Abelard, Peter, 97 Absolutism, Age of Colonial Law In, 251-256
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18069-7 — A History of Law in Europe Antonio Padoa-Schioppa , Translated by Caterina Fitzgerald Index More Information INDEX Abelard, Peter, 97 Aguesseau, Henri François d,’ 336, absolutism, age of 337, 424 colonial law in, 251–256 Alaric Breviary, 28–29, 184 international order in, 256–257 Albericus de Rosciate, 91, 164–165, king’s powers in, 245–247 178, 201 legislative power in, 326–327 Albertini, Alberto, 504–505 Protestant Reformation and, Albornoz, Gil Alvarez Carrillo de, 203 233–237 Alcalá, Order of, 191 representative assemblies in, Alciato, Andrea, 259–263 247–251 Alexander III, Pope (Alessandro III), sovereign absolutism, 230 100, 131–132, 207 term usage, 230 Alexander VI, Pope, 251–252 Accolti, Franciscus (Aretinus), 165–166 Alfonso V, King of Aragon, 105, 203 Accursius, Franciscus (glossator), 81, Alfonso VI, King of Castile and 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 135, 151, 153, Leon, 187 196, 201–202, 221. See also the Alfonso VIII, King of Castile, 188 post-Accursians Alfonso X, King of Castile and León, Acollas, Emile, 516–517 120, 190–191, 203 Act of Union (United Kingdom), 400 Alfred (Anglo-Saxon king), 36 Acts of the Apostles, 13. See also Allgemeine Landrecht (Prussia), The Gospels 427–428. See also Landrechte Adenauer, Konrad, 691 (territorial law) ADHGB (German Commercial Code), Allgemeine Staatslehre (Kelsen), 639–640 553–554 Amari, Emerico, 509 administrative justice, 466, 570–573 Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, 16, 17, 18, 97 Admiralty Court (England), 390, American independence, 438–439 561–562
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