^ Netospapcr; jBtpotclr fo |3oHtifs, , ^gttcttttu«, airir ©enetilt Jtoftlligenrif. -I'’.; ■ ' -i..‘ W. f . & e. e. BALDWIN, Proprietors. flENRY w m , EdIt«f.-Tm lm ~$U»F»rtem » \rOLUM:E 2 -ifO . .43 LITCHFIELiX (CONN.) S gM y9M 8§. W H a L E N a - 0 5 . tinned the Vermonter, iu the most plausi­ ^^jog, as the butflJker was pas- Y am & ee A Cnasiter a a A<ls:etsis*ps. i 3 u 6 i n e $ 0 € a r b 0 * ble maoner; .* up in aour caounty, we’%‘o a s i^ “thfe%mer8 house,on the way to the A correspondent offlie ProvideRet Jour­ 'to BO»Nsai asic. purty big- river,^ considering— Inyun river. slaughterl^use. Old Jor.es came running nal reiatas the following incident: o,ut, cryj.ijg at the top of hi^ lungs— . A gentleman long identified with tha TflGODOAE BJ3IJLOGG, It’s called, ami may be. you've heard on it. There i n many busaueit to^n who d» Wal, ( hove a.ntan clean across that river “,I 1^14 fellqw, somebody has stole ice trade, having en to ^in tttit ea early aa 41l«rnejr k . C^iuuellor at iAW, t’other day, and he came daqwn fair and that hog^iure enough I” . ■ 1305, after seme ttwnty ^va^ yair* of uut- n»t apfveciate tl^ bene^t# ef j|ewapsp«r •dvertiMuif,^ I^otv ttere i» notJ^g cW nr K E N T^C O N iC to square on t'other side. “ Yottllqn’t say so,” e^cTaiined tile butch­ cessfur enterprise; thot^ht to enlarga haa ‘ Ha ! ha! ha !' yelled his auditors. er, in tq i^ .o f deep surprise. spheM of knowledge and^iKtiob by edtar' than that a .w.eli-jui^«^»^te* of tuing provM’ profits^ all vhp to f iE N B Y \ PULUeaEl, Ffom Sartain's Magazine for April. * Wal, naevv, yew may laff, but 1 kindou ••It’s'^ c t» by hoky V The gone, ing into ^other mercantile bnsim^. tie hide and® ii^ h e is, by the livin^loses/’ soon became entangled by his relatioa-to obtain purcHasan for Attorney' & Counsellor at liaw Sand of tbe Desart in an Honi* it agiD.’ G l ^ s . ‘ Do whnt ?’ said green-jacket quickly. “ H aw yo^ told any one els»beside* mfl|,r soiAe nnfortonate mareahtilia houses, tftd Newspap^ are/jwuITiy iilidart ; I l i lJoBfflisslmer^f Seeds for 9. T. State, * I can take and heave you across that asked t | f Ijute^r. * fmihd himaalf a debtor to tke. asumnt 6 ^ and iu coiumahitetlng tp .tW publ(^ BY HEIfRV W. lOlfGTEialv^W This must have given medium, it ig evident |£at tha Smtttk Eent, Conn. river yonder, jest like open and shet!’ “ haiiit seen nobody dlse yet ; fsia o o o . more of a chillni thantkan. hisKifl icerhousa ctid.did. BatKut rcb&ot 8nd titecbanrc caii'^o QiQr^ U> A bnndittl of red snnd, from the Lot cli&o ‘ Bet yoti ten dollars of it/ but it’atil f.v-T, by thunder I” aEORGE W . P EET Of AVab deserts brought, ‘Done!’ said the Yaidcee; and drawing » 'rh ^*8 rixht.” said the butcber, •* stick the new faint kaart never won either iatr la his sales, than, he p<^iblj^eajp by any otk* er agwey. But what is of Attorney & Counsellor atgpJaw W thin tbis glass becomes the spy of Time, forth an X (iipon a broken down east bank) to it liip^ a good fellow, atid there’s oo 4an-. dy or noUis pritt. He told kis cnditi^ The uAiiater of Thooght. he covered the braeprer’s shin-plaster. ger.’’ . that if they would givie hinir time«.'and tempting to demonstrate^ by aimm%nt, » Notary Public, Hoyr inanj w ^ry centurics li.isit bwn * Kin yen swim, feller ?' “ protested the former, “ 1 aint ham j^r him at all. ha wonKi pay tha w b o ^ fact which eim riei^ h^jalraSy About thbse deserts blown r jokin,’ i^ r nothin’ of the kind. If sotne- principal and interast. For thirteen year^ lished ? Dr. Brahdireth*^ acqiiirad hiaiVfdNi In Ihe Office of H. B urrdl, Esq., ‘ Like a duck.’ said screen jacket—and How^nany strsugc vicissitudes has seen« without further parley, the Vermonter sei­ body l^iint actually stole that hog. 1 hope he labored for it, and last week made the by advertising, ^he Townsends ara coin­ . SoStJt Cttnaen^ Ct. How inaay iiistoi-ies known ? zed .the knowing Yorker stoutly by tha 1 may Ife frizzled, stewed and fried into closing payment on the ^ 10^000 priitri^ ing tlieir thpusands every year bv ^varta- P«rbflps the camels of the Ishmnelitc nape of the neck and the seat of his pants, smMlI ifcfflps, and chawed up by monkeys.” paU and about $70,000 interest. /Sing. Ask the wealthy, retired merchant aAMDALIsflc BEIIiDiEIi, ' Trampled. *nd passed i t o'er* jerked him from his foothold, and with an N’gyer heard a story told better in all He did it in his old business, as th$ ice the secret of ht» success. Ha wiU ae- Iraeh into Egypt, from the patriwch^ Bigbt, my l i # ' Ire-iterated the provoking butch­ king of the globe. He sold his cargoes in knowledge adjrertisic^'ai one of tW qiiitr* JLttvrneys & Coiitiseflors a t liarwr, His &Torue son they boreyajjj^ almost 8 1 1 perhuman elTort dashed the bully heels over head froiu the d^ick, soine ten er, with a sly winlf to t he farmer, and-burst­ the great Southern^ ports of the two hem­ moans by which he obtained customai^ U M V m In CliaietrF, Xanl l^ente, k t. f*erhap8 the feet t)f Moses, burnPPF^bare, yards out into the Htidson river. ing into'a loud horse laugh—*‘ t)nly keep a ispheres at Ip^ prices, kept rigid faith, sold his goods, a « t ^ ^ u i^ d a fortuaa.__ _ tils r iriU ailMrf t>rn^dy to lUliiutintss ■ : Crushed it beneath their tread; A terrific shout rang through the crowd, long fa€p on the matter and stick to tt as bought largely tha needed; store-houtes in Look at tj^ 8uecessful,‘ enterprisi^ driva^ Or Pharaoh’s flashing wheels into the air. CniBtaii-to their maulppniew. Scattered it as they sped. as he floundered in the wafer, and amidst' you dli^'jtow, and. ynu*ll make all Christen^ the various centeta of t^e tracjer secured ahe^d mj», no^ YonTwiiasit JftfjM&ie, Wis£0i>sm,Dtc. I’ith, 1848. the jeers and screams of his companions, dom believe it true afore long. Good the.lands alrotHui hia ponda^. wade frieitda fed o^^ oitf a huB^d of t^is dwa trU Or Mary, with tlie Christ of Naaareth the ducked bully put back to the shore, and morning, Farmer Jones 1” every where/ M d noigr comas oiit with • ai^ do not advertise. WSea a man | c ^ a ileid clo; e in her caress. ■' . Yankee Blade. diivfR A. TQP^ir Whose pilgrimAge of hope, and love and faith, scrambled up the bank, halt trozen by this independ.^nt fortune and free of debt.-^ any kind, heu usually A ttorney He Counsellor at Law, llltimed the Wilderness. ( »; sudden and involuntary cold bath. &tch was his generous ■ policy* that t he £|a- his lo^ iiir a newspaper. ' And as ‘ I’ll take that ten spot, if you pleMe.’ i ;$a3>soi3 Plougliin^. glish residents, of Calcutta presanted hiqi ral thing, he secujw'fhe lost a^icfe by P FIQ E iMiHiling •ouih of ili« MaMstm O Or ahch^ttes beneAtU Enga^di’s palnis> said.the shivering loafer, advancing rapidly tir tlia summer of 1844, I harvested a with a. fire-.proof stone sj^ra-house, as a means. Even swindlers and rm ixtrM flou«e, up stain. v , Pacing tlie Red Sea bcach, _ , • piece iOf wheiat, comprising ten acres of April 5th,-^S48. ly*2 And 8ingiu|H ^v tlieir old Armenian psalms, to the stake-hoiders. • You took us for tcken of respect, and tqretaia him in that are foiled in their evil irotk % advartW Ia hal^K lculate speech* green horns, eh ? We’ll shoiV you how we good^'heat^®”^^* ^hat had been under the ntarket. „ ’ ; merits, wariiiag the public Sjgainat tlkem^ ploug^Hor about seventeen years; it had With thas ^cts*‘be(ore't£eir eyes, it ap­ E. W BliAKE, Or carnvanfe.^at from Bass0]^’8 gate. do things down here in York’—and the fel­ With westward steps depart; low claimed the twenty dollars. not b|en seeded, was very much ruo down, The l$thmu8.^ pears strange to us that all men in «si,Stii£NT DENTIST. Or Mecca’s . pilgrims, confident of Fate, full “ foiil stuff,” June grass, &c. It ness do not See that It is for their intam t * ■ •* •Wal, I reckon yeu wunt take no ten A correspondent of the New York Couz^' corner ^ nu>nb & East st». And resolute in heart! spots jes’ yit, cap’n.’ ; * was 4^y: soil. “My crop of wheat amount­ ier and Enquirer, exiting from Panama, to advertise. If you expect to make sales* ed toXboi)t'fj^hty-flve bushels. you must let the peop!a know wtiat you ' 1 0 .1B48. 40 These- have passed ove r -it, or may have passed! ‘ Why ? Yoii’jfe' lost 4he bet.’ gives the following itema of intelligence Now in this pryst^l tower ‘ Not edzactly,:! i* didn’t calkilate on lune, 1845, with the subsoil plough,: reapeeling the agrit^tuxal and animal pro­ have to sell, and of&r them iiiducaments ti» Im^Hsoned by some cnricas^l^ind a t last.
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