Portraits of Portia: New Prime Minister Sworn In
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THE GLEANER FRIDAY, MARCH 31,2006 www.Jamalca-gleaner.com I N E W S l RUDOLPH BROWN/ CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER • Portia Simpson Miller (second left) chats with (from left) Patrick Manning, Prime Minister of Trinidad ra1ts and Tobago; Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent • and the Grenadines; and Owen Arthur, Prime Minister of l Barbados, moments before being sworn in as Prime Minister at King's House yester day. In the baqk ground is former Prime Minister P.J. NEW PRIME MINISTER SWORN IN Patterson. \ ,_i(- J ' L �--�/�J _- __ OF JAMAJCA .f1A1tONAt U�RARY IAN ALLEN/STAFFPHOTOGRPAHER Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller accepts her Instrument of Appointment from Governor-General Professor Kenneth Hall during the her swearing-in as the nation's first woman Prime Minister at King's House yesterday. RUDOLPH BROWN/CHIEFPHOTOGRAPHER Mrs. Glynne Manley (left) and Denise Eldemire-Shearer at the swearing-in of Portia Simpson Miller yesterday. RUDOLPHBROWN/CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Above: Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller and her husband Errald Miller make their way down the steps of King's House. IAN ALLEN/STAFFPHOTOGRPAHER RUDOLPH BROWN/CHIEFPHOTOGRAPHER Left: K.D. Knight (left), former Minister of Foreign Nation of Islam head, Minister Louis Farrakhan, enters King's House Affairs and Foreign Trade, greets former Prime yesterday along with his entourage to witness the swearing-in ceremo Minister Edward Seaga during yesterday's swear ny for Jamaica's first female Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller. ing-in ceremony at King's House. '- :110 RUDOlPH BROWN/CHIEFPHOTOGRAPHER Pnr·ti:>l<::.ir"Y"In•onn Miller raises the Bible as she takes the oath of office at her swearing-in ceremony as Prime Minister at King's House yes Mn��iimos<>n Miller, who succeeds P.J. Patterson, is the first woman to hold the office of Prime Minister of Jamaica. Looking on I Professor Kenneth Hall. Portia:�:§\V0m in as Jamaica's t ·head rnm • 1• • female of Gove1 ent ''Each inc:lividual is sacred. None ls more Adorned in an ivory skirt suit, trimmed important than ihe other. Money should not with gold, Mrs.Simpson Miller told the make one person more im11ortant than the · gathering, which included Louis Farrak:han, other, learning should not make one person head of the Nation of Islam, regional lead more important· ... nor should class, colour ers, members from the United States or gender. We are all equal ... " the new Congress and others, that the stale has a Prime Minister said to tumultuous applause. responsibility to protect the society. COL�RFULCERBMONY "We cannot build the harmony and peace that tills society so desperately needs unless In the colourful ceremony held on the all Jamaicans know that they w�ll be treated ' lawns of King's House, St. Andrew, and with dignity and respect," she said. 'fatchedby an estimated l 0,000guests and She continued: "I pledge to ensure that the thousands more at home and abroad, MJ;s. interests of all our people are protected, and Simpson Miller also pledged to foster and that victiruisation never rears its ugly head facilitate conditions for employment and in any way under my administration." wealth creation. TI>e new Prime Minister takes up the mantle :.:She succeeds P.J. Patterson who stepped into retirement yesterday" as the nation's Please see HISTORY, A3 ; "longest-serving Prime Minister. (Prt- ,_ JAMAICA �,l.1lONAl LIBRARY OF IAN ALLEN/STAFF- 1 "Prime Minister Simpson Miller, I wish for HISTORY you all that is good as you assume office," PHOTOGRAPHER Mr. Patterson said. "May you enjoy calm seas Former Prime Continued from A1 and a prosperous voyage and may your Minister P.J. efforts be crowned with abundant success." 32 years after entering representational Patterson MOMENTOUS EVENT politics at age 28. (left) looks Mrs. Simpson Miller was sworn in exactly For his part the Governor-General said the through his 14 years after Mr. Patterson took over from momentous event could be traced back to the programme late former Prime Minister Michael Manley. history of the people of the New World. · during yester The new Prime Minister said there could be He said women were courageous enough to day's swear no economic transformation without an over build and maintain their families, yet auda ing-in ceremo haul of the education system. cious enough to challenge and accelerate the ny at King's In his remarks Mr. Patterson, who handed in conquest of slavery and colonialism. his resignation letter to Governor-General Mrs. Simpson Miller isknown for her passion House for his Professor Kenneth Hall just before the cere for the poor and dispossessed, and the Governor successor, mony, thanked his Cabinet which was auto General told her that the "hopeful" and the Portia matically dissolved on his departure. He also "hopeless" have high expectations of her. Simpson thanked other members of Government he h�s "The task may be formidable but the mis Miller, while worked with for close to a decade and a half. sion is not hopeless and impossible," he said. she looks on. .