Shoshone, Idaho
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I ■si J * Ù % 0 ■7-r Aî----- r n.V 1 T &C A Journal f f ?»qISq ^SU ^ . * S® a*'■> A grit JCfeisg t Jffe* -oe„r7ihT»o* oQl » SHOSHONE. LINCOLN COUNTY, IDAHO, SEPTEMBER 25,18y6. NO. 38 f VOL. 13 ■ A story is told of a young lady E. McCoy went to Hailey last 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SHORT CO! TO SEWS, who found a package of love letters Wednesday for a few days vaca V. BIER BOWER, that had been written to her moth ITEMS FROM ALL SECTIONS OF tion from ranch life. er by her father before they were THE COUNTRY. Mrs. Lottie M. Edwards of ATTORNEY & COLT.KLOR AT LAW. married. The daughter saw that Glenns Ferry was visiting Mr. A Brief Summary of the News Com Disbrows this week. f*W she could have a little sport, and Ö VI Shoshone Idaho. piled for Our Readers. Lr read them to her mother, substitu Carter Edwards and L. R. Dis- H. M. THATCHER, ting her own name for that of her Heavy floods at Rock Springs brow made a flying trip to Hager JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, mother, and a fine young man for Wyo. man last Thursday. *G that of her father. The mother T. J. Alison and family, of Atlan Shoshone Precinct. Colorado Springs is fighting the jumped up and down in her chair, Acknowledgments taken and papers saloon drug store s. ta, have been visiting with Uncle &AKlNG shifted her feet and seemed terribly Dick Schooler, started home Tues <*{ every description drawn. The Colorado National Guard disgusted, and forbade her daugh day. Collections made and promptly returned. located at Leadville to ter to have anything to do with the are now R. Schooler started to Wood riv who would write such sicken- suppress the strike. POWDER J. S. WATERS, man er with four loads of melons last Absolutely Pure. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ing and nonsencical stuff to a girl. The Leadville stride has com Wednesday. Pretty cold weath When the young lady handed the menced in ea rmst. Buildings are «General practice. Land office a special tv. er for melon. will take charge of the Mail today.. letter to her mother to read, the being burned, and many men killed Residence : Shoshone Falls, Idaho. Henry Lubis is about done paint- It is also rumored that the bolters house was so still that one could Office at Shoshone and Hailey. Dago’s were on the warpath in jDg the school house. The lady have leased the Idaho Democrat, Invites correspondence on professional hear the grass growing in the back business. Address, Philadelphia this week, and only j that teaches the school this year SHOSHONE, IDAHO. yard. one was killed, but seven were ar- j wju haVe as fine a finished school The political plot ot the bolters thickens at each succeeding step. rested. j room as there is in the county. Pittsburg, Pa, Aug. 17, 1896. They are now pro« lairaing that Du- VISIT Samuel .Tames, Esq., Superinten The massacre of Armenians has j Henry understands his business, T, B. BECK’S boise must be saved from political dent Pennsylvania Smelting \Y orks again commenced, six hundred oblivion at all hazards, and they Shaving Parlors Sand}', Utah:—Dear Sir: - After Christians were butchered without As the country is entering upon propose to carry out the plan, and two years experience under the regard to age or sex. a political campaign it is well to nominate the ticket outlined io> V FOR A FIRST CLASS Democratic Wilson tariff law, Thursday Oct., 8th has been set remember that every citizen has a The Statesman of yesterday. SHAVE or HAIR CUT. which reduced the duty on lead as a day of fasting and prayer by right to freedom in forming his The slate that has been agreed Prices reasonable. from 2 cents to 1 cent per pound, the Y. M. C. A. and the interposi opinions, This is a Government upon and which will be placed ii> Next door to Opera House. the directors of this company have tion of God invoked to save this by the people. Abuse is not argu- nomination at the conventon next decided that they are unwilling to Tl nation. ment. Intolerence is intolerable. Saturday is as follows: assume the risk of the election of The interests of men are various, General Weler continues to arrest Congressman. W. E. Borah. Mr. Bryan, who is a free trader, Each man looks at men and meas shoot and garrotte innocent Ca Supreme judge.. Edgar Wilson- openly proclaimed his opposition ures from the standpoint of his in- bans, and no effort to put a stop to Governor. Fred T. Dubois. to any protection whatever, conse He should be perfectly ROUGH AND SURFACED, it is being made by any of the terests. Lieutenant Governor. Willie ■ quently they have ordered the free to express his convictions and Sweet. Screen and common Doors, Sash, closing down of the works at Sanity civilized nations. hi3 reasons, from all sides men will Secretary of State. W. H. Watt Cedar Posts and Shingles. as soon as practicable. The free OUS CORRESPONDENTS. learn what conclusions will result Auditor. Barlett Sinclair. coinage of silver would furnish us EFerytMni in the BUILDING L NE in the greatest good to the greatest Treasurer. Tim Regan. no relief; it would reduce our cost The saying that “every- Bliss, Sept, 14th, 1S96. number, Attorney general, George M„. of labor, but the saving would not tbink is fair in love, and war., and Parsons. SHOSHONE be sufficient to offset the removal Weather cooler. politics” has the cordial disap Superintendent of public in- - of the present low duty on lead, Mrs. Bliss is quite sick this week probation of everv man who lores struction. Matt J. Crowley. Liuery& Feed Stable, The purchasing of ore has been or J. L, Fuller returned bomeTues- his country and desires to promote Inspector of mines. B. F. Hast- AVilJ continue to do business at the old dered discontinued, and you will dav. its best interests, To seek for full work up the stock ou hand as speed mgs. stand, and deal in Pearl Haines was visiting friends knowledge, to mantain a calm and This combination, it is said, will 9 ily as possible. Yours truly COAL, WATER and ICE. at this place Sunday. judicial temper, is, desirable just take the name of the “Democratic J. L. Schwartz, President. Joel Sanders passed through Bliss now.- -Ex. ticket,” and the bolters will go in GENERAL JOBBING WIRK, Sunday on his way from Wood ri to the campaign claiming that they REPUBLICAN' TICKET. Following are the candidates on are the Democratic party of the - Electors—W. B. Heyburn, Shoshone; ver. the eight presidential tickets so far W. R. Burkhart h’as done up the state, and that they alone will be E. W. HORTON J J. F. Aishlee, Idaho; G. C. Parkinson, in the field. countenanced and supported by the • SHOSHONE, IDAHO. Oneida Journal problem of last weeks is National Democratic. Wm. J. national Democratic committee. Congress—J. T. Morrison, Canyon. sue. Bryan of Nebraska, Arthur Sewall Supreme Judge—D. W. Stanrod, Ban Dubois is now in Idaho and he- EINAL PROOF Ruben McKiners and James Maine. is expected to arrive in Boise today nock. Hogland were in Bliss Sunday,and Populist. Win. J. Bryan of Ne AND Governor—D. H. Bodlong, Ko »tenia. attended the Union Sunday school. braska. Thos. E. Watson of Georgia. to dictate the action of his county ORIGINAL ENTRIES. Lieutenant Governor—V. Bierbower, ccnvention here. He has been in Two young ladies called, and Free Silver Wœ. J. Bryan of Lincoln. in conference with Chairman Jones The Land Office Department having took supper with Mart in Giblin, Nebraska, Arthur Sewall of Maine. ordered that the Clerk of the District Secretary ot State—I. W. Garrett, and it was there that he dieted. foreman of the Wilson ranch, Sat Republican. Wm. McKinlev of Court mav take final prools for settlers Blaine. the aid of tne national committee <m Government lands, and make orig urday. Ohio, Garrett A. Hobart of New Attorney General—John A. Bagiev bv making the threat that unless inal entries for them also, Bear Lake. P. R. Lanchester has sold his Jersey. the opposion to himself by the A. S. Senter, clerk of the court in and Auditor—E. A. McKenna, Latah. Gold Democrats. John M, Pal- fine city residence to F. A. Eveleth, Democrats and Populists of Idaho«« for Lincoln county, is now fully Treasurer—C. A. Kamsev, Cassia. it is one of the finest pro perties in j mer of Illinois, Simon B. Buckner equipped with all legal forms and land was checked, he would withdraw office blanks, and can save money to Superintendenof Schools—C. A. Fors- the city. of Kentucky. man, Nez Perce. Prohibition, broad guage. C. his flock from the support of Bryan r ' settlers by attending to their Land We appreciate the Journals edi / Office business in Shoshone. Inspector of Mines—Theodore Brown, D. Bently of Nebraska. J. H. South and Sewall. torial of last weeks issue, and agree doubt that the« A. S. SsNTER. Shoshone. ____ _____ gate of North Carolina. There is no with him, that there are more *‘dam scheme was hatched in \V ashing-- SPEAKINC APPOINTMENTS OF W. 8. Prohibition, narrow guage fino?J in politics this vear than ton to appropriate the name that HEYBURN. Joshua Levering of Maryland, Hale E.J. ANDREWS. any thing else. L. B. heretofore been placed at October 1 Johnson of Illinois.