copy protection. Then, made the following modifications to lets you configure WWW LX. I I I indicated where I wanted HV to the profile: I selected "OmniGo" as installed the program on my HP the modem type, "9600" as the baud rate, and inserted the phone number of the local CompuServe node. I also .~ .. :;-. Globa.l Selup had to enter my CompuServe user ~ol'll'land lo slarl HV : !~:iSRR~HY.:::~!:~ ... ·.::.. :...:.::::j 10 and password. I didn't need to !!ddress cache fi Ie :!.(::; .. :.. >=.I?.~.T~ .I!:I.I!:I.I!:I. .~... (::; .~.(::;. ..." change any of the other parameters. Selup: Finally, I created an Application Manager entry for the WWW.EXE SLIP program. PPP ENTER=Edil SPACE=Set. defaull +=Add -=Delele

'!£iiIgj. Running the program

WWW/LX's setup program lets you specify the location of the cache file and select a a preconfigured configuration profile for CompuServe and other Internet Service Providers. Running WWW ILX is done by selecting its icon in AppManager and hitting IENTER'. WWW/LX will COl'lPuServe dial the ISP, and launch the HV version 2.0 browser as soon as the physical connection is established using a modem. The graphic at the top of this page shows the initial screen dis­ played by HV. Since there is no D!;!S :J~~ : : : I?1 :;:?!I : $. :::::::::::::J !! I lernale DNS :t! .. ~ .~ .. ~... ! .. ?~ .. ~... ?.J~ ::~... ~ ; mouse on the Palmtop, HV does Dial i ng Scr ip,!, : : fI$.=$.:~ :f.I~~:::::::::::::::::: ...... not underline links, but draws a rectangle around them. Links can be highlighted using the TAB or WWWSETUP's CompuServe configuration profile, showing modem type, baud rate, cursor movement keys. Press CompuServe's node phone number, CompuServe user 10 and password.

14 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 another "favorite page" of yours. I:R* =,... :_;1';1 ••14 /,-ni-Mi,a.• ,i. til w . . . .. Holiist .. . . . F3 - The "Edit" key is for those of you who want to design your own HTML pages - an editor (MEMO by default) will be called with the HTML source of the page currently being viewed.

F4 - The "Find" key will search ____-----IiIImDII~ the current page for a given text. WWW/LX hotlist - a list of your favorite Web pages. F5 - The "Hot" key will pop up your hotlist - also called "Book­ marks" list in other browsers. This I ENTER I to select a link and HV used functions available through is the collection of your favorite jumps to the corresponding page. the Palmtop'S function keys. Their pages. You can go to a page When several links are on the labels are displayed on the bottom already in the list, add the current current page, it is often faster to just of the screen as usual: page to the collection, or delete an type the first letter of the link - the entry (see screen above). selection will immediately jump to Fl - The "Help" key will pop up it. If several links start with the same extensive online help - in HTML F6 & F7- The "Back" and "Fwd" letter, just hit it repeatedly. For format itself, of course. keys let you navigate backwards example, to highlight "The latest and forwards in the history of version of HV" in the previous F2 - With "Home", you can return pages you visited. screen, I simply pressed "T" twice. to HV's startup page (that has a HV makes the most frequently few links to useful pages) or to F8 - The "Info" key shows infor­ mation about the current page Special Offer

Flash Card & PC Drive Combo 5MB ATA Flash and Drive..... $299.00 10MB ATA Flash and Drive... $435.00 20MB ATA Flash and Drive... $695.00 PC Card 5MB Card Alone...... $269.00 10MB Card Alone...... $405.00 20MB Card Alone...... $675.00 Memory Cards ffitimate Palmtop Computer Light™ Ends Non-backlit Screen Visibility Problems 1MB SRAM ...... $129.00 2MB SRAM ...... •.•. $199.00 • Allows productive use of time in dim planes, trains, autos, hotels & mtg. rooms • Evenly illuminates display, keyboard and work area without disturbing others Callfar Complete Catalog • Top-quality, patented design for any PDAIPocket Organizerlhandheld video game Me -AMX -VISA Accepted • Sleek, compact, lightweight • Essential tool for mobile professionals ENVOY. • Includes soft travel case, (6" x 2-3/16" x 1"), DC Vehicle Adapter w. hi-lo dimmer DATA + four spare bulbs -- clear & red (for night use) CORPORATION • Uses AA batteries (not included) • 30-day, money-back guarantee 953 E. Juanita Ave., Suite A Mesa, Arizona 85204 • Only $29.95 for PCL 300 ($24.95 for PCL 200 wlo DC Vehicle Adapter) Tel: (602) 892-0954 • Fax: (602) 892-0029 + $3 USA shippinglhandling Web Page: To Order, Call: Amexl MCN lsa ~ ~ ~ ASF Assoc LId • The Personal Portable Lighting Expelts Box 625 Mernck NY 11566 -771-3600 Volume Pnclng Available 800 Fax 800 625-6897' 516-868 6897 1-800-368-6971 asfl _ Phone 800 936-3638' 516 868 3638

THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 15 REVIEWS: WWWILX ,. Easy File Transfer Between Your tHew lett Packard Han dhe Id Dev ices t Palmtop and Desktop trop Navigation Tool t

[JAVA applets are not supported in HV] New Prod lIct! The HP 0 til n iGo 700 LX Co til til U n icator PillS tNew Product! The HP OmniGo 700LX Communicator Plusl

Opening page for the HP Handheld Web site. Add the SCT CL680 Card-Link to your desktop PC: 119: 2l! j.lnm awi6'''Miid- NI ~ Fast-80,000 Bytes/sec ~ Easy to use-works just like a floppy disk drive ~ Convenient-plug-in installation to your parallel printer port

~ Reads /writes SRAM and Search ! Q~~~~( : a and Dis p lay the Res u Its I~ COl'lpcllcl ··For.,a FLASH cards f ~§!I.ii .f!#'~~?!!I.~. E ...... :...: ...... Only $189.95

Steele Creek Technologies, Inc. Opening screen for Digital Equipment's AL TAVIS1 search program. The topics 14035 Appling Lane "omnigo" and "700Ix" have been entered in the search box. Charioffe, NC 28278 111: sa ;11"IIJ1nw.fCIU,.~twa!.I'#I1'i! ...'ml' nl Phone or Fax: (704) 588-1780 Tip: To search newgroups that discuss computers. try: newsgroups:comp \IIord count: 700h<:85; omnigo:2585 being displayed, as well as the cur­ rent link and the amount of free Documents 1-30 (2 duplicates removed) of about 500 matching some ofthe query terms, memory currently available to HV. best matches first. You can retrieve a news posting from your local , if you have one, by using l . You can retrieve binaries (programs or pictures) by using B. F9 - The "Open" key lets you specify a so-called "U ni versal 23 .1u1 comp.sys.palmtops hell evik@online . []~ Omni go 7001 K and Internet?? Resource Loca tor" (URL) and go 28.1un comp.sys.palmtops[]~ Buddy for OmniGo 700LX (Jef there directly. For example, to visit the Hewlett-Packard Handheld Homepage, you would hit I!!l After using AltaVista to search for "omnigo" and "700Ix" (Open) and enter: http://www.hp the following page was displayed. .com/handheld. the use of JA VA applets on this page, screen. To display a news group and notifies the user that this is not posting, I would select the desired The dialog box that pops up when supported. JA VA requires a fast 32 title, and press IENTER'. you select "Open" also includes a bit machine with at least 8 megabytes The screenshot at the top right drop-down list with a history of of memory to be able to run.) of page 18 was taken in the middle sites you visited this way. The second screen from the top of a "File Transfer Protocol" (FTP) shows Digital Equipment's "Alta­ download from the Vista" search engine (http:/ / FTP site. The file being down­ A few interesting Web sites This service loaded is C&H-TC.ZIP (a collection The following are screenshots of lets you search the World Wide of Calvin and Hobbes topcards), some Web sites I visited with HV. Web as well as Internet News­ you can still see it highlighted. To The first screen above shows BP's groups for specific topics. I connect to an FTP server with HV, new "Handheld" page. It can be searched on the words "omnigo" you would hit I!!l (Open), and found at and "700Ix". The result of this enter the servers name, directory /handheld. (Note that HV detected search is shown on the third and filename (if you know it). To

16 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 Think of what you could do with more memory! NSW makes this possible at incredibly LOW Prices!! NSW will upgrade your HP200LX or HP1 OOOCX from either 1MB or 2MB to 5MB or 6MB total internal memory for only $229, including installation. Worried about your HP warranty? Only NSW otters a warranty on both our memory module AND your HP Palmtop for up to 1 full year. Gall or write for details. , Thinking of getting a new palmtop? Check out our NSW modified systems. All palmtops sold by tlSW are backed by a full 1 year written warranty. Brand New HP 200LX with 6MB internal memory~ $829.00 Brand New HP 200LX with 5MB internal memory: $709.00 Brand New HP 1000CX with 5MB internal memory: $619.00

Flash for your ~~~~~~~~-~~-~~H HP200LX Palmtop Sizes are not compressed. ATA cards are for use in HP 200LX and 1000CX only.

EXP LXM FAX/MODEM PALMTOP When you need fast communications in your palmtop, the The Palmtop handbag from COAST provides a EXP Thinfax LXM series fax/modems with FLASH memory portable office solution. Room for your are ready to do the job with 14.4Kbps data and fax cou­ Palmtop or OmniGo, paper, pen, business Don't risk your pled with either 2MB, 4MB, or 8MB high speed FLASH cards, and even a cell phone. This soft modem to an memory. Installation and MiniFax software are built in leather bag orininally sold at over $120, NSW unsafe telephone ROM for maximum reliability. EXP Thinfax LXM cards are has a limited supply available for line. Test the socket Stacker 4.0 compatible. ~ ONLY iD"':I'.llI"~ 1 before you plug in. Color LEOs indicate • 14.4K bps send/receive data and fax :A THE POUCH jack status. No bat­ • HP System Manager compliant Fax software . Y tery needed. • 2MB, 4MB or 8MB FLASH Memory • Lifetime Warranty Only $24.95 2MB $259 ' 4MB $329 PALMTOP POWER T-SHIRT $15 FREE with purchase of EXP LXM card. 8MB $439 While supplies last.

EXP BASIC LX The Basic LX features a 1200 baud modem, 9600 baud fax and world famous MiniFax software build into the card. Orig. $199, now only $119 Not."ook Supp"lUor.hou•• while supplies last. EVen,Jthing you need for mobile computing 13700 Alton Pkwy #154-281, Irvine, CA 92618 Tel: 714-753-6610, Fax: 714-753-6612 Internet Address: [email protected] Compuserve Address: 73430,1336 Visit us online at: Toll-Free Order Line: 1-800-566-6832

PENTAX POCKETJET PORTABLE PRINTER ~~~ iI] • PCL-4 compatible Payment accepted by MC, VISA, AE, Oiscover, COOCash and '85 Bank Wire Transfer. Government, Educational and • Weighs only 17.5 oz Corporale Purchase Orders accepted.lnternational orders, • Fast 3ppm printing 'S call 71 4-753·8810 or fax 714·753-8812. • 300x300dpi resolution • Includes printer, battery, AC adapter, BATTERIES FOR PALMTOPS FREE UPS SHIPMENT thermal paper and carry case 1200mAH NiMH '15/pair (On orders over $200 shipped wilhin continental USA) PEN-202007 PocketJet printer'399 ABCIlX Advanced Battery Charging Prices and availabitity subject to change without notice. "L.______...J SHI-PJ HP-Pentax Cable '29 & managment software '34 Member: National Association of Fraud Protection (NAFp), REVIEWS: WWW/LX

-r-xr-xr-x anony mouse -r-xr-xr-x 1 anony mouse -r-xr-xr-x 1 anony mouse 14365 Dec 3 -r-xr-xr-x 1 anony mouse 7697 Mar 20 -r-xr-xr-x 1 anony -r-xr-xr-x 1 anony Receiving dala ... -r-xr-xr-x 1 anony 10294 byles read -r-xr-xr-x 1 anony -r-xr-xr-x 1 anony mouse 2640 Oct 21 -r-xr-xr-x 1 anony mouse 454 Dec 3

This screen was displayed in the middle of a File Transfer Protocol download from the FTP site. The file C&H-TC.ZIP is being downloaded.

.de). This page shows that the fonts Palmtop Web browser was at all Smart Fax/Modem that come with HV also include possible - certainly not one that "foreign" characters. Graphics could fit on the C drive of a 1001 mode and Latin-l fonts ensure that 200LX and run from System with 4MO Flash~ HV can correctly display pages in Manager. But as nice as it is to have German, French, Swedish, etc. - a Palmtop Web browser, one needs an important point, especially for to keep things in perspective when HP OmniGo 700LX users. comparing the performance of WWW ILX with the latest desktop Web browsers. Current desktop WWW/LX limitations computers are more powerful than the Palmtop and can run the latest

"~The MobileMObilePlaner Computing Experts': A few weeks ago, many people versons of NetScape and MS Internet Explorer that have features 1 -800-MPLANET would not have thought that a download CH-TC.ZIP I entered the HI following: ftp:/ I pub Ihp9Slx IhplOOlxl c&

Of course, user-friendly Web pages This is an example of the editing screen with an icon loaded. simply contain links to files that Notice that the details which give a "3-D" appearance in the normal size view are hard to see in the FTP, you can download via so that larger view of the icon. This illustrates the artistic talents needed to design a good icon for the you don't have to type all this in. The second screen from the top of this page shows how WWW ILX displays Web pages with embed­ ''Tips and Tricks" section of Shier Systems Web site, displaying a graphics abd text in one screen. ded graphics. This particular page is the "Tips and Tricks" section of 123:46 lCII.t:i4%iiiMli,M'iiiilttl'lWtijltimlA,· NIl Shier Systems Web site. The tip Cyberyeld in der Kosse describes the use of the undocu­ Softwarefirmen und Banken kiimpfen um die Vormacht im elektronischen Zahlungsverkehr der mented icon editor on the Zukunft. Neue VerschlUsselungssysteme sollen dem /(unden die I'Ingst vor Computerdieben nehmen, Rechnungen werden virtuell bezah/t. Die Wiihrungshiiter sind skeptisch: Ungedecktes Digitalgeld konnte Palmtop's 0 drive. Check out Shier die Wirtschaft durcheinanderbringen, System's "Tips and Tricks" depart­ Computer ment at Schwarze Kabel baumeln von der Decke, Die nackten Boden kleidet schlichter Zement. Wahrend die tips.htm for more on this. unteren Raume des tristen Burogebaudes nahe Leipzig noch auf das Wirtschaftswunder Ost warten, The screen at the to the right residiert in der obersten Etage der Jungunternehmer Josef Bugovics, 24, Der smarte Geschaftsfuhrer der displays a page from an article in . ~.'~ ~~~~~~ -~~ the German magazine "Oer Spiegel" (at Page from the German magazine Der Spiegel, showing how WWW/LX displays non-English language characters.

18 THE HPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 not available with WWW /LX. Future directions For example, WWW /LX cannot do: Java, Javascript, NetScape plug­ WWW /LX is more than the low­ Project: Vision ins, ActiveX, VBScript, NetScape­ level work-horse or a Palmtop Web specific extensions like FRAMEs, browser. It's a full-fledged Internet etc. WWW /LX cannot display .JPG interface with assorted powerful Gives You graphics (although they can be dis­ application support. Planning In Your Palm For $99 played with an external graphics A lot more interesting Internet­ For HP 100/200 and DOS based PC's viewer). Finally, HV can display based applications are currently in Features Include: Free Demo Pc Di tables, but uses a fixed layout to beta testing, under development, • One Hour Learning Curve sk display them. If a Website uses or being considered for develop­ • Uses 300K with Max file size from SOK to lMEG. tables for laying out instead of ment. Imagine connecting to a • Logic NetWorks, Timelines, Resource Histograms • Critical Path, Milestones, Variable Zoom using them for tabular data dis­ UNIX host computer with TEL­ NET, sending and receiving • Mouse and keyboard operated for portability play, switch tables off in HV. The • NEW! to MS . MPX Files data will still be displayed, but will Internet e-mail, and reading Internet newsgroups all on the HP not be formatted as nicely. Inl.. ClA I-IIUII.allln!:l Ltd. Palmtop, using an application with 2673 Terrace Ave. North Vancouver, BC These are relatively new develop­ the same friendly interface the Canada V7R IB5 ments that are usually specific to the built-in applications have. The Tel: 604-980-9991 two competing big players: basis for all this is already there, in Fax: 604-985-5597 NetScape and Internet Explorer. WWW /LX. And best of all, you These programs also require a 32 bit decide which of these applications and/ or Windows 95 or NT platform, interests you. If you don't need one Pricing and Contact a fast CPU, and lots of memory. It is of these applications, there's no Information for products not clear which of these desktop need to use up memory or disk mentioned in this article will Web browsers become the stan­ space for it - just don't install it. All prices are manufacturer's suggested dard - the battle continues to rage. retail price. It may be possible to purchase the product for less at third-party vendors.

WWWILX-$99 The MagicRAM Flash Storage Solution Online Web browser for the HP Palmtop. Contact: Shier Systems & Software, 920 Hampshire Road, Suite A, Westlake " Low cost, high capacity storage Village, CA 91361, USA; Phone: 805-371- 9391; Fax: 805-371-5495; E-Mail: " No batteries required [email protected] " Super low power usage for longer palmtop battery life Contact Europe and Asia: Rundel " 50% less power draining than ATA Flash Cards Datentechnik, Rappenstr. 20, 73033 " High performance solid state technology Goeppingen, Germany; Phone: +4 9 7161 " Faster than ATA Flash Cards 14707; Fax: +49 7161 24473; E-Mail: [email protected] " Write protect switch " Withstands IOOOG of shock " Rugged stainless steel covers for maximum protection Shareware/freeware " 4MB to 80MB using pre-loaded Stacker data compression mentioned in this article " Lifetime warranty C&H·TC.ZIP -Collection of Calvin and 2MB Flash Card (up to 2MB) $S9.00 Hobbes topcards. Available on the Internet FTP site, 4MB Flash Card (up to 4MB) $129.00 Distributor 5MB Flash Card (up to 5MB) $179.00 and Dealer HV2.ZIP - Version 2.0 of the HTML view­ 16MB Flash Card (up to 16MB) $279.00 Inquiries er that lets you read WWW documents off­ 20MB Flash Card (up to 20MB) $349.00 line. Available on this issue of The HP 40MB Flash Card (up to 40MB) $549.00 Welcome Palmtop Paper ON DISK and Compu­ SOMB Flash Card (up to SOMB) $1199.00 Serve's HPHAND Forum, library 11.

To Order Call: 1·800·272·6242 N103·PT.ZIP - NetTamer suite of common 1850 "",ely "M, u" Ang"", CA 90057 USA Internet applications. Shareware. Available Tel: 213-413-9999 Fax: 213-413-0828 tl__ 11""'" on May/Jun 96 issue of The HP Palmtop e-mail: [email protected] bCJ Paper ON DISK and CompuServe's Internet: "" .,. J HPHAND Forum, library 11, Mag.cRAM IS a trademark of Mag.cRAM, Inc Stacker IS a trademark of Stac ElectroniCs, Inc. ~ IIIe" p.;

THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBERIOCTOBER 1996 19 REV lEW REV I E 'vV REV I E V'J REV lEW Create and View World Wide Web Documents on the HP Palmtop

PalEdit and HV (free components of D&A Software's new WWWjLX) let you create and view HTML documents from the World Wide Web on your HP Palmtop PC.

By Ed Keefe

In the last 50 years computers have on your desktop PC to read a animation. The advance in HTML evolved from the ENIAC (a room hypertext document about the HP technology has encouraged the full of vacuum tubes and patch Palmtop. In the document you see development of a spate of tools to cords used to calculate artillery tra­ the word "publications" bolded or work with the technology. jectories in WWII) to the 486 PC sit­ in a different color, indicating that Foremost among these tools are ting on my desk. The raw power of the word is a hypertext link. You Web editors and Web browsers. existing desktop computers is mas­ use your mouse to point to and Web editors let the developer cre­ sive compared to the power of the click on "publications." The HP ate HTML documents. Web ENIAC. However, even that power Palmtop Paper Web page appears on browsers let others view these doc­ will be dwarfed as computers your screen, describing the publi­ uments. around the world are networked cation. into Internet's World Wide Web. Documents on the Internet's World Wide Web all use a technol­ Creating HTML documents ogy known as HyperText Markup with a Web editor The World Wide Web Language. HTML is a technology in progress. It's only been around There are a dozen or so Web editors Previous articles in the May Ilune for a few years but it's already in available for a desktop PC, as share­ 96 issue described the Internet and its third revision, HTML-3. The ware or commercial software. A the World Wide Web. Internet is technology started as a simple way good Web editor will cost you nothing more than millions of com­ to send text from one computer about $50 to $150. If you don't have puters around the world connected platform and have it interpreted on a Web editor, you can use a text edi­ via phone lines, using a common any other platform. It has evolved tor to create HTML documents. The communications protocol. The into a medium that can send not advantage to using a Web editor is World Wide Web is comprised of only text but pictures, sounds, and that it contains macros, hot keys, all those computers connected via Internet and exchanging informa­ tion using "hypertext" documents. These documents can include text, ABOUT THE AUTHOR graphics, animation, and even Ed Keefe is an author, programmer, computer science sounds. They also include hyper­ instructor, and long-time contributor to support publica­ text "links" which let you quickly tions for HP computers. He is also the president of the access information located in other FastAid Company, 314 S.W. Logan, Ankeny, IA 50021, documents on the Web. U.s.A. Ed's CompuServe ID is [75300,3667]. For example, you might be using a "Web browser" program

20 THE HPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 Andreas used the Palmtop MpMo: HOHTO . HTM 09/05/96 2:28 PM Application Library (PAL) to give mm;HI ~ ~ 5 6 PalEdit the look and feel of the HTML> Palmtop's built-in applications. Projecl Manage~enl: How To {/HEAD> Everything about this editor is "just How To Creale An HTML Docu~enl right," including the price: it's free.

Docu~enls on lhe Inlernel's World Wide At the top of the next page are I eb all use a lechnology known as HyperTexl ,Markup Language. HTML is a lechnology in two screen shots of PalEdit. The first progress. Il's only been around for a few years bul lil ' s already in ils lhird revision. HTML-3 . The lechnology one shows the opening screen. If you ,slarled as a si~ple way lo send lexl fro~ one co~puler start PalEdit (PE) without specifying a 'plalfor~ and have il inlerpreled on any olher plalfor~. Il .uD!II-.mmII!IImDD.:DmIIID!EmlDISlDJIllIlmlICI!lm!U!I~a1l1!ZlII file name, it will display a "pick-list" from which you can load anyone of Sample HTML document as displayed by the built-in Memo program. Note that 10 files that you may have been work­ you see the text and the HTML '1ags" in the document. ing on previously. The second screen and tool bars that make it easier to there are several good text editors shows PalEdit with the PalEdit embed special HTML tags in the that you can use, including the readme file (PE.DOC) loaded. text. These tags specify the size of built-in Memo program, VDE ii, PalEd it has many features that text, the display font to be used, that TSE(Jr), Freyja ii, and a newer pro­ will let you work on text docu­ a word is a link, and more. You can gram called PalEdit ii. ments, HTML documents and com­ get a list of the HTML code and PalEd it was developed by puter programming code. Here are enter these tags manually using Andreas Garzotto, who has previ­ a few of PalEdit's features: almost any word processing pro­ ously given HP Palmtop users his gram. However, you can count on HV ii (Hypertext Viewer) program. o Files are not limited in size Several files may be open at the doing a lot of extra typing and mak­ Andreas is the author of WWW /LX, o same time ing a lot more mistakes. reviewed on page 12. HV and Pal­ o Two clipboards available for cut­ Whether you use a Web editor Edit are components of WWW /LX. ting and pasting or a word processor, you begin an HTML document by typing in your text or importing text from another source. You then use the Web edi­ tor's tools to format the document, in much the same way you format a document with a word processor Inte II ;Link~indO~- or desktop publishing program. The above screen shows the ~&------4II"------tI Trllnsfer lind trllnslllte dlltll in one steP HTML document HOWTO.HTM Direct, one·step transfer and translation between your UP Palmtop and supported loaded into Memo. You can read software applications. the text and even see the Hypertext tI Reconcile dlltll conflicts Markup tags, but to see how the Intellilink reads and compares data at the field level, identifying conflicts. You then specify the action to be taken: Add, Ignore, Notify, Replace, Update. Items can even be document looks on the Web, you modified directly on the screen during transfer. need to view it with a Web browser tI Specify eXllctly whllt dlltll to send lind where (also called a Web reader). Use cnstom field maps and illters to cnstomize your transfer. Transfer only the data you need; ignore what There are about half a dozen doesn't need to be updated Web browsers on the market. The Supported Applications most popular is Netscape's Navigator. It sells for around $50. Am for Windows I.l/2.x Commence 2.x Excel 5.0/7.0 PackRat 4.V5.0 Windows Advantage 1.0 Day·TllOer Organizer 2.x Lotus Organizer 1.x/2.1 Paradox 3.5/4.0/5.0 Cardfile/Calendar Microsoft is giving away their new ASCD(CSV) dBASE ID/IVIV Schedulet 1.0/7.0 Sidekick 2,0 for OOS Word for Windows 6.0/7.0 Internet Explorer browser in an CaJANdar 2.5513.11 ECCO 1.x/2.x/3.x Now Up-to·Date Sidekick for Wmdows 1.0/2,0/95 Wordperfect for Windows 6.0 attempt to knock Navigator out of IntelliLinkfor Windows - $99.95 first place. "Using IntelliLink forfile transfer between the Palmtop and desktop works like a charm." eaU to order today! The HP Palmtop Paper, Nov/Dec 1995 "Intel/iLink is the oilly solutioll for keeping network·based scheduling and cOlltact information ~)lnchrollized wi/b your PDA. " PC Week, April 17.1995 ~g- PalEdit for the HP Palmtop Intelli Link·Corp. IntelliLink w/HP serial cable - $124.95 One Tara Blvd., Suite 210 Nashua, NH 03062 There are currently no Web editors Ruus OIl 117indows 95 Tel: (603) 888-0666 All company and product names are trademarks of (beir respective compan.ies. Fax: (603) 888-9817 for the HP Palmtop. However, Features listed bere are COITect allime qfpress but subject to change without notice. http://www.iIink-corp.c:om

THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 21 REVIEWS: Creat/view WWW Documents almost a year. Recently HV has #M':Gg ••••;N6 M ri¥'W··· ..... iIiMBQ'. been upgraded to make it conform This is a freeware product by D&A Sof'tware, Inc. more closely with the current HTML standards. It still works well on the HP Palmtop and makes it easy to use your pocket PC as an e. Internet off-line reader. (Note that a commercial on-line version which uses HV is now available. See the our other products! review of WWW/LX, page 12 of this issue, for more information.) You can use a desktop Web PalEdit opening screen displaying a "pick-list" that lets you select the document you want to load. browser or WWW /LX on your Palmtop to capture text and pictures ,:'Irm =t;~1=I;it"A.n., "MI. U.·t!QI#I~ • .i:w;m from any number of Web sites. Once the files are on the Palmtop you can I E ~IEdit-i;-a Simple text editor written ~sing PAL (Palmtop ~pplication Library). Its look and feel IS very simi lar to take them with you and use HV to It he HP100LX/200LX bui It-in Memo application .• read at spare moments. DalEdit is coPYrighted freeware provided by Since most of the documents on D&A Software Inc. the World Wide Web contain 21755 Ventura Blvd .• Suite 442 Woodland Hi lis. CA 91364. USA graphics designed for machines Phone: (B05) 371-9391 Fax: (B05) 371-9454 with 640 X 480 VGA color moni­ Email: tors, the HP Palmtop will always

1ImII!II __....:iDI_~ __ ~~ have trouble displaying these high resolution graphics. HV lets you PalEdit with document loaded. turn off the graphics display and speed up the reception and display o Fast search and replace feature PalEdit's keyboard macro feature to of text. Alternatively you can use o Keyboard macros automate the insertion of HTML an external graphics interpreter o Emacs keyboard compatibility tags into a document. I have macros such as PICEM ij to display those o Memo keyboard compatibility for the tags I use most often. When I graphics that HV can't handle. o Connects to program compilers want to insert the tag, I just press o Handles many DOS "filters" the macro key. The rest is automat­ o Send and receive mail with ic, just like a Web editor. WWW /LX (see review, page 12). Create your own HTML development environment with PalEdit has a very useful search func­ PalEd It and Hypertext Viewer tion. Like the built-in Memo pro­ HV ij lets Palmtop users gram, you press [!!J to access it. But view hypertext documents You can install PE as the editor of unlike Memo, all you do is start typ­ choice in the HV configuration file. ing the word you're looking for. The other side of the HTML coin is Then, you can run HV and view an PalEdit does an incremental search, a Web reader. Palmtop users have HTML document. When you want hopping to the most likely word as had their own Web reader, HV, for to switch from viewing to editing, you type. You usually find the word by the time you've typed in the first Nt, three or four letters. As with the Palmtop's built-in Project /VIana gement On The HP Palmtop programs, you press ~ to access Solutions for a Small Business PalEdit's Help screen. It is not con­ by text-sensitive like the Palmtop's Ed Keefe Help feature. However, the help file About This Document is an ASCII text file that can be modified. I like this because it lets L__ TALES TERMS TIl'S TOOLS TOYS THEORY me add the code references for the HTML tags to the file and have If 1ImII!IIEmm.~....:iDI ~--~ ~~ them available at the press of the Fl The opening screen the HTML viewer HV, showing the first page of an HTML (Help) key. In addition, I use document titled "Project Management on The HP Palmtop."

22 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 demands a lot of software and hardware. I've tried to give you Add a Printer Port some idea of what works and what doesn't. to your HP Producing an HTML document is also very time-consuming and Palmtop demands a good feel for using text The capabilities of the HP-Palmtop are now expanded by and pictures to communicate an using Quatech's SPP-lOO ParaJlellEnhanced Parallel Port idea. Also, I'm not so sure that PCMCIA card. The SPP-lOO adds a new dimension for HTML and the World Wide Web \ Palmtop users by adding not only ffiM PC parallel port are the great communication medi­ capabilities, but also providing hardware support for the um they are made out to be in the ffiEE 1284 bidirectional EPP standard. Besides printer applications, the SPP-lOO offers users a needed press. They may develop into interface to popular external storage tape drive units. something unique and powerful or This Type ncard includes a cable which features a standard DSUB-25 for easy connection to external they may go the way of the CB peripherals. A client driver and an enabler program are also provided for customer configuration and radio. Time will tell. use. The SPP- tOO is FCC and CE certified and can be pW'Chased directly from Quatech or through its network of international distributors. For further information call 800-553-1170 or 330-434-3154. Shareware!freeware nGUATECH.. mentioned in this article From Application to Solution Freyja - Text editor for the HP Palmtop. Freeware. Available on Mar/Apr 94 issue of just press ~ (Edit) key and PalEdit shop (DOS version GR43.ZIP) to The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK and will automatically load the source convert .IMG files to .GIF and .EXE CompuServe's HPHAND Forum, library 7. document and let you make addi­ files. The older versions of this pro­ tions or corrections. When you've gram work on the Palmtop and let GEMCAP - Captures screen graphics in .IMG graphics format. Available on Nov/Dec finished editing just quit PalEd it you create self-displaying files as 94 issue of The HP Palmtop Paper ON and you'll return to HV where you well as reverse image GIF files. The DISK and CompuServe's PCUTIL Forum, can immediately view the results. reverse image files are needed if library 3. It's all very slick. you plan to view the pictures on a desktop computer. GR43 - Converts graphics files between Finally, you'll need a good different formats. Available on Compu­ Producing pictures graphics program on your desktop Serve's UKSHARE Forum, library 17. on the Palmtop and desktop PC to modify or fix .GIF files. I use HV2.ZIP- View HTML formatted docu­ Paint Shop Pro to "tweak" .GIF ments off line on the HP Palmtop. Available One of the trickier tasks in creating files that have been created on the on this issue of The HP Palmtop Paper ON an HTML document is getting Palmtop. I have occasional prob­ DISK and CompuServe's HPHAND Forum, graphics that look good. The task lems with .GIF files. The external library11. becomes even trickier when you're graphics display program PICEM dealing with two different plat­ displays .GIF files properly on the PalEdit - Text editor with look and feel of forms: a high-speed desktop with the Palmtop's built-in applications. Palmtop. However, the same pro­ Freeware. Available on this issue of The HP SVGA monitor and a low-speed gram sometimes causes my desk­ Palmtop Paper ON DISK and on Compu­ Palmtop with CGA grey-scale dis­ top PC to crash when displaying Serve's HPHAND Forum, library 11. play. To do the job, you need a the .GIF. If you load the "bad" .GIF number of tools on both the desk­ file into Paint Shop Pro and then PICEM - Displays .GIF graphic files. top and the HP Palmtop. save it back to disk, the problem Available on the JullAug 94 issue and CompuServe's IBMNEW Forum, library 5. I use a graphics capture pro­ goes away. gram called GEM CAP IH to create TSE(Jr) - Text editor. Available on 640 X 200 pixel graphic images that CompuServe's PCTECH Forum, library16. display properly on the Palmtop's Time will tell screen. GEMCAP captures a VOE - Small , powerful text editor. Palmtop screen and stores it in Creating HTML documents is not Shareware. Available on Best Tips 96 ON DISK and CompuServe's HPHAND Forum, Ventura Publisher's .IMG graphics something to be undertaken light­ library 7. format. I use another shareware ly. The current "state-of-the-art" program called Graphics Work-


associate Phone Book entries with ~ the category "Restaurant" and cre­ ate a Subset that will let you dis­ Find it Fast ~ play only the Restaurants in your Phone Book. You can do a similar thing with ...... with Flexpad Flexpad's Only View and its Label feature. Let's first look at the solu­ tion using Only View. Say I have contact information for restaurants listed in the text file I described Replace most of your built-in applications above. Somewhere in each restau­ rant listing, I might type '*rt' to sig­ with a surprisingly flexible text editor. nify that this is a restaurant listing. The entries might look like this: Leo's Deli *rt By Ralph Alvy 123 Elm St. Los Angeles, CA 90024

!Only: ad .. , 4125196 9:23 po *rt Art's Seafood Cafe For the past few weeks I haven't 11-1.'-=----"------;,:17- 3450akSt. ~:el Ad .., Santa Monica, CA 90403 been using my Palmtop's Appoint­ t1!~~b~l~~da .. ".rilyn Ad ... ment Book, Phone Book, Database, Sally Ada", I could then do an Only View Notetaker, and Memo. In fact, I've search on '*rt' to get a display like Flexpad's "Only View' showing all the Adams in stopped using one of my favorite the this: third-party software programs, the Flexpad file. Highlight bar rests on the first match (visible on Palmtop, but not on this graphic). MicroLogic's InfoSelect. The new Only : ""t _ 4125196 9:23~ 1I--=-----1~r__------,"17- object of my affections is Flexpad !HI, ILeo ', Deli ""t • nero A highlight bar rests on the r

24 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 Other Views use Labels options. When I select Day I get ext Day llee~ w"Xsrid "on!h ."'Nthsrid nonthGraph Only to organize your data this dialog box with Flexpad's cur­ ections pH..,eu oU.rdu. PrlOllty Catesory B"marJcs All rent date filled in as its default: tenp.Hid.

One way Flexpad helps organize Access Flexpad's Views options menu Appt your data is by letting you assign and select Day to get a sorted view one or more "Labels" to a specific Date: (Thu) 4/25/96 of day's appointments. Tine: block of text. For example, you Alat'n: Off As you can see in the above could assign the Category Label L-----F~:Todo--F10:Save "HOME" to a paragraph that menu, there are a number of differ­ describes your plans to remodel Flexpad's Appointment dialog box lets you ent views available. If I choose Day your living room. You can then select the Date. Time. and Alarm status (for Day View), I get a sorted dis­ View all entries with the "HOME" for your appointment. play of date-labeled lines for the Label attached. date Flexpad is set for. Normally Flexpad provides a number of If I really wanted a Todo, but chose this is the current date, but you can Label options to let you view your Day by mistake, I can press I!!I at change this (described below). The data in different ways. You can cre­ this stage to convert the Appt dia­ display will look something like ate a number of different "Cat­ logue to a Todo dialogue, with its this: Priority field filled in with whatev­ egory Labels" to view data related hu Apr 25 , 1996 4125/96 6:25 an er I've configured as my default :1,·:..:....::.:.:....------..:1, to, say, HOME projects, WORK 9:88a 9:38a Staff ..etins Priority: 18:311a 11 :311a Call Jin Saooe1s projects, FUN things to do, etc. 1:88p 1:38p lleet with Sally Ad ... 1:38p 3:88p Lunch with Stan Allen "Section Labels" mark the start of a 3:88p 3:38p Orsanize "onday's asenda Todo new subject in the file. You can 14:88p 5:38p G~ll doctor fo, physical ex .. appt Date: (T~) 4/25/96 1 Head book on lIl'itins styles place a "Bookmark Label" any­ 2 Arranse dinn .. with S~. Linsky. Pt'iot'it.Y: 9 2 Pind a neu lunch neetlng locatIon where in a text file and jump back (Tat'get) Done: 2 Buy neu suit 3 Uash car to it quickly. L------:F3 :Appt--F10:Save As with the above Only View Flexpad's ToDo dialog box lets you Flexpad's "Day View" screen, shows current example, once you've located and day's appointments ordered by time and highlighted the labeled text, you select the Date. Priority, and completion status for your Todo. Todos ordered by priority. can press IENTER I to view the text In the above Day View screen, the associated with the label. Unlike After filling in the Time and Alarm date of the appointments and the Only View, however, only the information, I press It!!!] and insert Todos is displayed in the upper left text to the right of the label is dis­ a description of the appointment. played. This means that you corner, above its week number. After inserting a few Appt and The system date (i.e., the current should place the Label at the begin­ Todo Labels in the file, along with ning of the text you want associat­ date), time, and week number are their text descriptions, I might have ed with it. displayed in the top right of the something like this in Text View: screen. Then come the appoint­ ments for the selected date, sorted • 4/25/96 9:00a-9:30aTalk with Sue Time specific Labels let Flexpad by time, followed by incomplete • 4/25/96 9:30a-1 O:OOaMeet with Jim Todos for that date or earlier, sort­ replace Appointment Book • T:4/29/96 P: 1 Call about Santa ed by priority. Hitting ~ hoists the Barbara vacation first Todo to the top of the screen, Flexpad lets me insert time specific • 4/24/96 9:00a-9:30aConference call and hitt~ng ~ again hoists the first Labels in a text file, providing an with Jack appointment to the top (similar to easy way to track appointments • 4/24/96 8:30a-9:00aStaff meeting toggling between ~ and !Flo l in and Todos. For example, I pressed • T:4/25/96 P:1 Arrange Hapkido Appointment). . 1m to go to the Insert Label menu: class for Jason I can move to the next or preVI­ To enter an appointment I select ous date in Day View by pressing Day from the menu. I can also Q] Note that some of the above entries or I can go to the next or previous select Todo or a number of other O. are appointments and some are week with Right or Left Arrow. ay Eve,yoday Interval "onthly(day) nonthly(Position) Todo Todos, and that they're just in the Similar conventions hold in weekly tesory Bool

THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1996 25 REVIEWS: Flexpad when you press ~ in HP's by the date and time of the Appoinhnent Book). From here I can appointment, followed by a plain o I want to thank the people who move the cursor with the ArrowKeys text describing the appointment). referred new patients to me. I to select the desired date. The third has no Label, composed always put '*np' on the line that Whenever I press ~ and am entirely of plain text, and is the first contains a new patient's first visit. I prompted for a date, I have yet line of my entry for Sally Adams do an Only View on '*np' to dis­ another powerful choice. I can and her personal information. The playa list of new patients. I then enter a one- or two-digit numerical fourth also has no Label, again do another Only View, this time on string for the next occurrence of a entirely plain text, and is about a that patient's last name, to find my numbered date. For example, I different person altogether. I move official entry of their personal would enter '21' for the next occur­ the highlight bar to the third entry information in my file. There I'll rence of the 21st of a month. I can and press IENTERI. Flexpad now dis­ find the name of the person who also enter a two-character string for plays this in Text View: referred them. One more Only the next occurrence of a given day. View will take me to that referral For example, I would enter 'mo' for source's phone number. Monday), 'to' or 't' for today's date, 'y' for yesterday's date, or 'tm' for tomorrow's date. Press IENTERI and Weekly and Monthly views that day's appointments and Todos help further to manage time are displayed. Flexpad allows data to be Flexpad displaying Sally Adams The Weekly Grid View can be viewed by the week, month, and contact information. used, as it is below, to get an other ways - but so does HP's overview of the schedule for the Appointment Book application. While talking to Sally, she asks me week. I use it to see where new Let's see what Flexpad offers that about a check I was supposed to patients are this week (*NP* indi­ Appoinhnent Book doesn't. send her. I press [!!) to return to the cates this), and where further notes Let's say I see today's schedule Previous View (which brings up the are included (I use ' ...' to indicate shown in the previous screen, and Only View on 'sally adams') and the entry has more than one line in want to call Sally Adams before note the date associated with the Text View). our 1:00 p.m. meeting. Using the first entry (Le., the completed Todo !ton 84/91/96 tue 94/92196 Wed 84/83196 Palmtop's built-in applications, I telling me to send the check). She 1:88p Ellen Ada",s 12:88p Sally Poke 11:. Union Bank 3:88p Gloria SaIllUel 12:1Bp Jackie JhooaJcho Setut. ... would have to switch to Phone asks to change the time of our meet­ ~ ; ~: ~P.~~~~:~~ ~;~:: i~:n~:d~l'u. s o 1:88p Hallux S:89p -HP* Jack Rda ?:3Bp DPUSER Ca-oup Book to look up Sally's phone ing, so I press I!!J (Day) to return to me 04/84/96 Pri 84/85/96 Sat 01/06196 12:38p Linda Yokw\ 1: 31tp Joseph Preuer S:3Bp DINNER " number. With Flexpad I simply do the Day View and see if there's an 1 :88p Ed Dounel' 2:B8p MaNId tfoxy Concert : Robin et 1 :38p Ralph Hilllllle l' 2: 311p Jbmy Lee al ... 2:08p Tony GoldMR 4:3iJp Jackson Poley Sun 94/B?1!6 an Only View on 'sally adams' to alternative time to meet her today. 2:38p Ros Btl2zer S:88p ChiU'lie Ho 3:_ Lucy Carlb!e get the following display: 4:38p AIilY Trouter

Kail Sally Adalils final check l8p !teet with Sally A!lalils Other time management Flexpad's Weekly Grid View displays possibilities using Flexpad appOintments for the week. Flexpad's Only View displaying entries associated with "Sally Adams." Here are a few other ways I com­ bine the use of the Only View and Unlike Appointment Book's Labels, to offer me time manage­ Weekly View, Flexpad's Weekly The above Only View shows all ment possibilities. Grid View wraps lines when this lines in the text file that contain won't interfere with other lines on 'sally adams'. The. next to the o I'm on the road and have some the same day. Note that it wrapped first two lines in the above graphic time for some errands. I do an Only on Wednesday and Saturday, but indicates that a Label is attached to View on '*rd'. (I put '*rd' on any truncated instead of wrapping on the text, as opposed to plain text. Todo line referencing an action Monday and Tuesday. The first line displayed a complet­ requiring being in my car). Flexpad ed Todo (a Todo Label with the displays a list of only those Todos. date 3/21/96 in its Done date field, Monthly Graph Views followed by plain text describing o I have time to return some The vertical lines in the Monthly the Todo). The second is the phone calls. I put '*cc' on any Todo Graph View displayed on the next appointment for the upcoming line that's a phone call to make. I page show the time slots that are meeting (an Appt Label followed do an Only View on '*cc' and go filled. The time intervals are set to from there.


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./ Pop-Up magnification from 1X to 4X ./ Hotkey activation in any Built-in Application ./ Auto alignment with lines and columns in Phone Book ACE Technologies, Inc . ./ Remembers and returns to last position in each application ./ Move Lens with Quick Keys and Arrow Keys 592 Weddell Drive, #6, Sunnyvale CA 94089 U.S.A Tel (408) 734-0100 Fax (408) 734-3344 Magnify! (C1240) for HP lOO/200LX ...... $19 See our complete color Website: REVIEWS: Flexpad "adams" in them. The Palmtop's Special Offer for HP 100LXl200LX and Appointment Book lets me display data with a common date, or in the ...... ~ OmniBook users!...... low cost, high-density, OEM same week or month only. I can do labeled SunDisk Flashdisks mass storage cards! an F4 search in Appointment Book, • ·\ikiiMhiji,ilffljMil·Mj,j· ..1f44jO'f§i:IIMi:·:· ..,tJi:M but I don't get the convenient View These OEM labeled SunDisk Flashdisks are the perfect storage medium for palmtop computers and can be used with any computer which supports mode like I do with Flexpad. the PCMCIA-ATA standard. Our cards come preformatted for use with the HP 100LXl200LX. Check out our new low prices: o The Flexpad program can be SDP-S S.2MByte $89.00 _ Visit our Website today! updated because it's not built into SDP-lO lO.4MByte $149.00 ROM. Its author is active on SDP-1S 14.6MByte $189.00 . Visa, Mastercard, and Discover accepted CompuServe's HP Handheld rtI SYCARD . Forum, developing the product. ~..JI "C.NO'O.' 1180-F Mtraloma Way Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 749-0130 tel, (408) 749-1323 fax one half hour (the dots between the file with each edit. I must manually o Flexpad is a character-based OOS hours are the half-hour indicators). save by pressing ~. This is an application that can run on any Pc. It These settings can be changed advantage because it allows me to can be configured to run on a PC in using the configuration file option. exit the program without saving a 80x25 mode, as well as 80x25, 64x16 The TODAY marker keeps you file that I have made an error in. and 40x16 on an HP 100LX and aware of today's date. (The block 200LX, and 40x16 on a 95LX. cursor you see is created by a third o I noticed my batteries were last­ Appointment Book runs on PCs only party utility I use.) In the screen ing longer after I switched to with Connectivity Pack loaded, below I moved the cursor down to Flexpad. I assume that this is requiring CGA or better display. the item occupying the 12:00 pm because the Palmtop is not saving slot on April 2 to see what's there. files after each edit. o It makes it easier to write ran­ Its contents show up in highlighted dom notes, to be organized later, in text at the bottom of the screen. o Since all data is stored in simple the same file that houses appoint­ text files, it's less likely that your ments, phone numbers, etc. Apr ntWTPSS PIlUTPSS "TYTPSS ttTVTFSS tit 96 1234561 89B1234 5678981 2345678 9i1 data will get corrupted. tODaY fllal'lIer - ) 8t. It makes it easier to convert any ;. o io. '1 t o I have direct access to raw data appointment to a Todo, and vice 1~' 1 , 1 with any text file viewer or editor. versa. This is very convenient cursor - > 12p • , cursol' entry _) _ililli1i11 Only inserted Labels appear as when it comes time to convert a binary junk in a text file viewer. Todo to a committed date and time Flexpad's Monthly Graph Views give slot, or when I might decide to you a month-at-a-glance look at your o Searches are faster, and when postpone an appointment indefi­ appointment book. Vertical lines you get used to the different data nitely, converting it to a Todo. show time slots that are filled. entry paradigm, data entry is at least as fast or faster. This is espe­ o Its clipboard allows me to append The 11 symbols at the bottom of the cially true when you start entering as well as overwrite. And, because screen (not shown in the above two-character strings in date fields. its clipboard is file based, I can edit view) indicate multiple appoint­ it, use it to paste text between files ments further down the list. If I o It allows me to combine data that sequentially loaded in Flexpad, or move the cursor to this icon, the would have required separate files use it to pass text to and from a file additional appointments are dis­ in Appointment, Phone, Database, in a different application. played at the bottom of the screen. Notetaker, and InfoSelect, making cross references easy and quick. Shareware/freeware Final analysis: The o Its data files are smaller than the mentioned in this article advantages of Flexpad Palmtop's built-in application files FLEXPAD.ZIP - Flexible text editor that with the same data. can be used for memos, appointments, Here's a summary list of some of the todos, and more, Adds short-cuts and other advantages I think Flexpad has over o It allows multiple views of the features to Palmtop. Shareware. Available on this issue of The HP Palmtop Paper ON the built-in Appointment Book. data linked by a common character DISK and CompuServe's HPHAND Forum, strings, not just dates. For exam­ library 11. o It doesn't automatically save a ple, I can display all lines with

30 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1996 I REV lEW REV I E \flJ REV I E 'IV REV lEW @BASE Adds Database Horsepower to Lotus 1-2-3

"@BASE" turns the built-in Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet program into a sophisticated relational database that lets you work with large dBase III Plus-formatted files.

By Carl Merkle

Have you ever wished you could Recently a "patch" was written to them wherever they go. @BASE is work with larger database files on modify 1-2-3, allowing @BASE to be also useful to 1-2-3-savvy managers your HP Palmtop? Do you need fully capable of running on the HP who want to integrate dBase data relational database capabilities? Palmtop. (Patch included with into their Lotus spreadsheets. Have you ever created a 1-2-3 data­ product.) As a 1-2-3 user, you get the base, entered a lot of data in it, and Since many of today's most best of both worlds from @BASE. run out of system memory trying popular Windows-based spread­ 1-2-3 gives you the tools for data to open it? If so, read on to learn sheet and database programs can analysis and report presentation about an excellent Lotus "add-in" read and write dBase III-compati­ while @BASE gives you enormous program named "@BASE" (pro­ ble files, @BASE eliminates the data capacity. Since @BASE has the nounced "at base"). There are a inconvenient processes of first con­ same "look and feel" as 1-2-3, number of add-ins that extend the verting files to the Palmtop's you'll adapt to it very quickly. utility of 1-2-3. @BASE lets you use *.GDB format. In a short time you can build a Lotus to work with very large data­ @BASE is a true full-featured worksheet with dynamic links to base data files. You work with relational database manager with all one or more databases on disk. For database files in the industry stan­ the tools you need to build and instance, you may be supplied with dard dBase III Plus format. This maintain large, sophisticated data­ a database file of sales data, and add-in program uses Lotus 1-2-3- bases. It compares favorably with your worksheet might present a like menus and is easy to use so powerful stand-alone database pro­ sales recap by region. The next there is no need to learn the cryptic grams like dBase or Paradox. month, for up-to-date results after commands of dBase itself. Because @BASE works from within obtaining the new database file, In 1-2-3's heyday, prior to the 1-2-3, anyone who knows how to simply load and recalculate the advent of Windows' spreadsheets, use 1-2-3 can quickly begin working worksheet. Fresh database infor­ many people used the Lotus 1-2- with and analyzing data. Because it mation is automatically supplied 3/@BASE combination for database works on the Palmtop, users can from the link to the disk-based purposes. PC Week called @BASE start carrying larger databases with database. the "King of 1-2-3 database add-ins" because of its power, functionality and ease-of-use. @BASE operates inside 1-2-3, giving it the power of ABOUT THE AUTHOR stand-alone database programs like Carl Merkle is a senior manager with E& Y Kenneth dBase III. Although the add-in ran Leventhal Real Estate Group, a business unit of Ernst & well on desktop machines, until Young, LLP. He specializes in accounting, auditing and con­ recently @BASE did not run ade­ sulting regarding real estate and financial institutions. He quately on the Palmtop due to the lives in Irvine, California with his wife and three children. way 1-2-3 was setup to run directly The HP Palmtop is a regular part of their daily activity. out of the Palmtop's ROM memory.

THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 31 REVIEWS: @BASE form a number of database activi­ Brains and Brawn: ties included opening, browsing A Summary of @BASE Features and editing (table and record view), querying, bi-directional data @BASE is a Lotus "add-in" program that turns 1-2-3 into a powerful relational database that can transfer, and more. work with industry-standard dBase III Plus data files. With @BASE running from within 1-2-3 on your Palmtop you can do the following, and much more. BASEFUNC.ADN is optional, but with it attached you can use o Read, write and modify dBase '" Plus compatible files (also known as *.DBF files) that are up @BASE's special database @func­ to 32 megabytes in size. tions discussed further below. OBi-directionally transfer data. Instantly transform an on-worksheet database to a dBase-com­ patible database on disk or instantly transfer data from a dBase '" file to a 1-2-3 worksheet. BASEUTL.ADN is also optional, but with it attached, you can define o Use 1-2-3 as a front end for existing dBase databases. You can also build complicated data­ and create a .DBF file directly from a bases from scratch using 1-2-3 to control database functions with @Base's familiar Lotus 1-2-3- 1-2-3 spreadsheet database, import like formulas and menus. Use 1-2-3's macro capabilities and @Base's special @functions to cre­ comma delimited and ASCII text ate menu-driven databases to guide inexperienced users through data entry or data query tasks, files, display information about an to format reports, and to implement some of the data-entry controls @BASE lacks. @BASE database, and more. o Set up dynamic links from 1-2-3 to a dBase III file that will update information from the data­ base III file every time a worksheet is recalculated. To run @BASE, I usually close all open applications besides 1-2-3. o Open and use multiple database files from single 1-2-3 spreadsheet. For example, you might However, I have frequently run create a customer order form in 1-2-3 that accesses data from separate customers, products, @BASE with Memo and Phone and orders database files. open, attesting to its relatively small size. Fully installed, the three o Sort a database alphabetically, numerically or chronologically on as many as 128 fields (1-2-3 attached add-ins take up approxi­ only allows you to sort on two fields). mately 90K of RAM on top of the o Analyze data in a database to provide fast responses to questions, such as "what sales peo­ RAM 1-2-3 normally needs. @BASE ple in each division earned more than $20,000 in commissions this month?" or "what customers can have more than one database are in r alifornia?". file open at the same time, with each file open taking less than 5K o Enter and browse database records in "table view" (a one record to a line format similar to a of RAM. database in 1-2-3) or '10rm view" where each record occupies an individual screen.

Easily and rapidly cross-tabulate your data either as counts (frequency distributions) or sums o @BASE is menu driven, like 1·2·3 (subtotals) to find trends.

Because of these features, and more, I view @Base as a must-have utility program for any user If you attached @BASE to a function of database files that are in a dBase '" format, and all 1-2-3 users with database needs. key such as I!!), you would "invoke" it by pressing I!!!l-i!!] (instead of ·1MENU I) to bring up the @BASE menu. (See graphic, top of page 34 for an Easy Installation, The three files with the extension example of @BASE's main menu) . efficient operation . ADN, are 1-2-3 add-in files and While in an @BASE screen you can must be "attached" to 1-2-3 in return to 1-2-3 at any time by simply Given its power, @BASE is com­ order to run. In 1-2-3 you attach a pressing 1ESC lone or more times. pact. I keep the following four files file by pressing 1Menu I Add -in Just as in 1-2-3, you navigate in my C:\_DAT subdirectory: Attach. Then use the prompts to @BASE's menu by pressing the first highlight and attach the files you letter of each menu keyword. Thus File name Size want. 1-2-3 asks if you want to to browse a database in table view, assign the add-in to a function key, you'd press f!!!]-~ Data .l!rowse. BASE.ADN 64,072 such as F7, F8 or F9. Pick one, such The resulting @BASE table view pre­ BASE.TXT 10,945 as F7. sents the database in row-column BASEFUNC.ADN 11,772 format just like 1-2-3, with the BASEUTL.ADN 16,340 BASE.ADN is the main @BASE record numbers indicating the row, program and must be attached to and field names indicating the col­ 103,129 use any of @BASE's features. With umn (See top of next page). this attached to 1-2-3 you can per-

32 THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 Name Type Length Decimals Char 10 ~~ Char 10 MO Numeric 4 0 PART Char 6 QUANT Numeric 6 0 UNITPR Numeric 7 0 SALES Numeric 12 0

The first step in querying an @BASE database is to select from a list, the field containing the data you want to search on. In this case, Employee names is selected.


@BASE's Browse screen displays the database file in the row/column > (Greater than) >, (Greater than or eQual) format of a Lotus spreadsheet. < (Less than) <, (Less than or eQual ) Entering data into a database in Compared to the complicated the @BASE table-view mode is simi­ method required to query a 1-2-3 The next query screen presents a list of lar to entering data in 1-2-3, except spreadsheet, users who like sim­ logical operators to filter the list. In this that certain database data-type con­ plicity and power will appreciate case, "Equal" is selected. ventions apply. For example, a label @BASE's query method since cannot be entered into a numeric extremely complex criterion can be EMPL , Enter value: Gary_ field. Also, editing an entry in an specified very easily. A time-saving @BASE table is the same as editing a feature is that complex criterion cell in 1-2-3. Hence, you must press prompts can be saved in a cell in a The next screen asks you to specify the the ~ edit key to do so. 1-2-3 worksheet and can be re­ filtering value. In this case, we are You can also view and enter trieved for use at any time. looking for an employee named "Gary." data into a database one record at a Specifying a criteria to query EMPL , "Gary" time by using the @BASE Data (or filter) a database in @BASE Form view. involves walking through a series ~,,- of screen prompts and lists, as Or

Fi Ie SALES shown by the series of screens in Record 1 of 20 the next column. The process Valup includes a first screen, which asks The fourth screen asks if you are finished !!!1E~ you to select the field containing specifying filtering values or if you want 75 to create a compound filter. 100075000 the data you want to query on from a list. The second screen from the top presents a list of filtering oper­ Partial screen: @BASE Data Form view lets Import - which copies selected ators (i.e., equal to, not equal to, o you view and enter data into the database records from the database file to greater than, less than, etc.) . The one record at a time. the 1-2-3 worksheet. Import can be third screen asks you to specify the requested for all fields, selected filtering value, and the forth screen fields, or can be based on field Querying a database Is a breeze asks if you are finished specifying name labels that you have already filters or if you want to create a specified in the worksheet. See the Sophisticated database programs let compound filter using logical graphic at the top of the next page you "query" them (ask them for spe­ and/ or operators. for an example of data transferred cific information, like the total of a into the active worksheet based column of numbers). @BASE upon the criteria specified in the responds to both simple and com­ Bi-clirectional data transfer example above. Notice also that plex requests and its querying the criteria was saved in cell B1.) process is fully menu driven. Using One of @BASE's menu selections on-screen prompts and lists, you allows for bi-directional transfer of o Export - which copies records select field names, logical operators data between an existing database from the 1-2-3 worksheet to the (such as for equals, > for greater file and 1-2-3 worksheets. Records = database file. Export can create new than, etc.), and a value to search for. to be transferred can be the entire records (if no record number is spec­ @BASE prompts you to correct syn­ database or selected records based ified), or write over the existing tax errors in search criteria, helping on criteria you specify. Capabilities database file by identifying the you to reduce logical errors. of this menu selection include: record number and field name asso-



110 PART UHITPR SALES 1 POi QUA~~ 1000 75000 4MB Upgrade 1 P02 50 5000 250000 2 P02 75 5000 375000 3 POi 200 1000 200000 4 POi 1000 75000 Attention 200LX users you can 4 P03 ~~ 7500 562500 4 P02 5000 250000 4 POi ~g 1000 75000 increase your internal RAM to a total of 5MBs. Some newer machines can actually achieve 6MBs. Free up the PCMCIA slot for 1-96 01:22 PI1 modem or other use! Pricing: The Import feature copies selected records from a database file to a Lotus spreadsheet. Notice in 4MB TechRAM & TechSpeed Kits ..... $314 this example that it includes only records where EMPL=Gary, since criteria had been 4MB TechRAM Kit...... $289 established through the criteria prompt screen. TechSpeed Kit ...... $50 Shipping not included Visa & Mastercard Accepted dated with the data to be exported. tions with multiple fields which are Warranties: not possible to perform in 1-2-3. I year parts, 30 day money back guarantee, 90 o Label-Import - which copies @BASE lets you cross-tabulate day palmtop warranty (Physical damage excluded, U.S. Only) field names from the database file your data either as counts (fre­ to the 1-2-3 worksheet. You can Check out our web page for more quency distributions) or sums details and latest prices. Quantity discounts available. specify any order for these field (subtotals). You might, for exam­ names to appear in the worksheet. Sorry 95LX users no memory upgrade options are ple, have an employee database available at this time.The use of the upgrade kIts will void your HP warranty. o Copy - which copies selected that contains the following three Times2 Tech records from one database file to fields: Salary, Gender and Depart­ 105 Maple Street· Maylene,Ai 35114 ment. A cross-tab operation could ~ Email: [email protected] create another database file as a ~ - Web: hup:// subset of the original. easily identify the number of male Phone: 205-62()'1408 and female employees in each Fax: 205-62().5205 The @BASE utility program (BASE European dealer Rundel Datentechnik department or create a table show­ Asian dealer TImes2 AsiaPac Technologies UTL.ADN) goes a step further with ing the total salary expense for data transfer by actually allowing each department. You can do the @BASE's cross-tabulation fea­ you to create a database file using a same thing in 1-2-3 with a combi­ ture is very powerful, and it works spreadsheet database. This means nation of database statistical func­ well. I still prefer to use it on desk top it will guess how to write a *.DBF tions and the Data Table command, machines over other programs which file specifying the field type (i.e., but @BASE's method is significant­ also have cross-tabulation features, Character, Numeric, Logical and ly less complicated and far less such as Paradox, Access, Approach, Date), field length, and decimal time consuming. All cross tabula­ or Excel. In my view, @BASE's cross­ places for numeric fields, then. ask tions appear as results in the active tabulation feature is so good it is you to confirm its guess, and fmal­ worksheet (see graphic at the bot­ worth the price of the program alone. ly it creates a *.DBF file. tom of this page). I have used @BASE's bi-direc­ tional data transfer capabilities many times when trying to analyze Trans~er Delete and clean up downloaded corpo­ rate databases. It is excellent. Fran~ 87~g~~ sall~ o 42500 o o 1562500 o 8 375008 3000000 562500 Cross Tabulations In the May /June 96 issue begin­ ning on page 47, I covered the process of how to create a cross­ 1-96 01:26 PI1 tabulation calculation of a sales database in 1-2-3. That was an advanced article. @BASE distills all @BASE cross-tabulation feature. This example displays the cross-tabulation of a da~abase that effort into just a few simple tracking sales for three representatives (Frank, Gary and Sally). The d~tabase ~s cross-tabulated by Customer (displayed in column A) and Employee (displayed In keystrokes. Furthermore, it can eas­ columns B, C, and 0 ). Sales figures are displayed below employee names. ily do more complex cross tabula-

34 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1996 Excellent Manual Special @functions Pricing and Contact increase your power Information for products The manual accompanying @BASE mentioned in this article @BASE's functions are like their dBase is very well written and user All prices are manufacturer's suggested counterparts and allow you to specify pre­ friendly. It contains two major sec­ cisely the scope of your search. If criteria retail price. It may be possible to purchase have been specified through the prompts, tions. One section contains tutorials the product for less at third-party vendors. then @BASE returns the results of the that can help you quickly grasp the @BASE - $89.95 specified subset of the database, otherwise, concepts and be up and running in most formulas also allow you to specify cri­ @BASE was originally published by a relatively short time. The other Personics which is now owned by Data teria in the formula. The following are some of the special major section is reference material Watch Corporation. @BASE normally database @functions that can be used if for @BASE's menu and @functions. retails for $195 . However, Data Watch BASEFUNC.ADN is attached. Corporation has discounted this price to Additionally, @BASE comes with a $89.95 for readers of The HP Palmtop @dbavg - returns the average value of a few sample files that can further Paper and members of CompuServe's specified field for all the records in the data­ your understanding of the possibil­ HPHAND Forum. base file. ities of the program. @BASE Option Pack - $44.95 The @BASE Option Pack which normally @dbclose - closes specified database file. @BASE is well suited for the retails for $99 has been discounted to Palmtop since it further expands @dbcnt - returns the number of records $44.95. The Option Pack adds the ability to the Palmtop's use as a portable ref­ have indexes, joins databases and has cal­ in a database file. erence companion using industry culated fields with @BASE. @dbfirst - returns the record number of standard file formats. @BASE is Contact: Linda Lammi @ Data Watch, the first record found in a specified data­ also a good alternative as a base file that meets the active and/or Phone: 508-988-9700 ext 552,' Fax: 508- optional criteria. portable data gathering tool. 988-2040 for order information, or write to Data Watch, 234 8a//ardvale Street, @dbfld - returns the contents of a speci­ Wilmington, MA 01887, USA. fied field contained in a specified record number.

@dbisact - returns a 1 if a specified record is not marked for deletion and meets the active and/or optional criteria. Otherwise returns a O.

@dbisdel- retums a 1 if specified record is marked for deletion. Otherwise retums a O.

@dbisna - returns a 1 if a field of a speci­ fied record has no value. If the field does have a value, the function returns a O. ZAP-it Wireless Messaging Service: • EWnates expensive ~ phone tag @dbmax - returns the largest value in a specified field. • G..ltees Y. -595 II1II faxes fiId you ...,.-.less of y.1ocation @dbmin - returns the minimum value in a • MecIIs you _ respond to CIIJ message specified field. within seconds at CIIJflIne from anywhere @dbnext - returns the record number of the next record in the database matching • Elminates the need to constcIdIy check the active and/or optional criteria. phone messages, voice I11IIIII1II even ... mad to keep in touch @dbopen - opens a database file. @dbrecs - returns the total number of For more details on records in the database file. ZAP-it two-way @dbsum - returns the sum of the values wireless messaging in a specified field. call @dbupd - replaces the contents of a specified field and record with a specified 800-213-2573 value. ZAP-it is a trademark of DTS Wireless. The Megahertz AIiPoints Wireless PC Card is a product of USRobotics.


cash flow projections, billable hours and income linked to esti­ mated taxes. Finally, with the Managing Time investment I had made in entering information on my desktop, I wanted the electronic organizer to with Database be able to communicate with the desktop. I didn't think I was asking for This Palmtop user accomplishes her goals and too much, but when I finally start­ ed to shop around with my wish manages her life with a custom Todo Database list in hand, I was quickly disap­ pointed. The Sharps and Casios were toys! After giving up on ever finding just the right machine, I By Joy Sofa Kocar stumbled across an EduCALC cata­ log and discovered this wonderful, I became obsessive about time give me the ability to search my infinitely flexible, and ultra­ management when I decided to information quickly and organize it portable machine - the HP start my own technical writing and better. Palmtop. It's one of the best invest­ consulting company part-time, In addition to the paper orga­ ments I've made and the most used while working full-time as an engi­ nizer, I had been keeping prospect tool I have. neer, volunteering at the local can­ and contact information in spread­ cer institute, studying for a licens­ sheets and a database on my desk­ ing exam, and sandwiching a per­ top computer. I wanted to consoli­ Life management's sonal life in there somewhere. date all that in an electronic phone underlying principles Juggling all my activities really book. I also had been collecting a tested the theory of forced efficien­ multitude of other information I purchased an HP 200LX and cy: the more you have to do, the important to me, including tips on began inputting the data to see if it more efficient you become to how to do certain things and lists would really fit my lifestyle and accomplish it all. Of course having that ranged from reference books fulfill my needs. a loving and supportive spouse to read, to gift ideas. I wanted to I began using Appointment goes a very long way in achieving have that information. with me all Book to track appointments and a goal. I couldn't have survived it the time. ToDos, but quickly found that the with just a Palmtop. In short, I wanted a powerful, ToDo list was getting large and ultra-portable personal information unwieldy. I ended up creating a manager with significant internal custom Database not just for my Unmanageable paper organizer memory to store all that informa­ ToDo list but as a means of "life tion. I wanted it to be expandable management," hence, I named it Like many Palmtop users, I started and flexible, and I wanted to avoid LIFEMGMT.GDB ii. out with a paper organizer. Over expensive proprietary accessories. My whole time management time the organizer got thicker and Since I used spreadsheets to store scheme revolves around the under­ heavier, and I got paranoid about much of my information, I wanted lying concept of a master Todo list. losing the information it contained. a spreadsheet program. I also I first learned this technique from Knowing how important my orga­ wanted to be able to do engineer­ Stephanie Winston's book, The nizer was to me, my husband ing calculations, track expenses, do Organized Executive. The book's would jokingly suggest that we get an insurance rider for my organiz­ er. But that would be of little help if ABOUT THE AUTHOR the data was lost. Finally, I decided to switch to an electronic organizer Joy Kocar is President of Integral Solutions, a technical writing com­ so that I could back up ALL my pany specializing in engineering, scientific, biomechanical and soft­ data. Another problem with a thick ware documentation as well as providing thermal/hydraulic paper organizer is that it's some­ /mechanical analysis and design services. Joy can be reached by e­ times hard to find the information mail at 73121.3467@compuserve .com. you want. Going electronic would

36 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 main principles relating to time a lot of little things to do. You to enter it and worry about catego­ management are as follows: structure the individual ToDos to rizing and prioritizing it later. I cre­ get you to the major goals. ated a macro that let me enter the 1. Record in a master list every Efficiency is meaningless without ToDo description along with a low idea, call, project, task as it arises -­ them. When setting goals, I keep in priority, D, and Undecided catego­ large or small, minor or important. mind the acronym SMART. The ry. I can modify the priority and goal has to be Specific with a posi­ category as I enter the ToDo, or 2. Review your master list daily tive tone, be Measurable so I know wait till later to look at the whole and divide large projects into man­ when I've achieved it, be Action and make those decisions. Many ageable components. oriented, be Realistic, and be ToDo ideas used to slip between Timed with a due date and sched­ the cracks. Now I just hit the 3. At the beginning of each day, or ule. They also have to be balanced macro, enter the ToDo, and think at the end of the previous day, and congruent with personal val­ about it later. compile a Daily List of the 10 tasks ues, in other words, support my I schedule time to look at the that you think you can realistically personal mission. list and adjust priorities each week. accomplish, ranked in order of Goals, of course, are flexible I keep in mind the "Pareto importance. Try to have at least and make up the network of Princ;ple" - that 20% of what you one high-payoff activity on your "roads" that will help anyone get do produces 80% of the results. Daily List. to where they want to go. The map Lots of ToDos don't get done, but that these roads represent is each knowing that I have made the 4. Schedule your high priority person's life mission. choice to do something else more items during the time of day you're I use the Category field to dis­ important helps to get rid of feel­ most effective. tinguish the important areas in my ings of guilt about not accomplish­ life and use LIFEMGMT's second ing every little ToDo.

At first I was skeptical of the tech­ "Planning Screen II to schedule and nique working. It seemed that I achieve my goals (more on this would spend more time making later). Life Management's "Main Screen" lists than I would save being orga­ I've used this system now for nized! It took some initial effort almost a year, and so it has passed The ToDo data displayed in and getting use to, but I've since the test of time and usability. LIFEMGMT's individual Data Item become a convert. Having a priori­ screen is divided up into two tized master list of the goals you pages: the first page displays the need to accomplish really helps put How I use LlFEMGMT.GDB "Main Screen" and the second page things in perspective. the "Planning Screen. II (Select the Prioritizing is definitely the At first blush, my master Database desired ToDo in the All Items secret to getting the most impor­ seemed complicated and daunting. screen and press IENTffi I to go to the tant things done. The emphasis is I'd structured in lots of ways to Main Screen. Then press ~­ on important goals and not just the organize, categorize and sort the I DownArrow I to toggle between the urgent things to do. When priori­ list. But that required making deci­ pages.) I spend most of my time in tizing ToDos, I quickly go through sions about each ToDo as I entered the Main Screen, and only visit the the following questions. it. I quickly discovered that the best Planning Screen when I'm plan­ way to deal with a new ToDo was ning a project that has a timeline. o Is this Todo going to help me reach an important goal? o What are the most important Dat.a It.el'l(1/2) 09/02/96 12 : 15 p ToDos for me to handle today that ToDo 1 ":'I:f.'-~1:ij¥'~J:HQ":J.~):~' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::.::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::; ~r i lJ.:i:J Cat.egory lfIii~!.i1! :: 0 .E;nt.ered : I(,!4.?I~~i:i. ] Dye ,...... -', would allow me to call this a suc­ When What. Where/Who------., cessful day? o NRW 0 fone 0 p.c. 0 tlnvl 0 M!:.yv 0 Gbg @ IZl Rea.!! 0 !ludio 0 .!rHC 0 pgh ,Not..e !'RE'F'E',R'E'N'C'E'S ...... , I believe that by taking care of the important things now, you mini­ :LAWYER mize the effect of urgent ones later. ] The most important underly­ , .. ing principle in time management - is to structure major goals, not just LlFEMGMT's Main Screen displays the title of the ToDo, Priority, Category and other organizational information, and part of the Note field.

THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 37 HOW TO USE: Managing Time with Database The Main Screen shown below is divided into the following fields: at.abasg:LIFEMGMT C Cat.E!gory 09/02/96 12:17 I ToDo I Nol Cat.E!sol Fol pcl AU! RE!I Mnl Mrl Gbl Irl pCjt proJgc Car120 ~oDo - Contains a brief descrip­ ANSSI prOJE!ct. Car120 tIon of the activity you want to MARKETING PLAN Car140 I BrochurE! " Car140 complete. I enter a key word fol­ , Int.E!rnE!t. ",kt.g Car140 lowed with a modifier, allowing I'lITradE! ",agazinE!s " Car140 " I I'll INCORPORATION Fin310 " me to quickly locate a To Do item I'll InsuranCE! Fin999 " " Art.iclE!, LifE!"'21'It. Fun999 " by typing the key word. For exam­ 1 TAl-CHI classE!s " HE!a510 " I'll " " ple, I entered ToDos for writing a CHRISTMAS Ho",210 " " few articles. The ToDo for this arti­ . - cle was entered as "Article, Life­ mgmt." An engineering article was LlFEMGMT ToDo database. All ToDos list view sorted by Category type. entered as "Article, friction factor." To quickly jump to these entries, I business client might have the cate­ Subset that displays only the Now start typing" A-r-t-i-c-l-e" until gory CAR 100. I keep miscellaneous ToDos. The "Later" option is used Database finds the first matching ToDos related to my career catego­ when I can defer a "Now" item to occurrence. rized as CAR999. The screen at the some time in the future. top of the page shows my ToDo list Priority - I use this field to sort What - I use these choice boxes to the most important tasks at the top, ordered by Category type. The previous screen sorted by group similar tasks together, so I so they get done first. You can use can do them at the same time. For any alphanumeric value. I use A Category gives me some kind of idea of whether or not my life is example, all my phone call To Dos (for the highest priority), B, C, and have the "Fone" checkbox marked. D (for the lowest one). For the hot balanced. At a glance I notice that the current list is dominated by When I get some time to make activities I want to complete for the phone calls, I select a Subset that day or week, I use the numbers 1-9 CAR ToDos. My activity is too career oriented right now, but I'm only displays these ToDos. My since Database sorts and display~ other What options are "Read" (for numbers before letters. You can starting up a company and that kind of focus is necessary during reading I need or want to do), "PC" also use a combination of the two. (for things I have to do on a PC) Alternatively, you can use Stephen the infancy of any business. I just need to make sure I interject some and "Audio" (for audio tapes I Covey's "Quadrant" classification want to listen to). system. Covey's Quadrant 1 is personal goals into the mix, and important and urgent tasks/goals. aim for more balance in the future. Where/Who - I use these choice Quadrant 2 is important but not Entered and Due dates - I use the boxes to group ToDos by location, urgent. Quadrant 3 is not impor­ Entered date to not only track when ~epartment, or by the people tant but urgent. Quadrant 4 is nei­ I entered the ToDo, but to determine ~nvolved. For example, if I'm going ther important nor urgent. (For a "discard date." If the activity is not mto town, I would look for all the more on Covey's system, see page completed by a certain number of "Pgh" checks, or, if I worked with 40 of the May /June 94 issue.) months after the Entered date, I Jane on a project, I would have a delete it from the list. The Due date "Jane" check box and could see all Category - I use the Category entries the action items I have with Jane. to organize ToDos around areas that can be used to prioritize the ToDo are important in my life plan and list by urgency. I don't recommend Note - Enter any pertinent notes goals. The categories I use are: using this as an exclusive way of pri­ about the activity. For example if it oritizing and selecting action items. is a project, I maintain a dated jour­ CAR = career It can lead to a "management by cri­ nal of my activities relating to it. FIN =finances sis" mode which is more reactive FUN =fun stuff than proactive. HEA =health Life Management's HOM =home and family When - I use the "When" selec­ "Planning Screen" MEN =mental /spiritual development tion or group box to further focus the ToDo list. When I am prioritiz­ UNO = undecided I understand more and more the ing and organizing a ToDo item, importance of not only setting I'll select "Now" for items I think I I like to add a 3-digit project identi­ long-term goals, but scheduling can realistically accomplish within fier so I can keep track of related them. I created my Life Planning a specific time frame. All the others tasks. For example, all ToDos relat­ fields on the Database's second ing to a specific project, or a specific are by default "not-Now." I have a

38 THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 The Sched (assigned to Fn+F2) macro creates a ToDo item, assigns I 1."EUR,.1 •••••;[ij;. Dat.a It.el'l(2/2) it a low Priority, and an "undecid­ [SCh,ed~@ ~ Y19966------~ Y1997 ed" Category. o No o Y96 o Y97 o Jan o Feb o MOlr o JOln97 o Feb97 o MOlr97 {Database }{F2}{Alt+E}{Date}{Alt+ Y} o Apr o MOlY o Jun o Apr97 o May97 o Jun97 o Jul o Aug o Sep o Ju197 o Aug97 o Sep97 Und999{Enter}{Alt+P}D{Alt+T} o Oct. o Nov o Dec o Oct.97 o Nov97 o Dec97 The Sch-TD macro (assigned to o Y9!! 0 Y9~ o YIII!'! o YIIIS 0 Y1111 0 Y1S Fn+F3) takes a To Do from LIFE " ~~~.aDla:uJlM~~_~~ MGMT.GDB and transfers it as a ToDo item in Appointment Book. LlFEMGMT's second page Planning Screen, used to help schedule long-term, goal-oriented ToDos. {F5}y{Enter}{Appt}{F10}{Menu}at page, to help with this (see graphic, ToDo database. I would have {F3}{Paste }{F1 O}{F3}{Shift+End} top of this page). deserted this system a long time {Cut}{Del}{F10}{Paste}{Tab} I use this page to schedule ago, if it weren't for macros. large projects for clients, and per­ sonal development goals for myself. I have too many of these longer term goals/wishes. This Wireless E-mail, part of my database forces me to be more realistic about scheduling my time for these activities. It also FAX, Paging and reduces my level of disappoint­ ment when long term goals aren't met, because I can see what trade­ Nationwide Internet Service offs I've made. The Sched group box with its Yes/No option buttons is for the from your Year Review and Life Plan subsets. Yes indicates that a To Do has a timeline associated with it; these Palmtop! subsets only display Todos with the Yes button selected. ~ @MOTOROLA Minimizing feelings of overload with subsets '" PERSONAL

I constantly use Subsets to display my MESSENGER ToDos in comprehensible groups. I NO CELLULAR CHARGES use the "Now" Subset the most­ when I want to see the ToDos I need NATIONWIDE SERVICE AS to take care of this week (see screen LOW AS $19_95 PER MONTH top of next page). I have additional Subsets to display my Life Plan, my CALL NOW: Reading/ Audio list, my Year Review for 96-97 (see second screen, top of 800-350-0373 next page), all my ToDos listed by or e-mail: Category, and more. [email protected] for information Macros and other shortcuts

As I mentioned earlier, I use ARDIS" ~~fs~=i:CAi!i~ macros to simplify my use of the

THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 39 HOW TO USE: Managing Time with Database Every week I scan down the N NOW 09/02/96 12:22 p Now list and reprioritize the list so I To Do ! Prj Calego! Fo! PC! Re! Mn! Mr! Gb! Ir! P9t that the activities that I want to fin­ . A Car120 AN55 I proj ecl A Car120 ish by the end of the week are at Arlicle, Life~~l A Fun999 v the top. This takes me about 15-20 Brochure B Car140 v Day care provider B Ho~250 v minutes. I:.> Insurance B Fin999 v I:.>Pedialrician B Ho~250 Daily I check my Now list and "Dyna~ic Learning" B Men999 set the priority levels between 1 and 9 for activities that I would like .. to accomplish. I try not to choose more than 10. Any more would be L1FEMGMT's "Now" Subset displays the ToDos you need to take care of this week. unrealistic. Luckily, the Database screen shows only about that many items, so I don't get distracted by I Y Year Review 96-97 ~. ~ •• I ToDo ! N! Calego! 5! a N! D! Jan! F! M A! M JI JI AI the rest of the list. . t. Cc.. r120 For me, the best time to do this AN551 projecl v Car120 v v v MARKETING PLAN Car140 v v is in the evening so that I know Brochure v Car140 v v v Inlernel ~klg Car140 v v what to expect the next day. This I:.>Trade ~agazines Car140 v v v I:.> INCORPORATION Fin310 v v v only takes me about 15 minutes, I:.> Insurance v Fin999 v v v v v v v not much time at all. In return for Arlicle, Life~~l v Fun999 v TAl-CHI classes Hea510 my investment, I feel like I have a Day care provider v Ho~250 v v v v v direction for the next day, and I can hit the ground running. Time man­

L1FEMGMT's "Year Review for 96-97" Subset lets you review the agement gurus advise to schedule ToDos scheduled for the next year. a time slot for the most important activities so that you guarantee that LlFEMGMT survives rename the group box Y1996 to they get done. Some people feel the test of time Y1998, exchange location with the most comfortable this way, but Y1997 group box, delete Y96, move that's not my preference, it's too Once or twice a year, I re-evaluate Y98 in its place, and create the new my long-term goals. I reschedule, constraining for me, almost robotic; check box YOI. besides, you can control only about create or delete goals as needed, to Every month I look at the Year reflect changes in my life. I look at 50% of your day anyway. in Review subset to see what I need The items that are time critical the Life Plan Subset to see if I've to do that month, and I mark them scheduled too much into any par­ are copied into the Appointment as Now activities. I take the oppor­ Book To Do list using the Fn+F3 ticular time span, and if I've sched­ tunity to check again to see if I've uled sequential steps correctly. It's macro described above. If appro­ scheduled too much into any par­ priate, I make them an appoint­ important for me to review my ticular time span, and if I've sched­ goals because it keeps me focused ment. I also use Fn+F3 to place a uled sequential steps correctly. completed activity into APPT so on the big picture and prevents me This takes me about one-half to one from getting too detail oriented. that I have a record of it. I then hour, depending on whether or not Life is about doing the right things, delete the ToDo entry in I need to reschedule activities. not just doing things right. This LIFEMGMT.GDB. During this monthly goal set­ takes me a couple of hours, Other items I use APPT for, are ting exercise, I rearrange the depending on how busy the year periodic, time-sensitive activities columns in the Year Review subset looks, but I only do it once or twice such as bill paying and birthdays. by deleting the past month, and a year, around January and June. When I go through the mail, adding the 12th month. In other During the January goal set­ and I come across something that words, at the beginning of Sep96, I ting session I change the years on needs action, I make an entry with delete the column for Aug96, and the Planning screen, and rearrange the key information, and I toss out add Aug97 as the last column. That the columns in the Life Plan subset the paper. For example, if I get a way I can always see a full year's to get ready for the next year. For notice for a conference or seminar schedule. example, at the end of 1996, I that I want to attend, I make an

40 THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 HOW TO USE: Managing Time with Database with my paper based system. The ultimate test is still to come ... the = =::. ===® arrival of my first child. Seasoned MIt parents have told me to forget ---~ ;,,"~---- about making a schedule, the baby makes it for you. Hmmm ... maybe HP PALMTOP I need a new Category?

Everything's Included! Just connect and let References mentioned MacLinkPlus do the rest! in this article

The following is a list of time man­ Backup your HP on your Mac ... agement references I've found use­ With just a click of the mouse all your HP files are ful. Books listed are available at, or stored on your Mac! can be ordered from your local Don't retype all those names... bookstore: MacLinkPlus can move all of your contact information from applications like TouchBase or ACT! right to your Palmtop and back! First Things First Book by Stephen Covey, Rebecca No excuses for missed appointments•.. Convert your Mac files, like Now Up-to-Date or DateBook Pro, into the HP R. and Roger A. Merrill. ;:::;;;=;;;;;~... A02 p2:pointment Book. Now all of your appointments will be with you at all times! How to Set and Achieve Goals Manage your notes... Convert your Memo files to and from Mac word processors like Word or Audio tape set by Dr. Bobbe ClarisWorks. All your formatting will remain intact! Sommer. Available from Career­ Track, phone: 800-334-1018. Don tlose count. •• MacLinkPlus also converts your Mac spreadsheets to and from Lotus 1-2-3 OIl Palmtop - with all formulas and formatti ! How to Master Your Time Audio tape set by Brian Tracy. Call (800) 406-6504 or (203) 268-0030 for special pricing D A "'N =ff • or visit our Web site at M.~ Available from Nightingale-Conant, II 55 Corporate Drive · TrumbuU CT 06611 phone: 800-525-9000.

Manage Your Time entry and jot down the registration that I make all the stops, and I pri­ Your Work Yourself details. Then I can either throw the oritize them in the order I plan to Book by Merrill E. Douglass, Donna notice away or file it, and if my fil­ do them. I also check the Notes N. Douglass. field to see if there's anything I ing is less than perfect, I still have The Organized Executive the key information available. need to take along. This only takes Book by Stephanie Winston. At the beginning of a project me 5-10 minutes, but saves me a lot for a client that will last a few of time by making the most of Personal Power Audio tape set by Anthony Robbins. months, I give the project a number every trip. The times I listed are, of Available from Robins Research, and break it down into the key phone: 800-445-8183. steps. On occasion I've used mind­ course, variable. It took me longer mapping techniques to create my in the beginning when I was still Reading Dynamics list of activities (still paper based), establishing my routine, now it's Audio tape set based on the works of Evelyn Wood. Available from instead of the linear, outlining almost second nature. And maybe that's really the secret, stick to a Nightingale-Conant, phone: 800- approach. I make an entry for each 525-9000. activity, and check off the months system that works for you, get into on the Planning Screen. As the pro­ a habit, and no matter what, it'll The Time Trap ject progresses, I use the Notes save you time. Book by Alec Mackenzie. field to keep dated journals of con­ versations and agreements, action Freeware mentioned items, general notes, etc. The ultimate test in this article Or let's say I need to go to the I've been following this routine for LlFEMGMT - Custom ToDo Database file bank, I pull up the subset for that described in this article. Available on The area of town, and look at all the over a year now, and it has helped Sep/Oct 96 issue of The HP Palmtop Paper errands I could do on this trip. I me achieve more this past year ON DISK and CompuServe's HPHAND then start planning my route so than I thought possible. It takes 1/4 forum, Iibrary11. the time to do what I use to do


Carrying Your Office in Your Pocket

This on-the-road engineer tracks his contacts and correspondence, quotes prices, creates technical drawings, stays in touch with the world, and has fun - all with the Palmtop in his pocket.

By Jorgen Wallgren

My motto is why use a Palmtop's macros capability. I have drawings and provide estimates on desktop / notebook PC when I can a HP 200LX with 2MB of RAM. projects. I send and receive many use the power I have in my pocket? Additional file storage is provided faxes and cc:Mail and compose I have decided to do everything on by an 85MB flashcard from most of them right on my Palmtop my Palmtop, since it is for me the Sandisk. I also use the EXP ThinFax in WordPerfect 5.1. To organize my most portable and hence the most PCMCIA fax/modem card with correspondence I've created an powerful PC available. When I talk 4MB flash memory for communi­ archive database with the built-in about powerful, I do not talk about cations. Database program shown below. the CPU or clock speed a desktop In my work I write many let­ The archive database has the PC has. I talk about how I use the ters and memos, create technical following data fields in it: Palmtop and the results I achieve with it. I am in a business which ...i ••; .....ic Data Item IN.'=NiII*.tI __.,_ requires frequent traveling. It is an interesting business, but not an easy one. Since I only spend about Ie;: ~::::/~:~: P::'i:i:' _~~~~~~~~~~~ ______-----" Rt tn : I r. Fann .~ ...... ~ .~ .~mawat.. ~ ...... ::::::":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: one week a month at home, I need RE !'i'fl'e ···cij·r·r ·e·n·f ·····Jiol··e·l ······iJ"r·o·J·"E!·c·f·s "'{'" ····i·· -;,d·,J"n·e·s··[·a··:··. ······ ...... , to take my office with me wherever I go. I have tried all kinds of "portable" computers, including , notebooks and sub note­ books. Once I experienced the HP Palmtop, the choice was easy. Individual Data Item for the Letter/Fax archive file created with the built-in Database program.

As powerful as a portable!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR I find that I can accomplish the same result with my Palmtop as Jorgen Wallgren currently works for Flecon Multi System with the portables I've tried. In Pte Ltd in Singapore, which designs and manufactures Intelligent Guestroom Control Systems for hotels. As fact, I hardly use the other comput­ System Application Manager, Mr. Wallgren is involved in ers any more. My Palmtop pro­ sales, marketing and technical applications, with vides the power I need through a Indonesia as his main market. He graduated from the combination of the built-in soft­ Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm with a M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering. He moved to ware, old DOS software which can Singapore in early 1991. run on a CGA screen, and the

42 THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 described above to WordPerfect. I Name Type of field Purpose open up Word Perfect and run a The individual Item screen of the separate Word Perfect macro which new (or modified) Phone Book &Date Date field Enter date created opens up a fax template I've created should look something like the &Ref.No.Text field Name of the fax/letter in Word Perfect, appends the infor­ screen shown at the bottom of this &To Text field Client/company name mation saved in the temporary file &Attn Text field Contact person page. described above and cuts and pastes You'll also have to create a R&E Note field Subject of correspondence the company name, person, date, Smart Clip to be used with the Create this by opening the Data­ and reference number to the appro­ macro to cut and paste the desired priate location in the fax header. information into the temporary text base application, pressing IMENU' file. To do this, open the custom .Eile Define New Database. Add the Phone Book you just created and data field names and types listed above. Position and size them to Modifying Phone Book and press ~ to go to the Smart Clip look like the screen displayed on creating the fax. macro dialog box. Press ~ to define a the previous page. After you've new clip. Press ~ again to enter the fields you want in the Smart created this database, save it as C: \ Below I describe how to use the clip. Put "Company Name" as the _DAT\FMS_CLOG.GDB iii. Then macro. As it is presently structured, first line, "Salutation" and press I!!) and sort the Database as it must be used with a modified "Contact Name" as the second line, follows: The 1st sort field should Phone Book. You can do this by "Area Code" and "Fax Number" as have "Ref.No" selected, with a importing your Phone Book data file the third line. Press IF10 to save the descending sort order (uncheck (with the .PDB file extension) into 1 clip, with "&Fax To:" as the name. "ascending"). The 2nd sort field the Database application and press­ Next, use Memo to create the should have "Date" selected, with ing (MEN!!) .Eile Modify Database. empty temporary text file and save a descending sort order. Then press You can also create a new Database the file as C:\_DAT\CLIP.TXT. The ~ to arrange the columns so that file by opening the Database appli­ "Ref.No." is the first column. cation and pressing (~2:) .Eile system macro and Smart Clip will save the contact data to this file. Finally, fill in your first entry in the Define New Database. Save the new communication log with the Database file with the .PDB exten­ first "Ref.No." as "F/100/96". sion and open it up in Phone Book. The new (or modified) Phone Create the macro Book file must contain at least the Open the built-in Macro application Macro simplifies use following five fields to work with and type in the following macro the macro described below: of the archive database exactly as shown. Assign it to the Fn key of your choice. (Type this macro in At first I entered information into Name Type of field with no carriage returns.) the archive database manually, but Company Name Text field it required switching back and forth {FS}&{Enter}{Alt}q{Memo}{Alt}fn{Paste} Text field between applications and pressing Contact Person {Oatabase}{F9}c:\_dat\fms-clog.gdb Salutation Text field many buttons. It took a long time, so {Enter}{Enter}{Alt+R}{Left}{Left}{Left} Area Code Text field I created a system macro to speed {Left}{Left}{Left}{Shift+Right}{Shift+ Fax Number Text field up the process. I have contact infor­ Right}{Shift+Right}{Copy}{F9}{Tab} mation for all my customers in the Palmtop's Phone Book file. When I III51m '6(1 ••:. nl)0*'-"II: ,,,,,.14# 'PN'kNtI:WSP,I·W· want to send a fax to a customer, I CO~2any IAny Co~pany just highlight the customer's name Area Codg 1515 1 Iel . 1123 4567 Fa~ 1123 4568 in Phone Book and start my system All . No. 1123 4569 macro. The macro logs my fax into Na~e IAny Person Ti lIe Isislanl lo Technical Direclor Salulalion the custom database, gives it a refer­ ~ AddressA 1123 Any Slreel I ence number and saves the contact Addressg 17lh Floor information in a temporary text file. .c.ily IAny Cily I Zip 1 I use WordPerfect 5.1+ on the Px:oj ecl IThe Lalesl Proj ecl. I Palmtop to compose faxes and let­ ~~~.:DmIIIDD'!II~IImEmI_1!E.mDII1GmII ters. I then transfer the contact infor­ Phone Book Individual Item screen shows separate data fields for Area Code, mation from the temporary text file Fax Number, Company Name, Contact Person, and Salutation.

THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 43 HOW TO USE: Office in Your Pocket {Enter}{Calc}{Alt}oma{Enter}{Paste}+ 1={Copy}{Alt}q{F2}{Alt+D}{Date }{Alt+R} 0;;1 I {Paste}{Right}{Right}{Right}{Shift+End} IJ:I I IIilI {Del}{Home}F/{Right}{Right}{Right}l96 ...IIiiI HH G.. lin ~ ~ {Home}{Shift+End}{Copy}{Memo} IIiI IIII1 IL I IIllJ {Paste}{PgUp}{Home}{Shift+End} IIliI ~ I ~~ II~p I~ ~ I'~I'~ I' 'I {Copy}{Database}{Alt+ T}{Paste} !lEI .[j) __ , '- -jjJ111 IGJI~ l-ll~ 11- . -.:J f-~~~ £ I~):J {Memo }{Down }{Home }{Shift +End} II;;! II' II -Ell {Copy }{Database}{ Alt +A}{Paste} ~ {Memo}{F10}c:'-dat\clip.txt{Enter} c w oint on ci~ole : {Enter}{Alt}q{Alt+E}

Then open your modified Phone EasyCAD display of technical drawing on the HP Palmtop. Book, highlight the name you want to send a fax to and start your price to my spreadsheet. In the when the card is inserted). I put macro. After running, the macro Database the price is defined as a the printer capture utility that ends in the archive database (FMS­ number, but when you copy and comes with Bitfax (PRINTCAP CLOG.GDB) with the cursor in the paste it to the spreadsheet it become .COM) on my Palmtop's C drive. field named "RE." Fill in what the a text "label" (Le., 163 is entered as PRINTCAP redirects a printing job fax is regarding and press ~ to '163). To convert it back to a number and saves it as a file on my save the new entry. the macro erases the apostroph~ Palmtop's C drive. All I do is run The macro modified the (using {Paste}{F2}{Home}{Del}{Enter} PRINTCAP, then print the docu­ CLIP.TXT file in C:\_DAT. This file as a part of the macro). ment containing the graphic to my now contains the archive reference LPTl port. PRINTCAP saves this number for the new fax/letter print to a file. This file can be rather along with the contact information. Creating technical drawings large, but I have usually about As mentioned above, I append this on the Palmtop with EasyCAD 700Kb free on the C drive which is file to a Word Perfect file contain­ The products I represent are of a sufficient most of the time. When I ing the fax/letter and use Word am ready to fax, I switch to my Perfect's macro capabilities to cut technical nature and I must be able to display them in the form of fax/modem card. Start Bitfax, con­ and paste the information to the vert the captured print file to fax proper location in the document. drawings. I used a notebook com­ puter for this until I found an older format, and send the fax. I must You could use this procedure with admit that the capture and conver­ any word processer that runs on version of EasyCAD (V2.67) that worked on my Palmtop. sion is slow on the Palmtop, but it the Palmtop, including the built-in works and that is the important Memo application. I use a Thumbelina mouse as a pointing device. EasyCAD is sur­ part for me. prizingly fast and powerful and I If you have Bitfax for DOS and would like to try it on the Palmtop, Quick price quotations no longer have to carry the note­ book around. you can save space by installing only the following files to make I am in sales and marketing and the program smaller: frequently have to give clients quo­ Faxing from the Palmtop tations on the price of products. I BITFAX .BAT 31 have created a custom database to BF.EXE 81413 track products, specifications and I use the MiniFax software which BITSCHED.EXE 101463 list prices. Although it's easy to comes with the Thinfax PCMCIA PRINTCAP.COM 19364 view and maintain the product/ modem card for sending most of PRINTER.CAP 9139 price list in the built-in Database my faxes. But sometimes I have to FAXBOOK .DBF 738 program, it can't do calculations. send faxes which contain technical BMP43720.FNT 84480 To overcome this limitation, I've drawings or my signature. For BITFAX .CFG 630 created a special Lotus 1-2-3 tem­ faxes with graphics, I use Bitfax CONFAX.EXE 24712 SUPPLY.EXE 75504 plate to make the actual quotation. V3.09.0S. COUR10FWPF 12595 I highlight a product name in the I've placed the Bitfax program on my Thinfax card's Flash memo­ BITFAX .SCH 1922 Database and start a macro which BITFAXTX.LOG 1170 ry (the F drive on the Palmtop copies the product specification and COU R 1OFF WPF 12601

44 THEHPPALMTOPPAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 COUR10NWPF 8301 all the tools I need with me all the COUR10NFWPF 8309 Pricing and Contact time, in one pocket-sized Palmtop. Information for products COVER.FNT 15771 I can communicate with the world mentioned in this article and retrieve information whenever 20 files 458143 All prices are manufactur~r's suggested I need it. When I'm traveling and retail price. It may be possible to purchase need information about a country, I the product for less at third-party vendors. run PC Globe 5.0 to look it up. (I Staying In touch is Important Bitfax V3.09.05 - $NA once settled an argument about Fax software. This version may be still be avail­ which country produces the most able, bundled with fax/modems. While on the road I need to keep in Contact: Cheyenne Software. Phone: beer in the world.) touch with my office on a daily Phone: 214-84().£781. I've even run Windows 3.0 on basis. My head office in Singapore EasyCad 2.72 for DOS - $199 the Palmtop. I did this mostly for has a computer network installed DOS CAD program that works on the HP fun and to see if I could do it. But it Paltmop. Version 2.72, mentioned in the with three incoming telephone also enabled me to use Micrografx article, IS no longer available. lines: One for fax, one for e-mail Contact: Evolution Computing, U.S.A. Designer 3.01 on the Palmtop to Phone: 800-814-4028; Fax: 602-968-4325; and one for cc:Mail. I use my create some simple promotional On-line: www.evcomp.comlevcomp 200LX's built-in cc:Mail daily to signs for local stores. Micrografx Designer 3.01 - $NA communicate with the office's net­ I read books on the Palmtop 3.1 - $299.95; 4.1 - $299.95 work system, which runs on using Vertical Reader (VR ii) by Windows graphics program. Contact: Micrografx; Phone: 800-733- Windows 3.1. The Palmtop con­ Gilles Kohl. I play Backgammon ii, 3729; Fax: 716-873-0906. nects with a Windows 3.1 version Chess ii and Solitare ii on the PC Globe 5.0 - $ N.A. of Lotus cc:Mail without any prob­ Palmtop. I "play around" a lot, Product no longer available. lem. Since my office is using Lotus trying new programs, changing cc:Mail for internal and external settings and doing simple pro­ ThinFax FaxJModem + Flash Memory - $115 PC Card fax/modem with on-board flash communication, I can send and gramming. I'm far from being an memory. receive messages to / from any per­ expert in programming, but am Contact: EXP Computer, Phone: 114- 453-1020; Fax: 114-453-1319; On-line: son in the office or our distributors. having success using LX Batch 2.0 hUp:llwwwexpnetcom. I can also receive urgent faxes (LXB.ZIP ii ) by Rob Koenis, to make small applications which WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS - $ N.A. through cc:Mail wherever I am. Product no longer sold by Corel, new owner enhance my use of the Palmtop. of Wordperfect. Since I spend much of my time on the road, I need to carry my Shareware/freeware Maybe I am overenthusiastic mentioned in this article office and entertainment with me. I use my Palmtop approximately Some may think I am bit overen­ BACKGM.ZIP - Backgammon for the HP thusiastic to attempt all this on the 120-150 hours a month, at various Palmtops. Freeware. Available on the HP locations and for various purposes. Palmtop. This may be so, but the Palmtop Paper Best Tips 1996 ON DISK or No other pocket CompuServe's HPHAND Forum, Iibrary11. Palmtop gives me an advantage as can give me this power. a sales and technical person. I have FMS·CLOG.GDB - Letter/fax archive Thank you Hewlett-Packard! database described in this article. Freeware. Available on this issue of The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK or CompuServe's HPHAND Forum, Iibrary11. KLON95.ZIP - Solitare game for the Paltmop. Freeware. Available on the HP Palmtoj) Paper Best Tips 1996 ON DISK or CompuServe's HPHAND Forum, library 7. LXB.ZIP - LX Batch 2.0 batch file pro­ gramming utility. Freeware. Available on the Mar/Apr 96 issue of The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK or CompuServe's HPHAND Forum, library 11. PCHESS.ZIP - Chess game for Palmtops. Shareware. Available on the HP Palmtop Paper Best Tips 1996 ON DISK or CompuServe's HPHAND Forum, library11.

PC Globe display on the Palmtop, showing Indonesia as the selected count~. VR100.ZIP - Lets you read electronic texts The name "Indonesia" is displayed in the lower left corner and the country IS on the Palmtop. Shareware. Available on 1994-95 PowerDisk or from CompuServe's highlighted on the world map (down by Australia). HPHAND Forum, Library 11.


User to User: News from Around the World

Hal reports on his recent trips and the discoveries he made while travel­ ing, including some amazing Palmtop software; HP Handheld confer­ ences - this year and next; our new book PC in Your Pocket ; and the new HP Palmtop Paper Web site.

By Hal Goldstein

spent this summer on the road. I now available for PC use. ers of The HP Palmtop Paper. (If you ! traveled to Palmtop-related This kind of keyboard would be made me a promise, I hope to here events in Chicago, New York, ideal for hotel room use. from you soon!) London, Paris, Singapore, Bangkok I met many Palmtop users on and Anaheim, California. Every­ my summer travels. Some I had where I went I met HP Palmtop known only through an e-mail Amazing Japanese users. I was continually reminded address. I find that I unconsciously software for the Palmtop that Palmtop users transcend dif­ form a picture of a person from ferences in age, culture, sex, lan­ their e-mail address and the con­ In particular, I saw some amazing guage, profession, religion and versations we exchange. I get a Palmtop solutions that were devel­ anything else that normally sepa­ small jolt when I meet the person oped in Japan. Thanks to the efforts rates us as people. We are a com­ face-to-face for the first time and of several English-speaking munity of Palmtop users with discover that they look different Japanese users, we are now begin­ friends everywhere. than my mental picture of them. ning to see some of this software in I decided, "no laptop" for this However, after about 15 seconds of the West. (Many of us now enjoy trip. Normally I take one with me shyness (as both of us adjust to the 4MB C drive upgrades which for writing and online communica­ communicating with eyes and ears originated in Japan). If things go tions. But this time I would rely rather than written words), it's like according to plan, our next issue of totally on my Palmtop and an EXP being with an old friend. I find the The HP Palmtop Paper will feature ThinFax fax/modem card with whole phenomena of cyberspace descriptions and discussions of 4MB of on-board memory. This friends and communities fascinat­ some of these Japanese gems. (Are combination did the trick when I ing. you listening Jason, Chai Kin and needed to connect to CompuServe In my role as Executive Editor of other Japanese users? My e-mail and pick up or send e-mail. When I The HP Palmtop Paper, and as a box is waiting!) needed to print out a fax I used the CompuServe HPHAND member, I EXP's fax capability to "print" to am continually exposed to stories the hotel fax machine. about how people use their Palm­ HP Handheld Conferences I know many fellow users who tops. In Singapore, London, and - this year and next type quickly and efficiently on the Anaheim, I had a chance to meet Palmtop, but I still suffer through many Palmtop users and was The HP Handheld conference held my typing. I find anything more astounded at the creativity, depth in late August in Anaheim, than a few sentences a struggle. I and breadth of Palmtop usage. California was a success. We had wish someone would figure out Many people promised to send me over 100 users and about a dozen how to hook up to the Palmtop, write-ups on products or techniques vendors. Next year we will help one of the small wireless keyboards they developed, to share with read- Shier Systems sponsor the event,

46 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 and I want to see you there! It will be the family name - in the West his Khaw is a "hands on" man for in the San Francisco bay area in name would be "Kheng Joo Khaw" whom I've developed a great either May 16-18 of 1997 - I'll - but Khaw tells us to address respect. In my travels this summer I announce next issue next issue. We him as "Khaw".) saw him three times (everywhere will do our best to create and Khaw re-stated his commit­ but at his home base in Singapore, announce the conference tracks ment to the HP 200LX platform, since he was traveling when I was ahead of time so you know what to "As long as you want to buy them, there). Khaw appears at all events expect. There will be solutions-ori­ I'll make them." HP's emphasis in where he has the opportunity to talk ented discussions, tutorials, demos, the coming year will be on wireless to users and vendors, and to hear a panel from HP, and you will be and vertical market (niche) HP their ideas and thinking. He recently able to talk to spent a whole day many vendors watching the sales and see first hand process in a retail how their prod­ Khaw Kheng Joo, the head of the HP outlet where Palm­ ucts work. Most tops were being importantly, and Handheld division, re-stated his commit­ sold. Khaw does most fun, you not hide behind his will be able to ment to the HP 200LX platform. title - he is simple, meet and network approachable, and with fellow unassuming, yet he Palmtop users has a razor-sharp and HP people. 200LX solutions. As you will see in mind and is action oriented. His This year Khaw Kheng Joo, the upcoming issues, HP is recommit­ team in Singapore mirrors his entre­ head of the HP Handheld division, ting itself to the HP 200LX. I be­ preneurial, open and forward­ gave the conference's keynote lieve the HP 200LX will be around thinking outlook, inside a huge, address. (Chinese names start with for years to come no matter what sometimes bureaucratic and imper­ else is introduced. sonal company.

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THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 47 HOW TO USE: User to User edge shared, etc. You can order the book directly from us, or you can have your book store order it (ISBN DiskDock™ 0-9652187-0-8). Whichever way you Low-cost Backup or Auxiliary Storage order it, if you like the book please System using PCMCIA Technology talk to your favorite book stores • Backup your Notebook or Laptop and recommend they stock it. with a high-speed, low cost Palmtop information needs to be 2-1/2" Hard Drive out there, in front of the people. I • Great for systems requiring really appreciate and thank you for security your efforts on the book's behalf. • Removable-portable-compact (Isn't it about time that the HP • PCMCIA to IDE interface Palmtop is represented among the myriad of "Dummy /Idiot" format, Windows, and Internet books that dominate the computer book sec­ PalmTop Adaptor tion!) External Power Those of you outside the U.S.A., • Enables Notebooks and please help us by giving us ideas Laptops to use devices on how we can make the book available at book stores outside the requiring more power, i.e. u.s.A. If you have suggestions, you PCMCIA Hard Disks can e-mail me at: hal_goldstein@­ thaddeus. com.

HP Palmtop Paper Web site on the way And finally, by the time you read this, we should have at least part of our Web site up. You can find it at: Based on Khaw's comments PC in Your Pocket gets Palmtop Take a look and the comments of other HP peo­ information on the book shelves and give us feedback! ple with whom I met, I think HP now really "gets it." Almost two At the Anaheim conference we years ago we ran a series of user gave away copies of our new book comments on why people should PC in Your Pocket. Everyone who Products mentioned in buy the HP Palmtop (plus our ver­ has seen the book likes it. It brings this article sion of a possible HP Palmtop ad). together all we do on the Palmtop: The point that emerged from the controlling our time, accessing EXPThinFax user comments was that HP should information, manipulating num­ Fax/modem + Memory - $varies PC Card fax/modem with bui~-in flash memory. not position the Palmtop as an bers, keeping contact histories and CONTACT: EXP Computers; Phone: expensive competitor to the Psion, communicating (wirelessly or by 714-453-1020,' Fax:714-453-1319; On-line: Newton or other organizer /PDAs. cable). It includes a Palmtop and hftp:l!www.expnelcom. Rather the HP Palmtop should be Accessories Resource Guide, is Palmtop RAM upgrades - $Varies positioned as an inexpensive, supe­ attractively formatted, and is full of Increase size of Palmtop's RAM memory. rior alternative (or at least an interesting and useful graphics. CONTACT: ACE Technologies,' Phone: adjunct) to carrying a laptop. The Author Ed Keefe weaves together 800-825-9977 or 408-734-0100,' Fax: 408- over one hundred real-life exam­ 734-3344 ... 0r... Notebook Supply Ware­ HP Palmtop is always there when house,' Phone: 800-566-6832 or 714-753- you need it, there are no power ples excerpted from past issues of 8810,' Fax: 714-753-8812 ... Or ... Times2 concerns, and it is not distracting in The HP Palmtop Paper. The book is Tech,' Phone/Fax: 205-620-1408 ... In meetings like a laptop is. Func­ written both for existing Palmtop Europe ... RundelDatentechnik; Phone: +49-7161-14707. tionally, the Palmtop can do virtu­ users and potential buyers. ally all you need done when you And now I need your help. I PC In Your Pocket - $19.95 U.S. are not at your desk. think the book will help sell the Best of The HP Palmtop Paper, edited by Palmtop - which helps all of us Ed Keefe. CONTACT: Thaddeus Computing due to more applications being (see page 8). available, more Palmtop knowl-

48 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 More ... Knowledge Products From Thaddeus

I Ed!1 ,Scotcl! Navlllate He lp "7I''''I''''.. ,.,.,...... ",...,...... ,..-A ......

l~(_ ...... ""I .... " ...... "F •• __ • , ~(.onrr.JJlnr, f',..,~, ,~ • • • 10 """- , . .... r. , '...,.. IThe HP Palmtop Paper's CD InfoBase I THE HP Palmtop A MUST·HAVE FOR ALL PALMTOP USERS "The contents of the CD Paper's This PC Windows based CD contains in are great! I love having CD InfoBase searchable hypertext format all 1991-95 HP all the information in one lh

Get the DOS and Lotus Answers You Need· Fast and Easy Locate subjects fast. Numerous examples and illustrations. MicroRef Quick Reference "Far superior to any other guide, cheat sheet, or original documentation .. . an excel­ Lotus 123 and Dos 5 Guides lent guide for all users .... Highly recommended!" John Dvorak - PC Magazine

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Attention: Palmtop Developers and Enthusiasts The Developer's Package includes everything you need to write software, design hardware, or simply understand the inner workings of the HP Palmtop. The Package includes: 1) Printed copy of 586-page Developer's Guide HP lOO/2001X Developer's Guide 2) Disk containing HP-created source code and utilities for developers 3) Complete set of kits for marketing your Palmtop product thadde1!s 4) CompuServe starter kit (CompuServe's where Palmtop programmers hang out) omputtng INC. 5) PAL: a C source code library for developing software with the look and fed :ubhsher: TlJe HP Palmtop Paper and HP O",niGo World of the HP Palmtop built-in applications )7 East Broadway, Fairfield, IA 52556 • 800-373-6114' (515) 472-6330 continued from page 8 Fax: (515) 472-1879' E-Mail: [email protected] Letters: Continued from page 5 .

As you can imagine, to large companies with mar­ Clocks Create Big Fixing a broken the knowledge base required keting and sales forces. View of Current Time Palmtop latch is fairly technical and I am trying to find a copy of William D. Patrick At the suggestion of HP the program BIGTIME ij on requires that I carry with me Technical Support, I'm Exxon Chemical Company your CD-ROM InfoBase. a large amount of reference sending you my solution to material particularly when I Note that if you do a search for it, you get a reference the problem I had with the HP Palmtop Paper travel. In addition to my but no details. If the pro­ Palmtop's latch. The latch is Helps Novice Users laptop and palmtop I proba­ gram is on the CD, you' ve at the top of the Palmtop's bly carry with me 8-12 inch­ The HP Palmtop Paper is made it impossible to find. screen. When you close the shell, the little lip of the es of reference material and great! I really look forward L.S. latch slips into the latch hole in-progress work. Needless to each issue and especially like "Palmtop Wisdom," California at the bottom of the key­ to say it is a real pain to Basic Tips," and "Quick [You are right that BIG ­ board and keeps the shell drag all this paper with me. Tips." TIME didn't make it onto our closed. When I closed the The HP Palmtop has It does seem, however, that CD-ROM. We'll include it on shell, the lid would not stay reduced some of this paper­ most of your readers have a this issue's ON DISK. Th ere closed. work but not nearly as much PC and most of your articles are other references to clock pro­ are written assuming that. As grams available that fill the as I would like. a result, the articles don't go entire Palmtop screen with a Probably the greatest into the very basic instruc­ digital image of the correct time. barrier to reducing this tions of exactly how to use Check out CLOCK.EXM ij paperwork for me is that I'm the Palmtop. This is especial­ and VIZCLOCK.EXM ij . a very slow typist. Some of ly true in the user profile arti­ Both of these programs are cles, for example. included on the CD-ROM Info the information can be I certainly don't expect Base. These are also available Palmtop shell showing latch at top downloaded via floppies to every article to be basic. from CompuServe's HPHAND and latch hole at bottom. my Palmtop but most of the That would ruin the maga­ Forum - Carol de Giere.} information needs to be zine for the computer liter­ The solution was simple. ate. But just one article now I cut a piece of a thick rub­ input into a database on my Palmtops and Pagers and then would help. For ber band to the length and Palmtop to make it more example, explain how to use width of the space behind user friendly than just a a PC card, how do you back Presently, I am using "PC the latch. I slipped it in that up C drive to A, and how do Beep," a windows program series of documents. to contact alphanumeric space to check the fit, Most of my co-workers you recover A drive infor­ mation you have accidental­ pagers through my Pc. I trimmed it to size, and rein­ have the same problem I do ly deleted from C drive. have searched unsuccessful­ serted it with a drop of regarding the input of data ly for a similar DOS-based super glue to hold it in James Newton Bosse into a personal organizer or program that I can load into place. San Carlos, CA my HP 200LX and use to palmtop. I believe that I'm Floyd Goetze [Novices should be sure to send alphanumeric mes­ Eugene, OR USA the only one using a Palmtop read our Best Tips issues that sages to pagers. Are you though a couple are using cover fundamentals . For exam­ aware of any DOS-based "Wizards". It occurred to me software that can be used Sharewarelfreeware ple, in Best Tips 1996, on page mentioned in this article several months ago that what 4, you will find "Many Ways to for the above purpose? this industry needs is for a Back Up Your files" article. See Stephen Wilson, M.D. BIGTIME - Displays clock image also in Best Tips 1996, p.15, a on the Palmtop. Freeware. third-party provider or sup­ Great Neck, NY USA Available on this issue of The HP tip about how to create a batch plier to market a service to Palmtop Paper ON DISK and on file for automatic backups. [The solutions we know of CompuServe's HPHAND Forum, Palmtop users that would Some people find that reading involve whole systems, such as library 11 . create custom databases and a text like DOS for Dummies, the SkyTel pager system described CLOCK.EXM - System compli· input the data into the data­ available at most computers in The HP Palmtop Paper ant digital clock display for the stores, gives background for run­ July/August 1996 issue on page Paltmop. Freeware. Available on bases created. Such a service The HP Palmtop Paper Best Tips would be a "godsend" to all ning DOS. The HP Palmtop 14 and The AllPoints/ Wynd 1995 ON DISK or on Compu­ combination with RAM Mobile Serve's HPHAND Forum, library 7. of us short on time and manual will also guide you. We do appreciate your Data wireless network, described expertise in creating "custom VIZCLOCK.EXM - Full screen comments, however, and would on page 22 of that issue. digital clock with alarms . databases" on the Palmtop. It like to hear from readers about You could check with your Freeware. Available on The HP would be a great way to pager company to see if they Palmtop Paper Best Tips 1996 ON good topics for Basic Tips and DISK or on CompuServe's offer packages of Palmtops other sections of the maga­ have anything available.­ HPHAND Forum, library 11. zine-Carol de Giere.} Carol de Giere}


IAPPTI you have selected to appear in the it as "Need to wO." Not very informative! Month view. (When entering an Appoint­ Better to enter it as "Smith Act, work on." ment or Event make sure the Month Then you see "Smith Act," in the Month Display a month of Events view check box is checked.) view. Still brief, but at least you know in Appointment Book Users entering daily (weekly, what the event is about.] monthly, etc.) repeating Events may Events are items associated with a day, Rich Hal/ but not a specific time. For example, let's want to de-select the Month view at the HP Palmtop Paper say you know that on a specific day you Appointment/Event entry screen so that want to spend one hour cleaning your the Event will not clutter up your Month car. Unfortunately, your schedule is such view. This way you can display only Move around quickly that you cannot specify which hour you those Events associated with a specific in Appointment Book's will be able to devote to this activity. You day. Month view can set it up as an Event and it will If you want to see a month view of You can move around quickly in appear at the top of your list of appoint­ all the Events you have set up (selected Appointment Book's Month view by ments at the Appointment screen on that or de-selected), you can. To do this, using the following shortcuts. day. press I MENU' Yjew All .Events from the To set up an Event, open Appoint­ Appointment screen. The month view ~ I UpArrow' - Moves the cursor to ment Book and press I MENU' Add .Event. that appears shows only Events, no same day position in the previous The add Appointment/Event screen Appointments appear. Press I!!J to go month. For example, if your cursor is on pops up with the word None appearing back to the Daily view, ~ for the the first Monday in July, pressing ~ in the Start Time and End Time fields. Weekly view, or 1m for the Monthly view IUpArrow' moves the cursor to the first Enter the Event description, Start Date of Appointment Book. Monday in June. [Note: The Month view only shows and any other information you want, ~ I DownArrow' - Moves the cursor to then press [!2) (Done). the first 10 characters of the Event or same day position in the following When you view a month (press 1m Appointment description. If you enter month. For example, if your cursor is on your event as "Need to work on the at most Appointment Book screens) you the first Monday in July, pressing ~ see the Appointments and Events that Smith account," the Month view displays I DownArrow' moves the cursor to the first Monday in August.

: .. I '1: : ~ ILeftArrow,- Moves the cursor to the Week 37 Monday Sept.el'lber 9, 1996 2:53/113 SepteMber 1996 first day in that month's Month view (not Golf Tournal'lent. Su Ho Tu We Th Fr Sa Bill's Anniversary 1~ 3 4 :5 6 7 necessarily the first day of the month). B : 00a 8 . 18 11 12 13 14 9 : 00 1:5 17 18 19 28 21 22 23 24 2:5 26 27 28 ~ IAightArrow' - Moves the cu rsor to the • b[ 10:00 PullI1sn1ng Meet.1ng 29 38 11:00 last day in that month's Month view (not • b [ 12 : 00p Go t.o lunch 1 : 00 Next AppointMent necessarily the last day of the month). 2 : 00 9/89 18:88a Publishing 3:00 ToDD List • .Ilr 3 : 30 Get. Kids 1 Paint House ICTALI I LeftArrow' - Moves the cursor to 4:00 the last appointment selected to display • b [ 5:00 Go HOl'le 6:00 in Appointment Book's Month view (i.e., 7:00 ~~1DiIDI1DImII ~r.mmIDlIiI!mIlII - - _IDIDI the most recent appointment relative to where the cursor is now). For example, if Appointment Book's main screen showing Events appearing your cursor is on July 28th, pressing at the top of the screen with no specific time assigned. ICTALI ILeftArrow' will move the cursor to the most recent appointment showing in Appointment Book's Month view, in this case July 5th. If the most recent appoint­ ment was in a previous month, the cur­ sor would go to that month. (A dash (-) in front of an appoint­ ment signifies an appointment that occurs in the pm. Appointments without a dash (-) in front of them fall in the am. Events are preceded by an "x.")

ICTALI I AightArrow' - Moves the cursor to the next appointment selected to display in Appointment Book's Month view. For All Events month view. From Appointment Book press IMENU, ~iew AII.Events. example, if your cursor is on July 5th, To distinguish Appointments from Events, Events are preceded by an "X." pressing ICTALI IAightArrow' moves the cur-

THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1996 51 sor to the next appointment showing in INoteTaker I IHPCALCI the Month view, in this case July 28th. If the next appointment selected to display Copy a text file from your HPCalc's Calculator has in the Month view was in a following desktop to NoteTaker month, the cursor would go to that alternate function keys month. Here's how to transfer a text (word on Palmtop keyboard Paul Merrill processor) file to NoteTaker on your In HPCalc's calculator mode, the bottom HP Palmtop Paper Palmtop from a desktop or laptop. row of keys (Z, X, C, V, B, etc.), along with the L key above become redefined. 1. On the desktop or laptop, save the file In the calculator mode these keys per­ IPhone Book I as an ASCII text file. (Refer to your word form the various functions printed in processor's user manual if you don't white below them. Here is a list of these Customize the information on know how to do this.) the 200LX's DataCard alternative key modes and what they do. The DataCard (the index card that ap­ 2. Transfer the ASCII file to your I!) (square root symbol) - Calculates pears on the right side of your screen in Palmtop. You can do this in two ways. the square root of the number in the cal­ Phone Book) is really only a Smart Clip a. Copy the file to your Palmtop's PC culation line. For example, if you enter of the information in a data record. You Card using an external PC Card 16 in the calc line and press (Z), the calc can edit the existing definition of the drive or one mounted in your desk­ line displays the square root of 16 (=4). DataCard Smart Clip. To do this: top or laptop. Insert the card into the I!J (1/x) - Calculates the reciprocal of 1. At the All Phone Book Items screen card slot on your Palmtop. the number in the calc line. For example, press ~ (Clip). b. Copy the file to your Palmtop's C if you enter 4 in the calc line, then press (X), the calc line displays .25. 2. At the Smart Clip screen, use the drive using a serial cable and the ArrowKeys to highlight "Data Card," then Palmtop's built-in Filer application. (£) (x>

~~_.maI ____ DmmII~ mm Gibson HP Palmtop Paper Edit Smart Clip Definition screen for the DataCard.


2. Highlight the Event at the I Appointment Book ' MeMO FILER INI 09/10/96 9 01 aM Appointments screen, then [IIJllllI ~ ~ press I ENTERI. [Launcher] Save directions GIF=a:,binn'grey . exe SND=a:'snd'p!ay . exe for out·of·the·way 3. At the AppOintment/Event ZIP=a:\binn\pkunzip.exe TXT=a:'vde'vde.exe addresses screen, press ~ (Repeat). PCX= a :'binn'~aPpol.exel You have friends (or business 4. At the Daily Repeat contacts) located somewhere Options screen, use the out in the country on a little­ ArrowKeys to select the No know road off of Rural Route Repeat option, then press 5. Having an address is help­ ~ (OK) ~ (Done). ful, but distances in the coun­ 5. At the AppOintments FILER.INI text entered in a Memo document. try are large, you're usually screen, go back into the not familiar with the area, and Event (by pressing I ENTER I) houses can be located down and change the Repeat Filer, check to see if the Lotus allows you to highlight a file in long driveways not visible option back to Daily. 1-2-3, DataCom or World Filer and press IENTERI to from the road. Time icons are displayed on launch the program. Create a The solution is to take Paul Merrill, Associate Editor CPACK's Application Manag­ FILER.INI file in the C:'-DAT down specific directions for HP Palmtop Paper er screen. If they are they subdirectory with the follow­ an address in unfamiliar terri­ shouldn't be. The Connect­ ing format, substituting your tory. First save the name, ivity Pack does not include favorite programs where they address, and phone number these applications, and you don't match mine. To create in Phone Book. Then press can't use them from Appli­ the FILER.INI file, in Memo, Show all files ~ and save specific direc­ cation Manager. press I MENU 1file New to start tions to their house in the in a directory The error probably oc­ a new file, and enter the text Notes field. (E.G ., "Take Rural If you use the "DIR," com­ curred when you were back­ shown in the screen above. Route 5 three miles past the mand in DOS 5.0 and later ing up or copying files from [Launcher] airport, turn left (south) on (that's DIR followed immedi­ your Palmtop to the PC - the GIF=a:\binn\grey.exe Hasker Road and go 1.5 ately by a comma), you get a Palmtop's APPMGRDAT file SND=a:\snd\play.exe miles till you see a stand of complete listing of all the files was accidentally copied to ZI P=a:\binn\pkunzip.exe pine trees ... ) in the directory, regardless of the C:\CPACK100 (or C:\­ TXT=a:\ed\ed.exe Rich Hall their attributes. This means CPACK200) directory on the PCX=a:\binn\mappot.exe Managing Editor, any hidden files that normally PC. The next time APP1 00 or HP Palmtop Paper wouldn't show up using the APP200 runs, it tries to use On the left side of the equals regular DIR command, are the Palmtop's AppManager (=) sign is the extension of Get around listed using this command. data file. the file you will highlight in Appointment You can also use the DIR The solution to this prob­ Filer. On the right is the COM Book's delete limit command with Ib, IL, ION lem is simple. Delete APPM­ or .EXE file to launch. FILER­ etc., to get a more specific GR.DAT from the CPACK The Palmtop will not let you .INI cannot be used to launch directory listing. To get a list directory, and everything batch files. delete a repeating Event of ways you can customize should work just fine. To pre­ more than 100 times. If you vent this problem in the Fred Kaufman {TeamHP} your DIR command, type DIR Compuserve 10:[7256O,36} have a daily repeating Event /? at the DOS prompt. future, create a seperate (that you also delete daily), directory to copy files tolfrom you will eventually get an EdKeefe the Palmtop instead of using IMemo ' error message telling you that Internet 10: the CPACK subdirectory of [email protected] you cannot delete an Event your hard drive. Spell check Memo more than 100 times. To get documents quickly around this obstacle, follow Tom Gibson IConnectivity ' HP Palmtop Paper the steps below. I use a spell checking pro­ CPACK gram which is the best I have 1. When you get an error problem solved IFiler ' ever seen for the Palmtop! message telling you that you GDSPELL Ver.3.0b IHI is a cannot delete an Event more If you start APP100 (or APP- Creating and fast, easy spell checker. It in­ than 100 times, press I ESC! to 200 depending upon the ver­ using FILER.INI cludes a fast dictionary for the clear the message from the sion of the Connectivity Pack quick lookup of about 20,000 The 200LX has an undocu­ screen. you use), but get an error common words, and an auxil- message when trying to start mented Launcher feature that

THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 53 from 1 (weakest) to 5 (strong­ SPELL CHECK A:'FAMILY.DOC fee to recycle these batteries. And this i s only for the 3rd sister to say nothing for the brothers of the The end result is that very few est) based on wind speed Spell eked Complete businesses recycle their bat­ and destructive power. Ed­ F i I e MUle : A :WAMILY • DOC ouard was declared a hurri­ Fi le S i ze : 139 Bytes teries. It is much cheaper to File Date : 89/89/ 96 cane on Friday, August 23, File TiMe : 9:59AM just throw them out. 1996. At that time its location Bad Words : 8 At my wife's store, the Correct ions : 8 was in the middle of the Tob.l Lines : 1 photo manager is very recy­ Total Words : 7.:l cling-conscious, so they set Atlantic Ocean with an actual RAM Free : 15248 Bytes the batteries aside as they location of Latitude 13.9 and Disk Free : &5536 ~tes open the cameras, and give Longitude 39.1 . (Latitude and them away to the employees. Longitude information can be GDSPELL screen showing information about I haven't bought batteries in a found in most newspapers the file just spell checked. year! When I put them in the and in various locations on the Internet). This gives us iary dictionary of another Palmtop. The author of the Palmtop, I always get a read­ enough information to start 85,000 less common words. program, Ni Hongbo, has ing of between 2.90 and 3.02 tracking Edouard. To do this GDSPELL allows you to build kindly made his NJSTAR 2.1 volts for the two batteries! I your own auxiliary (AUXI) dic- for CGA monitors available must conclude that these bat­ follow the steps below. teries still have at least 90% tionary of words you com- for downloading on : 1. Open World Time on your capacity remaining after they monly use. Palmtop by pressing I CTRLJ­­ have fulfilled their function in I use GDSPELL together I HPCALq. the camera. If other Palmtop with MF.EXE iJ. MF.EXE is a tar/chinese. htm users approach photo pro­ 2. Add Edouard to World small utility that loads the last It is freeware and the file file you edited in Memo. I put cessing stores and stress the Time. To do this, press ~ name is NJCGA21.ZIP iJ. It waste that is going on be­ (Add). Start by entering two GDSPELL in a directory I set works on the HP 100/200LX. up as A:\GDSPELL, then cause of this type of camera, (2) spaces so that this entry You can write documents in they too might end up with a will appear at the top of World made a batch file (MEMO­ Chinese using this software. CHK.BAT) that I can run from free battery supply, and Time each time we open it. From my experience, NJS­ would be helping our environ­ Enter the name "Edouard" fol­ an icon in Application Man­ TAR is the fastest in inputting ager. The batch file opens the ment at the same time! lowed by the date (e.g. Chinese (especially if you use Edouard 08/23/96). last document I had open in pinyin input method). Jim Henry Memo, and spell checks it. Internet 10:[email protected] 3. Press IALTI-~ to move to The batch file contains the Susheng Wang the Latitude field. Enter 13.9. following line: Internet EMail."[email protected] IWorld Time I 4. Tab to the Longitude field, A:\GDSPELL\MF SPELL \M and enter 39.1. Get a free battery I added MEMOCHK.BAT to supply and help Tracking Hurricanes 5. Press I!!I (Locate). World my Application Manager as the environment at on the Palmtop Time displays the exact loca­ follows: the same time! tion of the hurricane in the I have always been fascinat­ middle of a pair of cross­ Name: SpellChk Here's a great opportunity for ed with the powers of nature, hairs. Path: A:\GDSPELL\MEMOCHK­ Palmtop users. We Palmtop and an avid watcher of hurri­ 6. Press I ESC! or ~ to return .BAT1320 owners are very battery-con­ canes. Now, with my HP Comments: (I entered an upside to the City screen, then press scious, as evidenced by the Palmtop I can actually follow down question mark here by I!!£) (Done) to return to the many power management the path of a hurricane in pressing ~ 0) All Cities list. Icon: (I added an Icon.) programs available, and the progress. Here's how. many articles in The HP At the time of this writing We have added the first day After I have typed and saved Palmtop Paper on batteries. there is a hurricane in the of Hurricane Edouard. To a Memo document, I start the My wife works in a large Atlantic ocean named Ed­ track Edouard add a new spell checker from the Ap­ supermarket that has its own ouard that has just been "Edouard" entry to the World plication Manager. GDSPELL photo processing plant on the declared a "4" in intensity. Time All Cities list every day checks my documents with a premises. When a customer Hurricanes are given a status speed which I have never turns in one of those throw­ seen before on a Palmtop away disposable cameras for spell checker. film processing, the batteries Jorgen Wal/grenJakarta, Indonesia inside are still in great shape! Internet 10: wal/[email protected] As the use of these cameras was becoming widespread, environmentalists made quite a stink about all the batteries being thrown away, so Kodak Chinese Software made a big show of announc­ for HP 1 00/200 LX ing a recycling program for them. What Kodak did not You can now write documents publicize, however, is that World Time's Map screen showing in Chinese on a non-Chinese they charge the stores quite a Edouard's location in cross-hairs.

54 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 4. The following files must be in (J WINFILER.EXE your WINFILER directory: (J WINFILER.HLP (J WINFILER.CNT (J WINFILER.EXE (J \WINFILER.INI (J WINFILER.CNT 2. Delete your shortcut key 5. To be able to call up WINFIL­ using Windows95 proce­ ER.EXE quickly, create a dures. shortcut key following Win­ dows95 procedures (optional). Juha Husgafvel Internet 10: [email protected] To un-install WIN FILER: or. .. [email protected] 1. Delete the following files World Time's Map screen showing Edouard's location as a circle (circle blinks on Palmtop display). from your desktop (laptop) PC: until the hurricane is down­ ning Windows95. The share­ graded. ware program WINFIL 1O.ZIP HP Product Index ij allows your Palmtop's Filer [Please find the price and contact information for TRACKING THE HURRICANE application to work in con­ commercial products mentioned in the articles at the Using this method, you may junction with a PC running end of the article in which the product is mentioned.] be able to predict the location Windows95. (WINFILER was where the hurricane will hit written for the 200LX, but HP Products contact information: Authorized HP computer dealers world­ land. To do this, after you should work on the 100LX as wide (i.e. the same place you can purchase an HP LaserJet). To locate an authorized dealer in the USA, call 800-443-1254.You can also purchase have tracked Edouard for four well.) the 95LX & 100/200LX and its accessories from ACE Technologies at To install WINFILER on or five day's worth of loca­ 800-825-9977 or 408-734-0100; Fax: 408-734-3344; EduCALC at 800- tions: your Windows95 desktop or 677-7001; Fax: 714-582-1445. Global Connections at 800-709-9494 or laptop: 1. Highlight the first Edouard 608-752-1537; Fax: 608-752-9548; Notebook Supply Warehouse at 800-566-6832 or 714-753-8810, Fax: 714-753-8812. entry, and press ~ (Map). 1. Run Windows 95 on your The blinking circle you see on desktop or laptop PC. your screen is the location of HP OMNIGO 100 PRODUCTS 2. Create a WINFILER direc­ the hurricane on the first day. tory on you PC. HP OmniGo 100 (HP F131OA) - $349 HP OmniGo Connectivity Pack (HP F1311A) -$99.95 2. DownArrow to your second 3. Unzip WINFILER.ZIP using CLIP & GO (HP F1312A) - $64.95 entry for Edouard and view its PKUNZIP. Put the unzipped HP OmniGo 100 Connectivity Cable (HP F1015A) - $24.95 location in the same way, files in the WINFILER directory. (Same as HP 100/200LX PC Connectivity Cable) then the third entry, and so HP OmniGo 100 Strategy Games (HP F1313A) - $49.95 forth. Watch the progress of HP OmniGo 100 Accessory Pens (HP F1314A) Includes three pens. - $9.99 Edouard over the days you have tracked it. From the Sharewarelfreeware HP PALMTOP PRODUCTS movements you have record­ mentioned in HP 200LX 2MB (HP F1061A) - $679 ed you can try to predict this section Edouard's next move. HP 200LX 1MB (HP F1060A) - $499 GDSPELL.EXE ii - Spell checker HP 1000CX Palmtop PC (HP F1203A) - $399 When you are done for the Palmtop. Shareware HP OmniGo 700LX - $NA tracking the hurricane, simply Available online at: http://www (Combination HP 200LX, fax software and Nokia GSM cellular phone.) delete these "Edouard" en­ /malka/hp-soft.htm HP StarLink Service - $Varies tries from your World Time list ... Or at ... (Wireless messaging service, for "one-stop communications solution." Contact: 800-917- by highlighting each entry GDSOFTIgdsoft .html LINK.) and pressing ISpacebarl to tag 1.8MB/12v Flash Card (HP F1024A) - $199 them. When you have tagged MF.EXE ii - Utility that loads last 5MB/12v Flash Card (HP F1012A, with Stacker).- $365 all the entries you want, press file into Memo. Freeware. Available 10MB/12V Flash Card (HP F1013A, with Stacker)- $579 I DELI, then press I ENTER I (OK). on CompuServe's HPHAND Forum , Dictionary/Thesaurus Card (HP F1005A) --$129.95 library 11. ACIDC Adapter(HP F1011Aj--$34.95 Tom Gibson USA/Canada (Opt. ABA); Europe (Opt. ABB); Australia (Opt. ABG); [email protected] WIN FILER ii - Utility for file trans­ United Kingdom (Opt. ABU); South Africa (Opt. ABO) fer between the Palmtop and a PC Connectivity Cable (HP F1015A) - $24.95 IConnectivity I desktop or laptop running MAC Connectivity Cable (HP F1016A) - $24.95 Windows95. Shareware. Available 100/200LX Connectivity Pack - $109.95 Use WIN FILER on CompuServe's HPHAND Forum, u.s. (HP F1 021 B); International (HP F1 021 C) to copy files to library 9. Connect/Adapter Kit - $24.95 (HP F1023A) 4 adapters for connecting the 100 /200LX to modems, printers, and PCs. and from WIN9S NJCGA21.ZIP ii - Chinese lan­ Service Agreements (100/200LX, 2-year extension) - $85 Many Palmtop users have guage translator. Freeware. For U.S. HP Palmtop users. Units must be under warranty to extend. Contact: HP, had trouble transferring files Available on line at: http://www.njstar Corvallis Service Center, USA; Phone: 503·757-2002- to and from their Palmtops .com.aulnjstar/ chinese.htm NOTE: Prices listed are suggested retail price. Dealer prices may vary. and a desktop or laptop run-

THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 1996 55 HOW TO CONTACT US Products advertised in this issue ofThe HP Palmtop Paper [Please note: The HP Palmtop Paper does not and cannot provide techntcal support.] COMPANY (PRODUCT) .•..•..•.•..•.•....•...... •... " [PHONEIFAX NUMBERS] .. PAGE NUMBER There are a number of ways to get in touch with The HP Palmtop Paper staff. You Accurite (Floppy Drives for 100/2ooLX)...... [408·433·1980; Fax: 408·433·1716) .. 47 can write, mail us a disk with your com­ ACE (ACE) . . . [800·825·9977 or 408·734·0100; Fax: 408· 734·3344) .. center fold ments, send CompuServe or [nternet e­ (Palmtop/Omnibook Products include: ACT! for HP Palmtops; ACE<->FAX Fax Software and Modem Bundles; mail, fax, or call. Our mailing address and ACE <->LlNK File Transfer Software; BADman BaHery Monitoring and Data Protection Software; Carrying Cases; contact information is: Desktop Card Readers; Acoustic Modem Couplers; HP 200LX Palmtop Systems; HP Color OmniBook Software; NiMH BaHeries; Printers and Accessories; X·JACK Megahertz Modem Bundles. SkyTel2·Way Paging.) (DoubleFlash Plus PC Memory Cards, HP 200LX 5MB RAM Upgrade) ...... back cover Thaddeus Computing, Inc., ASF (Palmtop Computer Light) . [800·771·3600 or 800·936'3638; Fax: 516·868·6897) .. 15 57 E. Broadway ConectUS Wireless Comm (Wireless Messaging) ...... (800-350-0373) .. 39 Fairfield, IA 52556, U.S.A. DataViz (MacLink Plus)...... [800-406-6504 or 203-268-0030; Fax: 203-268-4345).41 Phone: 515-472-6330 DTS Wireless Messaging (Wireless Messaging Service) ...... [800-967-0943 or 908-602-1144; Fax: 908-602-0990) .. 35 E&B (Leather Cases) ...... •. •...... [800-896-2273; Inti: 916-344-5047; Fax: 916-782-9306) .. 13 or 800-373-6114 EduCALC (Accessories) ...... [800-385-9376) .. 5 Fax #:515-472-1879 Envoy Data (PC Cards, PC Card Products) ...... [800-368-6971 or 602-892-0954; Fax: 602-892-0029) .. 15 Internet: [email protected] EXP Computer (Thin Fax Modem) . [8OD-EXP-6922 ext. 641 or 714-453-1020; Fax: 714-453-1319) .. inside front cover CompuServe: 76125,1773 Greystone Peripherals (PC Cards/Drivers/Adapters) . . [800-600-5710 or 408-866-4739; Fax: 408-866-8328) .. 48 Greenwich (Palm Link)...... [800-476-4070 or 704-875-8490; Fax: 704-875-2801) 10 Inmax (CGA VGA Graphics Pack Vision) . [604-980-9991; Fax: 604-985-5597) .. 19 TO SUBSCRIBE, change address, or clear IntelliLink (Windows Connectivity Pack) . [603-888-0666; Fax: 603-888-9817) .. 21 up any problem with your subscription, Intuit (Quicken Connect) ...... [415-944-6000; Fax: 415-462-2955).11 contact Sharon Dilmore in our subscrip­ MagicRAM (Flash CardlHard Drive/Card Drive) .... (800-272-6242 or 213-413-9999; Fax: 213-413-0628) .. 19 tion department. Call phone numbers Mobile Planet (PC Cards) ...... [800-675-2638 or 818-888-7267; Fax: 818-888-3484) 18 above. E-mail usat:[email protected] Notebook Supply Warehouse (Memory upgrades and assorted products.) ...... [800-566-6832 or 714-753-681 0; Fax: 714-753-8812).17 CompuServe: 76125,1773 (E-Mail Subscriptions) ...... [408-450-3467; Fax: 408-321-3603) .. 14 Quatech (Parallel Port PC Card) ...... [800-553-1170 or 330-434-3154; Fax: 330-434-1409) .23 TO ADVERTISE in The HP Palmtop Paper RadioMaii (Wireless Messaging Service) ...... [800-597-6245 dept. NT3) ..inside back cover contact Brian Teitzman, Margaret Martin Shier Systems (CompuServe Access Software, other Palmtop accessories) ...... [805-371-9391; Fax: 805-371-9454) .. 3 or Tiffany Lisk at phone: 513-472-1660 or Steele Creek Technologies (CardLink Drives) ...... [Phone/Fax: 704-588-1780) .. 16 Sycard (Memory Cards) ...... [406-749-0130; Fax: 406-749-1323) 30 800-809-5603; Fax: 515-472-8409 .. Thaddeus Computing (Subscriptions: HP Palmtop Paper, HP Palmtop Paper ONDISK ...... HP OmniGo World) ...... [800-373-6114 or 515-472-6330; Fax: 515-472-1879) .. 8 Technical Support (Knowledge products: HP Palmtop Tech Ref. Manual, Lotus/DOS Reference Books, HP PTP's CD InfoBase) ...... 49 Times2 Tech (HP 200LX 5MB RAM Upgrade) ...... (PhonelFax: 205-620-1408) .34 HP Technical Support - HP offers tech­ TransDigital (Parallel Port Adapter) ...... [Phone: 510-745-9777; Fax: 510-745-9937) .. 47 nical support from 8:00am. - 5:00pm. P.5.T. Wynd Communication (Wireless Messaging)...... • . . ... [800-549-9800 or 805-781-6000; Fax: 805-781-6001) 27 Phone:970-392-1001.

On-Line Support-offered by these bul­ letin board services. Shareware and Freeware Index (September/October 1996) o COMPUSERVE: GO HPHAND Software on The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK or CompuServe FORUM - Call 800-848-8199 or 614- 457-0802: For FREE membership state PRODUCT FUNCTION CIS FORUM I LIBRARY TYPE PAGE #231. ADVERT.ZIP Text: Descriptions of products advertised in this issue. NA NA NA BATTLOG.ZIP Utility: Checks battery vonage on 100/200LX. HPHAND/ll Free 7 o AMERICA ON LINE: Keyword BIGTIME Clock: Give large clock image. HPHAND/ll Free 50 PALMTOP - Call 800-827-6364 or ERD23.ZIP Utility: Facilitates removal of directories and files. HPHAND/ll Share 9 703-893-6288 for membership informa­ FMS-CLOG.GDB Database: Letter/fax archive. NA NA 45 tion. GDSP300B Application: Spell checker for the Palmtop. '4 Share 53 G0100.ZIP Game: Strategy game. '1 Share 9 o INTERNET: comp.sys.palmtops; or HIT.EXE Game: Animation of duck smashing a computer. HPHAND/ll Free 2 comp.sys.handhelds HPFAX106.ZIP Application: Sends faxes from DOS command line. '2 Share 9 HV2.ZIP Application: HTML document viewer for the Palmtop HPHAND/ll Free 6,12 ICE200.ZIP Application: For changing Application Manager's icons. '2 Free 9 LlFEMGMT.GDB Database: Time management database. NA NA 36 How to Submit an Article MF.ZIP Utility: Loads file into Memo. HPHAND/ll Free 54 MT.ZIP Application: Tracks mileage and gas expend~ures. ' 1 Share 9 The richness of The HP Palmtop Paper NJGA21.ZIP Application: Allows text to be entered in Chinese. '5 Free 54 comes from the contributions of Palmtop PAC.ZIP Game: Pac-Man game. '3 Share 9 PC users. We and your fellow users wel­ PE-2,ZIP Application: Text editor. HPHAND/ll Free 21 come your submissions. (We do not offer PPAL.ZIP Application: Monitors batteries, serial port, etc. HPHAND/ll Free 9 payment for articles, your reward is know­ PTP29.ZIP Text: The HP Palmtop Paper, Sep/Oct. 96. NA NA NA mg that you've helped others.) PTPDSK29.ZIP Database: PTP On Disk Index in .GDB format. NA NA NA 1f you have a good idea and want to "go README.ZIP Text: Cover letter to the HP Palmtop Paper OnDisk. NA NA NA for it," send it in via CompuServe e-mail REVOL T.ZIP Utility: Includes ReVolt and DeVolt; monitor batteries '1 Free 9 [75300,2443], Internet: hal_goldstein@thad­ SMC.ZIP Application: C compiler. '1 Free 9, or send disk or hard copy to Hal TSEJR4.ZIP Application: Text editor. PCTECH/16 Share 21 Goldstein or Rich Hall at the above '1.) '2.) 3.) http://www.hkstar.comi-tterrence address. Alternatively you can send an '4). '5). outline of your idea. We will try to guide you as to when and whether we woula use Software mentioned and included in past issues of The HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK the article and contact you if we need clari­ Subscriber's PowerDisk, or CompuServe's HPHAND Forum fication or have any suggestions - please include your phone number. We may BACKGM.ZIP, (Best Tips 96), Game: Backgammon for the HP Palmtops, (HPHAND/ll), Free, 45; CLOCK.ZIP, (Best Tips 95), want to use an article but for a variety of Clock, (HPHAND/ll), Free, 50; GEMCAP, (Nov/Dec 94), Application: For graphics capture (PCUTILl3), Share, 23; reasons you may not see it for many FLEXPAD.ZIP, (May/June 96), Application: Text editor (HPHAND/ll), Share, 24; FREYJA, (Mar/Apr 94), Application: Text editor, months. Please understand that we cannot (HPHANDI7), Free, 21; ,KLON95.ZIP, (Best Tips 96), Game: Solitare, (HPHANDI7); Free, 45; LXB.ZIP, (Mar/Apr 96), Utility: Batch file programming tool, (HPHAND/ll), Free, 45; Nl03PT.ZIP, (May/June 96), Application: Net-Tamer suite for the Intemet, pro~se to ;run any particular article at any (HPHAND/ll), Share, 12; PCCHESS,ZIP, (Best Tips 96), Game: Chess game for Palmtops. (HPHAND/ll), Share, 45; PICEM, particular time. (July/Aug 94), Utility: Displays .GIF graphic files, (IBMNEW/5), Free, 22; VCLOCK (May/Jun 95), Clock, (HPHAND/ll), Free, 50; If you can, especially if you write a VDE.ZIP, (Nov/Dec 95), Application: DOS word processor (HPHANDI7), Share, 21; VR100.ZIP, (Power Disk 94195), Application: Vertical Palmtop Profile, send us a photo of your­ text reader (HPHAND, 11), Free, 45; WINFILER, (July/Aug 96), Application: For file transfer between Windows 95 and Palmtop, (HPHAND19), self - black and white is preferred, but Share, 55 color is acceptable. TO ORDER the HP Palmtop Paper ON DISK, see order card page 8

56 THE HP PALMTOP PAPER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1996 Communicate with almost anvone in the world rightlrom vour HP Palmtop.




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