J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc., 2005, 24(3):508–524 ᭧ 2005 by The North American Benthological Society

Biological identifications of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) using DNA barcodes

SHELLEY L. BALL1 AND PAUL D. N. HEBERT2 Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1

STEVEN K. BURIAN3 Department of Biology, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut 06515 USA

JEFFREY M. WEBB4 Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2089 USA

Abstract. We tested the efficacy of DNA barcodes in identifying mayfly species primarily from the northeastern United States and central Canada. We sequenced a 630-base-pair segment of the mitochondrial gene, cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI), from 1 individual of each of 80 species to create a reference sequence profile. We used these reference sequences to identify 70 additional specimens representing 32 of the species that were in the profile. DNA barcodes correctly identified 69 of the 70 test specimens. The sole exception was an individual identified morphologically as Maccaffertium modestum that showed deep genetic divergence from other M. modestum specimens. Mean sequence divergence within species was 1%, whereas mean divergence among congeneric species was an order of magnitude greater (18%). We conclude that DNA barcoding can provide a powerful tool for mayfly species identification. Key words: aquatic invertebrates, mayfly, species identification, mtDNA, COI.

Accurate identification of species is funda- notypic variation in taxonomically important mental to both basic and applied aquatic re- traits can pose significant challenges during search. Studies of community structure, food- species identification. Such variation can lead to web dynamics, biodiversity, and biomonitoring misidentification of specimens (Kondratieff and depend critically on the accuracy of species dis- Voshell 1984, Wolf and Mort 1986, Burian 2001), crimination and identification. Despite an in- regardless of whether the variation is environ- creasing demand for taxonomic expertise in the mentally or genetically based. In other cases, aquatic sciences, the number of taxonomists con- different species exhibit extremely limited mor- tinues to dwindle (New 1996, Stribling et al. phological variation despite reproductive isola- 2003). Furthermore, morphology-based identifi- tion and large genetic divergence between them; cation of many aquatic invertebrate species is such cryptic species can be detected only particularly challenging. Taxonomic keys often through genetic analysis (Funk et al. 1988, Hogg exist only for a certain life stage or gender. Thus, et al. 1998, Witt and Hebert 2000). assigning species names to specimens is often A DNA-based species identification system impossible in studies where immatures make (DNA barcoding, Hebert et al. 2003a) offers a up a large proportion of the sample (as in bio- promising supplemental technique for the iden- monitoring). Years of experience also may be re- tification of taxa for which morphology-based quired before investigators can effectively use identifications are problematic, for associating the taxonomic keys that are available. Last, phe- different life stages, and for enabling those in- vestigators lacking the morphology-based skills to identify taxa reliably. DNA barcodes consist 1 Present address: Molecular Diagnostics Laborato- of short DNA sequences that function as unique ry, National Centre for Advanced Bio-protection Tech- nologies, PO Box 84, Lincoln University, Canterbury, species identifiers. Species in a variety of New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected] groups have been discriminated reliably using ϳ 2 E-mail addresses: [email protected] an 650-base-pair fragment of the mitochon- 3 [email protected] drial gene, cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI) (He- 4 [email protected] bert et al. 2003a, 2004a, b, Hogg and Hebert


2004). For example, Hebert et al. (2003b) showed sequencing, but also ensured the preservation of that 13,000 closely related species pairs from a a voucher specimen (housed at the University of range of animal phyla regularly showed deep Guelph) for further morphological examination. genetic divergences, enabling reliable species We extracted total DNA in 50 ␮L of Proteinase identifications. Thus, DNA barcoding holds the K for 24 to 36 h at 55ЊC. We used the primer potential to serve as a species identification sys- pair LC01490 (5’-GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGA tem for all animal life, an approach that will be TATTGG-3’) and HC02198 (5’-TAAACTTCAG particularly valuable when morphology-based GGTGACCAAAAAATCA-3’) to amplify a 658- identifications are difficult or access to taxonom- base-pair fragment of COI (Folmer et al. 1994). ic expertise is limited. DNA was amplified using the following PCR We tested the efficacy of DNA barcodes for reaction: 5 ␮Lof10ϫ PCR buffer pH 8.3 (10 mM the identification of mayflies collected primarily Tris-HCl pH 8.3, 1.5 mM MgCl2,50mMKCl, from the northeastern United States and central 0.01% NP-40), 38.8 ␮L of distilled water, 200 Canada. We targeted mayflies because of their mM of each dNTP, 1 unit of Taq polymerase, 0.3 importance in aquatic research, particularly in ␮Mofeachprimer,and1to3␮L of DNA tem- biomonitoring studies where samples regularly plate. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ther- consist of immatures. Moreover, the identifica- mal regime consisted of 1 cycle of 94ЊC for 1 tion of many mayfly species through morphol- min,5cyclesof94ЊC for 5 min, 45ЊC for 1.5 min, ogy remains problematic (Kondratieff and Vosh- and 72ЊC for 1.5 min. We followed this cycle ell 1984, McCafferty and Pereira 1984, Waltz et with 35 cycles of 94ЊC for 1 min, 50ЊC for 1 min, al. 1996, 1998, Baumgardner and McCafferty and 72ЊC for 1 min, and a final cycle of 72ЊC for 2000, Jacobus and McCafferty 2000, 2002, Burian 5 min. We visualized all PCR products on 1% 2001) despite the importance of mayflies in agarose gels using ethidium bromide. We gel- aquatic research. The specific aim of our study purified PCR products using the Qiaex II kit was to test the ability of COI to correctly iden- (Qiagen, Mississauga, Ontario) and sequenced tify mayfly species by comparing their sequence them on an ABI 377 automated sequencer (Ap- similarity to a pool of reference sequences from plied Biosystems, Foster City, California) using individuals of known taxonomic identity. the Big Dye v.3 dye termination kit. We aligned sequences using Sequence Editor 1.9 (Applied Biosystems). Alignment was Methods straightforward because of the absence of in- Sequences dels. We pruned the sequences to 630 base pairs before further analysis. We have provided a list We sequenced COI from 150 mayfly speci- of mayfly taxa, their locations of collection, and mens, including representatives from 80 species GenBank accession numbers in Appendix 1. (ϳ15% of the North American species), 30 gen- ϳ era ( 30% of the North American genera) and COI profiles 12 of the 21 families known from North Amer- ica. We obtained most of our samples from the We tested the ability of COI to identify species northeastern United States and central Canada, correctly by creating a COI profile or reference but we sequenced additional specimens from data set based upon a single sequence from each geographic locations across North America and of the 80 mayfly species. We created a profile a single leptohyphid specimen that was collect- neighbour-joining (NJ) tree of Kimura-2-param- ed in Costa Rica, Central America. We focused eter (K2P) distances, using MEGA2.1 (available on species that are relatively common and for from: www.megasoftware.net). The K2P model which taxonomic keys are available. provides the best metric when genetic distances All specimens used in our study had been are low (Nei and Kumar 2000). We used a sim- preserved in 75 to 95% ethanol for periods rang- ple NJ algorithm because the goal of barcoding ing from 1 to 20 y. When whole nymphs or is to provide species identification based on se- adults were obtained, we removed a single leg quence similarity rather than to reconstruct or a very small tissue piece from the thorax or deeper phylogenetic relationships accurately. leg and preserved the remainder of the speci- Furthermore, NJ provides the necessary speed men. This approach provided ample DNA for of analysis for the large data sets that are typical 510 S. L. BALL ET AL. [Volume 24 of DNA barcoding studies. We used a jumping When we had sequences for several individuals bristletail (Machiloides sp.) sequence obtained of a species, we used one randomly chosen in- from GenBank as the outgroup. dividual to represent that species. We calculated K2P divergences for all congeneric species pairs Test taxa and plotted them as a frequency histogram. We calculated mean intra- and interspecific K2P di- We tested the ability of the COI profile to gen- vergences as the overall mean of all pairwise erate correct species identifications for 70 test comparisons within each species and the mean specimens representing 32 of the 80 species in- of all pairwise comparisons within each genus, cluded in the profile by determining the se- respectively. quence congruence between the 80 profile spec- imens and the 70 test specimens. These test Results specimens were mock unknowns because their species identifications were known from prior Profile sequences morphological examination by 2 of us (SKB and JMW) who are taxonomists of North American Eleven of the 12 families in our NJ profile Ͼ mayflies. We used these mock unknowns to as- were represented by 1 species. Nine of these sess the congruence between morphological and families formed cohesive groups in the NJ pro- COI-based species identification. Whenever pos- file (Fig. 1). The 2 exceptions were the largest sible, we obtained our test specimens from a North American families, Heptageniidae and population different from that of the profile Ephemerellidae. The Heptageniidae formed 3 specimen. When Ͼ1 test specimen was available small subgroups, with each group including for a species, we tried to use specimens from species of 1 or 2 genera. The Ephemerellidae geographically distant populations (i.e., differ- also formed 3 subgroups, each representing a ent states/provinces, eastern vs western North different genus. The genera, Dannella and Atte- America) to provide a greater sample of the var- nella, for which only a single profile sequence iation in COI throughout the species’ ranges. was represented, grouped with the genus Eu- However, in ϳ13% of the cases, we had only one rylophella. In no case did any of these heptagen- test specimen, and it was from the same popu- iid or ephemerellid species infiltrate another lation as the profile specimen. We considered family grouping. Furthermore, genera that were Ն identifications based on the COI profile success- represented by 2 species formed cohesive ful if the test sequences, when added one at a groups. The single exception was Baetis flavistri- time to the NJ profile tree, grouped most closely ga, which occurred on a long branch as the most with their conspecific in the profile. We calcu- basal of the . Thus, all but 1 specimen lated identification success rate as the % of test grouped correctly with their appropriate family specimens that grouped correctly with their and genus. conspecific. Test sequences Data analysis Ninety-nine percent (69 of 70) of the test spec- We calculated intraspecific sequence diver- imens were identified correctly to species by the gences based on K2P distances for all species COI profile (Appendix 2). The sole exception for which we had sequences from Ն2 individ- was one individual identified through morpho- uals. For each species, we calculated all pairwise logical analysis as M. modestum. This individual divergences and plotted them as a frequency did group with members of its genus, but histogram. We omitted Stenacron interpunctatum showed deep divergences from the profile spec- from this calculation because it represents a pu- imens of both M. modestum and M. mediopunc- tative species complex (see Discussion). Similar- tatum (13.7% and 12.2%, respectively). ly, we omitted a single Maccaffertium modestum specimen because its morphological identifica- Nucleotide diversity tion was ambiguous. We calculated interspecific K2P divergences between congeneric species Mean intra- and interspecific (congeneric) di- pairs for all genera represented by Ն2 species. vergences differed by more than an order of 2005] DNA BARCODES FOR MAYFLY IDENTIFICATION 511

FIG. 1. Neighbor-joining profile of 80 mayfly species from 12 North American families. 512 S. L. BALL ET AL. [Volume 24

graphically distant populations (Maine and Pennsylvania). These individuals showed a pair- wise distance of 6.6%, much larger than all oth- er intraspecific pairwise distances. When these 2 C. triangulifer individuals were omitted from the data set, the distribution of mean intra- and interspecific divergences did not overlap (Fig. 2). However, when individual congeneric spe- cies pairs were examined, 2 pairs (Baetisca lau- rentina/B. lacustris, divergence ϭ 3.8% and Caenis latipennis/C. youngi, divergence ϭ 3.3%) showed divergences similar to the upper limit of intraspecific distances observed among indi- viduals of Maccaffertium vicarium. Mean intra- specific divergences among M. vicarium individ- uals was 2.2%; however, the maximum diver- gence observed between pairs of individuals was 3.4%. Mean nucleotide divergence among the 19 genera for which we had Ն2 species ranged from a low of 3.8% in the Baetisca to a FIG. 2. Histogram of intra- and interspecific (con- high of 22.8% in the genus Tricorythodes (Table generic) genetic Kimura-2-parameter (K2P) divergen- 1). ces.

Discussion magnitude (Fig. 2). The sole overlap in the dis- Efficacy of COI-based identification tribution of mean intra- and interspecific diver- gences consisted of 2 individuals of the obligate Our results indicate that a COI-based identi- parthenogen, Centroptilum triangulifer, from geo- fication system should be extremely effective in

TABLE 1. Mean and range of interspecific Kimura-2-parameter nucleotide divergences for species in 19 may- fly genera belonging to 11 different families.

% divergence Family Genus No. of species Mean Range Ameletidae Ameletus Eaton 18 18.3 6.5–24.8 Baetidae Baetis Leach 4 20.2 8.5–24.6 Eaton 2 19.9 – Centroptilum Eaton 2 17.8 – Procloeon Bengtsson 3 19.0 18.8–19.2 Baetiscidae Baetisca Walsh 2 3.8 – Caenidae Caenis Stephens 3 14.1 3.3–19.7 Ephemerellidae Drunella Needham 3 22.4 22.4–22.5 Ephemerella Walsh 3 15.1 13.7–16.2 Eurylophella Teinsuu 7 20.1 9.5–24.2 Ephemeridae Hexagenia Walsh 3 10.2 7.1–12.4 Heptageniidae Epeorus Eaton 2 12.9 – Heptagenia Walsh 2 17.1 – Leucrocuta Flowers 3 13.3 9.6–16.0 Maccaffertium Bednarik 4 10.9 7.2–15.2 Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes Ulmer 3 22.8 18.3–25.8 Leptophelebiidae Leptophelbia Westwood 2 17.8 – Polymytarcidae Ephoron Williamson 2 7.3 – Eaton 2 14.2 – 2005] DNA BARCODES FOR MAYFLY IDENTIFICATION 513 identifying mayfly species from the northeast- species, and it revealed phylogeographic popu- ern United States and central Canada. We suc- lation structure in several cases. Specimens from cessfully identified all but 1 of the 70 test spec- geographically proximate populations generally imens using the COI profile. The only ambigu- clustered more closely with each other than they ous identification involved a single specimen did with specimens from other geographically that was identified morphologically as M. mo- distant populations. For example, B. laurentina destum but showed deep divergence from spec- from 2 populations in Maine showed greater imens of both M. modestum and M. mediopunc- similarity to each other than to individuals from tatum (13.7 and 12.2%, respectively; Appendix a population from Saskatchewan. Similar pat- 2). These high sequence divergences suggest terns were seen with Ephemerella subvaria, Eury- that this specimen may either represent an un- lophella prudentalis, Ameletus cooki,andAmeletus known cryptic species that has been confused andersoni. morphologically with M. modestum or a species not present in the profile data set. One of us Deeper taxonomic groups (SKB) found that the specimen (a late instar lar- va) was generally consistent with the known The COI data also recovered deeper taxonom- morphological concept of M. modestum, but this ic groups; congeneric taxa formed cohesive species exhibits significant phenotypic variation, groups. A single exception was B. flavistriga, particularly in abdominal color patterns (Bed- which failed to group with its 3 congeners and narik and McCafferty 1979). Existence of a cryp- occurred on a long branch basal to the other tic species complex within M. modestum has also baetids. Baetid mayflies are known for their un- been suggested based on differences in adult certain and a number of species have swarming behaviour (D. Funk, Stroud Research been transferred recently to different genera Center, personal communication). (McCafferty et al. 1994, Waltz and McCafferty Evidence for additional cryptic species was 1997, Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty 1998, Mc- encountered in 2 other cases, but these lineages Cafferty and Waltz 1990, Wiersema 2000). Thus, formed sister taxa. Maccaffertium vicarium spec- our data suggest that the taxonomic position of imens clustered into 2 distinct groups, showing B. flavistriga should be re-examined. COI se- 3.4% sequence divergence, the upper limit of the quences usually grouped confamilial species, intraspecific divergences we observed. Three of and 9 of the 11 families with multiple represen- these 5 specimens were collected from different tatives formed cohesive groups. The Heptagen- locations in Maine, but only 2 of them grouped iidae and Ephemerellidae, 2 of the largest fam- together. The 3rd specimen clustered most close- ilies, did not form cohesive groups, probably be- ly with 2 individuals from Ontario. Similarly, cause of undersampling of the total taxon di- we observed 3 distinct groups among 9 speci- versity in these families (Hebert et al. 2003a). mens of Stenacron interpunctatum, a taxon that That none of the Heptageniidae and Ephemer- has long been suspected to be a species com- ellidae sequences infiltrated any other family plex, despite the failure to identify consistent groupings supports our hypothesis that taxon morphological characters enabling their dis- undersampling is responsible for the lack of co- crimination (Spieth 1947, Lewis 1974). Sequence hesiveness. Homoplasy also is possible, but it is divergences between these 3 groups were large unlikely that very divergent taxa would con- (10–17%, far greater than any other intraspecific verge on an identical or near-identical 630-base- divergences we observed) but were consistent pair barcode. Lack of cohesion of species in with the sequence divergences typically ob- large orders also has been observed by served between other congeneric species pairs. Hebert et al. (2003a), who found that COI se- Hence, our data provide the first genetic evi- quences of Coleoptera, the largest insect order, dence for the existence of a S. interpunctatum formed distinct subgroups that separated taxa species complex. Moreover, these large genetic according to suborder. divergences did not correlate with geographic The NJ tree based on all 150 sequences (pro- distance. Specimens from the Androscoggin file and test sequences, Appendix 2) showed mi- River (AR) population in Maine fell into 2 ge- nor topological shifts from the NJ tree contain- netically distinct groups. ing only the 80 profile sequences. These changes COI was extremely successful in identifying did not affect the success of species identifica- 514 S. L. BALL ET AL. [Volume 24 tion because the shifts involved deeper nodes. Effects of geographic separation on COI divergence For example, the Ameletidae in the profile tree Levels of sequence divergence among geo- formed a single, cohesive group, but they graphically distant mayfly populations were not formed 2 groups in the total tree. Nevertheless, high enough to complicate species identification no ameletid sequence infiltrated any other by blurring species boundaries. In fact, genetic group; conspecifics always grouped together, divergences were only slightly higher for spe- indicating that these minor differences in topol- cies for which specimens were from populations ogy did not affect the ability of COI to correctly separated by Ͼ2000 km (e.g., Maccaffertium ter- identify species. We also stress that the purpose minatum, M. vicarium,andB. laurentina) than for of DNA barcoding is not to recover deeper phy- species for which specimens came from the logenetic relationships, so the cohesion (or lack same locations. Moreover, these genetic distanc- thereof) of groups above the species level has no es were well within the range of intraspecific bearing on the success of COI-based species distances in our complete data set. Further identifications. study is needed to more fully evaluate the ex- Nucleotide divergences at the intraspecific tent of COI diversity among populations of very level were an order of magnitude lower than widely distributed species, but we stress that those among congeneric species. A similar re- the purpose of our study was to evaluate the sult was observed for Lepidoptera (Hebert et al. potential of a COI-based identification system 2003a) and Collembola (Hogg and Hebert 2004), for mayflies, beginning with sampling focused but the magnitude of divergences was larger in primarily at a regional scale (northeastern Unit- mayflies (mean intra- and interspecific distances ed States and central Canada). of 1% and 18%, respectively) than in lepidop- We did not exhaustively survey COI diversity terans (0.25 and 6.8%, respectively). These dif- across the entire geographic range of any spe- ferences may be a consequence of the higher cies. Furthermore, we used only a single repre- mean GϩC content (40%) in mayflies compared sentative of each species in the COI profile be- to lepidopterans (31%) (PDNH, unpublished cause this approach provided the most stringent data). Furthermore, some mayfly species recent- test of the ability of DNA barcodes to identify ly have been transferred to different genera species. However, studies are now in progress (McCafferty and Waltz 1990, Waltz and Mc- to evaluate fully the efficacy of a COI-based Cafferty 1997, Wang and McCafferty 2004). identification system for species with extremely Consequently, the placement of some highly di- large geographic distributions (e.g., on the order vergent species pairs in a single genus may have of 102–104 km). We do not expect such analyses contributed to the high levels of sequence di- to lead to taxonomic confusion. Rather we an- vergence seen among mayfly congeners. Mean ticipate that these analyses will enable accurate intra- and interspecific nucleotide divergences species identifications and (potentially) correct differed by an order of magnitude and did not identification of the region from which the spec- overlap, but the distributions of individual in- imen was obtained. Given that we obtained suc- tra- and interspecific divergences overlapped cessful species identifications of all but one test slightly. The highest intraspecific divergences specimen, based on only a single representative (6.6%) involved specimens of the obligate asex- of each species in the COI profile, we are con- ual species C. triangulifer from Pennsylvania and fident that a DNA databank, containing multi- Maine (Gibbs 1977). When C. triangulifer was ex- ple reference sequences of each species, will be cluded, the upper limit of intraspecific diver- equally able to provide successful species iden- gences was 3.4%, comparable to the lower limit tification. Moreover, the goal of DNA reference of interspecific divergences observed for 2 con- databanks will be to include sequences of spec- imens collected from throughout each species’ generic species pairs, B. laurentina/B. lacustris geographic range and to encompass the range and C. latipennis/C. youngi, which differed by of COI diversity found in each species. 3.8% and 3.3%, respectively. These cases of low interspecific divergence may reflect that these are young species pairs. However, low interspe- Potential limitations of COI-based DNA barcoding cific divergence also could be a consequence of DNA barcoding using COI will be unable to lower substitution rates in these taxa. provide accurate species identification in some 2005] DNA BARCODES FOR MAYFLY IDENTIFICATION 515 cases. 1) COI is a mitochondrial gene, and mi- other aquatic invertebrates. Aquatic taxa such as tochondrial genes typically are inherited mater- daphniid and rotifer species, which exhibit nally in . F1 hybrids would be indistin- marked phenotypic plasticity, have been distin- guishable from their maternal parent, but nucle- guished reliably using COI (Derry et al. 2003, ar genes could be used to confirm hybrid status Adamowicz et al. 2004). Given the success of the where hybridization is suspected. However, giv- COI profile in identifying mayflies and other in- en the relative rarity of natural hybrids between sect taxa (Lepidoptera: Hebert et al. 2003a, Col- animal species, COI should provide a reliable lembola: Hogg and Hebert 2004), the potential species identification system for most species. 2) for successful identification of many other Very young species pairs might be difficult to aquatic insect taxa using COI is extremely high. identify using a COI-based system. This prob- Taxonomic expertise is currently limited, and lem may be particularly noticeable if the species morphological identification is often fraught have ancestrally polymorphic mitochondrial with difficulties (e.g., identifcation of eggs and haplotypes that do not sort according to sub- early instar larvae, damaged specimens, or frag- sequent speciation events (Funk and Omland ments of specimens). Thus, a DNA-based iden- 2003). 3) Identifications using DNA barcodes tification system would have significant benefits (like identifications using morphology) will not for aquatic research. In particular, a DNA-based work successfully for all species. However, the system could provide an important tool for spe- deep genetic divergences between most conge- cies identification in biomonitoring. The need neric taxa suggest that such misidentifications for species-level identification in biomonitoring will be relatively infrequent among the Ephem- is contentious (see Bailey et al. 2001, Lenat and eroptera, and other studies have confirmed that Resh 2001), but DNA barcoding could provide this conclusion is probably general in the animal the option of species-level identification when kingdom (Hebert et al. 2003b, Hogg and Hebert taxonomic discrimination at the species level is 2004). 4) The goal of profile-sequence databases warranted. It could also ensure uniform quality is to include as much taxonomic coverage as of taxonomic results in studies where the qual- possible. However, species identifications will ity of taxonomic data might be compromised by not be possible if the specimen for which iden- the inability to identify early instars, damaged tification is sought is not represented in the pro- specimens, or fragments of specimens (Stribling file-sequence database. In such cases, the COI et al. 2003). Moreover, the increased taxonomic profile should provide the next-highest level of resolution delivered by DNA barcoding would identification (e.g., genus, subfamily, or family). provide more sensitive measures of the magni- tudes and types of environmental impacts (Len- Practicality of DNA barcoding in aquatic research at and Resh 2001). Inclusion of DNA barcoding in biomonitoring The high success with which COI correctly studies is not unrealistic, given the increasing identified mayfly species is consistent with accessibility and affordability of DNA sequenc- studies in other invertebrates (Hebert et al. ing. DNA sequencing service facilities are be- 2003a, b, Hogg and Hebert 2004) and verte- coming more common at universities and, thus, brates (Hebert et al. 2004b). A molecular iden- can provide access to sequencing for researchers tification system, using small subunit RNA, was who do not have in-house sequencing capabili- effective at classifying nematodes into molecu- ty. Furthermore, DNA extraction, PCR, and se- lar operational taxonomic units (Floyd et al. quencing can be delivered for Ͻ$5 (US curren- 2002). A similar approach (based on molecular cy) from high through-put sequencing facilities. diagnostic tools) has been used for the identifi- These costs will continue to drop, making rou- cation of forensically important Diptera (Sper- tine use of DNA sequence-based identification ling et al. 1994, Wells and Sperling 2001), forest tools possible. Initially, strategies that focus on pest species (Sperling and Hickey 1994), human characterization of specimens that cannot be hookworm (Zhan et al. 2001), and the malaria identified through morphological examination vector Anopheles minimus (Van Bortel et al. 2000). can make DNA barcoding a feasible option. Our study focused on the identification of may- However, automation of DNA-based taxon iden- flies, but we are confident that DNA barcoding tification for entire samples collected in biomon- will be successful in species identification of itoring studies could be delivered using DNA 516 S. L. BALL ET AL. [Volume 24 microarrays. Development of these tools is cur- BURIAN, S. K. 2001. A revision of the genus Leptophle- rently underway (SLB, Bio-protection Centre, bia Westwood in North America (Ephemeroptera: Lincoln University). Leptophlebiidae: Leptophlebiinae). Bulletin of the In summary, DNA barcoding can provide a Ohio Biological Survey New Series 13(3):1–80. powerful supplement to the traditional morpho- DERRY,A.M.,P.D.N.HEBERT, AND E. E. PREPAS. 2003. Evolution of rotifers in saline and subsaline lakes: logical approach to species identification. In a molecular phylogenetic approach. Limnology some cases (e.g., aquatic biomonitoring), DNA and Oceanography 48:675–685. barcoding systems (i.e., microarrays) may be de- FLOYD, R., E. ABEBE,A.PAPERT, AND M. BLAXTER. veloped to automate taxon identification as a 2002. Molecular bar codes for soil nematode iden- means to provide rapid, efficient, and consis- tification. Molecular Ecology 11:839–850. tently accurate identifications. However, we FOLMER, O., M. BLACK,W.HOEH,R.LUTZ, AND R. VRI- stress that DNA barcoding is not meant to re- JENHOEK. 1994. DNA primers for amplification of place traditional taxonomic approaches. In fact, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I DNA barcoding cannot be accomplished with- from diverse metazoan invertebrates. Molecular out the involvement and expertise of taxono- Marine Biology and Biotechnology 3:294–299. mists who can identify specimens from which FUNK,D.J.,AND K. E. OMLAND. 2003. Species-level reference sequences are obtained and who can paraphyly and polyphyly: frequency, cause and deal with taxonomic issues resulting from the consequences, with insights from animal mito- chondrial DNA. Annual Review of Ecology, Evo- discovery of provisional species based on sig- lution, and Systematics 34:397–423. nificant genetic divergences. FUNK,D.H.,B.W.SWEENEY, AND R. L. VANNOTE. 1988. Electrophoretic study of eastern North Acknowledgements American Eurylophella (Ephemeroptera: Ephem- erellidae) with the discovery of morphologically We thank Angela Holliss, Karlee Thomas, cryptic species. 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APPENDIX 1. Species identifications, location of collection, and Genbank accession numbers for profile and test speciments.

Location Accession Family Species Location of collection abbreviation number Profile Ameletidae Ameletus amador Mayo Dry Creek, California DC, CA AY3267863 A. andersoni Zloty Holter Gulch Creek, HGC, WA AY3267827 Washington A. bellulus Zloty Ford Creek, Alberta FC, AB AY3267829 A. browni McDunnough Glibert Brook, Vermont GB, VT AY3267795 A. celer McDunnough Jumping Pound Creek, JPC, AB AY3267867 Alberta A. cooki McDunnough Prairie Creek, Alberta PC, AB AY3267831 A. dissitus Eaton Santa Clara, California SC, CA AY3267866 A. doddsianus Zloty South Boulder Creek, SBC, CO AY3267864 Colorado A. lineatus Traver Thorncrag Brook, Maine TB, ME AY3267830 A. oregonensis Mc- Jumping Pound Creek, JPC, AB AY3267835 Dunnough Alberta A. pritchardi Zloty Elbow River, Alberta ER, AB AY3267865 A. similior McDunnough Ford Creek, Alberta FC, AB AY3267837 A. subnotatus Eaton Clearwater, Alberta CW, AB AY3267834 A. suffussus McDunnough Elbow River, Alberta ER, AB AY3267836 A. tarteri Burrows Hills Creek, West Virgin- HC, WV AY3267828 ia A. validus McDunnough Prairie Creek, Alberta PC, AB AY3267826 A. velox Dodds Jumping Pound Creek, JPC, AB AY3267832 Alberta A. vernalis McDunnough Bow River, Alberta BR, AB AY3267833 Ametropodidae Ametropus neavei Mc- S. Saskatchewan River, SSR, SK AY3267868 Dunnough Saskatchewan Baetidae Acentrella parvula (Mc- N. Saskatchewan River, NSR, SK AY3267796 Dunnough) Saskatchewan Baetis bicaudatus Dodds East River, Colorado ER, CO AY3267797 B. flavistriga McDunnough Hwy 9 Creek, Saskatche- H9C, SK AY3267860 wan B. intercalaris Mc- Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267799 Dunnough B. tricaudatus Dodds Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267798 Callibaetis ferrugineus Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267804 (Walsh) Centroptilium alamance Chillisquaque Creek, CC, PA AY3267806 (Traver) Pennsylvania C. triangulifer (Mc- Tributary of Dead River, TDR, ME AY3267805 Dunnough) Maine Diphetor hageni (Eaton) Low Creek, Saskatche- LC, SK AY3267800 wan Procloeon pennulatum (Ea- McVey Creek, Saskatche- MC, SK AY3267803 ton) wan P. rubropictum (Mc- McVey Creek, Saskatche- MC, SK AY3267800 Dunnough) wan P. viridoculare (Berner) N. Branch Dead River, NBDR, ME AY3267801 Maine Pseudocloeon propinquum S. Saskatchewan River, SSR, SK AY3267859 (Walsh) Saskatchewan 2005] DNA BARCODES FOR MAYFLY IDENTIFICATION 519

APPENDIX 1. Continued.

Location Accession Family Species Location of collection abbreviation number Baetiscidae Baetisca lacustris Mc- S. Saskatchewan River, SSR, SK AY3267807 Dunnough Saskatchewan B. laurentina McDunnough Torch River, Saskatche- TR, SK AY3267808 wan Caenidae Caenis latipennis Banks Grand River, Ontario GR, ON AY3267916 C. punctata McDunnough Cedar Creek, Missouri CC, MO AY3267825 C. youngi Roemhild Lily Pond, Saskatchewan LP, SK AY3267824 Ephemerellidae Attanella attenuata (Mc- Delaware River, Pennsyl- DR, PA AY3267809 Dunnough) vania Dannella simplex (Mc- White Clay Creek, Penn- WCC, PA AY3267810 Dunnough) sylvania Drunella doddsi (Needham) South Boulder Creek, SBC, CO AY3267909 Colorado D. grandis (Eaton) Colorado CO AY3267812 D. walkeri (Eaton) Nezinscott River, Maine NR, ME AY3267811 Ephemerella dorothea (Need- West Virginia WV AY3267813 ham) E. invaria (Walker) Little Androscoggin Riv- LAR, ME AY3267814 er, Maine E. subvaria McDunnough Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267815 Eurylophella aestiva (Mc- White Clay Creek, Penn- WCC, PA AY3267862 Dunnough) sylvania E. bicoloroides (Mc- Wyalusing Creek, Penn- WYC, PA AY3267840 Dunnough) sylvania E. lutulenta (Clemens) Emerald Lake, Vermont EL, VT AY3267839 E. macdunnoughi Funk Meshoppen Creek, Penn- MC, PA AY3267841 sylvania E. minimella (McDunnough) N. Branch Dead River, NBDR, ME AY3267838 Maine E. poconoensis Funk Lake Lacawac, Pennsylva- LL, PA AY3267861 nia E. prudentalis (Mc- Famys Branch, Delaware FB, DE AY3267842 Dunnough) E. temporalis (Mc- Moosehead Lake, Maine ML, ME AY3267843 Dunnough) Ephemeridae Hexagenia atrocaudata Mc- Luteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267819 Dunnough H. limbata (Serville) Detroit River, Ontario DR, ON AY3267901 H. rigida McDunnough St. Lawrence River, On- SLR, ON AY3267817 tario Heptageniidae Epeorus deceptivus (Mc- East River, Colorado ER, CO AY3267820 Dunnough) E. fragilis (Morgan) Bruce Trail Creek, Ontar- BTC, ON AY3267821 io Heptagenia adaequata Mc- S. Saskatchewan River, SSR, SK AY3267816 Dunnough Saskatchewan H. flavescens (Walsh) S. Saskatchewan River, SSK, SK AY3267915 Saskatchewan Leucrocuta aphrodite (Mc- Nezinscott River, Maine NR, ME AY3267822 Dunnough) L. hebe (McDunnough) Unnamed creek, Sas- UC, SK AY3267823 katchewan L. maculipennis (Mc- S. Saskatchewan River, SSR, SK AY3267900 Dunnough) Saskatchewan 520 S. L. BALL ET AL. [Volume 24

APPENDIX 1. Continued.

Location Accession Family Species Location of collection abbreviation number Maccaffertium mediopuncta- Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267852 tum (McDunnough) M. modestum (Banks) Androscoggin River, AR, ME AY3267851 Maine M. terminatum (Walsh) S. Saskatchewan River, SSR, SK AY3267853 Saskatchewan M. vicarium (Walker) Unnamed creek, Sas- UC, SK AY3267854 katchewan Stenacron interpunctatum Androscoggin River, AR, ME AY3267850 (Say) Maine Stenonema femoratum (Say) Sabattus Pond, Maine SP, ME AY3267855 Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes fictus Traver Llano River, Texas LR, TX AY3267903 T. Minutus Traver Sandy Creek, Texas SC, TX AY3267848 T. mosegus Alba-Tercedor Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267847 & Flannagan Vacupernius packeri (Allen) Rio Caracol, Costa Rica RC, CR AY3267846 Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebia intermedia Moose Pond, Maine MP, ME AY3267856 (Traver) L. nebulosa (Walker) Little Androscoggin Riv- LAR, ME AY3267857 er, Maine Paraleptophlebia debilis Unnamed creek, Sas- UC, SK AY3267849 (Walker) katchewan Polymitarcyidae Ephoron album (Say) S. Saskatchewan River, SSR, SK AY3267858 Saskatchewan E. leukon Williamson Grand River, Ontario GR, ON AY3267896 Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus alternatus (Say) N. Branch Dead River, NBDR, ME AY3267845 Maine S. quebecensis (Provancher) Nezinscott River, Maine NR, ME AY3267844 Te s t Ameletidae A. andersoni Corvallis, Oregon CO, OR AY3267911 A. andersoni Willow Creek, Oregon WC, OR AY3267926 A. andersoni Willow Creek, Oregon WC, OR AY3267935 A. bellulus Ford Creek, Alberta FC, AB AY3267929 A. browni Gilbert Brook, Vermont GB, VT AY3267927 A. cooki Prairie Creek, Alberta PC, AB AY3267918 A. cooki Calgary, Alberta CG, AB AY3267917 A. lineatus Unnamed Creek, Ontario UC, ON AY3267934 A. lineatus Bruce Trail Creek, Ontar- BTC, ON AY3267940 io A. lineatus Country Rd. 22 Creek, CR22C, ON AY3267920 Ontario A. lineatus White Clay Creek, Penn- WCC, PA AY3267933 sylvania A. oregonensis Jumping Pound Creek, JPC, AB AY3267928 Alberta A. oregonensis Jumping Pound Creek, JPC, AB AY3267936 Alberta A. oregonensis Jumping Pound Creek, JPC, AB AY3267938 Alberta A. pritchardi Elbow River, Alberta ER, AB AY3267941 A. similior Ford Creek, Alberta FC, AB AY3267939 A. suffussus Ford Creek, Alberta FC, AB AY3267930 2005] DNA BARCODES FOR MAYFLY IDENTIFICATION 521

APPENDIX 1. Continued.

Location Accession Family Species Location of collection abbreviation number A. tarteri Hills Creek, West Virgin- HC, WV AY3267932 ia A. velox Jumping Pound Creek, JPC, AB AY3267944 Alberta A. vernalis Bow River, Alberta BR, AB AY3267919 A. vernalis Bow River, Alberta BR, AB AY3267931 Baetidae B. tricaudatus Eramosa River, Ontario ER, ON AY3267899 C. triangulifer Chillsquaque Creek, CC, PA AY3267895 Pennsylvania Baetiscidae B. laurentina Thompson Lake, Maine TL, ME AY3267906 B. laurentina Thompson Lake, Maine TL, ME AY3267937 B. laurentina Little Androscoggin Riv- LAR, ME AY3267904 er, Maine B. laurentina Little Androscoggin Riv- LAR, ME AY3267905 er, Maine Ephemerellidae D. simplex White Clay Creek, Penn- WCC, PA AY3267908 sylvania E. invaria Bear River, Maine BR, ME AY3267910 E. subvaria Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267912 E. subvaria Ospringe Creek, Ontario OC, ON AY3267913 E. subvaria Nezinscott River, Maine NR, ME AY3267914 E. bicoloroides Wyalusing Creek, Penn- WYC, PA AY3267924 sylvania E. prudentalis N. Branch Dead River, NBDR, ME AY3267922 Maine E. prudentalis Famys Branch, Delaware FB, DE AY3267925 E. prudentalis Androscoggin River, AR, ME AY3267921 Maine Ephemeridae H. atrocaudata Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267902 H. limbata Puslinch, Ontario PL, ON AY3267897 H. limbata Ausable River, Ontario AR, ON AY3267818 Heptageniidae E. fragilis Bear River, Maine BR, ME AY3267907 M. mediopunctatum Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267879 M. mediopunctatum Nezinscott River, Maine NR, ME AY3267880 M. modestum Androscoggin River, AR, ME AY3267877 Maine M. modestum Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267878 M. terminatum Ottawa River, Quebec OR, QC AY3267881 M. vicarium Sunday River, Maine SR, ME AY3267884 M. vicarium Bear River, Maine BR, ME AY3267885 M. vicarium Nezinscott River, Maine NR, ME AY3267883 M. vicarium Beaver River, Ontario BR, ON AY3267882 M. vicarium Sasajewan Lake, Ontario SL, ON AY3267887 S. interpunctatum Mississippi River, Mis- MR, MO AY3267872 souri S. interpunctatum Ottawa River, Quebec OR, QC AY3267869 S. interpunctatum Susquehanna River, SR, PA AY3267870 Pennsylvania S. interpunctatum N. Branch Dead River, NBDR, ME AY3267874 Maine S. interpunctatum Turkey Creek, South Car- TC, SC AY3267876 olina 522 S. L. BALL ET AL. [Volume 24

APPENDIX 1. Continued.

Location Accession Family Species Location of collection abbreviation number S. interpunctatum Androscoggin River, AR, ME AY3267871 Maine S. interpunctatum Androscoggin River, AR, ME AY3267873 Maine S. interpunctatum Androscoggin River, AR, ME AY3267875 Maine S. interpunctatum Birch Run, Pennsylvania BR, PA AY3267942 S. femoratum Guelph Lake, Ontario GL, ON AY3267891 S. femoratum Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267886 S. femoratum Lutteral Creek, Ontario LC, ON AY3267889 S. femoratum Eramosa River, Ontario ER, ON AY3267888 S. femoratum Sasajewan Lake, Ontario SL, ON AY3267890 Leptophlebiidae L. intermedia Sasajewan Lake, Ontario SL, ON AY3267892 L. intermedia Sasajewan Lake, Ontario SL, ON AY3267898 L. intermedia Pleasant Pond, Maine PP, ME AY3267893 L. intermedia Pleasant Pond, Maine PP, ME AY3267943 L. intermedia Sabattus Pond, Maine SP, ME AY3267894 Siphlonuridae S. quebecensis Little Androscoggin Riv- LAR, ME AY3267923 er, Maine 2005] DNA BARCODES FOR MAYFLY IDENTIFICATION 523

APPENDIX 2. Neighbor-joining tree of profile (n ϭ 80) and test (n ϭ 70) sequences. Test sequences are preceded by a T. Location abbreviations are in parentheses. Locations and abbreviations are as in Appendix 1. 524 S. L. BALL ET AL. [Volume 24

APPENDIX 2. Continued.