^ Netospapcr; jBtpotclr fo |3oHtifs, , ^gttcttttu«, airir ©enetilt Jtoftlligenrif. -I'’.; ■ ' -i..‘ W. f . & e. e. BALDWIN, Proprietors. flENRY w m , EdIt«f.-Tm lm ~$U»F»rtem »

\rOLUM:E 2 -ifO . .43 LITCHFIELiX (CONN.) S gM y9M 8§. W H a L E N a - 0 5 . tinned the Vermonter, iu the most plausi­ ^^jog, as the butflJker was pas- Y am & ee A Cnasiter a a A A bnndittl of red snnd, from the Lot cli&o ‘ Bet yoti ten dollars of it/ but it’atil f.v-T, by thunder I” aEORGE W . P EET Of AVab deserts brought, ‘Done!’ said the Yaidcee; and drawing » 'rh ^*8 rixht.” said the butcber, •* stick the new faint kaart never won either iatr la his sales, than, he p<^iblj^eajp by any otk* er agwey. But what is of Attorney & Counsellor atgpJaw W thin tbis glass becomes the spy of Time, forth an X (iipon a broken down east bank) to it liip^ a good fellow, atid there’s oo 4an-. dy or noUis pritt. He told kis cnditi^ The uAiiater of Thooght. he covered the braeprer’s shin-plaster. ger.’’ . that if they would givie hinir time«.'and tempting to demonstrate^ by aimm%nt, » Notary Public, Hoyr inanj w ^ry centurics li.isit bwn * Kin yen swim, feller ?' “ protested the former, “ 1 aint ham j^r him at all. ha wonKi pay tha w b o ^ fact which eim riei^ h^jalraSy About thbse deserts blown r jokin,’ i^ r nothin’ of the kind. If sotne- principal and interast. For thirteen year^ lished ? Dr. Brahdireth*^ acqiiirad hiaiVfdNi In Ihe Office of H. B urrdl, Esq., ‘ Like a duck.’ said screen jacket—and How^nany strsugc vicissitudes has seen« without further parley, the Vermonter sei­ body l^iint actually stole that hog. 1 hope he labored for it, and last week made the by advertising, ^he Townsends ara coin­ . SoStJt Cttnaen^ Ct. How inaay iiistoi-ies known ? zed .the knowing Yorker stoutly by tha 1 may Ife frizzled, stewed and fried into closing payment on the ^ 10^000 priitri^ ing tlieir thpusands every year bv ^varta- P«rbflps the camels of the Ishmnelitc nape of the neck and the seat of his pants, smMlI ifcfflps, and chawed up by monkeys.” paU and about $70,000 interest. /Sing. Ask the wealthy, retired merchant aAMDALIsflc BEIIiDiEIi, ' Trampled. *nd passed i t o'er* jerked him from his foothold, and with an N’gyer heard a story told better in all He did it in his old business, as th$ ice the secret of ht» success. Ha wiU ae- Iraeh into Egypt, from the patriwch^ Bigbt, my l i # ' Ire-iterated the provoking butch­ king of the globe. He sold his cargoes in knowledge adjrertisic^'ai one of tW qiiitr* JLttvrneys & Coiitiseflors a t liarwr, His &Torue son they boreyajjj^ almost 8 1 1 perhuman elTort dashed the bully heels over head froiu the d^ick, soine ten er, with a sly winlf to t he farmer, and-burst­ the great Southern^ ports of the two hem­ moans by which he obtained customai^ U M V m In CliaietrF, Xanl l^ente, k t. f*erhap8 the feet t)f Moses, burnPPF^bare, yards out into the Htidson river. ing into'a loud horse laugh—*‘ t)nly keep a ispheres at Ip^ prices, kept rigid faith, sold his goods, a « t ^ ^ u i^ d a fortuaa.__ _ tils r iriU ailMrf t>rn^dy to lUliiutintss ■ : Crushed it beneath their tread; A terrific shout rang through the crowd, long fa€p on the matter and stick to tt as bought largely tha needed; store-houtes in Look at tj^ 8uecessful,‘ enterprisi^ driva^ Or Pharaoh’s flashing wheels into the air. CniBtaii-to their maulppniew. Scattered it as they sped. as he floundered in the wafer, and amidst' you dli^'jtow, and. ynu*ll make all Christen^ the various centeta of t^e tracjer secured ahe^d mj», no^ YonTwiiasit JftfjM&ie, Wis£0i>sm,Dtc. I’ith, 1848. the jeers and screams of his companions, dom believe it true afore long. Good the.lands alrotHui hia ponda^. wade frieitda fed o^^ oitf a huB^d of t^is dwa trU Or Mary, with tlie Christ of Naaareth the ducked bully put back to the shore, and morning, Farmer Jones 1” every where/ M d noigr comas oiit with • ai^ do not advertise. WSea a man | c ^ a ileid clo; e in her caress. ■' . . Yankee Blade. diivfR A. TQP^ir Whose pilgrimAge of hope, and love and faith, scrambled up the bank, halt trozen by this independ.^nt fortune and free of debt.-^ any kind, heu usually A ttorney He Counsellor at Law, llltimed the Wilderness. ( »; sudden and involuntary cold bath. &tch was his generous ■ policy* that t he £|a- his lo^ iiir a newspaper. ' And as ‘ I’ll take that ten spot, if you pleMe.’ i ;$a3>soi3 Plougliin^. glish residents, of Calcutta presanted hiqi ral thing, he secujw'fhe lost a^icfe by P FIQ E iMiHiling •ouih of ili« MaMstm O Or ahch^ttes beneAtU Enga^di’s palnis> said.the shivering loafer, advancing rapidly tir tlia summer of 1844, I harvested a with a. fire-.proof stone sj^ra-house, as a means. Even swindlers and rm ixtrM flou«e, up stain. v , Pacing tlie Red Sea bcach, _ , • piece iOf wheiat, comprising ten acres of April 5th,-^S48. . ly*2 And 8ingiu|H ^v tlieir old Armenian psalms, to the stake-hoiders. • You took us for tcken of respect, and tqretaia him in that are foiled in their evil irotk % advartW Ia hal^K lculate speech* green horns, eh ? We’ll shoiV you how we good^'heat^®”^^* ^hat had been under the ntarket. „ ’ ; merits, wariiiag the public Sjgainat tlkem^ ploug^Hor about seventeen years; it had With thas ^cts*‘be(ore't£eir eyes, it ap­ E. W BliAKE, Or carnvanfe.^at from Bass0]^’8 gate. do things down here in York’—and the fel­ With westward steps depart; low claimed the twenty dollars. not b|en seeded, was very much ruo down, The l$thmu8.^ pears strange to us that all men in «si,Stii£NT DENTIST. Or Mecca’s . pilgrims, confident of Fate, full “ foiil stuff,” June grass, &c. It ness do not See that It is for their intam t * ■ •* •Wal, I reckon yeu wunt take no ten A correspondent of the New York Couz^' corner ^ nu>nb & East st». And resolute in heart! spots jes’ yit, cap’n.’ ; * was 4^y: soil. “My crop of wheat amount­ ier and Enquirer, exiting from Panama, to advertise. If you expect to make sales* ed toXboi)t'fj^hty-flve bushels. you must let the peop!a know wtiat you ' 1 0 .1B48. 40 These- have passed ove r -it, or may have passed! ‘ Why ? Yoii’jfe' lost 4he bet.’ gives the following itema of intelligence Now in this pryst^l tower ‘ Not edzactly,:! i* didn’t calkilate on lune, 1845, with the subsoil plough,: reapeeling the agrit^tuxal and animal pro­ have to sell, and of&r them iiiducaments ti» Im^Hsoned by some cnricas^l^ind a t last. deuin’ it the fust time—but I tell v6u, I ke' of oxen, and a span of hors^ ductions of the Isthmuaof Panama.:. i*. P. HUM PHREY, M . JD ItiPbhts the pawing hoar. kin deu it’—and again, in spite of the ut­ Jj^loughlng, I must thoroiighly sub- Agriculture^—You; will think- it incred­ himself in'tmsinet« 'ii4tlKM& saiUMg ap « C ^ ^ Y S IG ^ A N & SURGEONt A ndK I gaze, these narrow walls expand: most efforts.of the loafer to escape him; he Ehe grass and foul stuff, and fitfed it ible, that in the whole distance from Cha- sign over his door to ^npte his mnfa Before my dreamy eye (ding dowu f and from the saifie ten the kind of btisij^ss in whick k^. if aqg^ Falls VUlfijf, Conn. seized luyi\by the scruff and the seat of His grea to thia pbce,not a plow, hoe or spade S^rctches the d^ert, iriui it« shifting sand. iarl84*6, I had over three hundred ged. 3 u t no one observer ihlb sign niilasa Its nnimpcdcd sky. overalls, .and pitched him three yards fur­ has been seen; yet it is true. An intelli­ ther into fke river than upon the first tri- p j hheat. gent gentleman with whom 1 had some he is passing hy> and .t hen vary onas it ia And borne aloft by the sostoining blast. Clark Beardsley. TELEGBAPH OFflCEi al! conversation, when asked why there waa unnoticed: besi^s,a:9 ei» “akiii|^’* witk This little goiden thread 'On, Oakland Co., March, 1848. tl^ aunouiioemitpt i>f “ 4 jrj gpodft,** or THK Dilates into'« column high and vast, Again , the bully returned, amid the noeflbrt ire agriculture, gave the-best of Yt. Telegraph iLine^ A fi^m^of fear and dread. shouts of his mates, who enjoyed the sport above letter was recently published reasonsi vi£, that until “ JLos Americanoa” forda ho induipaeut to walk ip and pur- ehase. But advertisea^ta ara % «»t a t fipnwiM iti«3 wBtte all paitscf ihe 6nkHi« iinmensefy. ^ Michigan Farmer. It shows con- [the A-mericans] came, cropa wera And onward;, and across the setting son, vely, the superiority of subsoil plpiigh- travelling s^na: they coma undw avary~ . OfriCK AT Baldwxks’ V ariety Stob*, Across the 'boundless plain. ‘ Third time never fails,’ said the Yan­ the raising, “l^ie little intereonrse with The column and its broader shadow run» kee, stripping oii‘ his coat; * I kin deu it, I iver every other method of preparing us, has greatly enhanced tke pic«a of pro­ body’s observation, lu^indocamanta in W T C Jn E L D , COJ\*N. Till thoug:ht pursues in’vain. tell ye.’ round fbr seed.^ Another ouject is, to duce of various kinds.. For instance, flour way ptf cheap, prices, superior articlt^ Mtia ‘ Hold 9n !’ said the almost petrified vic­ Mi<{^;strength of the soil, by the.ap- is now worth twenty-five dollars a bacrel, gO ^, afe afforded, which creatauMM The vision vanishes! These walls agalii purchase tVn all tha ^It lattera ai^^ PALMER,------Shut out the lurid sun, 4^ tim-^ ' ‘ of suitable manures. Those which against seven or eight dollars previously. on^ntest Quantities o^%^p^u- Grea|^change;s araat hand here in reaj^ct painting ..tl«t can ^ m t upaa rer mornin.’: ' Tiia, are undoubtedly tE?%est for ^ ^ a t to eultiva.tion. * - - ‘ I give it^tip shouted the sufferer, be­ lands. Such are decomposed veget^ion, Cotton grows' spontaneously, and a Jn PhUadelphia, New York, Baltmdte, tween his teeth,-which now chattered like a marl, lime, ashes, &c. A viery intelligent staple worthy the attenii(m of our best Fol^iiis Naw^9a#«>9. and Boston. ^gHieccUantaits. mad badger’s—‘ take the money.’ English sea-captain inforn»ed me, several growlers of the United States. The rapidity wiib >Hich Dewafapei«jii« The Vermonter very coolly pocketed the years age, that the whe-t crop in England Insects of annoying kitod, sttdt^as mus» folded by l&da in the laqpa e^ablisheiMis of our cities, is a ntaUer th^sa C. k . HOOKER, T akins tbc Stardli oat of ten spot, and as he turned away, remarked : never failed to yield a third more grain to quitoes, fleas. &c., 1 have he«rd Utile com­ ‘ We aint much acquainted with you the acre, than in this country ; and what plaint of; certainly less than in tha Uiiit%^ not initiate in tha m^sieiiis «t£ a a a r s ^ A lot of idlers stood upon the end of a smart folks daoitn here’n York, but we was still more remarkable, one bushel of States, when the range of the thermome­ per life. T his a sto n a h u ^ if. atuua- RESIDENT BENTIST pier which ran out into the Hudson river, sometimes, take the starch aout of ’em’up En‘>'lish wheat would outweigh a bushel ter is the same—from eighty to ninety de­ ed by a spirit of .competitjoiit. sad tla a*^ ■ 1 li* .p A____: ___ A ii/i ftiJa' u ’na in one of the small towns near Albany, a our way—and p'raps0 yeu wunt tryj_ It on and’ a half of American. And this' \vas grees; but when the wet season comes, it bition to excel ftmoHg tha boys.. few days ago, amusing therasel’.-es with hurl­ tu strangers agiii. 1 I reck’n j-eu wunt,’ he ^ not owing to the------superior------fertility of . the may alter the case. Aa a apaanMM oC. tfaa apas4 tkasf continued, and, putting on a broad grin o/^p' f. soil;_ri. I...* but simply in to tliAthe plougliiugnlnncrliiiior inm of iiepiiles:.—Not a snake has heen seen, youthful folders. tke^@Q|t«aJawaaL WfM- A T be coiwulietl AT a l l . tim e s. ing stones into the broad stream, each vie- prdfessirinhlly at OF.FICE iug with the other in the endeavor to pitch good humor, he left the company to their green crops, such as peas, vetches, turnips, that 1 can learn, by any of our party on tions the &ct, that a lad ouplf^ed ia OVERM “THE VARIETY STORE.= a missile at the farthest distance from the reflections. &c., late in the fall, which readily decom­ the Isthmus. Some alligators, varying from office fplded at the rate of 35 per minuteu liixrfifiel.l, April 3 , 1S49. 41 shore, when a tail, rugged-built 'Vermonter, pose, and incorporate with the soil, render­ five toivi eight=*5.^ feet.ww. in... length,•—o—, were------killed - on with four folds. Ha was ajble to kwp paoa direct from the Green Hills, suddenly mad« That’s Right—Stick to i t !” ing it exceedingly favorable for wheat.— the Chagres, and some guanas, an ai^imalof with the press, whicfh worked off from lOOd = : G. G. BISSELL, M- D., - O . . J J ,. .^^4. t* a a n \ to 1,200 papers per hour. his appearance in their midst, and for a A friend tells us the following rib-tick­ Grasses, althoiTgh good, do not seem to the lizzard species, I should think^and which Fhy«ioian and Surgeon, while, remained a quiet observer of their ling anecdote, which, we believe, has never possess the same degree of virtue as the are by the natives sought for as an article Bethlem, C t. rooi'ements. been in print before, but at all events, will vegetable substances above mentioned. of food, and which is eaten by them with a J^udson ^ Berkshire Bail 4‘itr O fnm pVKB TPE POST-OrFICE. He was a brawny, strong looking Yan­ bear dressing up again. It makes us laugh The actual expense of this system of cul­ keen relish. road, which kasi^ «ioiing 'tha past fail and kee, and was very dwently clad. 'I'he ef­ • consumedly* tivation, is .neither so great nor laborious, winter, been undergosg- ike.proaesa wf forts of the little party had been exhibited Old Farmer Jones, having been for as the method commonly practiced. Ihe Chemical ftemt. relaying the track, with substaotniH JtailL T<) Inm JiaB B factar^. OTer and over again, when the stranger months preparing his favorite Yorkshire price of seed for fall-sowing is less than that An Ox’s gall wiU set any color—in silk, was opened, on Saturday last, and an ax- quietly picked up a half brick which lay for “ killing time,” sent finally for the of^ manure; the labor of subsoil ploughing cotton or woollen. I have seen the colors cursion over tiia ro ^ together a i^ a sap ­ near him, and giving it a jeik ,it fell into town butcher—a great wag, by the way— tlie green sprouts in, is not so toilsome as of calico, whic^i faded at one washing, fix­ per in the evening, given to ikiB ataekkoUsn he ryyAPAm cH FO JiG E end MA. that of carting manure, and spreadnig it and friends of theooad. VVa are pleased T CHINE SEOF, tituate in Napanoch, the water a long way beyond the line to come and prepare the “ s a s s e n g e r meat” ed by it. - , V I Ulster Co.j'Wew York, and near the Delaware & which had as yet been reached by the fore­ for use. (This was, of course, y e a r s ago, over the field. Prairie lands are enriched A warming-pan full of coals, or a shovel to learn that it opeM under favorJpiie cir­ Hudson Canal.. The forge boildin{;is 110 by 72 most of the crowd. At the conclusion of when “ confidence” wasn’t so necessary in exclusively by the decomposition of grass­ of toals, held over varnished furniture, wHI cumstances and has the pros{ ect ^ a (air iMt, and contains one puddling furnace, two draw­ this feat, a loud “ bravo went up from half eati;ig SBssengers, and dogs did not howl es. They require no manuring; and yet, take out white spots. The place shouW be business to do, in future. Itisnoarpr^ ing, sod one swedse haminnr, with the necessary they yield the most abundant crops. It nouneed equal to any rond in the country, ■ rehestin; fires, furiiaces, and machinery formakiiie a dozen voices around him. an^ go into spasms at the sight of them as rublied with flannel while warm. There is ample room in the building for another It was a cold, clear day in October, and now.) Old grunter was ferthwith stuck,as is hoped that subsoil ploughing will come An ounce of qnicksilver, beat up w ith and is rep; i-;ed tp be under exeaQeat msl^ furnace and two hummers, for wliirh the founda­ .thenien,'determined not to be outdone, re­ the brokers say, and having gone through more generally into use, nntil thorough ex­ the white of two eggs, and put on wHk a 9^eaiei^-^Berks/iire Courier. tion is already prepared. T he MACHINE newed their attempts ; but the Vermonter, perience shall have proved its efficacy. feather, is the cleanest and surest bed-bug SHOP is a substantial building, two-^torief the usual process of being tumbled into without saying a syllable to any ojie, con­ The Worcester Spy says Hirangpainankt The stream i* a never fciling one, and the site scalding water, scraped, cleaned, disem- £arly Tomatoes. 1mw32 feet head and f«M, iwiih Ruflficient -watw (!>r tinued to pitch the pebbles far into the bowa'ed, and so forth, was hung up in the ^^Lamps will have a less disagreeable smell have been mtde for koldiag a Cattle M vkct T w o miles from «ha villase cm (he sam^ stream stream, which seemed to nnnoy .one of them When the assistance of a hot bed can­ if you dip your wick yarn in strong hot in New Worceater, ooea a Ibitai^^ ahed for the night tp dry. After the butch­ not be obtained, tomatoes may be success^ ‘M' in a green jacket, the apparent leader of er had finished his job, and was about de­ vinegar, and dry it. Tuesdays. Two hava-been hak^Jiad which is a substantial dam, with 15 feet head ; five the gang, wlio f^eclared be wouldn’t be fully started in pots, or p her suitable ves­ Those who maka candles, will find it a acres of lat»d, two dwellings and a barn parting, farmer Jones says— ved successful. beaten by a ** feller right straight out o’ the sels, in a warm room. In this manner, the great ittiprovemeiit to steep the wicks in I f the abnTe property is notsoki hy Wetfuesiia^ “ Friend, I’m jn rather a bad pickle. I maturation of the fruit will be advanced a 8d of April, it wiH be sold at A UCTION woods, .ju> how,*’ and sidling up^ to the lime water and saltpetre, and dry them.— Gen. Tiqrlor, st i»>aali** w ^iaaka have been borrowing from different fami­ week or two. and without involving any an (^MKdnv. on ti e premises; stnuig^, Ira determined to make his ac­ lies in the neighborhood some 200 ILs. of The flame is clearer, and the tallow will a Tisttto tkfrNosth^T. Uws Tka ■TERMS EASYf F or further infi*rmatinn quaintance. serious trouble or expense. not “ run.” The candles will also last lon­ democrats ofrCtianaelscvt w^..^ra"kiB tka w WALTER RtJTHEKFORD. Esq., fresh pork, all which I have promised tore- W hile t ho fruit remains green, says a Connvrtt r«*t L*»w, No. 76 Nassau St.. New Y«^lc ‘ Where do you come from, neighbor?’ pay when my Yorkshire should be killed; ger. and tv ill not have a rancid smaU. the hos{Htalities of tka S t ste./i . inquired the other. rece-it writer on the management of toiiia- New iron should be gradually heated.at JmlIM. 1849. {31tApJd.l and now if I pay up alt my debts. I shall toes “ I have much facilitated the ripening •'—r---- Me? Wal, 1 hails from Vermont, jes first. After it has becoma. inured ;to the A r3rigkt C^t.ir^>flAmtotkWi)^»t» you have no pork left for my own use. What by removing the large leaves from dense naotv, friec'd.* heat, it is not as likely to araok. doings tkere; Jana Wky, pi^ I*n» LITCHFIELD shall 1 do ? He honest and shame the de­ branches of fruit, and p la c in g white boards gaiag * Haint been in these parts long, 1 reck- vil, or pay my debts and starve ?” It is a good plaa to p9t, .nw » rt^n -to dya m y a ll's pianaft^ red. But what on ?’ behind them, so as to reflect the sun s rajs ware into cold water, and t ^ a le t il Heal “ 1 can arrange that business nicely for strongly upon them. With the same view, hairafbu to dy it with ? Beer, pa, B***” | IRON FOUNDRY. Wa!—no. Not edzaetly yere—but up graditally, until it Ixttls,^ than a)ol. PfO"^ Who on earth toU you that beer wooM you,” replied the knight of the long knife. an English author of eminence, recom- h e Subscriber, gratefiil fi*r past patronage and daown sorter.* “ Do yon just cut up and pack your hog e a r th ^ wan ia porticukr, may |)e tpi^h- dye ^ ? Why ma said yesterday th at ft T fti(l contiaoes to carry on the ‘ Yis—so i ’spoaed.* mends tin. ^ .1 , early in the morning before any of the The British fruit raisers consider a good eiiedin thia.ww. was beer that made your nose so red, and I CASTING BlfSlIIESgs ‘ Yaas,’ continued the ^een *un, care^’ neighbors are stirring, and then swear that thought that I— ------Here, Sniin, ^ in «U iU varioas bnmekes.at the nM stand in North lessly. and seizing a big billet of wood, he wall for fririt, equal to an adduce of six Tfsjrx^le occurred at tUschiW to bed. gl00t i where all kinds of CASTINGS^ will be somebody .stole the critter in the night degrees toward the equator. By Panting twirled it over his head, and it landed seve­ time.” Pitts.biugh, 09 Monday. The boilers in dgaKjf Mt the sltonestiioti4», and in like most work- ral rods from the shore, in the water. the tomato in beds under a fence A Lightning Ezpress.^^-mti^aiR, iVa Sa^^ke nianner. “ 'Capital idea I First rate !'* exclaimed ly %vhitewashed or painted white, matura­ Ftfe’s battling factory, in Alleghany City, * You’ve a little strength in your arms, Farmer Jones, chuckling and clapping hfc expkded. Claying away the roof of the ^ t , when on a joumay W and the otiier, «t4^l.25; Cart and neighbor.’ tion of the fruit would no doubt be materi- building.* and throwing the boilers 40 feet. day met a hoy ia ,a po^tnm^ ik ^ hands with delight, “ and you shall have a ally advanced. F requent; and copioua irri­ y H «ip»-iytAa of various sizes ; Farmers’ K<>ttles, * Some * pum’kins’ in them flipper, stran spare rib for the hint.” Five bodies have been dug out of tw ni- ing marblw by ftte'tosdlfda. **To« Furnaces, Sinki^rld«Pn»,-I>'»h Kettle*. &r.. &r. gation with soapsuds, and.cleanly cultiva­ rascaV* sud *^aft yoa til* pMfe*. fje aim manofccMirei J3r LETTERS FOR ^ r . Up in aour toawn, more’n a munth Al)out the witching time of night, in the ins, hut there are olSers ^ d ly injwed. Mr. ago, i driv them are knuckles, rite strut thru tion, greatly facilitates the developameot of J .F i f e w a s a m o n g tbe killed. . . bov^^.aqd tltis. pjitymr away yftqr tzoa?** IStQJfH, «he most apjaroved patteriis. “ wee ^ o rt hours ayant the twal”—when, this fruit. ; B. - p (/0 lfr9 manofiieturedandi^MM. a board, more’n a ninch 'naff thick !* according to Shakspeare, *• church-yards Such was the terrible force ©r tha a x p ^ “ l^o,^^ansW e»ed lli^bojr. /^*»afltA a mwsrt'^ vwioiis *nd pattwns. * Haw—haw !’ shouted his hearers, the yawn.” and places with a naughty name, An English paper, in .an artinfe on Sion, that five dwelling, situated aea* A e icWcb istlNe‘Celebrated. ■ . man in the green jacket laughing loudest. AimiCANPLOW, “ breath out contagion to the worid”—the France, s a id “ When tha provisional factory. j s w t Tha Islai^ ■af*'’Bfirii^ fbmislaa ‘ May be.you don’t ’blieve it.* , crafty “ butcher boy” might have bean seen government pirbm i^ the laboiing classes ihs lipw in nse. Auo-^illl^tiids.of diwt, and~ piwdueaa anaoally ah«^ . . * Not much,’ answered the crowd. noiselessly dragging the carcass of the de­ that they should never again want either " p r — C—tHig»« CampasHign JIaar^ * VVa aint very green, down here in - A vag observes, that Tke best innffia i^fi^^^^uB ars ^tpgth. ?__*** funct porker out of Farmer Jones^ shed, work or high wages, them asses actually aboirialflratt tka Ptoinsi^ a» YorkrT-wa aint,* awd. the fellow in the and long before old Sol was seen perched believed it.*’ The' next week, the paper the world, is a snnff of tkfiliioMliQf^.**-^ rV ^ 4 irrEPr-^)^ « *xeh«ng« fcr , j a ^ t ; - * w«B*va baan a ^ u t you on the distant mountain-top, the monarch That don't ^ g in to k»»a: «rattnsl«eeit ta ^ flMiiirilMSciFcil A.iilrk8* contained. the follcw*“S .correction:—Erra- the snuff - - asni^har afgainy.]^w i ^ C^«RIN6 T 0ir. of tha sty wqs reposing—well packed and tum^i^For •* A kil « our |aat,xetd MomjiSiSD fuf/ojfs ‘ /aw , ftiand/ coii- sal^-r^ A W ^ in Uwbatcbei'i ^ “ tliwtnaaFae..* f ¥ l M E U B L t i A N . ______For ike BefMicam. Bxpedttioii. E ik o r of the IMchfield BeptAKcan : om Note, $W 10,- Cash Pr^ium, ~ T h e P ^ vJm x . the communicatien on " Mutual Whenas, by 4 heif own showina^ ttoy^ e. W Our returns are aemewhat m tW P l i U E f : . Ckd. Fi«moQtk iatliatpt to ero» Xko per ceW.on the Pieollem Ifote, whwh w *" “8* formed, and so positively expressM,” and I am gregate, $13,744 91 more than they are in fact "or Joseplf^)riimboll STaaft the “ N<»th American.” necticut, three gentlemen wlfo are <^posed to quite sure, will “ appear” to any unprejudiced ne ^ «B*Uer >*.Thia W9M the very scene of the well W e think these-misrepresentations need i^ c e ­ Thom^flU Seymour 26 JW slavery. Do they suppbse that th^ ^mocrats mind not swayed by the “ Tno Dollars)* ment. A roan with half an eye, can see that thev remembered snflferings of poor. Pike, who •W%arlKre4fr,%Ctter%ih seemed shy. of New England are such “ everiasting fools” Qualion lst.-—'‘ Did you not aet as agent of are calculated or designed on one hand, to ad­ W e thinfctiie oSdnl vote iffll inefwse these fo r ty this same Washington Company, from alwut the And no w«y affiwtable^ more than years ago. (in 1806-7,) (uyankee Hill would say,) as to become mar­ vance the interests of tlie Washmgton Company, f i g ^ considerably. Mr. Nilee being l&rmerlV., • 16th of October to the 26th of December last?” dt of iu officers and agents, at the expense of the With bait bediztraed and renewed. with a small part^ of soldiela, entirelv tyrs to a cause which Southeni Wkigs have and for a great number of years, a teadmg D e n ^ Yes, sir, I did, and I obtained forty-two appli­ public; and on the other, fo injure one of our crat, in w l ^ ahnost unriaited confidence was The big-finned tribe she 'still pnrsncd. unprovided with winter clpthing, himself bartered off for tiie loaves and fishes^ Wash­ wearing' cotton overall^* elamtered over cants, for which I received $84, and I might have well rreulated Mutual Insurance Companies p ! ^ by hia party—a man wBe calls around b i» While roaeh, with pike and perch, ske viewed ington ? If they do, they are extremely ver­ taken four hundred more, and received $8(K) in the The Directors of the Washington Company anient friemb, took many Democralirvbtet dtaT As «sh|unrespectablc^ the snowy ridges and'frozen "canions,” of dant. Why, Truman Smith boaato th a t he same time, had lobeyed the suggestions o f “ H . “ feel confident of issuing about 80,000 policies, no other WM, nominated as he was, eoaU have • Newcomb Graves, Director and General Agent,”* during the fifth year, arid of adding from twelve S u tlo ! quite eoon tc b ri^ ten in g hope. these mountains during two thirds of the carries in his breeches pocket the evidence that ‘he Eastern Counties,, winter, until, in feet, compelled by the in­ and proved like Judas, a traitor to the other c(Mn- to fifteen thousand dollars to their preiint large While smaller etter look to May, 1848, it appears: W e believe T bokas H. raUey of the Rio Grande, to construct for Question 2d,— Did yon not recommend this • ‘Twas joy to see A’ exulti^ eyes. his position, before ^ey shake a filler at the Company to your neightiors as a first rate Compa­ W hol^lim ber.of ijolicies issued, 20,804 winter-quarters the block-house in which he Nortb. The following'remarks ny.” and “ one worthy of their patronage?” W hol^H hunt o f receipts, (exclusive of «d by all. can poll 30,000 votes in o h e y J ^ K ^ As she opin^ the goodly size jvas ultim i^ly discovered and arreted by policy and application,) $60,617 89 this ume, when the popular s u « ^ £ 5 ' Of this, her fust-approaching prize. mond E nquirer, are applicable to A e |>dint in No sir, I did not, after I visited the section where you, and agents under you, had done Iwsi Whflle anwunt of losses and expenses. rated mwe P«rtMnibrly^to the G o V X r, .haTani “the Spaniards. Pike’s intrepid, though con­ controversy:— otiier portion of the Tiekm. At thi late eleetii^ Most sunly expectable. fused explorations had made the world well ness, and saw the looseness with which that busi­ (exclusive of do.) ' ' Bent o'er the wave she did incline, “ The whig papers are terribly gwivelled at Balance in fevorof the Company, 17,728 M the D e ^ r a u were certain the electiqn of Gov- acquainted with at least the eastern range ness was done. I did^ tell some of your “ neigh- emor M d go into the E^slature, th ^ ^ .'And shouted eagerly—** Ybu’rc mine ! the election of three democrats a nd Wily jpne bors,’^ and some iiot so neighborly, two weeks be­ Eieduct unpaid losses, May 16,1848, 6,080 00 of this section of the Rocky Mountains, and whig to Congress from Connecticut^ and' i«^e Cash surplus, 12,648 61 had an influence rather adveiie to tlie £hate Tiek “ O flounder on !—to part the line, fore I received, your letter, pf the 12th of Decem­ be had rambled through the stem solitudes the cry of “ coalition witlf free sdilers.” This ber, or before I had any knowledge of-the fiimous By the Report o f January 1st, 1859, it ap­ et, so fiu- as the popular vote is concerned, tifdli “ Ib IkV from eatable !” Seymour has receiven|a flatterisg vole rinsriiilli may be so—Imt as the Whig Candidates were “ resolution” referred to in it, that I believed the pears: But ere ^ eaptire would resign , . of the Bayou Sabde, or South Park, long as bad, if not worse, on this subject, tod a^ by in the center of the Slate, w lierate k before trapper or trader had dreamed of its Washington Company” to be unsound, and I Whole numbw of policies iw ed, 87,986 H is freedom to the miW and twine. their defeat, there are secured threet>p|Mments have seen nothing yet to shake that belief. ulariy a»l personaByknSwa^jSi of the “ American system,” against which the Whole amount of cash premiums, $116,363 13 He showed, lekh her w Hoody trine. enstence ; crossing behind the * High Peak WholeamountofkMsesandexpen8es,87,341 87 which now bears its name to the South South has always protested, the South must Question 3d.— Did you not agree, or o ^ r to His Sbu-inriup delectaUe. G. gain something by tije result. “ Bui.with to agree, to devote all the time that you oiuld Balance in ,&vor of the Company, Janu- Wrecft. of a Ciqpe May 1T«m^ Fwk of Platte, and even from a mountain what grace can Southern W hi|^ coi^lai^ of spare from the renewals in the Hartford Company, 28,020^6 A H£ART-RENDING CtRCUMSTANCK^ to' the interests of this same Company, now so 13,329 4b Frem the XkiMebeei Gazette. ridge." looking down upon a main head the course of Northern Democrats, when they losscs, FIVE LIVES LOST. bitterly denounced by you V' 14,691 81 branch of G r^ d River^—the Colorado of the/ttsehes voted for PHlmbce, a n > c ^ ^ w ll^ e d - By the'arrival abthis port yesteidbiy of- BfeJ . ; _ T o M i tr r - tl^ Pacific—although he mistook it for a Free-Soiler, and pledged “ in fovbr of the ^ - Can’t say whether I did or not. If I did, it was eurplus of May 16th, olition of slavery m the District of.Columbia: ” 12,643 61 A. Mitt)um, Bakhnore p il^ « e «------,7 lii belbre I became acquainted with its manner of do­ acquaintad with aff adventure, msienrhetv in ha May pleas«t« forev«r illuuunc thy brow, branch of the Yellowstone. Pike’s diffi­ —and when in General Taylor^s Cabi|ie<« two ing business for I know I shou Id agree to no Increased cash fund on 17,682 policies, 2,0417 80 culties, and the knowledge that here is a decided Free-Soilers, Ewing and Collamer, results. On the 31st of Mard^ the BaWnnm Bi^ 'A* brilliant and soft as it sparkles-there now; such thing now, “ Ttvo D o lla r or no Two Dol- Any man who will compare the two Reports, lot-boat Coquette, Capt. Jeaenh B;. £ 1 culminating swell of the plateau from which (the latter voted for Gott’s proposition !) sit lats. must arrive at the same results. Now, in the ^und thy pathway no 4ark cloud of sorrow side, with Messrs. Preston, Crawford and ble, a ^ M ^ s J. A. Lilhora, jS a Haaev- such rivers flow as the Arkansas, Rio Question 4/A.—“ Did you not, about the same name of common sense, what is the ground on T h o m is ^ Bolt, Thomas ML Watts, and Robm arise, Johnson, Southern Whigs? Collamer in a time, employ an “ enterprising young man” to as- which the “ Coufidence” of the Directors is based 1 iTour future undouded as soft summer skies. Grande* and the Colerado of the West, speech in 1845, proclaim ^ that Siavefy piutt When they hail but 30,304 risks. May 16, 1848, M. Liag, pik)ts on board, whik riiiieiM wletindb- sist you in enlightening the good people of Litch­ 36 14,abottt sixty miles from Cape Henry, m i Even when the bright sea^n-of youth have must hare induced the expectation of cease—that it may be temporarily p a llia t^ , .pr field County as to the meriu of this same W ash­ they had in surplus f\ind% $12,643 61. From about dliny-five miJes from Euid,M ia witk4b» serious impediments to be encountered on excused, on the ground x)f Mcesstty, Dutftnat ington Company f ” the 16th of May, 1848, to the 1st b f January. passed, excuse cannot endure-:-that every man i^^naid wreckj>f what they supposed i» be. a steen bet. (Sure the season of youth is too lovely to last,) this route, it epears, however, that Fre­ Previous to my going into your district, I did 1849, (7 | months,) they issued 17,C^ policies, and faithfully to exert himself to remove th at ne* added only $2,047 80. Now th e ^ ^ k “ confidem tom upward. water was here abam tWeMv Bfay the m in w i^mem^’ty enchantingly bright, mont's calamity arose from no ordinary cessity yet he was placed by a “ Southern engage a young man to “ assist” me in insurance filthomsdeep. The small boat was fawnehe^aa^* business, not particularly, however, to ** enlighten of issuing 30,.000 policies during tflp fth year, and lUvme the bl«rt scenes which this moment de­ r^ors. Facts mentioned in the Intelligen­ President,” in one of the most respoMible of adding from twelve to fifteen ullwwaiid dolian sent to thewredc, when it was discaver^ that die cer and the last despatch from St. Louis posts of the Cabinet, and with mmenafrpower the good people of Litchfield County;” for 1 have bore the name of ih« ‘^Thomas Rusaetl, efCima lig h t; - . SotUk^n Whigs no doubt they will be “ enlightened’' to their hearts’ to tlieir present large ceisb fund.” to injure the South. When They have now, according, to the Circular of May.” Some of th|m got on the h e tu ^ - Thy unions of friendslup be 'blissfully sweet show that the last winter in. New Mexico thus tolerate, nay, encourage and honor ou^ content, before the term-of five years shall-have this time the after part floating w^T out at aet in unusually early, and was of unparal- Northern foes, how can it be expected,,^that expired, “^as to the merits of this same Washing­ JohnG .N orth,"overforty-three thousaiid risks fiere on earth—and in Heaven, those unions to stand against.' Taking their success on the water; while the forward part wm dowa, bsr hsa# elled severity. Fremont left the Pueblo at Northern Democrats, stricken down by the ton Company.”. being under. Mr. Ling was jon tbe botton, arti repeat! T • • * Whigs of the South for their devotion to her $17,682 policies issued between May and Janua­ the close of November or at the begining Question Sth.-—“Did not my letter ofthe 12th of ry, as a base, what wiH they, in point of fiKt, ** add bringing his head ck>se to the he dPaghc ' March 2. 1849. constitutional rights, can now go fa r te r than December, informing you that you could no longer he h<»ri a noise inaide—listenii% h a i ^ m ^sssssBSBBSsssB^ss^sBem o f December. On the 16th of the last na­ the Southern Whigs themselves ? This is our to their present kmge cash fuinid,” on t ^ 30^000 have ' the two dollars,’ and my subsequent inter­ policies to be issued the fifth.year? ' 9 ^ have asstned that there were persona idtw inside— med month at Santa Fe the thermometer brief Commentary upon the taunts upon our- view with you, in whic^ I explained to you the Tibe PaM iit’s HApe. had fiiUen to twenty degrees below aero ; selves.in the Whig papers yesterday.” not b<«n pleased to distinguish between ‘Pkmes*' With these gallnnt men, itrdqutred but a u( reasons for the resolutions passed by the Company, and" Expenses,” in either of the Reports miYed to act Raps were given on the bettoa^ t» j If liMm 4m a bnfbt spot in parental ex- men froze to death ; the snow^ was as high viz : That having efiected their objec^in allowing to above. Hence we shall be under the necessity those inside that they werer heard. A» ' th m be m time w Im has heart as a horae’s back in the mountain pssses ; Free Soilers. " so liberal a f^ to their agents, by thus s p ^ ily in. of including them together, as they have done, m sawawere instantly. biMglMk and aH hands' ___ t in joyful emotion, it is when he gazes it appears from the last accounts from S t The New Haven Itegister su^ests, that as troducing their $?ompany to public netice, they work loeut tbrongli the bottom to rescue'fl order to come at the result of the 6th year^ busi­ side. In a short time, thc^ could be haani __ the Whigs find it important to have the -sup­ should hearafter allqw but |1 , have Mmething to ness. upon his first-begotten—h& ianly son.— Louis that it fell much deeper, the mules do with opening your eyes to the terrible evils of ing. A hole being blunder the Wrong way. Instead o f “ ad d i^ The man who had his headout, «hropp«d't)adk,aai# W a sh in g t o n . April 13,1849. of tiiese little squads of disorganizer^ sl^ lu word about the “ Two Dollaas,” until I made an ing When f dbdl be worn out with have a hearing through public joi^riials, we objection to the Company on that very ground; and from twelve to fifteeVi thousand doHara to their as he went in, he looked upon tbe jbi^ht sun, a k i Mr. Benton has received a letter from present large “ Cash Fund,” they ean have the remarked, “ Tiiis i« the last sun I sKa'Revar see?^ S and mglaclMl by this great and active are inclined to think that they should be then you seemed “ thunderstruck” that I should this child ahaH be my hop^ ^_ th e Col. Fremont, detailing the dreadful priva­ mention the Two Dollars in hearing o f one of most implicit “ confiifence” of a deficit to the Theefibru of the pilots were: redoubled^ but with­ tions and misfortunes which attended his ed down by every consistent politician and(^rue ]H>nr Sub-Agents, who, perhaps knew nothing of amount of from eighteen to twenty thousand dol­ out avail, the whole of those inside perfshliig, m aoaiee of my aobea. Hisdoateritig ioek^ patriot.”—^The English of whicltis;—As.|long lars, “ The fifth year ” and all show n clearly from fiist did the vesselsettle, before a hole large enough journey over the Rocky Mountains. the amount you yourself received. After consid­ bis bright eye and manly forehead^ awaken as the Abolitionists assisted us to electi our erable hesitancy, fiiultering and squinting between a comparative statement of the standing of the to get them out could be made. £vety‘ MaesiviU ~ ^ The accounts already published, scarcely Wwhington Company , as compiled from their ble effort was nu^e by the pilots,, which waa a ti '' emotion, and joatify dib fond and dieriah- Candidates, all was well; but now, just so soon you and Mr. Hubbard, he said, “ we have conclud­ eome up to the horrors depicted by Col. last two official reporu, ged on by hearing the efibrts of thedroweiiig aUM ' ^ hope. ButhowgMat are therespow - as they drop some of their ultra principles, ed to pay but one dollar to agents;” in£ending, no doubt j to convey to my mind that the Company;, NELSON TULLER. u> breathe and sustaiirthemaelve^oalilralii^aiilt' bilitiea and dntiea iaapoa^ by such a jpft i Frem ont and assume the name of Free Soilers, *an^ join Middlebury, March 13,1849. be afforded. The number of deaths is however, not itself, had made such an order, but I assure you it They all perished tofetber in a few minntss Here is a gem to be poliahed—a mibd to the party who are for the most extended liber­ did^ot go down in that way. tia trMnedrrra heart to w educated—habita quite so large; but it is too true, that the “ The Second Washington.^— of­ after the hole was cut which aUowtd dw air b> es- ty, then they “ should be frowned down,” for­ W hy is it, Mr. North, that one at least, of those eafte, and the last heard firom ^ m arere suppli- poor aurvivors were compelled to feed on “ General Agents,” for this sam e“ Washington to be fiwmed -an immortal soul to be aavad. . sooth, as “ disorganizers.” ' fice-holders may calculate the chances oi ser­ caiions to the Great AriNter of events- to hirae Andwho is to dothif work? The parent the bodies of the dead! Company,” pays his Sub-Agents, $1 12J, when his ving out their terms, by the case oif Mr. K n^t. mercy on them and save them; While tte aam As soon might our neighbor expect that his getS'but$l ? I suggest that a subscription be cir­ rr rta m ir It is work that cannot be aliena- CoL Fremont throws the whole blame, - ■ late Postmaster in Newark. His commissioa were at work, the sea was breaking over them, 3 v 2 L .ilto I upon tl» ^oranee of tl. guide, .man who tercal««. .trength wonld allow b.m tojwim: culated among the m embers of the Company to re-^ does not expire under a year ; and so general which greatly retarded their operations. It ia ; munerate this pure, disinterested _ benevolence or supposed by the pibts, that the vessel waacapei- - ' ' th.TyK.t ck«»ct.r, «.dwhol..d ‘ the company should certainly be liberal enough to. was the satisfaction he had given, that a peti­ i r f S o f i l . «aU« am.. b»n goid. for y«.rs for Gov. Dodge ; but skirts, a. to attempt, wi* the hop. of make it up to him. Perhaps he has not been suf­ zed on the 27th or 28th March, u d that the le ft ^ tion to the President, signed by a large num­ persons had been confined atout tloee daysi— ^ » t« « t iMHawd under tb . hri- o n ^ » « !caaon he became completely be- North™'^'*” ficiently “ enliglftened,” and does not yet„know, that the fees have been “ cut down” by the Com­ ber of Whigs, was sent to President Taylor, There was a severe at that tinoek l%e pany. As Mr. North has been very liberal in requesting that he might not be removed.— portunity for con ^ersation With tl^ loet asea was, so brief that their n a o ^ or the cause of the d k -. paMniai orenwi. x iw •inm.u uo • He took the party by a route which only B antam D ivision No. aS, S. of T. publishing my communications to the Company. This was backed up, voluntarily, by the two I wish here, (by way of "returning favors,) to in­ aster, was not ascerteuned. Indeed, so intent weia- 'of beauty, and arery noxioM weed and should hayerequired three days traveling-- ^ t a meeting of Bantam Diyision, No. ;25, of Whig Senators from that State, and left in the piloits in their efforts for a rescue, that they did ola«k—1—^ a * h —t ^ J iie oaiiftilly---- g—U— exduded, onr)and I hilt but nM>m>iedoccupied a mmuch uch longer tim e e; ; and thro tjj^ gons of Te”mperancc, held in - their...... Hall, on troduce to the public a short extract from one of the letters I received from the Company- " Hark P Washington They had scarcely got home, not lake time to make inquiries. M r. Milbnm* rhn pnifiions ftuitaof lore, gentleness, and his igno^nce or carelessnera, they had to p^day evening, the 13th inst., the following informs us, that in the course sf his experience, he “ We allow our Agents $2 on each policy,viz., however, before Mr. Knott was removed by our frjAk ghmiH flourish and ripen unto im- retrace their steps amid dregful privations installed officers for the present No Party President,” and a person objec­ never saw a similar circumstance, and that tbe- ^growth.- and low of life, the guide .uHermg., mud. $1 from the insured, and $ 1 from the Company. eveiiu he witnessed, in the few brief weaienir Hope it will be an object to attend to our business tionable to all parties, appointed, for the sole which passed between the discovery of the as any one. . Benjam in S. Pendletom-, W., P. faithfully.” “ H. N ew com b G b av e s,” merit of having'baen an active partisan for the wreck and the perishing her erew,ca»never be ef^ When Col. F. wrote, they were doing Direaor and General Agent." Georgk B. Cook, W. A. General. If such things are done in the green foced from his memory. All that men could da, Not a had custom.—The Samnite^ a well, and have arrived no doubt, before Question 6th, and lastly.—*' Hid vou receive Garwood Sanforp, R. S. tree, what will be done in the dry ?—Begitfer. was done, and with a hearty good wiD, but fdl ef­ »eoi^ descending from the Lacedemonians this, in California. any information whatever, relative to the standing forts were umvailing. W e may add here^ that, Abram S. T urner, A. R. S. jada custom among themselves which must CoL Benton is collecting from Fremont’s of the Washington Company, its rules, r^ula- Horrid Murder.—A monster in W ilmin^n, the vessel appeared to be at anchor, as she waa^ iMve produeed an excellent effect upon H arris B. Gibbud, *F. S. tions, oflicers, salaries, or Agents’ fees, between the steady, with the tide running by her. It is sukio- letter, an account which will be at once pub­ Massachusetts, murdered his wife, a Mrs. thwr monk. At an appointed time, the Benjam in A. M’Ca ix , T. dale of your regretful letter to the Company, of sed that when she capsized, her ai^icl^'and lish^. Some of the details are so terrible the 26th of December, and ^o\xt xndigruint expose M. B. Preston and her twotwm daughters, on­ youi^ peo|lie were all assembled in oiie Aib e r t Stoddard, C. most have run out,and brought Kir to her present that he is obliged to suppress them. of its itsim^tmief of the 5th of January, only ten ly four years of age, by cutting their throats positkm.—^Jlfisiere iSka^ 11/*. th w cdnduet waa closely examined Charles S. W ood,. A. C. ^ davsafler?” with a razor. He escaped to the woods, where ------. vnd ha «Im m found moat eminent tor J ames B. P eck, 2d, I. S. - No, S ir; but I was tolerably well “ informed,” he was soon arrested, with the innecent Wood Reasfims for Saisi9g a Salary.—In the Co«p> Tirtaa w d m m rncet to hwcorotry.had A Newarker Returned.—We have had EuA s B F arnham , Oi S. ' htfore; and since that time, I am still better in­ of his victims upon ham. mon Council, en Thursday eveniiig, when tk jserflM B tocheaw forkii wife anybody he the pleasure rf an interview this morning Rev. J. Henbon, was appointed Chaplain. formed, which information I have from undoubted sources, viz;, from “ Official Annual Reports of the qiieetisn coasidaratioiT, Mr. Blonrne said : . Admirable institutbaP axelaimsMoii- Boyden California compjmy, who has. just K. K h jo u b n e , D. G.- W. P. of their Agents, &C. > of the times seem to indicate, that a war is ex­ “ Mr. Presid^sf—lmmin-fkrorof giving thiaef:: returned home on a virit from Panama, There are now 74 Subordinate Divisions un­ In speaking of the several Reports, Circulars, t^squieu.— pected between Russia and Turkey. Should fieifsnta^.woQte«tfeer, $200 more. Ihavesesai only reeo mmendatirn that yokug after awaiting a pemg9 to San Francisco. der the jurisdiction of the Grtod Division, of and Handbills, which haveisstied from the Wash­ him dischaiyrlMsdoty. Hia firm, eoal,aad eoi- Such was the anxiety to proceed and the ington Company, and from their Gkneral. Agent suck an event take place, all Eurepe would lected manner would havedoie ho^:.l»eM Zadi— « e n |M ||l on this occraion was owii^ this Stete. . ■ . / in this State, I wish to use all candor and ^rness. ♦o virtM. and to the services done their demand for amwig the 2000 Amer- probably be involved in (me great and final ary Ti^Ior himself. When file hundred veeseb,.. I would not knowingly m isrepr^nt its afimrs or arrived in one mornings it «as with admiialioii dhat: eountry. Love, W uty. Chastity, birth, icfmaassembledthtve. that Mr. B. was con­ 0C>* Salden's Dollar Magazvu for AprjS.—^We standing; neither would I be guilty of sufilerino strife of bloods have received this number of the i^ v e nam ^ 1 g a s^ upon him as he a rra n |^ them aH in tbetr- and even wealth itaetf were all. in some strained to s ^ hM 2nd calan tickets for the those reports, &c., to be palmed off on an innocent OCf-The StaW Peanaylvai^ ia abeut te appointed positions without confiisioa ec delay.— work, which is full as gqod^ m ^ose t ^ t have and unsuspecting public^ as truths, when they, the dowry of virtue. A nobler expected steamship Galifomia f o r f l ( ^ — follow In the wake of Ohio, in.;resard to ma­ Mr. President, he has net heea.an i ^ man in Iii» gone before it At the b^pnning, is # hand­ Without a single exception, bear upon their fionts dao. H e has had nine ch ili^ a. One ef Iheaas crandtf reooompenae of influencing a dear advance of $800 u!d scarcely be imagined.”— public will i^uire something more than my state- and Justices, elective by tike peopla * 1 ^ Eadtu ed on business for the company, and will ley of the Sacramento.” ^ and il.a maa who hMdaoa a s sisieh fbr I ment li) the premises ; and 1 am fiilly able to grat­ just as it should be. State and nati«i^ insti­ leave again in the U. S. ateamer Falcon, ify them in this particular. try, ought n o t to'-'bave twelve hai “ Monthly Ibmily Circle Parlor A ki^ . " —W9 1 st John G. N orth, “ General Agent for Con­ tutions caniwt be too pui^ly republican. year, I don’t know who should have it.**. which atarts for Charges on the 20ch.— Without anoiheraHvdon thesulyct, hiasd|ury' The ^ Germm* 0 ^ — A Newark Advertiser. have received the 8th Number of Vol.'VIII of necticut,” says, “ They have a c a ^ surphis over this periodical. It is a small oct«|o of 32 $98,000.” Whereas, the * Annual Report of tlw. “ TAs Xoit Bose T he Wash­ was iaised.->£sj«ea;Kisf. Company, made 18th January, 1849, claims onl^ Conil.ctig|) neatly printed pageS per number. Tlte April ington eorrespondeiit of the N . Y . Evening Post^ .fl:^ A cat of extraordinary intelligence $14,691 31; showing the small wxttaheoS more tl» pwdMm *hit “T* , ! number before us has two ^Kutiful evgra than $13,300, or nearly one half unequivocally says that " Truman Smith is now lyiiig off and Gntfisa f Dog Ojanerj.—Nathan S ta r k w c ^ .pot S a T o w i w TJS m . was .recently seen feeding ‘a kitten with r a g s —“ The Parent’s Hope,^.;or rq^eSenta- gmtpd by Mr. North. If we get half the truth, in, waiting fiir the fbg to break away and disck>se arrecovered last week $107 from the owner of » Boinl of aasa «f rota^on prodaead by toe «taich. to make it atand upright I This tion of an Infant, designed by ^ iss Ann-'Hall, we ought not to complain. the coast, wlien he will determine whether to sail dog that bit ban in Wethersfield, Coa&,two y e m ipMtiM m l nutoal action of taro OTpt**® iwniade uaof a maid who drank a pint of and engraved by I. F. E. Pi^dhon^e; and 2d. In the “ Maniiesto” put forth by Curtis L . up, or run away. The deftet of the iHiigain s in ^ He was bitten oa the right hand, and kait Ifhara imriaB or 641 of tide y taitf to malw her rise early! " Pass^ora Aituibilii,** or the Passitin^ower; North, and others, “ General Agents,’’ kc., on the 13 th of March, in the" Comparative Statement of Connecticut, he says, is' to be attributed entiiely to his thumb seriously injured.—N . Y. True Bm*. ■airM oeaof—^ piwUction aatiiaUy vardfM very accurately engraved, and brillisjatly cbl the Washington and Hartfird Companies, as the n^lect his Sute has received from, the Pre«- d f CepfcdHeirett ^ without any prior Teleeraph Dhidends^Firet^e.^Balti-^ >6red. . compiled from their Official Annual Reports," we dent’*' The President haa only to foUow the ad­ Baa Bead Sold.—T h t Hagersiowa Kears«ipr> : s»ab a ptrfnthad baen aup> n u ^ J p r U IS. 1849.—The Directoraof We areh^^^ fleased with tite Botanical have the following:— Cash lialanee in favor of vice of Truman Smid), to be incme year wkheut That portion of the FiaiM ia lUaroad, lyfag iia M « a d to ,« i^ Thiaia one among to many Department of ^Vbrk.'^which is judiciously the W ashine^n Company, $16,691 81; which ^ county .between thia phee and the pMasyha the Tefc^rapb met .shows only $1,000 mistake—snull compared with a corporal's guard in Connectieat! The files of ^ B p b a j d ^ modern afternoon, in managed, and calculated to be highly usefiil. his brothcr’e statement above. flie Treasurey Department^ can furnish him with nia line, was sold by Sheriff Soudi to C ol dan of 4 per cept, out of the proceeds of the It is edited by Mrs D* Newell, assisted by an Agam he says:—“ Average amount of Premi- a profitable hint on this p ttttt As ta M r Smith Schley of this place; for $600. It is rfioot sia Association of Clergymen. The price per an.- miles of Ae road, the co n stM c^ ef wiisfcisst 1. kst three naentha. elected'a Senator by only amajority one vote— _f. .1^ ___A fPt I Piii^nTi niunis ^l.bO; payment invariably tb be made * You allude to renewing policies in the H art­ about $S9,00& per mOe. ford Company. Would you objeiet to renewing so unpopular has he siiice become, that he could in advance.—Address No. 17, Ann-Street, New JppaimmenU Postmasters hy the the same in the Washinjgtmi, although you hold not be electcd by the straagest whis^legislaturs that Fo«tt»MiBrj^k»«raL--Cennecticut-—F York. JS* a Qalvest(Hi paper, depreeatmg the agencies in both companies? Cannot you make eovri be as seetfiled'in Connectieat ^ One the V a tta ^ S . W m , PorOa^d, Jdm P ^ e ; it more profitable for younielf to renew in ours, in beroT divorces g ran t^'at thergppnt sessieeef tba State Senators who yoted for him, says he •* re- Sim on Cp*wtiy W ( ^ - TtCorrikpiitd^.-^ T he Twer R o d s : a tale pref^nce to the Hartfbrd ? W e wish to jose no LegiskuunoT Texas,si^in that with Moray* by J W. ^ndcrcon peata irtknbf that act in ‘ sackeloth andashe^"* ^wwd; S. Cowles Led- a — tinic, H .^ x w c o m b G iti.^ a ;'' riage cootrct Ml aotea biSfi«»$ *a sidecBtloh. - JHrettHf and Qenenfi Agtnti Netv.Saven Daily, Xeigister; T B E xiTCHPi E i r rB frcfS fllS RecapUvUitimi. In die abseneeofany other Msisuj^, the-vain h ^ is sometimes cherished thatsomeofthe nu- TBE BALL Ul MOTION! HartMl Comty, OMTOOS nottnimi ofthe day, may possibly relieve dBtribdjM if 6B |ibB !! ^r^cNii ...... (*^ a n PtMoamtt, a d New Haven » or core those distressing, painful, and d ^ l y di»> « Litchfieid “ HK S iii^ ib er wduU respeetf^ly inform inMABr rojtrn fJw ia thw MriMi vifli • (f) M« Free Sa^ Fairfield eases of the lungsand skin, so mainfoki^ and com­ T the Ladies. of New MiHerdi and vicinitjr, a o s r HARTFORD COUNTY. New London plex in thar number and character. A dependence that he has taken the store at the head of Mam C. D«mMe Middlesex so frail and deceitful is at the best a broken leed, F. D. McNIEL Windham Street, tately occupied by A. B. MygaU, and will n Tolland and serves only to increase at last the despair of D Door below the Mansion House, South St., open. M o n d a y t h e H M h m t A p rU ^ a Merlm, A M N oRk.H 0iaee Batter. the sick. Biit if a firm trust be reposed in those would respectfully inform the Ladies and Gen­ branch of his MBILQEFORT '. r*~TTriili' Titmh Cb«in«—" * natural remedies of the Indian Chief Brant, a fiill 8tlemen of Litchfield, and strangers visiting the M SSS!rnS!l^mm.ir* ... Ladies’ Emporimn, asiurance of immediate relief and rapid cure is town, that ^ has in store and is receiving a large MmHrngtm,-----T ^ . * r,—One of assortment of Foreign and Domestic Where he will, keep constantly on hand, a la i^ -DMMonC the most daring Robberia we Save lately given to the sufferer. lu sanative and purifying t n Bmrtftri, M. Forf«,* R. F. Fowler.* assortment of articles, expressly for the Ladies*- Ih la Street, b rtfcrf. Ct. JBmt IPiiiiitr. Charter BelkMp. U vi Palmer. heatd of was coniniited about 9 o'clock efiMt in Consumption and Scrofula is ezi^ained suitable for the 8MHN0 TRADE, consisting consisting of Rich L«!e and Austin Capes. Cand at the ** Boe W tg," a GrtnAw, Sofcwaon Oalnei ,*Charlee P. Ckrk.* a ereat variety ; Calieoes of entirely New Styles Swiss and Camhrick edging. Alw Insertiog, msgnifinni assortment of Fashionabie Ifafffarf, John Ward;* Lotar CJowd. house transacts business of several wealthy Listen to the opinion of John F . SEELEY, a ai^ FAST COLORS. Book and Swiss Muslin;-Bhck and White h u t jfcMMir«r, Cbas. CheMjr.*. people, including Madam de Pontalba, and Physician of the highest standing. VaHs, Gauze and Fancy do,; Green Berage; F a a e y D r e w P l a l d t for ChHdren. White and Colored Tarlaton Lisses; Laces; JIfarttMWtfA.ChiutiM Carter. nr. Blanchard was in the habit ofkee- Courtlaf^t0mt, N , F., March 8 1 ,1 !^ . SUMMER COATINGS AND PANT Xkcnwent Crapes; Illusion T abs; Flowers; Gloves; Capes; |Hn^ moneys, notes, &Cn to a larg^ amount Mr. Qe9. S . Stautatm—Sir It is with' real STUFFS. Collaretts; Cravatts ; In&nts’ Caps and W aists, JbMfary, Wm. Mather, Henry A. OkM.* pleasure that lean speak of your External Reme­ Rich Fancy %&s, Super BSk Gras De Rhim^ J.Oiinef,*S. B. KendaH* in his bank box.** which he disposited in the BROADCLOTHi CA88IMERES, SATIN, R i ^ n Gimps; Fringes; and a great variety of bank. For some business purpose Mr. B dy, Hunt’s Liniment. Having used it frequently articles, that will be sold as low as they can be warranted not to crack; E iegi^ Tissues, BefOg. M li*u Nehuid Lociinies,* Siaesn B.KendaL* in my practice, and witnessed iu extraordinary had in the State. es,M. DeLaines, A^uslins. Linen. Qtnghiuiis,i& 8nah irii4««r,S«wl«)irdGrMM.* •ent to the bank for the box about the time READY MADE CLOTHING ! healing properties in several cases of Rheumatisin ALSOir-A splendid assortment of Ladies,' WeHitr^td, tfaiMiet Woodbcxue, D. Willard. above mentioned, and when it was brei^ht Affisctions, Diseases of the Spine, and^ also in Misses,and Children’s HATS, Ribbons, DRES3 EiESANT BROCIfA 6ASKKEIIE, Wmitmr, twm Denocratt. in by a young man. a nephew of Mr. F ‘ many minor cases, sqch as Bruises, l^ellinss, &c. CAPS in great variety; Plain and Mourning do. AND I consider it one of the greatest combinations of NEW HAVEN COtmTY. diard, it was by him placed upon —ALSO— N. B. BONNETS cleahxs avi> known and powerful vef^ftable extracts that has raxssxD. Crape Siairk, ^ K W HATXir,Wai. W . Boardmao, Aaron N counter. The young man, at the moment ever'been made in the Medieal Science, and as a A laigeand well felected Assortment of Skianer. had occasion to step outside the door, and Family Medicine invaluable. Yours truly, J. B. RENSHAW, CHEAPER THAN EVER! one daoKicrat. the box was not observed by Mr. B. Imme­ G. F. SEELEY. M. D. BOOT$ AND SHOES, 42 iVQprr* BrAifml. Nathaniel S.Snith. which will be sold ^heap for CASH or approved No. 17 Stftte Street, Bridgeport. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS! diately after the young man stepped out, Credit. anu6cturers in thia coottiji', with many Meriit», one dem. wt^d not suit them, and thej went away. In this town, South Farms, on the 15th inst French Papers^ which present an iissortmem and East Bnen^mtt whig. When the youns man came mto the st At Marathon, Cortlandt Co., N. Y. Mrs. Hul- AntfM«rr.->-TitM Pieree. f^ in h e was asked by Mr. B. about the box her patrons and the public generally, that COUNTRY DEALERS, Democratic m r i ^ 4* dah Beach, widow of the laM Mr. Miles Beach, of she has returned from New York, with a Wallvi^*rd,lni Tutde* Friend Johnaon.* and the fact of the enormotis loss then came Torrington, Conn. At the lowea New Y ^ k and Boston prices FOR O i^ant. E. Stone,* F.Phelpa.* out. The robbers must, we think, have SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of T. H. BICHiRDS. CASH! Jf«tftM«.-r4ne wMr. seen the box carried to and from the bank -M UJtlSERT MODS^ ELEGANT GOLDm. FRESCOS, MMiWwy.—one whig. on previous occasions. It contained in gold which she can elbr at Lower Prices than has ev. Merchant Tailor,: —The richest Par/wr p0pers,imihe State^Sutm ffWMfr.^1 JGWnA one Democrat, and one Whig. In the sadden and unexpected death of Mr. mings, which he will sell 20 per cent cheaper than ^% iM id^ohn C. Lewie.* A LARGE €ASH FUND ON HAND. LARGE and splendid assortment of IVEW can be bought elsewhere. Cowles, in 'tihe midst of his years, and his ose- G€M>D8—Just received by Jb*hir»,4ine whie. fal and active life, the pubUe, the community, h i s company hare been in existence four He also keeps on hand a Lar|^ Assortment of aaOrnf.—Wm. Boshndi,* Mr. RkshardMn.* years, and their success is without a parallel A PIGKETT & TURRELL. SherwL—R aw w Smith,* James Orr.* and partiealariy, his fiunily and fHends, have Tin the hutory of Mutual bisuranee. South Farms, Aptil 16,1848. 43tf Readj-Vade Clothiig! C A S N ’nrriyOM t, one Demoerat, and one W h«. sustained a great and irreparable loss. The THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN of his own Manyfacture, all got up in the best r Ilbrrca, ana Democrat. eanae ^ Temperance, uid the interests of re­ APPOINTED jiG E N T S for the above Com- $S Reward! style—will bear examination, which he will sell AT TffE CELEBRATED BUSY Wadu»gtm.—8. BL Catktm, D. Btmihttm. ligion, foond in him « firm friend and an un­ pan^, would res Atfiilly call the attention of these TRAYED t>r STOLEN from the Depot cheap^ than can be bought at any other Estailish- P6«wrwrs, one whig. not insured in L < itc llfie ld C o u n t y j and one buVidleof Spring Steel, I f inches wide' ment in the County. Wmekattr^D. B. WtMwhak.tT* Bronson.* flinching advocate and defender. He was con­ will be happy to receive applications from those fV» All Garments made at this Establishment, are scientious in the discharge of hift duty; and Sweighing about 127lbs., marked F . & K. Who- “ bee HIVE,” W 00am jf.r~W wn9*S. CUtrk. who wish their PROPERTY INSURED, and ever will give information of the same, shall be en­ Wananted to Fit, or No Sale! where he was convinced that duty led, he /o/- give such i/formation as they may wish. titled to the abo?e reward. 237 Main Str^et^ Hartford, C*nn, FAIRFIELD COUNTY C n ttln ir done at short notice. Utred, *• tiirongh evil, aa well as good report,” They insure none but the safest kind of Prop­ FINCH & KELLOGG. 41 STARR & BURKETT. Proprietors. rAntnB»«0 H^eny, J Ooold. erty, and take no risk over 93IKO O O . WcsH Comt^,. i^ ch 29,1849. 8w43 Terms—CASH. with a firmness and deeisio^ of eharaoter^ Their Policies are made on fm and equitable Rooms, two doors east of theCowrt House, m w h l^ gave him the nnwavering confidenee of principles, giving those insured an equal chance V N otioe. Lord's building, up stairs. No. 1 and 2. Cwtiw, Jr. hSs fHends. and the respect of his opponents. with the Company, beiiig entitled to full amount Litclifield, March 27th, 1849. 40 NEWfiOODSI . W m .T. Jonaiiigs. Ih one of those revulsions which prove so of damages, not exceeding the amount insured, HEREAS I> the undersigned, by virtue of Ftffsin, David Fatdien* a wammt to me direcM. under the hand QRAIBSISS Jb 0». disastrous to the mercantile oommmiity, Mr. without deducting o n e-tu ib d , o s is customary -P —inry.one whig and one democrat with some other Cov^mes. W of Joseph B. Gibbert, Treasurer of the State of Cowles found it necessary to change his busi­ NEWGOODiS. HAVE just opened a large and . tatl9n, Jr*e David Beach* as, there is a State T ax against the Estate of W and ewer GOODS—amone which are, some be was ardently devoted. In his new occupa­ They are responsible for the correctness of all very good Calicoes, at 4 and cts.; Ginghams fiiibbons, Flowers and Trim­ Jbnrnffaa.^ne Demoerat Reuben Chapman, late of said Salisbury, dscsas- mings of all kinda. Tuscan and Hath Stephens, H J Sanfiwd tion. he exposed his health and life, in long and surveys made by their Agents, and AGREE TO ed, unpaid—Now therefore, notice is hereby giv­ aii,10 ots.; Splendid Muslins and Lawns, at 15 ARBITRATE ALL MATTERS OF DIF­ cts.; Bleached Cottons, at 7 ets.; and many Straw Bonnets of aU kinds aad 9 m a t,------Sceiieki perHous journeys on horseback; regardless en , tliat for want of personal property, I have lev­ other styles equally low, at the “ Variety prices I—Frqwh and American OrmmeiA, two whigs. FERENCE IN THE COUNTY WHERE ied said warrant oc the real estate of said Chap­ alike of the winter's storm, and his own per­ T H E LOSS HAPPENS. All losses have been Store.” • W. F . & G. H. BALDWIN. Lace Bfftinets, of which we have n . GREAT Utm Ctmatm, one Democrat man, deceased, situate in said Salisbury, on Town Litchfield, April 4,1849. 41 RIETY, and at very LO W PRICES. IliitMi. one W hig.. sonal comfort. And thus he probably brought paid to the satis&ction of the claimant, and before Hill so called; and will sell at Public Auction, at Nfwmlk, two W hi«. upon lumself an extraordinary intestinal de­ due. or near the pramises, on the lOth day of June, MMimg, Daniel C. Rider,* Henry Coach,* rangement, which was inevitably fktal, and The above Company offer inducements to those 1&49, enough of said real estate to pay said tax­ Pamelea, Verona, Drab and WWle C h ^ not insured, unequalled by any other Company.— A Amncn, one Democrat which terminated his useful life in seven days. es and costs. W ALTER R. HOLMES. NEW GOODS. 1 variety of Ladies’ Lace Gips «ndH«ad K m ShiUdd, one democrat, The Premium Note is only atout one fifth as much Collector of State Tax. h e Subscriber has just received, ami is receir. resses. Silk, Satin and Lawo> two whigs. In bis last sickness, his intellectual powers as other Companies require: and the CASH PAY - Salisbury, April 8d, 1849. 3w42 ing an assortment of SPRING GOODS, BonneU Ready Made and made to order ^ thf were retained in their full strength, and he re­ MENT does not e x c ^ on 1st and 2d class pro- NEW-LOJTDON COUNTY. Tconsisting ofa great variety ofLadies’ Dress Goods,best t f tror^maii,and at short notice. alised the ftall conseiousness of his situation; , Five Dollars on One Thousand for Five N otiee. —Also— New L m ti^ tWA whigs. and when told by his fiuthfnl minister, that all TTTHEREAS J, the undersigned, by virtue of a B R O A D C IjO T H ^ , Plain and Doeskin f i r A large stock of Gents’ Straw Hats. iWmriefc, H rary M 'N dlj.A lhaF .Sm ith. latei of luniBiee. VY warrant to me directed, under the hand of CASSIMERES, 9‘C., which he invites the public .B0i» « i,G e im Lathrofi. that medieal skill and sym^tiuzing friends Particular attention paid to altering blei^iag 1st Cbss Property, Dwelling Houses of^ Bndt RogerAverill, Esq., Justice erf* the Peace in and to call and examine. F. D. McNElL. E att L/me, Jwhn Ods. oonld do Ibr him, had been exerted in vain, Litchfield, No. 8, South St.. March 2bth. 40t ai^ pressing old Bonnets, Men’s Hats, etc, ^ r the best,” and tiiat he iras Hay, Grain, Farming I mplemenu, Stock, li a Tax ^ i n s t the EslsSe of Reuben Chapman, S hereby pven, that a pdition will be brpiuhi Patent Elastic , (a new inventio|^) PaisoC hoM muff, insured for the full amount, at the iaite liite of said Salisbory, deceased, unpaid.—Now, Pew Handles, Diamond Point Steel Pws, Silver JWen«B,'two whig and oot dwocraL perfectly resigned to the will of his Heavenly ihlM«fore, notice is hereby given, that for want of to the Genei id Assembly of this State at itt nixt L yjftfd, Edmnnd Sjncer.* Father, to whom he commended his about to be rate of the buildings. Isession, to autlKMrise theHartfofd and ProvideqcePencils, Combe of aU kinds, Ptirse Twist, Steel A Note » only required (say on $1,000 at 1 ptf personal property, I have levied said warrant on Beads, Rings and Tassels, Bag Claspeimd F r ii^ Xtifcn, one whig. bereaved fionily, with perfect confidence that the Real EMte of jaid Chapman, deceased, situ­ Rail Road Cmnpany to place their draw over the XytiiHwo Democrats. cent.) for Ten Der,cavefcpss, Whole Cash payment, $4 88— miMt, on the 16th day of June, 18M, enongh of watCTS. motto waftrs, artifteiid hafr, hair^^jK r- FreKM, W. Plendlelsa,* Amns Gore.* assuredly redeem His premise r and for him­ said Real Esute to ftoy laid *tax aud costs. in joint stock and common interest under one fiklen. AMrtd Gallup.* self. he felt perfectly assured, that he would The increasing Cash fund warrants the belief Chartier, er under their present Charter, such fumery, ALSO, Accordkma, Dolls, Tojts, JBranti^M, two whigs. ^ that no tax on the Premium Notes will be necessa­ WALTER R. HOLMES. modifications and special acts in relation thereto, Fancy Boxes, etc., etc., too nu m e^stb moitioift W «t«iftd, one Demoiarat himself enter upon the full enjoyment of those ry for a long term of years; and the Directors as Collector of Tonm Tax. and to the subscriptions to the stock of the New N . B. Milliners from adjoihing towns, sip- beatific virions which await the good in the sure the public that all losses will be settled with Sahsbtary, April 8d, 1849. Sw42 plied as nsuaL New Goods racmed week^. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. Ywk and Hartford R. R. Co. and those for the manrions of glory, where “ there is no more promptness and liberality. Hartford and Providence R. |L Co. as maybe Beaching sihd Pressing ddiie in the best J(n>MXTOWV, Edwin Steams,* no choin of 9d sorrow,” and “ the weary are at rest.” The Company is under fhe direction of the Hon. deemed by said Companies or dther of them, expe­ ner. .>• <3fcat*«mi Whies. r^MMls of dw proeet^itigsas will make it interest- Old pictures taken on the same plate for 75 cts. Railroad, or to expend the sum of One Hundred 5 hhds. N. O.and P. R. Sugars lyEelif.AaMw Witter, Jr. E .W . Cmftiss. Thousand Dollars on ite road or My portion of tng to all who wish to become acquainted with the Complete satisfoction given, or no sale. 200 bbls. Flour fre(,Hkam Halt,------Baxter. FOR SALE. CAZ.Z. Am> s u . the same—and .to authoriseeachof Mid Companies 20 tons Oatn Mea] a^d ProvemUv j , ElariHi Gallttp.* business before die two Honses. It will be mailed A Valuable Farm pleas- Litchfield, April 10,1849. 2w42 or said united Company to borrow «K>nay aad con­ 200 K e g ^ re W hiu Lead vCkaptm, Lathnr Ashley. to any part of the State duting the sessitm, for 75 tract for the completion of their Road and bran­ 5 bbls. Linseed Oii. Jfawpr#*, William Dorkee.* siuiated in LITCH- cenlSt or it will be sent three months, (which in- LD, ivithin about 2 ches—to authorise said united Company to adopt — r FalmtfMan. E Gallup,* T b e XSngliali Blood Horse, such other name as m a y be deemed expedient— chides the pal^eatioaofthe bws,)for $1. f^rSub. miles of the Court House, IRON, STEEL, and N A U ^ M D S . < Wmikawi,vmo Fms SoiL from 90 u> 100 acres of laind, with acontaining to soeureand flicilitate the construction attheeariiest ■ two Democrax. acriptions in all eases must be paid in advanceJpl Buckwheat aad Rye FLOUH^widi one a f comfbrtaUe DweUngHouse, Bam, Cow-houses, period and on the most direct and tesible route the largest assortmenu of JSOii«J^.EheaKeUgr.*RcT J.D . BaMwin, F S Postmasters and others who procnre eightsub- of a Central Rail Road from the east to the west J . a Joh«s«i.F 8 Thomas Dike and other out b n ild ii^ with an excellent well of DRY GOODS GROCBBIE8, scrihers, and remit the amount, (which can gener­ water, Itc. line of the State, in the directions ofFishkill and the Erie Railroad, and to aid and encourage the often foond i» a CcMtry Store. ally hedone through Ihe'rq>re8entatives)wtll be en. Said Farm is w«^ m pf^oned for Meadow, .TOLLAND COUNTY. Pasturs Wood and Fiov-limd, and is well water­ ZENITH, By order of the Directors. West Comwatt, Fe&k. iS49. w ^ 5 tided to acopy of the paper for three moMhs. ed. The above property » oflSsred at a fair price, orm erly own«d»by a. N. French, has WILLIAM D. ELY. 'T o ix A m .ti ------The Daily Courant will be sent tillthe firstof anda <2mf-CZatM Old Warrantee Deed will be giv­ returned, after having been absent from ofHart k Prov. and Near York and Haeaidey^ Ei^llCBi. Sepumber to all papers In the State triio copy the en, with the exception of an equal undivided half F this County some fonr years; and may be ex-Hartfiwd ^ ilrsad Companies. (CtMMtrw, R kshiM H .*"*. N . Loomis. Litchfield. March 24th 1849. 40 HBAP EDITieNr^jssacd im nu b bers. Aiikumm.n»A* above. of an acre of land with buiMtngs tbereon. which peoted in Watertown, Xitdifield, Woloottville. an eluant ettgnuted Fortf«it of 4Im Author. Elisha Mason holds duriitf his and his wife’s natu­ and Fluteville. this season. GB a ^ nsNBbsr xoBtaioa a vpfanne; SS ceata per ^Bdfm,fkMUK4€kmijr.,9mmk C .O **t. ral life. 0(f> Those wishiiw for farther informatton. will plaase notice Eumd Bills, which wilt be in N otice. nun^,printed«aifem ly witk“AIIkoB%E«rc*«.’* MmifidHwWkitt. ___ Mew Y*rM Cattle JHarl^et. For.fimW particulars enquire of the subscriber Any: m/VD retnittinr $1 m , wiH receva by n , * Far the w«ek endi»g Jpril 16. M thm nremiiii. eirewation hereafter. URSUANT to an order of tlie Court etVto- jfcmwf, fob H » M . Dmiisl^C.*»*fc, AprH 11th. 1849. 42 bate for the District of ]Eent,I sbatt sell at tam m ^TSoa. AdSress^patfjNw^X \ a n ^ i , Joaeph AMen, gam»J Harwod. At Market 1800 Berf Cattle (100 Southern, le- BENJAMIN W. MASON. ^ R ? f a W o n . Lkthfield,Afril IS. 48tf PPublic Auction, (unless previouely disposed at at Yarib maindo^ from New Yorir and the East.) tO Cows private saleij) on the 21st day of instant April, at ' f^wnan, L. A. H m c imd 700 Sheep and Lambs. Wanted Immediately tlie late residence of Benjamin Howbmd, deceased, 4tw8 jraiiM fan, Otis DiaMek.K ■ CmpMtor. *ne stfppto of Beef Cattle, were as abundant PILES CimED. BOY from 15 to 16 years of age, to learn the at lOo’clock, A. M.,so much of the Real Estate - ^ ^ .G n r ls y Phelpfc^ as Ibr the ^ k prevwus, and prices remain with­ n almost sure remedy for this terrible disease, out madMilisration. 8aie* at fiom 6 to • cents— TAILORING Business. None need ap­ of said decea^, as wiH raise the sum of eight faun* may be had a t ^ Variety Store, South Street. A ply, unless with a det«rmiiia4an to serve his timedred and forty-seven dolbrsand twelve centr,widi o p v i r i i t idTfiir dty eBOBuaqitioa ; about seo left over. A Persons afflicted with this complaint, may try th0 h e {Onetow% (W ni»H ^ in-wfci* ilh>ra ww O ira end Cfa/#tf,«t f i t «e SO • 80 : aU sold. laithftilly.. Emtufare two doors east of the Court incident charges of sale. " ST AT# OF cor :CUTv*rjp*, medicine, and if they are not benefited by it, wilf House, of THOMAS H- RICHARDS. IRA SEGAR, Exec'r. ,up»jggi^ut I m ajlfcii litO lhUft-. have their m tm ^ refiaidbd." Tby ^ 3 QO to IAtc/^l^,All^^h. .1 ^ n JCBat,Ap«l6th,16|^. 3wd» A r h l ^ . •‘Not for n ihry but for nH Ime. _ t ^.sJl^£.^^?nd*imaieWB sie af Or . STANTONS EXTERNAL — A N D -^ HETsnbsi for^nle, in - HCFN^ LINIMENT, 'i L r ^ T_ lllinoi%aiMUl^awUowa^FAAMINQJUANpSip9 w a ^ ANDf. Illinois, in $jie'Cotintiet of Peoria,% barren,»§Ic a s now given abundant evidence of its heal­ «UouU be avoided. ^ . Donoii^h, Mercer, Cathoun and Haii'cock. ‘ H ing powers, arid proved itself the most-extra­ ««« n>« Will TON Street, Sun BuiMinff. VlLI-iAGtE'LOTS in the State of Iowa, in ordinary artd «riiiid«rfi»l tnedicine'in the world.— I Principa pfflc^ 1-6 ,treel, Boston; the T^»wn* of Fori Madison, Piurlingion and In tha short space of two yeais, it has acquiied a ''P H E Subscribei contintie«_to execute airordef** liii ‘t N. Y.; ' I r„* f Philadelphia; S. S. Sons, 132 P M. Cohen. Cli«rl<*>ton ; Bloomit^ton. reputation for^uringnliseoseand relieving pain far. -X for castings, at the s h o rt^ notice. H is listoi lUncc, " c ^ Street, N. O.; .105 South Tlie nh«>ve Lands jire offered in separate parcels greater than any inetlicine aver discovered. Its' (latterns is very fuU and cSlnplele, containing er- PURIFY! P U JIIF Y I Wriiiht ’ . and bv n« tim priucliial Dni?- or ALL TOGKTHER, and will be sold at such rates woiidcrfuf ciires have astonished the Medical Paci ery variety of i(5earing, W aiw W h*!*, Irto v % ' as will offer GOX^ iyDUCJ'-MKNTS to pHrcha- ulty, who now universallycbnc.edeJteigreat value.. Pulleys'of every diameter up la 8 feet, &pe firom:12; U a aoi HealUi an States. West liioin* uiul thn C«.u-if.a». »ers, or will be &cfiVrtMt6r'flaste?hl»rop‘‘' fv,on They speak of it >in tlie highest terras, and com- tiD'hes down;io 2 j smiiU geers-nf every kintf. atedMe$ Omt hiwi - For sale wholesale and letnil.by F. &L. Allen fair terms. B. « MORSE. Not c aa of ali.i m m . Tj>ww«Ewo»» niend its i»e. imo Plonpsf ir PIoTD Castings, P^onght Iron Beam .Betlilem ; and at the sign of “ Drugs & Metli- Liichfield. Dec. 11.184g. «6m25 It iscondemneil bv none. On thecoiitntry, ITS coKronrB xxt»act o*' . ^ Plojf s, a superior a^icle. Try them f ' >i*%*is«iniro blmnl. A nterxleil, resort at once to its use; and be ^uretl.’— cook stoves and fumititre common draft 4 b o ile r most niracidaBe ewes oC H A T well known Stand in V/er* Jtreet, iii'the liirge class of diseases is comprehended unSL,vt||^; Jbyp constantly on htgid,cod fur salcvat the most rea Vlaniei aoro J f a s a W T k * ^ and all other afllciior.s of ihosa organs—billious Nerrovs Affections, Snlt Rheunr, Crditp or Hives MA CHINERYf>uiii and repaired. Bafd- lUroiig Sort MoutK SaOd H iU BiUm. M iT p im ^ m ». ~*«r p ^ . J hr no oti.er ....d.cine. And ui complaints, nausea, loss of ap|>etite,nthropy, plcu. sonable priccF, Ague in the Br^ist and Faec, Weaktiessof tht JVK8, Rkeumatitm. LlVKft CO M PLjair^m m Am t^m rr tUi« Hut th* graiiJ »ecret of lU tronilr.rful (iiccesi. U jiijl w ii^im p ro v fd , Itrrwid imd nanr-o\v wxolenrgigs. risy.tliedifferent varieties of tr«l m W lUr bk4 fect is to disinfect, expel, restore, by their anti-pu Attached to his estalilisl.mr nf. is a Bites and Poisons. ent.clover machine, for cleariihg clover seetl. Par­ bXfour-fold, than ever such uliwies iVm beAra m t w a n t « f Pferrou* E iier^• tiT«;cnt, catluiriic, and renovating properties. At PintV:^25'^ttle.^^ ^ enred, by Saraaparaia. or any olfaar wimady. WVM; llMiiv- J h . TomtMnd'* SArtumriila iori('oraR9i the whoto ticular attention'paid to making paltem*, and get­ is the queatioD for thoae iatei«steAlade£M 8k«»l»< perwae—tly. To thpco who hare loet their this season, tvhen the vit;il system, exliattsled -by For Sale by jhe follo\i;ing AgeMs: ting up new machinery ; two kii^s. of horse fiow- aad henlthl FIRST— it .tm m t .nmgtniat t where maybe h.ad at all seasons of tie year, the T A Weltlm, New Milford','Dt Giddings, Gay­ MUScnUr «ner«Tr bv tl»e •fleets of medicine or iuditcre- the heat of summer, but iiiipeifecily performs iis choicest MEATS of all kinds, sucJi as BEEF— er, for sawing wood, ly^d threshing,, tha most ap* ONO-AtcdkMpcr/ TUI|^- tioo eoiumitted'in youtU. or tli« exceseiro indal^nce of funciions.they maybe taken wilh advantage by the lords Bridge, E B GoodMll, Bulls Bridge, G. Hop- tke pMioM. Md broiij;kt Oi> a general physical prostra- Fresh.Sahed.u»d Smoked. prove R T H tio« oflSieaenrousaydmn, lawitude, want of ainbiunii, healthy, wljile to the weak and ailing they will prove son, and Btu ker, Kent Plains, M Hatrison, & Iron rV TFiiiVTirD.-^OltJcastiron. PORK—Fresh and Salted. Ram, Veal, Mut­ Company, Cornwall Bridge, Pratt & Foster, and af BRANT’S PURIFIER e«tctimlr«VaPOVaTUa» fMBtiu<^Meations,^rmatBrB3lacay aiid4eclina,iiasten* a staff of life. - ton, Lamb, §■«., ^-c. H. BALDWIN, aaraachdiieaaeaaajiaebltai^awnrtkaCjMraaiMnllaf- ITik t ^ r | « t\m t * to l 4 itetse.-Cim*uiiiWoi^M be>b- O ' BSVVARE OF COUl^TERFEITSant; James Si-oville, West Cornwall, J W Beers & Co, Washington, August, 15th, *48. 9 will, tiwa it U FOUR T IM IS C W E A t^ R ^ S ite J waff * t»tely r«s«Drei by tM» pleaseal 'remedy. Thu —ALSO— North Cornwa'I, G 'F Pe^k, THtStvorth, D Gonld, rilta . And to prov* this we oCfer aa»«as»‘af eue^ oaaeC I>erite4slbr supyiior u>.»ny , C H E A T S .^ e c that the full name, Rev. B. HV)- h great variety of fresh, and saltfd FISH, and hnrd's Pi//5,is on tl e labelofeaoh box. and that &G F White. Shanm, Barnupi'Ricliard.’son & Go, Oeaiaaycaaes of Inrifvratittf; C ordial, all kinds o f / ’OIFiSV. , “ ' J||.f Purity the B1 o*.}, Xm U rcaewt and inviieratos the system, giTes acU»i^ they jafeprepared oiilv by Doctor Timothy,11. Bifi- C L A l^rS received,a»d cn hand E VER Y Lime Rock, Brewster & P«ig«T Canfield & Rob- to the limbs, and strcnfth to the nuscoUr sjrctcm, u a bard. No. 96 John st!. New York. All othersare 'lins, H Ames, Fails Village, G & E P Hunt, J G W T H E N your blood is once PuBK, nothing in MOST HORRli) SCROFULA. MMt M traordivary decree. SATURDAY! : Caulkins, Snuth Canaan,. E T Humphrey, Lake­ V y tlite shajie of food, will hardly come araiw ; T o ireaBze lite g rm tpM K r o f tU a neAelMiaaia vm M m t- spurious and irrespoii^Ie, injitrious alike |o those N. B.—His Taverfi, ia fitted lijjin the best style tnail. ia our Pamphlets, tha pecfieet- care «A ctad mm iCr. J- Cauam iptioa Cnred. who take them, and to the reputation of tlie genuine ville, R Bull, Salisbury, Lnndon & Co, Clmpinvilfe, nothing wiU sour upon your stomach ; you-way B. UoMUn, o f W mr, Oneida eountg, X T . Be waa caafa^ CUmmt* mnd S trin g tU K . Oan$umptiom ea» h$ em rtd where Travellers nnd Boarders-caii be. entertained eat pies, or^anythmg in reason; aiid the grtfatci Pills—and there are several such cheats, industri­ and nccrinnic-lf d \viili s«>| eiif r F A R E .vi dihe G Humphrey, Canaan Depot, E G Lawrence, t o bia bed 0»a Tear-^waa not expected to Uva Mrmnekita. CennmptUm, Lirer ComplaiMt, Coldt, Norfolk, R Rockwell & Go, Colebrook, S & L variety of fiHxl the better blood is made; All virho kouro longtr—bi» aeck waa tsateai aoarly o(E::aRMa a a r la Catarrh, Covght, jUtkmf, Spitting of Bio id, ously circulated, with plausible «tories ofbeing gen­ most P L E A S A N T LODGJNGS,on terms that car—a hole waa eaten tkrougk tko Vntd-fipo hianariitaiJy goreiutw in tk* Chest, lUzUc Flatk, Higl t uine. None are genuine except ^s stated above.— Hurlburt, Winchester, M & C S Camp, H Per­ have weak stomnchs, who are dysiiepiic, or in any eaten out—the ute of om arm 4u(rsyad—na Ulcar. aa Smcatt, Dificult or Profiue Expteto- noonecan re.nsoi:jiMv find fiiiilt with. way afflicted in body, should without delay resort See that 96, JoAn rf., is on the label tifeach box. STILES D. WHEELER. kins, Winstead, Doolutle & Go, Hitchcocksville^ sa a man's hand, had nearly eatea throaj^ .Ut iiJe aali rottea, P o*h in the Sidt, ire., hav* For Sale f t the " Drvs^ Store:''and by Mr. A. C. w ■ ■ to. Brondretli’a Pills—which will indeed stn ngthco Oicra w era on him, ia all. teen and cm,n bt cured. Litchfield .A p' f 25th. 1848. tf44. the life principle, and by |ierseverai1ce with them, Smith, in this village ; by W. M. Hunger ford, A Twenty Large, Deep, Lisehargiiig •PITTIW« Wolcotttille, and dealers throughout the covviy. H' ^ . entirely renew the wi.blebotly ; the materials now i f t u York, J p rU >». 1M7. 1 m2G Blacksmilhin^. & Son. Goshen, H P Welch j. Milton, D To>nilijri-' in it goo»l; will be kept so ; those bad, displacetl which were ACL CURED, aa^ba reatoRHlMAaaHki^ DjuTowifSKWD—I »erily believe that your Saraiapa> Clang ! Clang ! the sounding anvil rings. andremoved.r Good blood car.not make bad bone, strtm gih to labor again, by the m of fMILT T W S ]U m rtlla has been the means, throu^ Prorideuce. of savinv son. New P -eston, F Boardman, S E Bostwick, BOTTLES. This w onder^ cure is certiSaiito.b|L mrlife. I have for several years had a bad Coo^h. U Over Shoes! Over Shoes!! And Art forihtrUh at it^ loud hiddiug spri New Milford, G Han fond & Cg, Bridgewater, G or bad fleifh. And bear in naind, the Brandreth’s k^une wome and worse At last I raised larg^ quan^ And Enterprise, and Husbandry aiid Skill W Smith, Roxbtliy.:Tho«, Briiwn(mde, Washing­ Pills surely purify the Blopd. ties ofbloed, had aijht Sweats, and was irreatly drtili- U ST received a fresh sunjily of PREMIUM Foorteea BespectaUe WJUiKses. tated aad r^duc^d, and did uot expfjct to livo. I have With sidut strides, their destiny fv lf I. ton. W C Bristol,AVoodbury, W arren & Newt^tm, Tl e mJtluxl of preparing theBrandrethian Ver^ J FRENCH OVER SUOES, for Ladies’ and ''H E Subscriber still continties to carry t>n ihf etahle Extracts is seciired hy Letters Patent of the A a d itia O e i a irt. tlia Bwat aada«bi>s< lr S %n\y m td your Sm^apariila a *Uort time, and there ^ E Curtiss, WaterlQwi), S Thompson & Ply.' td. ot-me of tl» maot^ icrrfd aad aiai* 4q«|Ma .caaaa «l • wettderful change been wrouyUt in me. I am oov able Gentlemen. The article,drew the. ncent exhibition attlie New York Institute. its branches, at his stand in North-Sireet, formerly 20th, 1843. atcd—completely eatabl&Iua^ tha grtat gomtr im i tmrmf e o ^ ha« left mtL Yea caa weU imagiue that 1 am ForSaleXOPKby C N Case. P W Nblfde, H«rwititoit’; W F ^ G H MumUU for these results. occuj icl by Mr. Carrington. Ever bearing ii Baldwin, Litchfield, Geo, E^ Stanton &.Co.Sipg The extracts of which B ra n ^ th ’s |*illr« V ena^l* lfEedlciBe« ty, liis work will stand the test, and prove itsdl active principle of the Tiitfrbs is thus secured, the Serofulout Ulcer m hpr fegi which Ju d afflicted heiuCur.fow- Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla is a sovereljii and apeedy URE Winter Straineil Lamp Oil.bleaclied and inferior to none that is manufactured in this section sameasin the living vegetable. years, ao that *ha had taoMicrutcbea to e«aU» her to mcw» • M for Incipient Coasumption, Barrenness, Proliwus P unbleached, with of//er qualities of clieaplamp of the country. Let all those in want of«iticlesin DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTi, T-he public -should ^ cautious of medicino re­ round the hoose. Mrs. Bartlett ased aix hcnlea attt Utwl. *-r*afia*aftiwW eiah. C«*i»«iMs, Wes, T^n- was cored, ao that ahe could walk wKho«lterulcba%aa.wM •ontea. or Whites, otistructed or dtmenlt Menstrua* oil, suitai^ for winter burning, ang»c>ar A a* matter i«Mb»r the rw A af mheflW ^use or c------wrtrk and prices,as they can be at any other es­ A ieiturs]’' South Street, may be foUDi tablishment. of agency,’ whose cngravetl date mtist he within SuNKBa, comer of Montagoa pfcca- MMift aiodaeod jgt^iiignlarffeMlness or a^BHiiut N< an extensive assortmentof .'resh ani 8 rooklya,L. L .>. «aa * a m a n 4jprpridh|t> * iori»»raUi« LITCHFIELD MUTUAL FIRE, Particular attention paid to HORSE­ the year, whrch every authorized agent must pos­ aa tte h«*aaa^ine7»i«aas aU waafcoess ai^’ genuine Medicines, obtaine i from ilk m m s i SHOEING. HUGH DUNN. sess ; if the three laliels on the liox, agree witli the cad*^ from takfa? it, at e«ce become rotrast and of _ iinporters on the most favc«ible terms three labels on the certificate, the pills are tme-r-if BRA N T’ S INDIAN •aan r aadar itsiafluenee. It immediately coanteracU C O H P .4 N T . Litchfield, Aug 1. tlF anil will be sold at a small advance frum cost,coc ij:it cer^eatea of rP H IS Company has been in operation Fifteen Books, Periodicals, Alcohol, Muriate, Carbonate, x and Alcohc This Bid-Am'po*se^#iS olT'the fttansing wSS^ furifyimg Mres paribrm^ bat we can asstire tlia afliciei., —iat Ammonia. All the preparations .if Antimony hnadredsoTeases tmrtbeeh reported to as. Thousands J[_ Years,ending July 3d. 1848. h e Subscriber continues to supply by express Boot and Shoe Store. Virtues of tlie aboTc-nanied Pt'BMBrt;»« Rxraacc. anrt ttk o The whole number of Policies, which have been T mail and otherwise, all orders for Books, Peri Anatto, Balsams of every descrip'ion, Brimstone lK>58eitse» aeveial other a f eases where faitiili'es have been w itJ^ut ciiilirea,