Gas Prices Fuel Increase in Inflation

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Gas Prices Fuel Increase in Inflation M-XNCHf..STfR YES BofliaMBBSBB D 0 D V 9 9 wK9f Mela deadlock good bi 8Bi poll p O r O n i v f l M O 111110 World Soffea NO ^peee9 . p « g » iHanrhratrr) W a '^rro'^t jr J V ^ -|f J i-fj — HrralJi 30 Cents Oatstanding 8 room Dutch Colonial large bedrooms, family room, front to fctfetrr 0 back fireplaccd living room, plus large Town vs. 8th isn’t only consoliclation affair in state fantbeaped lot. Price *16^,900. B y Geovge Loyngr that process by the end of and residents there looked down on "If just isn’t an effective way to run the two governnnents. he said substantial tax increase. Dutton Harold Rapgrtar November town residents as hick farmers, he td <m « m a mddsratdr ter m m m««nn«. the world.” he said "Tim e has worn a lot of that off. " said VtWle consolidation efforts in said. N ZINSSER AGENCY ttt near ana aecetr m* r«iMrft &t m « v«riM « Town Milliard said there is a consensus said Bruce Dutton, a borough Manchester is not the only » w n Manchester have resulted in bitter Currently, borough residents Ct Omeor* ona ioaroi o* orotonwa in mo To«*n aooorf. among Stafford Springs reerdetiu resident who teaches a course on In Connecticut in which the word words and the threat of lawsuits, Because the town of Stafford did pay a fax rate of mills on fop of o a e a l TO rtominoM ona oiocr mroo momoor* to mo Momorroi that there should he only one Stafford history at Stafford High 11 it 646- l S l l o w CommifMo for mroo voor wrm«, i«W-i«ar. "consolidation" is being heard this the passions are less intense in not provide certain services the M mills levied by the town of l a a government But on the whole School. Both he and MiUiard said To too amoToom win vororo rovoKo Arnciooof otooeroi year. Stafford, according to Norman L needed by businesses and reskfents Stafford M illiard said if is unfair town Moonna now juno v , im , onrmoa -Orairtoneo there is fittte interest inf he matter. About 15 miles northeast of Milffard. who is leading the light in Stafford Springs, (he h o ro n ^ most Stafford Springs residents C previdina Tnor Corwin oaieo Hoiaort so aioeforr'. Milliard said that borough residents help pay for Manchester along the Massachu- formed its own (axing district in consider themselves part of 0 100 a mo Town win vofo ro <a w «N t mo toifowino for consolidation. " I think most people don’t think (own services they do not even ietts border, people living withtn 1873 to pay for police, fire, Stafford 5ranonco;rd----------- Milliard, the fop elected officral about H” he said, citingthc lack of receive, and (hat (own residents oaniNANci^g^i^ijI the borough ofr StaffordStaff* Springs are sanitation, highway, and electrical The opposition to a merger is Office in the borough, said that in (he past interest as a reason strong feelings fake advantage ot borough servi hoping to end the existence of their services confined mostly to elderly people there had been antagonism and on consolidation have not deve­ ces — like street HgWs — without Any oorton 0 ^ M to no or ooooinfoa fo ^ Town political subdivision and merge who have long memories of past distrust between residents in the Now. however, the town also has loped. addition, a large number paying for their maintenance Omco, Bowa, corrMiMion or Aaoncy, iMfen oMmon aoot with the (own of Stafford A petition In difficulties between the (wo go­ not oMOor on mo oio^on noiior of ino SM niof Town eioe- (wo sections The borough was (he such services — something M il­ of new residents have not shared in non, tMir m on olootor of mo Town of A n ^ o r, Connocf icuf drive Is under way that could begin vernments. and those who fear imt center of commerce and wealth liard said hinders overall planning. the traditional animosity between mNMrroiK ooeoof mo foiiowino; consolidation would result In a Please (urn to page 12 Attottor, Sonttorron, amraino Official and Zonino Aoonf. T This Ordinonco sholi no offecti'yo fIffM doyt Studio type oportment. c ^ o n of notice of mo Town Mootootinsi vote ooor ovine mis f East Hortford. Lovely 6 Good Opporfunify. Ltvfno dtnonco. room Bonen, 3 bedrooms, Portly furnished. WorK- Bopom set, whlfe ond llvlna room, dinind room, ino sinofe mole preferred. btocK, 3 piece, i fobfe, 3 Soviets fclfetien, l both, i cor Leose. Security. No pets. 4 room nporfment. Mo- otfomons. OoodcondHion oversized oorooe. Much M3-2S00. ture oduits preferred. No updofino dene, move in pets. Neopplionces. PorK- nao.m-sae. Gas prices condition. Well Kept porK Ino for 1 cor. 640-1M5. Town Meetine of Andover, Cennecftcut on Jontwry: bag U.S. IIKe yard. AsKIno $107,000. To see It me Town will vote to odeof me toliowine Ordi­ MoKe on offer. it$-3U3. nance: Brand new duplex 3 bed­ mm Section M. ordinance Creatine a wetionds Commission and open Mouse Sundov i- rooms, private d riv e w a y , o y^rizlne It io Promuleote Neeuj[afions Protedlne me OPEN MOUSE / Sundty, 1-4 PM Stove, refrloerotor $5d Wetlondb ond water Courses of me Town of Andover 7$ec- 4pm. V Carpenter Bd. Bol­ a ll oppllonces, washer embassy fuel increase tlon 7-131 of the Connecticut General StatufM.) ton.. Bolton Wooded ond a n d d ry e r hookups, 3 Monchester-3 bedroom eoch. Copper tone. Coll <01 f Carpantar Road secluded, 7 room U & B boths, on dead end street. 6434654 Otter 4pm. The W etiai^ Commission shall consist of six (61 Beeulor townhouse end unit in MemMrs andtwo (3) aifertiaiet aenolnted Board of Bolton - Woodad and Saeludad, built Bonch. 3 bedrooms, Beol nice! UUOper month. Manchester Oordens. Selectmen, one Beeulor Member shall M the Town Sanitar­nlfar- 2 '/j boths, eot-ln kitchen, C a ll B d 649-3947 a n d a fte r Quiet weeded area, con­ ian, one reeular member shalf be a member of me Plonnlne Expulsions mean 7 room USR bulH Ranch. dlnlno room, flreploced 7pm c a ll Don at 646-9S93. venient to downtown, $575 and Zonine Commission. The term of office shall be three llvino room, hordwood per month, no utilities. MM years. work reduction 3 bedrooma, 2t4 bathe, aat-ln kltchan, dining floors throueh out, fin­ Two bedroom townhouse This OydiMnce shall be ettective fifteen days after ovbll- in inflation Coll Tern 34S-3116. After 5 cotlon of notice of (he Town Meetine vote aaorovlne mis Or- room, firaplacad living room, hardwood ished bosemenf. 1 cor - heot, hot water, cor- 3S7-«550. Leaf Lowner Sweeper. Al­ di nance. oorooe, private deck. Coll peted. All oppllonces. Air By Andrew Rosenthal hoore throughout, finished basement, I car most new $35. Coll Any­ 7. To da any ether business fo come before said meetina. Plano Beolty 446-5300. conditlonino. Coll 647- time 64M390. The Assoclofed Press $159,000. 1595. ^ fe d of Andover, Connecticut, this 17th day of October, garage, private deck. $189,900. Call tft6. By Tom Bourn NT JEAN S. OASnaK MOSCOW — Dozens of Soviet The Assoclofed Press =Verv nice loroe 7 room Manchester-Nice modern P iT E ^ J , MAlTe employees stayed away from (heir M Cope. 3 bedroom oulet 4 room apartment with U.S. Embassy jobs today as the Consumer ra Keeney Street area de- appliances. $435 monthly Excellent Condltlon-3 bed­ MT WASHINGTON - Consumer pri­ FIANO REALTY CO. aOABO OP SELECTMEN Kremlin responded Io the latest Price Index slreoble corner lot. plus utilities. 647-1113 otter room Bonch, 3 boths, TOWN OP ANDOVER ces climbed 0.3 percent last month, re 646-5200 $139,900. Coll 649-9664. 6pm. bosement, oorooe, nice Bor Sole. Bowino Ma­ 053-10 round of diplomatic expulsions by with a 2.5 percent rise In gasoline nc yard, heotino costs $490. chine, fully ossembled, 1 stripping American missions In (he Seasonally Adjusted 2 costs accounting (or most of the Monchester-Luxuory No pets. $050/month. 931- ye a r old, excellent condi­ Soviet Uiilon of vital local staff. ■M BSW , iia gui LiiiiliLili repogted Meaauro ot InttaUon by Nc townhouse, 3 bedroom, 9139. tion. $75. Coll 646-3345 'The embassy's courtyard, nor­ today ’ Percentage of Monthly I'/j baths, central air con­ Otter 5:30pm. mally bustling with activity and The gain followed a 0.2 increase Change in Consum er Prices ditlonino, oil electric, Manchester 3 bedroom, rin g in g w llh the sound of In August. Through last month, Source O S Labor Deparlrrtpnt laundry room, 3 cor oor- oppllonces. $675 a month. Mon's Bicycle Columbia Security, references. No hammers, engines and Russian prices this year have Increased at Monchester-Newer town- ooe, centrally located for Choroer, 10 speed, 36", voices was sllenf and empty nouse, 3 bedrooms, 1'/» mature couple. $500. Bet- pets. 647-9137. ton. Good condition. $70. an annual rate of just 0.6 percent taths, tolly oppllonced. erences required, lease 6434065.0 The Zoning Board of Appeals Soviet secretaries, receptionists, Analysts predict retail costs will For sole-Emerson con- maids, mechanics, cooks and be up about 2 percent for the full I Small complex, low condo plus security. No pets. ot m# Toum of Andover, Con- tee, convenient location. 643-7135. slole humiditler. Excel­ .led___ n^ held,e,n cleaners did not come to work. year, far less than the 3.0 percent I lent condition size 31 x 33 x October took me fol- 3 $03,500.
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