Vol. xxxvi. No. 10. Hightstown, N. J., Hiursdav, JUNE 3d, 1880. Whole No. 1812 C/1 KD 9 . JOHNSON PULLEN, drops of brmicly betweon her lips. AUlcnj^lb ailky'hnir. Bui her small lionds werp brown From tho Now York Morcaatiie R eriew. Poetry. und hardened with toil; she was |X>or, deptui- ' "e o p l e ’s f i r e in su r a n c e Co slit; opoiicil licr oyt‘8, (o Ills groat relief, nml EDGE TOOLS, ETC. 1. IIUSNyEUS P. D iv is r OF raiSNTON, N J. Mercer St., Hightstown, N. J., tried to rise,, lull tv slmrp cry of pain sh(UV(\l dent, alone in the world exceptfor llda aeltisli, now srM M EU CAME. TllK liEADINa IIOUflK IN TtlBlBUBlHCHfl. D P there WHS somellting more serious limn u mere imimlural amU, and the cousins who scarcely H if'htstQ w n... N. J. O onilnuos to hlrtnufaolu^e, CiiK.vr poa CAfiu, GASH CAPITAL, |300,P00 00 frigEbl. ileigned ti) imlKfiJier. < ' * BY .vkS’A nnuniiUT. OFnCE omi. STOCKTOJJ AMD FOtlMAN STS. LADIES’ AND GENT’S “Wimt is it, where fire you Inirl?" Doctor C’liesler was a rich old hnchelnr, not The United States has long lieen renowned iioslslonoj lit .Ur<3. I'uUqu’h. oppijilto olHcp. ASSETS, - $022,910 50 ‘*My arm,” she exelnimed. so very old either, only lliirl.Y-StJf. Why hu for its edg(; tools, au(I esiieclally , for Jisuxeti iipr .3-lyr Fauoy and Plain Boots and Shoes, .Tbcr> had been dcilol.inis pcrreig All day tnqa fV.om ncated lrte?.. He lore Hie faded enileo sleevt' open to tlio Imi! never mtirned no one couldTell, but trtio and ImUdmts, which are iti incessantly gn>w- liiBkp ta1i6n as low as nnybthorrollahloCo. GAITERS. 8U1M-EHS, Ac. a. A. WiLLIAMSON, and all lo«808promptly adjusted. And uidim niJng stir .o.l.got’filj) sluiulder, nnd sun* enou^'b.the soft,, white arm it is he Imd reumiued.Jteurl whole all these iiig demand in all parts of the world. Some B est m atorliGs used, ftmi sallslhctiun guaninteed. In Ibe H iitter id (lie brei years in spile of the many bemiliful women D CIIAS. SCOTT, PjlKSIDKNT. wtis covered wilb IiUkkI mul seemed lo l)e rid­ of our U'adiiur nmmifucluring houses have set IIIOIITfi^TOXVPr, N. J , Agood iissoniiient of Roady-AIndo Boots and Will'll iin oriole, Inst arrltiil, dled with shot. wlio had smiled most ,;meiously nivm him. up for themselves a staiMnixl of iiigli excel­ C. V. 0 . M U ltP lI Y , SKCRKTAnY. • Shoos conatuiuly on Immi. .liiunly Iniv lor winged witli il.tmc, Hut .somehow this |)oor sulTerin); orpJmn won OFFICE IN DAWES’ BUILDIaNO, 'Ihild my eo'miy of redbrciints “ Dear, dear, wlmt Im veldonel” he ex- lence,-the effi'cts of which nre seen In the well apl-Iy J. II. NOliTON, A« knt, Ilightfltow n. Boots and Shoes riqmlrcd nt short noUco. apr JC-tf Formerly oocupiod by Dr. DosUlor. Ilow llie tnum t summer cnnio. eluiiiieil, lumiily tying his own Immlkerchit'f his heart completely (hiring that week of im- deserved popularity wliieh their goiMls enjoy. InquiroatC M. NORTON’SStoro. A call (r-'in my old iriem ls aiul cu.«Unnors is ro- ))CcU'ully Hoilcitc.l. iipr l-ly tightly uroimd it. "'rii(‘rt‘'a no time for iipol- eoiiseiousnesH. Ik; w is dmrmed with'her No 1jou8(? in tho United States is turning out 8 Biirren biv-Ihe uidnmt mOii(b>Wfi, A. DAWES, ogies tu' explmmtioiia. i llumoht I was sliout- sweet [U'iitlle iduml lier chiidhood; and her in- any better work tlmn tlmt of Schureman & WATCIKMAKING A ll tho furejit boiigb.< were ehUI. SUKG-EON DENTIST, ^NTHONY COLEMAN, And the yery gho5it,o( wiiUer tiK a pnrlridgi*, luid in sonu; iiimecoiinlahle noeenee am! helples-siiess, logiRher w'llh the Bnedeker, who earry on business as nmuufac. Sliiii'k the lireeKo/i on tho fiiil ; wiiy I have shot you. Now tell me where lie had so unwiltingly (mused, up- anil iiDVtiufaoturor of InoorruptiblO (fum Tooth. J R. C. JOHNSON hirers of edge tools, axes, hatchets, adzes, ice O'lloG oppoaito Urtivoraallat church, M ain stroot, A ll Hr joimmer llilweni were hiding you live* so 1 can get yon home soon as po.sni. pealed strongly ti» lii.s synipatliy, ami he fully a.\e.s, hmitei's’ and lioys' axes, etc., at White’s \V It h a m urm ur iiid a iiIkIi, Hliflitstowii, N. .T. Succossorto John O. Johnson, CARPET WEAVER, 1 res«)!ved to win her love ami make her his And tlie wll woodAlolets only hit'. am a iiliysician, and wc’li soon, ImVc Building, Newark. Tlicy an? a young firm, Tooth oxirac^od w ith o u t p a in , by the us© of wife if pos,sihle. Mever had a patient a more Jjiim^hlni^ (fas. WATCH & CLOCK IIIGIITMTOWX, X J.. J.lllod bluu o>y to tlio sky. ll)f |ioor ■inn nil right again.” the hnsiiie.ss having hi'cn flrat estuhlished by Tho now pvtont (Jum Base. 8o valuable “Aly home is just over the hill; I can walk as.dditoUK doctor and nui'se llum did pour iMr. Hmvard B. Bcimreman alKiut three and a for Its lirhtno.s.s. comfort and cloanynortB, is also Monmouth Street, near Jluln. apr2''-lyr Suddenly I ho clouds were rlltcd, M A K T U i , ifyiiU Avill help me u little." Willi w w l, Mela. Ml'S Smith fuinedjun! frelti’d overall Inilf years ago. A year luliir Mr. fsaae 8. appllAil. An Qxaiainiiiion ia invitod. apr l-ly Ahil Ilreltiny winds iflaTIFIt77mT7 the fuss that (hey made aliout “ that girl" un­ near tho Iron Bridge, yyM. ELDRIDGE, Till the leave# onmo out to (juesiUm rcMilutc fac(‘, and lipj^ lightly (rloscd lo keep SiH'deker lK‘(;ame a partner, and the present R. W. B. E. MILLER, Wlini the stir was nil about; hack-tlie moans of pain, Mela walked hastily til Die doctor triglilened liei into silehee by firm style was adopted. Hortli Main Street, .HightstoWn, D E A L E R IN D From I ho hliiek wings of the teuijicst, towards lionic Inuiiiig upon his arm. But telling her tlmt lie km‘w ho'.v she imd treaUaU A rejnirter for Hit: Mercantile Review recent­ VETERINARY SURGEON, WatchOP, Clocks and .Towolry neatly cloanml •Fr om Iho dusk ofdrcary hours. and rei»airod, and warranted'to gtve satisfaction. just iis they rfached llu'gatc slic fainted again, the [XHa-eliild, ami if she didn’t keep ipiiet Du wiling;■ from a droam ol roso.s, ly visited lilt? cRtahlishment of the firm, and U esfdonco 606 N orth 8th S t. Offleo, No. 6. M arket 1 8 iHclt tlio natronago ol thr public. and taking licr in liis arni.s he bore her rapiilly ami Imve everything done tlmt was needful St., Oaniilon, N. .f. A p rl-Jy r .J. K. C. JO H N SO N . Gis, EsTolfers, AiiiiBiH, l .o l ll R .Hummev eam c in sliuwors I was ('ourlt'oiisly allowed to insp(*et it thorough­ ha'lier coniforL he woii.ld have lieraripsled Oraduato of tho American Veterinary Oollcgo of Also Justice oftlio Poaco. BREECIl-LCAb^INU SHELLS. lollu; luaise, and williout aiiy ceremony ly and witiic'sa all the proc(*f»aea of miinnfac- tho Univovally of Now York. Then a carnival of boiuily pushed open llie parliir door and laid her U)>on and tried for inhuman cruelty. I'mler his iTSHING TACKLE. Ar. KiUi aim g the vallayB vtlld, lun*. These are of the most interesting char­ Ono of the Oaiilo In.'ipector of tho State of Now a sofa. , wntehfid care the danger was soon over, am! Jorsoy. p i A YAGEB, Agontfor every variel y (.1 Breech-lo.nMng nuns. Wator.'i .<01 thHr Ilow lo niii.'»lrt acter. and well worthy of deaeriphon hi th(«o Mela was prummneed nmvaleaeenlj Tliudoe- jly IW y r liiaiiTSToW N, N. .i„ ALI. KlNi>H OF Likl‘ Ui'u l..UgiitH of ii HiMd Mrs. Kmiili scir-nmcil imirder ;il Uip lop uf coluiiiiiR. Tilt* ph'fiiises OceUpieti consist of Lark ami bobolink, imtd wlih loving. tia-lisrk her out to ride as soon a.s she was WATCIIM AKEll anddJEWELKR. her voiee, and went into violent, hysterics, a single (liM)i'. me.asurlngSOxlBO feet. The re­ T^p. C. J. Hazard, Gunners' and Fishers' Material, ('lia rnu il l bo world Ik'hoii I b ibvir loot. /rile d( etor frowned .scornfiiMy at hi r. and .ah'k'^, ill tile easiest of all earriagi'S. liure deli- porter was first condiiclud lo tho forging shop, W atches, Clock.*, Spootiudes. Stc l-’bitcd W nro In Till ll|o Imppy lioigce-tmid n'idiis vnrif.ty. Bopniriiii: ils brniudic? pi-i)iiiptly CONSTANTLY ON IIANO. said to Ml'S. Brown: “ ’l'iK‘n‘’8 mo time lor eaeiis were .sent every day from. Hie hotel to X> E SlS T T IS il’; Trilled an orho, ‘ Sweet, uli! ^wool!” where Hie iron to he made into axes amiimlch- attcmloil Uiiiml warniiiicd. At the old stand, <i|j |tOGAIt1>UK r n A V FOIC RENT. tempt lier returning appetite. I’lie sweeli^it OFFIUR—Stockton St., Oppositk Fouman St., positc tho Baptist church. inr 41y non.'ieiise; bring me some cold water and et.s IS seen, in bars of about five ftvt in leiigtli. Next the statoly gladiolus and most fragrant llowers Umi could he foiiml IISOfir^iTOW iX, N.
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