Mount Vernon Democratic Banner July 5, 1888
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Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1888 7-5-1888 Mount Vernon Democratic Banner July 5, 1888 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "Mount Vernon Democratic Banner July 5, 1888" (1888). Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1888. 30. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1888 by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. X L. HARPER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR A FAMILY NEWSPAPER—DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, LITERATURE, THE ARTS AND SCIENCES, EDUCATION, THE MARKETS, &c. $2.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. -----gxar----- — .... ....... ,, u..„----- ■. ■■■— VOLUME LII. MOUNT VERNON, OHIO: THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1888. NUMBER 8. WAIT FOR THE BEST ! A TAMMANY MAN’S ESTIMATE. chosen as the nominee of that great HARRISOYS CHINESE VOTES. SPIRIT OF THE TELEWtAPIl. party for the eminent and responsible (CLEVELAND AND THURMAN.) Ban tier. He Says Cleveland Will Carry New office of Vice President of the United The Damning Record of the Repub New York, June 27.—Major Richard York by 100,000 Majority. States. In thus spontaneously and em Nevins, father-in-law of Jas. G. Blaine, Hubbard Brothers, the well-known phatically demanding axeturn to that lican Candidate. Harrison believes in- protecting A Washington Star reporter was yes Jr., has been appointed a clerk in the publishers of Philadelphia, Chicago political arena which you graced with The Pacific Slope and ihe Entire Labor Interest American labor by importing Chinese terday introduced to Mr. Benjamin P. so much wisdom, dignity and vigor, office of the Commissioner of Ac and Kansas City, announce the pre of the Country Solidly Opposed to the Man leprosy labor by the wholesale. Fairchild, of New Yoik City, father-in- the Democracy of this country have counts, to succeed Major Wm. Han paration and publication between July ------------------------- Who Voted for Unrestricted Chinese Immigra cock Clark. law’ of Representative Stahlnecker. honored themselves by relieving their 1st and^5th, of a Biography of Cleve “Iowa is a very close and even a party from the charge of ingratitude, tion—Ilis Figh for the Mongolians In the Sen Shelbyville, Ind., June 27.—A ter land and Thurman, also Mrs. Cleveland doubtful State,” said Senator Wilson He is 74 years of age, and has been a and we believe and trust in November ate During the Memorable Chinese Debate of member of Tammany lor titty-three next the people will efface such a taint rible case of depravity is reported the popular bride of the White House, (Rep.), as an argument-for tlie nomina from the republic by electing you to 1SS2—Leading Republicans Repudiate Rim, among the colored people in this city. together with a lull setting forth of the years. Speaking of the political out tion of his colleague, Allison. While All Regret His Nomination. preside over the most august delibera Two sisters, both young girls are said great Tariff issue and agreat valuable - ♦ - look in New York, he said: tive body in the world—the Senate of Washington, June 25.—The follow to have each given birth to a child the Mr. M. P. Fairchibd, of New York political matter, the whole to he writ “My mark is 100,000 majority in the the United States. [Applause.] Should ing is the record of General Harrison other day, their two biothers being the ten and edited by W. U. llensel of Lan City, father-in-law of Congressman State lor Cleveland. People may think so desirable a consummation be aeh- fathers of the children. that is wild, hut I have been actively on the Chinese Question, while he was caster, Pa. Stahlnecker, anti a member of Tam iev?d, then indeed could every lover of t ouis o It would he difficult to find a man engaged in the polities of the State for in the Senate, and Californians here S . L , M ., June 27.— Mrs.. Amos many Hall for 53 years, offers to bet bis creed rejoice that in you is embrac better fitted to write the lives of the more than halt a century, and I be ed the highest type of the enlightened say that it is sufficiently damning to Sheppard, one of the persons who was $50,000 that Cleveland will carry New Democratic candidates for President lieve I can come as near as any man and refined American citizen, and that make every man on the Pacific slope poisoned several days ago from eating and Vice President than W. U. Hensel, York by 100,000 majority. telling bow an election will go. I am no matter what the crisis might he, potatoes, the vines of which had been lawyer, editor and politician. For willing to risk any amount up to $50,- this government would be safe in your vote against him. been sprinkled with Paris green to kill 000 on my judgment. The people of On the Oth of March, 1SS2, the Senate nearly fifteen years he was one of the BenjaMin Harrison was never suc hands. [Applause.] An engrossed the hugs, died to-day. The other vic editors of the Lancaster Intelligencer; New York are pleased with the ticket copy of the platform of principles passed a hill to execute certain treaty tims, all the members of the family, cessful in any competition for executive ami with the platform, and they will are now out of danger. * for five years Chairman of the Demo couched in language that admits of no stipulations with the Chinese, which cratic Committee of Pennsylvania; a or legislative office to he filled by the vote the ticket like sheep following doubt and adopted without a dissenting election of the people. Ilis popularity each other. For Governor we will afterward pass the House and was ve Frankfort, Ky., June 27.—The delegate to nearly all the Democratic vote is herewith presented. In dis conventions since 1877; Chairman of has been confined to Republican legis nominate David B. Hill, the most popu charging their trust this committee de toed by President Arthur, April 14, Grand Jury to-dav returned four in dictments against Kentucky's fugitive the State convention of 1888, delegate Absolutely Pure. lators and party managers. lar Democrat now in the State, and we sire to convey to you assurances of the 1882. This hill provided that the com to St. Louis, author of many sketches will elect him with a hurrah, too.” most profound esteem ami admiration Treasurer, James W. Tate, charging Thisjpowder never varies. A marvel of ing of Chinese laborers to the United him with defalcation. The charge of of public men and notably the cam purity, strength and wholesomeness. More W ho protects American industry— Mr. Fairchild said that he felt luke and to express their sincerest good States should be suspended for twenty forgery did not hold, because the evi paign biographer of Mr. Hendricks in ecomieal than the ordinary kinds, and can Cleveland and Thurman, the cham warm toward President Cleveland until wishes for your happiness and pros 1884. Sincerely devoted to the princi not be sold in competition with the multi perity. We have the honor, sir, to he years. The principal ground of the dence showed that the hank book which pions of white labor against Asiatic he read the speech delivered by Senator ples of the party to which he has been tude of Iqw test, short w’eight alum or phos your obedient servants. veto was that the period was too long. he usUl was his own private property. attached, and which he has served phate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Hoar some time ago, attacking the contamination, or Harrison, who voted [Signed by Patrick A. Collins, Chair While the hill was being considered Youngstoavn, O., June 28.—Clarence from boyhood, active in all honest ef Baking Powder Co., 1(Xt Wall street. N. Y. President. “I believed,” he said, “up man; Bassil D. Gordon, Secretary; and 6oct8"’ly. on many occasions to make the Mon Presidenl Cleveland Notified not hut he profoundly impressed when in the Senate an amendment was of Lynn, a coal driller, while in a liQuor forts to promote those principles golian the peer of the Caucasian? to that time the President hadn’t turn f see about me the messengers of the all the members of the committee.] among his countrymen, and having ----- - ------ fered by Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts, store here to-day, in taking some ed out the Republicans, but when I of His Rcnomiiintioii. national Democracy bearing its sum Amid the profound silence Judge change out of his pocket, exploded a come into close personal contact with mons to duty. The political party to follows: New York Star: Kid-Glove Harrison read Hoar's speech, showing that near Thurman spoke as foilows: dvuamite cartridge, blowing off three most of the men, who have been re and Silk Stocking Morton may he very Washington, D. C., June 20.—The which I owe allegiance both honors Mr. ChairMan and GentleMen of That this hill shall not apply to any lingers and mangling the hand 60 it cognized by the present and the last ly all the Republican Postmasters had and commands me. It places in my generation &s the exponents of the best estimable mediocrities in their own national Democratic * committee and the CoMMittee: I pray you to accept skilled laborer who shall establish that will he useless.