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County Hall, N. J. FRI~LLE, WEXFORD. Seoretary Wexford Co. Couno11 •

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES I. J The monthly meetlng of ~ exford County Councl1 was held in County Council Chamber, County Hall, Wexford, on ( . 13th February 1939. Present:- Mr. D. Allen (Chalrman) presiding; also,

r Messrs. J. J. Bowe, Patr1ck Colfer, Richard Corlsh, C. Culleton, Raymond Doyle, W. P. Keegan, John P. Kelly, James Kennedy, James Lawler, Thomas McCarthy, Sean Murphy, Sean

otByrne, Mlss N. 0 1 Ryan, Col. R. p. Wamyss QUln, M10hael Redmond, Thomas Redmond, Patrlck Ronan, Myles Smyth, alachi Sweetman and James E. Walsh. The Secretary, County Surveyor, County So1101tor aDa the followlng Asslstant Surveyors, Messrs. T. Treanor, R. J. Ennls, P. 0lNel11 and J. F. B1rthlstle, were ln • attendanoe. The 14inutes of last menthly meeting, 9th January 1939

\' and of spec1al meeting, 20th January 1939, were confirmed.

PAYMENTS Treasurer's Adv1ce Notes for the following were agreed I' to:- Ordinary payments £1463. 10. 0 and £228. 14. 1 Transfer to Vocatlonal Eduoation Comm1ttee.


M1~s OIRyan sald lt was thelr sorrowful tak to extend sympathy to the Papal Nuncio, Hls Excellency, Most Rev. Dr.

Robinson, on the death of~ls Hollness, Pope Plus XI. A

s1mple person like her, she sald, could not find wo~ds to express the1r sympathy in a fitting manner, and all she could say was that they had lost thelr Holy Father. r. Sean olByrne seconded the r.esolut10n and said that almost t he last act of the late Pope was to prov1de Ferns diocese wlth a B1shop, an act for which they should feel grateful. • Mr. Corish, on behalf of the La.bGur Party, supported the resolutlon. He said that words would be inadequate to

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES convey what they felt at the passlng ot the Holy Father who was not alone a great Ohurchman but a great d1plomat who worked In the He would be a great loss not alone to the Ohurch but to the world. The Secretary said the death of the Pope was deploted not only by Catholics but by all men of goodwill throughout the world. The resolution was passed in silence.

THE LATE MRS. CULLEN The tollowing resolution was adopted on the motion ot Mr. Kelly seoonded by Mr. Michael Redmond:- 'That we otter our deep sympathy to Mr. Thomas Cullen, Assistant Surveyor, on the death ot his mother, Mrs. Ellfabeth Cullen.' The Secretary expressed his personal sympathy and that ot his staff with Mr. Cullen in his bereavement.

THE lATE MRS. HYDE Mr. 0' Byrne proposed and 001. Quin seconded the following resolut10n which was adopted:- 'That the following reply trom the President ot Eire to vote of sympathy to him in the des th ot Mrs. Hyde be

1nsert~d on the Minutes ot the daY:- . 'The President wishes to thank you sincerelY for your

very kind expression ot sympathy in his recent bereavement~

THE lATE MR. THOMAS ASPLE, EX-OOUNTY OOUNOILLOR It was decided on the mot1on ot 001. Quin seconded by Mr. 0' Byrne that the following reply Wlder date 16th January 1939 from J. Asp1e, Galbally, Bree, to vote ot condolence in the death of Mr. Thomas Asple, ex-OoWlty Couno1llor, be inserted on the M1nutes of the day:- • 'Please convey my sincere thanks to the County Council

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES on my own behaU and on behalf of his other relati ves tor their kind sympathy in the death ot the late Mr. T. Asple. Also tor your own personal remarks.'


The LOrd Bishop ot Ferns wrote return10g heartiest tbanks tor the kind oongratulations and good wishes ot the Oounty Oounoillors in his app01ntment to the See of St. Aidan.

JroN'l'HLY MEETING IN APRIL It was deoided on the motion ot Mr. Corish, seoonded by Mr. Colfer, that at the monthly meeting to be held in March the Council decide whether the monthly meeting in April be held on 3rd or llth ot that month as the ordinary day ot meeting, ll}th Apr1l, is Easter Monday (Bank Holiday).

FINANCE aOMKITTEE MINUTES MEETING 20th JANUARY 1939: The Minutes ot Finanoe Committee 10 respeot ot above meeting were submitted as tollows:- ,

, t • •

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The fortni tly meeting of Flnanoe Connnlttee s held in County Council Cham , County Hall, We xford, on 20th January) 1939. Mr . D. Allen, T.D., Chairman, presided; also prOsRnt:- eaars. P. Colfer, R. Corish, W. P. Keegan, John P. Kelly,

Thomas MoCarthy, Sea.n [urphy, Sean 0' Byrne and Miss 0 I Ryan. The Secretary, Assistant Secretary, County Surveyor, County Solicitor and Rates Inspector ere in attendance. The Minutes of last meeting ere confirmed.

PAYMENTS Treasurerts Advice Note for £4757. 15. 2d was examined and signed.

RATE COLLECTION STATE OF : The follo ing is the state of Rate Collection , to date of meetlng:-

:e~rcentage of ~rant Collected! 1. P. Nolan 58·i 2. S. Gannon 57.6 3· J. Curtis 56.2 4. J. J. 0' illy 54·0 5· A. Dunne 52.9 6. • Kehoe 52.~ 7. E. J. urphy 51. 8. P. Carty 51.7 9. P. Doyle 51.7 10. J. Cummins 51.6 1I. J. Deegan 51·3 • . 12 . J . uirke 51.1 13· D. Kenny 50.9 14· I. McCarthy 50.3 15· J . Flood 47 .5 16. w. D,oy1e 46.6 17. J. J. Sinnott 42·7 18. 1. Cummins ~ Average 51.2 Peroentage oollected at oorresponding period last year was 52 .1.

POUNMGE: Under date 16th January, ~939, the following as read from lw . J. M. CurtiS, Hon . Seoretary, County • • Wexford ' te Col1 ctors:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES "I have been instructed by Rate Collectors to make application to the Finance Committee that poundage be paid to Collectors immediately they have 50 per cent and amount of half-year's arrears collected." The Secretary explained that all Colleotors bad recei ved the first interim payment of poundage fees and nine 1ere paid the second interim. Applioation for sanction in accordance lth resolution

o~ Finance Committee adopted at last meeting had recently been made to the Minister. It 1as decided to adjourn consideration of letter from Mr . Curtis pending decision of the nister on the resolu­ tion ad pted by the Finance CommIttee at last meet1ng.

SECONDARY AND VOCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP SCH~iE SCHOLAR EILEEN CARTY: The following letter under date 16th December 1938 from the Department of Education (Secondary Education Branch), 1 Hume Street, Dublin, re above student was read:- "I am directed to refer to the Department' a regulations governing the a ard of its Secondary School Scholarships, and to point out that under Rule 49 of these Regulations • for 1938-39, a pupil may benefit in the same school ~ear

from Schol~rsh1ps provided by the Department and a County 4 COWlcil to the total value of not more than £50. Eibh11s Ni Claarthaigh, a pUpil of Clocbar Lugha.id.h, onagban, ho baa qualified for the award of a Scholarship (value £15) on the results of the Intermediate Certificate Examination in 1938, has informed the Department that she holds a Scholarship (value £50) from your Council. In

vie 17 of lUle 49 referred to above, I am to inquire what amount your Council propose to pay in respect of her Scholarship in the current school year."

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr . Kelly seoonded by Mr. Murphy:-

"That the County Coun~il have no objection to Eileen Carty, Scholarship Ho14er under SecondarY and Vocat1onal Scheme receiving in add1t1on to her County Scholarship of £50 the speoial scholarsh1p of £15 awarded to her by the Department of Eduoat1on on the results of her Intermediate

Scholarship ~xamination in 1938. The County Council believe it 10uld be a hardship on this pupil 'td be deprived of the amount of the last named scholarship in the circumstanoes and are quite prepared to pay their soholarship up to the full amount." • ILLNESS OF CLERICAL ASSISTANT . In connection ith the illness of Mr. Stephen Hayes, Clerical Assistant, County Council otfioe, the following , resolution was adopted:- tt That the a.uthorities of Peamount Sanatorium be requested~ to furnish fortnightly reports as t o the progress of Mr. Stephen Hayes from the date he took up residence t the Sanatorium and to continue during the period of his illnea.s." The Secretary stated he intended employing during Mr. ) Hayes' illness Laurence Cleary, 11 Roche's ;J.'errace, Wexford, , ho had 10 years experience with Cunard White Star Line Company in Liverpool as Shorthand-typ1st and general clerk I with that firm. On the motion of r. Gor1sh , seconded by Mr. McCarthy

1t was decided that the appointment of ~o Cleary be confirmed, ages to be at the rate of £3 per week.



DANIEL SHEEHAN, _Ef$ERNOGUE I FERmI:: Thi applicant, through his Solicitor, Mr. J . J . Bolgerl Enniscatby, lthdlW his applloation t the last meeting of Finance Conmltte • !r. Kelly then explained that thl occurred through a

misunderstanding and Sheehan as still ~~lous to build his house . r • Elsee, County SolicltCir, state-d t t he cou1d not oertify that the Title was in order until sub-division had been carried out.

It W'" s decia.ed to await a further report 1n this matter from the Oounty Solicitor.

ItARrIN DOYLE, GARRYCULLEN, , farmer, appli ed for loan of £160 for house valued at £250 . The Seoretary stated that the maximum amount to h10h

1~. Doyle would be entitled ~uld be £155. On the motion of r. O' Byrne, seconded by • Kelly, it was decided to recommend the County Council to approve of loan not exoeeding this amount provided appropriate

Certitic tes are received from Assistant ~urveyor and County Sollcitor. ~

APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS : James Doyle, Garryhasten, Clonegal,, Labourer, applied for loan of £70 on house valued • at £170. r,fhe Secretary stated that the maximum loan in this case would be £85 . It as decided to refer this application to Mr. Ronan, County Councillor, and provided his inquiries evoked s is­ f otory inform t1on, a loan not exceed1ng £70 be agreed to, provided the appropriate oertifioates are reoeived from Assistant Surveyor and County Solicitor.

. . .- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES app11ed for loan of £150 on house valued at £230. The Seoretary stated that the maximum amount of loan in this oase QuId be £135. It was deoided to re:rer the app11o!.t,1on to ] r.

oCarthy, County Counoillor, ~or invest1gation and report.

EDWARD BANVILLE. HAYTOw.t~, : Mr. Elgee submitted letter under date 16th January 1939 from Mr. Banville, -' withdrawing his decision not to proceed with the erect10n of his house. He explained that he as no in a position to proceed with the work and in consequence ould ask the Council to oanoel bis refusal to acoept loan. It 1as deoided to agree to w. Banville's request.

~NIEL SULLIVAN J BALLYELlAND J DA VI DSTOWN : In th1s case, the loan a :ror £130 and Surveyor's value of house at £220

had been a~eed to. The applicant now applied for additional loan and on re-inspeotion by Mr. Cullen, ASSistant Surveyor, the value of the house was raised to £260. The maximum amount to which the applioant auld be entitled, auld be £165, or £35 additional on the original amount • .w. Kelly proposed and Mr. MoCarthy seconded the r follow1ng~ resolution blch was adopted:-

II That, 1n 1 v1ew of the f1gure of re-valuat1on of house of Daniel Sull1van, Ballyelland, Davidstown, the loan to him be increased to £165."

NICHOlAS BREEN) K~:y.,OGGY, F ~: In conneotion with the

report t t this applioant r~d set his house to a member of the Garda, correspondence s read from applioant inoluding the following letter under date 12th January, 1939:- \ "I received a letter from you some time ago, hioh I sho\'/ed to Guard Englis . He told me that he oould not © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES leave the House a he could get no other. I live 1n the house occasionally but I am not prepared to live there

permanently yet. I got permi a10n f~o County Council to take the Guard and his f mily in a 10 ers. He is a

good tenant, and BS it is e senti 1 to l~ve fires ligbted in the house) I ould be grateful if the County Councl1 were satisfied to let matters s,t n a. they are at present." The Secretary st ted he had written to r. Breen under date 17th January, 1939, askin him to for rd copy of -' letter from County Council giving him permission to take in lodgers. So tar no reply bad been received. It was decided to adJourn further consideration of the m tter until next meeting.

The following memorial in connection ith flooding of

above ~ was submltted:- "During winter months every yeex' it frequently happens that no motor-car or horse-drawn vehicle can use main Boolavogue- onsmolin road owing to depth ot ater in river­ bed across the road. For.. some years past school children and people golng to ass have had to return home as the existing footbridge , as perlodically flooded and impassable.

• On fiV~ Sundays this inter all the members of ten families missed Mass as the footbridge was flooded. FifteEll school children ere unable to attend school on twelve

occasions during October, November, and Decemb~r. We, the undersigned, regard the question of a bridge across the road, as a most urgent one. At this point the road ay is sufficiently ide to enable a bridge to be erected,

leaving an open space at one 8 de. Slgned:- Laurence Allen, C.C., Boolavogue. Henry Armstrons, N.T., Boolavogue.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Michael Gahan, Barmona. Patrick Donohoe, Tomnaboley. Thomas Martin, Clone. Patrick Cullen, heendarrig. James Breen, Clone.

William aurpby, Clone. ff .- . The County Surveyor state-d that there was no doubt t lat the oompl.a.lnt 1n the memorial as Justified and some­ thing would have to be done to obviate the flooding. It was decided that the County Surveyor furnish detailed report to next meeting ot Finanoe Committee.

~PLICATION FOR R OVAL OF SHRUBS • Under date 9th January, 1939, Patriok Kavana.gh, Camteigue, , wrote a.sking for permission to remove from around r.d.s labourer's cott.. ga al'ld allotment, shrubs,

(t 0 sycamore and one larch tree ) in hedgero hlch he stated rere of no use for any purpose exoept fuel, 1n fact, t ey w re practloally a nuisanoe. He had applied to the Sergeant, Garcla Siochana., Wnclody, and s told he ould have to get permission from the County Council. It as pointed out that the matter was really one for

• t the Board of Health d it was deoided to forward copy of letter and felling notice to that body •


nder date lOth January, 1939, the Department of Looal Government and public Health wrote (RU/205/l09/S) that for

'the purpose of providing additional emplo~ent in the urban district of Ne Ross through the medium of road and footpatt

orks, a SUpplemental grant of ~1397 he,d been allocated, subject to a looal contribution of £193. Total for Saheme

£1590. The County Surveyor st ted he had communicated th

the To m Clerk, Ne Ross, in the matter. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES /

·OTOR TAX OFFIOE The following letters ere read from the Department of Looal Government and Publio Health:- "I am direoted by the "1nister for Local Government and Public Health to refer to your letter of the 15th instant, relative to the proposal to employ Mes srs. Thomas Water and r eha-el Kirwan upon the ork of motor registra.tion and licensing, and to state that, in the oiroumstanoes, no

objection ill be I' lsed to the proposal. -- I am directed by the 1niste~ tor Local Government

~ and Public Health to refer to your letter of the 5th lnstant, and enolosure, relative to the extra. clerical

as istance r~quired in conneotion with the ork of motor

registration and le.oensing during the pre sent- I~rush" period, and to state that, in th Circumstances, no obJeotion 1s

seen to the employment ot ·Ir. James E. Sinnott. II ; In connection 11th the supply of 3.000 Local Taxation Index Cards, quota t1ons were received trom the People,

Viexford, at £2. 14. 6d and owne & olan Ltd., Nassau Street, Dublin, at £3. 2. 6d• On the motion of • O'Byrne, eeonded by .Mr. Colfer, the tend.er of the Peopl was accepted. On the motion of lr. Colfer seoonded, by • O'Byrne,

/ it ras decided that the "pronto" 2 Drawer Card Index / • Cabinet s supplied to Wioklo , Tipper ry and other County f ~{ '" Councils by reBSrS. Browne & Nolan, Ltd., laSSQU Street, Dublin, at £1. 17. 6d eaoh, be aocepted.

URBAN DElfA~ DS The folIo ing at tement of the indebtedness of the Urban CounCils bmitted:-

~nni§cQrth.t : Dile to 31st ~arch 19)8 £1572. 19. 0 Du.e to 30th September 1938 £1201. 6. 3 £3474. 7. 3·

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES New oss: Pa.id 1n full to December last. WeJQ:ord: P d in full to March 1938. Due - one quarter - to end of September 1938 £1942· • -cO thy e lained that in connection ith the Enn1scortby district the Rat Colleotor had been 1n default on r ther a large sum and at the moment 1 t as impossible for the Urban Council to effect any arrangement to meet the demands of the County Councll. The tter, ho ever, would not be lGst slght of.

GOR TOWN CO ISSIONl!:R AND DANG ~OUS PRpq;SES'. Under te 7th January, 1939, the following s read ix-om the Clerk, Gorey To Oommiss1oners:- "I am directed by my Commiss1oners to apply to your , ouncll for report on dereliot prem1ses in ain Street, Gorey, owned by iobard 11 tney, Kilmicnael, Gorey. T ese premises are in a very bad state at the moment, and my Commissioners conSider the matter 1 one of extreme urgency. I The SecJ::,eta.ry stated that r. Elgee, County Solic1tor, had informed the, 'rown Clerk that the County CounCil had no responsibility in this matter.

District SUperintendent, Garda ioohana., Gorey, wrote under date 19th January, 1939, that several children were to appear before the D1strict Court in Gorey on Friday,

27th J anuary, 1939, and 1 t 19,s poss1ble three of the four of them might be committed to Artane Industri 1 School. Their ages ranged from 11 to 14 years. terred to County olicitor. The District Court Clerk, , wrote under date 17th January, 1939> stating that applioation ould be made on 24th January for committal to St. Aidan's Industrial © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ohool, lew oss, of Teresa Kenny, 10~ years old,

illegiti ate child of Annie Kenny a Charletcn Hill, New Ross. lietened to


Quotation of easrs. J. English & Co., Qu.ay, \Vexford, tor binding minutes or County Council for 1938 at £1. 5. 0

'I S accep ted.

ARCRlTECTUJ; b; ITION BYS j!; Oorrespondenoe en read from the Hon . Secretary of the

Architeotural GrRduates t Assooiation, 34 Dame Street, Dublin, asking the Oounty Oouncil as regards the ereotion of publio buildings to adopt the system of having architectura.l oompetition, aeleotlon to be made by Archi tects t aokno ledged standing. It as decided to make no order •

f! /I


The following resolutlon was adopted on the motlon of Mr. Oolfer, seconded by Mr. Xelly:- .- IThat the M1nutes of Finance Commlttee in respect of meetlng held an 20th January 1939 be received and oonsid­ ered.'

TOMNABOLEY RIVER: Mr. Ennis, Assistant Surveyor, sald that the leyel of the bridge bad been fenced and 11' this

~ was cleared and the r1ver cleaned up it would take a lot 01' water. There should be a br1dge at the place. The Chairman said they should try and deal with suoh cases yearly and 1n this way they would be all covered in a short time. Mr. Ennis sald there was an alternat1ve road wh1ch would mean only a mile 01' a detour. It would oost about £400 to have a new br1dge erected there. He thought 1t was up to the people themselves to do something. He would do wbat he could to help them. The matter dropped.

DANGEROUS PRmISES IN OOREY MAIN STREET: The County Surveyor said he . bad inspected the place in company w1 th Mr. otByrne, County Counclllor. He understood the Town 00DlD1ss10ners were to get in touch with Messr•• O'Connor & 00., Solioltors, to obtain part1culars they were to supply to him (County Surveyor) but he had not heard anything fUrther up to the present.

On the motion 01' Mr. Colter, seoonded by Mr. Corish, the tollowing resolut1on was adopted:- IThat Minutes of Finanoe Oommittee of 20th January 1939 as submitted to this meet1ng be, and the same are, hereby confirmed and approved except in so tar as same may have been altered or amended by resolution adopted at this meeting. I


=K=EET::::.:I:::::N~G~=-=...:j:.:iEB~RU:o:.;;;ARY;.=...::IoI~ : The M1nu tes ot th1s meet1ng were submitted as tollows:-



The fortnightly meeting of Finance Committee was held in County Council Chamber, County Hdl, Wexford, on 3rd February 1939. present:- r. D. Allen, T.D. (Chairman) presiding; also, essrs. P. Colfer, • P. Keegan, John P. Kelly, Thomas cCartby, Sean !Urphy, Sean O' Byrne and Miss 0' Ryan. The Secretary, Assistant Secretary, County Surveyor, County Solicitor and Rates Inspector ere also in ttendanoo.

I The lnutes of last ~eeting ere confirmed.

PA TS Treasurer's Advice ate for £4971. 14. 5d, was examined and signe-d.

RATE COLLECTION STATE OF: The following gives the state of Rate Collectioti t date:- Eercentage amounts cQlleoted to date. 1. P. Nolan 59.2 2. S. Gannon 58.0 3. J. Curtis 57·5 4. J. J. O' illy 56.4 5. D. Kenny 55. 2 6. P. Doyle 55·1 7. M. Kehoe 54·7 8. A.' Dunne 54·3 9 • E. J. Murphy 54. 2 10. J. Quirke 53.6 11. J. Deegan 52.8 12. P. Carty 52·5 13. J. Cummins 52 .3 / 14. W. Doyle 51.6 15. J. Flood 51·4 16. • oCarth3 50.6 17. • Cummins 45.0 J 18. J. J. Sinnott M& / I Average 53.2 . The oollection • 9 10 er than at the corresponding period last year.

POUNDAGE: The following letter under date 24th January

1939 (G.2732-39 Loch Garman) ~as read from the Department of tooal Government and Publio Heal th.:-


" ith reference to your letter of the 17th instant requ sting sanction to second interim payment of poundage tee to Collector s ho reached the r equired standard by the 28th January, 1939, I am directed by the Minister for Loo 1 Government and Public Health to state that there bas been .- no application of this nature received from other Counti s . An extension of one month bas lre dy been given bloh s ample to g1ve the Collectors an opportunl ty of lodging the amounts required. It has been noted from the Rate Col lec- tlon Returns that three Collectors who at the end of ovember bad less than 50 lodged were able to bring their

~ colI ctions up to 55% or over t the end of December nd t t in one case an improvement of 10% was effected. The aver ge collection throughout the country on the 31st ultimo as an improvement on the collection on 31st December 1937. At the latter date Wexford County was ver y . slightly above the average for the country but has Sine fallen belo the average. The Minister in these circumstances sees no r a on to justify the further exten ion proposed but on the under- tanding that no further application can be enter tained he ill raise no objection to the second interim payment bei ng now made t o the Collectors ho lodged the required amounts by t e 7th instant. " The Secret -y stated that payments of second interim had been m de to:- Col lectors Nolan, Gannon, O'Reilly, Kenny, Dunne, E. J. urphy, Kehoe, CurtiS, and P. Carty. Th following bad re ched the required standard, but I not t the given date:- Collectors QUirke, P. Doyle, Deegan, J. Cummins, w. D yle d Flood. The fol10 ing had not yet qualified:- - Collectors • cCarthy, • Cummi ns nd J . J . Sinnott. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES I

Proposed by Mr . oCarthy, seoonded by Mr. OIByrne and adopted:- IIThat the Finance Comm1ttee of exford County Council, having oons1dered letter from the Department of Looa1 Government d Pub11c Health under date 24th January 1939, - No. G.2732/39 Loch Garman, request the M1n1ster for Looal Government and Public Health to agree to the following proposal:- Payment of full Poundag to the fol10 ing Collectors ho have reached the required standard for 2nd interim payment as folIo s :- J. Quirke 18th January 1939 P. Doyle 19th January 1939 J. D egan 9th January 1939 J. Cummins 14th January 1939 \1. Doyle 31st January 1939 J. Flood 2nd February 1939. Tha t payment of Poundage le s a defer of 3% be made to the following Colleotors when they reach the required stan rd, this defer to be re-1nstated 1n each case should the arrants be satisfactorily olosed:- M. McCarthy, \1. Cummins~ and J. J . Sirmott."

T ORARY RATE CLERK : James Sinnott, Ne town, Clonev. n, was aelcted as _temporary Rate Clerk (Gorey Area.) as

~ecommended by the Chairman and Mr. W. P. Keegan.

FOOD AND DRUGS ACT - A~pITmONAUNSPECTORS The follo ing under date 27th January 1939 (Div. Ref. 61/39) was read from Chief Superintendent, Garda Siochana., V1exford :- "I lsh to bring to notice the position obtaining in res.rd to the enforcement of the Food & Drugs Acts in the County of Wexford. As a. result of correspondence received

by me from different Superlnten~s, from t1me to time © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES relative to t large are s hioh the several ex-officio Inspectors ot Food & Drugs were responsible for, I found It necessary to inquIre fully into the matter ith the result that I am very strongly inclined to the opinIon that 1n the best Intere t of the enforcement of the e Acts a number of additIonal appointments i very essential. At the present time we have ight (8) ex-officio In pectors in th Oounty d they are enforcing the Acts in their respective areas as folIo s:- ( 1) Garda. F. o'Toole, 967, Wexford - exford Urban and Rural; Castlebrldgej ; Rosslare Pier and lllurin u Districts. ( 2) Garda J. Grimes, 3604, Bald insto - Baldwinstown; Kl1more Quay and Tagnmon Sub-Districts.

Garda. • DwYer J 4597, New Ros s - Ne Ro ss ; Bally:­ illiam and Carrickbyrne Sub-Districts.

Garda J. artin # 5336, Ballyoullane - Ballycullane; Carrig-on-Sanno; Campi1e; Duncannon and Fethard-on-Sea Sub-Districts. Garda P. O'Donn 11, 3862, - Enniscorthy; Ferns; Killanne and Sub-Distriots. ( 6) Garda F.cLoughlin, 4581, Blackwater - Black ster; and Oylegate Sub-Districts. ( 7) Garda J. ordan, 3707) Gorey - Gorey; . Camo1in; Harbour i Clone van ; and Cool eaney Sub-vistricts.

( 8) Garda F. Healy, 2833, unclody - Bunclody Sub-DisT~""'-_ "

~e result of my examination of the position convinces me that 1n most c ses the areas allotted to eaoh ex-officio are tar too unwieldly to permit of effective enforcement of' the Aots and no better l1ocation can be effected Without making additional ppolnt ents. This is made more manIf~

since the Free lk Scheme became operati e as the obtal~ of necessary Samples from Free ilk Suppliers has, in a number of oases, necessitated tr veIling at a very e ly hour in the morning to these residences (only place of delivery) sometimes situate a distance of 13 or 14 miles from t e ex-officiols Station.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Thus, apart from ensuring a more effective enforcement of the Acts, by appoint1ng more ex-officio Inspectors, it will not be otherwise possible to avoid travelling expenses in the performance of the Duty. While the appointment of the new members ill avoid any claims for travelling expenses as the area can be so divided to more than eight miles (approx.) from the respective oentre& I am, therefore, to reoommend that your Counoi1 would appoint the fo1lo ing new members in addition to those already acting:- , 1. Garda Charles Hely, 833, Ro slare Pier Station. 2. Garda Bernard J. Toner, 6510, Killurin Station. 3. Garda Laurence Lennon, 3085, Carrickbyrne Station. 4. Garda Richard Cotter, 4890, Killanne Station. 5. Ge.rda Ed rd Barry, 4201, Ferns Station. 6. Garda Edward Rafter¥, 6562, COUI'town Harbour. The only expense involved by your sanction is the • provision of usualU t for the six members, and I can con­ ..,.. tident1y assure your Council that this comparatively little expense will be Wisely utilized in the best interests of • efflclency~ InCidentally, it ill obviate more expense which cannot other i e be longer avoided in many instances , due t o travell1ng long distances in inclement eather. The usual half-yearly requisitions tor equipment will ndt show much, if any increase, and pendIng next issue ot such • eqUipment I c arrange that the Duty can be proceeded with by distributing the eqUipment in possession of those members alreadY appOinted. I auld request that each member be· appOinted for the County so that in the event of transferstak1ng effeot within the County a new appointment will not be neoessary." Mr . Kelly proposed and Mr. Oolfer seconded the follow­ ing resolution hich was adopted:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES "That the County Council be reoommended to a.ppoint the follo ing members of the da Sioohana. (as requested by

the Chief SUperintendent, Garda Sl 0 chana) as Inspeotors nder Food and Drugs Acts fer the adm1nlstr tlve County of Wexi'ord:- Garda. Charle Hely (Rosslare Pie:b); Garda Bernard J. Toner (Killurin); Garda. Laurence Lennon (Carrigbyrne); Garda. Richard Cotter(Ki1lanne); Garda Ed d Barry (Ferns) and Garda Ed ard Rattery (Courtown

Harbour) • tt


.::.;.;.,;:;.;;;o,;-=~-=o;;...... =L=I.ANN-==E: Under date 20th January 1939. this appllo t wrote to • Elgee, County Solic1tor, that ' he could not give an undertaking that he ould be able to complete the bu.lldillg of his house by 31st aroh, but ould 1 te again in 9 or 10 day • t1me. the County Sol1citor aid he had not heard anything sinoe from • Carl'. No order. , , CLONHAS 0 » CLONE GAL : Letter as submitted

to the meeting f~om Local Councillor that James Doyle was labourer ith a famil1 and held about five acre of 1 d. He d14 not appear to have money to spare end it was

beli~ved it would be diffioult for ith the amount of loan and grant un1es he s able to prooure financial aid from some other source. It s suggested that he be written to and asked 1hat the propo ad house ould cost and also it he was in a position to supplement from his own resouroes the amount he ould reeelve from Local Government Department and fro County Council. The Secretary at ted he was writtng to Doyle as suggested.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES T e Chairman mentioned that applicant was a s 11

far er a.nd ould get site and gravel tree. He s 1 0 prepared to put his own la.bour into the erection of the - -house.

It . s dec~ded to adjourn the tter to County Council me 'ting of 13th Febru y 39 when applicant.s reply Quld b considered.

ICHOLAS N, KILLCGGY, ~S: This applicant forwarded letter from County Council offices under date 1st June 1937 in which it stated that the County Council ould raise no objection to hi taking 1n a Oivic Guard d his family s lodgers.

The follo~1ng resolution .s adopted on the 30t10n of I Mr. O'Byrne, seconded by iss 0' an:- ItThat Nicholas Breen, Kill ggy F rns, be called upon

by ~. J. Elgee, County olicitor, to res1de in the house which s ereoted by h1m under the Small Dwellings Acquisition ..Acts." , • DOYLE , GURT • INCH: he County Solicitor

reported ne bad,written on 21st January a. ing ·~rs . Doyle if 61e intended proceeding Ith her applio t10n, and had poi ted out that the house hould be oompleted by 31st • ""'ch next • No reply d been received from her to the . present.

DANIEL SULLIVAN. : The Secretary sta.ted, under dat 27th J uary 1939, he had itten to the Dep tment asking for the sanction of the !lnlster to the

d i tional £35 blah the Council had gr d to a.dvance in

thl ca.se, owing to incres. in V lue of house oert1f1ed by As istant Surveyor.

SANe ION TO LOANS : Under date 19th January 1939, the Department of Local Government and publio Health ot

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES (H. 30008/2/38) Mctioning advance of £95 to An dre Bowne, Clone-mona, Craantord, and £100 to Catherine and Patrick FlYnn, B llindoney, .

AG . The Finance Committee recommended the County Counc1l to gree to advanoes ot £145 to each ot the follow1ng pplicants:- Ed ard Kelly, Ballynadar , EnnisoaDthy. Ann Foley, Borrmount, Ennisoorthy'. Arthur Doyle, Killagoley, nnlscorthy.

APPLICATION FOR LOAN : Thomas l{urray, Sleedagh, Ballyoogle: farmer (oocupier of 23a. 2 roods) applied for loan of £120 on house valued at £200 . I The Secretary stated that £ 120 as the mayJUnum mount

which could be advanced in respect ot this application. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of 'Mr . urpby, seconded by r. Ke11y:- Tnat the County Council be recommended to advanoe to Thomas ray, Sleedagh, allyoogley, a sum not exceeding , £120 under Small Dwellings Acqui ition Acts, this propos 1

to be BubJect to the s etlon of the ~lnister for Local Government and public Health."

• It!ARY ANNE PENDER, BLACKSTOOPS, INNISCORTIiY : Mr. Elgee COWlty Sollc1tor,sald that this woman, against hom a decree had been obt ined for a large sum for arrears of instal1ents of loan, had been paying 10/- per eek up to three ;reeks ago w en her husb3.nd wasd semployed. The latter s going to England to rel tives of his wite to seek ork and his ite now sought permission to let the house tor a short time, she continuing to pay the 10/ per eek. He recommended the accept nce ot the proposal. r. 0' Byrne pl'OpO ed and Mr. cCarthy seoonded the

follo 'ing resolution h1ch s adopted:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES "Th~t) 1n vie'[ of' the report to this meetl.ng by County Soliol tor, the County Council be l'ocotnmended to a1lo Mrs .

Pender to let house erected by h~r under Small Dwellings

" Acquisition Acts for a lLmlted period S 1e consider the circumstances 1n this case exceptiona.l. 1t Mr. ,{cCarthy aa.id. there as a likelihood of thl house being old in hich event the total amount due on foot of Loan advanoed by the County Council ould b repaid.

Y BREEN, BOOLABA VIDSTOVIN: It was reported by Looal Councillor that this applicant , 1ho pplied for loan of £135, held only three small tielns. Her son s farm labourer and as unemployed. There s also another , ,

I ughter and a younger on in the family. She w s in

receipt ot small British my Pension but it did not ppear she ould be 1n a position to PS otf loan under the Small Dwellings Aoquisition Acts. I t was decided to reoomend trs. Breen to apply 1"or a labowrerls cottage.


Under date 24th J8nuary 1939, the Seoretary, Dep ~~mA~_

of Looal (lcv~r·Ul..13nt and Public Health YI'l"ote (P.H.68/11/39 - , . Loch Garman So) t t the in! ter d de an Order termin­ ating the 11spension of Dr. Bastlble as from that date

(24th January 1939) and directing t t the I' maner tion J . whioh Dr. Beatibl ould hay received dUring the period of hi suspension if he hE.. d not been suspe \d.ed should be , , wholly fox'tei ted. Under dat 25th January 1939 tIt follo ng letter (No. P.H.68/l1/39 - Loch Garman So) s roead from the Department of Local Government and Public Heal th.:-

.. Wi th reference to the Depa.rtment's letter ot yester-

day"S date, I am d1rected by the Minister for Local

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Government and publio Health to for I'd, here i th, for the information of the Wexford County C unoil, duplicate of an Order rna e by him on the 24th 1nstant terminating the sus­ pension of Dr. C. Bastible fron the office of County 'edios1 Officer of Health for Wextcr d County and directing

tr~t the remuneration hich Dr. Bastihle ould have receiv.ed during the period of his sus enslon, lf he had not been suspended, shall be wholly forfelted. n

The following under ~ te 1st Fe'bruary 1939 (P .H. 68/12/ 39 Loch Garman Sc) s read fro D tment of Local. Goverrunent and Pu.blic Health:- "With reference to the Department-s letter ot the 25th ,... , ultimo~ I am direoted by the inleter ~dr Local Govornment and public Health to request w.t the r/extcr d County Couno:ll may take immediate steps for the filling of the va.canoy 1n

• the po 1tIon of County Uedio ~ Offioer ot Health oonsequent on the resignatIon of Dr. C. stible. For this purpose the Council should, in the first instanoe, fix the ... remun ration to be attaohed to that post and tran8~t partioulars thereat to this Offio for the inisterts approva.l. n he following resolution as adopted on the motion ot Mr. Kelly seconded by Mr . O'Byrne :- "That the Oounty Council be reconunended to tix remuneration of 1nooming edioal Officer ot Health as follo s:- Salary £800 per annum. Looomotive expenses up to £200 maximum. The candidate apPOinted must 1l8.ve some years experJen::'e as edioal Officer in ractioe.

Tl t ~ge limit should be from 30 to 45. That canc11dates must have gr ated in Ireland. Preference for knowledge of Irish. n

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES VALUATION BILL 1938 The following under da.te 3rd February 193

I think that the e autie are practically the same as e t present in force. The cost ot the General V u tion i to be borne by the Local Authorities, at oost estlm ted at 2~d in the Pound on the total V lUations exolusive of Lands. Th cost of the Annual Revision is to be borne by the Local u horities at the rate of 2/Sth of One penny in the £, on the Total Valuation, inoluding Lands. The tunds payable by the Locel Authorities are to be ra.ised by means of the Rate out ot hioh 1'e datI' yed the e enses of such ting Authority in meeting the demands of the Local Authori t.y oharged i th the Adm1nistration of the enactments reI ting to the relief of the poor." . The Secretary stated that according to present figures

t~e contribution of the Counoil to the cost of the General Valuation oul be £1100 and the cost of annual revision es imated at £675.

The tollo ing resolution 1B.S adopted on the motion of

iss O' Ryan econded by • McCarthy :-

flThat as resar~s cost of administration set out in / I Valuati6n~ 1938 the Finance Committee .are of op1nion { . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES that ld ·in the £ on the valuation of other hereditaments should be an ample contribution for the General Valuation

I I and they also oonsider that the present cost at the annual

revision of valuation~ viz., £195, should cover this 1Ork . "

, I •

The Chairman proposed d tr. Colfer econded the following resolution blch as adopted:- That the County Council be recommended to nominate the County Surveyor to ubmlt evidenoe to the Drainage Connni sion.

COUNTY COUNCIl. INSURA~CES The fello ing resal tion as adopted on the motion of

I r. 0' yrne, seoonded by r. cCarthy:-

~T t the County Surveyor invite quotations for Insurances of Oounty Council under Employers' Liability and :for T ird Party risk. That the small items of

insurance for fire, etc. be rene~ed on the ame terms as bt ined for year 1938-39 provided the County Surveyor considers the pre lum figures reasonable.' . It was also decided t t canvassing the members of the Council as resards ccept oe of any particular quot tion • ill be re ded s a disqualification.

SEOON MiD YQOATIO L SCHOI.J\R.SHIP SOH !E / he :follo ing applicmtions under bove Soheme rere - I submitted:-

Blake Alice, , Co • ~exford. Conlan, Peter, 20 Upper John Street, Wexford.

Coady Walter ~ Ard na Greina, New Ro " Carty 11atthe Francis, 6, Upper Bride Street, 1exford. Creane Francis Dom1nie, 48, White Roek Vie, Wexford. I , Oorlsh Ed d, 10 Robert Street, New Ros • olas Victor, r1nity, T gamone

e1, KAlvernaH, Jobnts Road, Wexford. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Ennis lilllam Fe er, 13 Grogan f sad, 7exford. F1ngleton Patrick, Shannon, EnniBcorthy. French Sean, hanno Hill, Ennlseorthy. Gleeson Ellen, Taula.ught, allyeullane.

Ke oe Paul, 16 Hi .I. treet, \'ext d. Ka.vanagh Riel I'd Joseph, Kl1caV'n Upper, Gorey. Keatin Anne y, Kilmore Q.uay, rexford. Kelly Anne Teresa, Ralpl town, Bridgetown, Wexford. Kelly Catherine Teresa, Upper Jom Street, Wexford. eCormack .argaret ary, Drimma, Rosslere Stran

iurp . Annle, Bally-dB. 'I, : shalsto 1 Ennlseorthy.

Ul1>by rl .id ~11~ beth, till inson, Glynn, Co . exford.

'urpl iie ~el Joseph, Carley's Bridge, Ennlseorthy.

I lolan La;rTenee, 6) .1 edoond Street, Enniseortb;y. U Lionain, Ce.1rbre, 13 lIe Caollte, Cuil Grenine,Gua1re U Lionain, Fl ere, do . do.

'0' ourke Mark Anthony~ . 6 Upper Klng Street, lexford. O·.vonnell !.!lcls Kevin, The Fort, Duncannon, rexford. otGorman~ France ary Te esa, The Hills, Wexford. \ O'Keeffe ary, Clonroche, Co . ~xford. O'Leary Katherine Josephine, 1 St. da.' s Terrace, ;rexford.

O'Rafferty Mary, Coolgr'eany, Inch, Co . Wexford. Pierce John Francis, 7 St. John's Villas, Ennisoorthy.

eynolds Gerald R1chard, 25 ~cS eeney Street, Wexford • . \ . oche Thoma, St. John's oad, lexford. oche Thom s Joseph, 7 Davitt Road, ?Ferler d. Ryan Annie Philomena, Mulm1ntra, . Sadler W1lliam, Columba· s V1l1 s, \7e:x1'ord. Synnott Ro er Alphonsus, " ount John, Gro 's R d, erlord. Stafford n111iam) ride Place, exford. leVin ?nomas, Jo Street, Me Ross.


Underwood Thomas Joseph, 67 South! in St., exford.

~all J es, 1 Irish Street, Bunolody. \alsh amuel Joseph, 18 Court Street, nnlscorthy.

~ilson Edward, John Street, He Ross. (1.u.l(,l.LUx.. In the case of Nioholas Vieto nn ,Trinity, Taghmon, as the limit of Inoome according to the Soheme for five children is £310 and the income of parents in this c se s given as £320 the app11cation was retu ed. In the case of Willi m Peter EnniS, 13 Grogants Road, 1exford, as t e limit ot income according to the scheme for

t 0 children 1 £270 end the means of p ents ere set out at £310 the applic tion was refused. In the ea e of ancea M ry T. 0 1 Gorman. The HillS, I Wexford, the eans of parents were not stted as the child had lived for a number of years th her grandfather, who had filled the form of ap lieation. The Committee decided that as the parents were alive the form of applies. tion should be filled up by them md that the Council would recognise the authority of Guardi ns \ only in cases in hieh parents ere deoeased. It wa.s deoided t t pplioation of Ellen Gleeson, Talaught, B llycullane be accepted although not lodged

unti~ 2nd February 1939. In the c se of y Graham, Gurteen, Inch, the Chairman said t t the father of this girl bad some difficulty in obtaining a birth cert1ficate and bad held over the form until he had ecured this certificate. It a decided to recommend the Counoil to accept this ap lication provided it c e to hand pr10r to County C -meeting on lj'th Fe ruary 1939.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL SECONDARY & VOCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME 1939 The following is a list of applicants under above Scheme:- , Abbreviations: C(Children); I(Income); V(Valuation). Blake,Alice,Kilmore Quay,Co.Wexford. C.l. 1.£70. Fisherman. Conlan,Peter,20,Upper John Street,Wexford. C.2. 1.£170. Joiner. Coady,Walter,Ard Na Greine,New Ross. C.8. 1.£256. Sergt.Garda Siochana. Carty,Matthew Francis, 6, Upper Bride Street,Wexford. C.l. 1£150. Lightshipman. Creane,Francis Dominic,48,White Rock View,Wexford. C.5. I~£120. Plasterer. Corish,Edward,lO,Robert Street,i'Jew Ro ss. C.5. 1.£300. District Court Clerk.

De vereux,Nicholas Victor,~rinity,Taghmonn C.5. 1.£292. (Mother, Natlonal Teacher) (Father, Hackney Car O wner~

Devereux, Michael, "Alverna"John 1 s Road,Wexford. C.2. 1. £150. Tailor. Ennis, William Peter, 13, Grogan's Road, YV'exford. C.2. 1.£310. Clerk (Limit income 2 children £270) (applicant £310. ) , Fingleton,Patrick,Shannon,Enniscorthy. C.9. 1.£224. Civic Guard. French,Sean,Shannon Hill,Enniscorthy. C.}. 1.£104. Army Pensioner. Gleeson, Ellen, Taulaught, Ballycullane. C.5. I.nil. ~nemployed. (received 2nd February). Kehoe,Paul,16 High Street, Wexford. C.5. 1. £156. Fruiterer. Kavanagh, Richard,Joseph, Kilcavan Upper,Gorey. C.4. 1.£26:10: Ode Labourer. Keating,Anne,Mary, Kilmore Quay, County Wexford. C.l. 1.£80. Carpenter. . . , Kelly,Anne Teresa,Ralptown,Bridgetown,County Wexford. C.4. 1.£78. V.£19 :10: Ode Farmer . ... Ke lly,Ka therine,Teresa, Upper John Street,Wexford. C.5. 1.£223: 6 :10d. Home Assistance Officer. McCorrnack, Margaret Mary,Drimma,Rossla re Str and. C.3. 1.£50• Widow. Murphy Annie, Ballydaw, Marshalstown, Enniscorthy. C.3. 1.£70. Agricul tural Labourer.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES -2- Murphy, Brigid, Elizabeth, YVilkinson, Glynn, County Wexford. C.3. I.£.160. V.£49 . Farmer. Murphy,Michael,Joseph,Carley's Bridge,Enniscorthy. , C.6. I.£156. Mill Worker. Nolan,Lawrence,6,Redmond Street,Enniscorthy. C.5. I.£50. Labourer. Ua Lionain Fiacre Baile Caoilte,Cul Greine,Guaire. C.7. I.£212. Irish Teacher. Ua Lionain Cairbre,Baile Caoilte,Cul Greine,Guaire. C.7. I.£212. Irish Teacher. 0'Rourke,Mark,Anthony,6,Upper King Street,Waxford. C.3. I.£260. Traveller. O'Donnell,Francis,Kevin,The Fort, Duncannon. C.6. I.£130: 7:10d. Pensioned Lighthousekeeper. O'Gorman,Frances,Mary,Teresa,The Hills,Wexford. C.4. I.£120. V. £12. Agent Singer Sewing Machine Co.

O'Keefe, Mary,Clonroche,County Wexford. I C.l. I.£19:10: Ode Labourer. O'Leary,Katherine,Josephine,l,St. Enda's Terrace,Vexford. 0. 7. I.£200. Poor Rate Collector. O'Rafferty, Mary,,Inch,County Wexford. C.5. I.£185. V. £13 . Shopkeeper. Pierce,John,Francis,7,St.John's Villas,Enniscorthy. C. 9 . I.£243. Linotype Operator. Reynolds,G\;rald,Richard,25, MacSweeney Street, Wexford. C.3. I. £150. Fitter. Roche,Thomas,St. John's Road,Wexford. C 3. I . £150. Steward. Roche,Thomas,Joseph,7, Davitt Road, Wexford. C.7. I.£156. Iron Moulder. Ryan, Annie, Philomena, Mulmintra, Taghmon. C. 9. I . £180. V. £56. Farmer. Sadler,William,Columba's Villas, Wexford. C. 4. I.£195. Postman.

Synnott, Roger Alphonsus, " r~ount John" Grogan's Road , Wexf ord. C.5. I.£260. Join e r~ Stafford, William,Bride Place ,Wexford. C.7. I. £182. Motor Driver.

Slevi~,Thoma s,John Street,New Ross . - C. 6. I. £300. Driver Underwood, Thomas , Joseph, 67, South Main Street,Wexford. C.3. I.£210. V. £20. Shopkeeper.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES -3- Wall,James,1,1rish Street,Bunclody,County Wexford. C. 3. I.£78~ V. £lO . Unemployed Baker.

Walsh,Samuel,Joseph,18,Court Street; Euniscorthy. , C.4. 1.£234. Solicitor's Assistant. 11ilson,Edward,John Street,New Ross. C. 4. 1.£100. Boot Merchant.




© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES VARBLE FLY ( T he folIo ing resolution s adopted on the motion of r. Kelly seeonde by lss 0' y :- lat re ree mmen,d the ppointment of the folIo 1ng temporary"" arble Fly Inspectors for season 1939 on the same

terms and conditions as obtained in 1938 t vlz.:- S lary £2. 10. 0 per eek plus actual cost of postage expenses:­ Area No.2 nlscorth.y: J mes Doyle, Coolree, Bal11ndagg1n osserd., ·llinda. ·n, Kiltealy, Kl11anne, Castleboro, Clonroche, The Leap, Kl1loughr and Marshals town. - (9) Area No. 3 EnnlsQoI'tbY: John lalsh, Kerelght, Ballyhogue. T e Harro, inn cross, nnlseortby ural, Enniscorthy Urban, Bree, llyhogue, Bllyhuskard. - (7). I Area fo. 4 EnniscortbY: 1111am Brien, GlentelS;Ue, Edermine. llcormack, Bo1aboy, Castle Talbot, B llyvaldon, Castle llls, Kllmallock and Edermine. (7).

Area 0, 5 Gorey: Thomas Kenny, Brldeswell, Carnew. Ingfield, Coolgre y, Limerick, Ballylark1n, Kllgor- ~ man, ..llynestragh, onaseed, l1ye1118 d Ballybeg.- (9) Area. o. 6 Gor~~: PatrIck Lawlor, Camolmn. . 1'11como, Kilnahue, Bsminogue, Huntingtown,

allyoughter, Gorey I ural, Gorey Ur n, Courtown and Ardamine (9).

Area ~o. 7 Gorey: Patrick an, Me town, Kilmuckrldge.

llycane, llygarrett, Killena, ~onamol1n, ells, Killincooley, Ford, Oahore. (8).

~re l{o. 8 New O§S: John Flynn, Bal1indoney, 11ywil:uan. Barraok Village, Templeudigan, Clonlelgh, Ballyanne, 1+ew .oas Urban, ew Ross ural, temoor, Barronstown, Adamstown d Old Ross (10). Area No.9 en Ros§: John 'orrissey, Crunrosa, Foulksm1lls. Oldeourt, ocheatown, Carnagll, Carrlgbyrne, Kl1garvan, Whitec urch, Dunmaln, and Horetown. ,(9).

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Are No. 19 New OSS: William Carty, Yolatown, BallY- oullane. , Kilmokea, Killisk, Inch, Clongaen, T1ntern, Ratbroe, Ba11yhaok, Fe tbar d, and Templetow. (9). Area o. 11 Wextord: Edward oods, '"inpford, . lynn, Kilbride, Kil1tr1n, Kil patriok, Artramon, Ardcavan, Ardcolm, Forth, Carrig, Taghmon and Whitechurch (Glynn) • (11) •

Area 0, 12 \Y.exfot:g: Patrick RoSSiter, Slevoy, Foulksmills. Dallymltty, arristown, Banno , !1~~'$-- Duncormaok, Au 1111 ,Klloo an, , Bridgetown,

1e castle and Rathaspeck. (11).

Area o. l3 WeztQr~ : Dermot E. Druhan, Lady's Island, Broaa.way. 11exford ur 1, Vextord Urban, Drinagh, Rosslare, Kil11nic, DS ass, Kllmore, Tomhag I'd, Tacumshane, Kilscoran, t, elen t and L dyls Island. (12)." On the motion of iss O. yan, seconded by Mr . OtByrne the folIo ing resolution as adopted:- "Th t, as l'egards appointment of JOM alah, Kerelght, No. 3 Distriot, the Oounty Co ncll be recommended to inform him that it he does not aho a substantial lmprove­ m nt over the number of cattl inspected under Warble Fly Order last season they 11 not continue his services as Inspector." It as ,.decided to oommunlcate lit • DaVid Creane, Ballyphilip, K~lmys 1, Clabamon, ·ho aoted during last

/ treatment period as Inspector in No . 1 Are that it he / does not notify the County Council by the 10th instant he

is prenared to ct for the coming season 1 the position w1ll be tilled.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ROADS (RURAL) 12J9/4Q Under date 31st J nuary, 1939, the Department ot Loca.l : Government and Public Health (. oads) ote (RU/206/l) that subject to the necessary funds being provided by An Dall, a ant of £7,900, subject to a local contribution of 2,800 tow rds Road ork Scheme estimated to cost . £10,700 ould be provided on the usual conditions. he County Surveyor id amount referred to in Department's letter had been already provided for.

ENID VIBWS Under te 24th January, 1939, the Dep rtment of Local

Government and Public Health (Roads) ~ote (RU/20S/32. u) I that lth resard to the allocation of grants to meet the cost of remov 1 ot obstructions to scenic vie s £135 had been allocated to County 1exfor by the Department for the

t 0 folIo in orks:- (1) emove existlng mound heoge, fence and replace ith ire fence on Road T.8 in townland of Brownswood, to

give Vi~ of ·iver Slaney • £75 .

\ (2) Remove trees adjoining road .7 No. 12 in townland

of ~ ount rett, to ve view of river lore. - £60.

he County Surveyor said tnese ere the t 0 orks he d recommended: to t e Department.


/ del' te 2}rd December 1938 the folIo ing letter was

rea from XI r. • urphy, achinery Overseer:-

II In connection it the ch1nery Y d, EnnlscOt' thy ~ ~ a -ount an value of materi 1 on hands and passing - tnrou ' t es up a large amou t of valuable time on the Blacksmit , and very otten hen he 1s engaged at giv1ng out

and c eckin stores his helper is practlc 11y idle, and S ell the records cannot be properly kept. Unless a change

I is made at the beginning of the New Year I cannot accept © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES re on lbl11ty for the tare or the records. I auld

su est t t a store-keeper be appointed who QuId ~lso kee~

reoords at all material I check invoices, time S~ ts, s 1ell as making hiffiself ganer lly useful. uoh man could

1 be got for considerably under the lacksmlth s wages,and tbe l latter lould not be 1nterupted in his ork as he is at present.'

e C unty Surveyor said that the quostion of keeping I r records oul be only part of tho duties of the new otfl~

He lould lJave good deal of other duties to 0 rry out. Tlere as no question t " t owing to tho large amount of machinel"Y and stoTes it s very necessary to have someone

, to keep in close touch -it 1 all t_ eil" equipment. If he

(County SUl~veyor) re alia d to employ man temp orarily for lim1 ted period he would see hoW' the proposal would

WOl"k out. . The attendance 0 W. O'KennedY at the ;a.chinery Ya d would cease 1n April nd he {COW'lty Surveyou' ould like to laVe someone appo1nted in the meantime. Of course, Mr. 0' ennedy's duties ere confined to writing up .. a..l1d checking m c i.t ery record but the new man ould have gre t de 1 more to do as w s pointed out in the app11ca­

tion 0 the machinery oversee~. c After d1 oussion, the folIo ing resolution as adopted'

on the motion of r. cCarthy, seconded by ~. Kelly:-

1\ That the Cou..~ty Council be reco ended to make tempor y appoln ment to the position of store-keeper to the achinery Ya.rd for a period of three months, salary to

be £2 per week, County urveyor to draft list of duties n r. Kelly proposea. and U: . 0' yrne seconded the foIlo ing resolution nich s a opted:-

tlTh t the position of temporary store-keeper be :filled through advertisement, canvassing to be regarded as a disqualification. Intending applioant to be furn1shed , lth Condi tiona of AppOintment on application to the Ooun © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Surveyor's office. Period of employment to be as agreed to by the Finance COmmittee, vlz:- a probationery term of

three mon the • It

PURe The Cvunty urveyor submitted the folIo ing letter under date 1st February 1939 from the ' chinery Overseer:­ I . II seriously suggest t t you hould recommend the "i

Council to change our present 15 cwts. Lorry for a new lo~ I ca.pable of dra ing 42 tons. Y reasons for suggesting this are as folIo s:- The Council no have:; Air Compressor Dr1lls; and we

, hs.ve secured sui table secondhand lorries on which e are about to mount two of thoa dr1lls. It has been found impossible to secure a sui ble lorry for the tran ort of

the third dr1ll t and even d it been possible to do so I 'Would scarcely reoommend that thi dr1l1 should be perman-

ently .:fixed up m~blle unit. is dr1ll will generaD1' speaking only oome in for oooasional shifts, as most ot our

ork 111 easily be oovered by the first t 0 drills. I .. , estimate it ould on t e average only be necessary to shift the third drill about 12 times in the year. e have been hiring lorries to SLurt those drills, ane the average cost per shift works Oit at £3. The ordinary lorry is not fitted for, or eavy enough to do this work

satls! otorlly ~nd the system has proved most unsatisfactmr,y

/ in another y, as e never can count on any local lorry o er eLng able to come on any articular day at a

particul A~ to s ft our drills. Drill Oper tora,

ami ths, etc. t have often been han ng bout idle for a day or tow it1ng on such lorries on many occasions. Another . point to consider is that unconsciously we have been A I! getting lorry ownel's to haul our plant and their lioences '/ or insuranoe may not cOVer such work.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES su estion to repl. ce our 15 0 t. with a 4t ton lorry would obvi te all those difficulties, and in addition, this lorry would turn in to do all the other work hloh is at present too heavy for our 15 cwt. lorry, viz., oarrying two or are drams of 011 and spare parts etc., to our v ious plants. Another big eoonomy hich can be effected by purehasina, I . a 4- to lorry is that it auld be available to haul gelig- nite to all our blasts. At present, this is oosting an aver ge of £100 per year t least. Fina.lly the lorry I suggest auld be SUitable, and in my opinion available for general h ulage from quarries etc.)

on the average t 0 days per week. Here asain such lorry ould be an eoonomy as a rail­ wa:s owned vehicle of similar tonnage would cost £3 per day to hire. om the forgoing I think you llladmi t the advisabil-• i ty of making the change hieh I suggest and in the best interests of the ork I ould sk you to support my recommenda ion. tt

The Oounty Surveyor pointed 0.1 t that in bis opinion the proposal made by the achinery Overseer ould oertainly

for improvement 1n road administration ~nd. he (County Surveyor) reoommended b olutely the proposal to the meeting. hey ould sell the present lorry as they l/ould not ant it. He believed they should be able to purchase

a new 4:~ 0 Ford larry far bet een £390 and £425. He auld be able to provide the cost out ot the oredit balance in the' achlnery Acoount.

/ Mr. cCarthy proposed and w. Colfer seconded the / r follo ing re olution whioh s adopted:- "That, in vie of the recommendation of the County

~ I Surveyor, the County Council be recommended to procure a. /' , / / Ton Ford lorry for road ark, cost not to exoeed . I 41 £450 . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES •

That this proposal (if neoessary) reoeive the sanotion of the linister for Local Government and Public Health. That t e County Surveyor be empo ered to dispose ot the 15 cwt. lorry, the property of the Counoil."

C01DITION OF WEXFORD BRIDGE The following letter under date 1st February 1939 from Mr. A. D. Delap, 16 iolesworth Street, Dublin (Consulting Engineer) to the County Surveyor relative to the state ot Wexfor d Bridge was read:- "In your last letter you mention that questions IJ.J8.y be ... asked as to our reason for del y in getting on with this job, and you ask for our xp tlon. The reason is that e have not been able yet to satis­ fy ourselves as to what is the best ay of doing it. Eaoh way we have tried we have been met ith further evidenoes of the dangerous oondition of the bridge, hioh makes it cle that the cost of what 1e had provisionally proposed

would be prohibitive or would not glve the servi~e that would be reasonably required. have again and again been tempted to thro up our band and say that the bridge cannot be rep ired. No one who looked at w. t oan be e n ere the bridge is now open could think e ere n.ot right in doing so, but estill hope~ lth a little more time, to find some way by hioh atl a reasonable eost the bridge oan be made for fa more years to oarry so e lignt load. Nothing t t we or anyone else oan do, ean keep the bri e standing for muoh longer, bute. do not wish to insist on closing it co letely- while there is any ho e of gj.ving it year or t 0 mol'"" useful life, even though the usefulness is very limited. 1I In reply t o the Chairman the County Surveyor said that ... he could not estlm te 1h t it iould cost to take out the~e, bars and in addition there a more than a possibility ot damaging the shoes hen these were being taken out. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES He had considered various propos 1s in regard to the repair of this bridge. Origin lly !r. Delap s inclined to condemn the bridge out of hand but at the request of the Council considered the possiblity of repair, but this ould only be advisable if it could be oarried out t a reasonable cost, and should be regarded only as a temporary measure to preserve the stnloture for f.w ye rs p nding the erection of a new bridge. The original scheme of strengthening the pitch pine beams ith longitudinal end cross steel girders

was con~idered, but on going fully into this and after consultation with r. Courtney, Chi f RoadS Engineer,

, Department of Local Government d Publio Health it s rejected, a unsuitable. The possibility then of lighten­ ing the super-structure by removing the east-iron plates and

road metalling was next de It ith. ~~s ould entail the replacement of a number of tie-bar and .. in dd.1tion a. number of shoes and beams. ventually this s deoided upon a.s being a possible solution and the County Council adopted t~is scheme, subject to approval of the Local Government Departo nt. • Courtney asked for a number of details of calculations and tests of In"'terials etc. ",nd the matter remained in abeyance while h1s request was being carried out. In the mean hila he (County Surveyor) had taken steps to open the spans hieh ere knom to be defective and to remove the one broken tie rOd. On still further examination he found that the iffioulty of dealing with new tie-bars, would render this scheme very uno'ertain of completion ithout gre tly increased cost and would further possi9ly entail damage to the cast iron shoes and in his -opinion \fould be costly, undesirable and uncertain. ly r. Del p at hi request came do and made a further ~ .' thorough exarn1.na tion) having lso the adv ntage of seeing

the spans Ihich had b en opened up. In vie of this they I


ere oompelled to consider various alterna.tive systems of repair. ( 1) Ie suggested in the fir t instance a single l1.ne of traffio with a passing place in the oentre. Mr . Del p went fully into this confining the single line to lorry of traffic only. On further e ination/this suggestion hi (Oounty Surveyor) deoided that single line 10uld be out of th question as there ould be constant blocking of traffic and it they alIa ed horse vehioul r traffic to take another section of the bridge it would b almost impossible to prevent lorries going on to it, 1ith certainty of serious damage to thest uoture if not colla see He

, : (County Surveyor) personally then oon idered

(2) the possibility of ving t 0 s par te and inde endent lines for lorry traffio and e believed this was the proper solution. He made an apDroximate estimate of the cost of tlese two systems. The single line system '

would cost in or about £4,500 or double line would cost in round, fi 'U ($ ct,6000 or probably somewhat more . Of cours these eotimates are very much 'in excess of the /1 , , f ; origin 1 figure as approved by the Oounoil at £2600. He / I was sat! fied that under no cir'cumstances should they continue ith the £2600 proposal. As a matter of fact he

regarded the proposal for a dou Ie line o~ tr ffie as the only pOSSible solution of the pro 1e as it ould mean that practioally, no dependanoe ould be placed on existing beams s oes or tie bars. If, however, on 010 er examination this proposal s not found re lly feasible he suggested the bridge shOUld remain as it is' and that immed1ate steps

should be taken, for the erection of a new bridge. . As the situation presented itself to him it ould be a mistake to proceed 11th the repairs lreaay a aed to. The Che.irman said they did not appear to be any further


in this matter than they ere six months ago. Suppose

they asked " . Courtney 0 hi Assistant, . r. Bloomer, down and .have a conference a to lat s really the most advisable steps to take as regards repair of thi s bridge. If it was found necessary to spend £6000 on the bridge he could not reoommend that any further sum than the a.mount alreadY agreed to should be raised from the r tepayer s . They expected that the Department ould contribute 40% of the £2600 set aside f or the repairs hi ch ould leave the contribution from the ratepayers at £1560 . I e favoured borro ing any ba.lance z'equired from their Treasurer and they ould then have only to provide for the payment of the instalments. He did not understand the pOsition of Mr .

Delap ~n the matter t present. They had pai d him -00 uinea... i'or_his report, nd having received that it was not the intention of the County Council to go any further ith him. After that, the lll8.tter of repair was one for the County Surveyor. The County Surveyor said he ould ask, in vie at the • diff1c lty of the pOSition, that 11'. Delap's er vices , be ret ined for some time and until they ere able t o decided hat was the best method of repair. r. urphy said that the report sent in by dr. De l ap appeexed no to be orthless. After the report 1r. Delap ,, could not do more for them than the County Surveyor. County urveyor strongly urged the retention of t he / I servioes of Mr. Delap for a somewhat longer period as the

! matter ~as so serious and of such magni tude. He (County I Surveyor) had been greatly helped by the adv1ce and - discussions -with Mr. Delap. On the motion of r. oCarthy seconded by Miss OIRyan

the folIo ing resolution as adopted:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES U'l'hat the matt r 0 the continued employment of Mr. Delap be referred to the County Oouncil. The Finanoe I 00 _ ittee consider that his additiona+ fee Consult1ng gineer should not exce d £50 in addition to the 100 gUIneas lreadyllo ed hi for his report."

The follo ng under te 19th January 1939 s read -- fro r . J. Ilgee, County Solicitor:-

II I am in receipt of yours of yesterday> nd in reply ... ite to 8Y t that on the 5th November last I wrote to Mrs. Lynch requirin _er to olean up the Dr in at Ball1namona

~thin ten day from the receipt of my letter, and sinoe l .' then, I have eard noth1ng from her nor the County Surveyor,

and am unable to y ho\'1 the m tter no stands. I

• The following, under date 19th J uary 1939, was read , from r. 1gee, County Solicitcr:-

M I am in reoeipt of your of yesterday and in reply • r'i te to say I that on the 5 November last I wrote to Captain Henehan re ulring him to remove the obstruction the Drain, and I shim fe days after ards hen he was

discussing the matter ith the County Surveyor, and I unde~ stood that t e County Surveyor as to visit the Lands and point out to Captain Henehan hat the Obstruction complaired

, of c.:.S . inca then, I have heard nothing further in the ma.tter." / I

he follo ing under date 24th January 1939 as read fro Mr . S. B. 1eldon, Carns ore , Broad y:- lIs tlere any c ance of getting something don in ay of repair to the ro d coming from in Ro d to end of The Pier a.t Carne.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ,. I kept it myself tor a good ma,ny years and Mrs. Doyle helped after ooming ere. Now) 11 t e farmers are drawing ae eed OVer 1 t as they ola1m it is a publio road.

One or t 0 people could not pos 1bly rep ir it now.

I might mention I w lking to r~. Doyle this

mornlng and she ill make no obJ eotion. If leldon 5 :. It was deoidea to infor ·r. that the Oounty Council had Ire dy deoided hey auld take no respons1bil­ ity beyond the end of the ext tins road.

UDLINS Under date 23rd January 1939 th folIo ng memorial

s1gned by eleven r~tep yer of the townland of Maudlins, Shalla s Park and Ryleen (New ss) as to the oondi t10n of above road a read:- II We I the undersigned ratepayers) . ish to bring to the , attention of the Council the state of the road conneoting Talbot 11 with Maudlins. This road is now in an impass- a Ie condition # due to the iddle of the ro d having been worn down to about fifteen inohes belo the level at the slues, thus causlng considerable loss to those of us un ble to transport beet, whe t etc. fxrom our farms. 1e ask. that the simple rights of 01 tizenship be extended to us, and e guarantee to give every opportunity

for the drainage and upkeep of this road. n It as decided to dJourn consideration of the matter to next meeting of Finance Committee p nding receipt of

repor~ from • O' ell1, Assistant urveyor.

CONSID I f he following resolution as do ted on the motion ot ! j ~r. Colfer cconded by • elly:- That the Oounty Council be recommended to apply to the inister for Local Government and publio He Ith for his

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES consent to extension of date for agreeing to Rate Estimate for GeneI' 1 and eparate Charges for year 1939/40 rrom 1st March to 13th Maroh 1939."

pplication for co lttal of the following ch1ldren to an Industrial School as referren to County Sollcitor:-

les Acton, Forest Ro~d, Gorey, born 26th August 1926

Eliz.abeth y Acton, ff « "12th Nov. 1929

JOLm Acton, " "II II loth Sept. 1932 children of John and the late ary Acton t above address.

Application to be made lli~der Chl1drens ct 1929 (No . 24 of 1929) •

In connection "j. th the applioation of Superintendent

Ryan, ardo. I:U chana, nniaoor t lY, as to U e commltt""l to an Industrial ... chool of [argaret lary on ay, John Street,

EnnJ.sco; t ,seven yel; sold, it was s ted t a.t the father,

mlll ,orker at SOI'S. Davia lour Mills. Gnlllscol"'thy,

t u"ee other C 1 Idren. It as polnt d out t t the father • in this case s in rec'ipt of ':3 or .':4 ages per ..teek and in the opinion of the Finance ommittee should be in a position to support the c lId instead. of having her sent to an Industrial School at the cost of the ratepayers.

It was decided that t~ County Solicitor should take

t steps he considered mo~t advis~ble 1n ~~e matter, and that he shoUld communicate with the SUperintendent, Garda

Siochana, Ennlscorthy, and ~scerta1n the amount of weekly age of which Con ay was in receipt.

An apl 11c a ~lon . 6 received from Rvv. • F. O'Connor,

O •• 1'7 Lan... ger, St. KevL'1's Re f rl!lE.tory Sohool, Glencree t

for en incrcElsed caplt.",tlol1 Gr~.lt. He pOinted out t...l1e.t the institution 1n a serious financial position. The

Auditors of their accot.mts reported I .ille posl tion indio ted © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 1

is one of insolvency hereby the assets are insuffIcient to meet the obligations incurred and unless there are ome , means employed to introduce additional 1ncome or to dl"astic lly ourtail eXpend! ture there app ars to be no prospeot ot continuing · ithout each year dding to the

present deficl tit.

~'he Department of Edu tion and Finance had increased tell" oontribution to 10/- per eek per boy and the City , , Manager in DublIn had greed to an mcre fI.. ttl 8/- per eek per boy, inorease to be retrospective from 1st April 1938. Fr. O'Connor asked that other Local Authorities would

follo tle example of ~ ' blln.

In reply to the Chairman ·the Secretary said the. t the

3/- incre se fer the fourteen boys in the institution ould cost £109. 4. Od. The present rate per eek was 5/- for

1- • eaoh boy. The .mount paid Reta: mat 1"y and Industrial Schools for the past year £3270.

It s deoided to inform Fr. O'Connor that 0 1ng to • t finencial position of the County Council and the ny

he~vy commitnents they have to meet the Fin nce Committee ; could not ee its y to reooIIL"llend an Increase in the oapitat10n me.intens.nce grant for Glencree Reformatcry School ..

t the meeting of Flnance Committee on 20th January

1939 the folIo ing resolution llad been adopted:- ,That the auth riti€s of Peamount Sanator1um be reqUe;ted to furnish fortnightly re orts a to the progress ot r. t phen Hayes from the date he took up residence at the Sanatoriwn d to oon tinue during the period of h1s 11lnes .' - , The 1'0110 1ng under date 24th January 1939 was read © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ' .....

fr·om Dr. Alice Barry, eernotUl t 5 na tor ium:- "Re r. Stephen H yes. 'rhla man 1s 'lot a pati ent at

PeS.nlotUl t Sana. torium. ! did e ~ min ..... a man of t t na.me in

... ec~nber .las~) but thou@l he \las not f" for ork he did • not require anat lum t ea en~.ft The following resolution vas edopted:- ry, • <.8., Peamount Sanatorium,

be requo&. ta to in! I'm the Wexz ora. 00Ul1 ty Council as t o

t .S disa.bl11 'tty or' flilrnen from which 'rr . Ste hen Haye s , Clerlca,l Assi.stant In County Council Office, Guffered that

necessita.ted sick le ve for' ~ period of three mont s .

That similar query be ddressed to ~r . Hayes. t1

Consideration of applications for repai r of the follo ing lanes s adjourned to next Finance Committ ee meeting:- B llygarron e (Xilmuckrldge). , B 111ncash L n Curl' cloe Ro .ds. Ballinscoolabeg Lane ()

# Flooding betv.een Camblin d 1-1 'tV Hoss.

). , .


The following resolution was adopted on the motion ot Mr. Colfer seoonded b.1 Mr. Xelly:- 'That the Minutes of Finanoe Committee in respeot of meeting held on 3rd February 1939 be reoeived and oonsidered. '

POUND! E: r . M.Bedmond proposed the oonfirmation of the recommendation of Finance Oommittee as regards the 3% defer. Mr . Ronan seconded. The resolution was adopted, Col. Quin dissenting.

POSITION OF COUNTY MEDICAL OFFICER OF ~: On the motion ot the Cba1rman seoonded by Miss O'Ryan, the reoommendations ot the Finanoe Comm1ttee were agreed to exoept as regards the reoommenda tion as to knowledge ot Irish, 1n which case the words 'A knowledge of Ir1sh des1r­ abl~ but not essent1al' were approved. The following resolut10n was also adopted on the motion of M1ss o'Ryan, seconded by Mr. MoCarthy:- 'That, on reoe1ving approval trom the Department ot Looal Government and Public Health as to proposed sl.lary and • locomotion expenses the Statutory Request to the Local AppOintments Comm1ssion be filled up in accordanoe with the reoommendatlOns ot Finance Committee exoept the reoommenda­ tion as to Ir1sh which is to be in aocordanoe w1th the resolut10n adopted at th1s meeting. That a oonterence be arranged between the County Council, County Health Board and County Medical Otficer ot Health (when appo1nted) to make arrangements as to his dut1es 1ncluding (it necessary) any deleeat10n trom County Counc1l to County Board ot Health.· .. VALUATION BILL 1938: The toll&w1ng letter under date 11th February 1939 (F.79/l/38) was read trom the Department of Finance:-


The following resolution was adopted on the motion ot Mr. Colfer seoonded b.1 Mr. Xelly:- 'That the Minutes of Finanoe Committee in respeot of meeting held on 3rd February 1939 be reoeived and oonsidered. '

POUND! E: r . M.Bedmond proposed the oonfirmation of the recommendation of Finance Oommittee as regards the 3% defer. Mr . Ronan seconded. The resolution was adopted, Col. Quin dissenting.

POSITION OF COUNTY MEDICAL OFFICER OF ~: On the motion ot the Cba1rman seoonded by Miss O'Ryan, the reoommendations ot the Finanoe Comm1ttee were agreed to exoept as regards the reoommenda tion as to knowledge ot Irish, 1n which case the words 'A knowledge of Ir1sh des1r­ abl~ but not essent1al' were approved. The following resolut10n was also adopted on the motion of M1ss o'Ryan, seconded by Mr. MoCarthy:- 'That, on reoe1ving approval trom the Department ot Looal Government and Public Health as to proposed sl.lary and • locomotion expenses the Statutory Request to the Local AppOintments Comm1ssion be filled up in accordanoe with the reoommendatlOns ot Finance Committee exoept the reoommenda­ tion as to Ir1sh which is to be in aocordanoe w1th the resolut10n adopted at th1s meeting. That a oonterence be arranged between the County Council, County Health Board and County Medical Otficer ot Health (when appo1nted) to make arrangements as to his dut1es 1ncluding (it necessary) any deleeat10n trom County Counc1l to County Board ot Health.· .. VALUATION BILL 1938: The toll&w1ng letter under date 11th February 1939 (F.79/l/38) was read trom the Department of Finance:-


II am directed by the M1nister for Finance to acknow­ ledge receipt ot your letter of the 7th instant embodying the text of a resolution adopted by the Finance Committee ot the Wexford County Council at their meeting on the Jrd idem in connection with the provisions in the V~luation Bill prescribing the rates of contribution to be made by rating authori t1es towards the cost ot revaluation and the subsequent annual revisions. In reply, the Minister directs me to point out that tbe entire cost of the initial general revaluation carried out in the last century and, prior to 1874, one half the cost ot the annual revisions tell upon the rating authorities. The Valuation (Ireland) Amendment Act, 1874, prescribed tixed annual sums to be paid b.Y the respective rating author1t1es towards the cost of the annual revisions, the aggregate beitS intended to cover one half the entire cost. In fact, for years back it has not nearly sufficed. On the reValuation of the cities ot Dublin and Waterford in 1908-15 and 192~26, respectively, the rating authority bore one half the cost • • It is estimated that under the proposals in Sections 33 and 34 of the Bill the local contributions will cover lese than one halt the cost ot reValuation and less than one half the colt ot the annual reVisions thereafter, the balance ot the cost in each case falling to be met out ot the Exchequer. In the Circumstances, the Minister considers that the rates of contribution proposed in the l3ill are not onerous on rating authorities, haVing regard to the advantages to them of having an up-to-date cadastre prepared and maintained for the levying ot rates.' a. Under date 9th February 1939 the Department ot Local Government and Pub110 Health wrote (Circ. letter No. 15/39) forwarding copies of Valuat10n Bill 1938 and explanatory memorandum tor circulat10n to the Counciilors. The Seoretary said the request had been carried out. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES It was decided to adjourn further consideration of the matter including consideration of letter from Department of Finance to next meeting of the Council.

SECONDARY & VOCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME: In connection with the case of Nicholas Victor Devereux, Trinity, Tagbmon, the following under date 7th February 1939, was read from the mother of the applicant:- 'Yours of the 4th to band. My standing salary is £258. '"' 6. 0 with a varying capitation grant of 8/- per unit aocord1ng to the attendance of pupils. This Grant on an average is £15 per annum. When calculating my husband's income for car hire I did not deduct tax and Insurance which is £18 plus £10 = £28. This leaves the total familY inoome at £292.' No reply had been received from Mr. Ennis. In the O'Gorman oase the applioation has now been filled by the parents. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of • Miss O'Ryan seconded by Mr. Corish:- .. 'That, in View of explanatory letter as to means from Mrs. Devereux we deolare her son, Nioholas Victor Devereux, eligible to Gompete for award of Soholarship under Seoondary and Vocational Soheme for 1939.-

WARBLE FLY (TREATMENT OF CATTLE) ORDER 1936 Under date 26th Januar.y 1939 the following letter (No. L.4Q0-39) was read from the Department of Agrioulture:- nl am directed by the Min1ster for Agriculture to state for the ~ormation of your Local Authority, that the above Order, as amended by the arble Fly (Treatment of Cattle) (Amendment) Order, 1936, will again come into operation on I the 1st March next. Immediate aotion should, accordingly, be taken by the Local Authority in regard to the appointment

of temperary Inspectors, and advertisement~ on the lines © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES I

indioated in the enclosed extract from th1s Department's communication (E.9078/36) of the 18th December, 1936, should

be issued forthwith. A copy of the adver~isement should be forwarded to the Department in due course, and the names ot the selected cand1dates, together with particulars of their proposed distr1cts, should also be submitted, as early as possible, but in any event not later than the 25th proximo. While there was a reduct10n in the number of infested : animals, as a result of the operations of the Order during the 1938 season, the Minister is not satisfied that the manner in which the Order has been adm1nistered in the areas of the majority of the Local Authorities is such as will secure the eradioation of the warble pest within a reaaonable period. This is to be regretted, having regard

to the widespread system of inspection and the wide publici~ already g1ven to the Order. It is evident, in the circum- stances, that many stock-owners mTllst be evading their obl1gations and that a more effective enforcement of the

Or~ 1s oalled for. In this connect10n the Min1ster observes that the number of detention notioes served during the past season was relatively small, and that legal proceedings. were taken in only a few cases in respect of non-oompliance with the requirements of the Order. The attention of the Looal Authority is direoted to the fact that visits to stock-owners and the work generally ot the Inspeotors should not be allowed to develop into mere matters of routine as would appear to have been the oase in t number of instances last year. It should be impressed upon· stock-owners that the Order is being operated in their own interest, and in the interests ot the country's valuable live stock export trade, and that, having regard to the importance of the Order, the Local Authority will not hesitate to take legal action in any reported case of failure

to dress cattle in the prescribed manner and at the prescrib­ ed times. I © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The quallfioatlons and general sultablllty of the oan­ didates for appolntment as temporary Inspeotors should recelve partloular attentlon, as lt ls only from the Inspectora' eff191enoy and applloatlon to thelr dutles that any real progress oan be expeoted. It may be mentloned that the M1nlster found lt necessary, last season to withdraw h1s approval of the employment of a number of the temporary Inspectors owing to thelr general incapaclty and neg11genoe, and he trusts that the need for any s1m1lar aotion on h1s part will not ar1se in the ensuing season. The reoord of any applloant formerly employed as temporary Inspeotor should be oarefully sorut1nlsed and he should not be recommended .for appointment if his previous servioe was not satlsfaotory in every respeot. In order to expedite the taking of disolpllnary aotion in the oase of any temporary Inspeotor, where such aotion appears to be immediately called for, it is suggested that the Chlef Execut1ve Off1cer of the Looal Authority should have general authorlty to suspend suoh Inspeotor forthwith • pending further 1nvestisat1on and a deoislon as to whether his appointment should be terminated. Before being seleoted eaoh oandidate shOUld be required "' to give the usual undertaking, viz., that he will devote his whole t1me to the work and not engage in any other business dur1ng his period of employment; that he will procure (it he does not already possess) a means of locomotlon that will enable him to carry out his duties; that he will reside at or reasonably convenient to the centre of the d1str10t to which he may be assigned; and that he will not hold any of agency for the sale on oommission of any of the approved oattle wash preparations or engage in any other way, directly or indirectly, in the sale ot these preparations. I am to request that you will bring this communication before the Local Authority without delay, that you will


inform the Department as to the date of the meeting at whioh it will be considered, and that you will duly turnish

particulars of the action taken in the matter. I Under date 3rd February 1939 David Crean, Ballyph1lip, Kil.mysbal, , wrote tha. t he was prepared to disoharge the duties of Warble Fly Inspector in No. 1 Area (Distriot Eleotoral Divisions of Moyacomb, Kilrush, Bunclody, Castle­ dockrell, St. Mary's, Tombrack, Kilbora, Ferns, Ballyoarney and Ballymore) on the same terms and oonditions as obtained in 1938. On the motion of Mr. Kelly, seoonded by Mr. S eetman, the following resolution was adopted:- ITbat David Crean, Ballyphilip, Clobamon, be appointed ,.. Warble Fly Inspeotor for 110. 1 Area on the same terms and

oonditions as obtained in 1938. I - The Chairman said he bad been informed by a oattle dealep in a big way of bUSiness that the Irish farmers were losing thousands of pounds by warbled hides and in their own

1nt~sts they Should make every effort to see their oattle were properly dressed. When the looal authority paid Inspeotors the farmers should co-operate. It was to their own loq.s if they did not. There was a deduotion ot 10/- • per beast made for those affeoted with warbles. ]thad been suggested that farmers who negleoted to dress their oattle should be prosecuted and althougn the Counoil would not desire to do this it would have to oome if tarmers did not oarr.y out the order properly.

EMPLOYMENT SCHEMES - ROADS: The County Surveyor said there

r' was a condition that 90 per cent of the money be spent befo Maroh 31st. Consider1ng that they had to get material trom a qUarry five miles away, it was impossible to fulfil that o ondition , and he had pOinted out that to the Department and he expeoted they would allow the work to prooeed.


the money to be spent under the Unemployment Vote, he suggested the work done last year on the road between X1lmuokr1dge and Courtown be o ontlnued. It was only a third class road, but the traff1c was as heavy as on a main road. Mr. Corlsh urged that the Curraoloe road should have attent10n. The County Surveyor sald 1 t did not oome 1n amongst the ellglble townlands. There would be further expenditure on the road between Brldgetown and Kllmore. Mr. Murpil3 asked what about Brldgetown streets. Mr. Corlsh sa1d these were ln a shooking oonditlon. The County Surveyor sald they oould do someth1ng at Brldgetown but they would have to employ men from Kl1more. He was not in favour of doing anything a.t Brldgetown until the sewerage soheme was finished. Mr. Corish sald if the County Surveyor inqulred from the Engineer to the Board of Health he would asoerta1n that the sewerage system at Brldgetown would lnterfere wlth the street to a very small extent. Mlss o'Ryan asked lf the Dunoormaok roads in respeot of wh1ch a deputatlon complalning of thelr condition, was recently ..before the County Council, could be lmproved• The County Surveyor sa1d that there should be at least 16 men unemployed in an electoral area before they could do anything. It was decided that the County Surveyor submit a detail ed report as to how he proposed to expend the money provided under the Scheme.

SToREKEEf>ER FOR MACHINERY YARD: The County Surveyor though the best thing was to take on a man temporar11y to see how he would go on, but the Finance Committee thought lt better to advertise. The work was carrled on by the blacksmith up to the present, but there was a tremendous amount of work

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES and stores in the yard and it was almost imposs1ble to keep traok at 1t, beoause the blaoksmith would be away at other work. It had developed into a taotory and there was no way at present at keeping t1me sheets to enable the work to be segregated so that the cost ot every individual Job could be charged up to it. Col. Q,uin - Is it any more expense on the rates? Who will pay the £100 a year? County Surveyor - The Road Works Scheme you have already passed w1ll pay it. I'd aSk you to allow me to appoint the temporary man. Miss OIRyan proposed and Mr. T. Redmond seconded that the County Surveyor be empowered to employ a temporary man. Mr. McCarthy said that would not be ta1r, beaause a temporary man would have an undue preference over the other app11cants who reply to the advert1sement and 1t would be nonsens1cal to advert1se. The tairest thing to do was to adveDt1se the Job at the start.

The ~ecommendat1on of the Finance Committee was agreed to. The County Surveyor said the proposal would really save money to the Counc1l.

PROPOSED PURCHASE OF LORRY: The County Surveyor sta~ed he had been 1nqUir1ng 1nto the purchase ot a Ford lorry and found the1r heaviest we1ght would not be equal to the work. In consequence, the allocat1on by the Finance Comm1ttee would not be suff1cient. The following resolut1on was adopted. on the mot1on ot Mr. Cor1an, seconded by Mr. T.

Redmond:- ~ 'That the County Surveyor be empowered to purchase a su1table 4t Ton lorry, cost not to exceed £550.'

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES < WEXFORD BRIDGE: The folldw1ng under date 9th February 1939 was read from Mr. Alfred D. Delap, Consulting Engineer (Delap & Waller, 16 Molesworth Street, Dublin):- • We reported on this bridge on 9th May 1938 and aga1n 1n June, on the under water parts of the struoture. We found that the br1dge was unsafe for the restrioted load 1t was then oarry1ng, and we asked for st1ll fUrther l1m1tat1ors,

I viz:- to one ton on two wheels, two tons on four wheels, both at a walking paoe. Sinoe then we have been trying to find some way by whioh the bridge oould be made fit to oarry reasonable loads for a lim1ted t1me, and have to this end been making further invest1gations into 1ts oondition. All we have seen confirms our or1ginal report that the bridge is in a very dangerous oondition and unf1t to oarry any traff10, exoept very light loads at very low speeds. We have examined many possible ways of making the bridge fit to carry reasonable loads at limited speeds for a few more -years: most of these we have had to reJeot on aooount Qf the oost or beoause they stressed the struoture beyond what we now know it oan safely bear. We oannot for any reason oonsider ways that we feel are unsafe, but we # submit one plan whioh will be reasonably safe, and we leave it to your Couno1l te oonsider whether the estimated oost of this 1s Just1f1able in view of the inev1 table early end of its useful life and of the restriotions on the traffio whioh must be applied so long as it is used. The proposal whioh we now submit involves the lighten­ ing of '-he dead load on the br1dge, by the removal of most • of the oast iron floor plates and of the road material, and replaoing them with a timber deok. The main bearers are in

suoh a oondit10n that they must not be asked to take any wheel load at all, we do not want to disturb them as any movement may destroy their sole useful funotion of st1ffenkg © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ' 1{7

the bridge. To carry the wheeled traffic, we propose to introduce two new timber trussed beams under each of the two motor tracks: that is, four new trussed beams for the whole length of the bridge, and to lea.ve the exist1ng bearers as they are at present, only doing sufficient work on them to keep them from falling down under their own weight. We cons1dered using steel beams instead of t1mber, and found that of the two the timber, at present prices, worked out the cheaper and bes1des the increased cost ot the steel beams it was found very difflcult to fasten down the timber deck satisfactorily. Other difficulties arose in every attempt to combine steel and timber beams. As regards cost. We can estimate the cost of all the new work and have' done so, but thougn we have, in view ot the inevitably short remain1ng lite of the br1dge, cut down a.ll renewals and repa1rs, we must include substantial sums for absolutely necessary renewals and repairs which w1ll only ~come obvious as the removal of the superstructure progresses. Ithas become quite clear that the remaining life ot this bridge must be short, it cannot possibly be more than a

~ tew costly years. It is for the Council to decide whether the advantages ot what we propose are worth the cost or whether it would be better to close the bridge forthwith to all wheeled traffic, pending a decision on the question of a new bridge. It a new bridge 1s to be built, its site will have to be decided on and a temporary bridge provided. The proposal we have put before you would enable the present br1dge to deal with traffic during this period. We estimate the cost of our proposal at £7,403. o. 0, and we attach a plan showing details.-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES In reply to Mlss O'Ryan the County Surveyor said that a new temporary brldge would cost between £10,000 and £1500~ The Chairman po1nted out that as a new bridge would tam five or six years to build it was necessary to have a temporary bridge 1n the meantime, elther by repair1ng the exist1ng structure or by erection of a new temporary brldge. He believed it would be much cheaper to repair the present ·bridge by spending £7,400 wblch, according to the reports of thelr engineers would give it a life of five or slx year& The County Surveyor said one of the first things to be done was to select a site for the new bridge if the Council decided upon bullding one. Miss O'Ryan said it was stated at last meetlng that before they could decide upon bullding a new bridge, certain inquiries would have to be made resardlng the site opposite the old courthouse which was favoured by some people. The . rlghts of the Railway Company, Harbour Commlssioners and Corporation would have to be 1nqulred into. Mr. McCarthy sald he had proposed that the erectlon of a new britge be adjourned for 12 months, but he now felt that he would have to revise his view after considering the reports of County Surveyor and Mr. Delap. He wished to know how far they could carryon with the repairs to old

~ bridge at the cost of £2600, already agreed to, if they decided in the very near future to erect a new bridge. The County Surveyor was against carrylng on the repalr work covered by the £2600. In the first place he belleved the amount would not be at all s~fficient to cover wbat might be revealed when the brldge was strlpped. It was mare , than possible they would have to remove a number of the tie­

bars which would cause damage to the shoes. In fact, in

his opinion, the work would be so expensive and unce~tain he could not advise the Council to direct him to undertake it. He had considered the position with Mr. Delap, and his © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES partner, MaJ or Waller and Captain Harvey, engineer on the bridge and the proposals now submitted were the result ot

two full days' consultations and examination ot the posit1~ What they proposed was to keep the bridge open until the new one was erected, and this was as far as they could go. Mr. Cor1sh held It was absolutely essent1al for the town of Wexford that the bridge should be kept open. The County Surveyor sald that a new br1dge an approxi­ mately the present site would probably have to be alongside the old one, down stream. If they had a new bridge in comtemplatl&n on exactly the present slte, they would have to build a temporary brldge alongslde which would cost any- thing up to £12,000 or £15,000. If the present bridge were used as a temporary brldge while they were building a new one alongslde it, he thought the one d1fficulty about that would be the crossing at the Wexford Side, because they would have to build a new bridge over the railway. Of course, If they decided that the new bridge should be on the slte of the old Wexford brldge, opposite the old courthouse,

the p~esent bridge would tit in perfectly as a temporary bridge. The Chairman said It would be a big problem to decide where to put a new bridge. He could see the Harbour Board, RailWay Company and the Corpoi-ation involved, and it was quite a possibility that the way out of that - supposing they decided to build a bridge at the old courthouse - would be an Act through the Dail. That, was a possibllity, but as the procedure was very slow ag he was afraid that they would

have to repair the o ~ :' bridge. The only thing they wanted to be clear on was if, supposing the Counc1l decided to bulld

on the existing slte J the existing bridge would have to be re,oved before the new brldge would be built.

The County Surveyor said It they selected the site for the new bridge on the existing site or beslde it they would © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES have to re bu1ld the ra1lway br1dge to meet the Min1stry of Transport loading. This would be costly but not so expens1ve as the erect10n of a new temporary br1dge. In reply to Mr. OIByrne, the County Surveyor sa1d the Counc1l had not rece1ved the approval of the Department of Looal Government and Pub11c Health as to the proposed repair on the £2,600 bas1s. lAr. Courtney, Chief Roads Eng1neer ·to the Department, had 1nspeoted the br1dge and has requ1red part1culars and calculat10ns etc. from Mr. Delap. In the meantime, the br1dge was opened and 1t was found much worse than they thought. The Cha1rman pointed out that the Department of Local Government and pub11c Health would not in1t1ate anything as regards the repa1r of the br1dge but they would examine, cr1t101se and adv1se any proposals put up by the Counc1l. Mr. Cor1sh sa1d that the report presented to them left · Wexford 1n an unenv1able and precar10us pos1 t10n. It was the duty of the Counc11 t& do something about th1s matter now. In v1ew of the pos1t10n he cons1dered inqu1r1es

covering ~e preliminar1es necessary regarding the new bridge should be made without delay and at last meeting he had asked that these inqu1r1es should be made. In reply.. to Mr. Sweetman the County Surveyor sa1d 1f Wexford br1dge WaS closed the detour by Ferrycarr1g from Castlebr1dge would mean an extra four m11es over the exist1ng route. Mr. Sweetman sa1d this meant hardsh1p to the looal people but was not of muc~ oonce~n to motor1sts. Col. Quin sa1d that most of the Counc1l were sat1sf1ed , that a new br1dge would hav e to be bu1lt and they should face the1r respons1b111t1es 1n the matter.

Miss 0 1 Ryan sa1d that at the prev10us meet1ng she had expressed herself 1n favour of the ereot10n of a new bridge. But, it was perfeotly natural for the members that they © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES should consider whether the estimate of the County Surveyor at £2,600 would give a life of from three to five years to the existing structure in order to allow time to oonsider the erection of a new bridge. They were reoeiving different op1nions as to the site of this new bridge from shopkeepers on the Quay and Main Street. It would be recognised that it was a matter whioh required very oareful . oonsideration. The County Slrveyor said that at the present time they had several spans of the bridge blocked off at one s1de, and in fact in regard to some of them it was doubtful if they should not close the whole span. Sinoe he started opening up the bridge they had closed, partially, two other spans. They had, of oourse, a l1m1tation of speed, but unless they had a man there with a machine gun they could not stop it. Mr. Doyle said that at the last meeting he opposed the building mt a new bridge, because the report of the engineer, save him the impression that they might get useful service

out of the bridge for seven or eight year~ Everyone was

aware o~ the cond1 tion of the market in regard to t1mber, steel, etc. They were up against re-armament and world buyers. If they postponed the building of a bridge for

four or~ five years they might save 40 or 50 per cent. The County Surveyor said that under the system now proposed new trusses would be under the wheels of traffic and there would be two separate independent lines fenced off between. These trusses would really take the load.

Miss ot~an favoured t~ holding of a speoial meeting to decide the site of a new bridge. It they were going , to utilise the existing struoture as a temporary bridge, the cost ot rebuild1ng the railway bridge and of any arrangementA3 which might be necessary with other interests that might be involved would have to be considered in great detail.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The Chairman belleved the inqulrles referred to b.1 Miss OIRyan would take t elve months. Miss O'Ryan sald she was golng to mention 14 days. Mr. T. Redmond said he bad voted agalnst the proposal to adjourn conslderation of erection ot new bridge tor twelve months because he believed a new brldge was absolu~ necessary and there was certainly no doubt that a new brldge would have to be bul1t wlthin a very short perlod. It would, in hls oplnion, take three or tour years before the brldge would be completed. The present traffic into Wexford m1ght be d1verted to the detr1ment ot the town if' people had to go around by Ferrycarrig. They should decide at once upon the erectlon of' a new bridge and carry out such repalrs to the old one that would make lt ln the meant1me tit for traffic. Mr. Corish believed they had arrlved at the stage when they should d1rect their engineers and offlcials to report as to the best site and to get in touch with the various interests concerned in order to ascertain the exaot posltion as ' to the ereotion ot new bridge, either on the present site or on the site beSide the old courthouse. Col. Quin said 1 t was clear steps would have to be ta to strengthen the present bridge in the manner suggested by the Engineers. If they used the present bridge as a temporary bridge and decided to erect a new bridge parallel to it they could by a slight diversion avold the reconstruc- tion of the railway bridge, as lt need not be interfered with. , Mr. Culleton held that the previous recommendations of the County Surveyor and Mr. Delap for a new bridge had been repudiated by the Council. He sUpported the building of a new bridge at Wexford ln 1920 and in his opinlon a good deal of the money necessary for the erection of that new bridge had been spent in tlie meant1me patching the old one. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES !

fOe Ohairman proposed the following resolution:­ 'That repairs to Wexford Bridge in accordance with reports of Oounty Surveyor and Mr. Delap, Oonsulting Engineer, at a cost of £7,043, be proceeded with. That the equivalent of a rate of 2td in the £ on the

Oounty be ~llooated for this expenditure, provided 40% maintenanoe grant be forthcoming from the Government. That our Seoretary communicate with the Department of LQcal Government and Public Health and explain the position to them and ascertain if they are prepared to put up the 40% in question.' The Ohairman, in moving thiS, pointed out that if the money was borrowed no State Grant would be available as he had already mentioned. 001. Quin seconded the motion which was adopted without dissent. In reply to Oouncillors, Mr. Delap (who was present) said he had referred to only two or three points. One was that in the proposal now before the Oouncil they (engineers)

ha~ provided for Douglas fir instead of pitch pine. Pitch pine was almost unprocurable, and Douglas fir could be got for something like half the money, but it would not last. For the first three years it was as good as pitch pine, but - - after three years it deteriorated very rapidly, and could not be counted on lasting more than five years. Oontinuing Mr. Delap said it would take about five years before the new bridge could be erected. However, before coming to any decision on the exact site they should have full and complete informatIon as regards the two sites which had been referred to. If the existing site was used they should decide whether the new structure would be on the exact situation or immediately parallel to it. The Oounty Surveyor, having referred to the detailed examination which he had made in 1913 of every span of the © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ~- ~- bridge, said the timbers which were then found satisfactory were now defective. In fact, the more they opened the bridge the less they thought about it from the po1nt of view of bearing traffic. Mr. Corish stressed his point as to the County Council officials getting in touch with the Railway Company and all others who would be interested in the erection of a new bridge at the old Courthouse site, to ascertain their views. ' , The Chairman said he ould expect that at the next meeting of the Council they would have a report from the County Surveyor as to the site of the new bridge, and as to what would be involved in the reconstruction of the railway bridge if a new bridge was erected on the site of the present bridge or parallel theretm. Also as to the old Courthouse site. Mr. Corish said that in view of the fact that the publ1c had the right of usage over the railway tracks at the old bridge site opposite the Old Courthouse, he believed the Council should ask their Solicitor (Mr. Elgee) to ascertain what their exact position was. Carts and lorries were going over these tracks every day drawing sand and various other materials.

~e County Surveyor said in regard to the selection of a site in addition to the legal question there was also the question of comparative cost. In his opinion, borings would have to be made at both proposed sites.

~ Mr. Corish proposed and Mr. Murphy seconded the following resolution which was adopted:- "That we request ~ our Solicitor to ascertain what exactly would be the position of the County CoUncil as regards the rights of the Railway Company and all other interests concerned relative to the proposal to (1) Erect new bridge on the present site or parallel to (2) Erect new bridge on the old Courthouse site." • © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Mr. Corish said that in view of the alarming report of the engineers as regards the condition of Wexford Bridge he would move at next meeting that Standing Orders.be suspended to enable him to propose that the Council take steps to erect a new bridge on a site to be determined later, and when the Council were in full possession of all possible information as regards the rights of all parties concerned.~

CARNE ROAD: The County Surveyor said that the County Council CQUld not legally spend any money on this road; they had no responsibility in the matter. Mr. Doyle said it would be a great convenience to a large number of people if it could be put in repair.

TALBOT HALL ROAD AND MAUDLINS: Mr. O'Neill, Assistant Surveyor for the district, said this was a fourth class road and was not in a very bad condition. The local people wished to have it steamrolled. Mr. T. Redmond said that the road was used by 7 or 8 farmers; it was always bad as not mucp attention had been • g1 ven to it. It was always lizta bog" as the centre had sunk and there as usually six or eight inches of mud on it. The County Surveyor said it was a question of money pure and simple. Mr. Walsh said that a very small amount would improve it. The Chairman proposed and Mr. Walsh seconded a ~ resolution that the County Surveyor take the necessary steps to provide some extra material for this road. This proposal was adopted.

INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL APPLICATION - MARGARET ~UURY CONWAY: The following under da,te 7th February was read from Mr. Elgee, County Solicitor:- , lAs instructed, I have now ascertained that at the '" Enniscorthy District Court on the 2nd instant, the above- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES named Margaret Mary Conway was commltted to St. Aidan's Industrlal School, New Ross, and an Order was made for the payment by her Father of 1/- per week. Conway is earning, as I am informed, £2. 7. 0 per week, and he has three children in add1 tlon to Margaret Mary." iss O'Ryan said that Conway's circumstances should be brought to the notice of the proper authorities. They could not consider that Conway was not 1n a position to support his child. In reply to Mr. O·Byrne, Mr. Elgee said that he did not appear at the hearing of the application to commit ·the child in this case. Mr. O'Byrne said the case should not be allowed to go by default and the District Justice should be put in possession of the facts. lire McCarthy considered it most unfalr to the County . Councll that they should be responsible for the maintenance of the child in this case. After further discussion Mlss Of Ryan proposed and Mr • Murphy• seconded the followlng resolutlon which was adopted:- -That Mr. Elgee (County Solicitor) take the necessary steps- to have a re-hearlng 1n the case of Margaret Mary Conway, John Street, Enniscarthy, commltted to New Ross Industrial School,on the ground of the father1s means.· The Chairman sald that he was aware that ln three cases in his district when the mothers died the people of the dlstrlct were in~ favour of getting the children away and in this way the father was relieved of responsibility. Miss O'Ryan said that every application should be closely scrut1nised and information as to the means of parents and guardians obtained and broUght to the notlce of the District Justice. ,


SICK LEAVE: MR. HAYES: CLERICAL ASSISTANT: The following under date 8th February 1939 was read from Dr. Alioe Barry, R.M.S., Peamount Sanatorium:-

1 j -This man, when seen by me in Deoember, had mild pleurisy and a latent Tubercular lesion. His general

condition was anaemic and there was a ~er of the latent • lesion becoming an aotive pule Tuberoulosis." The following translation of letter, written by Mr. Hayes in Irish and under date 11th February 1939, was read:­ Mlf I knew what was wrong with me, I would not have ... found it necessary to see a dootor. The best thing for you to do to get information about my illness is to ask the dootor who is in oharge yourself." The Chairman said that when the Counoil agreed to give Mr. Hayes three months' sick leave they were under the , impression he was in hospital. The County Board of Health required fortnightly oertifioates from any of their staff absent throUgh illness. After further disoussion the Chairman proposed and Mr. 01Bypne seconded a resolution directing Mr. Hayes to submit fortnightly medioal certifioate during the balanoe of his siok leave. Passed. On the motion of t~. Colfer, seoonded by Mr. Corish, the following resolution was adopted:- "That Minutes of Finanoe Committee of 3rd February 1939 . as submitted to this meeting be, and the same are, hereby confirmed and aI't>roved exoept in so far as same may have been altered or amended by resolution adopted at this meeting."

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES RESIGNATION OF COUNTY COUNCILLOR The following, under date 12th February 1939 was read from Air. John Connors, County Councillor:- II beg to tender my resignation as a member of your Council'" as I cannot give the time to attend meetings. I wish to thank all the members for the good spirit of friendship that always prevailed. Also, Mr. F.rizelle and Mr. Barry who d1d their best at all times to please everybody. Wishing your Council every suooess." 'On the proposition of Mr. o 'Byrne, seconded by Mr. Colfer, the resignation was accepted with regret and Mr. O'Byrne gave notice that a successor to Mr. Connors be co-opted at the next meeting.


Under date 7th February 1939, the following was received from the Irish Leoal Government OffiCials' Union (Wexford Branch) on behalf of the four ASSistant Surveyors Messrs: Birthistle, Cullen, Ennis and OtNeill, to have their salaries placed on an incremental basis:- ·On the 12th October, 1936, this Branch of the Local Goverrlment Officials' Union put in an application on behalf of four District Surveyors to have their salaries placed on ~ an incremental basis. The Surveyors are definitely paid the lowest salaries of any Surveyors in~ the country. Moreover, not alone are the commtncing salaries in other Counties higher than the present fixed salaries in County Wexford, but, in most of the other Counties they increase by yearly increments of £10 to £15, to a maximum of £400. It may _be pointed out that .the Wexfcrd Ros.ds are among the most difficult to maintain on account of its being such an intensive tillage county. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES • ~ / ••

The Surveyors oonoerned are naturally not satisfied to remain the lowest paid of their olass in the country, and now ask the Council to accede to their request for inoremenm of £15 per annum to a maximum of £400. There has been some suggestion for combined services in this County but it would now appear that any suoh soheme would not be feasible or satisfactory for many years to coma It is consequently respectfully requested that this applioation be now definitely dealt with. Their salaries are £275 per annum with no increments and the average length

ot.servioe of the four men concerned would be eighteen ~s~ .'" Mr. Kelly said he would give notioe of motion to move at next meeting of County Council that the request of the

j.. ' Assistant Surveyors to have their salaries plaoed on an incremental basis, be acceded to. Mr. Ennis, AsSistant Surveyor, said what the Surveyors desired was that a small committee of the Council would be appOinted to consider their application.. They were the worst paid ASSistant Surveyors 1n Eire. The folldw1ng

comm1~tee waDe then appo1nted to meet the Surveyors and report to County Council at f1rst available meeting:- Messrs. Bowe, Culleton, R. Doyle, .,1 "" M. Redmond,

~. T. 4 Redmond and J. E. Walsh, to meet after next meeting of County Council and subm1t report.


On the motion M:)f Miss O' Ryan seconded by Mr. Ke lly , the following minutes of Gorey Tenders Committee were confirmed:-


GOREY TENDERS COMMITTEE Meeting ot Gorey Tenders Committee was held in Gorey Courthouse on 11th February 1939.

PrdBent:- Mr. D. Allen~T.D.(Chairman County Council) who presided. Also, Messrs. W. P. Keegan, Sean O'Byrne and Myles Smyth. The County Secretary, County Surveyor and Assistant Surveyors R.J. Ennis and T. Treanor were also in attendance. The following Road Contracts were accepted. Period from 1st April 1939 to 31st !I arch 1942:-

~ Amount allowed £10.

Abraham Storey, Croghan, Inch, who gave as his Suretie~ James Graham, Croghan, Inch, and Andrew Kinsella, Croghan, Inch, tendered at £10 and was accepted. This was the only tender. 1021. Amount allowed £15. Andrew McCann, · oteybower, Carnew, who gave as his Sureties, John Sunderland, Ba.1tyfarre11 and Thomas O'Loughljn Knockbrandon, tendered at £15 and waS accepted. This waS the only tender. l.Q.L. • Amount allowed £20 • James Farrell, Kilmichael, Arklow, who gave as his Sureties, Patrick KavanagA, Cloneranny and James Tackaverry, Killowen,, tendered at £20. As tender was not signed by Contractor the work was given in charge ot County Surveyor •

..J.Qg"" ~ount a110 ed £21. James Farrell, Kilmichael, Ark10w, who gave same .- Sureties as for No. 101, tendered at £20. 10. o. As tender waS not signed by Contractor the work was given in charge ot County Surveyor.

~ Amount allowed £20. No tender. Given in charge ot County Surveyor.

~ Amount allowed £30. No tender. Given in charge ot County Surveyor.

~ Amount allowed £16. No tender. Given in charge of County Surveyor, © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES I

~ Amount allowed £12. Edward Savage, Gorey Hill, Gorey, who gave as his Sureties, Francis Carty, Coolnastud, and Jemes Hempenstall, Main Street, Gorey, tendered at £12 and as accepted.

~ Amount allowed £20. Edward Savage, Gorey Hill, Gorey, who gave same Sureties as for No. 125, tendered at £20 and was accepted. This was the only tender.

~ Amount allowed £20. Patrick Kinsella, Ramsfort Park, Gorey, who gave as his Sureties. James Hempenstall, Main Street, Gorey and Daniel Kinsella, Knockavota, tendered at £20. As Contractor was not in attendance work was given in charge of Co. Surveyor • .l£. Amount allowed £20. No tender. Given in charge of County Surveyor. Amount allowed £12.

No tender • Given in charge of County Surveyor. .lM,. Amount allowed £14. No tender. Gi ven in charge of County Surveyor.

~ Amount allowed £9 • • No tender. Given in charge of County Surveyor.

~ Amount allowed £14. ,John Donohue, Ballyconran, , who gave as his Sureties, Patrick Donohue, Ballyconran, Craanford and [ichael

. Nolan, Ballyconran, Craanford, tendered a~ £14 and was accepted. J.:U,. Amoun t allowe d .£25. No tender. Given in charge of County Surveyor. There s no competition for Road Contracts and all ten- ders submitted were at figures allowed by County Surveyor. Haulage : A number of Contractors for HaUlage ere aooepted the lawest suitable quotation. in each case being taken • In some instances in which the meeting considered the ·quotations too high the work was given in charge of the County Surveyor. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES LOAN COOLGREANY SEWERAGE SCHEME The following motion (copy of which was circulated to

the members of the County Council on 4th January 19~9J stood in the name of the Chairman:- II hereby give notice of my intention to move at .... meeting of Wexford County Council to be held in County Council Chamber, County Hall, Wexford, on Monday, 13th February 1939, at 10.30 a.m.:- That the Wexford County

Council ~nsent to the borrowing by County Wexford Board of Health and Public Assistance of £2,900 (Two Thousand Nine Hundred Pounds) for.. the purpose of installing a sewerage scheme at Coolgreany." In moving his motion Mr. Allen pointed out that 10 years ago a water supply bad been installed in Coolgreany • • In this village there was a new school, doctor's residence, three shops, Garda barracks and some pr1vate houses. The pppulat10n was 200, and it was essentially necessary that a sewerage scheme should be provided for them. Mr. Corish seconded the mot1on, which was adopted nem. cgo.

NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' PENSIONS ACT 1936 Under date 1st February 1939, the Department of Local Government and Publ1c Health (National Health Insurance Sect1on) wrote (A.1227/l939) in connection with the nomina­ tion of four delegates nominated by County Council and County Borough CounCils to vote for the election of five members of the Committee of Management of the National Health Insurance Society.

It was decided on the mo~ion of Mr. Culleton, seconded by Mr. Colfer, that consideration of selection of delegates

be dealt with at Marc~ meet1ng of the CounCil.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES AUDITORS REPORT MENTAL HOSPITAL COMMITTEE Under date 20th January 1939, the Department of Local Government and Public Health wrote (A.3l41l/38) forwarding copy of Auditor's report of the Aud1t ot Accounts of the

Enniscathy District ental Hosp1tal Committee ~two halt years ended 30th September last. Attested copies of the Abstracts were also furnished. It was decided to refer the report to the Mental Hosp1tal Committee.

ANNUAL ESTIMATE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH Under date lOth January 1939 the Department ot Local Government and Public Health wrote (P.72/39(F) Loch Garman) torwarding copy ot letter to the Wexford Board of Health and Public Assistanoe, assenting to the conSideration of their annual estimates and demand for next finanCial year being considered at meeting of the Board on 16th January 1939.

ANALYST • S REPORT - DECEMBER 1938 Q,UARTER According to report submitted by the County Analyst in • respect o~ above quarter, the following analyses had been carried out:- Foods 256; Drugs 70; Waters 3. Total 329. Number adulterated were one whole milk and one butter, also one water' had been condemned • • SAlE OF HOUSE - SEALING OF DEED The following resolution was proposed by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Keegan and adopted:- "That the Seal of the County Council be affixed to the Deed of Transfer and Release made between Patrick Fanning, Moneycross, Gorey, of the 1st part, The County Council of , .. the County of Wexford of the 2nd Part, Laurence Darcy of the 3rd part, and Robert Fitzsimons of the 4th part of Part ot the Lands ot Moneycross Upper, on part of which said Lands the County CounCil hold a Charge for the sum of £100

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES advanced by them to the said Patrick Fanning under the provisions of the Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts, and the balance of which said Loan amounting to the sum of £96. 13. 9 is now to be paid off to the Council out of the proceeds of the sale of the said Lands."

FWODING AT ORRISTOWN AND RATHMACKNEE In connection with the appointment of Committee at County Council meeting in January 1939 to inspect and report re flooding at above, Mr. Birthistle, Assistant Surveyor for the district, said that application had been made to have the flooding obviated under a Minor Relief Scheme grant. There was, accordingly, no necessity for a Committee to meet as nothing further could be done in the matter.

KILMACBEE FLOODING Mr. Sean Murphy said he bad brought before the Finance Committee over two months ago the question of the flooding of cottage of Patrick Whelan, Kilmacree. It was flooded, • owing to defective, water table and nothing had been done in the meantime. The County Surveyor said he had visited the place with

Mr. Carso~, Health Board Engineer, and pipes would be put in to remedY it. . He believed it was a matter for the County Board of Health. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Murphy seconded by Mr. Colfer:- "That the County Surveyor submit to Finance Committee a detailed written report as to the steps taken to oVviate

the flooding at the cottage o~ Patrick Whelan, Kilmaoree.

a56ENCES POISONS AND PHARUACY ACT 1908 Miss 01Ryan proposed and Mr. Corish seoonded the following resolution whioh was adopted nem. con,:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES "That licences under Poisons and Pharmacy Aot 1908 1ssue to the follow1ng:- ces: Nioholas Culleton, Shelbourne Co-operative Sooiety, . Patriok Prendergast, Haggard, Ramsgrange. ioenoes: Nioholas Mernagh, , Enniscorthy. William Hogan, Fethard-on-Sea.

PROPOSALS FOR PAYMENT The following resolution was proposed by Mr. Kelly, seoonded by Mr. OtByrne and adopted:- . "That the .averal proposals for payment subm1tted to .... this meeting (inoluding payments to Road Contraotors oerti- .. fied by County Surveyor on Form 22) be and the same are " hereby agreed to and we direot that Pay Orders in respeot of same issue from this meeting."