! ! % % ! RIBBLERIBBLE VALLEY VALLEY MUSIC MUSIC FESTIVAL FESTIVAL % % % % RIBBLE VALLEY MUSIC FESTIVAL RIBBLE VALLEY MUSIC TheThe 2017 2017 Ribble Ribble Valley Valley Music Music Festival Festival! ! 12343%56%735%589:35!12343%56%735%589:35!12343%56%735%589:35!% % % The 2017 Ribble Valley Music Festival! :./3!$%$/*2!2$88!&7*!2&!.(%./1$!*-1?$*2!.#$!.(%-2.@8$6! continuescontinues to tobring bring quality quality artists artists and and a wide a wide :./3!$%$/*2!2$88!&:./3!$%$/*2!2$88!&7*!2&!.7*!2&!.(%./1$!*-1?$*2!.#$!.(%./1$!*-1?$*2!.#$!.(%-2.@8$(%-2.@8$6! 6! continues to bring quality artists and a wide A$!(&!/&*!1+.#;$!.A$!(&!/&*!1+.#;$!./!$B*#.!/!$B*#.!@&&?-/;!>$$@&&?-/;!>$$! ! ! A$!(&!/&*!1+.#;$!./!$B*#.!@&&?-/;!>$$! spectrumspectrum of ofmusic music styles styles to tostunning stunning ! spectrum of music styles to stunning ! locations throughout the Ribble Valley. /(0'12*.%$3$.',4/(0'12*.%$3$.',4% % locationslocations throughout throughout the Ribble the Ribble Valley Valley. /(0'12*.%$3$.',4% Professional artists who have performed on C&3!,&#*$#!=7*1+$#2)!D+.*@7#/!C&3!,&#*$#!=7*1+$#2)!D+.*@7#/!&#!1.88!EFGHI!JKIKLJ&#!1.88!EFGHI!JKIKLJ! ! Music to bring people together Professional artists who have performed on C&3!,&#*$#!=7*1+$#2)!D+.*@7#/!! ! &#!1.88!EFGHI!JKIKLJ! Professional artists who have performed on ! respected world stages are heard at their /56'($*"$%70*6,(%/(2*8(%$3$.',%0'%!'%90*:;,%/$.'*$4%% Contact:
[email protected] or tel: 01254 384893 respectedrespected world world stages stages are heard are heard at their at their /56'($*"$%70*6,(%/(2*8(%$3$.',/56'($*"$%70*6,(%/(2*8(%$3$.',%0'%!'%90*:;,%/$.'*$%0'%!'%90*:;,%/$.'*$4%% 4%% best in the marvellous church acoustics.