Vol. xxxvi. No. 10. Hightstown, N. J., Hiursdav, JUNE 3d, 1880. Whole No. 1812

C/1 KD 9 . JOHNSON PULLEN, drops of brmicly betweon her lips. AUlcnj^lb ailky'hnir. Bui her small lionds werp brown From tho Now York Morcaatiie R eriew. Poetry. und hardened with toil; she was |X>or, deptui- ' "e o p l e ’s f i r e in su r a n c e Co slit; opoiicil licr oyt‘8, (o Ills groat relief, nml EDGE TOOLS, ETC. 1. IIUSNyEUS P. D iv is r OF raiSNTON, N J. Mercer St., Hightstown, N. J., tried to rise,, lull tv slmrp cry of pain sh(UV(\l dent, alone in the world exceptfor llda aeltisli, now srM M EU CAME. TllK liEADINa IIOUflK IN TtlBlBUBlHCHfl. D P there WHS somellting more serious limn u mere imimlural amU, and the cousins who scarcely H if'htstQ w n... N. J. O onilnuos to hlrtnufaolu^e, CiiK.vr poa CAfiu, GASH CAPITAL, |300,P00 00 frigEbl. ileigned ti) imlKfiJier. < ' * BY .vkS’A nnuniiUT. OFnCE omi. STOCKTOJJ AMD FOtlMAN STS. LADIES’ AND GENT’S “Wimt is it, where fire you Inirl?" Doctor C’liesler was a rich old hnchelnr, not The United States has long lieen renowned iioslslonoj lit .Ur<3. I'uUqu’h. oppijilto olHcp. ASSETS, - $022,910 50 ‘*My arm,” she exelnimed. so very old either, only lliirl.Y-StJf. Why hu for its edg(; tools, au(I esiieclally , for Jisuxeti iipr .3-lyr Fauoy and Plain Boots and Shoes, .Tbcr> had been dcilol.inis pcrreig All day tnqa fV.om ncated lrte?.. He lore Hie faded enileo sleevt' open to tlio Imi! never mtirned no one couldTell, but trtio and ImUdmts, which are iti incessantly gn>w- liiBkp ta1i6n as low as nnybthorrollahloCo. GAITERS. 8U1M-EHS, Ac. a. A. WiLLIAMSON, and all lo«808promptly adjusted. And uidim niJng stir .o.l.got’filj) sluiulder, nnd sun* enou^'b.the soft,, white arm it is he Imd reumiued.Jteurl whole all these iiig demand in all parts of the world. Some B est m atorliGs used, ftmi sallslhctiun guaninteed. In Ibe H iitter id (lie brei years in spile of the many bemiliful women D CIIAS. SCOTT, PjlKSIDKNT. wtis covered wilb IiUkkI mul seemed lo l)e rid­ of our U'adiiur nmmifucluring houses have set IIIOIITfi^TOXVPr, N. J , Agood iissoniiient of Roady-AIndo Boots and Will'll iin oriole, Inst arrltiil, dled with shot. wlio had smiled most ,;meiously nivm him. up for themselves a staiMnixl of iiigli excel­ C. V. 0 . M U ltP lI Y , SKCRKTAnY. • Shoos conatuiuly on Immi. .liiunly Iniv lor winged witli il.tmc, Hut .somehow this |)oor sulTerin); orpJmn won OFFICE IN DAWES’ BUILDIaNO, 'Ihild my eo'miy of redbrciints “ Dear, dear, wlmt Im veldonel” he ex- lence,-the effi'cts of which nre seen In the well apl-Iy J. II. NOliTON, A« knt, Ilightfltow n. Boots and Shoes riqmlrcd nt short noUco. apr JC-tf Formerly oocupiod by Dr. DosUlor. Ilow llie tnum t summer cnnio. eluiiiieil, lumiily tying his own Immlkerchit'f his heart completely (hiring that week of im- deserved popularity wliieh their goiMls enjoy. InquiroatC M. NORTON’SStoro. A call (r-'in my old iriem ls aiul cu.«Unnors is ro- ))CcU'ully Hoilcitc.l. iipr l-ly tightly uroimd it. "'rii(‘rt‘'a no time for iipol- eoiiseiousnesH. . Ik; w is dmrmed with'her No 1jou8(? in tho United States is turning out 8 Biirren biv-Ihe uidnmt mOii(b>Wfi, A. DAWES, ogies tu' explmmtioiia. i llumoht I was sliout- sweet [U'iitlle iduml lier chiidhood; and her in- any better work tlmn tlmt of Schureman & WATCIKMAKING A ll tho furejit boiigb.< were ehUI. SUKG-EON DENTIST, ^NTHONY COLEMAN, And the yery gho5it,o( wiiUer tiK a pnrlridgi*, luid in sonu; iiimecoiinlahle noeenee am! helples-siiess, logiRher w'llh the Bnedeker, who earry on business as nmuufac. Sliiii'k the lireeKo/i on tho fiiil ; wiiy I have shot you. Now tell me where lie had so unwiltingly (mused, up- anil iiDVtiufaoturor of InoorruptiblO (fum Tooth. J R. C. JOHNSON hirers of edge tools, axes, hatchets, adzes, ice O'lloG oppoaito Urtivoraallat church, M ain stroot, A ll Hr joimmer llilweni were hiding you live* so 1 can get yon home soon as po.sni. pealed strongly ti» lii.s synipatliy, ami he fully a.\e.s, hmitei's’ and lioys' axes, etc., at White’s \V It h a m urm ur iiid a iiIkIi, Hliflitstowii, N. .T. Succossorto John O. Johnson, CARPET WEAVER, 1 res«)!ved to win her love ami make her his And tlie wll woodAlolets only hit'. am a iiliysician, and wc’li soon, ImVc Building, Newark. Tlicy an? a young firm, Tooth oxirac^od w ith o u t p a in , by the us© of wife if pos,sihle. Mever had a patient a more Jjiim^hlni^ (fas. WATCH & CLOCK IIIGIITMTOWX, X J.. J.lllod bluu o>y to tlio sky. ll)f |ioor ■inn nil right again.” the hnsiiie.ss having hi'cn flrat estuhlished by Tho now pvtont (Jum Base. 8o valuable “Aly home is just over the hill; I can walk as.dditoUK doctor and nui'se llum did pour iMr. Hmvard B. Bcimreman alKiut three and a for Its lirhtno.s.s. comfort and cloanynortB, is also Monmouth Street, near Jluln. apr2''-lyr Suddenly I ho clouds were rlltcd, M A K T U i , ifyiiU Avill help me u little." Willi w w l, Mela. Ml'S Smith fuinedjun! frelti’d overall Inilf years ago. A year luliir Mr. fsaae 8. appllAil. An Qxaiainiiiion ia invitod. . apr l-ly Ahil Ilreltiny winds iflaTIFIt77mT7 the fuss that (hey made aliout “ that girl" un­ near tho Iron Bridge, yyM. ELDRIDGE, Till the leave# onmo out to (juesiUm rcMilutc fac(‘, and lipj^ lightly (rloscd lo keep SiH'deker lK‘(;ame a partner, and the present R. W. B. E. MILLER, Wlini the stir was nil about; hack-tlie moans of pain, Mela walked hastily til Die doctor triglilened liei into silehee by firm style was adopted. Hortli Main Street, .HightstoWn, D E A L E R IN D From I ho hliiek wings of the teuijicst, towards lionic Inuiiiig upon his arm. But telling her tlmt lie km‘w ho'.v she imd treaUaU A rejnirter for Hit: Mercantile Review recent­ VETERINARY SURGEON, WatchOP, Clocks and .Towolry neatly cloanml •Fr om Iho dusk ofdrcary hours. and rei»airod, and warranted'to gtve satisfaction. just iis they rfached llu'gatc slic fainted again, the [XHa-eliild, ami if she didn’t keep ipiiet Du wiling;■ from a droam ol roso.s, ly visited lilt? cRtahlishment of the firm, and U esfdonco 606 N orth 8th S t. Offleo, No. 6. M arket 1 8 iHclt tlio natronago ol thr public. and taking licr in liis arni.s he bore her rapiilly ami Imve everything done tlmt was needful St., Oaniilon, N. .f. A p rl-Jy r .J. K. C. JO H N SO N . Gis, EsTolfers, AiiiiBiH, l .o l ll R .Hummev eam c in sliuwors I was ('ourlt'oiisly allowed to insp(*et it thorough­ ha'lier coniforL he woii.ld have lieraripsled Oraduato of tho American Veterinary Oollcgo of Also Justice oftlio Poaco. BREECIl-LCAb^INU SHELLS. lollu; luaise, and williout aiiy ceremony ly and witiic'sa all the proc(*f»aea of miinnfac- tho Univovally of Now York. Then a carnival of boiuily pushed open llie parliir door and laid her U)>on and tried for inhuman cruelty. I'mler his iTSHING TACKLE. Ar. KiUi aim g the vallayB vtlld, lun*. These are of the most interesting char­ Ono of the Oaiilo In.'ipector of tho State of Now a sofa. , wntehfid care the danger was soon over, am! Jorsoy. p i A YAGEB, Agontfor every variel y (.1 Breech-lo.nMng nuns. Wator.'i .<01 thHr Ilow lo niii.'»lrt acter. and well worthy of deaeriphon hi th(«o Mela was prummneed nmvaleaeenlj Tliudoe- jly IW y r liiaiiTSToW N, N. .i„ ALI. KlNi>H OF Likl‘ Ui'u l..UgiitH of ii HiMd Mrs. Kmiili scir-nmcil imirder ;il Uip lop uf coluiiiiiR. Tilt* ph'fiiises OceUpieti consist of Lark ami bobolink, imtd wlih loving. tia-lisrk her out to ride as soon a.s she was WATCIIM AKEll anddJEWELKR. her voiee, and went into violent, hysterics, a single (liM)i'. me.asurlngSOxlBO feet. The re­ T^p. C. J. Hazard, Gunners' and Fishers' Material, ('lia rnu il l bo world Ik'hoii I b ibvir loot. /rile d( etor frowned .scornfiiMy at hi r. and .ah'k'^, ill tile easiest of all earriagi'S. liure deli- porter was first condiiclud lo tho forging shop, W atches, Clock.*, Spootiudes. Stc l-’bitcd W nro In Till ll|o Imppy lioigce-tmid n'idiis vnrif.ty. Bopniriiii: ils brniudic? pi-i)iiiptly CONSTANTLY ON IIANO. said to Ml'S. Brown: “ ’l'iK‘n‘’8 mo time lor eaeiis were .sent every day from. Hie hotel to X> E SlS T T IS il’; Trilled an orho, ‘ Sweet, uli! ^wool!” where Hie iron to he made into axes amiimlch- attcmloil Uiiiml warniiiicd. At the old stand, UK r n A V FOIC RENT. tempt lier returning appetite. I’lie sweeli^it OFFIUR—Stockton St., Oppositk Fouman St., positc tho Baptist church. inr 41y non.'ieiise; bring me some cold water and et.s IS seen, in bars of about five ftvt in leiigtli. Next the statoly gladiolus and most fragrant llowers Umi could he foiiml IISOfir^iTOW iX, N. J. Gt.ASS'B At.I.S FOli SA I.U. iminlagos at onc(.‘, and .send somebody to the Ahmil one foot of one of thefk? bars la thrust LiltiHlall her glory it|.. hotel for Dr. (’liesters small ease of surgical adorned her room. Mela remonslrated into Hie forge nl a time. When il has been 0:i8 adm'uIsLorod. d-ly THE O L D STAND 5Xnin <>Av^i,lV..f Till Hu; fiuinmlng-bird, winged bIo?Koni, UHg 20-1 yr .. inslniiiu'iits.” him for all Mds lavish kimlm;s.s, but lu; would S|iI1I(mI tlu'sunsliino In luTciip; iirongliL loawluU; heiit il is taken out and ^DlUAN S. APPELGET, B S H Aii'l the lilio.s by (lie rivor, Mrs. Smith, left to herself, soon recovered sileiiee tier by saying llml lie wtm the ciiu.'^e placed a nmcldne which lirsl Immincrs it to H A A ^yANTED. Fashioned In tli(;lr looms ol gn-en, ami insisted upon an explanation o fllieaf all lier I'lilfering and slie must allow him tt a sipmre, ilu'ii punehes a linhcHirough it to re­ Drifiinu .‘Mars, with tiroiderlee gulden uloiieTui it ill every Way he could. How A ttorney at Tjaw,,,. irond Iloinei! for a lim lud numli'cr ol boys. Ad liiir. “ ' ceive Hie ImiR’je, imd lhi.'ii eiiiH oO' at a. single T P F(-j,r tho biirgOK uf lliefr qiu vii. > ’ Solicitor and Mastery in Ohanoery 'dross, ■■ ...... ”J' * “ ll’k iiodting serions'.’l h<'p('.' 1 lmv(‘ iu'ei t‘rtgerly lie Watched the ’faint 'glciw tlmt ci't’iil G'low a lenglli siifilcicnl for a singls axe or T JA S.H . EAST M AN.Sui't.. into lier ela.'i’ks a t .his tpiimmch! How ten. iiiniir.'STow iv, ' N . I. State lU’lorni Sobonl. She has eornc with troops ol lalrien ileiitally .“ient, a charge of shot into this yo*mj. liatehet. Tin: nexI process ia to lake a number Jan IS-tf Nr.w .TicuRiiv. S S mnyW tf Jjimi.'t'hun,''. Holding eonrt by wood and sfreiim— La(l) '.s arm. .\re you her mol her?” . derly ami dcLicalely he miuisUTcd to her com­ of these heads 10 another forgi.*, where llx'y In tlurgl-ass her watclitires tdl.-ten, “ I'to, indeed, she is a poor (k'pendenl crea- fort ami pleasure day by day. milil at last he are again heiil(‘d and from which they arc A. J. ASHTON, In t 111' .sky luT signals gleam ; J M. SUIIANCK, Ventured to tell her of his love and his gr Ami till' green leuve,« elniiit responses lurellint we’ve; taken ill for eharity'.s sake ; a parsed to a sl(*am hammer whieh can strike a s AlainSt. .npp.HaptlstChurch, ^ EVEKYJIODY desire lo have lier for lii.s own. He Iiml h{‘- ItmilTSTOWN, N. J , To Hie Soiils of M.uveis: nicee of mine, and what I’m lo do with her blow of several Inmdred pouifilB Tlii.s.lmir- 41 U X ^ K I . O n A T ' l i A W J:liy;litstown, N. J., “ Goii i< near in rainy ivoallmr, . now I ciui’l set'. I cim'l lake rnw of her. and coine very dear lu her llirougli all lli.im-' \vi nter lias mi ohliqiie nioHon, falling aa it were D oalerinall kindsof Aiiil tbo summer comes in sh.iwers." otsutleiing, and .slie acknowledged il and MASTER AND EXAMINER IN CHANCERY. indeed, sir, if.s mighty inconvenient to have fi'om a nearl}' pe! |)eiu!i(.Milar nxi.s t(i a horizon­ GOING to TRENTON promised lo he lii.s if{\ Jle hastened lo BOOTS HATS Bevi-ruil is (hy moorl, () Nature! her laid np just at this time. .She is very tal Hiii'facc. This gives the axi' Hie widgo Itringlng gone! throngh woo mid Idlsa, IvH'in .Mrs, Smith of llieir betivtliai, and asked SOCIETY MEETINGS. M l’ST 00 IN AND VIEW THE necessary to my (’omforl. 1 need a sight of Ml.iipe with wliieli everybody is ('miiitiar. Af­ ■ AND AND Weaving lights and shades in heauly care and wailin' on, night and day. her forheni-aiire for another week when, he ter being manipiilaled by ihis liiunmer a slit ia As Hie sky and iimuiifnins l,i.<.-.; f'o7'o7oVp' “ M'ell madam, she'll need a sight of (ain; a.ssured lier, hi; would relieve her from all Teai-liing men how souls are lilted . nil ojien at Hu^ end, in which is Inserted a JL* WINDSOR LODGE, No. 5D, SHOES, CAPS, and w.ailin' on herself now for awliile, and fiii'llier care and respoiisihilily of her niece Mootsovor Hutohiiiaon’s H all, on TirnanAY E vr- 'riimuuli (lie miraelo of)ialn, [liuci- ol sl(*el for Hie edge, Tlien again to tho NEW AND IMMENSE ninsl have i(.” Iniiigine il you can her a8|inii.‘»liinenl! She A.s Hie .«ioejdtig .limes are wakened lorgi' ;uid from tlmt to ihc ohli(|iu* steam ham­ NiNrt o fca c h wooK. a t 7'^ o’o.look. TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac. Dogroosconforrod tho last I'uoaday Evening In By the )mi ter ol Hie' rain. By Ihi.a time the young girl ri'vived again wa.s completely ami had not mer once more. Ne.\l i‘oim*H the tempering •c lOU m outu. WM. T. SMOUIC, N. (i. Agood aa.'iortmcnt nlwuyson hand at tholowcst INVOICES OF prices. apl-ly « mider the vigonm.s liealmenl she received, a word lo-say ; IIioukIi doiihlh'SH in her heart S. H. iMlLLER, Soc’y. my26-tf P’tiiilifiil jnndsrun threads of silver proec.s.s. nltur which the a.xe giKvs to llie grind­ Through Hio sorrow of Hu* year ; and the iiislnimeiits were lironght to him. she tlii'ih';hl il aiiollier most “ myslerious dis. er and next to Hie friction xvheel. This wlmel pens,nt ion.” SCHOOLS, Patient iTPiirtB hidd'rirdd'ou Idl'es “ Now, lliadniii, will you (ell where loTidie makes 4,01)0 revoluliuiis jici' minnte, and taki's Early’s Coal Depot, Foif ion Novcith's HI ila hrlylii days very near. c 5 tills young luily, for she inu.-jt be iml to lied at '1 he next dp,y a nolahlc drea.snmk('r arrived olT willi iiFlonishiiig eeleriiy. Then it passt.s pEDDIE INSTITGTE, h k ;; I I T 8 TOWX, x. J. ivee)>, thou lieiui ol grace, my Idogsom, nee.” tmin llie city with varioiiH wonilerful :vml cost­ For the niohl o| s!|ont Inuira to !C>'4hcr ilepiU'li.nyil where u bI’iI is.punched Hides a rose witli in Its bosom, ■‘•Well, slu; skaqis In a Hi lie' cloaet oil'm y ly itihiles,'wlilcli she Ijiui orders to make up u u n u 's iu w .'i, N. J. COAL BY THE OAR LOAD, AT WHOLESALE in Hie side by maelfinery. Tliis slit ia wlmt is Ami llic summer 0011108 In showers. room— ior Miss laingdoii in the Inlest stylo. Such i used for drawing nails, etc. Then the axes go A Thorough School for both Sexes Prices, such as Council Ridgo, Buck Mountain, COO'K ftl'V Q U E F , Tlaif will nev(‘i'do. Show mo the largest lime as there was then of eulLing and hasting to a mom where they are ixilislied and the llonoy Brook, -ly not devise aiiollmr tiling which his darling •D R. FORMAN, i\Irs. SmiLli nnd Mrs. Hriuvn were linviii,!^ u “iSow, madam, I will exeii.se you, hut let kcl. In (jnality the goods niade by Messrs. For CMSTIAS FEESEITS. very coinfoiGuhlo nfipninim tiigctluT. Mrs. .Ml'S. Brown bring me plenty of warm water could po.ssilily need for dn'K.s oroniainent dur­ Scliiireman A Bnedcker are cqmd to anylhmg JL.l;i DBALKR IN ^ ’HE HOME SEMINARY and .soft, old linen, and remain to !Ls.sisl me. ing the trip lo Kurope wiiieli lie had planned. ALSO, ASK TO SEE THEIR NEW LOT OF Smit.li, WHO wjis iin invalid, or thonghl licHSolf Ise in Hie marki'l, in (iroof of which iiiiiy be FOR YOUNe LADIES. Furniture, Agricultural Implements. wlii(‘li IS jii.st. ns had, wins roRliiiin^ in an Ami I wimt a servant clone at hand to get Never wa.s (Im'i'c a liapi>ier bride and groom mentioned the fact that they export largely to Carpenter’s ami Alapon’sTools, lum those who were made one in Mrs. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES AFi'OKDED citsy-chiiir, and Airs. Brown, who had nm in wlialever ekse 1 may re(piire wliile dressing Sliellield, onc(‘ the headqu.artcfs of Hie ptilh ry And every article used by Jbiiklers, LaMes’ GoM WatcEes, the arm.” Siiiitli K parlor that bright Seplemlicr morn for a Thorough Education In tho English and with Iter knitlinjj work just lo see how sho uTiJ edge tool trade of the world. The Hmith B icd-R oo5I S u it e s , P a r lo r Su it e s , Higher Branclioa, iVlurfle, Art and Modern Ban. PEOM *23 TO $50. was, had hc'cn pifrsuadcd to 8p(.-nd (In* rr.sl of It was a terrible hdnr to Meta xvhile 1k' They went immediately to Ills beautiful American nmrki’la are also largely supplied by 44U.ige«. Numbernf bourdcra Hmltod t of busl- COMMISSION iMERCHANTS. lory; Floor OH Cloth, itc., 5tc. apr l-ly GLES, BUTTON.S AND BLACK as-I was .Ihe.oijiy'4||^iid she I.nd, aliccame. wet. with a healing lotion, and slie, fell, asleep. pnllitig iierself under _ the eajptj of tin; hesi i>ri- iieaHslnce hoyliood,/and is otu'of tin) iililest A. U. MOUNT. j . F. TULL. A K E ^ ^ t fiiOiaUw ONVX jlCVVELUV, ri,L;lit lu‘r(“, of course. Weil, heye 1 am in .Mrs. Brown proved an ellieieiit helper: ami jih vale leacliers, and when on their return the and most expert ineii,(*ver eonnecti’d with it. .such delicatti health, rmeding (!ons(ant atten­ they passed (piietly out of tlie rouni the doctor happy do(;lur preseuled h\a wife to his friends, Mr, Snedeker alteiids lo the financial depart­ Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses. said: timre was not among lliem one more highly MOUNT & TULL, TO BUY AN ORGAN! tion, and I couldn’t expect my own tyirls, jumm' ment, and both gciiHcimm im*.liked mid res- accomplislied or more elegant or rctliicd. The jrholoaalo Uommisalon inotohanta jn TRENTON NEVER BEFORE HAD SUCH AN deans, tu b e fnssinii nromul their sick mother “ My [kdienl must liave the best of care anil pecled by all with wlioni they come in eou- IE (>iET THE all the lime. I want them lo enjoy Ihem- attiaition. ( ’on)d you slay and nurse her f(»r doctor wius very [ir.aid of her, and never tired lacl. Tuawitnes, p k .y o h s i s , ASSORTMENT OF FINE GOODS. 8elv(‘H while they can. This pmw Iblni^ need- awhile?” of tclliiig his iiiliiniite , friends how he founil ^ - * -- — and all kinds of “ Ves, f nilglit," hia wife, (H- the resiiit of his last sluit. FRUITS. COUNTRY PRODUCE, A lso POUL­ e.d a home, anif 1 gave it to her at once. I INTLrEXUK OF o o 'o i) MODELB. MASON &UAML1N. “ Very well; I will pay yon well if you will TRY, GAME, EGGS, BUTTER, LIVE COOK & JAQUUS, said, ‘of cour.s(‘, child, eonu; right here and I’ouEU Ol' iM.uiiN.vnoN. - At a large dinner Ucudingtlu* achh’vemciitsof great men, ami AND DRESSED STOCK, * 0 - do il, for everyiliiiig will depend upon keeping liv(; with ns. Toucan make 3’oiirself nsefiil, jiarly oiiei'llu; poet Ungers was speaking of lislenlng to hriilianl onitorieal cfTi>rts,, have an 3T0. 171 WEST ST., NEAR MURRAY, The Best Always the Cheapest! Trenton Jewelers, 41E. State Street. no doubt, and iril he all riglit.’ W1m;’8 been her (piiet now." N E W V O K K . the inconvenieiici* of having wuidows formed levallng inllucnee. 'riie lahmi.s and culture vacp 18-lyr her(‘ six months now, and has he(;n a wonder- lie met .Mns. Smith in the liaik ______nov 18-lyr______of one sheet of glass. wliicli are dmplayed, strikingly contrast with T h o M n p o n Sc nm iilin Organ Coinpnny ' ‘Madam, Huh woman lias eoiisenled lo sfay KO. E. PIERSON fill help to me. I keep her busy from day-. “They look }w if lliere W(T(' iioghi. 001)1101118 of that she is well paid for it. But mind wiint I ARUniTECT AN]) UUILDEH, bles, you know, and nights when I can’t sleep hle witli my L.ick to oi,e of ihe;(e panes, it ap­ litth'iiess into more iierlVcl nien and women. HIglu'si Honors, for jiroved-suiii-rlorlty iit every Say: you must Hot. se(‘ her, iior must any one BLACKSMITH, one ol tho great in te rn atio n al ExtiibiUons i'or th ir­ it’s (hmdful handy to have her where she can peared lo me tlmt tlie window wa.s open, and I bus it is wi' leave a puhiie Iml!. recalling fai­ teen years, which, togoihor with the umiuallftcil mailTSTOWN, N. J .,' (dse see her 1ml Mrs. Brown and my.self La' a Itas opened a shop near tho Q-rlst Mill, toarlm onyof a la ig o in alitrity of omidont inu.si- rnh niy hm;k, aiatk my fe(;t, liiilhu niy lusul, such \vas tiu’ fra'i'e (>f hnagimilion that I uc- nts nnimpi'Oved, ojiporlimituH lost, and prec­ clans ol both Amor'ioa and Euro]io, that tlioy kre Jobbing promptly attended to, nnd Buildings )iut we<;l( at 4(*Hsti •for she-will Imvt* a,.s(Tious liuie up In a 8U))urior mumior. and read me to sleep.” ' liially liHili cold.” ious time squaniJemd. and n-Heetlng that we. ■iif the eyei)|i)g, luu! we hut will­ Enables the Uompanv to ))rcsonl the strongest ov- cause of all thin suireriiig. ami will do my licst po.siie, “ hmv odd it is, Mr. Uogers, tlmt yuu Idonce, tluu organs of their make arc unciiualed. \ ^ P A V^1 it one day ns If slic eXpeeU’d to be paid for ed it; Then follows the determination to com­ Blacksmithing & Horse-Shoeing. possessing a degree of oxcollonco not yot altalu- have her about again ns soon os po.ssihle.” and 1 should make such a very dilTerenl use 0(1 olsowhoro. ^ -A ,. X i V X l j v J X v , ^ Iier wofk, hut ^ told her wo couidn’t think of of tin' fm;ully of imngiimticaiI When I sleep mence work at once, and make up, if possible, 8c saying, llie doctor wished UhTu good-day, BDfiB TOOLS A SPECIALTY. J UKAI.ER IK hiring our own blood relations to work for ua. f(jt^''lost lime. Tin' lives of great men .are per­ Sixty Styles of Organs ami soon disappeared from their view. unexjiccledly away from honu', and coiise- p r «7^tf 1 told her to just hi; ('lusy alxmt that, when­ petual reminders of what we may become Welt, now, if that isn't cool'l And wimt (luenlly have no niglil-eap, I should luilundly ARE OFFERED AT PRICES FROM *60.00 HAY, STRAW and GRAIN, ever she iKMjded anything we’d see about it. while the immedinle pre.senei' of Hrnse nclii(?v- " T O *1'.0UI). am I to do all tljis time?” grbaiied .Mrs. Smith euleh cold. But, liy lying a pie(;eof paek- AT-ICK’S UUiKTSTUW N, rf, ,r. Sliogavemea kind of, ajpieer smile that I tng greilthess imparts ii (ITrect stiiin'iTus To ua. rocking vignmiialy in Iier great arm. tiiread Ugiitly round 'm y head, I to shx'p Having taken the Press lately oreujded by.i.V. (Hdii’l tpiitc utideraUuid or like; but, on the When broiiglil In eoifiaet wltti lilgli hreil peo- Illustrated Floral Guide, two and a quarter years, payable monthly or D. Brokmiin, I would iinnmmoo to farmers Dial 1 chair. “And iny heat spare n i d i h , '‘Srt}*;' j, ciglh-cap on, ami eatdi no amwlioh*, ready she to is tnko wonderful in Day, quietStraw and and gentle Grain, like, and cold at all.” pie, persons of gentle hirlli luul refined, agi'ee- ■.-U^L,(kesshi^ that A b eautiful work of 100 P ages, Ono Colored Flow­ ^Send'in- Illustrated oataloguo containing now will piiy Hmcustiathlgiii!i5i. iiiarki!t rauss. aj'22-ly ^ ■{ pmisidtT it h rf‘al Brovidence.” iihie immnei'S. \vc insliiietively modify otir own er Plato, and 500 Illustrations, with DescriiUlons sty .08 and prieos, and much useful information to arm?” of the boat Fliiwnrs and Vogetabiea, with prlno of purcliascrs, to — — ------— “ Where is slm now?” Ualriek Henry left in his will the following manners. From this we may know bow ben­ Boods, an d how to grow them . A ll foi: a Five Coot G EO . E. SNEDEKER, Agent, " 0 nr>: he wma very careful about IlmL'„ x imporlant paasage: Stamp, In English or German. ISTOTTOE. “1 sent her (hnvn to llie back pasture to get eficial it IS to k('cp good models before u.*», and doo4-ly Dutch Nock', N . J . “ Well, that's a comfort any way. T<» think VICK’S SEEDS are tho best In tho world. Fivo ESTATE OPJOIiKBEEKMAN, DECEASED some blackberries for my U'a. I thought may “ I have now di.sposul of all my prop<‘rly to to seek as much as possible tlte society lUkl Conte for postage will buy tho F loual Guinii, I should have so much trouble with that girl J3U Y Furainuitto tho order of tho Surroffato of tho be I’d relish them if they were fre^iii.” iny famil3' ; there is one thing more l wish I companionship of our siiperiors, Ihose whom tolling how to got them. County of Morccr, mHiio on tho filtrcnch day of juRt when 1 necded lier most! I tliink it is a T he F lowkr and VKouTAnLU aA nm tN , 175 May, A. D. one (liimsnml cf^ht hundrod and Down in the back pasture she was, the poor could give tliem, and that is Die ( ’hristian re­ we know will exert a healthy, elevating influ­ Pages, Six Colored Plates, and many hundroil En- olKbty, noticjo ifl hereby givpn to all per.son.H Imv- very mysterious diapenaalion of Providence.” niece, Mela I.angdon, but not picking black­ ligion. If they had that, and 1 had not given' ence upon 118. The clmraeliT of cluldren'‘iB gr.avings. For 50 cents In paper covers; *1.00 in THE BLATCHLEY huf c.faitriH ag ain st tho oatnfo nf .John Boe»*rTmn, The next morning the doctor fouml Mela in elegant cloth. In Carman or English. late of Mio county of Mercer. dcceiiHod. to present berries. Blie was sitting on a mossy log them one .shilling, they would ho rich; and if very imieh determined by means of this kind. VlCK’8 iLLUSTttATlSD MONTHLY MAOAZINK—32 the sam e, under oath or affirm ation, to tlio rtub. a high fever, moaning with pain ami delirious. acrlbora, on or lit lbro Iho fifreenth day of F cbniary among the bushes, crying ns if Iu;r heart Iheyhml not tlmt, and J had given them all Those born in poverty, and living in squalor, Pages, a Colored Plato in ovory nnmbcrbnd many Tlic arm was Imdly swollen and inflamed, and fine E ngravings. Prioo *1.25 a y e a r ; Fivo Copies next, being nine months friun tho unto of said or would break. It did her good; it ocxded the the world, they would ho poor.” have their unihltion arjmscii by reading the la­ fo r *5.00. SpeoJmon N um bers sent for 10 oonts ; 3 PUMP (lor: and liny creditor neKloctIng to bring In and altogether her ease had iiasumed a very alarm­ .’ t r i a l oopIcB for 25 cents. A ddress, o.\hil)lt ids or lior claim (under oath or iifilnna. fierce fever in her heart, and she finally grew bors ami exploits of persons wlio have distin­ ' jnl5-ly JAMES VICK , Roohostcr. N. Y. For CiSTBUNft.or .W kllb of any depth- tion) within the timo so liiiiiiod, will bo lorovcr ing nsp(;ct. lle d id n o tg o hunting or fishing A mamma in the niml distrietB lately gave P lain, Iron, Porcelnin, or Copper lined. barred ol hia or her notion therefore ngalnet said (luict and slipped softly down upon lior kmies guished themselves in one way and another. administratora. that day, hut stayed by her bedside adminis­ lu'r five year-old hopeful an outfit nf flsli-tnck- B rands, X(L G . X IX . GG, G No. 1, B. and prayed long and earnestly for patience Especially is this true in a Republic, where no B U Y T H E BB, B No. 1. F o r aalo by tlie H urd, SARAH BEKKMAN, tering medicine with his own hand, and doing le. 8oon she heard u shout from WilUe, and ware trade, tlountry Slorua, Pum)i ma- my 20-2m JOHN V. D. BEEKMAN, nqd wisdom and help from her heavenly eofiUf or lineal distinctions confine people to the ker-, otc. Soo that tho Pump you buy AUinlnlairatora. everything in his power for her relief, lie running out found one of her best liens fast la stonollod Dated M ay I5th, A. D. 1880.—f.6.40. Father. Then she caught up her pail nnd conditions of life in which they are born. Ben­ was greatly distressed over the accident, nnd winding up the line in her crop, whither the Standard Fertilizer I c . G. BKiAnrcniiKY, rose to commence her task. But it so happen­ iamin Franklin used to maintain’' that be wak H A Ill.K S II. AYlCKai, inwardly vowed he would never fire oH hook had preceded it. Willie obsc;rving the IMnnafnclnrcr, ed that Doctor Chester, who was spending n prompted when a lad to try and accomplish 30$ MnrUet Si., PniLA01£I.PI|IA another gun as long as he lived. trouhled'look of his mother, quietly remarked, C UORSESUOEK, BLACKSMITH, few weeks in that delightful country plucc, someMiing in the world by reading Cotton ap r ANDFiwalaoN W oukuuj But wimt a revclaliou of toil, hardsliip, nnd “Don't worry, mother; I guess she ■will stop centown Marl! was out hunting tlmt day. - A fine, plump Mather’s JSMayfi to do Good. And Samuel ill. B. CRAIMiUER. cruel wrong the uncpnflcimi8M(;la made in her wneii she gets lo the pede.” partridge flew up from tlio bushes just at that Drew declared that Franklin’s example, in U . W. ROBBINS, delirium! 8he fancied the doctor, as he bath­ WAK *xrsaiENCBi> WOOD W O E K E ll, and moment, and the doctor firtfl. To his aston­ Ml’S. Sarah Briggs (who is pemsing the turn, animated him to ch(x>8e tho life upon .,!*n«irl» Jge.I by »11 to bo tho host marl now In ed her head and hands and soothed her as ho IDDIHOX CHIIbICK, ishment the bird escaped, Init a shrill scream Jones County Eagle)—“ Bakes alive, I wouldn’t which he enlerod. Smiles very truly olwcrves thr.Btf ops; — would a child, w'os her mother,^,^nd sho drew A SKILLFOL PA IN T E R AND F IN IS H E R , and heavy fall beyond the bushes made him that our character and careers arc, to a gioat IBAOl, R i'B , CORN, GRASS, POTATOES, A no more name a child Allas than noLliiu’ in tho MAIN ST. BAKERY, MAY BB FdOKD AT throw down his gun and bag, and rush fur- -J*'® close to her Ups and w'liispercd: TR U C K , E tc. worldl They’re al’yscuttin’up somccaper! extent, determined hy tlic models aroand na. O mother! I ’m so glad you have corho 'ho OonapBo/ now pr deliver their Ayres^ Carriage and Blacksmith Shop, ioiisly through the sliarp briars, never hc(;d- Here’s Alius Thomf>8(>n, Alias Williams, Alias “ WcwoukI ourselves unconsciously after tlio HIGHTSTOWN. for me I I am tired to death. Auntie has no obratod marl in any quantity, ''■by point on Ooruor Bank ami .Vfochanlo S treets, ing the rents they inatlc in his fine hunting Um* Night-Hawk, all been look up for stealin’. characters, nmnners, habits, sod opioioos of 7 Kttllroftd^Ji t.Ue State, au ^eiwoed rates. HIGHTSTOWN, N. J., Mai-y Jane, don’t ye never name none o’ yer suit or the cruel scratches upon his face and mercy or feeling for me! She has kept me at those wlio arc about us. Good rules may do ^or prleo!liat.-aai'I Inlofraatf on, address Best, Largest and Cheapest Kverythlng In our lino kent on hand or made to work over her night and day, and l ‘ve gone chiMren Alins.” C. SAILER, order in tho t>08t manner. (Fivo as a call. my61y hands. ^ tmich, but good m ^els far^m orc; for in the G ea’I Superintendent, hungry many and many a time because I There lay the game he had brought down T itk “ Hei.p ” Qt'kstion.—An old lady nt latter >ve have instruction in acOon—irisdecn U. AxIdresB .MemsT H o lly , H - J . t^TBICTLY PRIVATE. In the shape of a young girl who was in a couldn’t bear to eat tho food so grnd^ngly Ellenvillc, whose houiuliold dutiosan? consid- nt work. Good admmiUkm and bad eiMpple Breal, Galt ail GoictifflefY dt‘ad faiht or killed For aught he know. He given. 0 I am so glad yoh have cornel" erabli', iqion Iwdng lately asked by u yiaing la­ only build with one hand to p o ll down with (»noof tho BEST JIOUSE.S InHIghUtown. lo- WEDDtwe 1NVITK.TION8 quiekly loosened her drees and dashed water Now Meta was not a beautiful girl, though dy why she does not employ a domestic scr. IN TOW N. onted on tho ftnort struct In tho Koruugh, wUI ho vant replied: “Why, I am getting old, you tho other. Hence the vast imporUuiee of ex­ sold low, on strictly nrtvato turma. Alsoavalu- in her face from the full canteen which lu she had a sweet, pure, womanly face, und J>BUITJEI) MP t h i s ; O F F IC E . abio lot without bullutog. (iinniru at tliu know, my dear, and cau not attend to ono aa I ercising grr4it care in U ta s e l^ k n o lt Of f . Ba p t is t C b c u c b . apr a>-«' ' GAZETTE O O ’IGE. happened to have, and fliiully forced a few great wistful cye% and an abundance of dark used to cjp.” ions, especially in youth.” A n ’ T K K m SIRK'KINU SUICIHE. 'I'lie Red Bank SOtndnnl s:iys; “ A trial of Sow AdvcrtiscBK'cts. Hrghtstown Gazelle. ’nir-llitdsoM f iver is by couinioii (■(.iii.h<-ijI T h e «|uiet villugc of Ri-inceion was Hu'bwn mnro tlnm-nrditmtY-iiil> i'(ut tixik {.dHOO before The Nineteenlh Century Reveals that Lhe;:.()8l hoanliful iir our liind, Thi BlinleiiL into a lever of e.vcilcmcnl 011 Weti.msdny 'Ripiire Kurle on Krit’uy last, in whi.h the 14 STOP ORGANS,?,'or',!;,f/raStir ItrillMtttl At ttiu I'tirilr Oflftlt* At- Uigbiclu^vil, ]>eti, unly 4<86. New Fi.iUi»«.*l0fi 600. ZEd^Mlu- 800- uU oiii88 mmtu r. of history can hoc the ft(\ol where IfiuiiIlUm evening,- by tbe slartiing rnuior Ih.il a atiulenl Alelhodist Episcopal cliurcli cori»oraUou sum nior «,tlVr lU aBirated, frio. Address llai.t»*l fell, tin; sites of Fort Leo and Vi'achington. uained Jas. B. Hlmw, liud conmiilted suicide brought suit agaiuMl \Valter Morion fur the i)ry Goods MEANS Dress Goodsl F-llouLty, WabhlngtuiuN. J.. my*i0-6vv ADVBKTIMINM It :f‘fo sails oviT the Imy in which anchored the liy culling Ins lliroat with a razor at Hie Uni- huhince of a note given In subscription towards imying off the debt of Hio cliurch. Tiie note BCOIC AGENTS! MOf»TI||i. " Firitun wniling to cnriYry Renediet Arnold versltv Hotel. An iiivefUigarxm of the eir- will pay you. A. GoiiTON ic Co., Com m urre S t., 1 V£ down the river. He eees 'I'nrrytown when- oumstannes of the sud alTuir confirmed the ni- ol'iginHily was for •'flOO, hut had been PhllHdoivhla, l*a; iny 20-4w I .n«h ’ a J aa i 6» atw 350 \ f>o tJou tio: tlio (hree men arrested Andre. Much of llie inor. It appears that young Bliaw, the vic­ paid, and had also paid somd interest cm MUSLINS, SILKS, CALICOES, TABLE LIKEN, &c. . iQ.'J’fH I •& UUO a.W 3 ftij fiOO 7 00 10UI) 17. WATKKS’ ‘‘ 176 ‘l ‘t 3.60 4 f)» 0 50 O0CI14 00 ‘i*2 history of our co u u lry as w ell as ils Iwiauty, tim of his own Inmd, \v:D convuleseing from a Hio renminder. 'I'lio amount suai for was 550 & U 7 00 8 M la ftu il5;^b 'i.'> 00 :16 ^ o o U 8 00 soo to a.6 l a .\0 IR N) Vf. 00 37 f.O 00, lies along th(! Huilsoii. Here also l!io geolo- serious malariiil fever, and was attended by JjfG^.GO, being iJOO w ith iiiten.'st. T h e large PIAITOg and ORGANS I CH>!. 10 00 It) 10 114m ’i’i 00 oa ou -11 on na uo luo. No4.tti»s iuloo. 1 outumiiH ta nuiUs u lluu. gis! may sec the s lu ld y J’uiisades rl^iiiig up in Ills inuthi'r,' who hut a few days before had ball of tlie Union Hotel was filled with a class l l t i i w m m m Host Made; Warmnlrd Six Years. NEW PI­ lliur piTpemliiudar In ight seveial huiulred* arrived from her home at Dayton, Oliio, At of people seldom seen at Justice’s court trials, ANOS,-Stool and Cover, ijdCO, upward. N vw Ur- THoa, 13. API-LKOKT, feel along the river shle. Hire also are Ihc six o'clock on llie fatal evening tlie body of incliuling clergymen, lawyers, incrcliauts, and o.(n s, W5. ^'60. Ml). ♦T8, upward. I’liiftrnted (jnl- gloguc froo. AoKNTS W aktkt). Second Haml nj^lifHlown. N. J, lliglilaiulh rising hill upon hill. From iJic church imople. Everybody in town seemed to young Kly, an account of whose suddcii deatli Buttpns, Corsets, Gloves, &c. I'istrumonts at Hargatm*. iluiiACB Watbus fit dny.s wiien lleiulrlck Hudson first 8iiiieot by fuimlty and students, and th is ,’ ed l)y the defendant Hint the note was given pnseiiL Heating palaces, it hits been a scene of w ith a {U‘oviao tlm l it was in-l to tie paid imless Br.Lascelle’s English together with the tolling of the clnqiel bell, it Millinery IMS Bonnets, Hats BOM E TWENTY YEAH8 A(JO. peii-ilowc'r8 wjjirl} (Joctk. (iiir K/^1dIei‘sVMo))u- j.vavtng tho Hudson at Albany U is a beau­ le(^‘m r B e H'S^tnony was iu many leapecls and led to Hio cominiasituj of selLumcder. 'ftun]lkc tlio many pr-cnlled ))rrpiira- niont ami Uic UopulOluan Nutioiml ( ’onvnii- tiful ride to Paraiogju No one can visit this J u 't U( fore Hie suicide young Shaw urged Ins connieling. Mr. JoLh B.'Huhbafd, ii wilneFS an(Tall that is required to adorn and heantify ; imd also know that p .HiJiifi j.nr .this dlpordc-r which onl'y place witliout wishing (0 stay lierc. The for the pialntifT. sw(/re Hiat the oomlUioiis' of relievo wlii 0 uHod by tlu pariont, (iuuiia Pkl^ tion wlilch mot yosh'rdny in ( ’liiciic:d to nomi- mother to go to mippi'r nml fitialiy persuaded each season brings us ■ ' ' M.SNKNTLV I -lUid Imp bi-en...... ordorsi it...... liv Ihla. . respedrespect nnte a Pro.- the mind tin; dcoda usl, at a hoarding-liouso. After four iiersona from 1 from the oltieotloiH nrghd a-uninst malt liquors. might as well have com-*-u1eii a cancer with a of summer camel’s liair clolli and {lolka dot .Shirting.-*. Hiciuliod and Hrow u in nil i-rloi .-i. 'Helving for straw, 8. 10, V£]4- Food feat tier Ticking 16, For dlificult dig0i»tlon, Sick Hcndacho. Consump­ ciuiie the Ihiiilii’jilion Socitdy, UieSumlay- lids hoarding house liad vi.*sleiil Kiluir.fl- poultice; for post polling a conlcsl till futurity satin. The front is of satin arranged' in soft lii'n. NerviJTiyTiess. W-iiit of Sh-ep, Ulcerative only nmkes out ^tlie originator to lie either seliool and Uolporlage Hoeiely. It has laid a ■olliee, he visited Hie Jiousc. Kveryhody in folds, w illiside draperies of camel’s hair, edged Wonknesses of Fciniilcs, Exhaustion of Nursing TABLE LINENS, TOWEDS AND NAPKINS OUll SPECIALTYL Molliors, ol' the Aged, and <>f Delicate Children, cowardly or ti».ili4fu Tlic couipminiaes of very prosperous yi’iir, having an. iiicuiuc oi the house thought the w ater v/as good, he- w illi silk end mix* fringe. The hack of the altifl is-of ciimera hiiirt divided from Hii^ sii,i(> . Good Tnido I,.Irons. 26. 30,,3a. Heavy IHiUinsks, 36, 40, 50. T(3woiB, all linen, 8,10, I'lH to 26. Nap- Mai.t Hi'iTKus are flic pnret t, i esfand most over ^'oUO.OOO. eau.se Hierc was iioH iing in il.s tasU*, odor, or nooilenl inciilclne ovpr eompounded. Sold " this country have all been failures and they draperies by broad blinds of satin, and ormi- kin?, 80, 76. »0, ^1.(10 liCrMoy.en. . , whore. SlAht lilTTKitH C‘n.,'HM8Um. lUaeS. show that .scotching a snake never kills it iiml Alxihl 1000 delegates were jire.smit from all appearance Hint iiid iciitcd llie conlrary. Never mented witli satin hows. The liasque is made SiiiniiH-r Silks iruiii fio cents ut*. Hlaolc Silks, 66, 76, 00. ftl.CO uii, / .jun 3-4w that its sling may afterwards he felt when Hie iiorlliern .sliUes. A fraternal delegation Iheless, Dr. WildhT requesttal that an analysis in French coal style, w itli l»rond hip pieces of F u ll Hue ol W hile Goods, in I’iqties, Uanihric-e, Law ns. Swiss and India M uslinsy least expected. Klale.smen with compromise.^, was also prcHcnt from the Southern Baptist he mad(* by Brof. (!ornwal! of the collt’ge, the polka dot material, and tastefully triminod FINE.ST LINE nAlIIiUIUi EDGINGS IN TRENr*ON. cuffs jujd collar. Price, ^<47.0U Couveiition. A mmiUcr of large sums were who pronoimced Hie water had. Themn/foitti have never done themselves eretlit or the N o. 2 Is a si’cond \vnlking dress, appropri­ All the latest novelties in Huttons, Ties. RnchiriKS, VelllnKS, and Liulios nnd Chlldren’e Hosiery. HAMBLETGNUN STALLION no more water from Hio well was used, and world lasting good and long since the “LiltK' received. One man gavC ^'■^3/3,000 to liic ately miped the “Sunrise,” ami made of ••(Uio price to nil. and full value for your money” Is onr motto. Giant” has heepme llie great failure. Liiinohi Mihlc work of the deiiomiiuUion. The dclc- there were uo more cases of sickness in llial geiid’amie'blue French biinling and silk bro- TAIOM tVH! cade. By nn ingenious arrangement of the came out boldly and faced llm danger. Clear gale.s were entertained at Riluced rales at the. house. two maierials, Hie front is omamonted witli Will make the season of 1880. At the stables liutela mainly'. Saratoga ('an welcome an in- The prevalonee/if the sickness, Dr. 'WiknfT C. I. BAUMGARTNER & CO. os tlie dayliglit lie saw that the brow of ili'’ the represenlalion of a sun with rays; llie side of .the subscriber, near Milford, on the road black man as well of the wliite Jimn, was Ilnile mimher of peoph*. Hie (Irainl riiion lhiiik«. is dm -to Hie niildne.s.s of the winter, drajieries being of hunting ineeting at a {lolnt from iUgiitslown to Berrineviile, equally dis­ kissed by Llic hrealli of ,1 ['‘iiven ; and lliougli alone lias had,us many as 1700 guests at once. foilovveil by the' excessive lu'at of the spring below the basque, and drawn to cither aide of ‘■NEW YORK STORE,” tant from (*aeh i)lace, at the low rate of 'I’lie amiiver.surics will beheld next year at with great ami sudden changes of temperature. Hie ceiiLi'al design of the front. The l>a.sque TW KI.VF DOliliAR^ TO IIVMURE. he was sometimes .slow yi't those twenty yean; is ot hunting, cut long mul, aiul ai'pro{wiately IiKlianapolia. O. B. L. The suh|ect wa.s coimiiierod by the faculty of 17 EAST STATE STREET, TRENTON, N. J. DESCKIE^TION AND PEDIGIIEE. - gone by show (hat ho w^a-fu'd and prayed fur trimmed with Hie hrociulo. Prioi;, TAIOMAM is a dark bay liorso, 16 12 hnnd^ the tiuic when arrogant idleness Blmuld no Hie college at a meeting on Wcdifesday, ami The third figure in Hie illustration reiwesenis higli; great bone anquenco, KriUTson lure fore cuimmmcement. ly draped. T h e basque is n'a*le ALWAYS ON HAND. m panier, The sire o| T jYIO.W All was tho well-known luirse' yml it was onr best ; of his atal.eHiimnshlp, III front- o f A ir. B allard's hoftsc. A nuuute Jh'(!Hideiit ATclkish says in referemee to Hiix iriiiim nl to correspond with the lower part of Edward Kvon'l'i. wluiso ppeed and merits at'e fa- E , ,1 1 s o i l ! miliiir to every owner ofa trotting horse. Ho is Mgs of South and North Ih'HO tifleeii later Aim. Ballard appcari'd on the nxif, keep­ action of the fa c u lty : “ It is undersUiod tlml the costume. Price. ,*28.50. ' ' ' WAKRANTKE DEF»R, •SVAlUtANTEE DEEDS, Uio Blrq of .Too Elliott, time 2.16 1-2; Mountain ing up her cries for aid. She clambered from Hie commencement exercises will take place The* last figure is. that of a dinner or recep­ Hoy. 2-.20 B-i, .luilge'Fullerton. 2 .16, Everett Ray years, and the orations and resolutions pns.sed tion (hx'ss o f garnet colored satin duclieaa, a" I'T'U. s t o c k o r •>.2 51 -2. nml other good ones. roof to roof, and finally reached Hic roof of as usual, and Hie friends of the college need TAIOMAH’H colls aro ull bays or bro'wns and by ihe civilized world at his death, aUest its ehihorately trimmed with eashinere head fringe (iU fT CL.AIM DEEDS, Alderniiin J. S. DeHart’s house, where she feel iiO IiesiLulioii on suidtiiry grounds us to are large, and a groat many are speedy. value; of his popularity, liis recicctlon ami nml jinasemenrenc. The skirt.is arranged in 11 liHIT flLAIM DEEDS, apr 15-2111. .lORN NCllTUN. the tears of sorrow slied fcj- him, give ample was admitted, and Dr. Rico was called to H icir attendance.” double scarf, 011 wlticu the trimming is impos­ NEW CLOTHING QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, dress her wtmnd.s. The w ife returned from ed to great advantage; w liilcHic hack drapery cvldenoo. To Ihia'day,. men never tliiiik of is formed of a douiile box plaiting extending Iku* moUiu'‘S 'I’tjosday evening, ami she lus.'serts - Somo 4iaio ago Airs. De.hAim.‘fit, .of Red Wl.LL CUT AND MADE, CHATTEL MOHTGAfJES, FEEBLE accusing him of stealing or lying or any of froiiHlie waist downward. -‘Tiro husqmMS cut CilA'^TEL MORTGAGES, the'Other hundred llmig.s lhat arc filing nl men that as .soon as she ei.tered the house her lius- Bank, sent a considcmhlc mimlx.T 01 books and witli a coat hack und eialxjnitely primmed. haiiil heal her with liis lists unlil she UiougliL niiigazinee to Freehold for Hie use of prisoners The sleeves are open nn tlie upper side, and WIVES, MOTHERS In political life and wiicii .the fatal shot was JfOllTGAGES. WITH in su r a n c e clao.sb lie would m iii’ilrr lirr. She escaped from him confined In the County jail. The books were laced .with cords of satin, with bauds of pas­ fired at him, no inslam'** in liisi-'i-y can la- giv­ sementerie on either side; the lower part of MORTGAGES, ■»v' ith in sura nce c la u se. and reueheU the luu f hel’ure he cuuid overlalvu all neatly covered mul lalided. They have and every weakly, sickly'persen en when the world ha.>i received so unirersal if the slec'vea, as w ell as the trim m ing of the MEI, lOTTSS, BOIS cat! surely strengthen and build shock. li(*r. 'been carefully taken care of and loaned to the neck, tieing ftnialied with rutiliinga and plait- MORTGAGES, tvitbout inshrancr c la u se . prisoners as designed. It i.s intended to fonii ings of lace aud'suHn. Price. :^145.00. MORTGAGES, WITHOUT INSUKANCK c la u se. Is not a grand purpose . rigidly and boldly The hu^-’lmnil denies the story and avers up the broken-down system by that his wife is demented; Hmt she has done a jail library, and to Hiis end SIierifT Allen re- pursued, the best tiling, after all. both for Ihi.s AS.SrGNMRNTS OP MODTGAOE, taking all in her-power to destroy her home, and ({uests donations of book.s from parties who world and the next? All these men wi re am­ marri.cil. CHILDREN. ASSIGNMl^NTS OF MORTGAGE, may have tlieni hj spare or who tire interested RIOHAED’S TEETOTAL .TONIO. bitious for a great name, Lincoln, pcrimj>s,' negteats it liy .spemling Hie greater portion of I‘KTTK—oriBOHNE ydiri We.tncP'Iny, ‘2d Inst,, the iimu at her mollier's. ile said Hmt m the moral advancement of the prisoners. a t tin- iiMrxoiiiiu« at Uontrnt W. K. cliurcli, the loa^so of them all., And yet living, lie TrctiLon N. .7..by Kev. ,1.8 . Ptiolps, iiP9i8l a. H a tr a CtHirt in the following cases: ■Will commenoo her regular trips between ofiieLiileWrlo Appliances upon trlaU forSOday* the mail bag, upon being thrown from the at Point PJeaeant was entirely destroyed by Ca N N ' S ^ 4. pLANTS FOR SALE. to those suirerinK?roin JSEKVOUS bEBILITY, In the Poluud will case It was ordered llm i R houm atlsm . P aralysis or nny (llseaseH of tho train at Swain's StaLkm, was drawn by the fire early on Sunday morning. The house Liver or Kidneys, and many other diseases. A suro tbo legatees and devisees must account for the KIDNEY Cura guaranteed or no ....pay. u Address, A.i.i wAsa \7VOLTAIO rv T .m A Hy speed of the train in hetweeu t)ie platform and had just been opened for tlic Sum m er season 100,000 Sweet Potato Plants, aimmntB with which lliey are charged in the N6iY®l4Waslili£toi,8i. HEL r CO., Marshall,. Mloh ap 8-8w cars, doing considerable damage to iho con­ and several fam ilius from N ew Y o rk v?ere CURE FOR SALE CHEAP. w ill, and the deductious applied for are, Ihere- ami Intermediate landings, on and after tents. among the guekls. A ll tlie occupants of the For Diseases of Kidneys and U tct. which p ^ u c e fure disallowed. Ih the back and imense suffering. Bend for bollle of L. D. V. UARHART, E. B. TREAT, hotel, Including tlie family of Air. Maxson TUESDAY. JUNE 1 st, “ C., It cures 9peases cases out of01 len, hasna, cured^when...... - rphysl- - 757 Broadway. New York, Publisher of First-clasu I n the case of Joseph 8 . Mount, admluis- Corrcspondtmla say that no better seed-time cianrfailcd. Itw fl help you, getU now. ^x.ooperbot. a p r 29-tf Near Hightstown, N. J. Subscription Books, wanu one or more Agents la the proprietor, and tbo servants, escaped with­ Ijoarlng Now York from Pier i'£ N. R. foot C a­ tie, 6 for is. Get at druggists or sent on reedntof pnee Intor of the wtate of Wm. D. Mount, it was lias been experi^ed In Ireland for many nal street at 9 o'clock A. M .' every County.. Steady work nnd best tem *. out injury, btit ■with little more tliaa their Cass & Co., y a^en an g o Street, Philadelphia. ju n #-4w ordered that the administrator must be held years than now. The crop Is healthy and Arriving at South Amboy 11:65 A. M., SayrevUlo A SURE CURE. Euclose 3 cL stamp for circular. SAVE MONEY 1 night garments,, The house was now and was TistO P. M., Washington, S. tt. 12:60 P. M. my 27-3ra Uftide for Uie Inturoat on iho auiount realized well adviuiced. An uiUisual area has been BY USING THE HAIR! HAIR! HAIR! owneii by Cliarles W. Alaxson, agent of tlic Rotarntng. leaves -^ashlrikton B P. 5(., BoyreriUe, the sale of certain bonk Block, and (or the sown in potatoes, which come up well, as new iJiidles, MO to M is s J.S. MARTIN, where von New York Underwriters and Coast Wrecking 6.20 P . M., South Amboy 6:55 P. M. T\R. HENRY B. RUE, ‘an have all kinds dl bslr work mud© U order. corn. Beed has been extensively used, and It is Good accommodntlona for ftock of all ki nds. All COOLEY CREAMER! Combings worked up Into braids, curls, rrlsies and Company. The loss will exceed !^15,0CK) and puffs. Braids, curls and puffs m ade of »***_^j)“ '* hoped that tlie crop will be sound and plenti­ produce consigned to our oaro will be sold at the ^ h i u h t s t o w n , n . j ., Hnir the labor of old syttera. No skimming of is partly coven d by insurance. The fire or­ Llghest market price and prompt returns made. milk or washiotr puns. Cream raised in three to will be kept un . Also, ladlaa’ heads •ham'* Judge Hl

DKCORATIUN DAY. EiIiiaHivl ...... JUNE FUaWKUH. Hightstown Ml riightstown Gazelle. Each j'oar adds a new in(<*reRt to this mini, ■ A TRIP TO PITTSBL'UU. I, The ('ow-Whent, common froin now until versary and finds the oh.scrvance of the day On Thursday afternoon, M ay 2U, 3.:R6, we September, displays its aumll while liowura, SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. TI108. B. ArPLEOBT, Eniron ant> 1‘nni.fHnBR. becoming more ami more general. In biir waved gma! by lo the Ga/.kitk ofilecaswo faintly tinged with yoliow, nUaig every forest FLOUR AND MKAli Terms, SI.50 per Annum, boroiigli most of ilie stores were closed and . started iainojit, v ' ’’a tlie O R A lN . Items and Comments. ers ami bouquc-ls., Tiierc was no orgnnl/.ed breeze still clings lo our nostrils and peime- (’laneshiil still liugors nhuig ilicir honUrs am’ Wheat, per buabei...... • | l Sft movtuunnt,. but private piulif?as.uiUjuli-vidimls ates mu lungs, in spite wf uunrly a week's ux- iu the open edge^; of wooila, .’\Iilk Wicds are OPEN THE SEASON 01^;L8Sp (YITU R ya, “ H Buckwheat “ TO ; BRIEF ITEMS. visited llu! (lemelery througlumi Hie day and perbmeo in the dust and smoke of Pitlslmrg. throwing up a \igi »roiis growlii to lie capped Corn, " M many graves of soldii-i*s and olliera were dec­ At 5 P. il. we left ilanascpmn ill company with purple and orange, scarli-l, green, aial Oata, “ i t There wna no demaml for the water cart on IV<' h iTC |ii«l .Vdtlcd n finrco Ai i Im - orated. In the cities and, elsewhere (he cele­ with our colleague, Mr. E. 8. V. Hluliz, of wliite at a later day. PRODUCE. BTC. ' Stuulay and Monday last. ' ICoout lo our Kendly-Mndo bration of tlie annive'rsju-y was not confined tlie iS’/n At, 7:40 we were in \Vest In pasture and field Hu* Cone Flower sh«>ws ENLARGED STORE ROOM. ConRFCTKD BY C. H - NORTON Th(} stores were generally closed in this hor- Dt'piiriuiOHi. BuUor, pur pound...... SO Ctt. to the legnlly appolnUa! day but proeefisions Philadclphin. and found an hour and a half .its purple center and yellow border liiTe ami oiigh on Decoration Day. What an exhiln- Lnrd, 9 “ ami decoration ceremonies look place on.Bim- just time eumigli to satisfy the appetite which llu-re. Its leaves are soft am! downy, iii.sU-ad linm s, 13 *' iJhouldorB, “ 8 •« timi of patriotism, if (he taverns mid siiloons day aa well. our ride Innl given us. At ‘.):10 we left Piiil- of coarse ami almost tliiwle like as tliey will (ice cream included) liad followed tliur e.Kiun- ENLARGED STOCK. 1- liar<* (Ilia Mprin|{ the l»n- KtOUK, iliiit C'lif. Tlic ting nthick on Mr. Mnso|i wjls even Tlic* Missefl'Mor+ison have bvokMi gnaind bariiilo which We were ushered was 'apiiarent- vluoi'd of its he.-mtv m iiial.dug muly for a CORRBGTBp Hr Goo. y . WOOP • more savago limn we siippoped lagt.woek. .Mr. for their new 11ou.se. lo !«.' erei^trd bi'tween the -iy a-'spociiil oar for us.‘’ *is bciwiTit grand display. U revels in the iiioriiing sun­ Boctob, per pouad ...... 6 Cti. tl. was, however, able lo thmllle the bhitc by Crtlvofl, ‘ .S •' residences of Mtssrs. J. H. H m itham lJ.il. and Harrisliurg we had it all lo ourselvi't.. shine ami is a very imnuvnl iii>kiag weed, INCREASED CAPACITY Otii* tVuoii'iiN W4‘re lluii)£lif llrfo i’fl fbc. Sheep, per hoail...... |4 00 • nit'ans of .ajioose.j^^^^^ would .Imve, flpisliml Joimsim...... Tlns unvxia:rtoi RC(v>innitid;tl1UiT ' sve. at mice' hut i{ li:iir ddzhn plautfl ioay pdiiiiiee a* million lirtmtiB, prr pound ...... 7 •• Itin e , iiim I O u r CbiokoQB, per piHind...... 12 him CDtirely but for a desire to ktiow whether ntlrilmled to the courieous iiuei veiitiou of onr seeds and the3'.spring up where they an* not Among the census takers appointed for this I'O li D O lN li ISUSINK.S.S.. ITuiliing will b«'itolri HAY AND STRAW. he was mad nr not. friend, Huperiniemteiit Ihickalew, whb seems wauled. IIrm-e, ill s[iiU‘ of ii.s wining w:i\s vicinity we notice Mic imnies of .Messrs, 1). P. I liUiil Mpi-ttig'n CoKKsciiip nr J. A. T a y l o r . Corn planting l5 proceeding again after a !Measnroll, ,las|)er limit andC'liarles A. Miller. lotiealwmys impre.s.S('il with a desire to do and gentle air it is c aidomnnl :ind cursed. .So Tiruothy Iliiy per ton...... SIT 00 Clover Ifay, “ ...... 11 00 long delay on aeeoiini of the drouth, sod grmind AVilliain II. Hunter, aged ()G years, cnmiiiil- everything in hi.s power lo s:noolh down Ihu has Uyiiiv Jinolher weed been, but it. will st;iy heing loo Imrd for plowing. rough places in Ihe ii:ithway ot tlie ei'iUn-ial Rye Straw , “ ...... 20 OO ted suicide With a razor on the 2‘Jd inst., near in spile of tImt. Tlic Kv(*niiig l*iimro.se Fam­ THE STOCK OP COOI).--^ IN THE jimfession. Our journey to Himisburg at The little shower on Friday afterriomi was Old Briilgc*.. He Imd been sniTering mental ily has n pretty Ihitlerrup-lnoMug {•hild hi the wliicli [)iace we arrived about miduight. aifd very thankfully received, ami the parched depression for some time. The funeral servi­ I'asture.s that sils among the grass heedless of from llu'iice to AlLonmi, wliieli we reached earth was well prepared f(.>r the later more co­ ces were conducted by Rev. T. I). Sleeper, hoofs or (liiek iips. and close by millions of blue, about dawn, was willuml incident, but not CUSTOM DKTAIUFjMENT D, Hart Cunningham, pious rains of Sunday morning and night. and the body was buried at VVasiiington, N. J. eyes of Si.synnuiiium Benmidi.-uia boas' oi wanting in interest. The night was clear and Ilu'ir inienlioii of Imving the field to Ihein- Rev. M. A. Hyde will preach in Trinity l.H aim.-uiiMj lull uuil it'lirucilvo. \Vo sdertoil imr siynm-ariy uiiG MH-ureil llu; lent, ivl prlcoa liulow The.Asbury Park Journal devotes nearly a fair, atid tlieinll moon added a eltamt to every selve.s lii'fore many year.s. ' Ciiapel next Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock.. page to Tjtmg'Branch, the Nrm, Dr. (’luitlle lirv.Hpiii valuo. detail of the cliarming scenery of the route, iiy Hie roi^ side our oIH friend. Brimella or V'J* ' Mayliew Pullen left foi* Ocean Orove on 8 0 0 and the rocuntly elected Coimnissinneis, twn.ji)r conree wo ti led Id sleep, lint our eyelids Heal-all, peeps out now and llien, hut will We oiler to l!io |>ul»Ilo ii hiuulsomo lino til n-ouil.>i, ntnl an cl«'n int tiulng giiriiH’ia nl imuiorato prlcus. UC jESS K to Monday morning, liaWng found profitable em­ of wliom are runisellers, and closes w'itli the were not heavy enuugli t,o resksL (he atlme- come in gn aler forn* aft<*r a time, and wlietlier ployment there. following paragraph on the nun intcresL: lioiis Liiat, preseiit^l Hu luaclves at every eiirve We hav'.' rain or droiilh, cloud or sun will oul- SINCLAIR. VxVNNEST & CO., The Allentown Industry is publishing in- We shall talk against it and write against It ns a concienlions duty, believing it the great of Hie ever curving mml. We (•;mglit glirupacri slny ttie siiminer ainl Hie last lingerers will he teresllng matter iu coimectiou witli the churcli curae of the age, and that ail w’lio are engaged of tlie briglit-faced muoii, smiiii'iily [u-cping nipped liy tin* frost. Along Hic railroad a T lai-vey CG. JTue. history of that place. in it are helping men on id di'Slructioii, and ;s!) i'',.\s'r sTA'iM-: sG'i:i-'.i-7i\ t i u '.n t o n , n . j . from beliiml a mounlaiu lup. or pl:iyiiig hide k'w roils out of town ('ina-lli) is (or wiisl a inr U-Giii Daviil Kline has cstablisliLal himself for the their families to beggary and extinction, and aud seek in the waters of ilie river. By day­ preliy iillle pirteh of Frost Wei'd or Roek when we di(* we hope to leave an endowment ------— - : > present in tlie house on Mercer street, next to' for the Asbury- Park .Journal lo carry on the light tliere is no more atiraetive aeries of laml- Rosi* a frail yellow llower wiili broad ( ’I'rolhi Dawes' building. war against..this nuinstm- evil long aftui* lla Hc-uiieo ihan tlioHu wliieh- are revraleU-to Hu; opetiirig uiify once in Ilie sui,.'<'ilne. Us mnn- Tlie heavy rains of .Sunday night flooded founder is forgotten. traveller tlirough the Jimiaia valley; by mooti- eroiis long, delicate, filatnenis are whorled or liU(HlUS, lIim illNSON cY CO., tile lowev part of Nortli Main street ami gave The Rohl._ RaiUus C’cntonnial was observed light the picturesqueMcss, the (luief and the twisted to one side iu a mass. 'Hie gellelic us a young pdnd between Voorhees’ building at the M. E. church on Hunday according to peacefulness is iiiereasfd l»eyond measure, and name 1 Iclia,nlin’‘mum is said lo he derived from and the Post Olllee. ■ > previous noliex!. The attcmlance was fair noL- all tlirougii the night we kei'p.r: pealing to our­ Laiin terms sjgniiying Hun tL.wer in allnsion self, “in pictures wf silver, iu pieUifes of TUIEN'FON, X. d., •The young leaves of white liireli trec.s and wilhsfaiiding Hie unfavorable weather and Hie lo Its openiiig'only in tlu* snnsliiiu*. Is it not & silver.” , oaks Itave been badly eaten by beetles, ami in occasion w’as a pleasant and proflluMe one. mon.' like!}' that it is from helix, in allu.-^ion io We stop hut a minute or two at Alloona some instances a second growtli 1ms started The afternoon services we Iieur entliusiiusli- tlie IwDied or spiral [ihum-iils? The common cally spoken of. not long enough Cu enable us lo gel even an natiu; arises from tin* bicL Hial 1ule in Aiiluinn JUC.M.Kl!' IN P’mfl Applcget is engaged in farming an Idea of the extent of the vvorksiif rlie I’eniis'yi- erv.sliils of kie .shoot out frou'i Uie'cracked hiu'k 3.1 «■' 0 Entomological Cabinet and will ho thankful An inleresllng letter on “A. Trip up Hie vania Raiiroml C’omp:iny wliidi :ire loealed al of the plant. Near ( ';:n:ksl;jii:g_;Li.;.illit;i.'.,me.i.m for any lielp in the way of bciftles and Imtter- Ilnd.son,” by Rev. (). P. Euches, will be found *|»tliis phuiO. ' Wc« if<)tlce '’ltia( before we .star! lier of the I’l-a family is fiiinid in conijiany flli'S ihalliis 'Frie’iuls lifny he able to allurd 1dm. fm the 'sccoiid pa: lliree powerful eiiginen .are placed in front of with the Wild l,.i^rim!^ nY im l to srvend Last week .Mr. Isaac Wolcott met With a BUILDERS’ and C.^RRiAGE HARDWARE, The public school remains in session hut two our train, and we know Hial we are now to weeks ago. 'I'lie laipim* now pn-seiits • quite serious accident by being struck w’itli a stick weeks longer; the attendance is smaller even cUinb the Allegheny mountains. We shall large seed-poits. The downy pod of Hu* oiIkt which liad caught in some belting and inllicf- than usual at Ibis lime of year on account of not attempt to deserilie the scenery of Hial plant gives 4l (he nanu* iloaiv Feu and lln- cd a severe w-nind on his log. Hr was con­ .MAIN STREET employment furnished those wlm would other­ twelve miles of uphiil travel. The three iron loiigli lilmms roots give it 1 lie na.m* ratgul. fined to his liou.se. for several days hut i.s now wise be .studyimj. lior.se.s Reeiiied to keep our train lotiuMisiial 'I’he flowers are large, growing in rayeine, Ihe IRON AUD STEEL. able to walk with the aid of crutelies. A store robbery in open day miglil startle speed hut we wye fairly piercing Hie skie.s. standard light or wliili.di yellow and the / some of our readers, and yet we are told that SIIARPLEHS STRAW BERRY. Tlie day was breaking hud it was Itnie to wings a:id keel jnirplish red. 'I’he eoinpound it is not an uncommon tlnug for people to ob­ break our fast. Fortunately a good woman leaves consl.sLof niiiiiermis luilleis with imrallel Wheels, Spoke Rims, Hubs aud Carriage Trimmings. A basket of this large fruit was left at Hie tain goods-^over tlie counter, fur vvhmh they of Hightslown. Imd provideil for tlii.s emerg­ office by Messrs. Charles Black A ilro., with side Veins and a mucroimic apex. W. W. S. D iW G S TONE, cvid(;nlly do not intend to pay. See day-book ency, and while with our e)’cs we feasted on their compliments to the editor. The nlfiee .uiKxr.s fou d u n c .vn.non iiio.v .\.\i) n a i i . i 'o .mi'.vnv, «mi ledger. tiie.gh'andeiir and beaulN’’ of Hu; Hnr.si’-siioe returns compliments to the donors. Berry BUSINESS LOCALS. curve, our other powers were revelling in Hamilton Donnell, employed on the N. J. extra large size, fine flavor, yields well, as Z'.'lmtler’H biscuit, Pearce’s c*)rned,, bc’cf and lA 111. Fiir.s'M'rajvper .H.'Up foroei.-^. I'UI,!. S10CK UK NAILS Al.WAVS ON HAND AT KACTOUA’ I’HirKS Southern R. R., fell from tlie locomotive and good carrying qualities as C'liarles Dowmng, AT o Ut AMlI.T a.-. 11 i \v II, 1\ . -Jt. hoiuc-niade cream eakis. We were soon loo was run over and instantly killed on Thurs- better color, good keeper cmi.sidering, but not full for ullcrance and wlu’u the climax of the day^f jast week. His body wms hnuight .to. sntficiently tested-to-wari-ant laying lla'in asidc- f'C" First (iieili!y_si;imlard Frinls not rem- romantic was ivaeheil in our skuaHini, wlieii muUH 011I3 (Jj eeuls, at NorLm's. in\Jd-lf llightstown on Saturday for interment. The nnlil Hie eililor’s return from Pittslang. He Iso, liardiViiiT of Ulvi'ry we were rounding the extieine bend of ilorse- deceased was the only son of Mr. Hugh Don- will without doubt-prc'pare a minority report, Doe.s y>nir back pain? Are y’on out of sorts? R k s i d e n u e a t JoM 'iru I’k u r i n k 's. uell, formerly a resident of Jliglilstown, where slme euwe muf looking down the long ravine t.iet :i bOTile of ('aiin’s Kijr.ey (.’ua*. It ha.s - (’.u.L AND SEK US OI! WKI n-: KOU QUOTATIONS. hestilMias numerous I'ahdly counections aud MANDA.MBH. saw the using sun- ovei the iiiumflidns, \ve cured many uiul Will aurvly do so for ytiu. ,1u lj‘20 lyi f'^ u l ourself iinatile lo speak, but liy a nudge friends. The'evidence for the relators in Hie man­ 'Ihy it now. my 2d We noticed on Saturday a poster on the damus case against the C’otincil and CMerk was oI otc elbow called the alleiitioii of our coni------* » ---- We Mean Rock Bottom Prices Every Time. fence, near tlie Post OlTlce, announcing that taken on Friday last, before Mr. S. lil. puniou to the umrv(;ll(m8 altraeiious of ilie JUST U K t:i:i\ i-;n \ SEIiLlNG OUT the stores throughout the town would be clos­ Sclianck. The witnesses were JMessrs. W. T. glorious sunrise. Foriumitely his mouHi was .U \Villi:ini8on'.s, cor. ilimui :nu! BiiriieH Sts., A STOCK OK ed on Decoration Day, I\Iay 31. Across Die Brown, J. \'. I). Beckman, Bering Hlinngle, empty and with timt true appreciation of the New Brunswick, iN. an cli*g;int assorinienl street on a dry goods box was the following beaiUiful for which every edilor i.s noted, he of Sayqnmgk, Dress Goods, BI;u-k'Silks,''f a.di- ' Dr. I. P. Davis and T. W. Piillen. Tlie evi­ meres. Kid Gloves, Ibisiery, liiice .Milts, I,isk' counter sign: This store will be open on May dence for the defense was not prepared and it exclaimed, ‘‘Another of those sandvvidles, if 'ri-<'ii(oii. N. . 1 . TVo. 1 "7 C» you please.” (Hoves, Summer I'mierwear, etc., at piices JlUl ‘JU-liiil 81st, Decoration Day, for tlie accommodation was underslooil tliat another day, not yet ap­ tuat (lel'3‘ coinpetilioi4. . Hcadquarlci's for all CARIUAGES ! of our friends. pointed, would be taken up witli Lins side of But wc have readied the lop of the range the novelties in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk and now tlu* two exlr:i engines are tletacheil, Friti'gcH, etc. m y 'lj if Tlic strawberry a^d floral festival,,^nnoimc- the subject. In the meantime remarks arc re­ 'Uii* Hulisrrilx'r. intoivllnu: to rcliii

Miscellaneous, pENNSTLYANlA RAILROAD TI1ME-TABI.E. NJSW JEH8EY AGRICKETUUAL EXPEU- ja tisic: m u s ic : m u s ic : IMEJST StAl'lON. b n and after Monday, Nov. 11th. 'Ric Dircrtore of the New Jersey Agricul­ tural £xpfifkmiut slatiou met at KiUgera Coir S. C. JOIINES & SON. I Trains Z>eave Jliyhtsiown as FolUi^B Library on Mondiiy, the ITtli inat. In ■ MEm M m A ‘s. ■y '' Fou PniLADKLPniA.—At 7:30 nml 0:57A,M,a anaOtlWP. M., via Donk-ntown, Burllnfiton and reporting on the work cf ike Station, Pmf. Deiilers in lltirdware. House Furnisliiug Goods, and Tin Ware, Oiuiiiltn. 0:46 A. fit. and 6:21 P. M., via Pornber* " Cook mcutioDcil limt oiv a recent visit to the AGENT FOR THE luu and M ount UoHy. „ farm of the laic' Chalkley AHXiftflOhV ncftf Fou N i5W 'Youk—At 7:00 end 0:10 A. M. and iraddonficid, his attention was called to a de­ Prqiared lleiise Paints, Glass, Pulty and Varnishes. 3:30P. M., via Momnonth Junction. posit of “poison marl" This marl dcBtroywl For T ubnton—At 7:80 and 0:57 A .M ., and 6:1ft all vegetation when applied in tlie ordinary P. M. Agents for hurnell’s Patent Four-Pointed Barb Wire Fencing. Amlsod pnesenger end froljrht train on Tuoa- way as a top-diessiiig for crops. He was also, STEGK PIANO (liiys, Thurtifhiys find SuturUaya a t 10:00 A.. infonnod that piles of the marl which had been M., lor Pemberton lying oat and exposed to the weatlier for some D awes’ B uildino, IIiaiiTSTOwN, N. J. RETURNING. years, were now covered with a luxuriant A.ND liKAvi! PHir-ADEUPiiiA—From M arketSlroct Fcr» ry, At 7:30 A. M., ‘4:00 and 5:80 P. W., via UnrliDK^ growth of cranticrrica, A visit to the locality tim iinil iiordcutown; anil 6:5o A. M. niul 4:oo P.M.,, showed the cranberry plants with the fruit still viaAIount Holly and l^ein' orton. on thcni In April, ahd that tlie plants wore L bavh N k\v Yokk—At 7:25 A. M. ami 4:26 P. M.> PALACE ORGAN. Agents for Lister’s Ground Bene and Phosphates, vhiMonmouHi .fu.nr.tlon. hcaltliy and vlgomus. On digging into the earth on which they grew, it was found to be Lkavr I'nicNTON—7:51 A. BT., 2:5'i and 6:20 P. M* of a rusty red color for four or five inches The K-i-eok i ’lANo Iiwimled first medul mul diplonm nl llie IntenmUmml KNliihilion, I'hilHdcliihia, 1870, and the only Piano .awnrilecl a FRANK THOMSON. -Qonoral WnnaKoj, down, and from that on. downwards, to bo gold nnalal at the Viemm EE|»siUon, Itecommended ns u superior PUuio by lending nmsieiniis, nmong whom nre WilhelmJ, Wngi.er, mreli yfl-lyr. 1^. L. F. FARMFR, dark colored ami almoai black. It was com­ Liszt,’Theodore Thomas, Lorclz and Alills. Qon’l Puss. Agcnt- F. W JACKSOTT, posed mainly of «ami with a very little loam Qcn’l Supt. in it. It had a strong inky taste and was de­ IllfallTSTO W Jl LS. BUOKELEW, jan 1-lv Supt, Ambov DIV cidedly acid to llie tongiie as well as to chem­ T h e A m e r i c a n ‘ T a l a c e ” O r g a n , A. S. VOORHEES, ical tests. Two samples of the carlii were ta­ ken for anftly.sis, ooc froni near the surface in s.uccesBor to Voorheos & Itogcrs, IRON FOUNDRY COLE 6l s o n , which the roots of the cranberry wore growing, hie rntes, and the otlicr from about thirteen iiicliea be­ FUHNI SUING AND MACHINE SHOP, Furnishing Undertakers neath the surface, ami below wlicrc any roots Instruction Books and Slicct JUusic Furnished and Selected. were seen. The uimlyses which were made CASKETS AND COFFINS. only to find the amount of snipluitc of in)ii in S. SHANGLE & SON, Professors of ., Hchools mid Hnmls furnished with Music by special nrrmigcracut. ^ the earth resulted ns follows, viz: -Hurfacc UNDERTAKER, :iu‘li np lUotiilie, Hosevood, Mahogany and W al­ eartli (x>utainfl 0.01)8 per cent, sulphuric acid. IIIQ^TSTOWN, N, J. nut, hamlpouu'ly iiolisliotl or covered willi oloth, according to the uioat Ihiproujd pattunis. ^ Eartli thirteen Inches down amlains 0.038 per Klain Street, near Iron Bridge, cent, sulphuric acid. Tliis acid iscoinliined listmtioi P 61 orllie Piai at Papil’s Easitee, at at tla Easiteyf B ail D. irtaa, Iron and Brass Castings with iron forming the common erystalized where may he scon a Sipiare tlrand Hlcck Piano and llie Ihiincc Organ, ('all uiwn or ndrlress, green vitriol, or copperas, and what is known of every (lo.scrlptlcm. to cliemists as proto-siilplmlc of iron ami as terroiis-sulplmte. The surface layer on an E L M T. JVORTOJV, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, acre contains in the Hist six Inches of depth 3,870 pounds of lliis ferrous sulplmto, and tlic ■NEW SHARON-, NEW JERSEY. MILLU EARING, lower layer for tlie sumo area am! lliicknoss Alsd, Slivoud.'!, Gloves, Criipt’P, Satins, Merinso ' n p r5 « -ly r - . ond Uashiiiercfl o: the best ir.atorliilB. contains 1,981 poundsof the same substance. MOWERS & REA PERS, Jl is quite certain that many of thtj iiogs in All orders promptly attended to nt all houra which cranb(‘rries thrive contain sulphate of MEAT CHOPPERS, with lirat-claes licarsu lii aUem hyjco. iron, and it will be an inleresfing qmistion, for Hightstown Gazelle E O glits to w n , FT. J . iiilM E A i M lilLLi. CIDER SCREWS, A ll m an n e r nl (inldnet W ork, .»uch as B ook this season, to. iwccrtuin vvlicllier. all tluKgtjod Unsos, Wardrobe?,Desks, and all manner of lur* cranberry bogs are acid from the presence of nlturo niiiilc to order In a high workmanlike man­ ’ that substUTice or fnmi some organic udiuh?erlbcr8, atid extra discounts to clubs. Full particulars with ' here,” he said. “That night 1 hail planned to ilcscrlptlvo oatukguo of many other .standard works cfiually low In price, sent free. LEADING PiilNCIPLES OF THE AMEIUCAN BOOK EXCHANGE: join the boys again. But your little girl saved Test Soda, Saleratus & Oreafn T artar BOOK BINDING, The undorslgnod, proprietors and manufacturers me. I came home instead. It wasn’t too BOOK BINDING, I. Publish only books of real value. nf Higgs’ Patent Gang Plow and Higgs’ Patent BOOK BINDING, II. Work upon the basis ol present cost of making books, about one half what It was a few.years ago. I’urrowcr, have on hand for the Spring traiio & late.” m a k e s t h e ir p o p u l a r it y CONSTANTLY INCREASE. III. Sell to buyers direct, and save them tho .TO to 80 per cent commission commonly allowed todoalers. good supply of those doserrodly popular Imple- m onts. CHECK BOOKS, IV . The coat of bonks when made lo;o 0 at a time is but a fraction of the cost when made 500 at a time —adopt tho low price and sell the largo quantity. DIFFEREjs^T KIND OF PENNIES. - ' ,, . CHECK BOOKS, f CHECK BOOKS, V Use good type, paper, etc., do careful printing, and 'strong, neat binding, b ut avolcl all “padding,’' Also, Two-horse Iron-beam Cul­ A boy who had a pocket full of cents drop­ fat and hoavlly-ioadod typo. Spongy paper and gaudy binding, which aro so commonly resorted to to raako books appear largo and nno, and which greatly add to their cost, but do not add to thelf value. tivators with shovel plows, ped one into the missionary box, as lie did so. O ur SalQS o f these Goochs are la rg e r than evorbofore. NOTE BOOKS, V I To make $1 and a friend Is better than to make i|i5 and an enemy. He had no thought in his heart about Jesus, NOTE BOOKS, iiiTAIVDARD BOOKS. Scotch double and other Harrows. the heathen, or the miMionnry. His was a NOTE BOOKS, Library of Universal Knowledge, Vi vols., ♦lO. American Patrlotlsnf, 60 cents. A largo stock of ourown manufacture of ono and TIN penny. It was as light ns a scrap of tin. M ilm an's Gibbon’s Ro.no, Bvols, L ,beam s, of m ost approved p a tio rn s m ade in a aupe-r AnoUier put in a penny, and looked around BLANK BOOKS, Chambers’s Oyolopsodiaof Eng. LU eratui^4 vols., pictorial Handy Lexicon, 36 cents. rior manner from the best materials at prices to Sayings, by an th er of S parrow grass Papers, 50c. sult.tlio tltnos. Also, ^ ■with a self-applauding gaze. Ills was a buass OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BLANK BOOKS, K nfght’s History ofEnglnnd, 4 vols., *3. Mrs. Homans' Poelloal works, 75 cents. penny- Not the gift of a lowly heart, imt of Plutarch’s Lives ol IHurlrious Men, i vols., ^l.M. K llto’s Oyclopsodla of B ible L iteratu re, 2 vols., $2. O elkle’8 Life nnd Words of Christ. 60 cents. Rollln's Ancient Hiatory, Ifi'Jii. Mishawaka Chilled Iron Plows a proud spirit. LABELS, Y oung’s BibleOonoordanco, 811,000 roforonoo (pre­ Smlth'a Dictionary of tbo Hllile, lllus., 41. STANDARD QUALITY, LABELS, p a rin g ) $2.60. Works of Flavius Josephus, 42. Plow Castings at wholoaalo and retail. A third boy gave a penny, saying to Wm- LABELS, Acme Library of Biography, 50 cents. Comic History of the XJ. S., Hopkins, lllus., 50 cts. self: “I suppose I must because all othere do.” Book of Fables, iEsop, ole , lUus., 60 cents. Health by Exercise, Dr. Goo. H. Taylor, 60 cents. CORN SHELLERS & WOOD PUMPS’ M ilto n ’s Oomplete P oetical W orks, 6Croo.utf. ^ Health lor Women, Dr. Geo. K. Taylor, 60 cents. That was an iron penny. It was the gift of a constithtion and by la w s, ■ Sluikcspearo’B Complete W orks, Tftjsvnts. Library Magaiine, 10 cents a No., 41 a year. KEPT ON HAND. ool4r selfish heart. > . CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS, W o rk s of Date, tfafislated by Cltry,^ 6b cen is. Library Magazlno. bound voluroas, 60 oonts. W orks of Virgil, translated by Drydon, 4" cents. Loaves from the Diary of an old lawyer, |1. manufactured AT THE CONSTITUTION AND BY LAWS. The Koran ot Mohammed, translated by Sale, «6 M achinerjf Tiepairs prom ptly at* Ab a fourth boy droppd his cent in the box Each of the above bound In cloth. If by mail, he shed a tear, and liis heart saidi “Poor cen ts. '■ t e n d e d t o , A d v en tu res of Don Quixote, illas., 6, la-tf * CRANBURY, N. J, m r 11-401 GIVE US A TRIAL JOHN B. ALDEN, Managor. Tribune BuiiaiUB, Sew Tort.