Proverbs An Introduction Fellowship Bible Church Don Den Hartog

Jeremiah 18:18, The three instruments God used to communicate His mind and will to His people.

1. The ______: the Law, the Mosaic covenant, stipulations of the covenants

2. The ______: inspired announcements of coming events, judgment, or deliverance

3. The ______: inspired interpretation of life, observed life, living as people of faith (wisdom literature, Ecclesiastes, Song of , & Proverbs)

All point to Christ…as High Priest, the One who fulfills the requirements of the Law, as who is the Deliverer from coming judgment, and the all Wise One, who Shepherds/Leads us through life…. Christ embodies all three. (Matthew 12:42)

The in the

1. The definition & types of proverbs

a. “masal”=to be like, make ______

b. 4 types: Synonymous, antithetical, emblematic, synthetic

2. The authorship of Proverbs

a. Solomon & Proverbs, 1 Kings 4:29-32 & Deuteronomy 17:18-19 (Deuteronomy is most quoted book in NT)

b. Agur Prov.30

c. King Lemuel Prov.31

d. Sayings of the wise


3. The structure/layout of Proverbs

Collection I: Introduction to the Book (chaps. 1-9) Collection II: Proverbs of King Solomon (10:1-22:16) Collection III: Thirty Sayings of the Wise Adapted by Solomon (22:17-24:22) Collection IV: Further Sayings of the Wise (24:23-34) Collection V: Further Proverbs by Solomon, Collected by Hezekiah's Men (chaps. 25-29) Collection VI: Sayings of Agur, son of Jakeh (chap. 30) Collection VII: Sayings of King Lemuel (chap. 31)

*Dr. Bruce Waltke, Bibliotheca Sacra, Jan-Mar, 2008, p. 5

4. The targeted audience: Sons, Royal Officials in training, God’s people

a. ______to sons (by both father & mother) “My son” 1:8,10,15,2:1,3:1,11,21,4:10,20, 5:1,7,20,6:1-3,20,7:1,24,8:32, 23:15,19,26, 24:13,21, 27:11

b. Kings mentioned: Solomon, Lemuel, Hezekiah, court official Agur, court emphasis in 23:1-3, Bruce Malchow labels Prov. 28-29 “a manual for kings”

c. All of God’s people, 2 Tim.3:16-17

5. The key word in Proverbs: “______”

a. The Hebrew word, “hochma”

b. Used ______times in Proverbs (1/3 of all OT usages)

c. Means to be ______in artistry (Ex.28:3,31:6), government/diplomacy (Eccl. 4:13, 1 Kings 5:7), war (Isa.10:13) *Always used as favorable terms in Proverbs.

d. Both wisdom & folly (foolishness) are personified as ______.


6. Teaching/Preaching Proverbs

a. The book has appearance of being ADD!

b. Should look for units with overarching themes, (I.e. 10:6-14, v.6-9=effects of good & bad speech on oneself, v.10-14=effects of good & bad speech on others

The Book of Proverbs in the New Testament

1. Proverbs are quoted in the NT ______times. Romans 3:15,12:16,20, Heb.12:5-6, Jas.4:6,13, 1 Pet.2:17,4:8,18, 2 Pet.2:22

2. ______& ______refer to or quote from Proverbs most often, (JAMES =wisdom, foolish one, righteousness, obedience results in life, disobedience brings premature death, compassion on the poor, use of tongue, planning & the will of God, being judgmental, etc. (1:19/17:27, 1:19/14:29,16:32, 3:5/26:20-21, 3:6/16:27, 3:18/11:18, 4:6/3:34, Jas..1:21-- -obedience results in prolonged life. Disobedience shortens life.

(1 Peter=Fear God & king, 2:17/24:21, 3:13/16:7, 4:8/10:12, 4:18/11:31)

3. Theological connection: Deut.17…Solomon…Sermon on the Mount…Epistle of James… requirements for being co-heirs with the King (as God’s sons, to be in His royal court, as part of the people of God to reign/govern the people of God)

Proverbs does not teach us about a ______. It teaches something much more valuable…a ______.