VOL. 28 NO. 38 64 PAGES Get free daily news updates at stlouis.bizjournals.com MAY 16-22, 2008 $2.00 Sheehan, Danforth, Pyzyk get record price estate in St. Louis. the 2006 sale of The Plaza in Clayton office tower Centene’s quest to buy 3 Clayton Centene’s years-long quest to buy the three brought in $290 per square foot, then the highest buildings ends in $19 million deal buildings to build its new $215 million headquarters price ever paid for office investment property in St. has paid off handsomely for the three, who held out Louis. on selling their property. Sheehan, Danforth and Pyzyk resisted the city’s BY LISA R. BROWN The $18.8 million sale price for the three build- efforts to take their buildings through eminent
[email protected] ings and land is nearly double the initial offer of domain for Centene’s new headquarters. Now Shee- $11.4 million the Medicaid managed-care company han and Danforth have closed on the sales of their For Dan Sheehan, David Danforth and Debbie made in 2006. It’s also several million dollars higher properties, and Pyzyk’s is under contract. The Pyzyk, it was a price worth waiting for. The $18.8 than an offer extended through the city of Clayton sales help move forward Centene’s plans to build its million that Centene is paying for their properties just 10 months ago. headquarters on a half block area bounded by Han- on Forsyth Boulevard in Clayton amounts to the Pyzyk’s and Danforth’s prices for their proper- highest price per square foot ever paid for real ties equaled $431 per square foot.