MARCH 27 - APRIL 2, 2017 How Jazz fest companies plots future Event aims at groom new sustainability leaders with help from patron The secrets to improving Valade, from within, Page 8 Page 3 Manufacturing Sports business Matching the machine ‘Augmented reality’ has potential to boost business productivity By Dustin Walsh “(Augmented reality) is used sort
[email protected] of like turn-by-turn GPS in your car, e modern intersection of tech- except for manufacturing,” said Paul nology and work is a paradox. It’s Ryznar, president and CEO of OPS. both responsible for climbing cor- “When there’s only four turns, it’s porate pro ts, and for mass job easy; but if there are 50 turns, you’re losses and rising income inequal- going to make a mistake. Manufac- ity. is has been called the robot turing is now all about variation and revolution, but it’s not all doom complicated processes. Our system and gloom for the laborer class. eliminates that risk for errors. All the A new breed of technologies worker has to do is follow the lights.” called “augmented reality” — fueling It’s an update on a popular mobile games like Pokemon Japanese concept Go — is altering that perception. It called poka yoke, or holds the potential to boost produc- driving down costs tivity and make economic growth and increasing pro- through manufacturing a reality. ductivity in the man- e innovation is one part inter- ufacturing process active how-to and one part idi- through “dummy proof- ot-proo ng, and is gaining traction ing,” and has been used in manufacturing, health care and for decades.